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"Thoughts that are in harmony with truth resonate within reality. While thoughts of misconception, without the support of propaganda and misdirection, are transitory, fleeting as ripples that dissolve in a stream of consciousness."
- from the film RedFish BlueFish

Some Key Perspectives from Past Years

Dedication: Andrus Brings a Warning Lewiston Tribune, 6/20/75 by Sylvia Harrell
"Rebuild This Mother Earth" Sockeye Release Speech 1993 Lionel Boyer
"Inspite of the Inertia . . ." Sockeye Release Speech 1993 Idaho Gov. Cecil Andrus
Seven Blunders of the World   by Mahatma Gandhi
Historic Document: What's Ahead for Ice Harbor Dam Lewiston Tribune, 7/18/95 (?) by C. E. B.
An Idaho Daily Breaches the Northwest's Silence Over Tearing Down Dams High Country News, 9/1/97 by Susan Whaley
Breaching Leaves Farmers High and Dry Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/19/99 by Rod Taylor
Addressing Shippers' Concerns Public Testimony at Clarkston WA BlueFish
Farmers to See Investment Bulldozed Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/16/99 by Rod Taylor
Addressing Irrigators' Concerns Public Testimony at Pasco WA BlueFish
Addressing Ratepayers' Concerns Public Testimony at Idaho Falls BlueFish
Recovery of Snake/Columbia Salmon Testimony at Juneau, Alaska Alaska Gov. Tony Knowles
Recovery of Snake/Columbia Salmon Testimony at Petersburg, Alaska Frank Rue, Alaska F&G
Southeast Alaska Legislators Comments Testimony to Federal Caucus SE Alaska Legislators
Tribes: Fed Salmon Plan 'Unacceptable' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/22/00 by Barry Espenson
Reaction to BIOP Focuses on Breaching Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/22/00 by Mike O'Bryant
A Challenge Lewiston Tribune, 6/29/3 by Dick Sherwin
Chasing an Illusion? U.S. EPA, 9/7/00 by Robert T. Lackey
America's Evolving View of Dams Open Spaces Quarterly, 8/19/00 by Bruce Babbitt
Survey: Idaho Salmon & Steelhead Whitman & Reed Colleges, 2000 Economics Dept.
Dam Nation: Reservoirs of Controversy Intellectual Capital, 6/8/00 by Michael Zuzel
Dam Nation: Discussion Forum Intellectual Capital, 6/8/00 discussion participants
NMFS Calls for Breach Preparations Tri-City Herald, 5/24/00 by Mike Lee
Idaho's Voices Idaho Statesman, 2/24/00 Boise Caucus Hearing
Salmon: To Kill or Not to Kill Wheat Life, November 1999 by Glen Squires
Breaching: Impacts are Spilling Forth Wheat Life, November 1999 by Glen Squires
Set Aside Breaching Wood River Journal 11/10/99 by Peterson & Chishano
An Incremental Step in an Overall Plan Columbia Basin Herald, 4/17/3 by Linda Rushton
Salmon Planning Act: H.R. Bill 1097 House Bill, 3/5/3 by Jim McDermott
Uncovering the Salmon Nation Sun Valley Guide, 6/5 by Greg Stahl
Imagining a Different World Built with Different Tools Keynote Address, 4/3/7 by John Kitzhaber, M.D.
Eternal Dam Nation Crosscut, 11/26/7 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Idaho Gets a Seaport, Capping a Costly 10-Year Effort New York Times, 4/13/75 by Ralph Blumenthal
Issue 19: Comments on Snake River Sockeye FCRPS Biological Opinion, 5/5/8 by NOAA Fisheries
Issue 20: Comments Calling for Breaching Dams on Lower Snake River FCRPS Biological Opinion, 5/5/8 by NOAA Fisheries
Dams: Impacts on Salmon and Steelhead NW Power Council, 10/31/8 by John Harrison
Energy Efficiency Brings Good Things to Life Transformer, 6/30/10 by Staff
Salmon and Snake River Dams Weekday, 7/5/11 by Steve Scher
Behind a Judge's Refusal to Go Along with Obama's River Plan Crosscut, 8/18/11 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Judge Redden's BiOp Legacy -- Shakedown or Salvation for Fish? NW Fishletter, 12/14/11 by Bill Rudolph
Remove? Here's What First Changed Statesman Editorial Board's Mind Idaho Statesman, 7/20/17 by Rocky Barker
Lower Snake River Dams Conflict Depicted in 1971 WSU Documentary Spokesman-Review, 3/2/17 by Rich Landers
Talking Stick: Jim Waddell, Retired Civil Engineer USACE Seattle Community Media, 7/10/16 by Mike McCormick
Retired Judge James Redden, Landmark Figure Dies at Age 92 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/9/20 by Staff
New Focus On Snake Dams Raises Hope For Salmon, Fisheries, Local Economies NW Sportsman, 2/4/21 by Andy Walgamott
Remove of Four Snake River Dams Best for Salmon, Orcas, Us Everett Herald, 12/3/21 by Lanni Johnson
Restoring the Snake River Would Give Us Pride and Joy Idaho Mountain Express, 3/23/22 by David Cannamela
Snake River Dams and Human Nature San Juan Journal, 3/30/22 by Bill Appel
Congress Should Keep Doing Nothing with Snake River Dams Capital Press, 12/21/23 by Editorial Board Offers Reward upped to $5000
is yet to be claimed!
Idaho Mountain Express, 5/23/8 by Staff


Agenda vs. the Facts Lewiston Tribune, 2/4/25 by Dick Sherwin
Cherry-Picking the Data Lewiston Tribune, 1/18/25 by John Hull
Misused Water Spill at Dams is the Enemy of Fish Survival Lewiston Tribune, 12/15/24 by Marvin F. Dugger
Trump Energy Orders Could Play Role in Salmon, Steelhead Debate Spokesman-Review, 1/30/25 by Eric Barker
Boehnke Files Measure to Protect Lower Snake River Dams Daily Fly, 2/6/25 by Staff
Kennewick Senator Matt Boenke Joins Lawmakers in Push to Keep Lower Snake River Dams Operational NBC Right Now, 1/30/25 by Mark Rattner
Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Protect Snake River Dams Capital Press, 1/24/25 by Matthew Weaver
Legislation to Protect Snake River Dams Introduced 610 News Radio KONA, 1/23/25 by Glenn Vaagen
Washington, Idaho Republicans Join Forces to Protect Lower Snake River Dams Tri-Cities Journal of Business, 1/22/25 by Staff
Bill to Protect the Lower Snake River Dams Gets Renewed Push NBC Right Now, 1/22/25 by Mark Rattner
Last Call? Resilience, 1/21/25 by Rob Lewis
A New Environmental Impact Statement is Coming for Dams on the Lower Snake River Idaho News 6, 1/18/25 by Steve Dent
EIS Reopened on Lower Snake River Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 1/15/25 by Tony Tekaroniake Evans
Barging Fish Around the Dams Failed Once; It Would Again Lewiston Tribune, 1/12/25 by Scully & Williams
We've Spent Billions Lewiston Tribune, 1/2/25 by Lee J. Halper
Washington's Struggle: How Far-Too-Slow Salmon Recovery Impacts Orcas Like Tahlequah Tri-City Herald, 1/17/25 by Jordan Rash
Orcas: 'Tahlequah is Telling Us That Time is Up' Seattle Times, 1/3/25 by Marjorie Millner


This Oregon Biologist Had an Outsized Impact On Efforts to Save Salmon Seattle Times, 12/30/24 by Lynda Mapes
Data Backs Dam Breaching Lewiston Tribune, 12/29/24 by Richard Scully
Time to Remove Snake River Dams? Idaho Mountain Express, 12/18/24 by David Cannamela
Federal Agencies to Update 'Flawed' Study on Columbia, Snake River Dams KOIN 6 News, 12/30/24 by Michaela Bourgeois
Feds to Update Columbia River Dams' Environmental Guidelines Big Country News, 12/21/24 by Henry Brannan Murrow
Snake River Dam Supporters Cry Foul as Feds Plan Update to Study that Rejected Breaching Tri-City Herald, 12/20/24 by Annette Cary
Federal Agencies Revisit Columbia and Snake River Dams' Impact on Steelhead and Salmon KLEW, 12/19/24 by Staff
Feds Plan Update of Salmon Narrative Lewiston Tribune, 12/19/24 by Eric Barker
Federal Agencies to Revise Environmental Study for Columbia River Basin Dam Operations Idaho Capital Sun, 12/18/24 by Mia Maldonado
'Extinction is Not an Option': Environmental Study for Columbia & Snake River Dams Being Revisited Hydro Review, 12/18/24 by Sean Wolfe
The Debate on Clean Energy: Should We Rethink Hydroelectric Power on the Snake River? Tri-City Herald, 12/15/24 by Micah Holm
Climate Change Extinctions Coming Tri-City Herald, 12/15/24 by Bob Carson
Corps, Washington Study Impacts on Transportation, Recreation Without LSRDs NW Fishletter, 12/11/24 by K.C. Mehaffey
Survey Asks People How They Use the Lower Snake River Spokesman-Review, 12/5/24 by Michael Wright
Washington State Bolsters Support for Salmon Recovery in Columbia Basin The Hill, 12/5/24 by Sharon Udasin
Inslee Reaffirms State's Course on Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery NW Sportsman, 12/4/24 by Andy Walgamott
New Executive Order Stays the Course on Salmon Recovery Medium, 12/4/24 by Governor Jay Inslee
Biden's Legacy Includes Historic Impact on PNW Salmon, Steelhead Restoration Lewiston Tribune, 12/1/24 by Eric Barker
Shifting Currents in Salmon Situation Lewiston Tribune, 11/24/24 by Eric Barker
Pacific Northwest Tribes are Key to Restoring Salmon in the Columbia River Basin Spokesman-Review, 11/27/24 by Haaland & Anderson
Incoming Trump Admin Likely to Pull Back on Push to Breach Snake River Dams Columbian Basin Herald, 11/16/24 by Carleen Johnson
Analysts: Trump Unlikely to Continue Snake River Dam Breaching Push Capital Press, 11/8/24 by Matthew Weaver
Corps/Washington State to Study Impacts of Snake River Dam Breaching to Transportation, Recreation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/24 by Staff
Potential Supplemental CRSO EIS Could Reexamine Snake River Dam Breaching NW Fishletter, 10/29/24 by K.C. Mehaffey
As Environmentalists Push for More Dam Breaching, Impacts from Largest U.S. Dam Removal Linger Just The News, 11/1/24 by Staff
"I'll Keep Trying;" A Journey From Mexico to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Big Country News, 10/22/24 by Noe Gonzalez
Q&A: Michael Baumgartner, Carmela Conroy Face Off for Congressional District 5 Seat Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/21/24 by Kate Smith
Silas Whitman Helped Build the Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/13/24 by Eric Barker
Salmon Conversation Film Shown at The Bengal Theater The Bengal, 10/17/24 by Kyle Keckler
Dams Study DOE Pt 1, 10/7/24 by Bob Larson
Dams Study DOE Pt 2, 10/8/24 by Bob Larson
It's Time for Congress to Intervene with the Bonneville Power Administration Oregon Capital Chronicle, 9/22/24 by Jim Luce
Rail Investment Powers Economic Growth and Community Connectivity The Spokesman-Review, 10/3/24 Bruce Agnew & Al French
Group Sues BPA for Release of E3's LSRD Study Documents NW Fishletter, 10/7/24 by K.C. Mehaffey
PNWA Names McMorris Rodgers Legislator of the Year Capital Press, 10/3/24 by Matthew Weaver
PNWA: Federal Negotiations Reaffirmed Congressional Authority Over Snake River Dams Capital Press, 9/22/24 by Matthew Weaver
New Federal Study to Weigh Dam Breaching Challenges Capital Press, 9/24/24 by Matthew Weaver
Columbia River Basin Restoration Requires Collaboration and Resolve, as Demonstrated by Gov. Kotek Oregon Capital Chronicle, 10/4/24 Sams, Hamilton & Hirsh
Rely on Science for Snake River Policy Idaho Mountain Express, 9/22/24 by Jack Hurty
Dam Breaching: 'The Tide is Turning' Seattle Times, 9/13/24 by Marjorie Millner
Risch is Off Base on Dam Removal Idaho Mountain Express, 8/30/24 by Greg McReynolds
First Food: What the Fish Mean for Tribes Capital Press, 9/12/24 by Matthew Weaver
The Count: Agencies Track Wild, Hatchery Fish in Columbia, Snake Rivers Capital Press, 9/12/24 by Matthew Weaver
Despite Federal Dams, Columbia and Snake River Tribes Fight to Keep Fishing Traditions Alive Washington State Standard, 9/3/24 by Alex Baumhardt
Real Problems of Snake River Salmon Capital Press, 9/9/24 by John McKern
Snake River Dam Removal is a Fool's Errand KLIX News Radio, 9/6/24 by Bill Colley
Dams Not Problem for Salmon Pt 2, 8/27/24 by Bob Larson
Dams Not Problem for Salmon Pt 1, 8/27/24 by Bob Larson
Idahoans Can Thank Hydropower for Keeping AC Running Idaho Mountain Express, 8/21/24 by U.S. Sen. Jim Risch
Possible Dam Removals Along the Snake River in Washington Could Heavily Impact Grain Exports Ag Weekly, 8/6/24 by Ariana Schumacher
Spin Control: As State Studies 'Modular' Nuke Plants, History Worth Remembering The Spokesman-Review, 8/4/24 by Jim Camden
Indigenous Celebration of Hanford Remembers the Site Before Nuclear Contamination High Country News, 8/1/24 by B. 'Toastie' Oaster
Climate Confab Draws Global Expertise Idaho Mountain Express, 7/26/24 by Eliana Lyon
The 4 Lower Snake River Dams Need to Be Removed Orcasonian, 7/25/24 by Remove the
Listen Tri-Cities Forum Draws Support for Lower Snake River Dams Northwest Public Broadcasting, 7/19/24 by Courtney Flatt
Rep. Newhouse to Host Forum on Washington's Snake River Dams KFLD NewsTalk, 7/11/24 by Staff
New Northwest RiverPartners Leader Focuses on Facts, Science Capital Press, 7/5/24 by Matthew Weaver
Breaching Snake River Dams Could Drop Reservoirs, Groundwater Levels by 100 Feet Center Square, 7/1/24 by Tim Clouser
'Armchair Engineer' Sees Bigger Goal Behind Snake River Dam Controversy Capital Press, 7/1/24 by Matthew Weaver
Stakeholders Split on Transparency at Water Supply Study Virtual Meetings Capital Press, 7/1/24 by Matthew Weaver
Snake Dams Could Face New Scrutiny Following Interior's Report NW Fishletter, 7/1/24 by K.C. Mehaffey
'We Have to Start Somewhere': Tribal Leaders React to Report Detailing Damage Done by Federal Dams KGW, 6/19/24 by Kale Williams
Federal Dams Harm Native American Communities, U.S. Acknowledges New York Times, 6/18/24 by Livia Albeck-Ripka
Federal Leaders Knew Northwest Dams Would Hurt Native Communities -- and They Approved Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/25/24 by Tony Schick
Biden Administration Report Admits the Harm of Columbia, Snake Dams on Indigenous People Seattle Times, 6/19/24 by Isabella Breda
Federal Government Acknowledges Dams Devastated Northwest Tribes and Fish Stocks Oregon Capital Chronicle, 6/21/24 by Alex Baumhardt
Interior Casts Critical Eye on Columbia River Dams Greenwire, 6/20/24 by Jennifer Yachnin
White House Announces New Columbia River Task Force NW Fishletter, 6/18/24 by Steve Ernst
US Acknowledges Northwest Dams Have Devastated the Region's Native Tribes Voice of America, 6/18/24 by Gene Johnson
Biden Administration Sets Columbia River Task Force, Outlines Damage to Tribes Capital Press, 6/18/24 by Matthew Weaver
'Surprise U.S. Government Actions.' Snake River Dam Supporters Leery of New DC Task Force Tri-City Herald, 6/24/24 by Annette Cary
Feds Create Task Force to Breach Lower Snake River Dams KFLD, 6/19/24 by Robb Francis
PNWA Reacts to Biden Administration Announcement to Launch a Columbia River Task Force Big Country News, 6/18/24 by Staff
Nik Blosser Will Lead Biden's Columbia River Task Force Willamette Week, 6/18/24 by Sophie Peel
Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers Responds to Biden's 'Dam Breaching' Agenda Center Square, 6/19/24 by Tim Clouser
Interior Dept., Waterways Association Spar Over Breaching Lower Snake River Dams Fishermen's News, 6/26/24 by Staff
New Book Captures Magnitude of Columbia River Basin Pacific NW Magazine, 6/21/24 by David Moskowitz
Is the Northwest Power and Conservation Council Still Relevant? NW Fishletter, 6/13/24 by George Caan
7th Annual Free Snake River Family Festival Saturday at Boyer Park & Marina Big Country News, 6/5/24 by Evan Ellis
WA Ecology, Feds to Host Meetings on Breaching Lower Snake River Dams Washington Examiner, 5/23/24 by Tim Clouser
Avoiding History's Big Mistakes Clearing Up, 5/31/24 by Darryll Olsen
A Bold Plan for Salmon Restoration Puts Idaho on Right Course Idaho Mountain Express, 6/12/24 by Tom Stuart
Don Chapman, Idaho's Respected Fish Scientist, is Constantly Thinking Deeply, Broadly and Ahead Idaho Capital Sun, 5/22/24 by Pat Ford
US Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Block Snake River Dam Removals Seafood Source, 5/28/24 by Nathan Strout
Washington Congressman, Others Ramp Up Fight to Save Lower Snake River Dams Washington Examiner, 5/23/24 by Carleen Johnson
Nine New Bills Filed to Reverse Biden Administration's Snake River Dams Agreement Tri-City Herald, 4/7/24 by Annette Cary
Sustaining Environmental and Economic Balance -- the Case for Columbia-Snake River Dams Capital Press, 6/10/24 by Tom Kammerzell
The Many Consequences of Breaching the Snake River Dams Capital Press, 5/2/24 by Jason Mercier
What If ... A Look at the Fallout If the Lower Snake River Dams are Demolished Capital Press, 4/20/24 by Matthew Weaver
How Many Acres get Lower Snake River Water? Irrigators, Corps Differ by 44,500 Acres Capital Press, 4/16/24 by Matthew Weaver
The Ramifications and Reality of Breaching the Dams of the Pacific Northwest -- Part 2 Idaho Dispatch, 4/14/24 by Sarah Clendenon
The Ramifications and Reality of Breaching the Dams of the Pacific Northwest -- Part 1 Idaho Dispatch, 4/7/24 by Sarah Clendenon
Weighing the Costs of Demolishing the Snake River Dams Capital Press, 4/11/24 by Editorial Board
Cleveland Will Protect Dams and Idaho Water Idaho Dispatch, 4/17/24 by Scott Cleveland
Protect U.S. Hydropower on the Northwest's Snake River Washington Examiner, 4/17/24 Jim Risch & Steve Daines
Bentz Demands White House Release Information on Plan to Replace Lower Snake River Dams Elkhorn Media Group, 4/9/24 by Joe Hathaway
House Republicans Accuse Biden of Threatening Environment with Proposed Dam Replacements Washington Examiner, 4/8/24 by Cami Mondeaux
Recovery of Snake River Depends on Quick, Bold Actions Idaho Mountain Express, 3/20/24 by Tanner Josey
Dam Removal in CA to Save Salmon Causes Mass Fish Die-off as Eco-activists Pursue Similar Projects Just The News, 3/5/24 by Staff
Report: Lower Snake River Dams Source of Methane Emissions Public News Service, 3/27/24 by Eric Tegethoff
Hydroelectricity is a Hidden Source of Methane Emissions. These People Want to Solve That BBC, 3/27/24 by Anna Turns
Snake River's Dams Not Big Methane Source Tri-City Herald, 10/16/16 by Lori Sanders
U.S. Energy Secretary and Rep. Newhouse Spar Over 'Catastrophic' Snake Dam Agreement Tri-City Herald, 3/23/24 by Annette Cary
Idaho Legislature Once Again Comes Out Against Dam Removal, Breaching Efforts Idaho Capital Sun, 2/26/24 by Mia Maldonado
Agreement on Salmon, Snake River Dams Signed at White House Tri-City Herald, 2/25/24 by Annette Cary
White House Celebrates $1B Deal to Save Columbia River Basin Salmon E&E News, 2/23/24 by Jennifer Yachnin
PNW Tribal Nations, States Sign Historic Columbia Basin Agreement with U.S. Seattle Times, 2/23/24 by Isabella Breda
Tribes, Officials Sign Columbia River Basin Agreement on Snake River Dams Capital Press, 2/23/24 by Matthew Weaver
Lower Snake River Dams Vital to Local Economy Spokesman-Review, 2/28/24 by Rodgers & Matheson
In Opposition to Snake River Dam Breaching Western News, 2/27/24 by Rod Delaney
Breaching Snake River Dams Would Affect Power Rates, Economy, Spokane Valley Officials Told The Center Square, 2/22/24 by Randy Bracht
Public Power Stands United in Questioning BPA's Role in CRSO Agreement Clearing Up, 2/16/24 by Steve Ernst
Lower Snake River is Destined for Rewilding Idaho Mountain Express, 3/6/24 by Bert Bowler
Removing Snake River Dams Has Immeasurable Value East Oregonian, 3/2/24 by Mike Dahlstrom
Opposing Dam Breaching in Idaho is Silly. We Gain Nothing from the Snake River Dams Idaho Statesman, 2/26/24 by David Cannamela
Breach the Dams The Nugget, 2/20/24 by Greg Pozovi
Let's Plan for a Transition Capital Press, 2/16/24 by Don Schwerin
Flathead Electric Co-op Should Look for Solutions on Snake River Dams Flathead Beacon, 2/16/24 by Ben Long
Hyperbole, Hysteria Won't Solve Lower Snake River Dams Argument Yakama Herald, 2/10/24 by Editorial Board
Flathead Electric Raises Alarm Over Proposal to Breach Lower Snake River Dams Daily Inter Lake, 1/30/24 by Kate Heston
Flathead Electric Cooperative's Resistance to Remove Dams Missoulian, 2/6/24 by Antonia Malchik
Lower Snake River Dams Need to Go Bend Bulletin, 2/3/24 by Jerry Freilich
Northwest Tribes, WA and OR Sign Columbia River Salmon Agreement at the White House Spokesman-Review, 2/23/24 by Orion Donovan-Smith
A Historic Federal Deal Will Determine the Fate of Dams After Decades of Litigation The Cool Down, 2/12/24 by Tina Deines
Federal Judge Agrees to Pause Litigation Over Snake River Dams Blue Mountain Eagle, 2/12/24 by Randy Bracht
Fed Judge Grants Stay in Dam Litigation Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 2/10/24 by Eric Barker
Judge Grants Snake River Dam Litigation Stay Through 2028 Capital Press, 2/9/24 by Matthew Weaver
Judge Pauses Snake River Salmon Litigation Agri-Pulse, 2/9/24 by Noah Wicks
Federal Judge Approves Long-term Stay on Snake River Litigation NW Sportsman, 2/8/24 by Andy Walgamott
NW Lawmakers Introduce Bill that Would Stop Federal Money from Funding Snake River Dams Removal KIFI/KIDK, 1/29/24 by Stephanie Lucas
Snake River Dam Agreement Challenged by Public Power Council Tri-City Herald, 1/29/24 by Annette Cary
Salmon Recovery MOU a Secret, Radical Deal? Administration Says Brings Stability, Helps Fish Lewiston Tribune, 2/2/24 by Eric Barker
Troubled Waters: Talks Intensify About Future of Lower Snake River Dams Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 2/2/24 by Hannah McIntyre
Watch Biden Administration's Deal with Six Sovereigns Sparks Debate Over Lower Snake River Dams KLEW, 2/1/24 by Christopher Mitchell
Congress Briefed: Plan to Breach Snake River Dams Threatens the Region's Power Supply HydroWorld, 2/1/24 by Elizabeth Ingram
House Committee Hears Conflicting Views on Biden Salmon Plan, Snake River Dams The Center Square, 1/31/24 by Randy Bracht
Lawmakers Press on Snake River Deal and Potential Removal of Four Key Dams Progressive Farmer, 1/31/24 by Chris Clayton
Snake River Dam Debate at the Capitol, Yakama Nation Warns of 'Misinformation' Spokesman-Review, 1/31/24 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Allegations of 'Secret' Deal to Remove 4 Snake River Dams Aired by U.S. House GOP at Hearing Alaska Beacon, 1/30/24 by Jacob Fischler
Cathy McMorris Rodgers Explains Opposition to Removing Snake River Dams KREM2, 1/30/24 by Nicole Hernandez
Parties Split on Biden Administration Deal on Snake River Dams RTO Insider, 1/30/24 by James Downing
Lawmakers Grill Officials on Secret Snake River Dam Deal Capital Press, 1/30/24 by Matthew Weaver
GOP Reps Ramp Up Fight on 'Hypocritical Assault' on Snake River Dams in Eastern WA Tri-City Herald, 1/29/24 by Annette Cary
House GOP Members Look to Block Eastern Washington Dam Breaches Roll Call, 1/29/24 by David Jordan
Northwest Lawmakers Move to Protect Snake River Dams from Biden's Bulldozer Must Read Alaska, 1/28/24 by Suzanne Downing
Watch Rep. Newhouse's DAMN Act: Navigating the Snake River Dam Debates RFD TV, 2/7/24 by Charlsie McKay
Bill Looks to Block Dam Breaching on Lower Snake System Lewiston Tribune, 1/25/24 by Eric Barker
Bill Introduced in Congress to Block Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams Big Country News, 1/25/24 by Staff
House Republicans Unveil Effort to Block Biden Admin from Tearing Down Key Hydro Dams Fox News, 1/24/24 by Thomas Catenacci
Congressional Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Plan to Remove Lower Snake River Dams HydroWorld, 1/22/24 by Elizabeth Ingram
McMorris Rodgers Slates Congressional Hearing on Protecting Lower Snake Dams Daily Fly, 1/20/24 by Randy Bracht
Conservation Advocates Serve Notice of Intent to Sue Over Columbia River Hatchery Programs Orcasonian, 1/27/24 by Emma Helverson
The Voice: Alex McGregor Speaks Out for Northwest Farmers Capital Press, 1/18/24 by Matthew Weaver
WA Rep. Newhouse Fights to Withhold Congressional Support for Breaching 4 Snake Dams Tri-City Herald, 1/17/24 by Annette Cary
Columbia-Snake Agreement Charts the Course to a Clean-Energy Future Yakima Herald-Republic, 1/7/24 by Nancy Hirsh
Biden Admin Wants to Promote Green Energy by *Checks Notes* Destroying 4 Hydroelectric Dams Daily Caller, 1/4/24 by Nate Scherer
Snake Dams Do Not Prevent Flooding The Columbian, 1/4/24 by Marjorie Millner
Habitat Lost Lewiston Tribune, 1/3/24 by Dick Sherwin
An Open Letter to our Representatives, Present and Near Future The Islands' Sounder, 1/4/24 by Alison Longley
Hydropower is Not the Answer Idaho Mountain Express, 1/3/24 by Jack Alkire
New Agreement Puts Snake River Dam Removals On Hold Meat Eater, 1/2/24 by Eli Fournier


Preserve Lower Snake Dams The Columbian, 12/30/23 by Dean G. Ickes
Real Movement on Salmon Issues Daily Astorian, 12/30/23 by Editorial Board
Dam Boondoggle and 'Near-Term Stability' Capital Press, 1/30/24 by Editorial Board
Bentz Could Help Native Salmon The Oregonian, 12/26/23 by Paulette Wittwer
Support Dam Removal The Columbian, 12/23/23 by Kristin Edmark
Significant Progress in the Race Against Extinction Spokesman-Review, 12/23/23 by Dan McDonald
Congress Should Keep Doing Nothing with Snake River Dams Capital Press, 12/21/23 by Editorial Board
Pacific Northwest Bad News: Serious Problem. Good News: There IS an Answer Daily Kos, 12/19/23 by Xaxnar
Oregon Gov. Kotek Supports Further Study Before Dam Breach Spokesman-Review, 12/26/23 by Matthew Weaver
Efforts of Tribes Pay Off in Historic Agreement on Snake River Dam Removals The Oregonian, 12/25/23 by Karina Brown
The Story of the Orcas and the Salmon, on the Endangered Species Act's 50th Birthday Chicago Defender, 12/26/23 by Ben Jealous
In a Major Shift, Northwest Tribes -- Not US Officials -- Will Control Salmon Recovery Funds Herald and News, 12/21/23 by Tony Schick
Agreement Could Pave Way for Breach of Snake River Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 12/20/23 by Tony Tekaroniake Evans
We can Balance Hydropower and Salmon by Removing Obsolete Dams Flathead Beacon, 12/16/23 by Peter Saunders
NW Utilities Take a Historically Bold Stand in Response to Secret Snake River Dams Negotiations Spokesman-Review, 12/16/23 by Sean V. O'Brien
Ditch Secret Backroom Dam Breaching Deals. Let's Focus on Common Ground Capital Press, 12/15/23 Brad Little & Scott Bedke
Flathead Electric Blasts Proposal to Remove Snake River Dams Daily Inter Lake, 12/15/23 by Kate Heston
Breach the Lower Snake River Dams. They Never Should Have Been Built to Begin With Idaho Statesman, 12/15/23 by Scott Levy
Idaho is the Latest to Join in Litigation Over Snake River Salmon, Dams Big Country News, 12/20/23 by Randy Bracht
Remove Dams to Fight the Climate Crisis High Country News, 12/19/23 by Gary Wockner
Wrong Dam Plan Lewiston Tribune, 12/20/23 by Marvin J. Entel
Snake River Dams Debate Pt 2, 12/20/23 by Bob Larson
Snake River Dams Debate Pt 1, 12/19/23 by Bob Larson
NGFA Warns About Plans to Breach Snake River Dams Progressive Farmer, 12/18/23 by Chris Clayton
USDA: Snake River Dam Deal Provides 'Near-term Stability' Capital Press, 12/18/23 by Matthew Weaver
PNW Battle Over Salmon and Dams Intensifies as Biden Administration Moves Toward Breaching Idaho Dispatch, 12/17/23 by Sarah Clendenon
Ag to Inslee: 'Assert True Leadership' on Dams Capital Press, 12/16/23 by Matthew Weaver
'Insane,' 'Reckless': Stakeholders Respond to Snake River Dam Plan Capital Press, 12/15/23 by Matthew Weaver
Historic Agreement Seen as a Harbinger to Snake River Dam Removal KLCC, 12/16/23 by Courtney Flatt
'Historic' Deal Reached Over Columbia River Basin Fish and Dams Missoula Current, 12/15/23 Lynne Terry & Bill Lucia
Idaho Governor: "Ditch The Secret Backroom Dam Breaching Deals" Big Country News, 12/15/23 by Staff
Lower Snake River Dams Closer to Coming Down with New Agreement High Country News, 12/15/23 by Anna V. Smith
Biden Administration Commits Millions in New Funding to Columbia River Basin Restoration Fox News, 12/15/23 by Baier & Munneke
Federal-state-tribal Agreement Aims to Help Salmon, Leaves Future of Snake River Dams Open Spokane Public Radio, 12/15/23 by Brandon Hollingsworth
Columbia-Snake River Irrigators Association Supports Lower Snake River Litigation Agreement 560 KPQ, 12/15/23 by CSRIA Press Release
Historic Agreement on LSRD Offers Hope and Fear Clearing Up, 12/15/23 Steve Ernst & K.C. Mehaffey
Federal Government Reaches Deal on Snake River Dams Oregon Business, 12/15/23 by Sander Gusinow
Biden Takes Steps Toward Breaching Four Snake River Dams Outdoor Life, 12/14/23 by Dac Collins
White House Pledges $1B to Restore Pacific Northwest Salmon, Steelhead E&E News, 12/14/23 by Jennifer Yachnin
White House Orders Studies of Snake River Dam Removal to Restore Salmon Populations The Hill, 12/14/23 by Zack Budryk
Tribes Celebrate Historic Deal with White House that Could Save Pacific Northwest Salmon National Public Radio, 12/14/23 by Kirk Siegler
Conservationists say Deal with Biden Administration is a Road Map to Breach Snake River Dams AP News, 12/14/23 by Gene Johnson
Biden Administration, Tribes: Dam Breaching on Table 'As Soon as Practical' Capital Press, 12/14/23 by Matthew Weaver
Biden Administration Puts Off Dam Breach Talks, Partners with Tribes to Restore Salmon Habitats Spokesman-Review, 12/14/23 by Ellen Dennis
Listen The Latest on the Fate of the Lower Snake River Dams Boise State Public Radio, 12/18/23 by Samantha Wright
Stakeholders, Lawmakers Sound Alarm Over Snake River Dam Deal Capital Press, 12/14/23 by Matthew Weaver
Snake River Dam Removal Impacts Debated in Congressional Hearing Led by Bentz Blue Mountain Eagle, 12/14/23 by Neil Nisperos
Montana Congressmen Rail Against Dam Removal Billings Gazette, 12/13/23 by Tom Lutey
NW GOP Lawmakers Complain About Confidential (Leaked) Draft Salmon Settlement Talks Lewiston Tribune, 12/13/23 by Eric Barker
Leaked Documents on Snake River Dams Leads to Congressional Hearing KUOW, 12/12/23 by Courtney Flatt
'Highly Irregular': Legal Experts Weigh In On Leaked Snake River Dam Package Capital Press, 12/8/23 by Matthew Weaver
Ask the Experts: How Likely is Dam Breaching? Capital Press, 12/7/23 by Matthew Weaver
Snake Dam Removal a Poor Choice The Oregonian, 12/13/23 by Roger S. Knutson
Take Out Dams and Keep the Snake River Salmon's Last, Best Place Seattle Times, 12/12/23 by Chris Wood
Who's Really Benefiting From Those Dams? Yakima Herald-Republic, 12/9/23 by Borg Hendrickson
The Decline of Pacific Salmon is 'Death by a Thousand Cuts,' Expert Says KGW, 12/13/23 by Kale Williams
GOP to Grill Biden Team on Dams Lewiston Tribune, 12/12/23 by Eric Barker
U.S. Rep. Cliff Bentz Pushes Back on Biden's Clean Energy Plan Argus Observer, 12/1/23 by Leslie Thompson
Lower Snake River Dams: Congressional Subcommittee Hearing Announced 560 KPQ, 12/1/23 by James Skelton
Electric Co-ops Warn of Dam Breaches, Energy Losses in Montana KGVO, 12/8/23 by Peter Christian
Agreement Developed in Secret by White House
Diminishes Power Supply
Flathead Beacon, 12/2/23 by Gary Wiens
Western Montana Co-Ops Wary of Snake River Dam Removal Billings Gazette, 12/1/23 by Tom Lutey
Ag groups: Snake River Dam Deal 'Leaves Farmers Behind' Capital Press, 12/5/23 by Matthew Weaver
Biden Administration Prepared to Remove Lower Snake River Dams to Save Native Salmon Fox 28, 12/4/23 by Ateneyck
Listen Leaked Agreement Shows Federal Government Willing to Take Down Snake River Dams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/4/23 by Sage Van Wing
Despite Rumors, 'Confidential' Snake River Mediation Draft Doesn't Call for Dam Breach Apple Valley News, 12/2/23 by Emily Goodell
Biden Admin's Draft Plan Called the 'Greatest Single Threat' Yet to Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 12/1/23 by Annette Cary
Mediation Deal Doesn't Call for Dam Breach Capital Press, 11/30/23 by Matthew Weaver
White House: Snake River Dam Mediation 'Still in Active Negotiations' Capital Press, 11/30/23 by Matthew Weaver
Ag Stakeholders: Secret Plan Threatens Ag 'In a Way We've Never Seen Before' Capital Press, 11/30/23 by Matthew Weaver
Secret Talks on Snake River Dams Bad Policy The Columbian, 12/1/23 by Editorial Board
Northwest Republicans Object to Leaked Draft of Snake River Dams Agreement Spokesman-Review, 12/3/23 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Tribal Agreement Gives Shape to Breachers' Case Lewiston Tribune, 11/30/23 by Eric Barker
Western Montana Co-ops Wary of Snake River Dam Removal Billings Gazette, 11/30/23 by Tom Luty
Leaked Document Details Energy Alternatives to Snake River Dams My Northwest, 11/30/23 by L.B. Gilbert
Biden's Secret Plan to Breach 4 Snake/Columbia Dams Sparks Idaho Rift KIDO Talk Radio, 11/30/23 by Kevin Miller
Biden Administration Willing to Fund Renewable Energy If Snake River Dams are Removed KPUG, 11/30/23 by KGMI Staff
Feds Consider Removing Snake River Dams in Leaked Agreement with Plaintiffs in Lawsuit Oregon Capital Chronicle, 11/30/23 by Alex Baumhardt
GOP Lawmakers Ramp Up Pushback on Snake River Dam Deal Still in the Making Seattle Times, 11/30/23 by Lynda Mapes
Reports Detail Draft Lower Snake River, Columbia Basin Deal NW Sportsman, 11/29/23 by Andy Walgamott
Leaked Document says US is Willing to Build Energy Projects in Case Snake River Dams are Breached PBS Newshour, 11/29/23 Hallie Golden & Rebecca Boone
Snake River Dams Clean Energy Herald Journal, 11/29/23 by Ted S. Warren
U.S. Government Commits Billions for Replacing Snake River Dams, Restoring Salmon Clearing Up, 11/28/23 Steve Ernst & K.C. Mehaffey
Leaked 'Secret Plan' Reveals Biden Admin's $1B+ Proposal Preparing for Snake Dam Breaching Tri-City Herald, 11/28/23 by Annette Cary
Congress Blasts Biden for Secret Negotiations to Destroy Dams and Protect Salmon Washington Examiner, 11/22/23 by Eden Villalovas
Worries Grow for 'Secret Plan' on Snake River Dams Negotiated by Biden Administration Tri-City Herald, 11/22/23 by Annette Cary
Lawmakers Warn Biden on Snake River Dam Secret Package Capital Press, 11/22/23 by Matthew Weaver
'Path to Breaching' Snake River Dams Rattles Northwest Clearing Up, 11/22/23 Steve Ernst & K.C. Mehaffey
Breach or Die: It's Time to Free the Lower Snake River and Save Idaho's Wild Salmon Outdoor Life, 11/28/23 by Dac Collins
Snake River Shouldn't Risk 'The Sound of No Salmon' Everett Herald, 11/23/23 by Berna Avunca
Tulalip Gathering Signals Progress for Salmon's Future Everett Herald, 11/3/23 by Kody Osbourne
Northwest Tribes Demand Action for Salmon and Orca Restoration Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/3/23 by Elizabeth Manning
Northwest Tribes Build Momentum in Large Gathering for Dam Removal, Salmon Restoration Seattle Times, 11/3/23 by Isabella Breda
Salmon vs. Dams Suit Stays on Pause Until Dec. 15 Spokesman-Review, 11/1/23 by Staff
Dam Removal Still an Option as Lower Snake River Litigation Settlement Talks Continue Environment Washington, 11/1/23 by Staff
Lower Snake River Dam Removal Still Possible as Talks Continue Seattle Times, 10/31/23 by Isabella Breda
New Secret Plan Proposed in Snake River Dam Lawsuit Capital Press, 10/31/23 by Matthew Weaver
Court Case on Fate of Snake River Dams, Imperiled Salmon, Postponed at Least 45 More Days Oregon Capital Chronicle, 10/31/23 by Alex Baumhardt
Republicans Blame Gov. Inslee, Ecology for Reported Salmon Loss Gazette-Tribune, 11/16/23 by Randy Bracht
Why Rural Nevada Electric Co-ops are Watching Proposals to Remove Snake River Dams Nevada Independent, 11/12/23 by Daniel Rothberg
The Lower Snake River Dams Should Matter to Nevadans Reno Gazette-Journal, 10/23/23 by Black, Fitch & Flippence
A Look at the Fight Over Snake River Dams at Thirtysomething Lewiston Tribune, 11/6/23 by Randy Stapilus
Return of the Sockeye Tacoma Weekly, 10/31/23 by Don C. Brunell
To Save WA Salmon, Choose Science, Not Silver Bullets Seattle Times, 9/26/23 by Todd Myers & Joe Ryan
Backbone, Green School Raise the Call for Snake River Dams Breaching Vashon Island Beachcomber, 10/19/23 by Alex Bruell
Flying High for Conservation, EcoFlight Soars Above the Northwest Northwest Public Broadcasting, 10/18/23 by Courtney Flatt
Stebbings Named Northwest RiverPartners Interim Executive Director Capital Press, 10/24/23 by Matthew Weaver
Dam Advocate Kurt Miller Will Leave Northwest River Partners for New Job Lewiston Tribune, 10/19/23 by Staff
IBEW Electrical Union Backs Keeping Snake River Dams Everett Herald, 10/8/23 by Rex Habner
With No Solutions to Offer, McMorris Rodgers Resorts to Dog Whistles Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/7/23 by Brian Dohe
Time is Running Out to Save Our Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 10/4/23 by Ann Christensen
Newhouse Chides Biden Administration on Columbia River Salmon Memo The Center Square, 10/3/23 by Randy Bracht
Pledge to Honor Treaties Can Save Columbia's Salmon Everett Herald, 9/30/23 by Editorial Board
$9 Billion Wasted: 40 Years of Conservation Spending Fails to Improve Columbia Basin Wild Fish SciTech Daily, 9/28/23 by Oregon State University
Biden Memo Directs US Agencies to Restore 'Healthy and Abundant' Salmon Runs in the Northwest San Francisco Chronicle, 10/5/23 by Matthew Daly
Biden Signs Presidential Memorandum to Restore Fish to Columbia River Basin Seafood Source, 9/29/23 by Nathan Strout
Biden Memo Calls for Sustained Effort for Salmon in Snake, Columbia Rivers Lewiston Tribune, 9/28/23 by Eric Barker
President Biden Orders Federal Agencies to Make Columbia, Snake Salmon a Federal Priority Tri-City Herald, 9/27/23 by Annette Cary
Biden Directs Agencies to Take Steps to Restore Pacific Northwest Salmon The Hill, 9/27/23 by Rachel Frazin
President Biden Calls for Abundant Salmon in Columbia, Snake Rivers Seattle Times, 9/27/23 by Lynda Mapes
Biden Tells Agencies to Help Columbia River Wild Fish Capital Press, 9/27/23 by Don Jenkins
'This is Historic': Biden Orders Whole-of-Government Effort to Restore Salmon Spokesman-Review, 9/27/23 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Biden Calls for 'Abundant' Salmon Populations, Directs Agencies to Honor Tribal Treaty Rights Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/27/23 by Courtney Flatt
Secrecy Serves No Purpose in Snake River Dam Litigation Capital Press, 10/12/23 by Editorial Board
Ag Stakeholders: Does Biden Salmon Announcement End Dam Breaching Worries? Capital Press, 10/3/23 by Matthew Weaver
House Republicans Question White House Role in LSRDs NW Fishletter, 10/2/23 by K.C. Mehaffey
Washington Dams Stir Debate Progressive Farmer, 9/30/23 by Chris Clayton
A Rebuttal to Dam Breaching, We Can Have Fish and Dams Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/28/23 by Rusty Bentz
Listen NW Tribes Push for Removal of Snake River Dams KUOW, 10/6/23 by Lauren Paterson
Snake River Dam Campaign Hosts Flotilla in Support of Salmon, Environmental Responsibility Daily Evergreen, 10/5/23 by Sam Taylor
Native Activists Visiting Lewiston to Highlight Support for Dam Removal at Snake River KREM2, 9/28/23 by Patrick Henkels
Campaign to Remove Snake River Dams Makes Tri-Cities Stop Tri-City Herald, 9/26/23 by Bob Brawdy
Emmy Award Winning Journalist to Investigate Causes of Endangered Orcas Continuing Decline The Orcasonian, 9/12/23 by Sharon Grace
McMorris Rodgers, Newhouse Seek Open Negotiations Regarding Lower Snake River Dams Ripon Advance, 9/18/23 by News Service
Stay Extension Gives Snake River Dam Mediation Another 60 Days Capital Press, 9/1/23 by Matthew Weaver
Stay Extension Gives Snake River Dam Mediation Another 60 Days Mediate Everything, 9/1/23 by Staff
Parties Seek Extension in Dams Debate Lewiston Tribune, 9/1/23 by Eric Barker
Dam Removal Still on Table as Settlement Talks Over Lower Snake River Operations Continue Seattle Times, 8/31/23 by Lynda Mapes
Federal Government, Salmon Advocates Agree to Continue Talks that Could Lead to Breaching Spokesman-Review, 8/31/23 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Ag Stakeholders Lead Dam Tour as Federal Mediation Deadline Nears Capital Press, 8/24/23 by Matthew Weaver
Race to Save Endangered Orca Population from Starvation Yahoo News, 8/28/23 by Courtney Flatt
Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood Pushes for Conservation, Dam Removal Idaho Mountain Express, 8/30/23 by Kari Dequine Harden
Watch Congressman Mike Simpson Visits KMVT to Discuss What is Going On in Washington D.C. KMVT, 8/10/23 by Elizabeth Hadley
Writer Responds to Snake River Dam Op-ed Capital Press, 8/21/23 by Paulette Wittwer
Report: Breaching Snake River Dams Would Put Thousands of Farmers at Risk Capital Press, 8/15/23 by Matthew Weaver
Ag Stakeholders say They're Shut Out of Federal Snake River Dam Mediation East Oregonian, 8/17/23 by Matthew Weaver
Salmon and Farmers are On the Same Side Spokesman-Review, 8/30/23 by Michelle Hennings
Breach the Snake River Dams? Only If You Want More Carbon and More Expensive Power Idaho Statesman, 8/17/23 by Robert Bakes
Recapping a Successful Pacific Northwest Fish Symposium Lewiston Tribune, 8/27/23 by Marvin Dugger
Opposition to Dam Breaching for Salmon Recovery, 8/15/23 by Terence West
Dam Fans to Make Their Case Lewiston Tribune, 8/15/23 by Eric Barker
'Covenant of the Salmon People' Film Shows Nez Perce Tribe's Environmental Recovery Goals Idaho Capital Sun, 8/29/23 by Mia Maldonado
Lower Snake River Dams Fill Many Roles Capital Press, 8/28/23 by Robert Rich
More Litigation Sure to Follow Dam Mediation Capital Press, 8/24/23 by Editorial Board
Fate of Four Dams May Turn On Talks, Climate Change Everett Herald, 8/12/23 by Editorial Board
The Science is Clear. Dams Must Be Removed for Snake River Salmon to Have a Future Idaho Statesman, 8/11/23 by Editorial Board
Dam Breaching Remains a Debate without an End Twin Times-News, 8/7/23 by Chuck Malloy
Snake River Dam Solution Should Not Come from Judiciary Capital Press, 8/3/23 by Editorial Board
Power, Water, Workforce and Dams Subjects During Murray Visit Columbia Basin Herald, 8/2/23 by Cheryl Schweizer
Vilsack on Snake River Dams: Ag 'Well-Represented' in Mediation Capital Press, 8/1/23 by Matthew Weaver
Rebuttal: Let's Talk about the Real Cost of Your Energy Post Alley, 8/4/23 by Marc Sullivan
Why Your Electricity Bills will be Going Up (A Lot!) Post Alley, 8/3/23 by Bruce Ramsey
Billions Spent on Hatcheries, Habitat Fails to Help Native Columbia River Salmon, Study Finds Oregon Capital Chronicle, 8/4/23 by Alex Baumhardt
Oregon Salmon Populations Improving, But Study Finds Little Direct Connection to Billions Spent KGW, 7/31/23 by Kale Williams
Listen Possible Dam Suits Pt 1, 8/14/21 by Bob Larson
Groups: Order Snake River Dam Breach Farm Progress, 8/14/23 by Dan Keppen
Environmental Groups Want to Breach the Snake Dams Pacific NW Inlander, 8/3/23 by Samanth Wohlfeil
Watch Engineers of Snake River Dams Face Possible Lawsuit Fox News, 7/31/23 by Staff
Groups Plan to Sue to Remove Snake River Dams Over Hot Water Troubles for Salmon Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/25/23 by Courtney Flatt
Conservation, Fishing Groups Intend to Sue to Remove Snake River Dams Capital Press, 7/24/23 by Matthew Weaver
'Hot Water Pollution' Lawsuit Threat Aims to Remove 4 Eastern WA Dams to Save Salmon Tri-City Herald, 7/24/23 by Annette Cary
Conservation Groups Intend to Ask Judge to Breach Snake River Dams Lewiston Tribune, 7/22/23 by Eric Barker
Lock and Dam System Benefits Pacific Northwest, Advocate Says Capital Press, 7/27/23 by Carol Ryan Dumas
Idahoans Support Vital Economic and Environmental Importance of Snake River Dams Idaho Statesman, 7/23/23 Sen. Jim Risch & Jason Mercier
Hydropower: Protecting the Snake River Dams for the Benefit of Idaho, 7/23/23 by Daniel Hall
Report: Not Enough Information on Delayed Mortality for Fish, Snake River Dams Capital Press, 7/27/23 by Matthew Weaver
The Science is Clear on Restoring Wild Salmon in the Snake River Basin East Oregonian, 7/22/23 by Rick Williams
Chinook: Managing to Extinction San Juan Journal, 7/13/23 by Heather Spaulding
Snake River Dams are Important for Grid Reliability, Clean Energy Spokesman-Review, 7/15/23 by Jasen Bronec
Economic Development for Rural Communities and Recovery for Imperiled Salmon Spokesman-Review, 7/19/23 by Dan McDonald
Snake Salmon Die 'by 1,000 Cuts' Tri-City Herald, 7/12/23 by Edward A. Lisowski
No Guarantees with Dam Removal Tri-City Herald, 7/12/23 by Russ Treat
Hydropower Advocate Crosses Swords with Anti-Dam Activists Capital Press, 6/30/23 by Don Jenkins
McMorris Rodgers, Others Tour Ice Harbor Cheney Free Press, 6/29/23 by Abigail Beaton
Environmentalists, Politicians Clash Over Republican Hearing to Defend Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 6/28/23 by Ellen Dennis
McMorris Rodgers, Newhouse Support Efforts to Retain Home-State's Lower Snake River Dams Ripon Advance, 6/28/23 by News Service
Watch Congressional Republicans Defend Snake River Dams as Calls for Removal Mount Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/27/23 by Courtney Flatt
Congressional Field Hearing in Richland Focuses on Snake River Dam Breaching Tri-City Herald, 6/27/23 by Bob Brawdy
Lawmakers Question Snake River Dam Mediation Secrecy Capital Press, 6/27/23 by Matthew Weaver
Newhouse Leads Field Hearing on Snake River Dams Columbia Basin Herald, 6/26/23 by Gabriel Davis
Rep. Newhouse Defends Lower Snake River Dams, Highlights Benefits During Tri-Cities Visit KEPR, 6/26/23 by Jedediah Hoyt
Watch Congressman Newhouse Holds Press Conference on Snake River Dams NBC Right Now, 6/26/23 by Inga Araya
No Easy Answers for Snake River Dams, Salmon The Columbian, 6/26/23 by Editorial Board
Dams and Salmon Can Coexist Spokesman-Review, 6/26/23 by Jeff Van Pevenage
Heating Planet Demands We Keep Lower Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 6/22/23 by Kurt Miller
Salmon Matter More Than Dams Tri-City Herald, 7/5/23 by Edward Rykiel
Letter to NOAA Shows How Far Snake Dam Opponents Will Go to Control the Narrative Tri-City Herald, 6/22/23 by Editorial Board
Snake River 'Whac-A-Mole' Needs To Stop Tacoma Weekly, 6/20/23 by Don C. Brunell
Biden's Fishy Plan to Breach the Snake River Dams Wall Street Journal, 6/16/23 by Faith Bottum
The Importance of Lower Snake River Dams Columbia Basin Herald, 6/15/23 by Yvette Armstrong
Transboundary Indigenous Group Declares Salmon Emergency KTOO, 6/15/23 by Angela Denning
All Eyes on the Lower Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 6/15/23 by Isabella Breda
BPA is Sabotaging Administration Efforts on Salmon and Renewable Energy Yakima Herald, 6/25/23 by Mitch Cutter
Removal of Dams on Snake River is Only Way to Prevent Environmental and Economic Disasters Salt Lake Tribune, 6/20/23 by Alexandria Jensen
Salmon Restoration is a Matter of Ecological, Cultural Survival Seattle Times, 6/12/23 by Claudia Kauffman
More on the Lower Snake River Dams Story Capital Press, 6/3/23 by Gregg Servheen
Amid Growing Concern Over Salmon, House Republicans Head to Richland to Defend Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 6/25/23 by Orion Donovan-Smith
McMorris Rogers, Other Lawmakers to Visit Snake River Dams Next Week Big Country News, 6/22/23 by Jefferson Robbins
Newhouse to Help Lead Field Hearing on Lower Snake River Dams NCW Life, 6/20/23 by Jefferson Robbins
Newhouse Leads Legislative Outing to Snake River Dams Columbia Basin Herald, 6/20/23 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers Reintroduces Hydropower Permitting Package Big Country News, 6/13/23 by Jael Holzman
No Compelling Reasons to Remove Snake River Dams Waterways Journal, 6/27/23 by Editorial Board
Are Snake River Dams At Risk Again? Waterways Journal, 6/23/23 by Dave Murray
White House says it's Neutral on Snake River Dam Mediation Capital Press, 6/12/23 by Matthew Weaver
White House Considering Breaching Four Lower Snake River dams Jackson Hole Community Radio, 6/13/23 by Eric Tegethoff
White House Engages Pacific Northwest on Dams, Future of Salmon Kiowa County Press, 6/12/23 by Eric Tegethoff
Pro-breachers Speak Out at Dam Meeting Lewiston Tribune, 5/26/23 by Eric Barker
Ag Stakeholders: Mediation Skewed Toward Breaching Dams Capital Press, 5/26/23 by Matthew Weaver
Seattle Chef Stops Serving Chinook Salmon to Help Dwindling Orca Population KOMO News, 6/16/23 by Mary Nam
Industry: Wheat Export Costs Would Jump Without Snake River Dams, Barges Capital Press, 6/14/23 by Matthew Weaver
Port of Lewiston a Major Benefit to Nez Perce County Farmers Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly, 5/23 by Sean Ellis
Historic Step Forward for Snake River Dam Replacement in WA Budget Public News Service, 5/23/23 by Eric Tegethoff
Washington Governor Signs Dam Breaching Study Bills Lewiston Tribune, 5/18/23 by Eric Barker
Salmon vs. Dams Politico, 5/15/23 by Gonzalez & Skibell
Snake River Issues Highlight Idaho Water Law Seminar Capital Press, 5/11/23 by Brad Carlson
To Aid the Killer Whales, the Real Apex Predator gets Some Pushback Seattle Times, 5/10/23 by Danny Westneat
State Asks for Stay of Order that Forces the Closure of SE Alaska King Salmon Fishery KCAW Sitka, 5/12/23 by Robert Woolsey
Ruling Might Cancel Alaska Commercial King Salmon Season KOMO News, 5/3/23 by Gene Johnson
Risch, McMorris Rodgers, Newhouse, Press White House for Answers on Mediation Process Big Country News, 4/27/23 by Don Jenkins
President Pledges Support for Salmon Recovery Challis Messenger, 4/27/23 by Eric Barker
Hydropower Rep Hopes for 'Apolitical' Study on Snake River Dams Capital Press, 4/27/23 by Don Jenkins
President Needs to Visit Dams Before Siding with Breaching Advocates Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 4/30/23 by Newhouse & Rodgers
County Officials Unite Against Breaching with Letter Written to State, U.S. Elected Officials Lewiston Tribune, 4/11/23 by Kerri Sandaine
Risch, McMorris Rodgers, Newhouse, Press White House for Answers on Mediation Process Capital Press, 3/27/23 by Staff
Clallam PUD Appoints Purvis Peninsula Daily News, 4/25/23 by Ken Park
Clallam PUD Board Member Resigns Sequim Gazette, 2/28/23 by Ken Park
Clallam PUD Board Member Resigns Peninsula Daily News, 2/28/23 by Ken Park
Debate Over Snake River Dams Progressive Farmer, 4/24/23 by Chris Clayton
Debate Over the Lower Snake River Dams' Removal Has Gone on for Decades High Country News, 2/9/23 by Anna V. Smith
Snake River Ranked 4th Most Endangererd NBC Right Now, 3/23/23 by Tomas D'Anella
Group Says Snake River Remains Listed Among 'Most Endangered' Big Country News, 4/18/23 by Staff
Snake River Still Deemed Endangered La Grande Observer, 4/22/23 by Eric Barker
'Most Endangered': Idaho's Snake River Makes Org's List for Second Year Idaho Press, 4/18/23 by Erin Rusby
Snake River Ranked 4th Most Endangered River in Nation. Momentum Bulids to Remove Dams Tri-City Herald, 4/18/23 by Annette Cary
Irrigators Say Congressional Act Not Necessary to Breach Dams; Others Disagree NW Fishletter, 5/1/23 by K.C. Mehaffey
Irrigators Warn Congressional Act Not Necessary to Breach Dams Clearing Up, 4/14/23 by K.C. Mehaffey
Idaho Youth Head to U.S. Capitol to Protect Salmon and Steelhead KIVI TV, 4/13/23 by Cooper McCauley
Lower Snake River Dams Help Keep the Lights On Bend Bulletin, 4/28/23 by Dave Markham
More Dam Studies are a Waste of Time and Money Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 4/20/23 Boehnke, Dozier & Torres
Salmon Won't Survive Unless Lower Snake River Dams are Removed Bend Bulletin, 4/14/23 by Jerry Freilich
Seriously, How Many Snake River Dam Studies Does WA State Really Need? Tri-City Herald, 4/14/23 by Editorial Board
Remove Lower Snake River Dams The Columbian, 4/9/23 by Marjorie Millner
Lies and Fear Mongering Won't Solve Our Problems Spokesman-Review, 4/8/23 by Miles Johnson
Don't Let Politics Overtake Science Capital Press, 3/30/23 by Editorial Board
Vilsack Needs to Defend Lower Snake River Dams Capital Press, 4/6/23 by Editorial Board
Feds Hear Arguments on Breaching Snake River Dams NW Fishletter, 5/1/23 by K.C. Mehaffey
Ag Advocates Worry Their Message Has Been Lost During Snake River Dam Mediation Capital Press, 4/3/23 by Matthew Weaver
Anti-dam Activists Flood Listening Session on Lower Snake River Dams Capital Press, 3/31/23 by Matthew Weaver
Feds Plan Dam Listening Session Lewiston Tribune, 3/18/23 by Eric Barker
Proposed Legislation Would Protect Snake River Dams and Export Efficiency U.S. Wheat Associates, 4/24/23 by Wheat Letter Blog
Lawmakers are Resisting a Plan that Would Remove Dams Along the Lower Snake River RFD TV, 4/17/23 by Currey McCullough
U.S. House Republicans Halt Plans to Breach WA's Snake River Dams Crosscut, 4/8/23 by Nicholas Geranios
WA, Idaho GOP Unveil Bills to Save Snake River Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 3/24/23 by Eric Barker
Northwest Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Protect Snake River Dams Capital Press, 3/24/23 by Matthew Weaver
Bill Introduced to Protect Four Lower Snake River Dams, Columbia River Power Systems Big Country News, 3/23/23 by Staff
Biden Considering Tearing Down Key Green Energy Source Over Eco Concerns Fox News, 3/22/23 by Thomas Catenacci
WA Congressional Representatives Bash Biden for Columbia River Mixup in Remarks on NW Salmon Spokesman-Review, 3/22/23 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Listen The Fight to Remove Four Snake River Dams in Idaho Boise State Public Radio, 4/17/23 by Samantha Wright
Listen Dams and Salmon Sportsman Spotlight, 3/23/23 by David Sparks
Better Sources of Power Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 3/22/23 by Julian Matthews
Held in a Stranglehold by Palouse Wheat Growers Idaho Mountain Express, 3/22/23 by Scott Levy
Presidents and Fish: Can't We All Get Along? Lewiston Tribune, 3/22/23 by Eric Barker
Barging Grain on the Lower Snake River: It's Time for Plan B Spokesman-Review, 3/17/23 by Linwood Laughy
National Wheat Organizations Slam Railroad Merger Capital Press, 3/15/23 by Matthew Weaver
Backlog of Late or Unfilled Grain Railcar Orders Shrinking But Problems Persist Capital Press, 3/13/23 by Matthew Weaver
US Needs to Make Full Use of Its Hydropower Resources, says APPA Intl. Water Power & Dam Construction, 3/16/23 by Staff
The Status of Wild Snake River Salmon and Steelhead; Keeping Things in Perspective Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/9/23 by Stuart & Cannamela
Lawsuit Threatens Washington's Commercial Fishing Families Bellingham Herald, 3/10/23 by Pillen & Granger
Southeast Trollers Appreciate Support Amid 'Misguided' Lawsuit Juneau Empire, 3/7/23 by Casey Mapes
Lawsuit Over Southeast Alaska Fisheries Makes Waves Locally The Leader, 3/2/23 by Derek Firenze
In DC, Focus on Fish, Northwest Energy Grid San Juan Islander, 3/7/23 by Eric Tegethoff
Ben Jealous's New Mission: Saving the Planet The Nation, 3/9/23 by Danielle Renwick
Preserving Wildlife and a Way of Life Chicago Sun-Times, 3/6/23 by Ben Jealous
Replacing Megawatts Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 3/3/23 by Linwood Laughy
Solutions Needed High Country News, 3/1/23 by Lisa Therrell
Snake River Ecosystem: Lessons from Alaska Seattle Times, 3/3/23 by John Rosapepe
Seattle Gets Its Green Bubble Popped, Again Seattle Times, 3/8/23 by Danny Westneat
Improving Puget Sound Water Quality is the Best Way to Save Washington's Salmon Whitman County Gazette, 2/23/23 by Rep. Mary Dye
Removing the Dams Lewiston Tribune, 2/22/23 by Robert Callihan
Connecting the Dots Lewiston Tribune, 2/22/23 by James Lawyer
For a Better Future, the Four Lower Snake River Dams Must Go Bend Bulletin, 2/21/23 by Gregg Servheen
Removing Lower Snake River Dams the Only Way to Save Salmon Spokesman-Review, 2/18/23 by Gregg Servheen
We Can Do this for Fish and Ourselves Post Register, 2/15/23 by Gregg Servheen
Groups Renew Attention on Snake River Dam Breaching NW Fishletter, 2/6/23 by K.C. Mehaffey
Trump Is Angry that Wind Turbines Routinely Knock Planes Out of the Sky PolitiZoom, 1/29/23 by Jason Miciak
Fish Advocates Want More Funds for Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 1/26/23 by Eric Barker
Salmon: Take Steps to Breach Dams Seattle Times, 1/20/23 by Gayle Janzen
EWEB Sets Energy Goals for 2030 Daily Emerald, 1/13/23 by Caleb Barber
Bills Push for Improving Salmon Habitat, Removing Barriers The Leader, 1/23/23 by Renee Diaz
Rally in Olympia Calls for Legislative Action to Make Dam Breaching a Possibility Spokesman-Review, 1/13/23 by Elena Perry
Instead of Stick, Inslee Offers Carrot on Buffers Capital Press, 1/18/23 by Don Jenkins
American Fisheries Society Backs Snake River Dam Breaching Lewiston Tribune, 1/18/23 by Eric Barker
State Rules Peninsula Daily News, 1/9/23 by Mark A. White
A Sobering Outlook on the Power Supply Capital Press, 1/5/23 by Editorial Board
Fresh Take on Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/3/23 by Nicole Xiao
Legislature Convenes with New Faces and Familiar Issues Tri-Cities Journal of Business, 1/23 by Wendy Culverwell
America Needs an 'All of the Above' Energy Approach Tri-Cities Journal of Business, 1/23 by Don C. Brunell
Proposal to Drawdown Reservoirs a Fool's Errand Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/6/23 by John McKern
Can Dam Removal Save the Snake River? High Country News, 1/1/23 by Hayley Austin


Wild Salmon and 50 Years of Idaho's Sawtooth National Recreation Area Idaho Capital Sun, 12/30/22 by Pat Ford
The U.S. Promised Tribes They Would Always Have Fish, But the Fish They Have Pose Toxic Risks Wall Street Window, 12/28/22 Tony Schick & Maya Miller
Watch Salmon People: A Tribal Fishing Family's Fight to Preserve a Way of Life Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/21/22 by Katie Campbell
Sea Lions and Humans vs Salmonoids Daily Kos, 12/29/22 by DickEK Community
Solving the Problem of the Salmon Capital Press, 12/8/22 by Editorial Board
Salmon Recovery: One More Step for Cantwell Seattle Times, 12/29/22 by Fritz Wollett
A Scenario Where Idahoans Could Freeze in the Dark KLIX News Radio, 12/30/22 by Bill Colley
Schriever Named to Northwest Power and Conservation Council Capital Press, 1/2/23 by Eric Barker
Schriever Makes Power Move Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 12/30/22 by Eric Barker
Risch Blocks Snake River Dam Breaching Language from Water Resources Act Big Country News, 12/13/22 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers' Journey to the Energy and Commerce Gavel E&E News, 12/6/22 by George Cahlink
State Republicans Adding to Energy Discussion The Columbian, 12/13/22 by Editorial Board
Washington State Has Low Electricity Prices. Will It Stay That Way? The Center Square, 12/1/22 by Brett Davis
On World Stage, Inslee Decries 'NIMBYism' in Washington Capital Press, 11/14/22 by Don Jenkins
Tyranny and Virtue Signaling at the Climate Summit Capital Press, 11/24/22 by Editorial Board
Students Demonstrate in Twin Falls for Action on Salmon Recovery Idaho Mountain Express, 11/23/22 by Tony Tekaroniake Evans
Conservationists: To Save Salmon, Dams Must Come Down Victoria Advance, 11/14/22 by Lorien Nettleton
Dams Show Promise for Sustainable Food Systems, But We Should Tread Lightly Popular Science, 11/14/22 by Laura Baisas
PPC Threatens to Lift Stay on CRSO; Expresses Concerns Over NOAA Report NW Fishletter, 11/7/22 Steve Ernst & K.C. Mehaffey
Applauds City Council Lewiston Tribune, 12/4/22 by Marvin F. Dugger
Spokane Councilors Delay Vote on Snake River Dam Removal to Meet with Tribes The Center Square, 11/15/22 by RaeLynn Ricarte
Lewiston City Council Votes to Support Keeping Snake River Dams Big Country News, 11/15/22 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers Hopes to Reset Energy Policy, If She Heads House Energy Committee KUOW, 11/10/22 by Courtney Flatt
Lewiston City Council to Again Consider Resolution to Support Snake River Dams Big Country News, 11/8/22 by Staff
Spokane Councilors Assail 'Unsustainable' Dam Removal Plan Big Country News, 11/7/22 by RaeLynn Ricarte
Spokane City Councilman Bingle's Dam Resolution Runs into a Wall of Resistance - For Now at Least Spokesman-Review, 11/8/22 by Colin Tiernan
With Leak Report, Snake River Dams Could Be Showing Their Age Utah Public Radio, 11/28/22 by Eric Tegethoff
Will Pigs Fly? Will Wishes Become Fishes? The Orcasonian, 11/30/22 by Ed Chaney
Are the Dams Really Damnable? Kitsap Sun, 11/25/22 by Ed Palm
Shallow Waters Lewiston Tribune, 11/20/22 by Charlotte Omoto
Conflict of Interest Lewiston Tribune, 11/10/22 by Rodger Rawson
Breaching Dams Won't Work Lewiston Tribune, 11/10/22 by Abel Workman
The Need to Breach the Lower Snake River Dams: A Look at 2022 Fish Returns Spokesman-Review, 11/11/22 by Helen Neville
Saving Salmon Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 11/8/22 by Linwood Laughy
New Analysis Shows Significant Rail Capacity to Replace Barging on the Lower Snake River Spokesman-Review, 10/29/22 by Bill Moyer
Can Trains Save Salmon? Spokesman-Review, 10/29/22 by Bill Moyer
Klamath Dams Provide Precedent or Snake River Dams Capital Press, 12/12/22 by Rex Cozzalio
Snake River Ag Stakeholders Comment on Klamath Dam Removal Capital Press, 11/18/22 by Matthew Weaver
Advocate: Dams Critical for Clean Energy Goals Lewiston Tribune, 11/4/22 by Eric Barker
There is No Replacing the Lower Snake River Dams Washington Business, 10/30/22 by Richard Davis
Catholic Bishops of WA Call for Common Good on Lower Snake River NBC Right Now, 11/3/22 by Michael LeCompte
Group: Oil Leak Another Reason Dams Should Be Removed Lewiston Tribune, 11/1/22 by Mitch Cutter
Consult a Mirror, Dick Lewiston Tribune, 10/30/22 by Sophia Gill
Indoctrinating Our Children Lewiston Tribune, 10/6/22 by Dick Sherwin
With Renewables, Native Communities Chart a Path to Energy Sovereignty Tucson Sentinel, 10/19/22 by Jeff St. John
Exhibit of Wawawai County Park Lands Opens in MASC Oct. 20 WSU Insider, 10/18/22 by Nella Letizia
How Safe are U.S. Rivers 50 Years After the Clean Water Act? Scientific American, 10/18/22 by Cari Shane
Should Dams Be Used as Giant Batteries? The Columbian, 10/16/22 by Eli Francovich
Support Builds for Snake River Dam Breaching as Salmon Face Extinction Sierra Magazine, 10/13/22 by Tatum McConnell
Major Pacific Northwest Business Groups OBI, AWB Rally Behind Hydropower Portland Business Journal, 10/12/22 by Pete Danko
This Year's Fish Runs Show Dams Don't Need to be Breached Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/9/22 by John McKern
Make Salmon Restoration a Policy and Budget Priority Seattle Times, 10/3/22 by Debra Lekanoff
Snake River: Dam Removal is Counterproductive Seattle Times, 9/26/22 by Robert Bisordi
Plaintiffs: 'Substantial Progress' Needed for CRSO EIS Litigation Stay NW Fishletter, 10/7/22 by K.C. Mehaffey
National Report Details Ways to Boost Fish Recovery Efforts Along Columbia River The Daily News, 10/10/22 by Sydney Brown
NOAA: Breaching Lower Snake River Dams 'Essential' to Helping Salmon King 5, 10/6/22 by Staff
NOAA Determines Dams on Lower Snake River Must Be Breached Fox 13 Seattle, 10/4/22 by Matthew Smith
Final Federal Report on Saving Salmon Calls Breaching Snake Dams a 'Centerpiece Action' Idaho Statesman, 10/1/22 by Annette Cary
Federal Report Recommends Removing Four Lower Snake River Dams to Protect Salmon Oregon Public Radio, 9/30/22 by Courtney Flatt
Counting the Costs on Hydroelectric Dam Removals The Chronicle, 9/21/22 by John Hess
Dams Removal Will Have Devastating Effects on Farmers, Rural Communities, Ag Industry Idaho County Free Press, 9/29/22 by Staff
Washington Needs 'All-of-the-Above' Approach to Energy Future Kitsap Sun, 9/29/22 by Kris Johnson
Spokane Fish Biologist Appointed to Washington Salmon Recovery Board KXLY, 10/24/22 by Vincent Saglimbeni
Want a Family-fun Time Learning about Snake Dams and Fish? Head to RiverFest this Weekend Tri-City Herald, 10/6/22 by Editorial Board
Youth Rally to Protect Salmon in the Snake River KUOW, 9/27/22 by Courtney Flatt
Rep. McMorris Rodgers has Strong Election Night Showing Big Country News, 11/9/22 by RaeLynn Ricarte
In Race Against Mike Simpson, Challenger Wendy Norman Pushes for Affordable Health Care Idaho Capital Sun, 11/3/22 by Clark Corbin
Smiley's Policies Will Add Fuel to the Climate Disaster Fire The UW Daily, 11/3/22 by Andre Stepankowsky
Murray or Smiley? Here's Our Choice in this Contentious, WA race for U.S. Senate Tri-City Herald, 11/1/22 by Editorial Board
In Their Own Words: Oregon Candidates for Governor on Environment, Climate Change KGW, 10/28/22 by Kale Williams
WA 4th District Race is No Slam Dunk: Herald's Pick Between Rep. Newhouse and Doug White Tri-City Herald, 10/27/22 by Editorial Board
2022 Election: Q&A with Mike Chapman and Sue Forde The Leader, 10/27/22 by Staff
2022 Election: Q&A with Brian Pruiett and Steve Tharinger The Leader, 10/27/22 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers Coming to Clarkston Lewiston Tribune, 10/26/22 by Staff
Watch Recap: 5 Takeaways from Sunday's U.S. Senate Debate Crosscut, 10/22/22 by Donna Gordon Blankinship
I Saw You - Week of October 20 Pacific NW Inlander, 10/20/22 by Staff
White Challenges Incumbent Newhouse in 4th District Methow Valley News, 10/19/22 by 4th District Candidates
Newhouse, White Face Off in Congressional Race that Will Test Central Washington Republicans The Spokesman-Review, 10/14/22 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Simpson Talks Inflation, Gas Prices, Dams and Why He Gives the Biden Administration an 'F' East Idaho News, 10/13/22 by Nate Eaton
Idaho Debates: Senator Crapo Defends Record Against Challengers KTVB News, 10/6/22 by Betsey Russel
Smiley Supports Correcting the Problems We Face as a Nation Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/6/22 by Nat Webb
Clallam PUD Commissioner Candidates Debate County's Energy Future Sequim Gazette, 9/26/22 by Peter Segall
Blumenauer on Cannabis, Abortion, Republicans and the Snake River Dams Portland Business Journal, 9/23/22 by Elizabeth Hayes
The Racism, and Resilience, Behind Today's Pacific Northwest Salmon Crisis Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/24/22 by Tony Schick
Speaking Up for Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 9/23/22 by Eric Barker
Will No One Fight for Snake River Steelhead and Salmon? Hatch Magazine, 9/15/22 by Chris Hunt
Changes in 2022 Bring Optimism for Southern Resident Orcas' Recovery Go Anacortes, 9/28/22 by Cooper Castelle
Court Ruling on Endangered Killer Whales Could Force a Rewrite of Federal Fisheries Policy KTOO, 8/18/22 by Robert Woolsey
When It Comes To Dams, Dugger's Claims are Fishy Lewiston Tribune, 9/20/22 by Richard Scully
When It Comes to Fish and Dams, Who is Gaslighting Who? Lewiston Tribune, 8/28/22 by Marvin F. Dugger
Dugger 'Gas Lights' Fish Recovery and Dam Breaching Lewiston Tribune, 8/14/22 by Richard Scully
Fish Are Simply an Excuse to Breach Our Dams Lewiston Tribune, 7/31/22 by Marvin F. Dugger
Inslee OK with Nuclear Replacing Lower Snake River Dams' Hydro Power KPVI, 9/20/22 by The Center Square
'New Opportunities We Didn't Have Before'-- Gov. Inslee Talks Climate Policy KUOW, 9/7/22 by Malcolm & Leibovitz
Reaction Mixed to Salmon Study Rejecting Snake River "Status Quo" Tri-Cities Journal of Business, 9/22 by Staff
Listen USDA's Export Sales Reporting System and Fuel Prices Down-Diesel Up, 9/1/22 by Bob Larson
Lower Snake River Dam Removals Now Hinge on Energy, Irrigation Replacements Missoula Current, 8/30/22 by Alanna Madden
Yakama Nation Leaders Praise Official Report on Breaching Lower Snake River Dams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/30/22 by Allison Frost
Thanks Gov. Inslee and Sen. Murray for Affirming the Obvious in WA's Snake Dam Debate Tri-City Herald, 8/29/22 by Editorial Board
Breaching Lower Snake River Dams Won't Happen, Say McMorris Rodgers, Newhouse Ripon Advance, 8/29/22 by News Service
Watch WA State Leaders Offer Incremental Progress Toward One Day Removing Snake River Dams KGW, 8/26/22 by Pat Dooris
Murray/Inslee: Breaching is 'Not an Option Right Now,' While Calling Status Quo Unsustainable Spokesman-Review, 8/25/22 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Dungeness Runs Decline; No Dams Tri-City Herald, 9/6/22 by Michael Doenges
Wheat Growers Respond to Snake River Report Waterways Journal, 9/7/22 by Dave Murray
Wheat Leaders: Protect Lower Snake River Dams Wheat Letter Blog, 8/26/22 by Staff
Snake River Dam Report Leaves Many Costly Questions Capital Press, 9/1/22 by Editorial Board
Lower Snake River Dam Removals Now Hinge on Energy, Irrigation Replacements Courthouse News Service, 8/29/22 by Alanna Madden
Breaching the Four Lower Snake River Dams Not an Option Right Now, say Murray, Inslee Northwest News Network, 8/26/22 by Courtney Flatt
Report: Benefits of Dams Must Be Replaced Before Breaching KTVB News, 8/26/22 by Nicholas K. Geranios
Report: Snake River Dam Electricity Must Be Replaced Before They Are Removed KGMI, 8/26/22 by Staff
Inslee-Murray Report: Snake River Dam Breaching Not Feasible Now Capital Press, 8/26/22 by Matthew Weaver
WA Leaders: Breaching Snake River Dams Necessary, Not Yet Possible Public News Service, 8/25/22 by Eric Tegethoff
Inslee, Murray say Snake River Dam Removal Possible, But Not Yet Seattle Times, 8/25/22 by Nicholas Turner
Salmon or Dams? The U.S. Might Finally Pick Salmon In These Times, 8/25/22 by Rocky Barker
A Life with Salmon Depends on Dam Removal Spokesman-Review, 9/11/22 by Amy Cordalis
Democratic Governors Energy Policies Do You No Favors Lewiston Tribune, 9/11/22 by Bob Hassoldt
Alternative Energy Can Help Save Salmon, Steelhead The Oregonian, 9/4/22 by Paulette Wittwer
Use Common Sense with Dams Spokesman-Review, 9/3/22 by Mike Cloke
Breach the Lower Four Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 9/3/22 by Henry Roller
The Real Cost of Lower Snake River Dams Bend Bulletin, 8/28/22 by Monica Tomosy
Removing Dams Key for Salmon The Oregonian, 8/24/22 by Kelly Dawson
Facts About the Lower Snake River Dams Bend Bulletin, 8/22/22 by Jerry Freilich
Case is Well Made for Removal of Snake River Dams Everett Herald, 8/11/22 by Nancy Johnson
Snake Dams' Contributions Were Overstated in Letter Everett Herald, 8/9/22 by Malcolm Cumming
Our Grid Can Save Salmon and a Green Energy Future Everett Herald, 7/25/22 by Sullivan & Duncan
Snake River Dams' Power Easily Replaced Everett Herald, 8/10/22 by Donald J. Miller
Urgent Action Needed to Save Fish Lewiston Tribune, 8/21/22 by Eric Barker
Advocates Anxious Ahead of Lower Snake River Dam Report The Columbian, 8/17/22 by Lauren Ellenbecker
Plaintiffs in Long Fight Over Endangered Salmon Hope a Resolution Is Near New York Times, 8/15/22 by Walker & Cameron
'Who Are We Without Salmon?' Tribes Gather Along Dammed Snake River to Call for Action Tri-City Herald, 8/10/22 by Lauren Ellenbecker
Oregon Workers Need the Snake River Dams The Register-Guard, 8/28/22 by Cheri Helt
Dam Removal Spokesman-Review, 8/25/22 by Tom Brown
Dams Serve a Purpose The Columbian, 8/21/22 by Matthew Malcom
Snake River Dams are Working for Us All Lewiston Tribune, 8/17/22 by Marvin J. Entel
Drained Snake River Reservoirs Would Resemble Parched Rhine Riverbeds The Star, 8/17/22 by Don C. Brunell
Why You Should Give a Darn About These Dams The Chronicle, 8/12/22 by Michael J. Sykes
Fish Declined Before Dams Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/14/22 by Gene Spangrude
Much Ado About the Lower Snake River Dams The Register-Guard, 8/14/22 by Su Libby
A Carbon Free, Renewable Resource Faces Extinction Bend Bulletin, 8/2/22 by Dave Markham
Snake River Dams Vital to State's Clean Energy Goals Everett Herald, 8/2/22 by Todd Myers
Breaching Snake Dams Terrible Idea Tri-City Herald, 7/12/22 by Tris McCall
A Clean Power Grid and Its Jobs Depend on Hydropower Everett Herald, 7/10/22 by Mark Riker
Columbia Grain CEO: 'Cooler, Smarter Heads' Will Prevail on Snake River Dams Capital Press, 8/22/22 by Matt Weaver
Leadership Change at Port of Lewiston: Managers Talk Snake River Dams Capital Press, 8/8/22 by Matt Weaver
Biggest Threat to the Sawtooth National Recreation Area is Outside its Boundaries Boise State Public Radio, 8/17/22 by Rachel Cohen
Columbia River's Salmon Are at the Core of Ancient Religion Las Vegas Sun, 8/16/22 by Associated Press
Ag Stakeholders Consider Next Steps on Snake River Dams Capital Press, 8/30/22 by Matthew Weaver
Salmon Face Bigger Threat Than Snake River's Dams Everett Herald, 8/18/22 by David Welch
Columbia Grain CEO: Keep Snake River Dams, 8/18/22 by John Reidy
Listen Dam Fight Sportsman Spotlight, 8/10/21 by David Sparks Ph.D.
Removing Dams Would Cause Producers Problems and Take a Long Time RFD TV, 8/8/22 by James Ferguson
Electric Vehicles Seen as Driving Demand for Hydropower Capital Press, 8/6/22 by Don Jenkins
Lawmakers Question White House's 'Lack of Transparency' on Snake River Dam Reports Capital Press, 8/4/22 by Matthew Weaver
Rep. McMorris Rodgers Readies for Town Hall, Fights Dam Breaching Center Square, 8/4/22 by RaeLynn Ricarte
Listen How a Federal Agency is Contributing to Salmon's Decline in the Northwest Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/4/22 by Tony Schick
New Deal Seeks to Extend Truce in Court Battle Over Columbia River Salmon Bellingham Herald, 8/8/22 by Hal Berton
Groups Seek Pause in Long-Running Columbia River Basin Salmon Dispute Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/4/22 by Todd Milbourn
Salmon and Dam Talks Get Another Year Lewiston Tribune, 8/5/22 by Eric Barker
Federal Government, Salmon Advocates Agree to One-Year Extension of Legal Timeout Lewiston Tribune, 8/4/22 by Eric Barker
It's Now or Never for Salmon The Columbian, 8/7/22 by Laurie Kerr
Solutions, Not More Studies, To Save Salmon The Columbian, 8/4/22 by Marjorie Millner
The Snake River Dams Must Be Removed Bend Bulletin, 8/3/22 by Yancy Lind
All Those EVs Are Great, But Where Will the Electricity Come From? Spokesman-Review, 8/1/22 by Kurt Miller
Snake River Dams Are Killing Fish The Columbian, 8/3/22 by Liz Hamilton
Dams and Salmon Sportsman Spotlight, 8/1/22 by David Sparks Ph.D.
Salmon Recovery Efforts Are Happening at the Local Level Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 7/31/22 by Mike Denny
Will Salmon Finally Win This Year? Hillsboro News Times, 8/1/22 by Rocky Barker
Southern Resident Orcas Need Action Now San Juan Journal, 7/31/22 by Sorrel North
Think of This Heat and the Need for Cool Air. Risks of Removing Snake Dams Too Costly Tri-City Herald, 7/28/22 by Sen. Perry Dozier
Sammamish Youth Board Calls for Removal of Lower Snake River Dams Sammamish Independent, 7/21/22 by Misha Agrawal
Listen Sawtooth Organization Gives Rep. Simpson Award for Work on Wilderness, Salmon Boise State Public Radio, 8/5/22 by Rachel Cohen
Rep. Simpson to be Feted at Stanley Event Lewiston Tribune, 7/31/22 by Staff
Water Development Act Passes Senate Lewiston Tribune, 7/29/22 by Eric Barker
Report on Snake River Dams Commissioned by Inslee, Murray Will Be Delayed Lewiston Tribune, 7/27/22 by Eric Barker
BPA is Sabotaging Administration Efforts on Salmon and Renewable Energy Yakima Herald, 6/25/23 by Mitch Cutter
Breach of Lower Snake River Dams Will Aid Recovery of Native Fish, New Study Says Wenatchee World, 8/5/22 by Sean Nealon
Breach of Lower Snake River Dams Will Aid Recovery of Native Fish, New Study Says KTVZ, 7/27/22 by News Sources
Watch Salmon Could Make a Comeback if Lower Snake River Dams are Breached, New Research Finds KGW, 7/27/22 by Joe Raineri
Breach of Lower Snake River Dams Will Aid Recovery of Native Fish, New Study Says Oregon State University, 7/26/22 by Press Release
Damned If You Do ... National Review, 7/27/22 by Andrew Stuttaford
Feds Should Engage Co-ops to Protect Wildlife, Montana Co-op Leader Says NRECA, 7/27/22 by Erin Kelly
Glimmers: Some Hope for a Solution for Northwest Dams? Post Alley, 7/22/22 by Dan Chasan
Removing These Dams Could Raise Montanas Electricity Prices Montana Talks, 7/19/22 by Aaron Flint
For a Renewable Power Grid, Snake River Dams Can't Go Away The Register-Guard, 7/17/22 by Chappel & Roadman
Correcting the Record On Salmon and Dams Idaho State Journal, 7/25/22 by Roger Rankin
Politicians, Environmentalists Ignoring the Facts on Snake River Dams, Salmon Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 7/24/22 by John McKern
Where Once There Were Carrots, Now There Are Sticks Lewiston Tribune, 7/18/22 by Marty Trillhaase
Studies Show Removing Snake River Dams Can Aid Salmon Everett Herald, 7/16/22 by Bob Rees
Two Other Dams on Snake River Are The Problem, Not Lower Dams Everett Herald, 7/16/22 by Samuel Bess
Breach Dams Idaho Statesman, 7/17/22 by Mitch Cutter
Cheers for Simpson Idaho Statesman, 7/17/22 by Dustin Henkelmann
Political Posturing in Snake Dams Debate The News Tribune, 7/17/22 by Greg Fiscus
CEQ Release of Pacific Northwest Reports Attracts Criticism The Fence Post, 7/14/22 by The Hagstrom Report
Oregon Businesses Ask Oregon Leaders to Help Un-Dam the Snake River Columbia Community Connection, 7/12/22 by Columbia Riverkeeper
Keeping Snake River Dams Will Be Costly, Too Everett Herald, 7/11/22 by Donald Miller
Breaching Dams is Key to Saving Salmon, Steelhead and Orcas Yakama Herald, 7/10/22 by Coleen Anderson
Heat Wave. Wildfires. Recession. Yet 'Ludicrous' Push to Breach Snake Dams, Newhouse Says Tri-City Herald, 8/2/22 by Annette Cary
To Protect the Grid and Meet Climate Goals, We Need the Lower Snake River Dams Quad City Herald, 7/19/22 by Hudson, Wallen & Ivory
Newhouse to Host Safety Forum KNDO/KNDU, 7/18/22 by Michael LeCompte
Newhouse 'Outraged' by White House Dam Breaching Draft Reports Capital Press, 7/18/22 by Matthew Weaver
White House Considers Impacts of Breaching Snake River Dams Circle of Blue, 7/18/22 by Staff
Solutions, Not More Studies, To Save Salmon The Columbian, 7/18/22 by Editorial Board
Dam Breaching is Bad for Idaho Idaho State Journal, 7/8/22 by Rep. Scott Bedke
Central Washington Ignored in Snake River Dams Reports Grand Coulee Star, 7/12/22 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
Inslee Has New Senior Natural Resource Policy Advisor NW Sportsman, 7/27/22 by Andy Walgamott
Northwest Tribes Gather for Salmon Orca Summit in D.C. Spokesman-Review, 7/14/22 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Listen Two New Federal Reports Look at Removing Snake River Dams to Help Endangered Fish Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/20/22 by Courtney Flatt
Federal Report Says Removing Snake River Dams 'Essential' to Helping Threatened Salmon Idaho Capital Sun, 7/19/22 by Clark Corbin
Idaho Officials React to Biden Administration's Salmon Reports on Snake River Dams Idaho News 6, 7/14/22 by Steve Dent
Watch Advocates Show Support for Removal of Snake River Dams King 5, 7/14/22 by Staff
Removing Dams Might be Needed to Save Salmon. Here's What Idaho Leaders are Saying Boise State Public Radio, 7/13/22 by Rachel Cohen
Federal Report Recommends Breaching Lower Snake River Dams to Restore Salmon Spokane Public Radio, 7/13/22 by Courtney Flatt
Watch Snake River Dams may Need to Be Removed to Help Salmon, White House Says King 5, 7/12/22 by Staff
Feds' Snake River Dams Reports Do Not Endorse Removal Plan ENR Northwest, 7/13/22 by James Leggate
Snake River Dam Breaching Debate Divides Northwest Agri-Pulse, 7/12/22 by Noah Wicks
'Difficult and Costly.' Snake Dams Should Be Breached, Says Biden Administration Report Tri-City Herald, 7/12/22 by Annette Cary
NOAA: Breaching Snake River Dams 'Essential' to Save Salmon Greenwire, 7/12/22 by Jennifer Yachnin
White House Weighs in on Lower Snake River Dam Breaching in Unusual Power Play Seattle Times, 7/12/22 by Lynda Mapes
Watch White House Reports Lower Snake River Dams Should Be Removed KHQ Q6, 7/12/22 by Staff
White House: To Help Salmon, Lower Snake River Dams May Need To Be Removed Capital Press, 7/12/22 by Nicholas Geranios
Report: Breaching Snake Dams a 75 Billion Dollar Gamble KFLD, 7/12/22 by Staff
What Wild Snake River Salmon Will Cost Idaho Business Review, 7/8/22 by Catie Clark
The Future of the Lower Snake River Dams: Do the Right Thing for Salmon, Tribes and Communities Seattle Times, 7/8/22 Saluskin, Brigham, Smith, Penney
Pacific Northwest Tribes Want to Hold American Leaders Accountable and Remove 4 Dams National Public Radio, 7/7/22 by Kirk Siegler
Pacific NW Tribes to Call on Congress to Breach Lower Snake River Dams at U.S. Capitol KXLY, 7/6/22 by Will Wixey
Weigh In On Lower Snake River Dams Vashon Island Beachcomber, 7/6/22 by Mary G.L. Shackelford
Future of the Lower Snake River Dams: Draft Report Makes a Poor Case, Economically, for Breaching Seattle Times, 7/8/22 Braun, Schoesler & Dozier
New Study Finds Breaching Snake River Dams Would Derail Decarbonization Goals Center Square, 7/7/22 by RaeLynn Ricarte
PUD Ponders Truck Replacement, Supports Snake Dam Protection Wahkiakum County Eagle, 7/7/22 by Diana Zimmerman
Time is Running Out to Save the Snake River Dams. Let WA Gov. Inslee Know Your Thoughts Tri-City Herald, 7/6/22 by Editorial Board
WA's Deadline for No More Fossil Fuel Impossible If Snake River Dams Breached, Study Says Bellingham Herald, 7/5/22 by Annette Cary
Study: Dam Proposal Puts Region Behind in Goal of 'Decarbonizing' NW Electrical Grid Capital Press, 7/1/22 by Matthew Weaver
Gov Jay Inslee on Abortion Rights, the January 6th Hearings, and More KUOW, 6/28/22 by Denkmann & Leibovitz
Washington Votes 534 - 75 at Convention Favoring Breaking Dams to Boost Salmon Population Daily Fly, 6/28/22 by Marisa Lloyd
Washington Democrats Make Dam Removal a Platform Plank Center Square, 6/27/22 by RaeLynn Ricarte
Several Hundred Take to Willamette River, Willamette Park to Protest 4 Snake River Dams The Oregonian, 6/25/22 by Bill Monroe
Making Ourselves Whole by Breaching Lower Snake River Dams, Restoring Salmon to Idaho Idaho Statesman, 7/1/22 Dr. Thomas L. (Les) Purce
Waiting Could Force Bad Choice on Dams, Salmon Everett Herald, 7/3/22 by Editorial Board
Young People Gather to Save NW Salmon, Call for Dam Removal Public News Service, 6/3/22 by Eric Tegethoff
Brainwashing the Youth Lewiston Tribune, 6/30/22 by Marvin Entel
How Will Wahkiakum County Benefit? Wahkiakum County Eagle, 6/23/22 by Kent Martin
To Save Salmon, Snake River Dams Must Be Removed The Columbian, 6/27/22 by Lacey Deweert
Snake River Dams Aren't Worth Loss of Salmon Species Everett Herald, 6/26/22 by Cynthia Jones
It's Time to Work Together to Breach the Lower Snake Dams Spokesman-Review, 6/25/22 by Pollock, Masonis & Jones
Snake River Dams: 'Status Quo is Not an Option' Seattle Times, 6/24/22 by Nancy Hirsh
Snake River Dams: Important Role Seattle Times, 6/24/22 by Claude Pierret
Dam Breaching Idaho Press, 6/19/22 by Noor Sodhi
Why Public Power Utilities are Pouring Cash Into the Campaign to Support Lower Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 6/26/22 by Hal Berton
Columbia Basin Development League Gets a New Leader Capital Press, 6/17/22 by Matthew Weaver
PUD Commission Starts Long Term Planning Wahkiakum County Eagle, 6/23/22 by Diana Zimmerman
Inslee, GOP Spar Over Push to Breach Snake River Dams as Endangered Salmon Populations Decline My Northwest, 6/21/22 by Dalton Day
Weekend Reads: The Snake River Dams South Seattle Emerald, 6/18/22 by Kevin Schofield
The Political Thought Process and the Snake River Dams Capital Press, 6/16/22 by Editorial Board
A Herculean, Worthwhile Task Before Breaching Lower Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 6/16/22 by Editorial Board
Salmon are at the Forefront, But the Conversation is Beginning to Also Focus on Tribal Justice Pacific NW Inlander, 6/16/22 by Summer Sandstrom
Conflicts Escalate Amid Surge in WA Solar Farm Proposals Seattle Times, 6/13/22 by Don Jenkins
Snake River Dams' Energy is Replaceable; Salmon Species Isn't Everett Herald, 6/20/22 by Nancy Johnson
Idaho's Gutless Politicians Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 6/18/22 by Lynnsean Young
Lower Snake River Dams: Salmon Can't Wait Seattle Times, 6/16/22 by Laurel Schandelmier
Newhouse is in Over His Head on Dams Yakima Herald, 6/16/22 by Gary Cox
As Clock Ticks Toward Salmon Extinction, Will Sen. Crapo Finally Step Up to the Plate? Idaho Statesman, 6/14/22 by Shiva Rajbhandari
Sen. Crapo and Gov. Little Should Call for Change on the Lower Snake River Twin Times-News, 6/14/22 by Cheyon Sheen
Numbers Tell the Story Lewiston Tribune, 7/12/22 by Marvin Entel
Fish Counts Tell the Story Lewiston Tribune, 6/19/22 by Marvin Entel
Dam Hydropower Hard to Replace Whitman County Gazette, 6/16/22 by Don C. Brunell
Dam Breaching Would Hurt Idaho's Farmers Idaho Mountain Express, 6/15/22 by Sen. Carl Crabtree
Snake River Dam Removal Still a Bad Idea The Daily News, 6/15/22 by Andre Stepankowsky
Columbia Basin Badger Club Offers Both Sides in Debate Over Breaching WA's Snake Dams Tri-City Herald, 6/14/22 by Kirk Williamson
Snake River Dams Report Leaves Many Questions The Columbian, 6/13/22 by Editorial Board
Let's Look at the Facts Flathead Beacon, 6/9/22 by Mark Johnson
Inslee Predicts 'Blackouts, Destruction, and Death' this Summer KPVI, 6/14/22 by Center Square
Time is Running Out for Salmon as the Snake River Dam Removal Debate Enters a New Phase KUOW, 6/13/22 Kim Malcolm & Andy Hurst
Future Salmon Runs, Ag and Cheap Power at Stake as Public Reviews Breaching Snake River Dams Fox 13 Seattle, 6/11/22 by Staff
Snake River Dam Removal Could Cost Billions, Report Says Agri-Pulse, 6/10/22 by Noah Wicks
Breaching Snake Dams Could Cost $27+ Billion, But Fish and Tribes Would Benefit, Report Says Tri-City Herald, 6/10/22 by Annette Cary
Murray-Inslee Snake River Report says Breaching Dams Would Cost $10 Billion to $27 Billion Spokesman-Review, 6/9/22 by Nick Gibson
Removing Lower Snake River Dams Offers Best Chance for Salmon Recovery -- At Steep Price Seattle Times, 6/9/22 Lynda Mapes and Hal Berton
Inslee, Murray Release 'Lower Snake River Dams: Benefit Replacment Draft Report' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/9/22 by Bill Crampton
Watch Electricity, Irrigation Could Be Replaced if Snake River Dams are Breached, Report Finds KGW, 6/9/22 by Associated Press
Replacing Benefits of Snake River Dams Would Cost Billions Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/9/22 by Nicholas Geranios
Breaching Dams to Save Salmon Could Cost $27B E&E News, 6/9/22 by Jennifer Yachnin
As Smolt-to-Adult Returns Continue to Dwindle, Salmon Can Teach a Lesson at Sunbeam Dam Idaho Capital Sun, 6/10/22 by Pat Ford
It's About Dam Time Post Register, 6/8/22 by Carson King
A Win for Simpson and Dam-Breaching Lewiston Tribune, 6/5/22 by Marty Trillhaase
Summer for Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 6/4/22 by Nicole Xiao
Removing Dams Crucial to Saving $1.5B Industry, Preventing Extinction of Iconic NW Salmon Spokesman-Review, 6/4/22 by Matt Eleazer
Working Together, We Can Have Healthy Rivers and a Healthy Economy Spokesman-Review, 6/4/22 by Alex McGregor
Don't Fall for TV Ads' Climate Case for Snake Dams Everett Herald, 6/2/22 by Marc Sullivan
Take Steps to Save Salmon; Remove Snake River Dams Everett Herald, 6/2/22 by Evan Lepine
Todd Myers: It's Time to Think Small Capital Press, 6/1/22 by Don Jenkins
WA Congresswoman Says No to Bill That Would Send Millions to Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lewiston Tribune, 6/20/22 by Eric Barker
Dams are Critical for Reliable Energy Grid in PNW Herald and News, 6/20/22 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
Legislation Would Protect Snake River Dams Ritzville Adams County Journal, 6/16/22 by Center Square
Newhouse Leads GOP Colleagues in Offering Bill to Protect Lower Snake River Dams Ripon Advance, 6/13/22 by News Service
Newhouse Files Bill to Save Snake Dams. Reaction to Latest Dam Breaching Report Swift Tri-City Herald, 6/10/22 by Annette Cary
Legislation Looks to Protect the Snake River Dams Pacific Northwest Ag Network, 6/10/22 by Glenn Vaagen
Idaho Officials Criticize New Report on Breaching Snake River Dams Idaho Statesman, 6/10/22 by Nicole Blanchard
Republicans Reject Lower Snake River Dam-Breaching Plan E&E News, 6/10/22 by Jennifer Yachnin
Tour Touts Snake River Dam Benefits, Other Western Issues Capital Press, 6/6/22 by Matthew Weaver
Newhouse Hosts Congressional Dam Tour Columbia Basin Herald, 6/2/22 by Charles Featherstone
Members of the Congressional Western Caucus Get a Close Look at Snake River Dams NW News Network, 6/2/22 by Courtney Flatt
Representative Newhouse Leads Energy Field Tour Promoting All-of-the-Above Energy KNDO/KNDU, 6/2/22 by Karlee Van de Venter
Newhouse Brings GOP Congress Members to Tri-Cities to Learn About NW Issues 1st Hand Tri-City Herald, 6/1/22 by Annette Cary
Kayakers are Following Salmon's Journey to the Sea Vashon Island Beachcomber, 6/2/22 by Jenna Dennison
Sun Valley Forum to Explore Connection Between Endangered Salmon, Energy Generation Idaho Mountain Express, 6/2/22 by Tony Tekaroniake Evans
Efforts to Breach Dams, Limit Natural Gas Will Hurt Energy Consumers Spokesman-Review, 5/31/22 by Sen. Mark Schoesler
Breaching Snake Dams Would More Than Double NW Region's Risk of Power Shortages Tri-City Herald, 5/31/22 by Rick Dunn
Listen Wheat Worries Part 1 & 2, 5/20/22 by Bob Larson
Electric Rate Hikes, Power Shortages Must Be Part of Breaching Snake Dams Discussion Tri-City Herald, 5/16/22 by Editorial Board
Solar Company Seeks to Override Washington County's Law Capital Press, 5/16/22 by Don Jenkins
Grant PUD Chief Testifies Before House Columbia Basin Herald, 5/13/22 by Charles Featherstone
Heading Toward Extinction Lewiston Tribune, 5/29/22 by Richard Scully
Use Facts, Not Fear, to Save Columbia River Salmon Flathead Beacon, 5/26/22 by Ben Long
Reads It Differently Lewiston Tribune, 5/24/22 by Steven Evans
Reads It Differently Lewiston Tribune, 5/24/22 by Marvin Entel
After 30 Years of Endangered Listing for Chinook, It's Time to Bring Back the Kings of Idaho Idaho Capital Sun, 5/20/22 by Mitch Cutter
Look It Up Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/22 by Dick Sherwin
Lower Snake Dams: Now's The Time, Opportunity To Think Big Northwest Sportsman, 5/18/22 by Andy Walgamott
Lower Snake River Dam Debate: Who's Winning? Idaho County Free Press, 5/18/22 by Kyle Maki
Conference Discusses History and Future of Sawtooth National Recreation Area Boise State Public Radio, 5/25/22 by Rachel Cohen
Listen Federal Efforts to Save Salmon in the Pacific Northwest are Failing Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/24/22 by Tony Schick
Alcohol Banned at Popular Snake River Party Spot for WA and Idaho College Students Tri-City Herald, 5/19/22 by Annette Cary
USACE Bans Alcohol at Granite Point KNDO/KNDU, 5/19/22 by Karlee Van de Venter
World Fish Migration Day 2022: Helping Fish Migrate Helps the Economy National Fisherman, 5/16/22 by Jose Antunes
Restoring Salmon on the Snake River Spokesman-Review, 5/13/22 by Thomas Soeldner
The Scientific Consensus on Dam Breaching is Broad and Deep, Like It or Not Spokesman-Review, 5/13/22 by Shawn Vestal
Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey Comes to Fort Hall on Wednesday Idaho State Journal, 5/16/22 by Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
On Totem Journey, Lummi Carvers Call for Lower Snake Dam Removal KNKX Public Radio, 5/5/22 by Bellamy Pailthorp
Traveling Totem Pole, Indigenous Activists Visit Eugene to Advocate for Dam Removal Register-Guard, 5/2/22 by Adam Duvernay
Salmon Orca Project Coming to Spokane Later This Month KXLY, 5/2/22 by Sienna Boucher
Totem Pole Journey Will Make a Stop on the UO Campus Around the O, 4/25/22 by Emmily Bristol
Columbia River 'At Tipping Point' Warns Longtime Conservation Leader The Columbian, 5/9/22 by Chuck Thompson
Airport Board Takes Stand Against Breaching Dams Lewiston Tribune, 5/18/22 by Elaine Williams
Action Team Calls on Congress to Fund Removal of Lower Snake River Dams San Juan Journal, 5/17/22 by Orcas Women's Coalition
Petition to Remove Lower Snake River Dams Gets 1,000 Signatures The Daily News, 5/8/22 by Sydney Brown
Group Promotes Advantages of Dams Lewiston Tribune, 5/8/22 by Elaine Williams
Our Cultural Survival is Tied to Salmon's Survival Everett Herald, 5/14/22 by Amy Gulick
CRITFC Develops Vision for Fish, Energy in Columbia Basin NW Fishletter, 5/2/22 by K.C. Mehaffey
Inslee and Murray are Targeting the Wrong Dams The Chronicle, 5/17/22 by Don C. Brunell
Act to Save Salmon The Columbian, 5/14/22 by Kaye Exo
It's About Dam Time Idaho State Journal, 5/12/22 by Carson King
Idaho Water Idaho State Journal, 5/10/22 by Daryl Tague
Dams Idaho State Journal, 5/10/22 by John W. Sigler
Thoughts on Dams, Power and Salmon Tri-City Herald, 5/6/22 by Stan Kuick
Removing Dams is Crucial to a $1.5 Billion Industry Yakima Herald, 4/29/22 by Dan McDonald
Newhouse Grills Energy, Ag Secretaries on Breaching Snake Dams, Hanford and New Nuclear Tri-City Herald, 4/29/22 by Annette Cary
Central Washington Sets the Standard: Embracing Innovation, Lowering Energy Costs Washington Times, 4/27/22 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
Congressman Russ Fulcher Gets Tour of Lewiston's Water Treatment Facility Big Country News, 4/29/22 by Staff
Washington Legislative Leaders Talk Dam Breaching, Inslee's Veto Powers Big Country News, 4/29/22 by Staff
Lincoln Day Event Provides Platform for GOP Candidates Post Register, 4/11/22 by Logan Ramsey
These US Rivers Are Endangered by Climate Change, Pollution Tree Hugger, 5/9/22 by Staff
Some of America's Largest and Most Important Rivers are in a Crisis KZTV, 4/19/22 by Staff
Snake River Named One of Nation's Imperiled Waterways Lewiston Tribune, 4/20/22 by Eric Barker
Four Women Travel Over 1,000 Miles to Save Idaho's Salmon Boise State Public Radio, 4/25/22 by Hannah Gardoski
Idaho Youth Call for Climate Justice, Fish Preservation at Statehouse Rally Idaho 6 News, 4/22/22 by Madison Hardy
Boise State Students / Youth Salmon Protectors Raise Awareness About Lower Snake River Dams The Arbiter, 4/27/22 by Brydon Black
Edmonds-Woodway Graduate Helps Advocate for the Removal of Dams Edmonds Beacon, 4/21/22 by Staff
Pattern of Inaccuracy Doesn't Stop Dam Destruction Advocates Spokesman-Review, 4/29/22 by Todd Myers
About Those Hatchery Salmon Moscow Daily News, 4/29/22 by Aaron Parke
When It Comes To Fish Passage Survival Data, The Devil In The Details Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/22 by Steve Rainey
Aluminum Fight Proves Hydropower is Green in Multiple Ways Spokesman-Review, 4/27/22 by Kurt Miller
Restore Power, Then Breach Lewiston Tribune, 4/27/22 by Jim Emmert
Salmon and Steelhead Extinction Spokesman-Review, 4/24/22 by Harvey Morrison
Bringing Salmon Back Spokesman-Review, 4/24/22 by Bob Bristow
Fewer Dams Provided Migrating Fish a Significant Advantage Lewiston Tribune, 4/20/22 by Eric Barker
Decline Preceded Dams Lewiston Tribune, 4/20/22 by Gene Spangrude
Save the Salmon Spokesman-Review, 4/14/22 by Cindy Bunnell
Dams that Drive Salmon to Extinction are Not 'Green' Spokesman-Review, 4/14/22 by Ben Stuckart
Snake River Dam Breaching Debate Divides Northwest Agri-Pulse, 4/12/22 by Noah Wicks
Fishing Guide: WA Dams Contribute to Salmon Season Shutdown Public News Service, 4/12/22 by Eric Tegethoff
Rep. Schmick Encourages Clarkston Councilors in Their Efforts to Save Dams Lewiston Tribune, 4/12/22 by Staff
Another Voice on Lower Snake Dams Baker City Herald, 4/21/22 by Editorial Board
White House Study of Lower Snake River Dams Raises Farmers' Questions Capital Press, 4/15/22 by Matthew Weaver
Biden Administration Ignores the Facts: WA's Snake River Dams Are Not the Problem Tri-City Herald, 4/8/22 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
Biden Administration, Six Columbia Basin Tribes Met Last Week for a 'Nation-to-Nation' Talk Moscow Daily News, 3/29/22 by Eric Barker
Replacing Dams' Power Will Take Smart Planning Yakima Herald-Republic, 4/24/22 by Nancy Hirsh
Washington Wheat Farmers Plow Through Challenges The Chronicle, 4/7/22 by Marisa Lloyd
The Orca-Salmon-Dam-Dredging Controversy Lynden Tribune, 4/7/22 by Doris Smith
Political Push for Electric Vehicles Might Not Make Sense, or Cents The Chronicle, 4/6/22 by Chris Cargill
Take the Challenge Lewiston Tribune, 4/5/22 by Rick Rogers
Time for Serious Solutions for Breaching Dams Yakima Herald, 4/4/22 by Pat Hesselgesser
People Need to Know the Whole Story on Lower Snake River Dams The Olympian, 4/3/22 by John Hess
Speak the Truth About Salmon Spokesman-Review, 4/3/22 by Justin Hayes
Everyone Wins Lewiston Tribune, 4/3/22 by Susan Scully
Idaho Jr. Steeheads' Topher Jones Matches Love of Hockey with Outdoors USA Hockey News, 4/2/22 by Greg Bates
Shipley's Srijan Velamuri is Main Line Student of the Week Main Line Times, 3/28/22 by Bruce Adams
Activists Rally in Tacoma for Northwest Salmon The News Tribune, 3/27/22 by Staff
Don't 'Tear Out' Dams -- Breach Them The Chronicle, 4/1/22 by Julian Matthews
Critical Snake River Dams Stir Debate Progressive Farmer, 4/1/22 by Chris Clayton
Time To Do the Right Thing Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 3/31/22 by Linwood Laughy
We Must Change OPALCO to Help the Southern Resident Orcas San Juan Islander, 3/23/22 by Sharon Grace
Discussing Whether OPALCO Should Pay Dues to Lower Snake River Dam Lobbyists Orcasonian, 3/31/22 by Sharon Grace
Snake River Dams and Human Nature San Juan Journal, 3/30/22 by Bill Appel
Remove the Dams Lewiston Tribune, 3/27/22 by Lauren McCullough
Breach Snake River Dams to Save Salmon Populations Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 3/27/22 by Henry Roller
Lower Snake River Dam Removal Has Two Sides Orcasonian, 3/24/22 by Tom Owens
Restoring the Snake River Would Give Us Pride and Joy Idaho Mountain Express, 3/23/22 by David Cannamela
To Recover Salmon Populations, We Need to Think Bigger Portland Business Journal, 3/21/22 by Kurt Miller
It's Code Red for Snake River Salmon Portland Business Journal, 3/21/22 by Johnson and Welsh
Before the Dams Lewiston Tribune, 3/20/22 by Mark Edelblute
Columbia Basin Initiative Longview News-Journal, 3/20/22 by Ashlyn Lowenthal
Salmon and The Snake River The News Tribune, 3/19/22 by Marc Sullivan
Removing Dams Will Hurt the Most Vulnerable Among Us Statesman Journal, 3/18/22 by Kurt Miller
Let's Do All We Can for Salmon, Steelhead Spokesman-Review, 3/18/22 by Debbie Stempf
Need a Good Habitat for Salmon Idaho County Free Press, 3/9/22 by Leonard Wallace
Islanders Join Rally, Urging Lawmakers to Restore Snake River Vashon Island Beachcomber, 3/30/22 by Elizabeth Shepherd
Human Whale Mural Demonstrates the Size of a Healthy Orca San Juan Journal, 3/26/22 by Sienna Boucher
Merkley Discusses Salmon, Russia at Virtual Town Hall Daily Astorian, 3/20/22 by Erick Bengl
Columbia Basin Bulletin Q&A with Barry Thom, Director of West Coast Region of NOAA Fisheries Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/17/22 by Staff
Rep. Newhouse Hosts Community Roundtable on Agriculture and Lower Snake River Dams KEPR, 3/22/22 by Justin Berger
Tearing Out Lower Snake River Dams Gaining Support in D.C. and WA State Tri-City Herald, 3/21/22 by Annette Cary
Youth Brave the Rain to Save Salmon Vashon Island Beachcomber, 3/18/22 by Elizabeth Shepherd
WA's Snake Dams Involve Symbolism as Much as Mechanical Operations and Concrete Tri-City Herald, 3/21/22 by Darryll Olsen
Restaurants are Worried About Salmon. But is Breaching Snake River Dams the Solution? Tri-City Herald, 3/18/22 by Annette Cary
'Enthusiastic Advocate for Conservative Values.' Pasco Woman Aims for WA Legislature Tri-City Herald, 3/25/22 by Annette Cary
A Sign for Salmon Along Edmonds Way Edmonds Beacon, 3/17/22 by Staff
Boise High School Students Want to Save the Salmon. So They're Educating Idaho Youth Idaho Statesman, 3/15/22 by Becca Savransky
Create a Human Orca Mural at Jackson Beach San Juan Journal, 3/15/22 by Backbone Campaign
The Day The Dalles Dam Silenced Celilo Falls Portland Monthly, 3/9/22 by Gabriel Granillo
For the Planet's Sake and Our Own, We Should Let Rivers Run Free Undark, 3/3/22 by Tom Kiernan
Study Says Plans Needed to Replace Snake River Dams Power Generation NW News Network, 3/8/22 by Courtney Flatt
Inslee Appoints KC Golden to Represent Washington on Northwest Power and Conservation Council Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/3/22 by Staff
Washington Democrats Move to Give State Energy Council More Power Capital Press, 3/1/22 by Don Jenkins
$250K Heinz Award Goes to Builder of Irresistible Post-Fossil Fuel World Huffington Post, 11/27/12 by Carol Pierson Holding
Lewiston Open House to Inform Community Members on Keeping or Removing the Snake River Dam Daily Fly, 3/22/22 by Staff
Breaching Advocates Lay Out Their Case to Lewiston City Council Lewiston Tribune, 2/1/22 by Elaine Williams
Pacific Northwest Waterways Association Gets New Executive Director Capital Press, 2/18/22 by Matthew Weaver
What Does It Look Like When a Federal Judge Takes Over? Check Out Willamette River Basin Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/22/22 by Bill Crampton
Simpson and Tribe Talk Dam Removal Lewiston Tribune, 2/17/22 by Eric Barker
Smith says Simpson Has Met His 'Waterloo' Shoshone News-Press, 2/14/22 by Chuck Malloy
Cheers and Jeers: Disingenuous Lewiston Tribune, 2/11/22 by Marty Trillhaase
One Year Later, Simpson Dam Removal Proposal Remains a Threat, Ag Groups Say Capital Press, 2/11/22 by Matthew Weaver
Q&A: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Talks About Agriculture, Dams and COVID Capital Press, 2/10/22 by Matthew Weaver
Let Your Leaders Know Its Time to Breach the Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 3/9/22 by Susan Canham
Stand Up For the Dams Lewiston Tribune, 3/9/22 by Wayne Vantrease
Fish Not Extinct Lewiston Tribune, 3/6/22 by Marvin J. Entel
Dam Breaching Makes Sense Whitman County Gazette, 3/3/22 by Rich Alldredge
Choose Fish Over Dams Lewiston Tribune, 2/26/22 by Mitch Sanchotena
The Best Teacher Lewiston Tribune, 2/12/22 by Abel Workman
Breach the Dams Lewiston Tribune, 2/13/22 by Joel Mills
To Breach Or Not To Breach the Snake River Dams? Lewiston Tribune, 2/8/22 by Joel Mills
On This Date (in 2002 and 1982) Lewiston Tribune, 2/7/22 by Staff
Salmon Runs: Remove Sea Lions Seattle Times, 2/4/22 by John Crawford
Cloud Seeding, Collaborative Efforts Can Help Restore Idaho's Salmon Runs Idaho Mountain Express, 2/2/22 by Ron Abramovich
Scope of Snake River Salmon Review Needs to be Broadened Nisqually Valley News, 2/1/22 by Don Brunell
Remove Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 2/1/22 by Eleanor Mattice
An Idaho Republican Thwarts His Challenger After a Clash Over Dams and Endangered Salmon New York Times, 5/18/22 by Neil Vigdor
Rep. Madison Cawthorn Loses Primary Battle After Series of Controversies Fox 13 Seattle, 5/18/22 by Associated Press
Incumbent, Simpson Facing Four Challengers in Republican Primary for US Houses Seat KIVI TV, 5/16/22 by Anna Azallion
Snake River Dams at the Forefront for Republican Congressional Candidates Post Register, 5/7/22 by Jakob Thorington
The Choice of Simpson Versus Smith Post Register, 4/1/22 by Jim Key
Elected Leaders Deliver, But More Swift Action Needed Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber, 3/30/22 by Editorial Board
Make Idaho Free Again Twin Times-News, 3/26/22 by Adrian Arp
Help Congressman Simpson's Legacy Twin Times-News, 3/9/22 by Mitch Sanchotena
Vote Bryan Smith The Weekly Mailer, 3/8/22 by Staff
Answering the Call: Idaho's Elections Idaho State Journal, 2/25/22 by Brian Parsons
Attorney Joins Race for House District 24 B Twin Times-News, 2/24/22 by Lorien Nettleton
Simpson's Salmon Plan Weighs Many Interests Idaho Mountain Express, 2/2/22 by Rick Johnson
Protecting Endangered Fish is Not 'Radical Environmentalism' Lewiston Tribune, 2/1/22 by Richard Scully
Rep. Simpson Prioritizes Fish Over Farmers Idaho Mountain Express, 1/26/22 by Bryan Smith
The Ugly Truth about Snake River Dam Hudson Valley Magazine, 1/31/22 by Maxwell Alexander
Brunell Off Base on Pumped Storage Electricity The Chronicle, 1/20/22 by Mark Schoesler
Electric Vehicles: Where Will the Electricity Come From? Wenatchee World, 1/18/22 by Randy Suess
Little Briefly Visits Lewiston Lewiston Tribune, 1/22/22 by Eric Barker
Radical Environmentalists Prefer You Not Know These Facts Lewiston Tribune, 1/18/22 by Marvin F. Dugger
GOP Radicals Failed to Get Their Way -- This Time Lewiston Tribune, 1/13/22 by Marty Trillhasse
Talk is Cheap The Olympian, 1/14/22 by Mary Taylor Goforth
Breach Dams Idaho Statesman, 1/20/22 by Caroline DiVietro
Salmon Plan Idaho Statesman, 1/16/22 by David A. Cannamela
Protecting Snake River Wild Chinook, Steelhead from Extinction Requires Lower Snake Dam Removal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/13/22 by Tom Stuart
Hidden Meanings Lewiston Tribune, 1/12/22 by Shiva Rajbhandari
A Possible Snake River Dams Solution Bend Bulletin, 1/12/22 by Jim Greer
Reason to Oppose Dam Breaching on the Snake River Bend Bulletin, 1/11/22 by Kurt Miller
Removing Lower Snake Dams Will Not Return Salmon, Steelhead to Historic Spawning Habitat Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/6/22 by Fred Mensik
BPA's Connolly to Retire; Cogswell Joins Offshore Wind Developer Clearing Up, 1/14/22 Rick Adair & Steve Ernst
Longtime Farmer Selected to Serve on Lewiston's Port Commission Lewiston Tribune, 1/11/22 by Elaine Williams
Battle Will Continue Over Fish and Dams Lewiston Tribune, 1/2/22 by Eric Barker


Simpson has Enjoyed Some Vindication Lewiston Tribune, 12/31/21 by Staff
'The Moral Question of Our Generation' Eugene Weekly, 12/9/21 by Clayton Franke
'They Give Me Hope': Jane Fonda Backs Boise Students Studying Climate Change Post Register, 12/28/21 by Ryan Suppe
We Need More Dams, Not Fewer Capital Press, 12/29/21 by Randy Burns
Salmon and Steelhead Idaho Statesman, 12/26/21 by Trinity Compton
Damn Amnesia Lewiston Tribune, 12/25/21 by Mary Minton
Time to Ask Courts to Order Removal of Lower Snake River Dams Everett Herald, 12/24/21 by Scott Levy
Time to Ask to Breach the Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 12/22/21 by Scott Levy
New Survey Shows Support for Snake River Dams, in Contrast to Earlier Survey Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/26/21 by Courtney Flatt
Survey Shows Broad Support for Keeping Snake River Dams Capital Press, 12/23/21 by Matthew Weaver
Survey Finds Majority in Northwest Support Keeping Eastern Washington Dams Yakama Herald, 12/21/21 by Annette Cary
New Survey Finds Majority of Northwest Residents Support Lower Snake River Dams and Hydropower Big Country News, 12/21/21 by Staff
Governor Announces New Strategy to Protect and Restore Salmon Woodinville Weekly, 12/29/21 by Staff
The Top 10: Both Global and Local Implications Lewiston Tribune, 12/26/21 by Staff
"There is No More Time When it Comes to Salmon": Inslee Announces Investments for Species Recovery Spokesman-Review, 12/15/21 by Laurel Demkovich
Inslee 2022 Salmon Agenda Favors Snake River Dam Removal KFLD, 12/14/21 by John McKay
Rep. Simpson Details Snake River Dam Removal Concept Post Register, 12/14/21 by Jakob Thorington
Panel Discussion In Moscow Regarding Simpson's Proposal To Remove Lower Snake River Dams Pullman Radio, 11/15/21 by Evan Ellis
Conservation Group Sues Army Corps Over Columbia River Pollution Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/10/21 by Nicholas Geranios
Columbia Riverkeeper Sues Army Corps, says Hot Water Discharge from Dams Kills Fish Tri-City Herald, 12/9/21 by Staff
Lawsuit Hits Lower Columbia Dam Operator on 'Hot Water Pollution' Portland Business Journal, 12/9/21 by Pete Danko
Columbia Riverkeeper Sues Over Pollution in Columbia River System Law Street, 12/9/21 by Kendall Heebink
Lawsuit says Army Corps Dams Driving Columbia River Pollution 'Crisis' Reuters, 12/8/21 by Sebasiten Malo
Nonprofit Suing Army Corps Over Pollution in Columbia River KIRO 7, 12/8/21 by Staff
Environmental Group Sues Army Corps Over Pollution from Columbia River Dams Capital Press, 12/8/21 by George Plaven
When Dams Fell, Salmon Returned Lewiston Tribune, 12/12/21 by Eric Barker
Do the Math Lewiston Tribune, 12/7/21 by Kaye Ewing
Remove of Four Snake River Dams Best for Salmon, Orcas, Us Everett Herald, 12/3/21 by Lanni Johnson
Snake River Dams are Diminishing the Salmon Population San Juan Islander, 12/3/21 by Sienna Boucher
We Don't Have Time, But We Do Have Leadership Spokesman-Review, 12/1/21 Alyssa Macy & Stephanie Solien
American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall Rallies Pennsylvania Lancaster Farming, 11/26/21 by Philip Gruber
Idaho's Struggle to Save Wild Salmon is the Focus of a BBC Documentary Boise State Public Radio, 11/23/21 by Frankie Barnhill
Suquamish Chairman Talks Tribal Issues with Biden Administration Kitsap Sun, 11/19/21 by Staff
Governor Appoints Warm Springs
Man to Power Council
Madras Pioneer, 11/2/21 by Staff
Dams Defense Falls Flat Lewiston Tribune, 11/26/21 by Shiva Rajbhandari
Dams are Not the Problem Idaho Mountain Express, 11/24/21 by Jeff Sayre
Make the Request Lewiston Tribune, 11/23/21 by Scott Levy
Vigil Calls for More Urgency to Save Endangered Salmon, Orcas Salish Current, 11/22/21 by Jacquelline Allison
Cathy McMorris Rodgers' Views Do Not Square with Her Votes Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 11/21/21 by Michael de Grasse
Our Decarbonization Efforts are Being Compromised, But that Can Change Puget Sound Business Journal, 11/18/21 by Kurt Miller
WA Sen. Murray and Gov. Inslee are Trying to Answer the Wrong Question About Snake Dams Tri-City Herald, 11/18/21 by Kurt Miller
Calling for Honesty in Dams Fight as Biden, Inslee Urge Climate Action in Glasgow Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 11/14/21 Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Murray, Inslee Bend to Political Hostage-Taking Capital Press, 10/28/21 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
Rallying for Salmon with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribe at the Idaho Capitol KIVI, 11/20/21 by Steve Dent
Vigil for Sockeye Salmon Planned in Ketchum Idaho Mountain Express, 11/17/21 by Staff
We Still Need Hydro Power Spokesman-Review, 11/20/21 by Heidi Fritzmeier
Fish and Game Encouraged to Back Dam Breaching Lewiston Tribune, 11/16/21 by Eric Barker
Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo Should Come to the Table Around Northwest Salmon Solution Idaho Statesman, 11/8/21 by Shiva Rajbhandari
How Removing the Lower Snake River Dams Will Support Ocean Health During the Climate Crisis Spokesman-Review, 11/6/21 by Maanit Goel
Dam Breaching Should Be Reviewed Without Fear Lewiston Tribune, 11/2/21 Everett Herald Editorial
Costly Dam Removal Won't Fix Puget Sound Salmon Needs Everett Herald, 11/21/21 by Todd Myers
Plan with Dams' Removal Provides Best Hope for Salmon Everett Herald, 11/21/21 by Les Welsh
SEL and the Dams Moscow Pullman Daily News, 11/16/21 by Francis Matthews
Dam Breaching Overdue Lewiston Tribune, 11/14/21 by Anthony Jones
Saving Salmon Idaho Statesman, 11/14/21 by Lisa Hech
NOAA: Breaching Snake River Dams 'Essential' to Save Salmon E&E News, 11/12/21 by Jennifer Yachnin
Give Fish a Chance Lewiston Tribune, 11/7/21 by Steven Evans
The Chinook Salmon are an Essential Part of Our Local Ecosystem Spokesman-Review, 11/6/21 by Maanit Goel
Washington's Current Energy Strategy Needs Rethinking The Chronicle, 11/5/21 by Don C. Brunell
Dam Breaching Idaho Statesman, 11/5/21 by Jim Voyles
Salmon Need Cooler Water Idaho Mountain Express, 11/3/21 by Donald Vernon
He Wants Water Ahead of Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 11/2/21 by Ira Johnson
Remove 'Dams' Who Hold Office Tri-City Herald, 11/14/21 by Mike Mehrenn
Why No Fuss About Ten Idaho Dams? Tri-City Herald, 11/8/21 by John Hanson
Undammed Snake Won't Save Salmon Tri-City Herald, 11/8/21 by John and Judy Cox
How Will Dam Removal Solve Pre-Existing Problems? Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 11/7/21 by Gene Spangrude
Senate Confirms Michael Connor As ASA-CW Waterways Journal, 11/5/21 by Dave Murray
Ag Groups Voice Opposition to Dam Breach Plan Agri-Pulse, 11/30/21 by Daybreak Staff
Listen Dam and Salmon Study Part 3, 11/17/21 by Bob Larson
Listen Dam and Salmon Study Part 2, 11/17/21 by Bob Larson
Listen Dam and Salmon Study Part 1, 11/17/21 by Bob Larson
PNW Dam Controversy is Not Over Waterways Journal, 11/5/21 by Dave Murray
Listen Dam Removal Study, 11/4/21 by Bob Larson
Listen Dam Breach Study Pt 2, 11/3/21 by Bob Larson
Listen Dam Breach Study Pt 1, 12/2/21 by Bob Larson
U-B Editorial on Dam Study Suspect, Not the Study Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 11/3/21 by David Dalan
Dam Assessment Just Another Sales Pitch Capital Press, 10/28/21 by Editorial Board
In Washington State, the Tide Might be Turning on Breaching Snake River Dams Idaho Statesman, 11/1/21 by Rocky Barker
'A Giant Step' for Salmon: As Dam-Breaching Debate Rages, Cantwell Quietly Secures Billions for Fish Spokesman-Review, 10/31/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Failed to Respond Lewiston Tribune, 10/28/21 by Dick Sherwin
Removing Snake River Dams Could Aid Fish, Economy Everett Herald, 10/31/21 by Editorial Board
What Was Congressman Simpson's Number, Again? Lewiston Tribune, 10/21/21 by Marty Trillhasse
Snake River Dam Litigation Put On Hold Daily News, 10/27/21 by Eric Barker
Judge Orders Stay in Case Seeking to Remove Snake River Dams Daily Record, 10/28/21 by Nicholas Geranios
Farmers Skeptical of Inslee-Murray Plan, Oppose Breaching Dams Capital Press, 10/26/21 by Matthew Weaver
Columbia, Snake Rivers Litigation Pause Puts Spotlight on NW Salmon Kiowa County Press, 10/25/21 by Eric Tegethoff
How a Long-Shot Push to Remove Dams to Protect Wild Salmon Is Gaining Traction Time Magazine, 10/22/21 by Brian Bennett
Murray, Inslee Detail Salmon Recovery Process that Could Include Snake River Dam Removal Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/22/21 by Courtney Flatt
Inslee, Murray Launch Study that Could Lead to Tearing Down Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 10/22/21 by Annette Cary
'With Open Minds,' Murray, Inslee Detail Process to Consider Breaching Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 10/22/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Parties in Federal Salmon Lawsuit Seek Pause to Find Solution for Endangered Runs KATU, 10/22/21 by Nicholas Geranios
Snake River Dam Litigation Put On Hold Lewiston Tribune, 10/22/21 by Eric Barker
Gov. Inslee, Sen. Murray Pursue Dam-breaching Assessment on Lower Snake River Seattle Times, 10/22/21 by Lynda Mapes
Agreement on Columbia, Snake Dams Cuts Risk of Blackouts, High Electric Costs Tri-City Herald, 10/21/21 by Annette Cary
Washington State Leaders to Probe Dam Alternatives Yahoo News, 10/23/21 by Eric Barker
Inslee, Murray Lay Out Game Plan for Dam-Breaching Assessment Capital Press, 10/22/21 by Matthew Weaver
Learn Why U.S Congressman Russ Fulcher is Running for Re-Election Daily Fly, 10/19/21 by Marisa Lloyd
Governor Inslee Announces Progress on Snake River Dam Removal Daily Fly, 10/19/21 by Marisa Lloyd
WA Governor, Senator Want Answers on How to Replace Benefits of Lower Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 10/18/21 by Lynda Mapes
Inslee, Murray Plan New Report on Breaching Snake River Dams. 'We Need an Answer ..." Tri-City Herald, 10/15/21 by Donovan-Smith & Cary
Inslee, Murray Plan to Release Dam Breaching Assessment by Next Summer Spokesman-Review, 10/14/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Inslee, Murray to Ponder Future Without Dams Lewiston Tribune, 10/15/21 by Eric Barker
Inslee says Lower Snake River Dams Report Should be Ready this Summer NW News Network, 10/14/21 by Courtney Flatt
Keeping the Lights On as We Transition to a Clean Energy Future Sequim Gazette, 10/20/21 by Caan & Lopez
Jay Inslee and Idaho's Mike Simpson Join Hands on Dam Removal KLIX News Radio, 10/15/21 by Bill Colley
Clean Energy, Wild Salmon Both Critical for the Future of the Columbia Basin The Oregonian, 10/10/21 Brown, Penney & Hamilton
Idaho Falls Republican Bryan Smith Again Takes Aim at Unseating Rep. Mike Simpson Idaho Statesman, 10/10/21 by Hayat Norimine
Mike Simpson, Bryan Smith Will Vie for Seat to Represent Idaho's 2nd Congressional District Idaho Capital Sun, 10/8/21 by Kelcie Moseley-Morris
Why I'm Running for Congress Idaho State Journal, 10/8/21 by Bryan Smith
The Fight to Save the Salmon Time Magazine, 10/8/21 by Brian Bennett
Idaho Public Television Show to Look at Fish Runs, Simpson's Breaching Proposal Lewiston Tribune, 10/14/21 by Staff
Idaho Public Television to Examine Controversy Surrounding Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams Big Country News, 10/13/21 by Staff
Saving Idaho's Salmon KIFI/KIDK, 10/11/21 by Staff
A Look at Rep. Simpson's Plan to Breach the Dams for the Salmon KIVI, 10/10/21 by Steve Dent
Taking Another Look at Rep. Simpson's Plan to Breach the Dams for the Salmon Idaho News 6, 10/8/21 by Staff
Hard to Miss Lewiston Tribune, 10/16/21 by Mike Cloke
An Opportunity for Respectful Dialogue on Salmon and Dams The Register-Guard, 10/16/21 by Kurt Miller
To Fix Lewiston, Apply the Right Tools Lewiston Tribune, 10/10/21 by Marty Trillhasse
Compromise? Lewiston Tribune, 10/10/21 by Keith Carlson
Snake Dams Story Not Fit for News Tri-City Herald, 11/3/21 by Chuck Torelli
Poll Finds Many Washington Voters Support Removing Snake River Dams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/9/21 by Courtney Flatt
Poll Finds Most Washington Voters Support Plan to Breach Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 10/7/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Borrow $10 Billion to Modernize Northwest Power Grid, But Critics Say It Props Up 'Failed Status Quo' Seattle Times, 10/1/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Salmon Habitat Idaho Statesman, 10/1/21 by Molly Mettler
Lower Snake River Irrigators Propose Two-Dam Drawdown, Breaking with Some Farmers and Bargers Seattle Times, 9/15/21 by Lynda Mapes
President Biden Needs One Voice to Lead on Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson's Plan to Save Salmon Idaho Statesman, 9/15/21 by Tracy Andrus
Nez Perce Tribe Calls on Biden to Support Dam Replacement Along the Snake River KMVT/KSVT, 9/22/21 by Staff
Tribe Launches Salmon Orca Project Website Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 9/24/21 by Lewiston Tribune
Trout Unlimited Calls on Biden Administration to Save Snake River Salmon and Steelhead Outdoor Life, 9/24/21 by Bob McNally
Governor's Anti-Dam Campaign Ignores Risks to Power Grid Oregonian, 9/24/21 by Scott Simms
What Not to Wear: California Energy Policy is an Ill-Fitting Option for Idaho, Northwest Idaho Statesman, 9/23/21 by Kurt Miller
Salmon are a Keystone Species Idaho Press, 9/19/21 by Staff
More Reservoirs Aren't the Answer The Observer, 9/16/21 by Phil Howell
Listen Industry vs Conservation Sportsman Spotlight, 9/16/21 by David Sparks Ph.D.
Dam Breaching Advocacy Ignores Climate Science, Public Safety Needs Post Register, 9/14/21 by Kurt Miller
Listen Dam Removal Sportsman Spotlight, 9/14/21 by David Sparks Ph.D.
Zippy Duvall: American Farm Bureau President Speaks on Issues Crucial to NW Farmers Capital Press, 9/10/21 by Matthew Weaver
The Fishing Lobby Demands Removal of Lower Snake River Dams KLIX News Radio, 9/15/21 by Bill Colley
Steelhead Bag Limit Reduced to One, Conservationists say Change Needs to Happen Now KIVI TV, 9/5/21 by Lynsey Amundson
EPA Reissues Temperature TMDLs in the Columbia and Lower Snake Rivers National Law Review, 8/30/21 by Mandell-Rice & Amberson
Dugger's Correct Lewiston Tribune, 10/13/21 by Charles Pottenger
Not Buying It Lewiston Tribune, 10/5/21 by Rusty Bentz
Lower Snake River Dams Are the Problem, Not the Solution Lewiston Tribune, 9/15/21 Steve Pettit & Richard Scully
Turnabout Turned About Lewiston Tribune, 9/12/21 by John McKern
Refutes Dugger Lewiston Tribune, 9/9/21 by Don Chapman
Army Corps Does Not Agree Lewiston Tribune, 9/9/21 by Keith Carlson
Agrees with Dugger, Bentz Lewiston Tribune, 9/2/21 by Steven Erson
Sound Science and Experience Refute Dugger's Fish Story Lewiston Tribune, 8/14/21 Steve Pettit & Richard Scully
Breach the Lower Snake River Dams and We Will Lose Our Fish Lewiston Tribune, 8/1/21 by Marvin F. Dugger
We Can Have Our Salmon and Eat It, Too The Register-Guard, 9/2/21 by Walt Pollock
Hydropower Dams are Not the Solution to the Climate Crisis The Hill, 8/26/21 by Marc Yaggi
Murray, Inslee Should Back Removal of Snake's Dams Everett Herald, 8/22/21 by Peter Hapke
Brown's Support of Simpson Plan is Misplaced East Oregonian, 8/21/21 by Quinn Read
Brown's Dam-Busting Lawsuit is Bad for Clean Energy Regal Courier, 8/12/21 by Kurt Miller
Demand Action on Salmon Twin Times-News, 7/2/21 by David A. Cannamela
Cantwell Outlines Big Wins for Washington's Infrastructure, Salmon, Economy Island's Weekly, 8/21/21 by Maria Cantwell's Office
US Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Visits Walla Walla Lewiston Tribune, 8/21/21 by Annie Charnley Eveland
Working Together, Bold Action Can Secure a Thriving Future for the Columbia Basin East Oregonian, 8/14/21 by Kate Brown
Simpson Defends Northwest Salmon Plan Local News 8 ABC, 8/12/21 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers: New Bill Will Drive Inflation Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 8/12/21 by Anthony Kuipers
McMorris Rodgers Speaks in Colfax Whitman County Gazette, 8/12/21 by Staff
Watch "More and More Dire": Idaho Salmon Advocates Rally for Snake River Dam Breaching Idaho Statesman, 8/9/21 by Sophia Charin
Watch Local Wildlife Advocates Work to Save Endangered Salmon Populations KHQ Q6, 8/8/21 by Staff
Watch Why this Flotilla Wants to Save Idaho's Salmon The Olympian, 8/7/21 by Sarah Miller
Watch Conservation Groups Call for Removal of Lower Snake River Dams to Save Salmon, Orca King 5, 8/7/21 by Kaila Lafferty
Conservation Groups Call for Removal of Snake River Dams, Citing Concerns for Salmon KATU, 8/7/21 by Staff
NW Heat Boils Salmon, Drives Rallies Across Region iFiber One, 8/6/21 by Eric Tegethoff
Float Boise River to Support Lower Snake River Dam Breach Boise Weekly, 8/5/21 by Staff
Step Up for Salmon Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 8/17/21 by Kat Beck
Take Dams Down and the Fish Will Come Science Line, 8/13/21 by Delger Erdenesanaa
Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 8/11/21 by Stan Kuik
Snake River Dams Sportsman Spotlight, 8/10/21 by David Sparks, Ph.D.
Recreation vs. Dams Sportsman Spotlight, 8/4/21 by David Sparks, Ph.D.
Lost Opportunity for Snake River Salmon and Steelhead Hatch Magazine, 8/3/21 by Ben Kryzinski
Build Nuclear Reactors to Replace Lower Snake Dams Post Register, 8/8/21 by Darryl Siemer
First Dams to Go Shouldn't Be Snake Tri-City Herald, 8/5/21 by Matthew Ruane
Tribune is Agenda-Driven Lewiston Tribune, 8/3/21 by Dick Sherwin
Brainwashed Lewiston Tribune, 8/1/21 by Bridger Barnett
Dams Should Be Going Up, Not Coming Out Sequim Gazette, 7/21/21 by Travis Williams
Call for Unity to Breach Snake River Dams and Restore Salmon to Preserve Our Heritage Idaho Statesman, 7/27/21 by Rudy Soto
Residents Call On Admin. to Remove Snake River Dams Construction Equipment Guide, 7/27/21 by Associated Press
Dam Removal Helps Fish Lewiston Tribune, 7/29/21 by Thomas Biladeau
A Losing Proposition Lewiston Tribune, 7/25/21 by Borg Hendrickson
Simpson Plan a Start Spokesman-Review, 7/23/21 by Harvey Morrison
Greens Blast 'Get Out of Jail Free Card' for Fed Hydro Giant E&E News, 7/30/21 by Jeremy Jacobs
Cantwell is Out of Step on Salmon, Orcas and Infrastructure Spokesman-Review, 7/23/21 by Justin Hayes
'Collaborative' Effort to Save NW Salmon Looks Like Another Anti-Snake Dam Task Force Tri-City Herald, 7/25/21 by Editorial Board
4-State Collaboration may Squeeze Out E. Wash. Interests in Keeping Snake River Dams Wenatchee World, 7/19/21 by Annette Cary
A 25-foot Native American Totem Pole Arrives in D.C. After a Journey to Sacred Lands Across U.S. Washington Post, 7/29/21 by Dana Hedgpeth
'People's Ears are Opening': Totem Pole Carved by Lummi Nation Members Arrives in D.C. Spokesman-Review, 7/29/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Nez Perce Tribe Joins State of Oregon and Others Asking Federal Court to Take Action on Dams Big Country News, 7/17/21 by Staff
Tribes Speak for the Voiceless Lewiston Tribune, 7/16/21 by Eric Barker
Watch Totem Pole Tour Stops in Chief Timothy to Bring Awareness to Dwindling Salmon Population KLEW, 7/15/21 by Brady Frederick
Indigenous Groups Call for Salmon Protection and Treaty Ratification at Shoshone Falls Idaho Mountain Express, 7/14/21 by Tony Evans
Lawsuit Seeks More Spill Over Columbia Basin Dams, Lower Reservoir Levels for Salmon The Register-Guard, 7/16/21 by Nicholas Geranios
Organizations Teaching Palouse's History Daily Evergreen, 7/12/21 by Molly Wilk
Oregon Warns More Dam Water Must Be Released to Protect Fish Law360, 7/19/21 by Staff
Instead of Braving the River, These Endangered Salmon Take the Highway Los Angeles Times, 7/18/21 by Richard Read
More Steps Taken to Help Snake River Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 7/15/21 by Eric Barker
A Blip, Not a Trend Lewiston Tribune, 7/14/21 by Marty Trillhasse
Dams Harm More than Help Spokesman-Review, 7/14/21 by John D. Sahr
A Matter of Time Peninsula Daily News, 7/11/21 by Bert Caldwell
Northwest Hydropower System Provides Hope in Climate Fight East Oregonian, 7/10/21 by Kurt Miller
Breach Snake River Dams The Columbian, 7/9/21 by Shiva Rajbhandari
Say We Breach the Dams, What Then? Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 7/8/21 by John McKern
Officials Voice Varying Degrees of Support for Dam Breaching Idaho Press, 7/9/21 by Eric Barker
Pacific Northwest Tribes Call for Removal of Lower Snake River Dams at Salmon and Orca Summit Native News Online, 7/13/21 by Andrew Kennard
Inslee Tells Tribes WA's Snake Dams Could Be Replaced. Will He Even Listen to Tri-Cities? Tri-City Herald, 7/9/21 by Editorial Board
WA Gov. Jay Inslee says Dam Breaching Must 'Remain on the Table,' Benefits of 4 LSR Dams Replaceable Spokesman-Review, 7/8/21 by Eli Francovich
With Snake River Chinook on a 'Quasi-extinction Threshold,'NW Tribes Call for Dam Removals NW News Network, 7/12/21 by Courtney Flatt
Starting a Conversation or Picking Cherries? Spokesman-Review, 7/15/21 by Sue Lane Madsen
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics -- The Story of One Misleading Claim About Salmon Spokesman-Review, 7/11/21 by Shawn Vestal
Historic Summit of Tribes Across Pacific Northwest Presses Dam Removal on Inslee, Biden, Congress Seattle Times, 7/9/21 by Lynda Mapes
Watch Tribal Nations Pass Resolution to Back Idaho Rep. Simpson's Plan to Breach Snake River Dams KTVB News, 7/1/21 by Staff
Pacific Northwest Heat Wave Sets Up 'Grim' Migration for Salmon Northern New York 360, 7/1/21 by Lynda Mapes
Dams in the Snake Sportsman Spotlight, 7/8/21 by Staff
Competition and Innovation Will Drive Our Energy Future Spokesman-Review, 7/4/21 by Mark Schoesler
Listen Snake River Salmon Returns Pt 2, 7/2/21 by Bob Larson
Listen Snake River Salmon Returns Pt 1, 7/1/21 by Bob Larson
Tour Highlights Important Role Dams Play in Moving Commodities by Water in the Pacifc Northwest, 6/22/21 Natl. Assoc. Wheat Growers
The Science is Clear: Snake River Dams Kill Too Many Fish Trout Unlimited Magazine, 6/17/21 by Helen Neville
WPC's Dubious Claims Spokesman-Review, 6/27/21 by Allen Roberts
Time to Stop Listening to Those Environmental Groups Who Cry Wolf Spokesman-Review, 6/25/21 by Todd Myers
Hydro-fade: Pac NW Power Production is in Dramatic Flux Columbia Insight, 6/17/21 by Steven Hawley
Washington's Coming Energy Reliability Crisis The Lens, 6/3/21 by TJ Martinell
Salmon Are Not Okay Lewiston Tribune, 7/6/21 by Conor McCall
Spirit of Idaho Idaho Statesman, 7/4/21 by Yvonne Shen
Snake River Dams and SARs Idaho Statesman, 7/2/21 by David Cannamela
Asks Crapo to Help Lewiston Tribune, 6/30/21 by Nekane Powell
Attention to the Orcas The Olympian, 6/20/21 by Kat Beck
General Pollution Permit Does More Damage than Good Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/20/21 by Jim Davison
Improving Fish Numbers Take Pressure Off Dams Tri-City Herald, 6/23/21 by Editorial Board
Biden Has a Chance to Oversee Biggest River Restoration Project in US History Truth Out, 6/19/21 by Amy Souers Kober
National, Regional Ag Leaders get Close-up Look at Lower Snake River Dam Issues Bend Bulletin, 6/20/21 by Matthew Weaver
Salmon Face Extinction Throughout the US West. Blame These Four Dams Guardian UK, 6/9/21 by Hallie Golden
Dry Summer Warnings Signal Trouble for NW Salmon Auburn Examiner, 6/9/21 by Eric Tegethoff
If Dams Go, Then What? Saving Salmon, Power Grid Means Finding Answers Now Tri-City Herald, 7/16/21 by Rocky Barker
Why We Support Keeping the Snake River Dams Capital Press, 7/15/21 by Jeff Van Pevenage
Ag Officials Affirm Opposition to Dam Breaching Lewiston Tribune, 6/17/21 by Elaine Williams
Wheat Farmers Ponder Simpson's Next Dam Moves Capital Press, 6/10/21 by Matthew Weaver
National Farm Industry Leaders to Visit Idaho, Learn About Dams Post Register, 6/8/21 Idaho Farm Bureau Federation
Simpson's Salmon Plan: Once in a Generation Opportunity or No Path Forward? Idaho Capital Sun, 6/27/21 by Clark Corbin
Recent Southern Resident Orca Success Could Reshape Recovery Approach San Juan Islander, 6/19/21 by Kurt Miller
Policymakers' Inconsistent Energy Approach Could Bring Blackouts The Hill, 6/18/21 by Kurt Miller
Will Leaders Fail Salmon Once Again? The Columbian, 6/13/21 by Justin Hayes
Bottom of the Barrel Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 6/12/21 by Linwood Laughy
Don't Drop Plan to Remove Dams on Snake River Everett Herald, 6/11/21 by Tele Aadsen
Plan to Removal Snake River Dams Should be Supported Everett Herald, 6/10/21 by Nancy Johnson
Listen to the Tribes Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 6/10/21 by Dale Graden
Lawyers Don't Give a Damn About Dams Post Register, 6/4/21 by John R. Snyder, Ph.D.
Panel: Salmon Solution Requires Trust, Cooperation Capital Press, 6/2/21 by Brad Carlson
Simpson Works on Budget, Outreach Aspects of Salmon Plan Capital Press, 6/2/21 by Brad Carlson
We're Changing the Habitat for the Orcas and Salmon -- and Not For the Better Seattle Times, 5/27/21 by Lynda Mapes
Rep. Newhouse, Dams in Your District are Doing Damage to Mine Lewiston Tribune, 5/29/21 by Rep. Mike Simpson
Stay Out of My Backyard, Rep. Simpson, and I'll Stay Out of Yours Lewiston Tribune, 5/27/21 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
The Pacific Northwest Agrees: Keep Your Hands Off Our Dams The Star, 5/19/21 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
Congressmen Talk Snake River Salmon, Dams Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/16/21 by Eric Barker
12 Northwest Tribes Say They Are United to Save Salmon East Oregonian, 5/27/21 by Nicholas Geranios
Northwest Tribes are United in Push to Remove Dams, Says Nez Perce Tribe Statement Big Country News, 5/26/21 by Staff
Kooskia City Council: Speaker Encourages Involvement Idaho County Free Press, 5/19/21 by Norma Staaf
The Salmon and the Snake Oregon Business, 5/25/21 by Nick Cunningham
Listen Dam Removal Rejection Pt 2, 5/18/21 by Bob Larson
Listen Dam Removal Rejection Pt 1, 5/17/21 by Bob Larson
Sen. Murray and Gov. Inslee Must Keep Their Promise to Save Wild Salmon Spokesman-Review, 6/6/21 Collin O'Mara & Alyssa Macy
Missed Opportunity Seattle Times, 5/21/21 by Joan Green
Urge Inslee, Murray, Cantwell to Support Idaho Rep's Proposal Whidbey News-Times, 5/29/21 by Gary Piazzon
Lower Snake River Dams: Tired of Broken Treaties Seattle Times, 5/28/21 by Robb Krehbiel
Opportunity for Consensus Approach to Removed Dams Daily Record, 5/27/21 by Judy Hinrichs
Time for Dialogue on Dam Removal Issues East Oregonian, 5/25/21 by Fred Ziari
Inslee and Murray Do Not Have Time to Spare Lewiston Tribune, 5/23/21 by Marty Trillhasse
Countering Dam Removal Proposal, Cantwell Hints at Her Ideas for Snake River Salmon Spokesman-Review, 5/20/21 by Nico Portuondo
Outraged The Neighbor, 5/26/21 by Judy Smith
Rivers, Hydropower and Climate Resilience The Hill, 5/25/21 by Tom Kiernan
Anti-hydro Narrative Misses the Big Picture of Climate Change, Equity and Salmon Spokesman-Review, 5/23/21 by Kurt Miller
Who Benefits? Daily Astorian, 5/20/21 by Erika Paleck
Idaho Republicans Have No Confidence in Simpson Idaho State Journal, 5/21/21 by Bryan Smith
Put Up or Shut Up! Idaho State Journal, 5/21/21 by Dick Sherwin
Dams: A Misunderstood Issue Coeur d'Alene Press, 5/16/21 by Larry Largent
Act Now to Save Salmon, Regardless of Dams' Fate Everett Herald, 5/23/21 by Editorial Board
Snake River Dams Peninsula Daily News, 5/23/21 by Jack Markley
Tough Conversations Daily Astorian, 5/22/21 by Norm Ritchie
Breaching is the Answer Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/21 by Julian Matthews
Another Year, and Lower Snake River Dams Removal Activists Continue to Press Tri-City Herald, 4/30/21 by Colin Hastings
Northwest Tribes Unite Over GOP Congressman's Pitch to Breach Lower Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 5/17/21 by Lynda Mapes
Nez Perce Tribe Backs Idaho Rep. Simpson's Snake River Dam Removal Plan KTVB, 5/17/21 by Staff
U.S. Promised Nez Perce Fishing Rights, But What If Snake River Dams Kill Off Fish? Spokesman-Review, 5/10/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Tribe's Fish Study is 'A Call to Alarm' Lewiston Tribune, 4/30/21 by Eric Barker
WA State Legislators Release Statement on Future of Columbia River Basin Dams Hydro Review, 5/17/21 by Staff
Simpson Calls On His Challengers to Provide 'Alternatives' Lewiston Tribune, 5/14/21 by Eric Barker
Inslee, Murray, Cantwell Reject Simpson's Dam-Breaching Proposal Spokesman-Review, 5/14/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
One Idea to Remove Snake River Dams may be Dead In The Water NW News Network, 5/14/21 by Courtney Flatt
Inslee, Murray on Simpson Plan: More Work Necessary Capital Press, 5/14/21 by Matthew Weaver
Gov. Inslee, Washington's Senators Reject GOP Congressman's Pitch on Lower Snake River Dam Removal Seattle Times, 5/14/21 by Lynda Mapes
Inslee, Murray, Cantwell Oppose Simpson Plan to Remove Dams WRAL, 5/14/21 by Staff
Bold Proposal to Breach Snake River Dams The Columbian, 5/13/21 by Terry Otto
Feud Breaks Out Among GOP Lawmakers Over Snake River Dams Missoulian, 5/7/21 by Nicholas Geranios
Clashing Over Dams and Salmon Nothing New for Simpson, Newhouse Lewiston Tribune, 5/7/21 by Eric Barker
Newhouse, McMorris Rodgers Slam Simpson for Coordinating with Oregon on Dam-Breaching Proposal Spokesman-Review, 5/6/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
Idaho Republican, Oregon Democrat Agree on Salmon. 'Let's Put Away Our Pitchforks' Lewiston Tribune, 5/5/21 by Eric Barker
Nez Perce Tribe Praises Congressman Blumenauer's Support for Simpson NW Energy and Salmon Plan Daily Fly, 5/5/21 by Garrison Hardie
Listen Idaho and Oregon Draw Up a Blueprint for Snake River Dam Alliance Boise State Public Radio, 5/5/21 by Gustavo Sagrero
Simpson Proposal Idaho Statesman, 5/3/21 by Keith Carlson
Analysis: Oregon Congressman Joins Idaho's Mike Simpson in Promoting Dam Removal Idaho Statesman, 5/2/21 by Chadd Cripe
Columbia River Needs a Northwest Solution to Sustain All Our Communities The Oregonian, 5/9/21 Earl Blumenauer & Mike Simpson
Ask Oregon Agriculture Why We Must End the Salmon Wars Post Register, 4/20/21 by Congressman Mike Simpson
Breaching the Dams is Not a Silver Bullet Solution Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/19/21 by John McKern
Support for Dam Removal Peninsula Daily News, 5/18/21 by Devon Conway
Snake River Dams Peninsula Daily News, 5/12/21 by Mark White
SEL Founder Comes Out Against Dam Breaching Moscow Pullman Daily News, 5/6/21 by Elaine Williams
Supports Plan for Snake River Dams Peninsula Daily News, 5/3/21 by Kris Nelson
BOC Supports Clean, Renewable Electric Power Itemizer-Observer, 4/28/21 by Polk County Commissioners
Join Effort to Protect Snake River Fish Missoulian, 4/27/21 by Travis Bradford
Bryan Smith Perpetuates Myths About Lower Snake River Dams Post Register, 4/25/21 by John R. Snyder, Ph.D.
Tepid Approval of Dam Removals Peninsula Daily News, 4/25/21 by Paul Gottlieb
Earth Day: A Plea to Save Salmon, Orcas Seattle Times, 4/21/21 by Owen Begley-Collier
What's Endangered, the Snake River or the Truth? Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 4/21/21 by Gene Spangrude
It's About So Much More Than Fish Yakima Herald, 4/21/21 by Elizabeth Morgan
Restore Free-Flowing River Lewiston Tribune, 4/20/21 by Mitch Bergman
Happy that the Idaho Legislature and Even the Governor Could Come Together The Preston Citizen, 4/21/21 by Rep. Chad Christensen
Congressman Simpson Should Put Idaho First and Do No Harm Teton Valley News, 4/12/21 by Bryan Smith
BPA has Named Joel Cook to be its New Chief Operating Officer Hydro Review, 4/26/21 by Staff
Water Level Raised in Lower Snake River Lewiston Tribune, 4/20/21 by Staff
Simpson's Plan Idaho Statesman, 4/22/21 by Shiva Rajbhandari
To Honor Chief Seattle, Care for the Earth and All Its Creatures Seattle Times, 4/21/21 by Leonard Forsman
Inland Northwest Tribal Leaders Support Dam Removal Missoulian, 4/19/21 by Rob Chaney
Columbia Basin Tribes Back Simpson Plan Lewiston Tribune, 4/16/21 by Eric Barker
Letter from Tribal Leaders: Breach the Lower Snake River Dams Lewiston Tribune, 3/26/21 by Eric Barker
Tribes Call on Biden, Congress to Remove Snake River Dams Huron Daily Tribune, 3/23/21 by Associated Press
Tri-Cities River Listed as Nation's Most Endangered Tri-City Herald, 4/15/21 by Annette Cary
Snake River Named Most Endangered River in America by National Advocacy Group Spokesman-Review, 4/14/21 by Eli Francovich
Snake River Dams Aren't Needed Tri-City Herald, 4/15/21 by Stan Kuick
'Wind Turbines Best Alternative Tri-City Herald, 4/15/21 by Robert J. Carson
Breaching Snake River Dams Best Chance for Northwest Salmon Herald and News, 4/14/21 by Meredith Rock
Overfishing, Habitat Destruction Pose Greater Threat to Salmon than Snake River Dams Yakima Herald, 4/12/21 by Lawrence Weyer
Blessed Are the Peacemakers The Astorian, 4/8/21 by Editorial Board
If Only Pigs Could Fly Lewiston Tribune, 4/7/21 by Dan Anduiza
Displeased with Fulcher Lewiston Tribune, 4/7/21 by Thomas Biladeau
Doing the Right Thing Twin Times-News, 4/7/21 by Ted Koch
The Future of Columbia-Snake River Hydro Operations? Capital Press, 3/31/21 by CSRIA
Idaho Legislature Comes Out Against Simpson's Salmon Recovery Plan Idaho Capital Sun, 4/8/21 by Clark Corbin
WA Groups Call Idaho Rep's Snake River Dam Proposal 'Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity' for NW San Juan Islander, 4/14/21 by Eric Tegethoff
Supporters of Snake River Dam Removal Make Their Case in Congress Spokesman-Review, 4/8/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
A Republican Wants to Breach Dams. Where are Democrats? E&E News, 3/26/21 by Jeremy Jacobs
2nd Gentleman Doug Emhoff Hears Pleas to Breach Snake River Dams During Visit The Daily World, 4/6/21 by Staff
2nd Gentleman Doug Emhoff Hears Pleas to Breach Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 4/6/21 by Annette Cary
Tribes Call on Biden, Congress to Remove Snake River Dams Post Register, 4/1/21 by Associated Press
Dam Breaching Proposal is a Terrible Idea Capital Press, 4/5/21 by Bryan Searle
Idaho Congressman's Dam-Breaching Proposal Ignores Looming Power Shortage Tri-City Herald, 4/5/21 Schoesler, Warnick & Sheldon
Gov. Brown's Lawsuit Challenges Collaboration The Register-Guard, 4/1/21 Debi Wilson & Greg Gardner
Wind Farm Will Harm Tri-City Tourism, Devalue Hydro Tri-City Herald, 3/28/21 by Mike Paoli
Ag Groups say Simpson Dam Plan Poses Threat Capital Press, 4/5/21 by Matthew Weaver
Congressman Mike Simpson Pushes Dam Breaching Plan to Southern Idaho County Commissioners Big Country News, 4/2/21 by Zac Ezzone
Letter Supports Breaching Dams Peninsula Daily News, 4/6/21 by Diane Urbani de la Paz
Blaine Commissioners Signal Support for Simpson Plan Idaho Mountain Express, 3/24/21 by Gretel Kauffman
Clallam County PUD Votes 2-1 to Support Snake River Dams Peninsula Daily News, 3/23/21 by Rob Ollikainen
Idaho County Leaders Torch Simpson's Plan Lewiston Tribune, 3/10/21 by Kathy Hedberg
Significant Hydro-Related Federal Legislation Pending JD Supra, 3/31/21 McCormick, Wortzel & Pepper
Breaching Proposal Could Come in Stages Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 3/21/21 by Eric Barker
Litigation Can't Revitalize Our Economy or Salmon Idaho Business Review, 3/24/21 by Congressman Mike Simpson
Hartgen Wants to Gamble for Idaho's Future -- I Want Certainty Twin Times-News, 3/23/21 by Congressman Mike Simpson
Sen. Crabtree, I Respectfully Disagree Idaho Mountain Express, 3/10/21 by Congressman Mike Simpson
My Motivation for Creating a Plan to Breach Snake Dams Tri-City Herald, 3/23/21 by Congressman Mike Simpson
Preserve Hydropower's Role in Clean-Energy Future Seattle Times, 3/26/21 by John Hairston
Clean Energy a Better Fit Spokesman-Review, 3/24/21 by Carrie Herrman
The Time for Bold Action on Dams is Now Twin Times-News, 3/23/21 by Mitch Cutter
Outraged, Too Lewiston Tribune, 3/19/21 by Dennis Baird
We Can No Longer Damn the Salmon Twin Times-News, 3/18/21 by Linda Brugger
Snake River Dams Plan Warrants Consideration The Columbian, 3/21/21 by Editorial Board
Simpson Displays Leadership; Brandt Should Try It Lewiston Tribune, 3/17/21 by Roy Akins
Keep the Dams Lewiston Tribune, 3/16/21 by Greg Branson
Simpson's Breaching Plan Falls Flat with GOP Twin Times-News, 3/16/21 by Chuck Malloy
Simpson's Salmon Plan Has Many Benefits Post Register, 3/16/21 by Jerry Brady
Old Broads Take on Old Dams E&E News, 3/18/21 by Jeremy Jacobs
Snake River Dams Plan Needed for Idaho Salmon, Fiscal Responsibility and Social Justice Idaho Statesman, 3/15/21 by Pam Conley
Environmental Groups Oppose Simpson's Dam Removal Plan Capital Press, 3/17/21 by Matthew Weaver
Some Green Groups Raise Objections to Simpson Dam Plan Lewiston Tribune, 3/17/21 by Eric Barker
Fate of Simpson's Plan to Remove Snake River Dams
Lies with Democrats and Biden Infrastructure Package
Spokesman-Review, 3/8/21 by Orion Donovan-Smith
When Simpson Talks, Idaho Ag Industry Should Hear Him Out Idaho State Journal, 3/5/21 by Bruce Newcomb
'Lethal Barrier' Proposed to be Removed, Restore Salmon Population Daily Evergreen, 3/16/21 by Cheryl Aarnio
Snake River Dams are Not Big Power Producers, But Play an Important Regional Role Spokesman-Review, 3/8/21 by Eli Francovich
Will the Snake River's Dams Be the Next to Come Down? Sierra Magazine, 3/2/21 by James Steinbauer
More Membership Changes for Northwest Power and Conservation Council Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/20/21 by Staff
Sams Takes Job on Regional Council While Up for Job in Biden Administration East Oregonian, 3/13/21 by Antonio Sierra
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Voice Support for Proposed Dam Removals Idaho State Journal, 3/10/21 by Roger Rankin
Tribes Oppose Senate Memorial on Dams Bingham News Chronicle, 3/10/21 by Press Release
Dams on the Snake River Argus Observer, 3/17/21 by Cliff Looney
A Similar Case Study to Breaching the Lower Snake River Dams Twin Times-News, 3/13/21 by James Lang
CMR and the LSR Dams Spokesman-Review, 3/10/21 by Ed Parents
More Questions Than Answers on Simpson Dam Plan Twin Times-News, 3/7/21 by Stephen Hartgen
Clearwater County Commissioners Blast Plan Lewiston Tribune, 3/16/21 by Kathy Hedberg
An Idaho Congressman Aims to Dump Dams Park Record, 3/15/21 by Rocky Barker
Listen Up: A Republican says We Have To Breach 4 Snake River Dams West Hawaii Today, 3/13/21 by Jacques Leslie
Proposal to Retire Lower Snake River Dams Would Create Innovative Alternatives The Oregonian, 3/12/21 by Kat Brigham
It's More Than the Dams Spokesman-Review, 3/11/21 by Tom Brattebo
Second Half of Columbia Basin Project Completion Depends on 'Political Will' Capital Press, 3/5/21 by Matthew Weaver
Speaker Bedke, My Door is Always Open Bonners Ferry Herald, 3/18/21 by Rep. Mike Simpson
Simpson Defends Dam-Breaching Plan Capital Press, 3/3/21 by Matthew Weaver
Agriculture Matters The Jefferson Star, 2/24/21 by Rep. Mike Simpson
Power Company: Dam Removal Would Hurt Reliability, Raise Costs Capital Press, 3/2/21 by Matthew Weaver
County Leaders Speak Out Against Simpson's Proposal Spokesman-Review, 2/23/21 by Kerri Sandaine
Simpson Dam Idea Broadly Fails Idaho Interests Twin Times-News, 2/21/21 by Stephen Hartgen
New Website Imagines the Snake River Without Dams Spokesman-Review, 3/2/21 by Eli Francovich
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson Dedicates Ice Harbor Dam on May 9, 1962 History Link, 2/24/06 by Elizabeth Gibson
COVID and Squalor Threaten Tribal Members Living in Once-Abundant Indian Fishing Sites Seattle Times, 3/1/21 by Lynda Mapes
As the Columbia Rolls On, History Records Waves of Losses Along its Banks Seattle Times, 2/28/21 by Lynda Mapes
Proposal to Remove 4 Snake River Dams Could Bolster WA Restaurants San Juan Islander, 2/28/21 by Eric Tegethoff
Despite Recent Births, 'A Long Way to Go' to Save Southern Resident Orcas King 5, 2/27/21 by Michael Crowe
Dams Proposal Looms Over Governors' Group Lewiston Tribune, 2/27/21 by Eric Barker
The Stars Are Aligned': Rep. Mike Simpson Breaks Down Plan to Breach Snake River Dams Columbia Insight, 2/26/21 by Charles Coxe
Advocate for Snake River Dams says Removal Would Hurt Farmers Spokesman-Review, 2/21/21 by Thomas Clouse
Snake River Dams Proposal Draws Accolades, Criticism Peninsula Daily News, 2/21/21 by Diane Urbani de la Paz
Scientists say Removing Snake River Dams 'is Necessary' to Restore Salmon Population Lewiston Tribune, 2/23/21 by Eric Barker
Dam-Breaching Proposal a 'Nonstarter' for More Than a Dozen Regional Environmental Groups Spokesman-Review, 3/17/21 by Eli Francovich
Columbia County Commissioners Join Opposition to Rep. Mike Simpson's Plan for Salmon Recovery Waitsburg Times, 3/11/21 by Staff
Scott Bedke Suggests Mike Simpson Has Flipped His Lid Fox News Radio, 2/15/21 by Bill Colley
Inslee Praises Bold Thinking in $33 Billion Proposal to Breach 4 Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 2/9/21 by Annette Cary
Newhouse, McMorris Rodgers Seek to Boost Hydropower After Idaho Rep's Dam Removal Idea NW News Network, 3/5/21 by Courtney Flatt
Troy and Schoesler Rushed to Judgment on Simpson's Fish Plan Lewiston Tribune, 2/28/21 by Don Chapman
A Dam Plan for Fish, Roads and Everything But the Kitchen Sink Twin Times-News, 2/24/21 by Rep. Lance Clow
Simpson Needs to Provide Answers on Dams Proposal Idaho Mountain Express, 2/24/21 by Rep. Scott Bedke
'Devastating Impacts': Idaho Gov. Little Opposes Simpson's Plan to Breach Snake River Dams Twin Times-News, 2/19/21 by Norimine & Blanchard
Local Leaders Speak Out Against Rep. Simpson's Plan to Breach Lower Snake River Dams KLEW, 2/19/21 by Jordan Smith
Simpson's Snake River Dams Plan Raises Concerns, Questions Lewiston Tribune, 2/18/21 Schoesler & Nilsson Troy
Idaho Governor Speaks Out Against Breaching of Snake River Dams Big Country News, 2/18/21 by Staff
GOP Congressman Proposes $33.5 Billion Plan to Breach Snake River Dams The Center Square, 2/8/21 by Tim Gruver
Saving Salmon is a Ruse for Breaching Our Dams Lewiston Tribune, 3/14/21 by Marvin F. Dugger
Northwest Dams The News Tribune, 3/4/21 by James B. Langhelm
Dams Gave No Prosperity Lewiston Tribune, 2/28/21 by Richard Scully
At the Breaking Point Lewiston Tribune, 2/28/21 by Kyle Jones
No Dams, No Power Lewiston Tribune, 2/28/21 by Mike Cloke
Dams Must Go Lewiston Tribune, 2/28/21 by Shelley Dumas
Northwest Dams The News Tribune, 2/28/21 by Robert Buchanan
Removal of Dams Would Be a Disaster Albany Democrat-Herald, 2/23/21 by Gary Hartman
Support Simpson's Salmon Recovery Plan Post Register, 2/23/21 by David Cannamela
Swimming Upstream Post Register, 2/23/21 by Steve Piet
Take Dam Proposal Seriously Statesman Journal, 2/19/21 by Jack Glass
The Facts About Dams Idaho State Journal, 2/26/21 by Roger Rankin
Salmon: A Young Seattleite's Plea Seattle Times, 2/26/21 by Grace Brennan
Leave No One Behind Idaho State Journal, 2/15/21 by Roger Rankin
Removing Snake River Dams is Unwise The Courier Herald, 2/16/21 by Don C. Brunell
Who Benefits from Snake River Dam Removal? Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 2/15/21 by Dan Leathers
Simpson's Salmon Proposal is a Bold, Needed Step Idaho Press, 2/15/21 by Editorial Board
Commentary: Simpson's Run of the River Lewiston Tribune, 2/12/21 by Marc C. Johnson
At Long Last, a Workable Plan to Remove Lower Snake River Dams and Save Idaho's Salmon Idaho Statesman, 2/11/21 by Editorial Board
Idaho Outfitters & Guides on Congressman Mike Simpson's Columbia Basin Fund Twin Times-News, 2/11/21 by Aaron Lieberman
The Snake River Dams -- To Breach or Not To Breach? The Goldendale Sentinel, 2/24/21 by John Kruse
Listen Simpson's NW Infrastructure Plan Invests Heavily in Clean Energy Public News Service, 2/23/21 by Eric Tegethoff
Unprecedented Federal Investment for Salmon Recovery Proposed by Idaho Congressman The Log, 2/23/21 by Jordan Darling
Simpson's Proposal has Been Panned by Predictable Sources The Oregonian, 2/12/21 by Bill Monroe
A New Vision for the Northwest KUOW, 2/17/21 by Lynda Mapes
Organizations, Groups Weigh in on Why They Oppose (and Approve) of Snake River Dam Removal KPVI, 2/12/21 by Julian Paras
Simpson Concept Would Trade Off Lower Snake Dams to Put Columbia System on Firm Footing Idaho County Free Press, 2/17/21 by Andrew Ottoson
Will Politics Align on Removing Dams to Save Salmon? GOP Lawmaker from Idaho Hopes So KIMA, 2/15/21 by Nicholas Geranios
Rep. Simpson's Plan to Breach Dams Offers to End 'Salmon Wars' While Protecting Ag and Industry Sandpoint Reader, 2/11/21 by Zach Hagadone
Utilities Company Responds to Lower Snake River Dams Proposal, 2/10/21 by Madeline Hagen
Watch Rep. Simpson Wants to Remove 4 Snake River Dams to Save Salmon KTVB News, 2/8/21 by Chase Biefeldt
Idaho Congressman Proposes $33.5 Billion Plan for Breaching Snake River Dams in Washington Northwest Public Broadcasting, 2/8/21 by Courtney Flatt
Republican Wants to Breach Dams, Reshape Pacific Northwest E&E News, 2/8/21 by Jeremy Jacobs
GOP Congressman Pitches $34 Billion Plan to Breach Lower Snake River Dams in New Vision for NW Seattle Times, 2/7/21 by Lynda Mapes
NSIA on Idaho Rep's Snake Dam Plan: 'Tremendous Implications for Real Salmon Recovery' NW Sportsman, 2/7/21 by Andy Walgamott
Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson Releases Plan Calling for Breaching of Snake River Dams After 2030 Spokesman-Review, 2/7/21 by Kip HIll
This GOP Congressman Wants to Remove 4 Dams to Save Idaho's Salmon. It'll Cost Billions Tri-City Herald, 2/6/21 by Rocky Barker
'Risky Proposition.' Can $33 Billion Make Up for Loss of Snake River Dams? Tri-Cities Groups Leery Tri-City Herald, 2/6/21 by Annette Cary
Rep. Simpson Proposal Calls for Breaching Four Lower Snake River Dams Lewiston Tribune, 2/6/21 by Eric Barker
Idaho U.S. Rep. Simpson Proposing to Finance Lower Snake River Dam Breaching Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/5/21 by Staff
Idaho Congressman Wants to Breach Four Lower Snake River Dams KFLD, 2/5/21 by John McKay
New Focus On Snake Dams Raises Hope For Salmon, Fisheries, Local Economies NW Sportsman, 2/4/21 by Andy Walgamott
More Than Dams Harm Salmon Runs Tri-City Herald, 2/4/21 by D. Thompson
Required Reading Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/30/21 by Linwood Laughy
Governor Brown Chooses Litigation Over Collaboration Bend Bulletin, 12/29/20 by Markham & Schneider
Treaty Rights Demand Bold Action to Save Salmon Tri-City Herald, 1/25/21 JoDe Goudy & Don Sampson
We Need to Put Science In its Proper Place The Olympian, 1/22/21 by Gary Andrews
Dam Breaching Makes Sense Lewiston Tribune, 1/21/21 by Richard Scully
Sens. Murray, Cantwell Must Act to Save Salmon, Orcas Everett Herald, 1/20/21 by Travis Coletti
Can't Afford to 'Breach First and Answer Questions Later' Idaho County Free Press, 1/17/21 by Kurt Miller
Locals Anticipate Shift in Policy with Biden Lewiston Tribune, 1/16/21 by Eric Barker
Trump's Environmental Legacy Could Impact the Inland Northwest for Years to Come Spokesman-Review, 1/22/21 by Nico Portuondo
State Report Says Salmon and Steelhead Are Near the Brink of Extinction The Daily Chronicle, 1/21/21 by Staff
Clallam Public Utility District OKs Membership Dues After Debate Peninsula Daily News, 1/15/21 by Rob Ollikainen
Conservation Groups Ask Federal Judge to Halt Salmon Plan Lewiston Tribune, 1/20/21 by Eric Barker
Conservationists Go Back to Court Over Snake River Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 1/20/21 by Greg Moore
Scientists Draft Letter Calling on Governors to Tear Down the Lower Snake River Dams Hatch Magazine, 1/14/21 by Staff
Salmon Science Dispute Rages Lewiston Tribune, 1/15/21 by Eric Barker
John Hairston Becomes First Black CEO of Bonneville Power Administration The Skanner, 1/20/21 by Saundra Sorenson
John Hairston gets Top Job at Bonneville Power Administration East Oregonian, 1/13/21 by Staff
DOE Names New Leader for Bonneville Power Greenwire, 1/8/21 Jeremy Jacobs & Lesley Clark
DOE Names Hairston New BPA Administrator and CEO Hydro Review, 1/8/21 by Staff
Cantwell, Murray Object to Selection Process for New BPA Administrator, Citing 'Lack of Transparency' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/22/20 by Staff
Bonneville Power at Crossroad as Hydro Giant's CEO Exits Greenwire, 8/7/20 by Jeremy Jacobs
Listen How Idaho And Washington, Together, Can Save Our Salmon Jack FM, 1/7/21 by Lee Callahan
Consensus, Collaboration, Collective Resources to Assure Salmon will Persist Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/4/21 Anders, Bradbury & Rockefeller
Idaho Group Recommends Ways to Bolster Salmon, Steelhead East Oregonian, 1/6/21 by Keith Ridler
Salmon Workgroup Makes its Final Report Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/5/21 by Eric Barker
After Idaho Salmon Workgroup, a Push for Regional Recovery Public News Service, 1/4/21 by Eric Tegethoff
Contact Simpson Lewiston Tribune, 1/17/21 Shiva Rajbhandari
Simpson Must Act Now to Breach the Four Lower Snake Dams Idaho Press, 1/4/21 by Shiva Rajbhandari
Removal of Unproductive Dams Best for Salmon The Observer, 1/5/21 by Kurt Miller
We Can Do Better on Salmon Discussion San Juan Islander, 1/3/21 by Kurt Miller
Invest in Fish Lewiston Tribune, 1/3/21 by Russ Kiefer


Idaho's Salmon Need Urgent Action Idaho Mountain Express, 12/30/20 by Ann Christensen
Working Group Failed Idaho's Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 12/23/20 by David Cannamela
States Need Federal Cooperation to Save Salmon Spokesman-Review, 12/23/20 by Eric Crawford
Increase Wild Fish Production, Reduce Harvest Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/23/20 by John McKern
Listen Tribe Fights to Take Down Lower Snake River Dams The Astorian, 12/9/20 by Lynda Mapes
A Tribe's Decades-long Fight to Take Down Lower Snake River Dams and Restore a Way of Life Seattle Times, 11/29/20 by Lynda Mapes
McMorris Rodgers Vows to Protect Dams from New Perch E&E News, 12/8/20 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
Time to Fix Broken Rivers Wallowa Chieftain, 12/9/20 by Allen Pinkham Jr.
Swimming Upstream The Register-Guard, 12/4/20 by Shalynn Pack
Ocean Conditions Fail to Explain Snake River Fish Decline Lewiston Tribune 6, 12/10/20 by Bert Bowler
Why are Salmon and Steelhead on the Path to Extinction? Bend Bulletin, 12/8/20 by Yancy Lind
Study Looks at Impact of Ocean and Dams on Salmon Runs Idaho Statesman, 11/30/20 by Darin Oswald
Freshwater Dams are Not the Cause of Dwindling Chinook Salmon Numbers, According to One Researcher RFD TV, 11/30/20 by James Ferguson
Idaho's Salmon Workgroup Finalizing Recommendations to Save Salmon and Steelhead Idaho News 6, 12/4/20 by Staff
Lower Snake River Dams: Rebuild Better Seattle Times, 12/4/20 by Julie F. Rodwell
Join Call for Removal Seattle Times, 12/4/20 by Janet Higbee-Robinson
Will Governors' Pledge to Seek 'Collaborative Framework' Change Trajectory of Salmon Recovery? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/25/20 by Bill Crampton
Oregon Threatens Lawsuit Over Columbia and Snake River Dam Operations Portland Business Journal, 11/24/20 by Pete Danko
Jump Starting Salmon Recovery Register-Guard, 12/1/20 by Chris Hager
Lower Snake River Dams Should Be Removed Tri-City Herald, 11/23/20 by Bob Irvin
Thankful for Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 11/23/20 by Kurt Miller
Tribe Refining Testing, Vaccine Procedures Lewiston Tribune, 11/20/20 by Michael Wells
A Serious Gap in Knowledge Register-Guard, 11/12/20 by Kurt Miller
What Joe Biden's Agenda on the Environment Could Mean for the Pacific Northwest Seattle Times, 11/22/20 by Lynda Mapes
Gov. Brown Puts Salmon at Risk Statesman Journal, 11/27/20 by Kurt Miller
Follow the Money for Salmon Recovery East Oregonian, 11/21/20 by Phil Jarmer
A Path Forward for Salmon, Energy and Agriculture Capital Press, 11/16/20 by Wendy McDermott
Ag, Utility Groups Ask NW Governors for Holistic Approach to Salmon Recovery Capital Press, 11/10/20 by Matthew Weaver
Dams, Salmon, Wolves: How Key Issues Played Out in Eastern Washington Congressional Races Oregon Public Broadcasting, 11/3/20 by Courtney Flatt
It Doesn't Take a Degree in Marine Biology to See Dams are Bad for Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/20/20 by Steve Hawley
The Case of the Disappearing Chinook Salmon Capital Press, 11/16/20 by Editorial Board
Study Links Salmon Woes to Ocean Lewiston Tribune, 11/13/20 by Eric Barker
Salmon May Need Dams to Survive Wenatchee World, 11/11/20 by Kurt Miller
Northwest RiverPartners Peddles Its Snake River Dam Disinformation in the San Juan Islands San Juan Islander, 11/9/20 Sharon Grace & Chris Pinney
Study Finds Salmon Survival Rates Same With, Without Dams Capital Press, 11/6/20 by Matthew Weaver
Dam Advocates Welcome Salmon Survival Rate Study Capital Press, 11/6/20 by Matthew Weaver
New Research Reveals Flawed Approach to Salmon Recovery Programs - Implications for Dams Debate San Juan Islander, 11/2/20 by NW RiverPartners
Fishing Group Goes to Court Over Washington State Salmon Management Skagit Valley Herald, 10/30/20 by Kimberly Cauvel
Environmental Groups Sue Federal Government Over Snake River Dams Plan Whitman Wire, 11/5/20 by Grace Jackson
Groups to File Suit Over Snake River Dams Operations Idaho Mountain Express, 10/28/20 by Greg Moore
The Fight Over Snake River Dams is Likely Going Back to Court Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/26/20 by Courtney Flatt
In Repeat of Past, Conservation Groups Challenge New Dam Management Plan The Daily News, 10/26/20 by Mallory Gruben
Feds Being Sued Over New Decision to Leave Snake River Dams KPVI, 10/24/20 by Annette Cary
Groups Threaten Another Suit Over River Management Capital Press, 10/23/20 by George Plaven
State Climatologist says the Declining Snowpack Threatens Water Supplies as Population Grows Everett Herald, 10/19/20 by Julie Titone
Listen Environmental, Industry Groups Commit to Working Together on Some Hydro Projects Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/15/20 by Courtney Flatt
Pacific Northwest Governors say They'll Work Together on Columbia Salmon Portland Business Journal, 10/12/20 by Pete Danko
4 Governors Agree to Work Together as NW Salmon may Have Just 20 to 30 Years Left Tri-City Herald, 10/9/20 by Annette Cary
Governors Band Together for Salmon, Orcas After Federal Plan Falls Flat The Spokesman-Review, 10/15/20 by Staff
Critics Vow to Continue Efforts to Remove Snake River Dams King 5 News, 10/7/20 by Nicholas Geranios
Northwest Governors Pledge to Work with Tribes, Others for Salmon Recovery Lewiston Tribune, 10/9/20 by Staff
Snake River Dams Will Withstand Latest Lawsuit Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/29/20 by Editorial Board
Dams: Urgent Action Needed to Save Precious Orcas The Daily News, 10/20/20 by Darrell Johnson
Saving the Salmon in the Columbia River Basin The Daily News, 10/13/20 by Kurt Miller
Snake River Dams 'Recover Our Salmon' Seattle Times, 10/8/20 by Amy Grondin
Saving Salmon to Feed Orcas? Capital Press, 10/8/20 by Editorial Board
Decision Not to Breach Dams is Sound Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/1/20 by Editorial Board
Snake River Dams to Stay as Record of Decision Signed Intl. Water Power, 10/1/20 by Staff
Columbia River System Operations Record of Decision Released; Hydro Projects Stay Hydro Review, 10/1/20 by Staff
Listen Feds Keep Lower Snake River Dams Intact in Final Salmon Plan Boise State Public Radio, 10/1/20 by James Dawson
Federal Decision to Keep Snake River Dams in Place is Now Official; Dam Debate is Far from Over Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/30/20 by Courtney Flatt
Federal Agencies Sign Management Decision for Columbia River Dams The Astorian, 9/30/20 by George Plaven
Feds Formally Adopt Salmon, Dams Plan Lewiston Tribune, 9/30/20 by Eric Barker
Feds Issue Record of Decision on Columbia-Snake Dam Operations Portland Business Journal, 9/29/20 by Pete Danko
Federal Agencies Commit to Plan that Seeks to Balance Need for Dams with Impacts on Fish and Wildlife Big Country News, 9/29/20 by Staff
Listen After 4 Years of Study, Feds Finally Decide Whether to Tear Down Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 9/24/20 by Annette Cary
Rep. Dan Newhouse: Celebrating National Clean Energy Week Empire Press, 9/24/20 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
River Accords are 'Fishy Deal' for Idaho Challis Messenger, 9/17/20 by Mitch Cutter
BPA Payments are Just Bribery to Keep Lower Snake Dams Everett Herald, 9/14/20 by Tony Jones
Snake River Dams Should be Removed to Help Salmon, Orca Peninsula Daily News, 9/30/20 by Barbara Jo Blair
We Lose More than Salmon and Orcas to the Snake River Dams Crosscut, 9/23/20 by Patsy Doherty
Removing Dams on Puyallup and Snake Rivers is Key to Salmon and Orca Survival The News Tribune, 9/27/20 by Emily Pinckney
Boise High Green Club Walks Out of School to Raise Awareness Idaho Press 9/25/20 by Tracy Bringhurst
Supports Removal of Snake River Dams Peninsula Daily News, 9/23/20 by Jane Vanderhoof
Action Must Be Taken to Save Salmon Runs in State Everett Herald, 9/12/20 by Karen Stansbery
Snake River Dams are Costing Us More Than They Generate Everett Herald, 9/18/20 by Sam Bess
Hooray for Gov. Little Idaho Mountain Express, 9/16/20 by Janice Inghram
Breach the Dams Everett Herald, 9/13/20 by James Mulcare
Snake River Dams' Cost to Salmon Not Worth Power Produced Everett Herald, 9/8/20 by Steven Hawley
California Blackouts a Warning for the Northwest Everett Herald, 8/30/20 by Kurt Miller
Breach the Dams Now to Save Salmon from Extinction Idaho Statesman, 9/1/20 by Julie Sheen
Restricting Oregon's Stable Supply of Hydropower Would Be a Mistake East Oregonian, 8/25/20 by Rachel Dawson
Sea Lion Culling is Necessary for Salmon Runs Seattle Times, 8/25/20 by Editorial Board
Pacific Northwest Salmon at Center of Debate Over Controversial Dam Costs The Center Square, 8/22/20 by Tim Gruver
Snake River: 'Extinction is Forever' Seattle Times, 8/22/20 by Bill Daugaard
Collaboration with All Stakeholders is the Best Path Forward East Oregonian, 8/22/20 by John Appleton
Listen Let's Heal our Rivers and Restore Salmon Bend Bulletin, 8/12/20 Alysia and Elke Littleleaf
September Powwow May Help Fund Nez Perce Canoes Wallowa County Chieftain, 8/12/20 by Ellen Morris Bishop
Another Major Dam Study Comes and Goes Lewiston Tribune, 8/13/20 by Marty Trillhasse
Important Columbia, Snake River Dams Must Stay Cheney Free Press, 8/13/20 by Roger Harnack
Breaching Snake Dams Still Not a Good Option Capital Press, 8/13/20 by Editorial Board
Leave Dams on Snake and Columbia Rivers in Place The Daily News, 8/11/20 by Editorial Board
Debate Regarding Snake River Dams is Far from Over Everett Herald, 8/9/20 by Editorial Board
Are Salmon Devilishly Trying to Accelerate Climate Change? Idaho Mountain Express, 8/7/20 by Editorial Board
New Study on Dam Breaching Hits the Mark Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/6/20 by Editorial Board
Cheers: To Keeping Dams in Place The Columbian, 8/6/20 by Editorial Board
Reclaim Salmon by Reclaiming the Snake River Everett Herald, 8/24/20 by Tom Crisp
A Failure to Save the Salmon Register-Guard, 8/21/20 Martin, Sando, DeHart, Diggs, Chake, Swartz
Snake River Dams Too Costly The Columbian, 8/23/20 by Buzz Ramsey
Heart Breaking The Daily Astorian, 8/22/20 by Brianne Lee
River-Dependent Families Need Better Solutions The Register-Guard, 8/17/20 by Barrett Christiansen
Salmon Plan Concerns The Chronicle, 8/19/20 by Breanne Lee
The Columbia-Snake River EIS Meets Judgment Day Capital Press, 8/17/20 by Darryll Olsen
Climate Crisis Will Require Change for Dams, Water, More The Chronicle, 8/16/20 by Don Dillinger
Saving the Fish Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/20 by David Cannamela
Hatred of Mankind Drives Grizzly Proposal Wenatchee World, 8/13/20 by Malcolm Rooper
We Can't Afford to Gamble On Breaching Hydroelectric Dams Puget Sound Business Journal, 8/6/20 by Kurt Miller
Seek Leadership Elsewhere Lewiston Tribune, 8/12/20 by J. Michael Short
The Future of Hydropower Will Be Determined in the Pacific Northwest Utility Dive, 8/6/20 by Kurt Miller
Listen to Science, Remove the Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 8/6/20 by David Cannamela
President Biden Would Tear Down Snake River Dams Fox News Radio, 8/5/20 by Bill Colley
Snake River Dams: 'Pragmatic Decisions' Seattle Times, 8/5/20 by Nels Haugen
Final Columbia River EIS Doesn't Eliminate Snake River Dams Waterways Journal, 8/9/20 by Staff
Feds Finalize Spill Plan for Snake River Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 8/7/20 by Greg Moore
Nez Perce Tribe Calls for Leadership on Lower Snake River Restoration Daily Fly, 8/1/20 by Nez Perce Press Release
Washington Wheat Growers Welcome Balanced EIS; Debate on the Value of LSR Dams Settled Capital Press, 8/4/20 by WA Grain Commission
Bellows Falls Native Retires After Building Legacy with Army Corps of Engineers Keene Sentinel, 9/19/20 by Caleb Symons
Cal ISO Taps Portland-based Executive Elliot Mainzer as Its New CEO Sacramento Business Journal, 8/7/20 by Mark Anderson
Bonneville Power Administration Leader Elliot Mainzer to Leave for California Post Seattle Times, 8/6/20 by Hal Berton
Elliot Mainzer Leaving Top Post at Bonneville Power Administration for Job in California The Oregonian, 8/6/20 by Ted Sickinger
Spellmon Is Confirmed as Army Corps Next Chief Engineering News-Record, 7/21/20 by Tom Ichniowski
Listen Urgent Care from the Army Corps of Engineers The New Yorker, 7/27/20 by Paige Williams
Semonite to Continue as Corps Chief Past the Scheduled End of His Term Engineering News-Record, 5/14/20 by Tom Ichniowski
Feds Support Keeping Four Lower Snake River Dams Intact Natural Resources Report, 9/7/20 by Oregon Farm Bureau
Federal Government Releases its Operational Plan for the Columbia River System Dams East Oregonian, 8/25/20 by Katy Nesbitt
Federal Study Recommends Keeping Snake River Dams in Place, with Congress Having Final Say Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/1/20 by Courtney Flatt
Federal Plan Keeps Lower Snake River Dams Lewiston Tribune, 8/1/20 by Eric Barker
Herrera Beutler Hails Snake River Dams Decision The Columbian, 7/31/20 by Staff
Watch Idaho Fish Advocates say EIS is a Pathway to Extinction KIVI TV, 7/31/20 by Steve Liebenthal
Federal Study says Keep Lower Snake River Dams. Environmental Groups Condemn Decision Tri-City Herald, 7/31/20 by Annette Cary
Feds Affirm Opposition to Breaching Snake River Dams Capital Press, 7/31/20 by Don Jenkins
Federal Plan Keeps Lower Snake River Dams KOB4, 7/31/20 by Nicholas Geranios
Two Petroglyphs to Leave Grant House near Fort Vancouver to be Closer to Place of Origin The Columbian, 7/31/20 by Calley Hair
Our Rivers Too Dam Hot for Salmon NRDC Blog, 7/29/20 by Giulia C.S. Good Stefani
Summer of Loss Lewiston Tribune, 7/29/20 by Lucinda George Simpson
We Need PUD's Help in Saving Our Salmon Tillamook Headlight Herald, 7/24/20 by Norman Ritchie
In the Columbia–Snake River Basin, Salmon are Losing Their Way NRDC Blog, 7/18/20 by Jodi Helmer
Outfitters, Guides Call Out Legislators on Salmon Recovery Lewiston Tribune, 7/24/20 by Eric Barker
Time to Get Off the Bench Clearwater Tribune, 6/10/20 by Fishing Guides
Governor's Salmon Recovery Workgroup to Meet this Week Post Register, 7/4/20 by Jerry Painter
After Vandalism Found at Granite Point, Corps are Considering its Options Daily Fly, 6/30/20 ACOE Press Release
Northwest Power & Conservation Council's Choice for New Executive Director Draws Scrutiny Willamette Week, 7/1/20 by Nigel Jaquiss
The Next Generation of Hydropower The Star, 7/8/20 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
Troubled by Expulsion of Clallam PUD from the Public Power Council Peninsula Daily News, 7/22/20 by Fred Mitchell
Supports Jim Waddell's Position on Lower Snake River Dams Peninsula Daily News, 7/1/20 by Richard DeBusman
Disputes June 21 Letter Regarding The Dams on the Lower Snake River Peninsula Daily News, 6/24/20 by Marc Sullivan
Recall Waddell Peninsula Daily News, 6/14/20 by Mark White
Public Power Council Expels Clallam PUD Sequim Gazette, 6/10/20 by Rob Ollikainen
Snake River Dams: Water Temperature Seattle Times, 7/6/20 by Todd Myers
Snake River Dams in Hot Water Seattle Times, 6/29/20 VandenHeuvel & Julius
Listen Are Northwest Dams Being Set Up To Fail? The Daily News, 6/22/20 by Kurt Miller
Dispatchable Electricity Peninsula Daily News, 6/21/20 by Rick Paschall
Dams for the Breaching CounterPunch, 6/12/20 by David Yearsley
Without Action, Salmon are Doomed Idaho Press, 6/10/20 by Ronald Harriman
Destroying a Fishery Won;t Save Killer Whales Capital Press, 5/16/20 by Dr. Wally Pereyra
Sockeye Solutions KIVI TV, 6/3/20 by Steve Liebenthal
Idaho Sockeye Begin Perilous Journey KIVI TV, 5/27/20 by Steve Liebenthal
Oregon, Washington Can Sue Trump Over ESA Capital Press, 5/19/20 by Don Jenkins
Hear from Kilmer Peninsula Daily News, 6/7/20 by Terri Tyler
Port Angeles Council Co-Signs Snake River Dam Letter Peninsula Daily News, 6/4/20 by Rob Ollikainen
City Council to Consider Supporting Snake River Dam Removal Peninsula Daily News, 6/2/20 by Rob Ollikainen
Judge Asked to Halt Salmon Fishing in Alaska Courthouse News Service, 5/28/20 by Karina Brown
Trollers Ask City to Aid in Lawsuit Sitka Sentinel, 5/27/20 by Ariadne Will
Let's Work to Find a New Path Forward Tri-Cities Journal of Business, 5/20 by VandenHuevel & Matthews
Governor's Workgroup on Salmon Recovery to Meet Today, Thursday Post Register, 5/26/20 by Jerry Painter
No Fish Passage Past Idaho Dams Tri-City Herald, 6/7/20 by Duane Leinbach
Abundant Salmon, Affordable Energy and Prosperous Farms Idaho Mountain Express, 5/27/20 by Justin Hayes
New Course Needed for Dams The Oregonian, 5/26/20 by Tom France
Remove Dams, Save Fish Idaho Mountain Express, 5/22/20 by Scott Friedman
Temperature Rises on Columbia Basin Dams NRDC Blog, 5/26/20 by Giulia C.S. Good Stefani
Sockeye Salmon: Canary in Coal Mine for Health of NW Rivers Public News Service, 5/26/20 by Eric Tegethoff
Do Dams Really Impact River Temps in the Columbia/Snake Rivers? Here's the Science. The Daily News, 5/23/20 by Kurt Miller
Vulnerable Communities Need Low-Cost Energy The Register-Guard, 5/22/20 by Kurt Miller
High River Temperatures Dangerous to Salmon Daily Evergreen, 6/8/20 by Cheryl Aarnio
EPA Issues Report Analyzing Heat Pollution in Columbia, Snake Rivers Capital Press, 6/2/20 by George Plaven
State Aims to Regulate Water Temperature at Federal Dams, Wading into Controversy Seattle Times, 5/26/20 by Lynda Mapes
EPA Report Suggests Rivers Aren't for Salmon Courthouse News, 5/22/20 by Karina Brown
Not So Fast! Oregon DEQ Objects to EPA's Draft NPDES Permits for Lower Columbia River Dams JD Supra, 5/22/20 by Glick & Jamin
State Gains Keener Watch of Dams to Protect Salmon Everett Herald, 5/19/20 by Editorial Board
EPA says Federal Dams Raise Water Temperature in Snake River Flathead Beacon, 5/20/20 by Associated Press
EPA Report: Dams Play Large Role in Raising Water Temperatures Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/20 by Eric Barker
For First Time, Federal Dam Operators Must Make Water Temperature Control Plan The Daily News, 5/13/20 by Mallory Gruben
Columbia, Snake River Dam Operators Must Make Plan to Keep Waters Cold Enough for Salmon Survival The Oregonian, 5/13/20 by Associated Press
Washington State Expected to Regulate Federal Dams U.S. News & World Reports, 5/19/19 by Casey Leins
Times Change Lewiston Tribune, 5/10/20 by Jim Jones
A Case for Breaching Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 5/8/20 by Jim Jones
Salmon Triage Idaho Statesman, 4/27/20 Don Chapman & Rick Williams
Time To Talk, Listen and Work Together Idaho Mountain Express, 4/24/20 by Paul Hill
Breaching Idaho Statesman, 4/23/20 by Mike Raymondi
Pasco Chamber of Commerce: Standing Up for Our Way of Life Tri-City Herald, 4/23/20 by Colin Hastings
Saving the Fish Lewiston Tribune, 4/19/20 by Richard Scully
The Preferred Alternative Intl. Water Power, 5/20 by Staff
Columbia Basin EIS Missed Orca in the Room NRDC Blog, 4/14/20 by Giulia C.S. Good Stefani
People are Always Telling Me, "There's Plenty of Fish" Idaho Statesman, 4/10/20 by Shiva Rajbhandari
Setting the Record Straight on Lower Snake River Dams Statesman Journal, 4/9/20 by John W. Sigler
No One Wants to be Labeled an Un-woke "Salmon Racist" Statesman Journal, 3/29/20 by Stephen Hartgen
No More Lewiston Tribune, 4/5/20 by Steven R. Evans
BPA Seeks to Clear Misconceptions The Observer, 4/4/20 by Katy Nesbitt
Public Meetings on the Dams End Successfully After Digital Pivot Tri-City Herald, 4/10/20 Kurt Miller & Scott Rhees
Open Comment Remains Available for Snake River Dams Whitman County Gazette, 4/9/20 by Staff
Salmon, Dams Study Comment Period Nears End Lewiston Tribune, 4/5/20 by Eric Barker
Environmental Groups Complain About Dam Hearings Format Baker City Herald, 4/2/20 by Nicholas Geranios
Speak Up Now in Favor of Snake River Dams Capital Press, 3/27/20 by Kristin Meira
Court Won't Revisit Ruling on River Temperature Limits E&E News, 3/30/20 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
America Thrived by Choking its Rivers with Dams. Now it's Time to Undo the Damage Popular Science, Spring 2020 by Kate Morgan
Fight to Keep Snake River Dams is Not Over. Supporters Told to Send Comments to Feds Tri-City Herald, 3/19/20 by Annette Cary
Leaders from 12 Idaho Communities Urge Swift Action to Recover Salmon Before It's Too Late Idaho Statesman, 3/15/20 by Rocky Barker
'It's Just Not Working': Republican Slams Salmon Regime E&E News, 3/11/20 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
In Salmon vs. Dams Debate, History Will Side with Salmon Chinook Observer, 3/17/20 by Joe Paliani
Ingenuity Needed on Salmon The Daily Astorian, 3/12/20 by Editorial Board
Removal of Snake River Dams Would Harm Economy, Environment Yakima Herald, 3/12/20 by Editorial Board
Orcas Can Be Helped Without Removal of Snake River Dams Yakima Herald, 3/8/20 by Donald Stark
Remove Dams from the Lower Snake River Tillamook Headlight Herald, 3/6/20 by Darrel Whip
Feds Agree Removing Dams Would Be a Mistake Capital Press, 3/5/20 by Editorial Board
Wheat Organizations Back Snake River Dam Findings Capital Press, 3/6/20 by Wheat Organizations
Wheat Growers Anticipate 2020 'Election Effect' Capital Press, 3/2/20 by Matthew Weaver
Proposal to Remove Snake and Columbia River Dams Rejected Seafood Source, 3/17/20 by Ben Fisher
Federal Agencies Say No to Dam Breaching Idaho Mountain Express, 3/6/20 by Greg Moore
Feds Balk at Breaching Dams Capital Press, 3/2/20 by Don Jenkins
Feds Reject Removal of Four US Northwest Dams in Key Report WFMJ, 3/2/20 by Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press
Feds Reject Removal of Four Lower Snake River Dams in Key Report Seattle Times, 2/28/20 Lynda Mapes and Hal Berton
Oregon Governor's Snake River Dam Protest Rings Hollow, Displays Dangerous Ignorance Statesman Journal, 3/3/20 by Sen. Tim Sheldon
Oregon Governor Who Supports Breaching Snake River Dams Invited to See them First-Hand Tri-City Herald, 2/25/20 by Annette Cary
Oregon Looks Upstream to the Lower Snake River East Oregonian, 2/22/20 by Jessice Pollard
Waterways Association Opposes Brown Support for Breaching Dams Capital Press, 2/18/20 by Matthew Weaver
Oregon's Rural Electric Co-ops Slam Gov. Kate Brown's Position on Breaching Snake River Dams Willamette Week, 2/18/20 by Nigel Jaquiss
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown: Removing Snake River Dams Must Be Part of Plan to Save Salmon Idaho Statesman, 2/18/20 by Rocky Barker
Gov. Brown: Breach the Snake River Dams, But First Provide Ag, Community and Renewable Power Infrastructure Capital Press, 2/17/20 by Ellen Bishop
Buehler Blasts Brown's 'Radical' Call to Breach 4 Snake River Dams KTVZ, 2/15/20 by Associated Press
Oregon Governor Calls for Breaching 4 Snake River Dams U.S. News & World Reports, 2/15/20 by Associated Press
Oregon Governor Calls for Tearing Out Snake River Dams. Washington Reps are Outraged Tri-City Herald, 2/14/20 by Annette Cary
We Can Improve Conditions for Salmon and Orcas without Destroying Snake River Dams Statesman Journal, 2/21/20 by Kurt Miller
'Orcas Don't Have that Much Time.' Hatchery Bill Could Save Them Tri-City Herald, 2/16/20 by Editorial Board
New Analysis says Dam Removal Means $860M Energy Replacement Costs The Daily News, 2/14/20 by Mallory Gruben
OREGON: Wheat Depends on River Dams My Eastern Oregon, 2/24/20 OR Wheat Growers League
Stand Up for Idaho Lewiston Tribune, 2/18/20 by Jon Kittell
Blackouts Could Be In Our Future Tri-City Herald, 2/16/20 by Lori Sanders
Breach Dams to Save Salmon and Steelhead Twin Falls Times-News, 2/14/20 by Dennis Blevins
Idaho Dams Must be Part of Fish Discussion Tri-City Herald, 2/11/20 by Fred Mensik
Looming Power Shortage is 'Killer Argument' Against Dam-Breaching Tri-City Herald, 2/10/20 by Senator Maureen Walsh
Dam Letters Head to Governor Whitman County Gazette, 2/13/20 by Victoria Fowler
Fish Scales Break Even in 2020 Bonner County Daily Bee, 2/4/20 by Eric Barker
Saving the Orcas of Puget Sound E - The Environmental Magazine, 2/4/20 by Sam Heller
Resolution would Position Idaho Against Removal of Snake, Columbia Dams Cherokee Tribune & Ledger News, 2/4/20 by Ryan Blake
Take a Minute, Rep. Simpson; Read This Poll Lewiston Tribune, 2/1/20 by Marty Trillhaase
Report: Idahoans Split on Breaching the Four Lower Snake River Dams Lewiston Tribune, 2/1/20 by Eric Barker
Fish School, Part 5: Experts Debate Impact of Ocean Conditions on Salmon, Steelhead Survival Lewiston Tribune, 2/21/20 Analysis by Eric Barker
Fish School, Part 4: Death Delayed Lewiston Tribune, 2/7/20 Analysis by Eric Barker
Fish School, Part 3: Surviving the System Lewiston Tribune, 1/31/20 Analysis by Eric Barker
Snake River Basin Sees Too Few Salmon, Steelhead Return to Maintain, Grow Runs Lewiston Tribune, 1/24/20 Analysis by Eric Barker
A Primer on the Habits, Habitat and Health of NW Chinook, Steelhead and Sockeye Lewiston Tribune, 1/17/20 Analysis by Eric Barker
Will State Really Study Removing Ballard Locks and Raising Lake Washington? No Dam Way The Spokesman-Review, 2/2/20 by Jim Camden
Back Off, Seattle. Leave Snake River Dams Alone, and Fix Your Own Yard Tri-City Herald, 1/30/20 by Editorial Board
Idaho's Salmon Can't Survive With the Lower Snake Dams in Place Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/24/20 by Jim Jones
Winter Fishtrap Explores One Dam Issue After Another Wallowa County Chieftain, 1/22/20 by Ellen Morris
Listen Northwest Salmon in Peril, And Efforts to Save Them Scale Up National Public Radio, 1/22/20 by Kirk Siegler
It's About Money and Politics, Not Salmon or Orca Lewiston Tribune, 1/26/20 by Rick Rogers
Dam Controversy Never-Ending Saga Tri-City Herald, 1/22/20 by Jim Homan
Dams are the Northwest's Flood Busters The Courier-Herald, 1/20/20 by Don C. Brunell
Watch Governor's Salmon Work Group Looks to Address Salmon Recovery in Idaho KIVI TV, 1/19/20 by Steve Dent
U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse says He's Found Peace as a Lawmaker in His Third Term Spokesman-Review, 2/9/20 by Kip Hill
Newhouse Proposes Major Change to Endangered Species Act 560 KPQ, 1/15/20 by Kyle Lamb
Didn't Plan to Write, But Lewiston Tribune, 2/9/20 by Steven R. Evans
Agrees with Little Lewiston Tribune, 1/26/20 by Marvin Entel
Dams Are Irreplaceable Lewiston Tribune, 1/19/20 by Patrick Wolf
Playing Dam Politics Lewiston Tribune, 1/19/20 by Dan Cease
A Wrong Decision for OPALCO San Juan Journal, 1/15/20 by Elisabeth Robson
Voice of Chieftain - Lower Snake River Dams Wallowa County Chieftain, 1/15/20 by Ellen Bishop
Winter Fishtrap 2020 Inspires Talk About Dams Wallowa County Chieftain, 1/15/20 by Ellen Bishop
First Duty: Fish Lewiston Tribune, 1/10/20 by Eric Barker
Killer Whales Far More Complex Than Many Think Capital Press, 1/9/20 by Editorial Board
Dam Breaching May Be Hazardous to Your Economy The Columbian, 1/9/20 by Editorial Board
Supports Dams Lewiston Tribune, 1/12/20 by Marvin J. Jackson
Snake River Dams Must Remain Tri-City Herald, 1/10/20 by Reagan Grabner
Dam It! Pacific NW Inlander, 1/9/20 by James Bergdahl
Farmers Right to be Skeptical of Being Made Whole Capital Press, 1/2/20 by Editorial Board
Study Claims Lower Snake River Dam Removal Would Cost Billions The Lens, 1/8/20 by TJ Martinell
Watch Dam-focused Rally, Workshop Draws Hundreds of People to Pasco YakTri News, 1/14/20 by Carissa Lehmkuhl
Snake Dam Issues Got Personal at Pasco Rally. 'All of Us Need to Work Harder to Understand' Tri-City Herald, 1/14/20 by Annette Cary
Snake River Dam Speakers Focus On Impacts Capital Press, 1/14/20 by Matthew Weaver
Experts Meet for Public Panel on Potentially Removing Snake River Dams KEPR TV, 1/13/20 by Megan Magensky
Tonight: What Tri-Citians Need to Know About the Dam Rally and State Meeting in Pasco Tri-City Herald, 1/12/20 by Annette Cary
Dams vs. Salmon: Workshops Aim to Get Past 'My Study Can Beat Up Your Study' on Snake River Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/10/20 by Courtney Flatt
For Salmon and Steelhead to Survive, the Dams Must Come Out Hatch Magazine, 1/10/20 by Chris Hunt
Four Washington Dams Again on Chopping Block Courthouse News, 1/10/20 by Karina Brown
At Panel on Breaching Snake River Dams, Stakeholders Try to Meet on Needs Idaho Statesman, 1/8/20 by Eric Barker
Officials Present to a Crowd the Lower Snake River Dam Study KLEW, 1/8/20 by Lauren Kahl
Issue of Snake River Dams Draws Crowd on All Sides Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/8/20 by Eric Barker
Study: Removing Snake River Dams Would Cost Economy, Environment Capital Press, 1/7/20 by Matthew Weaver
Salmon and Orcas: Washington Considers Breaching Lower Snake River Dams National Fisherman, 1/7/20 by Kirk Moore
Officials Invite Public Comment for Lower Snake River Dams KLEW, 1/7/20 by Lauren Kahl
Stakeholders Urged to Attend Dam Study Workshop Capital Press, 1/3/20 by Matthew Weaver
Report Weighs Future of Snake River Dams Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber, 1/3/20 by Paul Rowley
Farmers and Salmon Advocates Agree: It's Time to Talk about the Snake River Dams EcoWatch, 1/3/20 by Jodi Helmer
New Report Examining Dams Along the Snake River is Unlikely to Break Through the Logjam Pacific NW Inlander, 1/2/20 by Samantha Wohlfeil
Listen Salmon Recovery CSRIA Pt 3, 1/2/20 by Bob Larson
Listen Salmon Recovery CSRIA Pt 2, 1/1/20 by Bob Larson


Listen Salmon Recovery CSRIA Pt 1, 12/31/19 by Bob Larson
Breaching Dams Could Have Negative Impacts On Vulnerable Communities East Oregonian, 12/31/19 by Katy Nesbitt
Lower Snake River Dam's Report Criticized Morning News, 12/30/19 by Emily Thornton
Ag and Rural Caucus Seeks Snake River Mitigation Capital Press, 12/30/19 by Don Schwerin
With Salmon Numbers Plummeting, Solution Begins with Dialogue -- Even at the Coffee Table Idaho Statesman, 12/26/19 by Rocky Barker
While We're Waiting for Dam Removal in Idaho, Here's What We Can Do Now Idaho Statesman, 12/12/19 by Jeff Jarrett
Fishing and Farming Communities Need Solutions Seaside Signal, 12/29/19 by Joel Kawahara
'Sock Guy for the Sockeye': Boise 11-year-old Raises Money to Save Idaho Fish Idaho Statesman, 12/27/19 by Ximenia Bustillo
Trump Signs Law to Upgrade Living Conditions for Tribes The Oregonian, 12/28/19 by Molly Harbarger
Snake River Dams Focus of Federal Lawsuit Ruling, Draft State Report The Daily News, 12/26/19 by Mallory Gruben
Court Orders EPA to Write Temperature Control Plans for Columbia, Snake Capital Press, 12/27/19 by George Plaven
Federal Court Ruling Expected to Affect Salmon Conservation Lewiston Tribune, 12/27/19 by Associated Press
Federal Appeals Court Pins EPA with Responsibility for Snake, Columbia River Plan Lewiston Tribune, 12/21/19 by Eric Barker
Federal Appeals Court Orders EPA to Create Plan to Lower Water Temperatures on Columbia River Seattle Times, 12/20/19 by Evan Bush
Court says EPA Must Regulate River Temperatures for Fish E&E News, 12/20/19 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
Report to Help Guide Washington Governor's Decisions about Lower Snake River Dams Hydro Review, 12/27/19 by Staff
Washington Punts on Fate of Lower Snake River Dams Greenwire, 12/23/19 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
Farmers Skeptical About Being Made 'Whole' If Dams Breached Capital Press, 12/23/19 by Don Jenkins
Listen Gov. Inslee Report Weighs Future of Snake River Public News Service, 12/20/19 by Eric Tegethoff
WA Deeply Divided Over Tearing Down Snake River Dams, says Inslee's $750,000 Study Tri-City Herald, 12/20/19 by Annette Cary
Study Looks at Benefits and Liabilities of Snake River Dams WRAL, 12/20/19 by Nicholas K. Geranios
Energy, Salmon, Economy: Accord on Snake River Dams Possible Seattle Times, 12/19/19 by Martha Kongsgaard
Gov. Inslee's Snake River Dam Study Wasted Money Telling Us What We Already Know Tri-City Herald, 12/20/19 by Editorial Board
Poll: Washington Residents Care About Salmon But Want to Keep Dams Yakima Herald, 12/18/19 by Annette Cary
Washington Policy Center Releases Results of Statewide Poll on Snake River Dams Yakima Herald, 12/17/19 by Carissa Lehmkuhl
Bonneville Power Dynasty: No Longer a 'No-Brainer' E&E News, 11/27/19 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
Extinction is Unacceptable Lewiston Tribune, 12/22/19 by Frank Peter De Luca
40 Years After Creation, Northwest Power and Conservation Council at a Crossroads The Oregonian, 12/15/19 by Tom Karier
Silence is Killing Fishing Idaho Mountain Express, 12/13/19 by Editorial Board
Without Wild Salmon, Entire Ecosystems Fail Idaho Statesman, 12/17/19 by Bruce Rankin
Salmon Mean Business Idaho Statesman, 12/17/19 by David Cannamela
Remove the Dams Lewiston Tribune, 12/17/19 by Bruce Rankin
Save the Fish Lewiston Tribune, 12/17/19 by Steven R. Evans
Results of Inslee's Dam Review Breaches this Week Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 12/16/19 by Eric Barker
Washington Ag Director: Agency Monitoring Impact Statement Capital Press, 12/13/19 by Matthew Weaver
Why Salmon Recovery Cannot Happen Due to Politics, Tribes and Conservation Groups Twin Falls Times-News, 12/14/19 by Ronald M. Harriman
Collaboration on Dams Won't Bring Back Salmon and Steelhead Idaho Statesman, 12/11/19 by Scott Lake
Environmentalist Calls for Discussions on Snake River Dams Capital Press, 12/5/19 by Matthew Weaver
Outfitters Discuss Grim Outlook Lewiston Tribune, 12/4/19 by Eric Barker
OPALCO's Decision is Wrong The Islands' Sounder, 12/12/19 by Valerie Tibbett
OPALCO Addresses Snake River Dam Resolution The Islands' Sounder, 12/2/19 by Mandi Johnson
Port Works with PNWA on River Promotion Effort Whitman County Gazette, 12/12/19 by Victoria Fowler
Northwest RiverPartners Steps Up Opposition to Dam Breaching The Columbian, 11/25/19 by Jeffrey Mize
Idaho Utility will Dismiss Lawsuit Against EPA Over Dams The Spokesman-Review, 11/29/19 by Keith Ridler
Resolution for Removal of Dams Fails to Pass The Daily Evergreen, 11/21/19 by Jakob Thorington
"Dammed to Extinction": Wildlife Concerns Shown Through Film Whitman Wire, 11/20/19 by Renny Acheson
Federal Cuts Shut Down Salmon River, Other Idaho Rivers' Monitoring Gauges Idaho Statesman, 11/19/19 Cynthia Sewell & Rocky Barker
Removing Lower Snake River Dams is Best Chance for Salmon, Steelhead Recovery Idaho Statesman, 11/18/19 by Helen Neville
Bring Back Our Fish Idaho Press, 11/16/19 by Tori Doell
Get Rid of Dams to Save Salmon? Not So Fast Idaho Statesman, 10/1/19 by Kurt Miller
Snake River Dams Must Go Idaho Mountain Express, 11/27/19 by Mason Rogers
Sage Students to Tackle Dams Question Idaho Mountain Express, 11/13/19 by Chris Melville
Watch Asotin City Council Voices the Impacts of Dam Breaching KLEW, 11/13/19 by Lauren Kahl
Commissioners Address Governor to Save Snake River Dams KLEW, 11/12/19 by Lauren Kahl
Clueless About Dams Spokesman-Review, 11/16/19 by Julian Matthews
Public Statement on Historical Snake River Data Would Be Interesting Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 11/11/19 by Gene Spangrude
It's 'Just Money' Lewiston Tribune, 11/9/19 by Bill Chetwood
How Much Does Little Value Idaho Salmon? Times-News, 11/8/19 by Frank Peter De Luca
Look for New Solutions to Fish Problems Capital Press, 11/7/19 by Editorial Board
Facts on Dam Breaching Are Being Overlooked Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 11/7/19 by John McKern
Dams Must Come Down to Save Salmon The Oregonian, 11/4/19 by Barb Gazeley
What About the Dams? Lewiston Tribune, 11/3/19 by Marvin F. Dugger
Snake River Dams Idaho Statesman, 10/18/19 by Odos Lowery
A Disservice to Washingtonians Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/4/19 by Linwood Laughy
Idaho Chinook, Steelhead in Trouble Twin Falls Times-News, 11/7/19 by Colin Tiernan
Governor's Salmon Work Group Focuses on Dams at Twin Falls Meeting Idaho Rivers United Blog, 11/1/19 by Staff
Fish Woes Debated by Salmon Panelists Challis Messenger, 10/30/19 by Hunter Diehl
Fishing Guide Hopes to Engage Idahoans on Salmon Solutions Post Register, 10/29/19 by Jerry Painter
Survey on Snake River Dams is Online. Help Protect the Region's Economy and Fill it Out Tri-City Herald, 11/29/19 by Editorial Board
You Can Tell the State What You Think of Breaching Snake Dams. Take Its Survey Tri-City Herald, 11/20/19 by Annette Cary
Tri-Cities Will Host Public Meeting on Dam Removal Study After All YakTri News, 10/30/19 by Carissa Lehmkuhl
Republicans, Outraged by No Dam-Breaching Session in Tri-Cities, Get Their Way Tri-City Herald, 10/29/19 by Annette Cary
Snake River Dams High Country News, 10/28/19 by Howard Garrett
Can Decade-old Owyhee Initiative Model Bring Peace Among Adversaries to Save Idaho Salmon? Idaho Statesman, 10/28/19 by Rocky Barker
Watch Salmon Shortage Threatens Food Chain in Pacific NW CNN, 10/25/19 by Newsroom Staff
River Temperatures Prompt Scientists' Call for Removal of Snake Dams Wallowa County Chieftain, 11/7/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Scientists Assert Only Breaching Dams Can Cool Northwest Waterways Idaho State Journal, 11/3/19 by Eric Barker
Watch Scientists Warn of Salmon Extinction If Snake River Dams Stay Q13 Fox, 10/23/19 by Simone Del Rosario
McMorris Rodgers Blasts Inslee, Dam Study Spokesman Review, 10/26/19 by Jim Camden
McMorris Rodgers: Dams an Eco-Friendly Form of Transportation Washington Ag Network, 10/24/19 by Glenn Vaagen
Clarkston Incumbent Seeks Reelection Lewiston Tribune, 10/23/19 by Kerri Sandaine
The $68,000 Fish Harpers Magazine, 10/14/19 by Patrick Symmes
Some Northeast Oregonians and Tribal Members are Dreaming of a Freer Snake River Wallowa County Chieftain, 10/14/19 by Christina deVillier
The New Weapon in the War Over Dam Removal: Economics E&E News, 10/23/19 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
Removing Dams Would Damn Northwest Economy The Columbian, 10/23/19 by Editorial Board
Steelhead Fishing Closure Hammers Idaho Economy Billings Gazette, 10/13/19 by Eric Barker
On the Northwest's Snake River, the Case for Dam Removal Grows Yale Environment 360, 10/10/19 by Jacques Leslie
Expert: Removing Dams Won't Fix Columbia River's Problems KIRO Radio, 10/18/19 by Nicole Jennings
Fallout from Closed Fishing Seasons; the Future is Rail Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/16/19 by Brett Haverstick
Snake River Salmon Idaho Statesman, 10/13/19 by Christopher Hager
Oceans are Sick Lewiston Tribune, 10/13/19 by Abel Workman
Dugger Was Inaccurate Lewiston Tribune, 10/13/19 by Chris Norden
Natural Salmon Recovery Lewiston Tribune, 10/13/19 by Ronald M. Harriman
Did We Do Enough? Lewiston Tribune, 10/12/19 by Tony McDonnell
Dams Not To Blame Lewiston Tribune, 10/12/19 by Todd Myers
Say These Local Businesses: It's the Dams Or Us Lewiston Tribune, 10/10/19 by Marty Trillhaase
Dams and Salmon Can -- and Do -- Coexist Ritzville Adams County Journal, 10/10/19 by Rep. Dan Newhouse
Dam Removal Must Be Part of The Solution to Recovering Fish Populations Idaho Statesman, 10/9/19 by Eric Crawford
Dams and Fish are Possible If We're Willing to Talk It Out Lewiston Tribune, 10/6/19 by Jeff Sayre
River Group Wants Breaching on Table Lewiston Tribune, 10/5/19 by Eric Barker
Dammed If You Do, Dammed If You Don't Idaho Mountain Express, 10/2/19 by Chris Melville
'Dammed to Extinction' Adds Yet Another Layer to Conversation on Dam Breaching Boise Weekly, 10/2/19 by Xavier Ward
Reeling from Some Major Ripple Effects Lewiston Tribune, 10/4/19 by Eric Barker
Fish, Wildlife Program Hearing Draws Little Comment Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/19 by Eric Barker
Courts Can't Keep Columbia and Snake River Salmon from the Edge of Extinction High Country News, 9/26/19 by Carl Segerstrom
Time Running Out for Crusading Biologist's War on Dams E&E News, 9/26/19 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
Restoring the Snake River is a Jobs Program Sightline Institute, 9/19/19 by Daniel Malarkey
Few Would Lose from Removing Snake River Dams Sightline Institute, 9/18/19 by Daniel Malarkey
Snake River Dam's Hydropower is No Longer Particulary Cheap Sightline Institute, 9/17/19 by Daniel Malarkey
It's Not Even Close: Economics says the Snake River Dams Should Go Sightline Institute, 9/16/19 by Daniel Malarkey
Governor, Idaho Leaders Urged To Do More for Salmon and Steelhead KTVB, 9/24/19 by Staff
Time is Running Out Lewiston Tribune, 9/29/19 by Anthony Jones
Ironic, Isn't It? Lewiston Tribune, 9/23/19 by Ged W. Randall
Rendezvous for the Rivers Lewiston Tribune, 9/22/19 by Kerri Sandaine
Time to Address Dwindling Salmon and Steelhead Populations Western Bass, 9/21/19 by Trout Unlimited
How Long Before Wild Chinook Salmon are Gone? 'Maybe 20 Years' New York Times, 9/24/19 by Jim Robbins
Investing in BPA's Future May Mean Sharing Some Costs Seattle Times, 9/23/19 Debra Smith & Scott Simms
Don't Make the Choice; Merely Clarify It Lewiston Tribune, 9/29/19 by Marty Trillhaase
Members of ID Governor's Salmon Working Group Say Actual Solutions are Still Many Meetings Away Spokesman-Review, 9/19/19 by Eric Barker
OPALCO's Dam Decision is Concerning Island Weekly, 10/1/19 by Michael Karp
OPALCO: Visionary IRP But Dam Removal Opposition Should Wait for Scientific Study Completion The Islands' Sounder, 9/30/19 by Chris & Chom Greacen
OPALCO Stands with Whales and Supports Hydro System The Islands' Sounder, 9/28/19 Orcas Power & Light Cooperative
Chelan PUD Goes on Record Opposing Removal of Snake River Dams NCW Life, 9/17/19 by Cal FitzSimmons
Lower Snake River Dams Help Keep the Lights On The Daily World, 9/27/19 Grays Harbor PUD Commissioners
Chelan PUD Voices Support for Snake River Dams The Lens, 9/19/19 by TJ Martinell
Stakeholders to Weigh In On Snake River Dam Removal The Lens, 9/10/19 by TJ Martinell
Can't We Seek Common Ground on Dam/Fish Divide? Lewiston Tribune, 9/15/19 by Jeff Sayre
Remove Dams The Daily News, 9/9/19 by Joe Paliani
Dam Breaching Incurs the Law of Unintended Consequences Lewiston Tribune, 9/8/19 by Rick Rogers
Hermiston History: Environmental Groups Protest Fish Facility Hermiston Herald, 9/6/19 by Jade McDowell
Together, We Can Find Solutions Lewiston Tribune, 8/29/19 by Roy Akins
Act Now for Orcas, Urge Removal of Dams Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber, 8/28/19 by Virginia Lohr
No Satisfying Those Who Hate Dams Tri-City Herald, 8/27/19 by Martin Pierret
Identify Costs for Breaching Dams Tri-City Herald, 8/25/19 by Don Schwerin
Breach Snake Dams; Leave Birds Alone Chinook Observer, 8/15/19 by Joe Paliani
Killing Cormorants Chinook Observer, 8/13/19 by Gosia Wozniacka
Washington Students, Activists File Petition with Congress to Save Orcas, Remove 4 River Dams WLS-TV Chicago, 8/15/19 by Staff
Watch A Million Salmon Could Be Restored by Removing Snake River Dams, Activist Says KOMO News, 8/14/19 by Abby Acone
New Analysis on Lower Snake River Dams The Lens, 8/22/19 by TJ Martinell
Columbia REA Votes to Support (LSR) Dams Waitsburg Times, 8/15/19 by Staff
Lower Snake Dams Need Attention, Critical Thought The Daily Evergreen, 8/27/19 by Gus Waters
It's Time to Breach Salmon Stalemate Challis Messenger, 8/22/19 by Jared Pfliger
Snake River Landowners Visit D.C. Whitman County Gazette, 8/15/19 by Staff
Listen Sockeye Salmon and Dams In-Depth Boise State Public Radio, 8/15/19 by Gemma Gaudette
Listen A Million Salmon Could Be Restored by Removing Snake River Dams, Activist Says KOMO News, 8/14/19 by Abby Acone
A New Film Argues Lower Snake Dams Make Life Worse for Salmon, Orcas and Everyone in PNW Crosscut, 8/13/19 by Hannah Weinberger
Farmers Harvesting Wheat at a Loss Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/15/19 by Thomas Clouse
Listen Washington Wheat Farmers Could be Toast If Dams Are Removed to Help Hungry Orcas National Public Radio, 8/15/19 by Eilis O'Neill
Farmers 'Profoundly Disappointed' by Trump's Wheat Comments Capital Press, 8/15/19 by Matthew Weaver
Washington Dam Removal is Controversial But May Be the Best Chance for Salmon, 8/20/19 by Zach Fitzner
Listen Wheat Farmers Fear Extinction If Snake River Dams are Removed to Help Orcas KUOW, 8/15/19 by Eilis O'Neill
We Need a New Vision for Salmon -- and the Region The Oregonian, 8/28/19 by Liz Hamilton
Why Bonneville Can't Save Salmon Spokesman Review, 8/18/19 by Tom Karier
Dam Breaching Isn't So Simple Spokesman Review, 7/12/19 by Tom Karier
Use Endangered Species Act to End Columbia River Litigation Tri-City Herald, 8/20/19 by Darryll Olsen
Trump Track: Speed Bumps on the Road to Species Protection JD Supra, 8/15/19 by Richard Glick
Kress Appointed to Idaho Wheat Commission Capital Press, 8/16/19 by Brad Carlson
Chooses Dams Over Fish Lewiston Tribune, 8/15/19 by N. E. Bartlow
How About a King-Salmon Hiatus to Help Save Orcas? Seattle Times, 8/9/19 by Harpur Evoy
Fish Work Group Discusses Salmon, Steelhead Efforts Challis Messenger, 8/7/19 by Laura Zuckerman
Sen. Ericksen Tells Seattle to Tear Down Its Dams and to Imagine the Consequences Bellingham Herald, 8/8/19 by Annette Cary
Sen. Ericksen: Leave Snake River Dams, Get Rid of Ballard Locks Instead KIRO Radio, 8/8/19 by Dori Monson
BoCC Passes Letter to Protect Dams Whitman County Gazette, 8/8/19 by Staff
Simpson Sticks to Middle Ground on Immigration Post Register, 7/31/19 by Nathan Brokwn
Costs of Removing Snake River Dams Unknown Capital Press, 7/30/19 by Matthew Weaver
When it Comes to Salmon, Orcas and Snake River, Breach the Status Quo Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/18/19 by Tom France
Dam Removal Edit Irked This Reader Tri-City Herald, 8/14/19 by Stan Kuick
Latest Anti-Dam Study is 'Unscientific and Inaccurate.' It Belongs in the Trash Tri-City Herald, 8/7/19 by Editorial Board
Dubious 'Study' on Dam Breaching is Propaganda Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/7/19 by Editorial Board
Here We Go Again Whitman County Gazette, 8/1/19 by Gordon Forgey
BPA Remains Valuable to Pacific Northwest Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 7/31/19 by Editorial Board
Ag Dismisses 'Flawed' Study of Breaching Snake River Dams Capital Press, 8/12/19 by Matthew Weaver
Clarkston Port Responds to Dam Study Whitman County Gazette, 8/8/19 by Staff
Report Touting Benefits of Snake River Dam Removal Stirs Controversy East Oregonian, 8/8/19 by Kale Wiliams
Watch Port of Clarkston Critical of Dam Breaching Study KLEW, 8/1/19 by Stephen Pimpo
Study: Breaching Dams Would Pay Off Lewiston Tribune, 7/31/19 by Eric Barker
Watch Potential Removal of Snake River Dams Causes More Debate KNDO/KNDU, 7/30/19 by Staff
Study: In Breaching Snake River Dams, Benefits Outweigh Costs Q13 Fox, 7/29/19 by Simone Del Rosario
Seattle Study Favors Breaching Dams. 'Slap in the Face,' says Tri-Cities Congressman Tri-City Herald, 7/29/19 by Annette Cary
Salmon Runs in 2019 Expected to Be Lower Than 2017, 2018 Boise Weekly, 8/7/19 by Xavier Ward
Idaho Problems, Idaho Solutions? Boise Weekly, 7/31/19 by Xavier Ward
'The Most Complex Natural Resource Issue In The West' Boise Weekly, 7/24/19 by Xavier Ward
A Tale of Two Salmon Conferences Post Register, 7/26/19 by Kurt Miller
B2H: Another Idaho Power Mistake Baker City Herald, 6/24/19 by Steve Culley
Nez Perce Tribe Files Suit Over 3 Idaho Power Dams Idaho News 2, 7/31/19 by Brian Morrin
Tribe, Others Challenge Agreement re Hells Canyon Dam Relicensing Lewiston Tribune, 7/26/19 by Eric Barker
Pacific Rivers and Idaho Rivers United File Petition Challenging Clean Water Act Certification Boise Public Radio, 7/25/19 by Tess Goodwin
Nez Perce Tribe Files Petition Challenging Oregon Water Quality Certification of Hells Canyon Complex Indian Country Today, 7/25/19 by Nez Perce Tribe
Tribe, Groups Sue Agency Over Dam Deal The Columbian, 7/26/19 by Associated Press
Energy CEOs Extol Virtues of Hydropower While Bemoaning its Lack of Public Support HydroWorld, 7/30/19 by Staff
Breaching Dams Would Hurt Reliable, Low-cost Electricity for Tri-Cities, Utilities Argue Tri-City Herald, 7 /5/19 by Staff
Get Out of the Way Lewiston Tribune, 7/14/19 by Anthony Jones
Dam Removal Helps Our Salmon and Orcas Bainbridge Island Review, 7/9/19 by Jorge Montiel
In Idaho, the Plight of Salmon Spawns an Unorthodox Proposal Christian Science Monitor, 7/2/19 by Mark Trumbull
Watch Governor's Salmon Work Group Starts Work June 28 KIVI TV, 6/23/19 by Katie Kloppenburg
Idaho Governor's Salmon Group Sets First Meeting Capital Press, 6/20/19 by Staff
Watch Little Vows to Fight for Abundant, Sustainable Salmon Populations through Work Group Idaho Statesman, 6/19/19 by Cynthia Sewell
Breaching of Snake River Dams Gets Attention at Chamber Event Lewiston Tribune, 6/14/19 by Elaine Williams
Collapse of Salmon and Steelhead a Dam Shame Mountain Journal, 5/30/19 by Tom France
Researchers Have Offered Ways to Save Salmon Runs for Decades. Will New Leaders Listen? Idaho Statesman, 5/23/19 by Rocky Barker
Snake River Dams Vital Part of US Tri-City Herald, 6/23/19 by Walt Meglasson
Why the Salmon and Steelhead Cannot Return The Daily News, 6/21/19 by Joe Paliani
Losing the Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 6/19/19 by Julian Matthews
Help Salmon, Remove Dams The Columbian, 6/17/19 by Elizabeth Cobbs
Don't Waste Money on Dam Study Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/16/19 by R.S. Ellard
Breach It and They Will Come The Meat Eater, 6/14/19 by Ben Long
With or Without Dams, We Are In This Together Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/11/19 by Amy Grondin
Help Salmon, Remove Dams The Columbian, 6/10/19 by Joe Paliani
Dialogue on Dams is Necessary The Columbian, 5/29/19 by Susan Saul
Snake River Study Needs to be Neutral Tri-City Herald, 5/30/19 by Allan Konopka
Watch Wheat Farmers Concerned about Dam Debate KIVI TV, 5/29/19 by Steve Liebenthal
Watch Bonneville Power Struggles as Salmon Runs Decline KIVI TV, 5/15/19 by Steve Liebenthal
Realize the Real Salmon and Orca Problem is Predators Peninsula Daily News, 6/23/19 by Gary E. Hess
Focus on Dam Removal Instead of Killing Birds Chinook Observer, 6/10/19 by Joe Paliani
Science on Dam Removal Does Seem Clear Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/9/19 by Charles Phillips
Orcas: Removing Dams is Best Hope of Survival The News Tribune, 6/7/19 by Realia Harris
Blame Salmon Woes on Shad Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/9/19 by William Moore
Terns Hurt Salmon Recovery Spokesman Review, 6/6/19 by Eric Johnson
Remove the Lower Snake River Dams Vashon Island Beachcomber, 6/5/19 by Christian White
Lower Snake River Dams Not an Important Source of Power Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 6/4/19 by Jeffrey Joswig-Jones
Washington's Path to Clean Energy Can Also Save Orca--and Salmon They Need to Thrive Washington State Wire, 6/25/19 by Tom France
The Environmental Value of Hydropower Washington State Wire, 6/19/19 Grays Harbor Public Utility
Utilities in Support of Lower Snake River Dams The Lens, 6/7/19 by TJ Martinell
PUD says Removing Lower Snake Dams is 'Bad for the County and the Region' Intl. Water Power, 6/5/19 by Staff
Grays Harbor PUD Commissioners Support Dams on Lower Snake River KXRO News, 6/5/19 by Staff
PUD Board Passes Resolution Supporting Lower Snake River Hydroelectric Dams The Daily World, 6/4/19 by Staff
PUD Board Plans Dam Support The Omak Chronicle, 6/3/19 by Staff
Schmick, Dye Reflect on Legislative Session Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 5/31/19 by William Spence
Snake River Family Festival Scheduled for June 8 Whitman County Gazette, 5/30/19 by Staff
The Dams that Kill Orca Counter Punch, 6/7/19 by Jeffrey St. Clair
Pacific Northwest Tribal Fishing Bill Clears U.S .House Peninsula Daily News, 5/29/19 by Staff
State Wastes $750,000 on Unnecessary Dam Breaching Study Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/23/19 by Editorial Board
McMorris Rodgers, Newhouse Call on Gov. Inslee to Veto Snake River Dam Breaching Study KHQ/Q6, 5/23/19 by Congressmen Press Release
Inslee Ignores Request to Veto Study of Effects of Possible Snake River Dam Breaching Spokesman-Review, 5/22/19 by Jim Camden
Inslee Urged to Veto Funds to Study Demolition of Lower Snake River Dams The Daily World, 5/22/19 by Annette Cary
Inslee OKs Funding to Study Removal of Snake River Dams My Northwest, 5/21/19 by Associated Press
McMorris Rodgers, Newhouse Call on Inslee to Veto Dam Breaching Study Washington Ag Network, 5/20/19 by Glenn Vaagen
Inslee Urged to Use the Red Pen On a Few Budget Provisions Yakima Herald-Republic, 5/16/19 by Jerry Cornfield
Salmon Runs Idaho Statesman, 5/31/19 by Don Chapman
Returning Salmon The Daily News, 5/25/19 by Joe Paliani
What the Dams Provide Can Be Replaced. Idaho's Wild Fish Would Be Gone Forever. Idaho Statesman, 5/24/19 by David Cannamela
Fixing Salmon Culverts is More Important Than a Second Dam-Breaching Study Tri-City Herald, 5/24/19 by Editorial Board
Irrigators Muddy Snake River Issue Tri-City Herald, 5/23/19 by David P. Sisk
Breach Snake River Dams Hood River News, 5/22/19 by Luan Pinson
Breaching Snake River Dams 'Wasteful' in Efforts to Save Puget Sound Orcas My Northwest, 5/20/19 by Jason Rantz
Removing Snake River Dams is Unwise The Courier-Herald, 5/20/19 by Don C. Brunell
First Things First -- Help the Starving Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/19/19 by Charles Phillips
Snake River Electricity Spokesman-Review, 5/18/19 by Leonard Butters
Is Inslee Charging Taxpayers Too Much to Save Orcas? KTTH Talk Radio, 5/1/19 by Tom Amato
Inslee's Proposed Snake River Dam Task Force Will Be a Waste of Money Tri-City Herald, 2/24/19 by Editorial Board
Push is On to Tear Down Dams to Save Salmon and Orcas. Why These People Say It's a Bad Idea Tri-City Herald, 5/14/19 by Annette Cary
McMorris Rodgers Visits Colfax Lewiston Tribune, 4/23/19 by Anthony Kuipers
Eastern Washington Group Forming to Provide a Unified Voice to Preserve the Future of Family Farming Tri-City Herald, 4/19/19 by Jason Sheehan
Is Washington's East-West Divide Growing Wider? KUOW, 3/29/19 Bill Radke & Alison Bruzek
State Law Calling for Full Renewable Electricity is Worthy Goal Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/6/19 by Editorial Board
Don't Privatize the Bonneville Power Administration Yakima Herald-Republic, 5/16/19 by Editorial Board
Trump Wants to Sell BPA Transmission System to Cut Debt. Newhouse, Other Lawmakers Say No Tri-City Herald, 5/10/19 by Annette Cary
Leaders Oppose Plan to Sell BPA Lewiston Tribune, 5/12/19 by Associated Press
Remembering Celilo Falls 62 Years After It Was Silenced by The Dalles Dam Yakima Herald, 5/12/19 by Donald W. Meyers
Shall We Gather at the River? CounterPunch, 5/10/19 by David Yearsley
Indegenous Nations in Canada--But Not U.S.--Join Treaty Talks NW Fishletter, 5/6/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Pacific Northwest Tribal Fishing Bill Clears US House The Garden Island, 4/30/19 by Neita Cecil
Remembering Celilo Falls The Dalles Chronicle, 4/2/19 by Staff
We Don't Need Power from Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 5/10/19 by Laurie Kerr
Debate on Snake River Dams Has Run Its Course Spokesman-Review, 5/14/19 by Marci Green
New 'Cycle' Targets Lower Snake River Dams Capital Press, 5/8/19 by Jeffrey Shawver
The Anti-Salmon Crowd Idaho Press, 5/7/19 by Borg Hendrickson
TURNABOUT: Sorry, Marty, But Idaho Water is No Bargaining Chip for Dam Removal Lewiston Tribune, 5/7/19 by Norm Semanko
Groups Sue to Reduce Fishing, Help Orcas NW Fishletter, 5/6/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Groups Sue NOAA to Compel the Agency to Assess, Reduce of Salmon Harvests on Orcas Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/19 by Staff
NOAA Fisheries Finds Jeopardy Unlikely from Operating Federal Dams NW Fishletter, 5/6/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
NOAA Releases New 2019 BiOp for Columbia Basin Salmon/Steelhead Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/2/19 by Staff
WA Officials, Feds Have a Plan to Save Forests and Salmon Crosscut, 5/10/19 by Courtney Flatt
EPA Lays Out Columbia-Snake Temperature Appeal Argument NW Fishletter, 5/6/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Examination of Dam Removal Expected to Start this Summer NW Fishletter, 5/6/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Simpson Should Start With This 'What If' Question Lewiston Tribune, 5/5/19 by Marty Trillhaase
Washington Hunting, Angling Fee Increase Fails; WDFW Faces $7 Million Deficit Spokesman-Review, 5/2/19 by Eli Francovich
Washington OKs Money to Study Impacts of Breaching Lower Snake River Dams Lewiston Tribune, 5/1/19 by Eric Barker
State Budgets $750,000 for Outreach Over Impacts of Breaching Lower Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 4/30/19 by Hal Berton
State Legislators Fund 'Stakeholder Forum' for Orca Recovery, Dam Removal The Daily News, 4/30/19 by Mallory Gruben
Washington Budget Funds Group to Study Snake River Dam Removal Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/29/19 by Courtney Flatt
Orca Advocates Join Lower Snake River Dam Removal Debate The Daily News, 4/29/19 by Mallory Gruben
A Waste of Washington State's Money Capital Press, 5/16/19 by Editorial Board
Study of Snake River Dams Waste of Tax Dollars The Columbian, 5/15/19 by Editorial Board
Further Review of Snake River Dams Not Needed Yakima Herald-Republic, 5/8/19 by Editorial Board
Dam Removal Forum is a Waste of State Tax Dollars Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/3/19 by Editorial Board
Salmon Need All Of Us Capital Press, 4/28/19 by Laurel Sayer
Restore the Snake River? Stakeholder Talks Are the Right Next Step Seattle Times, 4/16/19 by Sam Mace
With Billions More in State Budget, It's Time to Fully Fund Salmon Recovery Seattle Times, 4/11/19 Todd Myers & David Troutt
Groups Oppose Plan for Advisory Body to Look at Breaching Dams The Columbian, 4/9/19 by Andy Matarrese
Snake River Dams -- Setting the Record Straight Capital Press, 5/6/19 by Kristin Meira
Salmon, Dams: We Need Both Spokesman-Review, 5/5/19 by Wanda Keefer
Save the Fish Lewiston Tribune, 5/3/19 by David Long
Dams Did Not Deliver Lewiston Tribune, 5/3/19 by Bill Chetwood
Salmon and the Snake River Dams The Daily News, 5/2/19 by Dennis Weber
Salmon Solution Can Be Found Idaho Mountain Express, 5/1/19 by Paul Hill
Watch Idaho Waterways Could Hold Key to Saving Orcas KIVI TV, 5/22/19 by Steve Liebenthal
Watch Breaching Dams for Idaho Salmon? KIVI TV, 5/8/19 by Steve Liebenthal
Watch Saving Salmon: Planning Ahead to Improve Salmon Numbers KIVI TV, 5/1/19 by Steve Liebenthal
Idaho Congressman Surprises Crowd with Dam Removal Talk NW Fishletter, 5/6/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Orcas Survive on Chinook Salmon, But Dammed Idaho Rivers Spawn Them Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/2/19 by Joel Connelly
Simpson is Merely Listening to His Voters Lewiston Tribune, 5/2/19 by Marty Trillhaase
Snake River Dam Removal: Idaho Congressman Makes the Case to Save Salmon Outdoor Life, 4/30/19 by Ben Long
An Idaho Republican is Asking the Right Questions About Northwest Salmon Crosscut, 4/29/19 by Tom France
Can Washington Save Salmon Without Removing Dams? Crosscut, 4/29/19 by Courtney Flatt
Leaders React to Dam Breaching Comments Lewiston Tribune, 4/27/19 by Eric Barker
Simpson Can Both Disappoint and Inspire in the Same Week Lewiston Tribune, 4/26/19 by Marc C. Johnson
Simpson Stops Short of Calling for Dam Removal to Save Salmon. But He Is Asking, 'What If?' Idaho Statesman, 4/25/19 by Rocky Barker
Congressman Mike Simpson says He's Determined to See Fish Runs Recovered in His Lifetime Lewiston Tribune, 4/25/19 by Eric Barker
'I Want Salmon Back in Idaho.' Simpson Seeks Bold Action After $16 Billion Spent on Recovery Idaho Statesman, 4/23/19 by Cynthia Sewell
Salmon Conference Calls for Innovative Solutions to Protect Fish Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/23/19 by Courtney Flatt
Conference Eyes Andrus-like Look at Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 4/13/19 by Eric Barker
Snake River Dams Decision. Democrats Wonder Why the Rush Idaho Statesman, 4/14/19 by Annette Cary
Orcas an Ironic Ally for Salmon Recovery East Oregonian, 4/24/19 by Carlisle Harrison
Snake River Dams: The Wrong Story Seattle Times, 4/24/19 by Ron Richards
More People Means More Electricity Needs. Can We Get By Without Hydropower? The News Tribune, 4/20/19 by Bill Virgin
Pawning Off One Farmer as Representing All is a Cheap Trick in the Dam-Removal Campaign Tri-City Herald, 4/12/19 by Editorial Board
Oregon, Idaho Reach Agreement on Project The Columbian, 4/27/19 by Associated Press
Idaho Wins Debate Over Hydroelectric Project with Oregon KHQ, 4/26/19 by Staff
Idaho and Oregon in Hells Canyon Complex Agreement Intl. Water Power, 4/24/19 by Staff
Idaho and Oregon Sign Hells Canyon Complex Agreement Clearwater Tribune, 4/24/19 by Staff
Idaho and Oregon Sign Agreement on Hells Canyon Complex HydroWorld, 4/24/19 by Elizabeth Ingram
Idaho, Oregon Resolve Long-running Dispute About Snake River Dams The Bond Buyer, 4/23/19 by Keely Webster
Idaho, Oregon Reach Agreement on Hells Canyon Complex Hydroelectric Project on Snake River Statesman Journal, 4/23/19 by Keith Ridler
Gov. Jay Inslee's Orca-Recovery Agenda Advancing, But Billion-Dollar Funding Yet to Be Seen Seattle Times, 4/19/19 by Lynda V. Mapes
Inslee's Orca Task Force Wants to Plan Now for the Potential Breaching, But There's Pushback Inlander, 4/18/19 by Samantha Wohlfeil
Snake River Stakeholders Give More Context on Dam Removal Meeting Debate Inlander, 4/18/19 by Samantha Wohlfeil
WDFW: Up to 60,000 More Chinook Salmon Could Survive With More Dam Spill King 5, 4/19/19 by Allison Sundell
Ending Super-Saturation Will Help Salmon Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 4/14/19 by John McKern
Model Hatchery Program Peninsula Daily News, 4/14/19 by Darryl Sanford
Trump EPA Targets Washington State Clean Water Standards EcoWatch, 4/11/19 by Earthjustice Blog
Gov. Inslee Appoints Patrick Oshie to Northwest Power and Conservation Council Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/10/19 by Staff
New BPA VP of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Addresses Council on Fish and Wildlife Issues Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/10/19 by Staff
New Manager for BPA Fish/Wildlife Division Discusses Funding Issues with Power/Conservation Council Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/10/19 by Staff
Two Long-Serving Members of NW Power/ Conservation Council -- Karier, Booth -- Retire Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/11/19 by Staff
Bold Action Needed to Save Idaho's Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 4/12/19 by Justin Hayes
It's Time to Breach Snake Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 4/10/19 by Andy Munter
ICL Appoints New Executive Director Idaho Mountain Express, 4/1/19 by Greg Moore
Tipping the Balance in Favor of Salmon Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 4/2/19 by Todd J. Broadman
Let's Seek Creative Solutions for Debate on Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 3/29/19 by Wendy McDermott
Salmon and Dams Can Coexist Seattle Times, 3/28/19 by Four Tri-City Mayors
In Debate Over Snake River Dams, Give Mediation a Chance Seattle Times, 3/27/19 by Jessie Dye
Idaho Salmon, Steelhead Populations in 'Perilous State' Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 3/27/19 by Garrett Cabeza
Salmon Advocates See Potential for Snake River Dam Removal Idaho Mountain Express, 3/20/19 by Greg Moore
Legal Personhood for Northwest Orcas? Only Radical Thinking May Save Them The News Tribune, 3/23/19 by Bob Kustra
Tear Down the Dams: New Coalition Strives to Enshrine Rights of Orcas Mongabay, 3/19/19 by Gianluca Cerullo
The Decline of Salmon Adds to the Struggle of Puget Sound's Orcas Spokesman-Review, 3/31/19 by Lynda Mapes
Longtime Fishery Science and Policy Manager Hired to Lead Governor's Salmon Recovery Office San Juan Islander, 3/18/19 by Staff
Schmick, Dye Discuss Dams, Taxes and Death Penalty Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 3/22/19 by Anthony Kuipers
Breaching Snake River Dams Could Save Salmon and Orcas, But Destroy Livelihoods Pacific NW Magazine, 3/21/19 by Ron Judd
Is it Just Me, Or is Washington's East-West Divide More Divisive Than it Used To Be? Pacific NW Magazine, 3/21/19 by Ron Judd
Breaching Snake River Dams Would Be Crazy Everett Herald, 3/21/19 by Norm Colbert
What Look at Snake Dams Can Mean for Orcas, Us Everett Herald, 3/17/19 by Editorial Board
Donald Trump's Solar and Wind Power Criticism Slammed by Scientists Newsweek, 3/21/19 by Kashmira Gander
Jay Inslee, Potential 2020 Contender, on Climate: 'We Need to Blow the Bugle' The Guardian, 2/20/19 by Oliver Milman
Why Cut Salmon Recovery Budget? Tri-City Herald, 2/25/19 by Todd Myers
Wasting Millions Lewiston Tribune, 3/2/19 by Bill Chetwood
Idaho Delegation Faces Moment of Conscience Lewiston Tribune, 2/20/19 by Marty Trillhaase
Not One Or the Other Lewiston Tribune, 2/17/19 by Steven R. Evans
Maintaining the Fish Crisis Capital Press, 1/28/19 by Dan Bartelheimer
Washington State v. Trump in Fight to Save Salmon, Orcas NRDC Blog, 2/8/19 by Giulia C.S. Good Stefani
Federal, Washington Officials Spar Over Water Quality Regulations at Dams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2/7/19 by Courtney Flatt
EPA Ices Washington State's Effort to Regulate Hot Water in Columbia, Snake Rivers Seattle Times, 2/6/19 by Lynda V. Mapes
Washington State Proposes Dam Regulations to Help Lower River Water Temperatures Seafood Source, 2/4/19 by Ben Fisher
Dam Cool Idea? Washington Seeks Public Input on Plan to Help Salmon KOMO News, 2/2/19 by Reed Andrews
Breaching Snake River Dams Best Option for Salmon Peninsula Daily News, 2/21/19 by Martha Trolin
Elwha, Snake River Dams Share Little in Common Peninsula Daily News, 2/17/19 by Krestine Reed
Let Lawmakers Hear Support for Legislation to Save Orcas Everett Herald, 2/17/19 by Meredith Moench
Dams Came at High Cost to Tribes Dependent on Salmon South Whidbey Record, 2/8/19 by Gary Piazzon
Kilmer Discusses Hospital Reimbursement in Port Angeles Town Hall Meeting Peninsula Daily News, 2/4/19 by Leah Leach
Where Are Specifics of Inslee's Green Plan? Yakima Herald, 2/2/19 by James Scott
Washington's 'State of Salmon' Report Finds Much Work Is Still Needed NW Fishletter, 2/4/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Washington's 2018 State Of Salmon Report: Six ESA Listed Stocks Not Making Progress Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/1/19 by Staff
River System Improvement Plan Revised The Columbian, 2/3/19 by Brig. Gen. D. Peter Helmlinger
Watch To Help Salmon Migrate, State Looks to Spill More Over Dams Q13 Fox, 2/19/19 by Simone Del Rosario
Stakeholders Speak Out For and Against Rep. Simpson's Plan to Breach the Dams KIVI, 2/14/19 by Steve Dent
As Runs Dwindle, Experts say Idaho's Salmon, Steelhead 'Could Be Gone in a Generation' Idaho Statesman, 2/15/19 by Rocky Barker
"Fish Flush" Could Be Part of Orca and Salmon Recovery Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/29/19 by Joel Connelly
Talk About Dams, Saving Orcas The Columbian, 2/27/19 by Mark Leed
Breaching Dam is Best Solution for Killer Whales Whidbey News-Times, 2/5/19 by Gary Piazzon
Scientific Priorities (not Marx) Should Guide Orca Recovery The Skanner, 2/5/19 by Todd Myers
Gov. Inslee's Orca Plan Capital Press, 2/4/19 by Kelly C. Niemi
Puget Sound's Orcas are Dying from Pollution, Not Dams Lewiston Tribune, 2/3/19 by Jeff Sayre
What Happens when Seattle Politics Seep into Eastern Washington? 770 KTTH, 1/31/19 by Saul Spady Show
Save Our Lakes Lewiston Tribune, 2/3/19 by Marvin J. Entel
Long Enough The Daily News, 2/2/19 by Joe Paliani
A Bad Dam Idea Capital Press, 1/24/19 by Editorial Board
Killing Sea Lions is Not the Solution The Daily World, 1/19/19 by David Linn
Farm Bureau On Board with Orca Recovery, But Frets Over Regulatory Push Capital Press, 1/30/19 by Don Jenkins
The Snake River Dams Fill a Power Gap. Lawmakers Need to Know That Tri-City Herald, 1/30/19 by Editorial Board
Watch The Pacific Northwest Faces an Impossible Choice: Salmon or Dams? Tri-City Herald, 1/31/19 Ali Rizvi & Sohali Al-Jamea
Disputes Meira's Claims Lewiston Tribune, 1/27/19 by Chris Norden
River Advocate: Removing Dams Won't Help Orcas, Environment, Economy Capital Press, 1/18/19 by Matthew Weaver
Speaker says Breaching the Dams is No Cure-all Lewiston Tribune, 1/18/19 by Eric Barker
After 20 Years and $1 Billion Spent on Washington State Salmon Programs, Fish Still Declining Seattle Times, 1/17/19 by Lynda Mapes
Lawmakers Scramble to Save Puget Sound Orcas in 2019 Legislative Session Bainbridge Island Review, 1/17/19 by Sean Harding
Native American Woman Elected to Washington State House Wears Traditional Regalia at Swearing-in The Hill, 1/15/19 by Aris Folley
Dam Issues Reach Both Sides of the River Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/20/19 by Elaine Williams
Study On Tearing Down Snake River Dams is a Waste of Taxpayer Money, Says Letter to Governor Tri-City Herald, 1/18/19 by Annette Cary
Tri-Cities Groups Pushing Support for Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 1/15/19 by Associated Press
On the Hot Seat: Proposed Budget Includes $750,000 Waste on Dam Breaching Study Statesman Examiner, 12/27/18 by Roger Harnack
Another Dam Study? Give Us a Break Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/20/19 by Editorial Board
Dam Task Force Proposal Elicits GOP Response Whitman County Gazette, 12/23/18 by Garth Meyer
If Snake River Dams are Breached, What Would Happen? We Must Get Our Message Out Tri-City Herald, 12/14/18 by Editorial Board
Let's Try to Do Our Part To Keep the Orcas Around Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/14/19 by Jennifer Ladwig
Don't Expect "Real Information" from Meira's Creative Spin Lewiston Tribune, 1/14/19 by Bonnie Schonefeld
Remove the Dams Chinook Observer, 1/11/19 by Joe Paliani
Removing Dams Not Solution for Salmon, Orcas Everett Herald, 1/11/19 by Warren Walton
Agencies Speed Up Columbia River EIS Waterways Journal, 1/14/19 by Staff
Dam Impact Deadline Moved Up Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/10/19 by Eric Barker
This Legislative Session is Make or Break for Saving Orcas Crosscut, 1/8/19 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Chinook Salmon Get More Protections from Snake, Columbia River Dams Seafood Source, 1/4/19 by Ben Fisher
State Lawmaker from Pomeroy Sees Irrigation Water as Key Issue Lewiston Tribune, 1/4/19 by Kerri Sandaine
In the Great Debate to Save the Orcas, the Apex Predator is Missing Seattle Times, 1/4/19 by Danny Westneat
An 'Extinction Event' Is Unfolding in Washington State as Two More Endangered Orcas Fall Ill Gizmodo, 1/4/19 by Yessenia Funes
Two More Orcas will Die Before Summer, Predicts Researcher KATU, 1/2/19 by Staff
Dams Have to Go The Daily News, 1/2/19 by Joe Paliani


Inslee's Orca Plan Lacks Common Sense Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/23/18 by Nat Webb
Time for BPA to Act On Dams Spokesman-Review, 12/22/18 by Linwood Laughy
To Help the Orcas, and Improve Salmon Runs, Remove the Dams Yakima Herald, 12/21/18 by David Mack
Killing Sea Lions Not the Answer The Columbian, 12/23/18 by Peter A Conder
Breach Dams for Salmon, Orca Revival Seattle Times, 12/21/18 by Joseph M. Hiss
Dam Task Force Proposal Nets GOP Response Whitman County Gazette, 12/20/18 by Staff
Mismanagement, Not Dams, Killing Salmon Runs Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/20/18 by Don Jackson
Groups: US Must Consider How Salmon Fishing Hurts Orcas WMBF News, 12/18/18 by Gene Johnson
Group Calls for Halt of Boat Tours Altoona Mirror, 11/12/18 by Phuong Le
Supersaturation is Real Trouble for Salmon Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/27/18 by John McKern
Dam Agreement to Save Fish Worth a Try Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/19/18 by Editorial Board
Opponents Call New Dam Agreement to Help Salmon 'Worse than Useless' Tri-City Herald, 12/18/18 by Cameron Probert
Dam Agreement Aims To Help More Salmon Survive Columbia River Journey Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/18/18 by Schick, Profita & Steves
Northwest Dams to Spill More Water to Help Salmon & Orca Courthouse News, 12/18/18 by Karina Brown
Changes to Dams on Columbia, Snake Rivers to Benefit Salmon, Hydropower and Orcas Seattle Times, 12/18/18 Lynda Mapes & Hal Bernton
Inslee Orca Plan Includes Look at Breaching Dams Capital Press, 12/14/18 by Don Jenkins
Study Breaching Snake River Dams for Orca Survival -- Inslee Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/13/18 by Joel Connelly
Senate Makes a Tough Choice -- Salmon or Sea Lions? Digital Journal, 12/6/18 by Karen Graham
We Need Fish Advocates Idaho Press, 12/11/18 by Bill Goodnight
Not to Blame Lewiston Tribune, 12/5/18 by David Cannamela
Conservation Groups did Idaho a Favor by Ending Steelhead Season Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 12/16/18 by Josh Babcock
Anger Toward Conservation Groups Over Threatened Steelhead Lawsuit Was Misdirected Idaho Statesman, 12/19/18 by Gretchen Biggs
'Breach the Dams' Signs; Haven't Seen One Yet in Riggins Idaho County Free Press, 12/11/18 by David B. Hayes
If You Love a River, You'll Reopen the Season Lewiston Tribune, 12/5/18 by Marty Trillhaase
Are Anglers Setting Back Idaho Steelhead Recovery? A Look at the Claims Lewiston Tribune, 12/4/18 by Eric Barker
Into the Wild: Factions Fight Over Best Catch-and-Release Practices Lewiston Tribune, 12/3/18 by Eric Barker
Fish Declines Preceded Dams Lewiston Tribune, 12/3/18 by Gene Spangrude
Idaho Rivers United Reverses Course On Suit Lewiston Tribune, 12/1/18 by Eric Barker
Riggins Relies on Steelhead. A Shorter Fishing Season has the Town Worried Lewiston Tribune, 11/21/18 by Eric Barker
Trump Administration Allows Tribal Housing at The Dalles to Resume The Oregonian, 11/27/18 by Molly Harbarger
Money for Columbia River Tribal Fishing Village Restored My Plainview, 11/27/18 by Associated Press
Trillhaase Missed the Point Lewiston Tribune, 11/25/18 by Don Chapman
No, Orcas Can't Be Taught to Eat Seal Lions and Not Salmon Everett Herald, 12/14/18 by Amy Eberling
Save the Killer Whales The Columbian, 12/10/18 by Editorial Board
Can't Orcas Be Taught to Switch from Salmon to Sea Lions? Everett Herald, 12/9/18 by Stan Walker
Orca Can Adapt Lewiston Tribune, 12/6/18 by Wes Wotring
Eastside Audubon's Dangerous Position on Salmon and Orca Redmond Reporter, 12/7/18 by Todd Myers
Orca Panel's Recommendations on Sea Lions, Seals Important Everett Herald, 12/6/18 by Robert R. Rohrberg
Orca Problem is a Federal Problem Capital Press, 12/6/18 by Editorial Board
Leave Snake River Dams Be Spokesman-Review, 12/6/18 by Mike Ryan
Orca Can Adapt Lewiston Tribune, 12/6/18 by Wes Wotring
Where to Start? Lewiston Tribune, 12/5/18 by Jim Hagedorn
Remove Snake River Dams The Columbian, 12/1/18 by Laurie Kerr
Snake Dams Not Needed to Irrigate Tri-City Herald, 11/16/18 by Stan Kuick
A Native American Tribe Demands the Return of Its Spiritual Relative -- an Orca Religion News Service, 12/10/18 by Julia Duin
For Endangered Orcas, It's the Hunger Games Lewiston Tribune, 11/25/18 by Eric Barker
Shared Sacrifice Will Save Salmon and Orcas Lewiston Tribune, 11/22/18 by Editorial Board
Watch Orca Task Force Member: We Don't Have Resources, Capacity to Do Everything Q13 Fox, 11/21/18 by Simone Del Rosario
Plan to Save Orcas Hashed Out, but Will It Be Enough? Courthouse News, 11/20/18 by Karina Brown
Orca Task Force Recommends New Look at Snake River Dams Capital Press, 11/19/18 by Don Jenkins
The Orca Task Force Finally Has a Plan. Will It Work? Crosscut, 11/19/18 by Hannah Weinberger
Solutions for Saving Our Salmon and Orcas Everrett Herald, 11/18/18 by Editorial Board
Orca Recovery Task Force Urges Partial Ban on Whale Watching, Study of Dam Removal Seattle Times, 11/16/18 by Lynda Mapes
State Task Force Names 36 Ways to Save Orcas. What Does that Mean for Tearing Down the Dams? Tri-City Herald, 10/16/18 by Annette Cary
Riggins Discovers Who Its Friends Are Not Lewiston Tribune, 11/17/18 by Marty Trillhaase
Idaho Utility's Lawsuit Against EPA Involving Salmon on Hold Midland Reporter-Telegram, 11/10/18 by Keith Ridler
Voters Pick Dye, Jenkin, Rude in State House Races Tri-City Herald, 11/6/18 by Sara Schilling
Dye, Goulet Discuss Platforms in Front of Pullman Voters Daily Evergreen, 7/27/18 by Ian Smay
Group Calls for Moratorium on Boat Tours of Endangered Orcas New York Times, 11/7/18 by Associated Press
Feds Reviewing Updated Plan for Monitoring and Evaluating Idaho's Steelhead Fisheries Lewiston Tribune, 11/9/18 by Eric Barker
Let's Get Rid of the Dams Before It's Too Late Chinook Observer, 11/14/18 by Joe Paliani
Dam Breaching Advocates Use Misleading Claims Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 11/11/18 by Todd Myers
Orcas, Fishermen are Both Endangered Species Daily Astorian, 11/8/18 by Glen Spain
Breaching Dams Not the Answer Spokesman-Review, 11/3/18 by Nancy Butler
When Dams are Gone, So is Power Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 10/30/18 by Jim Thorn
Snake River Dams Seen as Possible Barriers to Saving Orcas Capital Press, 10/30/18 by Don Jenkins
Breaching Dams Won't Cool River Water Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 11/8/18 by John McKern
Judge's Order to Save Salmon is Good Start Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 11/6/18 Spain, Lewis & Bogaard
Chief of Three Western Slope Forests Leaves for Oregon Job Daily Sentinel, 10/31/18 by Dennis Webb
Forest Supervisor Leaves GMUG Montrose Press, 10/31/18 by Kimberlee Phillips
Federal Court Orders EPA to Complete Water Temperature Protections for Columbia/Snake Salmonids Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/18 by Staff
West's Rivers are Hot Enough to Cook Salmon to Death. Will this Court Ruling Keep Them Cool? Sacramento Bee, 10/23/18 by Dale Kasler
EPA Must Protect Salmon from Warming Waters, Judge Rules Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/17/18 by Courtney Flatt
Herrera and Salmon Ripon Advance, 10/31/18 by A. F. Jenkins
House Flip Could Save Sea Lions E&E News, 10/31/18 by Rob Hotakainen
Define Common Sense Lewiston Tribune, 11/19/18 by Bill Chetwood
Dam Breaching is No Common-sense Solution The Columbian, 10/29/18 by Editorial Board
Listen Irrigators on Breaching Dams Pt 3, 10/25/18 by Bob Larson
Listen Irrigators on Breaching Dams Pt 2, 10/24/18 by Bob Larson
Listen Irrigators on Breaching Dams Pt 1, 10/23/18 by Bob Larson
Breaching Dams to Save Orcas Contentious Issue Washington Post, 10/21/18 by Phuong Le
Listen Breaching Snake River Dams Could Be "a Deadly Distraction for Orca" My Northwest, 10/10/18 by Todd Myers
Administration Memo Cuts Basin Salmon BiOp Schedule by One Year Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/18 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers Praises Plan that Supports Home-state Water Infrastructure Ripon Advance, 10/23/18 by Staff
Trump Issues Order on Columbia and Snake River Dams. He Wants Fewer Regulations Tri-City Herald, 10/19/18 by Annette Cary
Orca Survival May Be Impossible without Lower Snake River Dam Removal, Scientists Say Seattle Times, 10/15/18 by Lynda Mapes
Watch Snake River Dams Drive Wedge Between Farmers and Orca Champions Q13 Fox, 10/11/18 by Simone del Rosario
Watch Lower Snake River Dams at Center of Debate to Save Endangered Orcas 300 Miles Away Q13 Fox, 10/1/18 by Simone del Rosario
Truth About River Water Temperature is Inconvenient Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/28/18 by Gene Spangrude
So Much for co-Existence Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/8/18 by Brett Haverstick
What Would It Take to Save Southern Resident Killer Whales from Extinction? The Revelator, 10/10/18 by Howard Garrett
Orca Proposals Fall Short with Islanders Vashon Island Beachcomber, 10/5/18 by Paul Rowley
Watch Tribes Hold Rally to Save Salmon and Orcas KATU News, 10/5/18 by Staff
For Orcas, It's Been a Season of Hope and Anguish, 10/2/18 by Editorial Board
Could Breaching Snake River Dams Save Southern Resident Orca? My Northwest, 10/1/18 by Nicole Jennings
Despite Attention, Orca Population Continues to Shrink, 9/30/18 by Kimberly Cauvel
A Spiritual Loss Post Register, 9/27/18 by Jerry Myers
To Save Orcas, Removing Snake River Dams May Not Be the Answer, Feds Say Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/4/18 by Courtney Flatt
Watch 500,000 Sign Petition to Breach Snake River Dams in Effort to Save Orcas Q13 Fox, 9/26/18 by Simone Del Rosario
A Plan Emerges to Help Puget Sound's Embattled Orcas Crosscut, 9/25/18 by John Stang
Orca Deaths Bolster Demands to Free the Lower Snake River Seattle Times, 9/22/18 by Lynda Mapes
Orcas Approach Extinction Corvallis Advocate, 9/19/18 by Josephine Wallace
Seaworld, Salmon, Senators and Saving Orcas - NOAA's Role has Limits Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/18/18 by Candace Calloway Whiting
Deal Reduces Salmon Harvests for US, Canada KTVA, 9/17/18 by Angela Krenzien
WA Governor Jay Inslee Announces Agreement to Boost Salmon Returning to Northwest Waters KBKW, 9/18/18 by Dave Haviland
Heartache in the San Juan Islands: Locals Grieve as Resident Orcas Face Extinction The Oregonian, 9/14/18 by Jamie Hale
Stories on Salmon Too Often Skewed Tri-City Herald, 9/13/18 by John L. Cox
Willfully Ignorant Lewiston Tribune, 9/13/18 by Bonnie Schonefeld
Feds, Tribes, States Sign Extended Columbia Basin Fish Accords Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/18 by Staff
Jeers to Lame Duck Governor "Butch" Otter Lewiston Tribune, 10/12/18 by Marty Trillhaase
Draft Columbia Basin Fish Accords Extension Out for Review Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/18 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers Votes for Highest-level Veterans Funding Bill Ever NBC, 9/13/18 by Kendra Wisner
Blending Science, Policy on Dams The Lens, 9/12/18 by TJ Martinell
Endangered Orcas Get Some Help from a Seattle Grocer CBS News, 9/12/18 by Staff
We Are Starving the Last of Our Puget Sound Killer Whales to Death Hatch Magazine, 9/12/18 by Dylan Tomine
GOP Witnesses Dispute Science at Hearing Over Dam Removal Courthouse News, 9/10/18 by Karina Brown
Don't Blame Snake Dams for Grieving Mother Orca, Congressional Members Told in Pasco Tri-City Herald, 9/10/18 by Annette Cary
Congress is Holding a Dam Debate in Pasco. Guess Which Side Has More Speakers Tri-City Herald, 9/8/18 by Annette Cary
US House Committee to Discuss Dams at Field Hearing in Pasco My Plain View, 9/2/18 by Associated Press
U.S. House Committee to Discuss Dams at Field Hearing in Pasco Lewiston Tribune, 9/2/18 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers Has Done Outstanding Job Union-Bulletin, 10/3/18 by Charles Phillips
Cathy McMorris Rodgers is Working for Us Waitsburg Times, 9/6/18 by Jim Peterson
BPA Proposes Smaller Annual Budget for Fish Accords Extension through 2022 NW Fishletter, 9/4/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Task Force Releases Draft Goals for Salmon, Steelhead; Members get Feedback NW Fishletter, 9/4/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
More than 600 Turn Out for Snake River Protest Saturday Spokesman-Review, 9/9/18 by Eli Francovich
FREE THE SNAKE!: Tribe Members and Advocates Rally on the Snake River Inlander, 9/7/18 by Samantha Wohlfeil
Floaters Want Free Flowing Snake River to Help NW Orcas Recover Public News Service, 9/7/18 by Eric Tegethoff
Event Calls for Removal of the Lower Snake River Dams Daily Evergreen, 9/6/18 by Ian Smay
Save the Dam Advocates Want You to Have Some Fun at Tri-Cities RiverFest Tri-City Herald, 9/2/18 by Annette Cary
Task Force to Save Orcas Meets in Anacortes Journal of San Juan Islands, 9/4/18 by Mandi Johnson
Advocates Present 250,000 Petition Signatures to Gov. Jay Inslee Journal of San Juan Islands, 9/4/18 by Staff
Puget Sound Orcas' Plight Linked to Snake River Dam Removal NW Fishletter, 9/4/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
As Puget Sound Orcas Dwindle, Dam Removal Pressure Grows Crosscut, 9/3/18 by John Stang
Honor the Orcas Daily News, 9/4/18 by Brett Haverstick
Push for Bridging Lower Snake River Dams Peninsula Daily News, 9/4/18 by Lisa Dekker
Be Informed About Dam Removal to Help Northwest's Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 9/5/18 by Fred Mensik
The Fact About the Snake River Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 9/4/18 by Linwood Laughy
Tri-City Economy Would Crumble without Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 8/29/18 Carl Adrian & David Reeploeg
100,000 Jobs Depend on Them. A Congress is Coming to Pasco to See If They're Worth Saving Tri-City Herald, 8/29/18 by Annette Cary
Politicians on the Hook for Orca, Salmon Failures Crosscut, 8/23/18 by Todd Myers
The Coming Green Wave New York Times, 8/17/18 by Timothy Egan
Dams Also Make Our Desert Bloom Tri-City Herald, 8/15/18 by David Serell
To Dam or Not to Dam? The Beam, 8/e/18 by Nathan Bonnisseau
Dams Are The Problem for Salmon on the Lower Snake River Peninsula Daily News, 9/2/18 by Ron Richards
Semis and Rail Cars Can't Replace Barging on the Snake River Tri-City Herald, 9/1/18 by Randy E. Hayden
Just in Case the Snake River Dams Go Away Tri-City Herald, 8/31/18 by Nancy Hirsh
McMorris Rodgers Has Done Outstanding Job Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/26/18 by Charles Phillips
Snake River Dams Critical to Irrigated Ag Industry Tri-City Herald, 8/25/18 by Darryll Olsen
Activist Groups say Give Us Our Dammed Snake River Back Tri-City Herald, 8/23/18 Mace, Ryan & VandenHeuvel
See the Last of Our Salmon Spawn Idaho Mountain Express, 8/23/18 by Ann Christensen
FREE THE SNAKE!: Tribe Members and Advocates Rally on the Snake River The Inlander, 8/22/18 by Samantha Wohlfeil
Predators Salmon's Biggest Problem on Snake River Peninsula Daily News, 8/19/18 by Mark Jacobson
Seals and Sea Lions Contributing to Orca's Woes Peninsula Daily News, 8/8/18 by Michael Carman
Orcas Need More than Sympathy and Prayers High Country News, 8/15/18 by John Rosenberg
Save the Orcas? We'll Have To Do This One, Radical Thing Crosscut, 8/17/18 by Daniel Jack Chasan
The Immoral Reaction to an Orca Mother's Grief Tri-City Herald, 8/17/18 by Todd Myers
The Orca Task Force Not to the Rescue Peninsula Daily News, 8/15/18 by Pat Neal
Good Old Days of Custer County Challis Messenger, 8/19/18 by Staff
'Climate Change' is a Hoax The Columbian, 8/12/18 by Tom Nelson
Blaming Snake River Dams for Orca Woes a Hoax Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/14/18 by John McKern
We Must Band Together to Protect Our Most Important Regional Asset -- the Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 8/11/18 by Utility Managers
Giving up Chinook Is a Nice Idea But It Will Not Save the Orcas The Stranger, 8/22/18 by Katie Herzog
Seattle Chef's Gesture Aims to Help Hungry Orcas Seattle Times, 8/22/18 by Lynda Mapes
Breaching the Dams Cascadia Weekly, 8/22/18 by Rob Lewis
As World Watches, Plight of Southern Resident Orcas Grows More Severe Vashon Island Beachcomber, 8/15/18 by Amy Carey
Saving the Orcas: Meetings, Meetings and More Meetings Seattle Times, 8/14/18 by Erik Lacitis
Orca Extinction is Not an Option Seattle Times, 8/14/18 by Kevin Ranker
Death Watch for Killer Whales? Everett Herald, 8/14/18 by John Stang
Breach the Dams Now Register Guard, 8/13/18 by Eva Kronen
Breach the Dams Now Idaho Mountain Express, 8/13/18 by Matt Chaney
Fish and Wildlife Top Dog Resigns After Stirring Endangered Species Act Fears Colorado Public Radio, 8/10/18 by Associated Press
Judges Allowing Salmon to Dictate all Decisions Kitsap Sun, 8/6/18 by Christopher Dunagan
Cantwell's Bipartisan Legislation to Manage Sea Lion Populations Passes Key Senate Committee NW Council, 8/1/18 by Carol Winkel
Bill to Remove Problem Sea Lions Faces Time Crunch The Columbian, 8/8/18 by Terry Otto
Cantwell Stops in Clark County to Push Salmon Protection Bill The Reflector, 8/6/18 by Rick Bannan
Pinnipeds, Not Commercial Fishing, Depriving Orca of Salmon KIRO Radio, 8/3/18 by Nicole Jennings
Wild Salmon Should Unite Us National Wildlife Federation, 8/15/18 by Tom France
Can Washington Make a Plan to Save the Orcas? KUOW, 8/7/18 by Eilis O'Neill
Orca Task Force to Meet Tuesday Peninsula Daily News, 8/6/18 by Staff
Wild Salmon, Killer Whales and Us Sound Consumer, 7/18 by Anne Mosness
All Connected: A Mother's Grief, Starving Orcas, Dams, PCBs and Spokane Spokesman-Review, 8/19/18 by Eli Francovich
Will We Now Commit to Saving the Northwest's Orcas? A Task Force Meets Tuesday Seattle Times, 8/5/18 by Lynda Mapes
NOAA Plans 'Outside the Box' Response to Save Orca, Which May Have Just Days to Live Seattle Times, 8/2/18 by Lynda Mapes
Ranker: 'We Must Do Everything in Our Power to Protect and Recover Our Resident Orca' The Islands' Sounder, 8/3/18 by Sen. Kevin Ranker
Watch Inslee Voices Support for Short-term Action on Orcas as Long-term Decisions Loom Q13 FOX, 7/30/18 by Simone del Rosario
The Orca, Her Dead Calf and Us New York Times, 8/4/18 by Susan Casey
The Orca Mother Mourns, and We Mourn with Her Seattle Times, 8/3/18 by Lucinda George Simpson
Grieving Orca: Fishing, Pollution Seattle Times, 8/2/18 by Susan Ward
Grieving Orca: Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 8/2/18 by Caitlyn Shim
Orcas: 'Short-term Fix' Seattle Times, 7/27/18 by Gayle Janzen
Salmon and Dams Can Co-exist Tri-City Herald, 7/27/18 by Rachel Little
An Orca Calf Died Shortly After Being Born. Her Grieving Mother has Carried Her Body for Days Washington Post, 7/27/18 by Allyson Chiu
Bill Revising Fisheries Management Act Passes House NW Fishletter, 8/1/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Mismanaging BPA Lewiston Tribune, 7/25/18 by Alan Schonefeld
Remove the Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 7/25/18 by Janice Inghram
Snake River Dams are Costing Taxpayers Idaho Mountain Express, 7/18/18 by Alan Schonefeld
Misinformation on Spilling Over Dams Tri-City Herald, 7/17/18 by Stan Kuick
This is No Way to Run A Railroad Or a Utility Lewiston Tribune, 7/11/18 by Marty Trillhaase
BPA at a Crossroads Lewiston Tribune, 7/8/18 by Eric Barker
Dietz Assumes Command with Corps of Engineers East Oregonian, 7/31/18 by Staff
Brown, McMorris Rogers Talk Dams, Climate Change and Grizzlies Spokesman-Review, 7/14/18 by Eli Francovich
Who's Extreme? Spokesman-Review, 7/8/18 by Ernie Robeson
It's Time to Bury Plan to Sell Bonneville Power Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 7/6/18 by Editorial Board
Sell BPA? No Takers Here The Columbian, 7/5/18 by Editorial Board
Trump Administration Puts BPA Assets Back on Chopping Block The Columbian, 7/2/18 by Dameon Pesanti
New Commander to Oversee Columbia River Dams, Navigation and Flood Control Daily Sun, 5/25/18 by Roger Harnack
House Passes Bill to Cull Predatory Columbia River Sea Lions Capital Press, 7/2/18 by George Plaven
Salmon and Sea Lions Both Deserve Life The Oregonian, 7/1/18 by Lily Davis
Washington Farmers: Seals Thwart Salmon Recovery Capital Press, 6/29/18 by Don Jenkins
Washington Farmers say Harbor Seals to Blame for Salmon Struggles Q13 Fox News, 6/29/18 by Simone Del Rosario
Congress Must Act -- Again -- to Save Salmon from Hungry Sea Lions Seattle Times, 5/25/18 by Editorial Board
Spin Control: Almost Everything Gets a Special Spot on the Calendar. How About Orcas? Spokesman-Review, 6/24/18 by Jim Camden
Gov. Inslee Offers a Lifeline for Endangered Salmon and Orcas Vashon Island Beachcomber, 6/19/18 Joseph Bogaard & Isaac Hughes
U.S. House Passes Herrera Beutler Bill Authorizing Lethal Sea Lion Removal Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 6/27/18 by Zack Hale
Risch, Cantwell Introduce Bill to Reduce Sea Lions in Columbia, to Save Salmon, Steelhead Idaho Press, 6/24/18 by Betsy Russell
Sea Lion Removal Bill Makes Headway Lewiston Tribune, 6/23/18 by Eric Barker
House to Vote on Bill to Expand Sea Lion Killings, 6/21/18 Animal Welfare Institute
Wandering Sea Lions Endangering Salmon, Steelhead Below Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Herald, 6/17/18 by Richard Byrd
Columbia River Talks Center On Keystone of Region's Economy Capital Press, 6/28/18 by Matthew Weaver
Challenges Facing Bonneville Power Administration Seely Swan Pathfinder, 6/21/18 Missoula Electric Cooperative
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Names Kelly Susewind New Director Spokesman Review, 6/22/18 by Eli Francovich
Will Idaho's Lame Duck Governor Extend His Reach? Lewiston Tribune, 6/18/18 by Marty Trillhaase
Reclamation Chief Revitalizes Agency's Infrastructure Mission Capital Press, 6/15/18 by Carol Ryan Dumas
Will the State Learn from Another Loss on Tribal Fishing Rights? Crosscut, 6/12/18 by Crosscut
Idaho Utility Sues EPA over Hells Canyon Dams Rrequirement WTOP, 6/7/18 by Associated Press
Study Looks at Data Available to Compare Removing Dams Versus Rehabilitation Costs Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/18 by Staff
NOAA Says It Must Complete New Salmon/Steelhead BiOp in 2018 to Ensure ESA Compliance Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/18 by Staff
Snake River Dam Removal Questions Dominate Columbia River Draft EIS Webinar NW Fishletter, 6/4/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
CTUIR Not Taking a Stand on Dam Removal My Columbia Basin, 6/4/18 by Staff
The Funding Crisis Peninsula Daily News, 5/16/18 by Pat Neal
Dam Breaching Advocates Neglect Facts Spokesman-Review, 5/14/18 by Howard Simpsons
Time to Act on Sea Lions The Columbian, 6/3/18 by Editorial Board
Courts Shouldn't Be Managing Columbia River The Columbian, 6/3/18 by Ann Donnelly
Feds Study Options for Managing Dams on Columbia, Snake Rivers Capital Press, 5/31/18 by Matthew Weaver
Wheat Growers Push Back Against Farm Bill Critics Capital Press, 5/25/18 by Matthew Weaver
Trump Abandons Bonneville Power Administration Asset Sell-off Plan Portland Business Journal, 5/24/18 by Pete Danko
Trump's Bonneville Power Administration Selloff is In Doubt Herald Net, 5/25/18 by Noah Haglund
Two Realities Deserve Thorough Analysis for Salmon Peninsula Daily News, 5/30/18 by Eldon Baker
Saving Our Salmon Idaho Statesman, 5/19/18 by Madeline Cannamela
Fishing for Solutions Through Legislation The Columbian, 5/16/18 by Terry Otto
Sen. Jeff Merkley Tries to Force White House to Finish Tribal Housing Work The Oregonian, 5/14/18 by Molly Harbarger
Teton Dam Disaster in July 1976 Turned Andrus into a Dam Skeptic Lewiston Tribune, 5/10/18 by Chris Carlson
CSS Presentation Delves Into Study of Dam Removal NW Fishletter, 5/7/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
'It's About Art Making a Statement' Post Register, 5/5/18 by Laura Zuckerman
Party-goers Trash Popular Park with 800 lbs of Garbage. Now It's Closed Tri-City Herald, 5/2/18 by Annette Cary
WSU Students Leave Trash, Broken Glass at Popular Spot Along Lower Snake River KXLY, 5/2/18 by Elena Gardner
Stanford Students Explore the Complexities of Creating Energy Stanford News, 5/1/18 by Danielle Torrent Tucker
Students Reimagine Lewiston's Waterfront Lewiston Tribune, 4/30/18 by Eric Barker
Reimagining the Lewiston Waterfront Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 4/20/18 by Taylor Nadauld
Judge Lifts Requirement for Feds to Produce New Salmon/Steelhead BiOp in 2018 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/20/18 by Staff
Idaho Congressmen Sell Out Our Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 5/16/18 by Cooper Dart
Congress May Decide Fate of the Lower Snake River Dams The Lens, 5/8/18 by TJ Martinelli
How Was Your Opening Day? Talk of "Record Runs" is Fallacious Lewiston Tribune, 5/7/18 by Richard Scully
Save Salmon; Kill Sea Lions Yakima Herald, 5/6/18 by James Scott
Saving Salmon is Upstream Journey The Columbian, 5/6/18 by Larry Weirather
Progress in Congress on Protecting Northwest Hydropower Quad City Herald, 5/3/18 by Congressman Dan Newhouse
Salmon Over Dams Tri-City Herald, 5/2/18 by Cigdem Capan
McMorris Rodgers Got Her Talking Points; Now What? Lewiston Tribune, 5/2/18 by Marty Trillhaase
Salmon Have a Dam Problem The Columbian, 5/1/18 by Kenneth Campbell
Congress Wields Its Power to Protect Dams on The Snake Daily News, 4/28/18 by Anthony Kuipers
Use Common Sense When Deciding Fate of Dams Daily Sun, 4/27/18 by Ted Escobar
Labrador Lies Lewiston Tribune, 4/22/18 by Don Chapman
U.S. House Vote Against Spill 'A Hard Pill for Business to Swallow": NSIA Northwest Sportsman, 4/26/18 by Carl Segerstrom
Group Claims House Vote Could Doom Wild Salmon KIFI/KIDK, 4/25/18 by Staff
Lisa Brown Contradicts Herself on Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 4/23/18 by Megan Lavagnino
Your Money's Being Wasted, Congressman Says as He Visits Mid-Columbia Dams Tri-City Herald, 5/6/18 by Annette Cary
The Media's Different Takes on a Dam Bill Spokesman-Review, 5/5/18 by Sue Lane Madsen
The 'Salmon Extinction Act' has Just Passed in the House Lady Freethinker, 5/13/18 by Carly Day
Bill Voiding Dam Spill Clears House Idaho Mountain Express, 5/1/18 by Staff
US House Votes to Reverse Ruling Aimed at Helping Salmon in Washington State Seafood Source, 5/1/18 by Ben Fisher
House Approves McMorris Rodgers, Walden Bill to Preserve Pacific NW Dams Ripon Advance, 4/30/18 by Staff
Listen Bill in Congress Would Lock Snake River Dams in Place Public News Service, 4/24/18 by Eric Tegethoff
Alarming 'Salmon Extinction Act' Passes in U.S. House EcoWatch, 4/26/18 by Earthjustice Blog
Dam Protection Bill Passes House, Moves to Senate Capital Press, 4/27/18 by Matthew Weaver
Listen Washington Lawmaker's Bill on Snake River Dams Advances to Senate Boise State Public Radio, 4/26/18 by Frankie Barnhill
Listen Dam Bill, 4/26/18 by Bob Larson
The House Passes a Bill Limiting Water for Salmon High Country News, 4/26/18 by Carl Segerstrom
The 'Spill Bill' -- House Bill Would Cut Spill Over Dams for Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/26/18 by Joel Connelly
House Bill Would Cancel Dam Release Aimed at Salmon Restoration Undercurrent News, 4/26/18 by Staff
Citing Costs, U.S. House Votes to Halt Additional Water Spills for Salmon Spokesman-Review, 4/25/18 by Becky Kramer
House Passes Bill Rejecting Court-ordered Snake River Dam Spills to Help Fish Portland Business Journal, 4/26/18 by Pete Danko
Listen Bill to Protect Columbia and Snake River Dams Passes House KPQ, 4/25/18 by Dave Bernstein
Bipartisan Bill to Protect Columbia and Snake River Dam Passes House iFiber One, 4/25/18 by Madison Meyer
House Pushes Back on judge's Columbia, Snake Dams Ruling. Next Up, the Senate Idaho Statesman, 4/25/18 by Annette Cary
Bill Protecting Lower Snake River Dams Passes US House Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/25/18 by Tony Schick
Watch Dam Bill Passes U.S. House, Moves to Senate KUOW, 4/25/18 by Tony Schick
US House Moves to Reverse Order to Aid Salmon Bristol Herald Courier, 4/25/18 by Daly & Geranios
Bill Would Void Spill Order at Columbia and Snake Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 4/25/18 by Staff
WA Dams Would Get Federal Protection Under House Bill San Juan Islander, 4/24/18 by Eric Tegethoff
Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers Sponsors Bill to Protect Columbia and Snake River Dams KXLY, 4/24/18 by Staff
Vote Expected Soon on Bill to Protect Snake River Dams Capital Press, 4/24/18 by Courtney Flatt
Salmon vs. Hydropower Debate Returns E&E, 4/23/18 by Michael Doyle
House Committee Passes Bill Requiring Congressional Authorization for Certain Changes at Dams Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/13/18 by Staff
McMorris Rodgers says Bill Promoting Hydropower, Fish Migration Will See House Action Soon Ripon Advance, 4/4/18 by Staff
Northwest Ports Seek Federal Funding for Maintenance Capital Press, 4/24/18 by Matthew Weaver
Steelhead Anglers Seek Temporary Fishing Ban NW Fishletter, 4/2/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Money Pouring Into Race Between Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Lisa Brown Spokesman-Review, 4/16/18 by Kip Hill
Poll Suggests Bruising Race for Congress Between McMorris Rodgers and Lisa Brown Spokesman-Review, 4/11/18 Jim Camden & Kip Hill
Labrador Doesn't Support Wild Salmon Idaho Press, 4/18/18 by Mitch Sanchotena
Reader Calls for Newhouse to Support Dam Spill Daily Sun, 4/16/18 by Cigdem Capan
Herrera Beutler Touts House Passage of Bill to Block Increased Dam Spills The Chronicle, 5/8/3 by Staff
Cathy McMorris Rodgers Wades Into the Snake River Debate Inlander, 4/12/3 by Samantha Wohlfeil
This Bill Would Save Snake River Dams. It's Hitting Opposition in Congress Tri-City Herald, 4/11/18 by Annette Cary
Republicans Criticize Spill of Dam Water to Help Salmon Beaumont Enterprise, 4/16/18 by Nicholas Geranios
Republicans Criticize Spill of Dam Water to Help Salmon The News & Advance, 4/16/18 by Nicholas Geranios
Dam Spill Changes, 4/9/18 by Bob Larson
Judge, Court of Appeals Ignored Fish Facts Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 4/8/18 by John McKern
Congress Must Take Control of Federal Dam Policy Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 4/8/18 by Editorial Board
Defenders of Snake River Dams are Ignoring Facts Yakima Herald, 4/13/18 by Margie Van Cleve
Breaching Snake River Dams a Mistake Washington State Can't Afford Yakima Herald, 4/6/18 State Sen. Jim Honeyford
A Catch 22 is Ensnaring Hydroelectricity and Salmon in The NW Forbes, 4/6/18 by Ken Silverstein
Puget Sound Orcas in Trouble The Olympian, 5/23/18 by Jim Tuggle
Too Costly to Breach Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 5/11/18 by Frederick Fisher
Finally! We Can Help Salmon and Orca Recovery The Olympian, 5/2/18 by Elyette Marla Weinstein
Think Tank Slams Dam-Breaching Study Spokesman-Review, 4/21/18 by Eric Barker
Power from Lower Snake River Dams Can Easily be Replaced by Solar and Wind, Study Says Hatch Magazine, 4/11/18 by Chad Shmukler
Dam Study Reveals Raft of Benefits Spokesman-Review, 5/5/18 by Nancy Hirsh
Listen Study says Snake River Dams Could be Replaced with Renewables KOHO 101, 4/11/18 by Staff
Replacing Power Produced by Four Snake River Dams Feasible, Study Claims Spokesman-Review, 4/8/18 by Eli Francovich
Study: Snake River Dams Could Be Replaced with Renewables Public News Service, 4/6/17 by Eric Tegethoff
Cheap and Fish-Friendly Power? Lewiston Tribune, 4/4/18 by Eric Barker
Study Sees Little Cost in Removing Snake River Dams The Columbian, 4/4/18 by Dameon Pesanti
Another Crack in the Snake River Dams NRDC Blog, 4/4/18 by Giulia C.S. Good Stefani
Study: it's Possible to Replace Snake River Dams with Renewable Energy Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/4/18 by Courtney Flatt
NW Could Tear Down 4 Snake Dams & Still Have Cheap, Reliable Power, says Study Idaho Statesman, 4/4/18 by Rocky Barker
Court Ordered Spring Spill for Fish Begins on Four Lower Columbia River Dams Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/13/18 by Staff
Dam Spill Order Affirmed by Court The Dalles Chronicle, 4/3/18 by Staff
Appeal to Stop Court-mandated Spill Fails iFiber One, 4/3/18 by Shawn Goggins
Listen Appellate Court Orders More Water Over Columbia, Snake Dams to Aid Fish Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/3/18 by Courtney Flatt
Appellate Court Orders More Water Over Columbia, Snake Dams to Aid Fish Portland Business Journal, 4/3/18 by Pete Danko
Feds Can't Avoid Helping Salmon Survive Dams, Judges Rule Courthouse News, 4/2/18 by Karina Brown
Court OKs Boosting Water Spill to Aid Fish at Northwest Dams Seattle Times, 4/2/18 by Steven DuBois
More Water to Spill Over Dams Starting Tuesday. You'll See Costs on Your Electric Bills Tri-City Herald, 4/2/18 by Annette Cary
In Surprise Move, U.S. District Judge Dismisses U.S. V. Oregon Fishing Rights Case NW Fishletter, 4/2/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Agencies Update Columbia River EIS Process; Will Evaluate Snake Dams Breaching NW Fishletter, 4/2/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Want Fish Passage Above Snake River Dams Idaho State Journal, 3/28/18 by Keith Ridler
Dye Concerned About Water Over Dams Cheney Free Press, 4/10/18 by Staff & News Sources
Blaming Salmon Concerns on Snake River Dams is a Red Herring Tri-City Herald, 4/10/18 by Mark Schoesler
Survey on Support for Snake River Dams Misleading Spokesman-Review, 5/1/18 by Terry Flores
What They Said: Poll Respondents Weigh in on McMorris Rodgers, Brown and Trump Spokesman-Review, 4/11/18 by Kip Hill
Poll Shows Washington Voters Choose Salmon Over Dams Spokesman-Review, 3/31/18 by Eli Francovich
Washingtonians say They'd Take Salmon Over the Dams, Poll Finds Lewiston Tribune, 3/31/18 by Eric Barker
Murray Talks Tri-Cities Issues Like Dams, Shoreline -- and Tennis Shoes? Tri-City Herald, 3/29/18 by Wendy Culverwell
Compromise on Salmon The Columbian, 4/6/18 by Editorial Board
A Forgotten Side of the Alamo Renton Reporter, 3/28/18 by Don C. Brunell
Dams Don't Hurt Orcas Yakima Herald, 3/27/18 by Mike Nelson
Dams Critical for Flood Control Tri-City Herald, 3/22/18 by John M. Nelson
Dams, Salmon, Steelhead and Subterfuge Idaho Statesman, 3/21/18 by Roy Heberger
Snake River Dams Should Remain Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 3/4/18 by Rex Miller
Perry Promises to Not Sell Off BPA Assets Without Congressional Approval East Oregonian, 4/13/18 by Jade McDowell
Newhouse Secures Support from Energy Secretary to Jointly Safeguard Snake River Dams KNDO/KNDU, 3/15/18 by Staff
Energy Secretary Backs Keeping Snake Dams to Make Cheap Electricity Tri-City Herald, 3/15/18 by Annette Cary
Herrera Beutler Requests Pause in Dam Spills The Columbian, 3/16/18 by Katy Sword
Bill to Protect Lower Snake River Dams Advances Tri-City Herald, 4/6/18 by Annette Cary
Court Ordered Spills Upheld on Lower Columbia, Snake River Dams KPQ Radio, 4/4/18 by Dave Bernstein
Newhouse Has a Dam Blind Spot The Star, 3/14/18 by Ralph & Kirkpatrick
Herrera Beutler Doesn't Represent The Columbian, 3/10/18 by James Hutchison
40 Million Reasons to Save Our Dams Quad City Herald, 3/8/18 by Dan Newhouse
When it Comes to Dams, Lawmakers Need To Be United Tri-City Herald, 3/2/18 by Colin Hastings
Court's Spill Order to be Scrutinized at 9th Circuit NW Fishletter, 3/5/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Group to State: Stop Steelhead Season Lewiston Tribune, 3/3/18 by Eric Barker
Group Calls for Steelhead Fishing Ban to Protect Idaho Fish The Oregonian, 3/3/18 by Associated Press
Under Threat, BPA Maps Out Survival Strategy Portland Business Journal, 3/1/18 by Pete Danko
It's Time to Breach the Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 2/28/18 by Bonnie Schonefeld
How California Could Remake the Western Grid Portland Business Journal, 2/12/18 by Pete Danko
To Save the Oceans, Save the Rivers Summit Daily, 2/6/18 by Gary Wockner
Court-mandated Overspill Angers Lawmakers Including Newhouse iFiber One, 3/29/18 by Shawn Goggins
Democrats are Jeopardizing Snake River Dams and Your Electric Rates Tri-City Herald, 3/3/18 by NW Republican Congressmen
Court's Latest Spill Order: Massive Misuse of People's Dollars and No Help to Salmon Current Reflections Blog, 1/22/18 by Terry Flores
Lawmakers Battle Breaching of Snake River Dams Herald Net, 2/23/18 by Nicholas Geranios
Lawmakers Battle Over Bill to Prevent Breaching of Dams on Snake River KATU, 2/23/18 by Nicholas Geranios
Decision on Snake Dam Removal has Murray and Newhouse at Odds Tri-City Herald, 2/22/18 by Annette Cary
Columbia-Snake River Assoc. Asks Mattis to Help Protect Dam System NBC News, 2/27/18 by Alfredo Llanos
Idaho Utility Continues Attempt to Negate Oregon Fish Law Spokesman-Review, 2/18/18 by Keith Ridler
Trump's Budget on BPA Goes from Bad to Worse The Oregonian, 2/19/18 by Scott Corwin
Trump Wants Bonneville Power Administration Sell-off Herald Net, 2/18/18 by Noah Haglund
Trump Budget Proposes Selling Off Bonneville Power Transmission Lines (Again) Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2/13/18 by Courtney Flatt
Trump Budget Goes After Bonneville Power Administration Again Portland Business Journal, 2/12/18 by Pete Danko
Wyden Calls Administration Budget Proposal Dangerous KAST, 2/12/18 by Staff
Power Council Members Have Work Cut Out for Them The Daily Astorian, 2/1/18 by Editorial Board
Council Mulling Issues Likely to Arise During Update of Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/19/18 by Staff
NW Power/Conservation Council Taps Idaho's Yost as New Chairman Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/18 by Staff
The Salish Sea is Home to People, Fish and Our Destiny Tacoma Daily Index, 2/1/18 by Morf Morford
New Treaty Must Address Ecosystem Concerns The Register-Guard, 1/28/18 by John DeVoe
Free-flowing Rivers are Essential to Our Region's Health Spokesman-Review, 2/10/18 by Paul Lindholdt
Washington's Dams Balance Clean Energy Needs, Fish Protections Spokesman-Review, 1/27/18 by Kris Johnson
A Healthy River Ecosystem Can Restore Salmon Better and More Cheaply Idaho Statesman, 2/6/18 by David Cannamela
Changing Currents: Picturing a Northwest Without Cheap, Public Hydropower What If! & The West, 1/29/18 by Felicity Barringer
Retired Fish Biologist says Government Failed Northwest Salmon King 5 News, 1/29/19 by Allison Morrow
Head of Washington's Fish and Wildlife Department Resigns The Olympian, 1/24/18 by Walker Orenstein
Washington Department Fish and Wildlife Director Unsworth Announces Resignation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/26/19 by Staff
Inslee Beats Drum for Herrera Beutler Bill The Columbian, 1/24/18 by Katy Sword
Endangered Orcas are Starving, Should We Start Feeding Them? NW News Network, 1/24/18 by Tom Banse
State Policies Could Pit Salmon Against Clean Air Willamette Week, 1/24/18 by Nigel Jaquiss
Spill is Not a Winner for Fish The Columbian, 1/21/18 by Ken Earlywine
Snake River Dams Idaho Statesman, 1/18/18 by Alan Schonefeld
Columbia Basin Partnership Aims for Common Goals on Salmon/Steelhead Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/19/18 by Staff
WAWG to Participate in Annual Advocacy Meetings in Olympia Digital Journal, 1/18/18 WAWG Press Release
Campaign Launched to Save Killer Whales that are Running Out of Food King 5 News, 1/10/18 by Allison Morrow
Killer Whale Campaign on Washington State Ferries San Juan Islander, 1/21/18 by Lodie Budwill
Groups Petition for Removal of Lower Snake River Dams Island Weekly, 1/18/18 Center for Whale Research
Watch Research Group Worried Local Orcas Near Extinct King 5 News, 1/9/18 by Staff
Spill for Salmon Inlander, 1/11/18 by Samantha Wohlfeil
Salmon to Benefit from Spill Proposal Times-News, 1/11/18 by Staff
Increased Spill Over Dams Will Help Columbia River Spring Chinook The Columbian, 1/17/18 by Terry Otto
Judge OKs Plan to Boost Spill at Columbia and Snake Dams Yakima Herald, 1/9/18 by Associated Press
Lone Pine Donation Drive Underway The Dalles Chronicle, 1/9/18 by Neita Cecil
Trump: Hydropower "Tremendous... Fantastic" Renewable Energy World, 1/11/18 by Michael Harris
Confident in Dams' Future The Olympian, 1/19/18 by Gary Bailey
Bailey New Chairman of Washington Grain Commission Capital Press, 1/5/18 by Matthew Weaver
Elwha Dam's Example: Save the Fish Lewiston Tribune, 1/18 by Steve Paulson


The Fate of the NW Largest Energy Provider May Decide Future of Our Salmon Idaho Statesman, 12/28/17 by Rocky Barker
Is Snake River Shipping Worth Enough to Keep Dams that Harm Salmon? Idaho Statesman, 8/6/17 by Rocky Barker
Major Fight Shapes up Over Salmon Harvest in the Columbia River Courthouse News, 12/29/17 by Karina Brown
Ahlquist Clarifies Breaching Dams Stance After Forum U.S. News & World Reports, 12/15/17 by Kimberlee Kruesi
Nature, Not the Government Should Select Salmon The Reflector, 12/26/17 by Larry R Carey
It's Time to Reverse the Damage Caused by Snake River Dams Idaho Statesman, 12/16/17 by Link Jackson
We Can Still Save Wild Salmon and Steelhead Idaho Statesman, 12/16/17 by Wendy Wilson
Barging Lets Idaho's Grain Growers Compete in the World Market Idaho Statesman, 12/16/17 by Stacey Satterlee
New Plans for Some Threatened Salmon Will 'Not Get Us to Recovery,' Feds Say Idaho Statesman, 12/12/17 by Rocky Barker
'A Lot More Work to Do' to Recover Snake River Chinook, Steelhead Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/12/17 by Courtney Flatt
Recovery Plans for Snake River Salmon, Steelhead Released Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/12/17 by Keith Ridler
Recovery Plans for Snake River Salmon, Steelhead Released KTVB News, 12/12/17 by Keith Ridler
Feds Unveil Key Road Map for Salmon Recovery Lewiston Tribune, 12/12/17 by Eric Barker
Washington Delegation Meets with White House about Columbia Basin Project Capital Press, 12/19/17 by Matthew Weaver
Governor's Stand Against Dam Legislation Misguided Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/11/17 by Editorial Board
Wheat Growers Scheduled to Meet with Gov. Inslee on Key Issues Columbia Basin Herald, 1/19/17 by Rodney Harwood
Judge's Salmon Spill Program Won't Work Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/11/17 by John McKern
Consider This a Scam Alert Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 12/3/17 by Bonnie Schonefeld
Options Get Narrowed for Future of Snake, Columbia Dams and Salmon Northwest Public Radio, 12/8/17 by Courtney Flatt
Governor Inslee Opposes House Bill on Snake River Dams KOMO News, 12/6/17 by Nicholas Geranios
Briefs Filed in Appeal of Spill Order in BiOp Case NW Fishletter, 12/4/17 by Laura Berg
Judge Floats Idea of Suspending Work on 2018 BiOp Due to Lack of Completed EIS Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17 by Staff
Plaintiffs in BiOp Case Tell Court the EIS Approach 'Obscures' Tradeoffs NW Fishletter, 12/4/17 by Laura Berg
Court Denies Motion for Hearing on Spill and Barging NW Fishletter, 12/4/17 by Laura Berg
Judge Denies Irrigators' Motion for Hearing on 2015 Spill/Transportation, Spread The Risk Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17 by Staff
Columbia River Harvest: US v. Oregon EIS Completed, Extends Current Agreement Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17 by Staff
Wild Fish Conservancy Sues Cooke Aquaculture Over Atlantic Salmon Fish Farm Escape Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17 by Staff
Save the Salmon Skagit Valley Herald, 11/30/17 by William Pfeifer
Keep Columbia River Clean The Columbian, 11/30/17 by Andrew Klutey
Snake River Dams Another Example of Native American Exploitation Daily Evergreen, 11/29/17 by Mohamed Salem
Experts: Salmon Program is Killing Rare Fish Idaho Mountain Express, 11/22/17 by Keith Ridler
Huge Price to Pay Lewiston Tribune, 12/10/17 by Linwood Laughy
Valley Needs Navigation Lewiston Tribune, 12/3/17 by Cole Riggers
Farmers Don't Need Dams Lewiston Tribune, 11/28/17 by Janice Inghram
Orcas: Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 11/24/17 by Gayle Janzen
The Fish Recovery Emperors Have No Clothes Tri-City Herald, 11/17/17 by James Buchal
Save the Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 11/13/17 by Rebecca Miles
Saving Salmon's Salmon Hakai Magazine, 11/6/17 by Cindy Salo
Looking Back on November 5, 2017 The Dalles Chronicle, 11/4/17 by TDC Archive
Senate Passes Bill to Improve Tribal Sites The Dalles Chronicle, 12/1/17 by Staff
Senate Passes Bill to Improve Conditions at Columbia River Tribal Fishing Sites Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17 by Staff
Senate OKs Bill to Improve Columbia Tribal Fishing Sites KTVZ News, 11/30/17 by Staff
Trump Administration Should Reverse Disgraceful Tribal Housing Decision The Oregonian, 11/5/17 by Editorial Board
Lawsuits Meant to Help Fish are Actually Hurting Them Tri-City Herald, 11/17/17 by Jack Heffling
Nez Perce Activists Fight to Save the Snake River Street Roors News, 11/5/17 by Stephen Quirke
GOP Tax Bill Cuts Credits for Conventional Hydro, Marine Energy HydroWorld, 11/3/17 by Michael Harris
Trump Administration Should Reverse Disgraceful Tribal Housing Decision The Oregonian, 11/5/17 by Editorial Board
Tribal Housing Efforts Looming The Dalles Chronicle, 10/24/17 by Neita Cecil
Powerful Lawmaker Who Wants to 'Invalidate' the Endangered Species Act is Getting Close Washington Post, 11/5/17 by Darryl Fears
Ferrioli Appointed to Regional Power Council East Oregonian, 10/30/17 by Richard Hanners
Governor Appoints Two Senior Lawmakers to NW Power Planning & Conservation Council Willamette Week, 10/23/17 by Nigel Jaquiss
Gov. Kate Brown to Name Sens. Devlin, Ferrioli to Northwest Power & Conservation Council Willamette Week, 10/20/17 by Nigel Jaquiss
9th Circuit Urged to Call Off Extra Water for Threatened Fish Law 360, 10/27/17 by Andrew Westney
Diminishing Fish Returns are Sparking Renewed Calls for Taking Out the Dams Lewiston Tribune, 10/22/17 by Eric Barker
The Lifeblood' of Our State: For 50 years, Saving Rivers has Been Good for Idaho Idaho Statesman, 10/14/17 by Palmer and Grussing
Listen The Future of Salmon in Idaho Tied to Four Snake River Dams Boise State Public Radio, 10/12/17 by Samantha Wright
5 Things We've Learned About the Pacific Northwest's Endangered Salmon Idaho Statesman, 10/7/17 by Rocky Barker
Officials: Salmon, Orca Recovery Important as Ever Crosscut, 11/11/17 by Allegra Abramo
Should B.C.'s Killer Whales Have Legal Rights? Times Colonist, 11/9/17 by David R. Boyd
Officials: Salmon, Orca Recovery Important as Ever Everett Herald, 11/9/17 by Kimberly Cauvel
Missing Granny the Whale Living on Earth, 11/13/17 by Steve Curwood
Orcas Need Chinook Salmon But They're Losing Them Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/3/17 by Joel Connelly
For Decades, Granny Was the Leader of a Pack of Endangered Orcas The Stranger, 3/22/17 by Christopher Frizzelle
The Orcas are Starving Crosscut, 6/24/16 by Daivd Neiwert
Let's Look at Some Facts About Snake River Dams Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/18/17 by John McKern
Do We Value Lower Electricity Rates and Salmon? Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/13/17 by John Twa
Legislation Aimed at Saving Snake River Dams is Sound Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 10/17/17 by Editorial Board
Why I Testified: H.R. 3144 'Just Makes Sense' Capital Press, 11/15/17 by Beth Looney
Hearing Held to Advance Bill Making Congress Responsible for Salmon in Pacific Northwest HydroWorld, 10/16/17 by Elizabeth Ingram
Bill Would Void Court Order on Salmon Recovery Idaho Mountain Express, 10/18/17 by Greg Moore
Salmon-Friendly Rulings on Columbia, Snake Dams Could be Overturned by Congress Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/12/17 by Cassandra Profita
Former Judge says Breach Dams Lewiston Tribune, 9/29/17 by Eric Barker
Breach the Snake Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 9/28/17 by Patrick Robichaud
Salmon and River Temperature Idaho Statesman, 10/26/17 by Michael Howard
Remove Dams to Save Wild Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 10/11/17 by Paul and Ann Hill
Don't Blame 'The Blob.' Even with Good Ocean Conditions, Salmon Face Hostile Rivers Idaho Statesman, 9/23/17 by Tom Stuart
Orca Calf Death Prompts Call for Action King 5 News, 9/28/17 by Alison Morrow
Facing the Possibility of Extinction for the Killer Whales of Puget Sound Kitsap Sun, 9/28/17 by Christopher Dunagan
Another Orca Calf is Dead -- These Killer Whales are in the Sunset of Their Existence Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/25/17 by Kenneth Balcomb
Endangered Orcas are Losing Babies at Unprecedented Rates... and It's Our Fault One Green Planet, 9/1/17 by Michelle Neff
Cecil Andrus was an Important and Influential Salmon Advocate Idaho Rivers United Blog, 9/1/17 by Greg Stahl
Watch Local Groups Protest Dams Daily Evergreen, 9/12/17 by Rachel Sun
Dam Opponents Organize 'Free the Snake Flotilla' Sept. 8-9 Spokesman-Review, 9/3/17 by Staff and Wire Reports
Creating a 51st State East of the Cascade Mountains Redoubt News, 9/3/17 by Representative Matt Shea
A 51st State, Called Liberty, Would Have Political Clout and an Ag-based Economy Spokesman-Review, 2/12/17 by Pia Hallenberg
Acidic Oceans and Warm Rivers that Kill Idaho's Salmon Might be Norm in 50 Years Idaho Statesman, 10/7/17 by Rocky Barker
Warm Waters Off West Coast has Lingering Effects for Salmon Idaho Statesman, 9/17/17 by Phuong Le
Remove 4 Dams, Leave These Fish Alone, and They May be Able to Replenish Themselves Idaho Statesman, 9/10/17 by Rocky Barker
Everything We're Doing to Replace Vanishing Salmon Might be Killing Them Off Faster Idaho Statesman, 9/7/17 by Rocky Barker
An End to Fish Farming Island's Sounder, 8/30/17 by Mandi Johnson
Questions Remain after Farmed Salmon Escape into Sound Go Anacortes, 8/30/17 by Jacqueline Allison
Why Are Atlantic Salmon Being Farmed in the Northwest? Northwest Public Radio, 8/29/17 by Courtney Flatt
Collapse at Salmon Farm Renews Debate About Fish Farming MSN, 8/26/17 by Phuong Le
Ban Atlantic Salmon Farming in Washington Waters Seattle Times, 8/29/17 by David R. Montgomery
Budget Uncertainty NW Power & Conservation Council, 8/18/17 by John Harrison
Watch NW Scientists Make the Case for Spilling More Water Over Dams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/16/17 by Cassandra Profita
Snake Dams Idaho Statesman, 9/20/17 by Odos Lowery
Sadistic Insanity on the Snake Hatch Magazine, 9/9/17 by Josh Mills
Dams, Fishing Idaho Statesman, 9/7/17 by Doug Sweaney
Dams, Salmon Idaho Statesman, 9/7/17 by Scott Levy
Twa Letter: Snake River Dams Idaho Statesman, 9/5/17 by John Twa
Rapid River was Literally Black with Spawning Salmon Idaho Statesman, 8/30/17 by Rebecca Canright
Hydro Dams Are Cool Spokesman-Review, 8/19/17 by Mike Cloke
The Truth About the Lower Four Snake River Dams The Olympian, 8/15/17 by Christina Price
What About Barrier Dams in Idaho? Tri-City Herald, 8/12/17 by Richard Coila
Orcas' Expensive Appetite The Olympian, 7/28/17 by Norman A. Dixon
Orcas Depend on Healthy Sound and Salmon The Olympian, 9/9/16 by Elizabeth Ruther
Those Darn Dams Need to Go The Olympian, 12/7/16 by Rebecca Canright
Feds Asked to Sidestep Salmon Rules Hood River News, 9/5/17 by Keith Ridler
Farmers Urge Trump to Dump Protections for Columbia-Snake River Salmon Spokesman-Review, 8/11/17 by Rich Landers
Trump Administration Urged to Convene 'God Squad' on Salmon Protection Capital Press, 8/11/17 by Keith Ridler
9th Circuit Rejects Petition to Toss Council's 2014 Fish & Wildlife Program NW Fishletter, 8/7/17 by Laura Berg
Appeals Court Hears Case Challenging 2014 Fish and Wildlife Program NW Fishletter, 6/5/17 by Laura Berg
Northwest's Snake River Dams Remain Crucial Idaho Statesman, 8/19/17 by Terry Flores
Dams and Salmon Idaho Statesman, 8/17/17 by Odos Lowery
A Changing Electrical Grid May Make Snake River Dams Expendable Idaho Statesman, 8/6/17 by Rocky Barker
With Shipping Down on Snake River, Farmers Worry About Dams' Future Bellingham Herald, 8/7/17 by Rocky Barker
Yes, Let's Look at 'Facts' on Dams Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/13/17 by Gene Spangrude
View from Idaho on Dam Protection Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/1/17 by John Twa
Yes, Consider All Facts on Dam Breaching Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/30/17 by John McKern
Ron Reimann, Washington Farmer and Water Rights Advocate, Dies in Collision Capital Press, 8/2/17 by Matthew Weaver
Pasco Port Commissioner, Longtime Farmer Killed Sunday Tri-City Herald, 7/31/17 by Wendy Culverwell
Bill to Expedite Sea Lion Removal Clears House Natural Resources Committee Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/1/17 by Staff
Congress Seeks to Weaken the Marine Mammal Protection Act High Country News, 7/28/17 by Maya L. Kapoor
House Natural Resources Committee Passes Bill to Expedite Sea Lion Removal Chinook Observer, 10/14/16 by CBB Staff
City Club of Eugene: Remove the Lower Snake River Dams? The Competing Issues KLCC, 7/31/17 by Kirk Johnson
Down the Mighty Columbia River, Where a Power Struggle Looms New York Times, 7/28/17 by Kirk Johnson
House Committee Rejects Sell Off of BPA Assets Paid for by Northwest Residents Tri-City Herald, 7/28/17 by Annette Cary
Irrigators Want Investigation of Fish Management Capital Press, 7/18/17 by Carol Ryan Dumas
Debating Dams: What's the Best Way to Protect Salmon? KLCC, 7/21/17 by Editor
Salmon are Getting Through Just Fine The Olympian, 8/12/17 by Nels Haugen
Bill Would Rubber-Stamp Salmon Failure Spokesman-Review, 8/12/17 by Josh Mills
Legislation Protects Salmon and Hydrosystem Spokesman-Review, 8/5/17 by John Francisco
So Many Dammed Questions Inlander, 7/20/17 by Josh Mills
Bill Keeps Current Salmon Protection in Place The Register-Guard, 7/20/17 by Terry Flores
A Damming Proposal The Register-Guard, 7/13/17 by Editorial Board
Who is McMorris Rodgers Looking After? Lewiston Tribune, 7/10/17 by Marty Trillhaase
Congressional Effort to Blunt Dam Breaching Effort is Sound Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 7/7/17 by Jacob Schmidt
Why the Snake River Dams Matter to Us Idaho County Free Press, 6/27/17 by Max Beach
Decision Be Dammed Inlander, 7/13/17 by Samantha Wohlfeil
Listen Legislators Propose New Salmon Plan Spokane Public Radio, 7/6/17 by Steve Jackson
NW Reps Seek to Block Court Order to Protect Idaho Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 7/5/17 by Tony Evans
New Federal Effort Tries to 'Save Our Dams' Along Snake River Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/3/17 by Courtney Flatt
McMorris Rodgers Seeks New Life for Salmon Plan Lewiston Tribune, 7/1/17 by Eric Barker
Newhouse Bill Would Override Court Decision in Order to Save Dams Tri-City Herald, 7/1/17 by Annette Cary
Five NW Congressman Introduce Legislation to Address FCRPS Biological Opinion NBC Right Now, 6/29/17 by Matthew Weaver
The Snake and Salmon: People are Feeling the Pain of a River Lost Idaho Statesman, 6/28/17 by David Cannamela
Spokane Churches and Nez Perce Tribal Members Gather Together on Lower Snake River, 6/29/17 by Jacob Schmidt
Western Governors Outline Plans for ESA Overhaul E&E News, 6/30/17 by Jennifer Yachnin
U.S. Wheat Expresses Concerns About Import Investigation Capital Press, 6/23/17 by Matthew Weaver
Focus on Results, Not Regulations, McMorris Rodgers Says Capital Press, 5/30/17 by Matthew Weaver
Solar Energy is Taking Off The Missoulian, 6/26/17 by Skye Borden
Nevada Boosts Solar Power, Reversing Course Scientific American, 6/16/17 by E & E News
The Grid Needs a Symphony, Not a Shouting Match RMI Outlet, 6/12/17 by Dyson & Lovins
Appeal Filed Over Spill Decision in 2008-2014 BiOp Case NW Fishletter, 7/3/17 by Laura Berg
Agencies Give Notice of Possible Appeal of Court Ruling Providing Earlier Spill for Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/9/17 by Staff
Farmers Share a Name -- and a Wealth of Knowledge About Wheat Industry Capital Press, 6/8/17 by Matthew Weaver
Privatising the Northwest's
Transmission System
Power-Technology, 9/4/17 by Staff
Proposed Bonneville Privatization Plan May Cause Local Rate Hikes Headlight Herald, 7/7/17 by Brad Mosher
Trump Sale of Northwest Grid a Big Loser, Experts say The Oregonian, 6/15/17 by Ted Sickinger
21 U.S. Senators Blast Trump Proposal to Sell BPA Power Grid Seattle Times, 6/8/17 by Staff
Federal BPA Power Grab Would Hurt Region Tri-City Herald, 6/7/17 by Editorial Board
BPA Grid Sale Tied to Fantasy Budget Spokesman-Review, 6/7/17 by Editorial Board
Wyden on Energy Department Nominee -- Selling Off Bonneville Power is a Nonstarter My Central Oregon, 6/6/17 by Staff
Northwest Lawmakers Oppose Selling BPA Transmission Lines The Columbian, 6/6/17 by Dameon Pesanti
Politicians Oppose Privatization of Bonneville Power Administration KOBI 5, 6/5/17 by News Sources
NW Lawmakers Urge President Trump: Don't Sell Off BPA Assets KTVZ, 6/5/17 by News Sources
No Buyers Likely in Budget Bid to Privatize BPA Wenatchee World, 6/1/17 by Christine Pratt
Trump Proposes Selling Northwest's Transmission Grid The Oregonian, 5/24/17 by Ted Sickinger
Trump Budget Includes Proposal to Privatize BPA Grid Portland Business Journal, 5/23/17 by Pete Danko
Hearings to Focus on Tribal Needs The Dalles Chronicle, 5/31/17 by Jesse Burkhardt
Trump Proposes Selling Northwest's Transmission Grid The Oregonian, 5/24/17 by Ted Sickinger
Trump Proposal to Sell-off Bonneville Power Assets Could Raise Rates Tri-City Herald, 5/23/17 by Annette Cary
Mercier Named Bonneville Power's Executive Manager of Fish and Wildlife Division Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/19/17 by Staff
Festival Celebrates $20 Billion Impact of Columbia-Snake River System on Commerce Capital Press, 5/21/17 by Matthew Weaver
Snake River Family Festival Spotlights Utility of Dams Spokesman-Review, 5/18/17 by Staff
Snake River Family Festival Spotlights Utility of Dams Spokesman-Review, 5/17/17 by Rich Landers
Family Festival Celebrates River System Capital Press, 5/1/17 by Matthew Weaver
Watch Fate of Pacific Northwest Orcas Tied to Having Enough Columbia River Salmon Idaho Statesman, 7/9/17 by Barker & Peterson
Northwest Salmon, the Stuff of Legends, Still Struggle to Survive Idaho Statesman, 7/8/17 by Rocky Barker
Nature Again Turns Against Returning Fish that Already Face Long Odds Idaho Statesman, 5/20/17 by Rocky Barker
Competitiveness and Cost Control Testimony on Spill Surcharge, 5/11/17 by Public Power Council
Lawmakers Question Dam Operations Lewiston Tribune, 5/3/17 by Eric Barker
Watch Ride for Redd Hopes to Make Redfish Lake Red Once Again with Salmon KLEW, 5/20/17 by Shannon Moudy
Watch Idaho Horseback Riders on Salmon Trek Pass through Portland The Oregonian, 4/24/17 by Andrew Theen
Watch 3 Horseback Riders Stop in Kennewick on Journey to Save Salmon Tri-City Herald, 5/8/17 by Cameron Probert
Ride for Redd Idaho Mountain Express, 3/17/17 by Staff
Lawmakers Split on Columbia River Salmon Bill E&E News, 6/9/17 by Ariel Wittenberg
Predatory Sea Lions Are Detrimental to Columbia River Fish Runs NW Fishletter, 5/1/17 Gerry Lewis & Paul Ward
Republicans Introduce Sweeping ESA Reform Bill E&E, 4/27/17 by Corbin Hiar
Conservation Groups Ask to Stop Barging Sockeye Around Dams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/19/17 by Courtney Flatt
Saving the Salmon Can Lead to a Long-lasting Northwest Economic Renewal Idaho Statesman, 4/5/17 by David Cannamela
Debating the Future of Snake River Dams NW Public Radio, 3/31/17 by Marissa Luck
Snake River Dams or Shiny New Things Spokesman-Review, 3/31/17 by Sue Lane Madsen
Experts Debate Dam Removal Daily Evergreen, 3/29/17 by Jessica Zhou
Longview, Kalama Ports Join Regional Group to Fight Dam Removal The Daily News, 3/28/17 by Marissa Luck
If You Like Lox on Your Bagel, You Might Not Like This Trump Proposal Washington Post, 3/31/17 by Sue Chelsea Harvey
Court Order Requires Earlier Spill for Salmon in 2018; Orders Design Study, Monitoring Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/7/17 by Staff
Court Orders More Spill, Allows Spending at Lower Snake River Dams NW Fishletter, 4/3/17 by Laura Berg
Judge Orders Increased Spill at Eight Pacific Northwest Dams Starting in 2018 HydroWorld, 3/29/17 by Elizabeth Ingram
Judge Orders More Water Over Dams to Help NW Salmon Public News Service, 3/29/17 by Eric Tegethoff
Court Orders More Spill Over Columbia River Dams in 2018 Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/28/17 by Cassandra Profita
Judge: More Water Must Be Released from Columbia, Snake Dams The Register-Guard, 3/27/17 by Associated Press
Columbia, Snake Restorations Boost Salmon, Dam Managers Say Spokesman-Review, 3/6/17 by Rich Landers
Nez Perce Tribal Member Jaime Pinkman New CRITFC Executive Director NW Fishletter, 4/3/17 by Laura Berg
Tribal Housing Replacement Funded The Dalles Chronicle, 2/24/17 by Jesse Burkhardt
Oregon Bill Would Increase Share of Electricity from Small-scale Renewables HydroWorld, 2/9/17 by Elizabeth Ingram
Settlement Reached to Stop Oil Spills at Grand Coulee Dam Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/19/17 by Courtney Flatt
Lawsuit on Grand Coulee Oil Pollution Settled Water Power Magazine, 1/20/17 by Staff
Group: Settlement will Cut Oil Pollution at Washington Dam Bluefield Daily Telegraph, 1/19/17 by Phuong Le
Oregon's $1 Billion Fish Plan Shouldn't Cost Idaho Capital Press, 4/20/17 by Staff
Fish Passage Dispute Ramps Up in Legislature Idaho Mountain Express, 2/22/17 by Peter Jensen
Joint Memorial Approved by House for Snake River to Hells Canyon Dam Lewiston Tribune, 2/18/17 by Staff
Idaho Irrigators Back Bills Fighting Oregon Fish Plan Capital Press, 2/21/17 by John O'Connell
Feds Reject Idaho Utility's Bid to Negate Oregon Fish Law Idaho Statesman, 1/19/17 by Keith Ridler
Idaho Irrigators Oppose Oregon Endangered Fish Reintroduction Effort Capital Press, 1/6/17 by John O'Connell
Oregon, Idaho Differ on Clean Water Act Interpretations Regarding Hells Canyon Complex Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/16/16 by Staff
Idaho Utility Seeks to Negate Oregon Fish Passage Law Spokesman-Review, 12/12/16 by Keith Ridler
Lawmakers Want Feds to Protect Lower Snake River Dams The Lens, 2/8/17 by TJ Martinelli
A Newly-proposed Bill Targets Endangered Species, May Condemn Them to Extinction The Verge, 2/3/16 by Alessandra Potenza
Watch Dam Opponents Send Letter to Trump Seeking Dam Removal on Snake River KING 5, 2/9/17 by Associated Press
Dam Supporters say Trump Should Not Consider Removal WRAL, 2/9/17 by Associated Press
Free the Snake and Restore Salmon to Honor Treaty Rights The Cleanest Line, 2/3/17 by Julian Matthews
More Than 250,000 Write in Support of Salmon Earthjustice Blog, 2/2/17 by Caeleigh MacNeil
Nez Perce County Officials Oppose Breaching of Dams on Snake, Columbia Rivers Spokesman-Review, 1/16/17 by Joel Mills
Lewiston Floats Dam Options Lewiston Tribune, 1/16/17 by Joel Mills
Snake River Dams Examined After Decades of Lawsuits KREM, 1/27/17 by Alison Morrow
Lower Four Snake River Dams Are Not the Problem Tri-City Herald, 1/12/17 by Richard Ding
Groups Ask for Snake River Dams Funding Suspension San Juan Islander, 1/12/17 by Eric Tegethoff
Snake River Dams Projects May Be Delayed by Appeal Spokesman-Review, 1/12/17 by Rich Landers
Snake River Dam Projects May Be Delayed Lewiston Tribune, 1/11/17 by Eric Barker
Groups Petition Court to Halt Infrastructure Projects on 4 Lower Snake River Hydro Projects HydroWorld, 1/11/17 by Gregory B. Poindexter
Environmental Groups Want Work Halted on Snake River Dams The Register-Guard, 1/10/17 by Ketih Ridler
WA 'State of Salmon' Report: Seven ESA-Listed Populations Showing No Recovery Progress Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/19/17 by Staff
Comment Period Extended on Columbia River Dams EIS Priest River Times, 1/4/17 by Staff
Dam Breaching Will Be an Option for Columbia River System Study Tri-City Herald, 1/3/17 by Wendy Culver
Shielded Native American Sites Thrust Into Debate Over Dams Fortune, 1/1/17 by Keith Ridler


Deadliest Year for Southern Resident Orcas Prompts Candlelight Vigil to Inspire Change KIRO 7, 12/27/16 by Joanna Small
NWEC Panel Explores Replacing Power from Lower Snake River Dams NW Fishletter, 12/5/16 by Laura Berg
Rep. Bishop Aims to Repeal Landmark Conservation Law E&E, 12/9/16 by Corbin Hiar
Congress Passes "Columbia River Restoration Act" Hood River News, 12/20/16 by Staff
'Columbia River Basin Restoration Act' Passes Congress, Aims to Reduce Toxic Contaminants Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/18/16 by Staff
Columbia River Cleanup Bill Passes Congress Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/14/16 by Courtney Flatt
U.S. House Stalling Energy Policy Modernization Act as Congress Adjournment Approaches Hydro World, 12/8/16 by Michael Harris
Oregon and Idaho Officials are Squabbling Over Salmon in Snake River Tributaries Baker City Herald, 12/21/16 by Editorial Board
Oregon, Idaho Differ on Clean Water Act Interpretations Regarding Hells Canyon Complex Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/16/16 by Staff
Breaching Snake River Dams Would Cause Incalculable Harm Tri-City Herald, 12/30/16 by Michael Scrimsher
Keep Our Snake River Dams The Coeur d'Alene Press, 12/22/16 by Les Wigen
John Twa: Salmon Idaho Statesman, 12/21/16 by John Twa
Chris Jones: Salmon Idaho Statesman, 12/21/16 by Chris Jones
Salmon Idaho Statesman, 12/21/16 by Kevin Lewis
Salmon Debate Idaho Statesman, 12/21/16 by Paula Davina
Salmon or Dams Idaho Statesman, 12/21/16 by John Szymoniak
Removing Snake River Dams is Unwise Waitsburg Times, 12/8/16 by Don Brunell
Stop Studying the Studies; Breach Dams and Save the Salmon Idaho Statesman, 12/7/16 by Gary Lane
Chaney Letter: Dams and Salmon Idaho Statesman, 12/7/16 by Ed Chaney
An Opportunity to Push for Salmon Recovery The Daily Astorian, 12/6/16 Glen Spain & Joel Kawahara
Costly Dams are Harmful to Salmon, Tribes, and Taxpayers Tri-City Herald, 12/4/16 by Julian Matthews
Federal Government Must Listen to Local Community on Snake River Dams Grand Coulee Star, 11/30/16 by Dan Newhouse
Disappointed in Dam Public Meetings Idaho County Free Press, 11/29/16 by Brett Haverstick
Cheers & Jeers: Fishy End Run Lewiston Tribune, 12/9/16 by Marty Trillhaase
Groups Want Trump to Weigh in on Breaching Snake River Hydropower Dams Generation Hub, 12/9/16 by Barry Cassell
Irrigators Want Dams Off Endangered List Lewiston Tribune, 12/7/16 by Eric Barker
Lower Snake River Farmers Seek Federal Ruling to Allow Idaho Salmon to Go Extinct Idaho Statesman, 12/7/16 by Rocky Barker
Irrigators Petition Trump Transition for 'God Squad' Intervention in Salmon BiOp Remand Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/16 by Staff
Irrigators ask Trump for 'God Squad' as Snake River Dam Breaching Floated Tri-City Herald, 11/19/16 by Annette Cary
Odessa Subarea Seeks More Funding for Water Expansion Capital Press, 11/4/16 by Matthew Weaver
Wheat Growers Oppose Dam Breaching During Public Scoping Meeting Capital Press, 12/1/16 by Sean Ellis
Watch Future of Idaho's Wild Salmon Can't Be Sacrificed for Any Other Interest Idaho Statesman, 12/2/16 by Editorial Board
Tearing Down Snake River Dams Remains Terrible Idea Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 11/30/16 by Editorial Board
Breaching Snake River Dams Would 'Devastate' Wheat Industry, Growers Say Capital Press, 11/20/16 by Matthew Weaver
The Rivers of Northwestern Life Capital Press, 11/17/16 by Editorial Board
McMorris Rodgers: Invite 'Came Out of the Blue' Capital Press, 12/16/16 by Matthew Weaver
Our Dams Support Us; It's Time to Support Them Capital Press, 12/1/16 by Cathy McMorris Rodgers
McMorris Rodgers Expected to Land Interior Secretary Post Politico, 12/9/16 by Bade & Restuccia
Cathy McMorris Rodgers May Be Up for Interior Post in Trump's Cabinet Spokesman Review, 11/29/16 by Jim Camden
The Two Women Who Seem to Have the Edge Right Now for Interior Secretary Idaho Statesman, 12/1/16 by Rocky Barker
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Mum on Possibility of Trump Cabinet Position Spokesman Review, 11/22/16 by Kip Hll
Walden Chosen to Chair Energy and Commerce The Dalles Chronicle, 12/2/16 by Associated Press
Newhouse Pushes for Law Protecting Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 11/10/16 by Annette Cary
'Freight Senator' Accepts Association Award from Pacific Northwest Waterways Association The Columbian, 10/12/16 by Lauren Dake
Will Removing Large Dams on the Snake River Help Salmon? Forbes, 11/29/16 by James Conca
Watch Local Groups Support Snake River Dams, Against Breaching of Dam KEPR TV, 11/21/16 by Justin Lum
People Passionate About Saving Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 11/21/16 by Annette Cary
Hundreds Turn Out for Lewiston Scoping Meeting Regarding Draft EIS for Snake River Dams Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/16 by Staff
Why the Northwest is Debating Dams on the Snake River (Again) Oregon Public Broadcasting, 11/21/16 by Courtney Flatt
Feds Request Comments on Future of River Dams The Daily News, 12/21/16 by Marissa Luck
Scoping Meetings on Basin Salmon/Steelhead EIS End; Next Step Developing Alternatives Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/16/16 by Staff
Federal Agencies Seek Gorge Community Input on Wild Salmon Restoration Plan The Dalles Chronicle, 12/6/16 by Staff
Portland Meeting on Future of Snake River Dams Expected to Draw Big Crowd The Oregonian, 12/6/16 by Andrew Theen
Agencies Look at Dam Removal The Dalles Chronicle, 12/6/16 by RaeLynn Ricarte
Dams Scoping Meeting in The Dalles Tuesday The Columbian, 12/1/16 by Staff
Watch Future of Snake River Dams Under Microscope King 5, 12/1/16 by Alison Morrow
Hearings Next Week on Columbia River Salmon Recovery The Columbian, 12/1/16 by Lynda V. Mapes
Watch Agencies Discuss Salmon Protection, Snake River Dams KTVB, 11/29/16 by Staff
Hundreds Turn Out for Lewiston Scoping Meeting of Draft EIS for Snake River Dams Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/16 by Staff
Federal Agencies Listen to Concerns and Suggestions on the Lower Snake River Dams KLEW TV, 11/17/16 by Sarah Jacobsen
People Flood Dam Meeting Lewiston Tribune, 11/17/16 by Eric Barker
Farmers Offer Comments on Columbia-Snake River System Capital Press, 11/15/16 by Matthew Weaver
Groups Slam Feds Over Public Input on Columbia River Salmon E&E, 11/14/16 by Emily Yehle
Big Crowd Turns Out in Spokane to Talk About Lower Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 11/14/16 by Becky Kramer
Dam Advocate Flores Lays Out Case Against Breaching Snake Structures Idaho Statesman, 11/28/16 by Rocky Barker
Can Federal Dam Operators Save Northwest Salmon? Idaho Statesman, 11/26/16 by Rocky Barker
Watch Could Breaching Lower Snake River Dams Help Orcas? Public News Service, 11/14/16 by Eric Tegethoff
Salmon, Climate Change Cast Doubt on Future of Dams News Deeply, 11/11/16 by Matt Weiser
Region Depends on Columbia-Snake River System Capital Press, 11/11/16 by Tom Kammerzell
The 'Prosperity' from Lower Snake River Dams Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 11/7/16 by Linwood Laughy
Researchers: Breach Dams to Save Starving Puget Sound Orcas KATU, 10/28/16 by Associated Press
Why it's Time for the Lower Snake River Dams to Come Down OARS Blog, 10/16 by Staff
Fishy Statistics and Hard Dam Decisions Tied to Our Values Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/6/16 by Editorial Board
Will Federal Agencies' Review of Columbia, Snake Dams Lead to Removal? Idaho Statesman, 10/4/16 by Rocky Barker
How Might the Columbia's Hydro System Be Altered to Strengthen Fish Rebuilding? NW Fishletter, 10/3/16 by Laura Berg
Why the Removal of four Snake River Dams is a Necessary and Feasible Action, 10/16 by Earthjustice Website
Fishermen, Conservationists Seek Action on Salmon Recovery Idaho Mountain Express, 11/23/16 by Greg Moore
Kujala Named Director of Power Planning for Northwest Power & Conservation Council HydroWorld, 11/17/16 by Elizabeth Ingram
Enviro Groups Strike Deal Over Coal Train Pollution with BNS Portland Tribune, 11/15/16 by Steve Law
Environmentalists Sue BNSF to Cover Coal Trains, Prevent Water Pollution Seattle Times, 11/7/16 by Lynda V. Mapes
Army Corps Suddenly Decides Coal Trains Won't Harm Salmon-Filled Columbia River Yes! Magazine, 11/2/16 by Mark Trahant
Feds Release Salmon, Steelhead Recovery Plan Idaho Mountain Express, 11/2/16 by Tony Evans
New Plan Aims to Recover Threatened Snake River Salmon Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/28/16 by Courtney Flatt
NOAA Fisheries Releases Proposed Recovery Plan for Spring/Summer Chinook, Steelhead Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/27/16 by Staff
Meeting to Weigh in on Columbia River System East Oregonian, 11/13/16 by George Plaven
Columbia, Snake Dams Topic of Public Meetings Spokesman-Review, 11/13/16 by Staff
Under Pressure, Corps Adds Dams Meeting in Tri-Cities Tri-City Herald, 11/12/16 by Annette Cary
Judge's Order Revives Movement to Remove Snake River Dams Stamford Advocate, 11/6/16 by Nicholas K. Geranios
Feds Come to Town to Gather Input Priest River Times, 11/2/16 by Judd Wilson
Federal Agencies Examining Columbia River Dam Operations Flathead Beacon, 10/31/16 by Justin Franz
Federal Agencies to Host Scoping Meetings Tribal Tribune, 10/28/16 by Staff
Montana Scoping Meetings Slated for Columbia River System Operations EIS Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/27/16 by Staff
Pressure Mounts on Lower Snake Dams as Fish Runs Sag Spokesman-Review, 10/24/16 by Becky Kramer
River Ops Meeting Set Priest River Times, 10/19/16 by Justin Franz
Environmental Effects of Columbia, Snake River Dams Scrutinized Seattle Times, 10/17/16 by Lynda V. Mapes
Feds Seek Comments on Dam Management Idaho Mountain Express, 10/5/16 by Greg Moore
Updated EIS Sought for Columbia River Dams Bonner County Daily Bee, 10/2/16 by Keith Kinnaird
Ruling Forces Discussions on Breaching Snake River Dams to Save Salmon The Oregonian, 10/2/16 by Associated Press
Listen Taking Down Snake River Dams: It's Back on the Table Northwest Public Radio, 10/24/16 by Courtney Flatt
Lower Snake River Dams Have a Long History of Controversy Spokesman-Review, 10/24/16 by Becky Kramer
We Can Restore Salmon and Have Carbon-free Energy Spokesman-Review, 10/22/16 by Nancy Hirsh
Earliest Evidence of Human Use of Salmon in Americas: at Least 11,800 Years Ago Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/9/16 by Staff
Cantwell: U.S. Ready to Renegotiate Columbia River Treaty Tri-City Herald, 10/7/16 by Annette Cary
California Ramps Up Energy Storage Plans with Enactment of Four New Bills Renewable Energy World, 9/28/16 by Brian Kennedy
Thom is New NOAA Regional Leader, Norman Appointed to Power Council NW Fishletter, 10/3/16 by Laura Berg
New Regional, NOAA Administator Takes the Reins Next Week NW Sportsman, 9/7/16 by Andy Walgamott
Americans Strongly Favor Expanding Solar Power; Costs and Environmental Concerns Pew Research Center, 10/5/16 by Brian Kennedy
Feds Open Public Comment on Hydropower Alternatives Boise Weekly, 10/1/16 by George Prentice
Feds Asking Public to Weigh In on Breaching Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 9/30/16 by Becky Kramer
Northwest Hydropower Study Due in Five Years Capital Press, 8/29/16 by Mateusz Perkowski
Bill to Clean Columbia River Added to Water Package East Oregonian, 9/14/16 by George Plaven
Wheat Farmer Mary Dye Seeks Return to Olympia Against Progressive in SE Washington Race Spokesman-Review, 9/27/16 by Chelsea Bannach
Shipping Wheat By Barge Spokesman-Review, 11/10/16 by Janice Ingram
Dams Vital to Idaho Farmers, Offer Reliable, Environmentally Friendly Transportation Idaho Statesman, 9/20/16 "Genesee" Joe Anderson
Rethink Dams! Petitions for Breach of Snake River Dams Whitman Wire, 9/29/16 by Kate Grumbles
'Free the Snake' Flotilla Protests Dams, Threat to Wild Fish Runs Spokesman-Review, 9/19/16 by Rich Landers
Senior Advisor to Energy Secretary Selected as BPA's New Chief Operating Officer Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/23/16 by Staff
Washington Taps New Member for Northwest Power and Conservation Council Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/16/16 by Staff
Public Meetings on EIS for Columbia River Dams Will Start this Fall NW Fishletter, 9/6/16 by Laura Berg
NOAA Stipulates No Mitchell Act Funds For 10 Hatcheries Until Hatchery BiOp Completed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/9/16 by Staff
No Mitchell Act Funding Until Hatchery BiOp Completed NW Fishletter, 9/1/16 by Laura Berg
Wild Fish Conservancy Takes Legal Aim at Hatchery Funding NW Fishletter, 2/1/16 by Steve Ernst
Court Allows Continued Culling of Cormorants in Estuary to Reduce Predation on Salmonids Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/9/16 by Staff
Judge Rules Gov't Can Keep Killing Salmon-Eating Birds ABC News, 9/3/16 by Gillian Flaccus
Columbia River Basin Restoration Act, Addressing Toxics Reduction, Passes U.S. Senate Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/16/16 by Staff
Identifying Columbia/Snake Cold Water Refuges Important Salmon Recovery Tool Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/26/16 by Staff
Conservation Groups File Notice to Sue EPA Over Columbia/Snake Water Temperatures Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/26/16 by Staff
Lonesome Again? Idaho Mountain Express, 8/26/16 by Editorial Board
EPA Draft Rule Could Undermine Lower Snake River Dam Operations The Lens, 7/1/20 by TJ Martinell
Groups Challenge EPA on Salmon Kills Idaho Mountain Express, 8/17/16 by Wire Reports
Lawsuit Aims to Lower Columbia and Snake River Temperatures for Salmon Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/16/16 by Jes Burns
Groups Plan Lawsuit Following Columbia Basin Salmon Die-off Capital Press, 8/16/16 by Associated Press
Hot Water Poses Ongoing Threat to Columbia River Salmon, Groups Say Spokesman-Review, 8/15/16 by Becky Kramer
Columbia River 'Shadow Tribes' Face a Housing Crisis Capital Press, 8/8/16 by Ben Goldfarb
Judge Simon Gives BiOp Defendants Five Years for EIS NW Fishletter, 8/1/16 by Laura Berg
Judge Gives Feds Nearly Five Years to Complete NEPA Process for Salmon Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/15/16 by Staff
PNW Reps Urge Action on Columbia River Treaty Capital Press, 8/12/16 by Dan Wheat
Dams, Megawatts and Poached Salmon Boise Weekly, 8/3/16 by George Prentice
Snake River Dams and Salmon Cannot Coexist Idaho Statesman, 7/31/16 by Ed Chaney
We Can Have a Clean Energy Future and Wild Salmon The Oregonian, 7/29/16 by Wendy Gerlitz
Time for Congress to Act on Dams, Idaho Sockeye Idaho Statesman, 7/22/16 by Ted Eisele
Dams: Impacts on Salmon and Steelhead NW Power Council, 7/22/16 by John Harrison
Dams and Salmon Can Co-exist Idaho Statesman, 7/14/16 by Jo Elg
An Attempt at ESA Reform Liberty Blog, 7/6/16 by Raymond Navaro
Western Farmers Rely on Massive Waterworks Capital Press, 4/7/16 by Matthew Weaver
Dam-managing Agencies Won't Do the Right Thing for Snake River Dams Seattle Times, 7/2/16 by Jim Waddell
Removing Snake River Dams is Bad for Economy and Salmon Seattle Times, 7/2/16 by Todd Myers
Base Power Plan on Clean, Not Renewable Energy Tri-City Herald, 7/17/16 Chad Bartram & Tim Nies
Waterways Exec: Dams Aren't Doomed Lewiston Tribune, 4/27/16 by Chelsea Embree
Stop Dance of Death Idaho Mountain Express, 7/27/16 by Editorial Board
The Salmon's Swim for Survival New York Times, 7/4/16 by Editorial Board
Plaintiffs Say Do BiOp And EIS In 2-1/2 Years NW Fishletter, 7/5/16 by Laura Berg
Feds Want 5 Years to Study Columbia River Hydro Options NW Fishletter, 7/5/16 by Laura Berg
Judge Discards Motion on Alleged Factual Errors in BiOp Opinion NW Fishletter, 7/5/16 by Laura Berg
Renewed Optimism for Salmon Recovery The Oregoniqn, 6/26/16 Hamilton, Feldner, Daughters
BPA Selects Javier Fernandez as Next Chief Financial Officer BPA Newsroom, 6/30/16 by Staff
The Status Quo Versus the Case for Reform Orange County Register, 6/23/16 by Ryan M. Yonk
Seattle Council Spoon-fed by Activists Tri-City Herald, 6/12/16 by Editorial Board
Seattle's Faux-Green City Council Rejects Both Nuclear Energy & Obama's Clean Power Plan Forbes, 6/12/16 by James Conca
ESA Delisting Process is Failing According to Testimony Heartland Institute, 6/9/16 by Kenneth Artz
Army Corps Should Keep Its Promises to Native Communities Idaho Mountain Express, 6/10/16 by Editorial Board
BiOp Judge Gives Feds Another 2 Weeks to File EIS Schedule NW Fishletter, 6/6/16 by Laura Berg
Feds Reject Request to Lift Snake River Fall Chinook Listing Yakima Herald, 5/26/16 by Keith Ridler
Customer Investments in Solar Benefit All Nevadans: $7 Million - $14 Million per Year NRDC Blog, 5/24/16 by Noah Long
Columbia River Tribal Housing at The Dalles Dam Bill Passes U.S. Senate The Oregonian, 5/14/16 by Molly Harbarger
It's Not Enough for the Salmon Chinook Observer, 5/10/16 by Staff
Guy Norman Retiring After Two Decades of Managing Columbia River Fisheries Peninsula Daily News, 5/6/16 by Allen Thomas
Experts Debate Barriers to Species Delisting; Bureaucracy, Litigation Cited as Obstacles Capital Press, 5/6/16 by Mateusz Perkowski
Two Years and 2 Million Fish Later, 'Godly' Intervention Needed Tri-City Herald, 5/29/16 by Ron Reimann
Snake River Dams Vital to Renewable Energy Future Spokesman-Review, 5/28/16 by Terry Flores
Will We Support Shipping or Salmon? Idaho Mountain Express, 5/25/16 by Cooper Dart
Yogi Berra and the Endangered Species Act Capital Press, 5/19/16 by Editorial Board
Dams are Damning to Salmon, Steelhead in Idaho, Northwest Idaho Statesman, 5/22/16 by Kevin Lewis
Judge: Failed Salmon Restoration Has Cost Billions Crosscut, 5/17/16 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Why Pro-salmon Ruling on Dams Could Be Bad for the Environment The Oregonian, 5/16/16 by Terry Flores
Federal Court Decision is a Critical Opportunity for Salmon, Energy and Communities Seattle Times, 5/14/16 by Rees, Hirsh & Arthur
Snake River Salmon: Let's Get it Right This Time Spokesman-Review, 5/14/16 by Sam Mace
What You'll Hear Today, You'll Hear Tomorrow Lewiston Tribune, 5/11/16 by Marty Trillhaase
Feds are Running Out of Half Measures East Oregonian, 5/10/16 by Staff
Remove Dams to Save Salmon, Orca Herald Net, 4/28/16 by Ariel Marie Yseth
Irrigators Claim Judge Erred in Hydropower Ruling Capital Press, 5/9/16 by Mateusz Perkowski
Judge Decides 2014 BiOp: Snake River Dam Breaching Not Ruled Out NW Fishletter, 6/6/16 by Laura Berg
Latest Ruling is Another Victory for Snake River Salmon and Steelhead Hatch Magazine, 5/12/16 by Chad Shmukler
Judge: Salmon Recovery Requires Big Dam Changes Chinook Observer, 5/10/16 by Staff
Industry Criticizes, Salmon Advocates Cheer Columbia Basin BiOp Ruling Capital Press, 5/9/16 by George Plaven
Dam Changes Needed on Snake River to Protect Salmon Disaster Management Digest, 5/7/16 by Kimberly Arsenault
'Groundhog Day': Judge Again Orders Feds to Take New Approach on NW Salmon Idaho Statesman, 5/6/16 by Rocky Barker
Pacific Northwest BiOp Once Again Rejected by Court HydroWorld, 5/6/16 by Elizabeth Ingram
Court Rejects Columbia Basin Hydro Plan Idaho Mountain Express, 5/6/16 by Greg Moore
Court Rejects Salmon Plan, Suggests Breaching Dams Electric Co-op Today, 5/6/16 by Steven Johnson
Judge: Plan for Restoring Northwest Salmon Runs Not Enough The Herald Journal, 5/6/16 by Associated Press
Judge: Plans to Restore Salmon Runs in the Northwest Are Not Enough Bend Bulletin, 5/6/16 by Gene Johnson
Why Plans to Preserve Northwest Salmon Runs Have Stalled -- Yet Again Christian Science Monitor, 5/5/16 by Jason Thomson
Fisheries and Feds Must Step Up After Disastrous Sockeye Run Idaho State Journal, 5/5/16 Staff and Wire Reports
Salmon Advocates Cheer Columbia Basin BiOp Ruling East Oregonian, 5/5/16 by George Plaven
Federal Judge Has Had Enough Fin-dragging Lewiston Tribune, 5/5/16 by Eric Barker
Federal Court Rejects U.S. Plan for Restoring Embattled Northwest Salmon Reuters, 5/5/16 by Eric M. Johnson
Feds' Columbia/Snake River Salmon Plan Again Found Illegal Earth Justice, 5/4/16 by Press Release
Judge Rejects Feds' Latest Plan to Help Salmon Survive Columbia River Dams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/4/16 by Cassandra Profita
Judge Rejects Feds' Columbia River Salmon Plan, Calls for a Rewrite The Oregonian, 5/4/16 by Kelly House
Judge: Plan for Restoring PNW Salmon Runs Not Enough Capital Press, 5/4/16 by Associated Press
U.S. Judge Tosses Feds' Salmon Plan Back in Water, Suggests Breaching Dams Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/4/16 by Joel Connelly
Judge: Salmon Recovery Requires Big Dam Changes on Snake River Seattle Times, 5/4/16 by Lynda V. Mapes
Act to Keep Trade Moving The Columbian, 3/3/16 by Editorial Board
Preserve Wild Salmon from Hatchery Hordes The Oregonian, 3/14/16 by Guido Rahr
Salmon Hatchery Findings Should Inform a Top-to-Bottom Review The Oregonian, 3/10/16 by Editorial Board
Cantwell Pushes NOAA to Reduce Delays in Approving Hatchery Genetic Management Plans The Columbian, 2/26/16 by Staff
Wild Fish Advocates Threaten Suit Over Hatcheries Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/20/16 by Rich Landers
Let Water Users Pay for Snake River Aquifer Recharge Idaho Statesman, 2/13/16 by Jon Marvel
Modular Reactors the Future of Nuclear Energy Twin Falls Times-News, 2/7/16 by Dr. Roger Mayes
Cautious New Cowlitz PUD Leader Faces Myriad of Challenges The Daily News, 1/23/16 by Marissa Luck
NRIC Sues Northwest Power and Conservation Council NW Fishletter, 2/1/16 by Laura Berg
Group Sues Council, Says 2014 Fish and Wildlife Program Fails to Protect Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/22/16 by Staff
Western Governors to Examine Species Law Reform at Boise Workshop Idaho Statesman, 1/18/16 by Rocky Barker
Shared Recovery Goals Sought for Columbia Basin Salmon and Steelhead NW Fishletter, 1/4/16 by Laura Berg
Nevada Should Adopt, Not Marginalize, Solar Energy Las Vegas Sun, 1/3/16 by Editorial Board
McKern Letter: Salmon Runs Idaho Statesman, 1/2/16 by John McKern
Idaho Landscape Could Be Safe Haven for Native Fish Lewiston Tribune, 1/1/16 by Eric Barker


Threading the Needle -- Cheaply -- to Meet Power Demands The Oregonian, 12/31/15 by Editorial Board
'Record Salmon Runs' Actually a Decline Idaho Statesman, 12/7/15 by Don Chapman
Abundant Salmon Runs are Early Christmas Present Maple Valley Reporter, 12/6/15 by Don Brunell
Grain Commissions to Combat Dam Misinformation Capital Press, 12/3/15 by Matthew Weaver
To Save the Orcas, Do We Need to Demolish Dams? Crosscut, 11/16/15 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Studies Doubt Value of Snake River Dams Lewiston Tribune, 11/15/15 by Eric Barker
Public Lands Council Wants Endangered Species Act Reform WNAX, 11/18/15 by Staff
Western Governors' Association Calls for Massive Weakening of Endangered Species Act IndyBay, 11/13/15 Center for Biological Diversity
Cody Workshop to Examine Endangered Species Act Reform Billings Gazette, 11/11/15 by Associated Press
Northwest Power Draft Plan Sees Little New Generation Coming for BPA Missoulian, 11/9/15 by Rob Chaney
Fight Over Dams in the Northwest Al Jazeera America, 11/26/15 by Staff
Congress Must Act on Ports The Columbian, 11/13/15 by Editorial Board
Congress Must Pass PORTS Bills Capital Press, 8/20/15 by Editorial Board
Familiar Talking Points Appear at Dam Breaching Discussion Lewiston Tribune, 11/6/15 by Eric Barker
Dems Push Obama on Endangered Species Protections The Hill, 11/5/15 by Devin Henry
Officials Propose Plans to Bolster Fall Chinook Argus Observer, 11/3/15 by Keith Ridler
Feds Propose Plans to Bolster Snake River Fall Chinook Bellingham Herald, 11/3/15 by Keith Ridler
Listen Feds Release Plan for Recovering Snake River (Fall) Salmon Oregon Public Broadcasting, 11/2/15 by Cassandra Profita
Plan to Boost Snake River Fall Chinook Run in the Works Seattle Times, 11/13/15 by Staff
Idaho's Wild Salmon and Steelhead are in Peril Idaho Statesman, 10/9/15 by Chris Wood
What it Will Take to Put Dam Breaching Back on the Table Idaho Statesman, 10/29/15 by Rocky Barker
The Hypocricy of Efforts to Remove Lower Snake River Dams Tri-City Herald, 10/24/15 by Colin Hastings
Critics of Snake River Dams Say It's Time to Remove Them Bellingham Herald, 10/18/15 by Nicholas K. Geranios
Students Protest Snake River Dams with Flotilla Whitman Wire, 10/7/15 by Sara Platnick
Large Flotilla of Outdoor Enthusiasts Takes "Free the Snake" Message to the Water Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/7/15 by Terri Harber
Free the Snake Event Lures Flotilla to Protest Dams Spokesman-Review, 10/5/15 by Rich Landers
Hundreds Protest Lower Snake River Dams to 'Free the Snake' KBOI, 10/4/15 by Staff
Flotilla of 300-Plus Protest Snake River Dam System Boise Weekly, 10/4/15 by George Prentice
Anti-Dam Advocates Plan a Flotilla of Boats on the Snake River Boise State Public Radio, 10/2/15 by Samantha Wright
Flotilla of Groups to Protest Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 9/29/15 by Rich Landers
Free the Snake: A 150-Boat Flotilla Takes to the River on Oct. 3 to Advocate Against Dams Boise Weekly, 9/29/15 by Jessica Murri
Damming the Salmon Earth Magazine, 9/3/15 by Mary Caperton Morton
Feds More Likely to Intervene in Future Port Slowdowns Under Proposed Bill The Oregonian, 11/5/15 by Molly Harbarger
Loss of Port Service Creates Bitter Harvest The Oregonian, 10/10/15 by Editorial Board
Gov. Kate Brown Heads to Hong Kong, China and Japan for First Trade Mission Willamette Week, 10/8/15 by Staff
Proposal Seeks to Keep Ports Open During Labor Disputes Capital Press, 10/6/15 by Staff
NLRB Deals Another Blow to the ILWU in Portland Journal of Commerce, 10/2/15 by Bill Mongelluzzo
Port Terminal Operator takes Victory Lap after Labor Board Upholds Union-scolding Ruling Portland Business Journal, 10/2/15 by Andy Giegerich
Judge's Ruling on Labor Actions Doesn't Silence Union-Port War of Words Portland Tribune, 10/1/15 by Jim Redden
Lower Snake River Dams Provide Outstanding Value to the Nation Tri-City Herald, 9/30/15 by Lt. Col. Timothy Vail
Americans Support Endangered Species Act Reform California Ag Today, 10/1/15 by Staff
Poll Shows Broad Support for Endangered Species Act Reform AG Professional, 9/30/15 by American Farm Bureau
Oldest Find of Salmon Remains in North America New York Times, 9/21/15 by Staff
Salmon Fishing in North America Dates Back to Last Ice Age, Oldest Instance on Record University Herald, 9/22/15 by Staff
Employees say Bonneville Power Administration's Cultural Turnaround Has a Ways To Go The Oregonian, 9/19/15 by Ted Sickinger
California Increases Renewable Portfolio Standard to 50% by 2030 Solar Industry Magazine, 9/14/15 by Staff
Let's Stop the Stupidity on the Snake Hatch Magazine, 9/11/15 by Chad Shmukler
Southern Resident Orcas Too Magnificent to Lose Switchboard, 9/2/15 by Giulia Good Stefani
Mead to Focus on Endangered Species Act Reform Casper Star Tribune, 8/26/15 by Laura Hancock
Why is Bad Science Protecting the Lower Snake River Dams? High Country News, 8/12/15 by Borg Hendrickson
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Blames GOP for Climate Failures Capital Press, 7/17/15 by Phuong Le
El Nino Weather Patterns may be Cause of Coho, Chinook Ocean Survival Becoming Similar Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/7/15 by Staff
Salmon Face Warming Waters, Changes to El Nino Patterns in Fight for Survival on West Coast E&E, 8/6/15 by Brittany Patterson
Why Are Hundreds of Thousands of Salmon Dying in the Northwest? Climate Progress, 7/29/15 by Natasha Geiling
The Great Migration Sun Valley Magazine, 7/15 by Laurie Sammis
Sockeye Death Toll a Predictable Disaster Idaho Statesman, 7/31/15 by Greg Stahl
Dead Salmon, Climate Change and Northwest Dams Seattle Times, 8/3/15 by Pat Ford
Racist Graffiti Found on Tribes' Boat Spokesman-Review, 7/15/15 by Staff
State Department Seeks CRT Negotiations, But No Timeline NW Fishletter, 7/6/15 by Ben Tansey
Shipping Workshops Announced to Help Exporters Portland Tribune, 7/2/15 by Jim Redden
ID Senator Tries to Stop Labor Slowdowns After Port of Portland Container Terminal Woes The Oregonian, 7/1/15 by Molly Harbarger
Renewable Energy by Any Other Name Doesn't Smell as Sweet Forbes, 6/30/15 by James Conca
Fighting for Idaho's Anadromous Fish San Francisco Chronicle, 6/28/15 by Associated Press
Small Modular Reactor Bill Passes State Senate Tri-City Herald, 6/30/15 by Annette Cary
Commercial Fishermen in Alaska Want to Catch More Snake River Fall Chinook Connections, 6/15 by Idaho Power
One Last Round for 2014 BiOp Fight NW Fishletter, 7/6/15 by Bill Rudolph
Attorneys Present Pros/Cons of Salmon BiOp at Federal Court Oral Argument Hearing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/26/15 by Staff
Groups Clash in Court Over Columbia River Basin Salmon Plan Washington Times, 6/23/15 by Gosia Wozniacka
Listen New Judge To Hear Arguments On Columbia River Dams And Salmon Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/23/15 by Cassandra Profita
New Judge to Hear Arguments on Obama Administration's Latest Salmon Plan Tuesday NYC Today, 6/23/15 by Gloria Bradley
$700 Million Plan to Help Salmon Habitat Faces New Challenge Washington Times, 6/20/15 by Gosia Wozniacka
Feedback: Snake River Sockeye Salmon Recovery Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15 by Greg Stahl
NOAA's Snake River Sockeye Salmon Recovery Plan:25 Years of Actions at $101 Million Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/12/15 by Staff
New Director Named for Washington's DOE Office of the Columbia River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15 by Staff
Support Family Wage Jobs The Daily News, 6/18/15 by Editorial Board
Columbia River Treaty Negotiating Position to Include 'Ecosystem-Based Function' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/12/15 by Staff
Washington Announces Endangered Species Reforms Heartland Institute, 6/11/15 by H. Sterling Burnett
Salmon Plan Seeks to Create Self-sustaining Populations Idaho Mountain Express, 6/10/15 by Lisa Carton
Snake River Sockeye Salmon Recovery Plan Released Spokesman-Review, 6/9/15 by Associated Press
Snake River Sockeye Recovery to Take 50-100 Years Under Final Plan Idaho Statesman, 6/8/15 by Rocky Barker
Salmon Swim in the Owyhee River After 87 Years, and the Shoshone Paiute Relearn Traditions Idaho Statesman, 6/7/15 by Rocky Barker
Elon Musk: 'I'm Not Really a Fan of Disruption; I'm Just a Fan of Things Being Better' GreenTech Grid, 6/9/15 by Julia Pyper
Broetje Orchards Got Off Easy Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/9/15 by Jeffery C. Bickle
Broetje Orchards Contributes to the Community Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/5/15 by Susan Palmer
US Bill to Prevent Port "Slowdowns" World Cargo News, 6/7/15 by Staff
Port Facing Deficits Lewiston Tribune, 6/5/15 by Borg Hendrickson
Watch Farmers Feel the Pinch with Port of Portland Closure KLEW TV, 5/29/15 by Suzette Reynoso
Farmers Ponder Options Following Loss of Portland Container Carriers Capital Press, 5/29/15 by Matthew Weaver
Seals, Sea Lions Eating Endangered Fish Capital Press, 5/28/15 by Carlisle Harrison
Legislation Introduced to Clean Up Columbia River Basin Dregding News Online, 5/21/15 by Staff
Columbia Generating Station Represents the Success of Nuclear Power Generation Bellingham Herald, 5/25/15 by Robert L. Ferguson
Additional Hydropower Could Cut Carbon Emissions The Oregonian, 5/22/15 by Ciocci & Flores
Obama's Preemptive Strike to Reform Endangered Species Act High Country News, 5/20/15 by Elizabeth Shogren
Endangered Species Act Gets a Makeover The Hill, 5/18/15 by Timothy Cama
GOP Plots New Course on Endangered Species Act Reform The Hill, 5/17/15 by Timothy Cama
House GOP and Dems at Work on Competing ESA Reform Efforts E&E Daily, 5/15/15 by Corbin Hiar
Analysis: Chasing Demons in the Ocean NW Fishletter, 5/14/15 by Bill Rudolph
Salmon BiOp Litigation: Federal Agencies, Supporters File Flurry of Briefs at Deadline Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15 by Staff
Dam Removal Study Shows Most River Ecosystems Stabilize Quickly Afterwards Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15 by Staff
Listen Rivers Recover Rapidly Once Dams Are Gone, Study Finds Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/30/15 by Cassandra Profita
Senate Holds Hearing on ESA Reform Bills JD Supra, 5/7/15 by Ashley Remillard
How the Waterfront Went from a Shit-Filled Disaster to Portland's Real "Living Room" Portland Mercury, 4/29/15 by Joe Streckert
Pendleton Attorney and Farmer Reappointed to NW Power Council Capital Press, 4/14/15 by Eric Mortenson
Washington Wheat Industry Asks Decision Makers to Consider Billion-dollar Impact Capital Press, 4/13/15 by Matthew Weaver
Ex-energy Official's $1.7 Million Gig Draws Fire Politico, 3/16/15 by Darius Dixon
California Governor Orders Aggressive Greenhouse Gas Cuts by 2030 Reuters, 4/29/15 by Rory Carroll
Solar Energy Poll Results Called Warning for Nevada Legislators Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/29/15 by Sean Whaley
Responding to De-List Petition, NOAAAnnounces Review for Snake River Fall Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/24/15 by Staff
NMFS Will Review Status of Snake Fall Chinook NW Fishletter, 4/23/15 by Bill Rudolph
Group Files to Delist Snake River Fall Chinook NW Fishletter, 2/5/15 by Bill Rudolph
BiOp Plaintiffs File Last Arguments Before Court Faceoff NW Fishletter, 4/23/15 by Bill Rudolph
Bird Lovers Start Litigation Over Corps' Cormorant Plan NW Fishletter, 4/23/15 by Bill Rudolph
'Spill Bill' Gets Hearing in Oregon Senate, But Goes Nowhere NW Fishletter, 4/23/15 by Steve Ernst
Legislature Opposes Snake Dam Removal Idaho Mountain Express, 4/15/15 by Greg Moore
Idaho House of Representatives House Joint Memorial No. 11 Idaho Ways and Means Committee, 3/31/15 by 63rd Legislature of Idaho
Columbia River is No. 2 on List of America's Endangered Rivers Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/7/15 by Joel Connelly
Newhouse Tours Ice Harbor Dam, Discusses Treaty Negotiations Tri-City Herald, 4/17/15 by Annette Cary
Ice Harbor Dam Fight to be Taken Directly to Ike If Necessary Lewiston Tribune, 4/13/15 from March 22, 1953
Franklin Roosevelt, Who Died 70 Years Ago, Made Historic Visits to Oregon The Oregonian, 4/10/15 by John Killen
OSC Obtains Settlement for Whistleblowers at Federally-run Bonneville Power Administration Fierce Government, 4/7/15 by Ryan McDermott
Feds File Cross-Motion Following Challengers' Request for Summary Judgement Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/27/15 by Staff
Unclouding the Council's Crystal Ball: What We Look at Changes Everything Transformer, 3/4/15 by Staff
Lower Load Growth Expectations for 7th Plan Don't Reduce Importance of Energy Efficiency Transformer, 2/6/15 by Staff
Big Salmon Runs Today - What about the Future? NW Power Council, 3/25/15 by ISAB Erik Merril
Snake River Dams Are Assets That Must Remain Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 3/28/15 by Ron Dunning
Adult Salmon Survival Past Dams is 99 Percent Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 3/25/15 by John McKern
Fish Survival Rate is Disputed Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 3/21/15 by Borg Hendrickson
Support Your Local Salmon Kitsap Sun, 3/15/15 by Ed Palm
Idaho Needs and Can Maintain Both Its Dams and Fish Lewiston Tribune, 3/15/15 by David Doeringsfeld
Hydropower Not Been Replaced by Wind Power Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 3/6/15 by John McKern
New Numbers Won't Change Debate About Snake River Structures Idaho Statesman, 3/5/15 by Rocky Barker
Lower Snake River Dams Are Economic Losers Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 2/28/15 by Borg Hendrickson
Will Taxpayers Dub It a 'Port to Nowhere'? Lewiston Tribune, 4/1/15 by Marty Trillhaase
Brown Renews Support for Eastern Oregon Water Project Capital Press, 3/23/15 by EO Media Group
Watch Group Wants to Save Killer Whales by Removing the Lower Snake River Dams KLEW TV, 2/26/15 by Carol Zinke
Students Call for Removal of Snake River Dams Whitman College Pioneer, 2/26/15 by Lachlan Johnson
New Phase Begins in Legal Battle Over Future Dredging of Lower Snake Navigation Channel Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/20/15 by Staff
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Chooses Melcher as New ODFW Director Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/20/15 by Staff
Solar Energy Delivers Too Little Bang for Billions Invested Forbes, 2/25/15 by David Williams
ESA Reform Bills Fail to Address DNA Use and Militarization, 2/19/15 by Melissa Genson
Waddell is Not So Easy to Ignore Lewiston Tribune, 2/27/15 by Chris Carlson
Breaching Lower Snake Dams Economically Sound Salmon Blog, 2/19/15 by Michael Wells
Once More Into the Breach Debate Lewiston Tribune, 2/15/15 by Eric Barker
Brigadier General Scott A. Spellmon ACOE website, 7/16 by Staff
New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama The Levee Was Dry, 2/24/16 by Scott L. Shapiro
Burke Elected Vice-President of Energy Northwest Board of Directors PT Leader, 2/18/15 by Staff
Bolster Transparency of Listing Species Twin Falls Times-News, 2/14/15 by Mike Crapo
Hydro BiOp Update: Judge Allows Extra-Record Materials NW Fishletter, 2/5/15 by Bill Rudolph
Find Fix for Smelt-eating Sea Lions The Daily News, 2/1/15 by Editorial Board
Awards Celebrate the Behind-the-Scenes Work of Managing FCRPS Dams BPA Journal, 1/22/15 by Staff
Looking to a Nuclear Future in Washington Crosscut, 1/29/15 by John Stang
Nuclear Energy Deserves Debate The Columbian, 12/19/14 by Editorial Board
Water Quality Permit for Energy Northwest's Nuclear Plant Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/7/14 by John Dobken
Watch Bill Supports Killing Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam KOIN 6 News, 1/29/15 by Chris Holmstrom
Being Frank: The Time to Act is Now North Kitsap Herald, 1/10/15 by Lorraine Loomis


Its Time to Endanger the Endangered Species Act Town Hall, 1/6/14 by Taylor Smith
The Great Salmon Compromise High Country News, 12/8/14 by Ben Goldfarb
Veteran IDFG Official Takes Helm of Washington Agency Lewiston Tribune, 1/16/14 by Eric Barker
Hastings Sees Hope for ESA, Energy Bills Capital Press, 1/16/14 by Dan Wheat
Don Brunell new job as VP Gordon Thoms Honeywell Govt. Affairs of Washington State Association of Washington Business, 1/15(?)/15 by Staff Profile
AWB President, Kris Johnson, to Speak on the Business Climate in Washington State Thurston County Chamber, 10/1/14(?) by Press Release
AWB Names Kris Johnson as New President Association of Washington Business, 1/1/14(?) by Press Release
AWB Leaders Meet Basin Business Community Columbia Basin Herald, 11/24/13 by Tiffany Sukola
Environmentalists Try to Muddy Waters About Dredging Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/30/14 by John McKern
To Dredge Or Not To Dredge? Lewiston Tribune, 12/9/14 by Wanda Keefer
Aging Infrastructure and Scarce Dollars Means Tough Decisions for the Northwest Lewiston Tribune, 12/7/14 by Norm Ritchie
Dredging Project Hits a Potential Legal Snag Lewiston Tribune, 12/3/14 by Eric Barker
Snake River Dredging Goes Back to Court as Barge Traffic Drops Idaho Statesman, 11/25/14 by Rocky Barker
Dredging Plan Spawns Lawsuit Lewiston Tribune, 11/25/14 by Eric Barker
Snake River Dredging Challenged by Fishing Groups Spokesman-Review, 11/25/14 by Rich Landers
Lawsuit Filed to Stop Snake River Dredging The Columbian, 11/25/14 by Nicholas Geranios
Idaho's Water Rights Pact Looks Smarter All the Time Idaho Statesman, 11/17/14 by Rocky Barker
Empty Promises to Displaced Tribal Fishermen The Oregonian, 11/15/14 by Roberta Ulrich
Tea Party Turned Back: Newhouse is State's New Congressman Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/7/14 by Joel Connelly
Enviros Challenge CGS's New Waste Discharge Permit NW Fishletter, 11/21/14 by Bill Rudolph
Energy Northwest: Changes Asked in Lawsuit Could Cost $20 Million Tri-City Herald, 11/14/14 by Annette Cary
Conservation Groups Sue State Agency Over Columbia Generating Station Discharge Permit Tri-City Herald, 10/30/14 by Drew Foster
New F&W Program Gets Go-Ahead NW Fishletter, 10/23/14 by Bill Rudolph
Salmon are Flourishing Because of Judge's Orders The Oregonian, 11/8/14 by Michael C. Blumm
How to Boost Salmon Populations The Oregonian, 11/6/14 by Hamilton and Bogaard
Northwest Must Preserve Salmon and Hydro Dams The Oregonian, 10/14/14 by Terry Flores
Sockeye Get Their Wildness Back Idaho Statesman, 11/24/14 by Rocky Barker
Let's Start Talking About Delisting Sockeye Idaho Statesman, 11/19/14 by Scott Levy
Delisting Idaho's Sockeye is an Obtainable Goal Twin Falls Times-News, 10/12/14 by Scott Levy
Delisting Idaho's Sockeye is an Obtainable Goal Idaho Mountain Express, 10/3/14 by Scott Levy
Renewal of Columbia River Treaty Could Open Pandora's Box Quarterly, Spring 2014 by Idaho Farm Bureau
Salmon People Pray for Sacred Fish to Return to Historic Home Al Jazeera America, 10/5/14 by Kevin Taylor
Oregon Joins Other Plaintiffs in BiOp Lawsuit NW Fishletter, 10/2/14 by Bill Rudolph
BPA Regains Key Personnel Authority Electric Co-op Today, 10/6/14 by Steven Johnson
Bonneville Regains Hiring Authorities The Oregonian, 9/30/14 by Ted Sickinger
Employee Survey Scorches Management at the BPA The Oregonian, 9/23/14 by Ted Sickinger
The Steve Wright Era BPA Watch, 1/2003 by Daniel Seligman
Inslee: No Hanford Delay The Dalles Chronicle, 9/6/14 by Associated Press
Corps of Engineers Committed to Clean Dam Operations: Guest Opinion The Oregonian, 9/3/14 Brigadier General John S. Kem
The 198 People Who Can Transform the U.S. Electric Grid, 8/11/14 by Joel Makower
In Win for FERC, Appeals Court Upholds Regional Grid-planning Rule E & E, 8/15/14 by Jacobs & Northey
Renew Efforts for Idaho's Water Future Teton Valley News, 8/21/14 by Marie Callaway Kellner
In Our View: Restoring the River The Columbian, 8/18/14 by Editorial Board
Setting Rivers Free: As Dams are Torn Down, Nature is Quickly Recovering Christian Science Monitor, 8/3/14 by Doug Struck
House Approves Bill to Reform the Endangered Species Act Oil & Gas Journal, 8/18/14 by Nick Snow
The House's Continued Assault on Endangered Species Epoch Times, 8/8/14 by Jamie Rappaport Clark
Walden, House Vote for Species Act Reforms KTVZ, 7/29/14 by News Sources
Hastings Blasts Army Corps of Engineers Deal on Dams and Pollution Tri-City Herald, 8/6/14 by Annette Cary
BPA and DOE Avoid Disclosure of Public Records on Bonneville's Hiring Scandal - Again The Oregonian, 8/6/14 by Ted Sickinger
BPA e-mails Show Former Administrator Steve Wright was in the Loop on Hiring Problems The Oregonian, 4/10/14 by Ted Sickinge
BPA Investigation finds Hiring Violations, Retaliation and Bad Management The Oregonian, 10/8/14 by Ted Sickinge
Are the Feds Simply Shielding Columbia River Dams from Wrecking Balls? Crosscut, 7/24/14 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Columbia River: Why it May be Time to Let Some Dams Tumble Crosscut, 7/24/14 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Renewing Idaho's Wild Salmon and Wild Rivers Idaho Statesman, 7/28/14 by Rocky Barker
Sockeye Draft Recovery Plan Shows Just How Far Away Success Is Idaho Statesman, 7/21/14 by Rocky Barker
No Fish Tale: Uptick in Northwest Salmon Stock Electric Co-op Today, 7/17/14 by Steven Johnson
Corps' Walla Walla District Gets New Commander Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/14 by Staff
Dam Nation: In film, a Case for Removal of Dams Capital Press, 7/9/14 by Jennifer Liebrum
A Tribe Once Called "Power from the Brain" Dissedent Voice, 6/17/14 by Paul K. Haeder
Environmentalists Refuse to See Success of Salmon Efforts Capital Press, 6/26/14 by Terry Flores
Drug Addiction and Salmon Policy The Daily Astorian, 6/23/14 by Editorial Board
Latest BiOp Litigation Slips into Gear NW Fishletter, 7/24/14 by Bill Rudolph
Enviro, Fishing Groups Say Latest BiOp Still Flawed NW Fishletter, 6/26/14 by Bill Rudolph
Groups File Challenge Against New Federal Columbia Basin Salmon/Steelhead Recovery Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14 by Staff
Latest Federal Plan for Columbia Salmon Challenged ABC News, 6/18/14 by Jeff Barnard
Federal Salmon Plan Heads Back to the Courtroom NW Public Radio, 6/17/14 by Courtney Flatt
Groups Sue U.S. Agencies, Saying Plan to Protect Salmon Falls Short Los Angeles Times, 6/17/14 by Maria L. La Ganga
Fishing Groups Take Aim at 2014 Hydro Biop in 9th Circuit NW Fishletter, 6/5/14 by Bill Rudolph
Why the Columbia River Treaty Matters Seattle Times, 7/2/14 by Suzanne Skinner
The Columbia River Treaty: Salmon En Route The Economist, 6/7/14 by Staff
'Roll On, Columbia,' But with Some Amendments The Olympian, 6/2/14 by John Rosenberg
NW Lawmakers Urge State to Act On Columbia River Treaty NW Fishletter, 4/24/14 by Ben Tansey
Hasting Amendments Protecting Ag Pass House Capital Press, 6/2/14 by Dan Wheat
Cost of Endangered Species Act Must be Weighed Electric Co-op Today, 6/2/14 by Cathy Cash
Groups Challenge in Ninth Circuit BPA's Record of Decision Accepting Feds' Salmon Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/14 by Staff
Inslee Signs Order to Tackle Carbon Pollution Capital Press, 4/30/14 by Dan Wheat
Investigation Finds No Evidence of Ongoing Retaliation Against Whistleblower at Bonneville The Oregonian, 5/20/14 by Ted Sickinger
Nisqually Wildlife Refuge Would be Renamed for Civil Rights hero Billy Frank Jr. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/7/15 by Joel Connelly
Billy Frank Jr.: A Happy Insurgent Crosscut, 5/5/14 by Joe Copeland
Jeff Stier, Senior Policy Advisor at BPA, 3/14 by Jeff Stier
The Power of the Internet: Ask Questions of BPA's Jeff Stier email exchange, Early 2014 Scott Levy & Jeff Stier
Geothermal, G-E-O-T-H-E-R-M-A-L, Geothermal One Mule Team (blog), 3/14/8 by Karl Mueller
DeFazio and Bush Bedfellows: Snake River Dams Must Stand Forever (Part 1) One Mule Team (blog), 3/8 by Karl Mueller
DeFazio and Bush Bedfellows: Snake River Dams Must Stand Forever (Part 2) One Mule Team (blog), 3/8 by Karl Mueller
DeFazio and Bush Bedfellows: Snake River Dams Must Stand Forever (Part 3) One Mule Team (blog), 3/8 by Karl Mueller
DeFazio and Bush Bedfellows: Snake River Dams Must Stand Forever (Part 4) One Mule Team (blog), 3/8 by Karl Mueller
Snake River Dams wonk-a-thon (first installment) One Mule Team (blog), 3/8 by Karl Mueller
Northwest RiverPartners, Grant PUD Receive Awards From NHA Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/14 by Staff
"DamNation" Documentary Harkens Era of Dam Removal Denver Post, 5/15/14 by Jason Blevins
Damnation: America's Deadbeat Dam Problem is Government Waste at Most Dangerous Esquire, 5/14/14 by James Joiner
Tear Down 'Deadbeat' Dams New York Times, 5/7/14 by Yvon Chouinard
Will Our 'Dam Nation' Free its Rivers? High Country News, 5/7/14 by Sarah Gilman
DamNation Film Crew Renews Call to Tear Down Snake River Dams Hatch Magazine, 5/6/14 by Chad Shmukler
Patagonia's New Line of Activism is Documentary 'DamNation' Los Angeles Times, 5/1/14 by John Horn
New Economic Data Emerges in Dams Debate BPA Watch, 4/30/14 by Eric Barker
Listen Tribes Optimistic About Returning Salmon to Upper Columbia Basin Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/24/14 by Tom Banse
Columbia-Snake River Irrigators want 'God Squad' to Assess Basin Salmon Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/14 by Bill Rudolph
Call for 'God Squad' Endangered Species Act Review Smart Move by Irrigators Tri-City Herald, 4/27/14 by Editorial Board
Irrigators Ask Governors to Convene God Squad over ESA Salmon Issues NW Fishletter, 4/24/14 by Bill Rudolph
ISAB Explains Problems, Possibilities with Oregon's Spill Proposal NW Fishletter, 4/24/14 by Bill Rudolph
The Koch Attack on Solar Energy New York Times, 4/26/14 by Editorial Board
Koch Brothers and Big Utilities Campaign to Unplug Solar Power Los Angeles Times, 4/23/14 by David Horsey
Obama to Challenge Private Companies to Boost Solar Power Use Washington Post, 4/16/14 by Eilperin & Zezima
BPA Delays Public Records Releases Again, Keeping the Lid on Hiring Scandal Details The Oregonian, 4/9/14 by Ted Sickinger
Fishing/Conservation Groups File Sue Notice on Salmon BiOp in Ninth Circuit Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14 by Staff
Fishing Groups Intend to Sue BPA over BiOp in 9th Circuit NW Fishletter, 4/3/14 by Bill Rudolph
H.R.4097 - Salmon Solutions and Planning Act U.S. Government, 2/26/14 by 113 Congress, 2nd Session
Northwest Energy Caucus Reorganizes Tri-City Herald, 3/20/13 by Staff
Hastings, DeFazio to Co-Chair Bipartisan Congressional Northwest Energy Caucus Press Release, 3/19/13 by Kriby & Gilbreath
DeFazio And Northwest Energy Caucus Block BPA Energy Rate Increase Press Release, 6/13/6 by Danielle Langone
DeFazio Leads Bipartisan NW Energy Caucus in Fighting BPA Rate Increase Press Release, 2/22/6 by Kristie Greco
First Nations Save First Foods: Northwest Tribes Seek to Restore Historic Fish Runs Indian Country, 4/7/14 by Jack McNeel
Proposals Would Undermine Protections for Wildlife on the Brink of Extinction eNews Park Forest, 4/8/14 by Earth Justice staff
House Republicans Introduce Legislation to Weaken Endangered Species Act eNews Park Forest, 3/28/14 by Center for Biological Diversity
Remember Andrus' Efforts to Boost Idaho Salmon Spokesman-Review, 3/23/14 by Chris Carlson
The "New" Biological Opinion Egregiously Fails Wild Spring Chinook Recovery McCall Star-News, 3/28/14 by Don Chapman
Talk of Breaching Snake River Dams a Red Herring Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 3/21/14 by John McKern
Doc Hastings - Thanks for Your Service. I'm Glad You Are Retiring Wenatchee World, 2/28/14 by Werner Janssen
How Northwest's Natural Resource Policy-Making Could Change Jefferson Public Radio, 2/18/14 by Courtney Flatt
Doc Hastings to Retire from Congress Roll Call, 2/13/14 by Abby Livingston
Weigh All the Benefits of the Columbia River Treaty Seattle Times, 3/13/14 by Lance Dickie
Peter Johnson, Businessman Become Bureaucrat Who Kept BPA Solvent, Dies at Age 82 The Oregonian, 2/14/14 by Ted Sickinger
Boisean Peter T. Johnson Helped Preserve Northwest Economy Idaho Statesman, 2/11/14 by Rocky Barker
New Leader Appointed to Bonneville Power Administration Statesman Journal, 1/27/14 by Staff
ESA Transparency Bills go to House Floor Capital Press, 5/6/14 by Matthew Weaver
Bill to Reform Endangered Species Act Clears Committee Ripon Advance, 5/2/14 by Aaron Martin
NRECA Backs Reform of Endangered Species Act Electric Co-op Today, 4/29/14 by Cathy Cash
Endangered Species Act Needs Reform Capital Press, 2/20/14 by Rep. Doc Hastings
Hastings' ESA "Reform" is the Movie Groundhog Day All Over Again Huffington Post, 2/12/14 by Jamie Rappaport Clark
Changes Sought for Endangered Species Act Telegram & Gazette, 2/5/14 by Matthew Brown
GOP Aims to Overhaul Endangered Species Act as the Law Saves First Fish Species United Press International, 2/5/14 by Brooks Hays
WA Rep. Doc Hastings Proposes 'Targeted' Changes to Weaken Endangered Species Act Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/4/14 by Joel Connelly
Rep. Rob Bishop, Others Target Endangered Species Act Deseret News, 2/4/14 by Amy Joi O'Donoghue
Lawmakers Seek Endangered Species Act Overhaul Seattle Times, 2/4/14 by Matthew Brown
GOP Proposes Facelift for Endangered Species Law The Hill, 2/4/14 by Laura Barron-Lopez
Rep. Hastings Calls for Reforms to Endangered Species Act Yakima Herald-Republic, 1/26/14 by Kate Prengaman
East Side Springer Angling Shunned Spokesman-Review, 1/26/14 by Allen Thomas
For Better or Worse, Feds' Columbia River Salmon Plan Stays the Course High Country News, 1/31/14 by Ben Goldfarb
Analysis: Deja Vu, All Over Again, And Again NW Fishletter, 1/31/14 by Bill Rudolph
Another Unambitious Plan for Salmon Recovery Chinook Observer, 1/28/14 by Editorial Board
Water Over Dams Saves Salmon Seattle Times, 1/27/14 by Editorial Board
Feds' Latest Columbia River Plan: Play Me an Old-fashioned Melody Crosscut, 1/27/14 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Feds' Predictable Fish Plan Keeps Careers Going BPA Watch, 1/24/14 by Marty Trillhaase
NOAA Report: Columbia Fish Plans are Working Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/25/14 by Staff
Columbia Basin Stakeholders Still Divided over Federal Approach Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/14 by Staff
New BiOp Stays the Course, Says Latest Implementation Plan NW Fishletter, 1/31/14 by Bill Rudolph
NOAA Releases Supplemental Hydro BiOp to Satisfy Judge's Concerns NW Fishletter, 1/31/14 by Bill Rudolph
Salmon, Dams Will Head Back to Court Idaho Statesman, 1/20/14 by Rocky Barker
Salmon Advocates on New Plan: 'It Ignores Best Science, Perpetuates Uncertainty' Boise Weekly, 1/18/14 by George Prentice
Latest NOAA Opinion on Salmon Goes Back to Well BPA Watch, 1/18/14 by Eric Barker
Feds Affirm Plan for Dams, Salmon The Columbian, 1/18/14 by Courtney Flatt
Feds Stand By Current Dam, Salmon Plan For Columbia Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/17/14 by Courtney Flatt
New Columbia Fish Plan Changed Little, Critics say Seattle Times, 1/17/14 by Gosia Woxniacka
Former BPA Administrator Joins Mid-West Electric Consumers Association HydroWorld, 1/10/14 by Staff
Bill Drummond Resigns from BPA, Accepts Post with Mid-West Electric Consumers Public Power Weekly, 1/13/14 by Jeannine Anderson
BPA Administrator Bill Drummond Resigns The Oregonian, 1/8/14 by Ted Sickinger
Bonneville Power Administrator Resigns in Wake of Hiring Scandal at the Agency Daily Journal, 1/8/14 by Assoicate Press
Hanford Offers Advantages for Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Bellingham Herald, 1/8/14 by Editorial Board
Otter's Water: Governor Aims to Build Dams San Francisco Chronicle, 1/7/14 by John Miller
Restore Watershed to Revive Salmon The Columbian, 1/6/14 by Randy Krout Sr.
Wind Energy Tax Credit Has Blown Its Course; Let Expiration Stand Spokesman-Review, 1/2/14 by Editorial Board
Regional Views on Salmon Recovery Aired in New Report NW Fishletter, 1/9/14 by Bill Rudolph


Recovery Assessment: Who Leads The Way? A Re-Defined NW Power Council? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/13 by Staff
The Law That Saved the Bald Eagle New York Times, 12/31/13 by Robert B. Semple Jr.
Panel Eyes Endangered Species, Fishing Bills The Hill, 12/12/13 by Julian Hattem
House Natural Resources Committee Holds Pasco Hearing on Columbia River Treaty Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/12/13 by Staff
Columbia River Plan Fails to Protect Salmon Spokesman-Review, 12/15/13 by Sam Mace
Take Out the Lower Snake River Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 11/27/13 by Kayla Chaffey
Federal Government Doing Too Little to Help Columbia Salmon The Oregonian, 11/20/13 by Liz Hamilton
Science Panel says Smolt-to-Adult Return Objectives Should be Re-Evaluated Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/1/13 by Staff
Suspended BPA Execs Refuse Reassignment, Report Says The Oregonian, 12/13/13 by Ted Sickinger
Sources Say: Buchal Has a Big Dose of Liberty for Blumenauer Portland Tribune, 11/28/13 by Jim Redden
Can Labrador be as Courageous at Home? BPA Watch, 11/17/13 by Marty Trillhaase
BPA: Wyden Calls for Investigation of Ongoing Retaliation Against Whistleblower The Oregonian, 12/5/13 by Ted Sickinger
Energy Department Won't Micromanage BPA The Dalles Chronicle, 11/16/13 by Gosia Wozniacka
Labrador Stands by Cuts to Idaho Lab But says Hands Off BPA Idaho Statesman, 11/11/13 by Rocky Barker
Members of Congress from Northwest Tell Feds BPA Must Remain Independent Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal, 11/11/13 by Staff
Northwest Lawmakers Stress Need for Independent BPA Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/8/13 by Staff
Modernizing Water Infrastructure Creates Jobs Capital Press, 11/4/13 by Doc Hastings
BPA's Acting Chief Promises to Fix Widespread Hiring Problems Daily Journal, 11/3/13 by Associated Press
Between the Beltway and the PNW The Oregonian, 10/31/13 by Editorial Board
DOE Asserting More Control after BPA Hiring Scandal The Oregonian, 10/24/13 by Ted Sickinger
DOE Needs to Explain How BPA's Brass, Placed on Leave, Win Offers of Employment The Oregonian, 10/17/13 by Editorial Board
It's the Ugly Moment of Truth for Bonneville Power Administration The Oregonian, 10/15/13 by Editorial Board
End of a Litigation Era? Ninth Circuit Upholds BPA's Residential Exchange Settlement Energy & Natural Resource Blog, 10/29/13 by Staff
BPA Grand Bargain on Residential Exchange is Legal, Court Says The Oregonian, 10/29/13 by Ted Sickinger
Bonneville Power Deal 'Is Lawful,' Court Rules Courthouse News Service, 9/28/13 by Annie Youderian
Making History in Fall Chinook Salmon Protection Capital Press, 10 /11/13 by Terry Flores
Support Balance Between Fish and Economy The News Tribune, 10/3/13 by Terry Flores
Forum Elicits Criticism of Endangered Species Act Capital Press,10/14/13 by Steve Brown
ESA Working Group Hears on the Need to Improve and Update the Law ESA Congressional Working Group, 10/10/13 by Jill Strait
Lonesome Larry has Lots of Friends Bonney Lake Courier-Herald,10/18/13 by Don Brunell
BPA Allies Raise Shield Against DC Interference Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/27/13 by Gosia Wozniacka
BPA Under Fire The Dalles Chronicle, 10/25/13 by Staff
Ex-Bpa Chief Apologizes The Dalles Chronicle, 10/24/13 by Associated Press
PUD's Wright: Mistakes at Bonneville Were Well Intended Wenatchee World, 10/23/13 by Christine Pratt
Bonneville Power Execs Offered New Posts at DOE The Hill, 10/18/13 by Laura Barron-Lopez
OSU Press Publishes Book on Salmon by Acclaimed Biologist Albany Tribune, 10/15/13 by Staff
Both Salmon and Hydropower Can Thrive Climate News Network, 10/13/13 by Paul Brown
More Salmon and More Hydropower Phys Org, 10/11/13 by Staff
BPA Customers Call for Maintaining F&W Program Focus NW Fishletter, 10/14/13 by Bill Rudolph
Niners Rule 6th Power Plan Gave Due Consideration to Fish NW Fishletter, 10/14/13 by Bill Rudolph
U.S. Utilities say Columbia River Treaty Payments to Canada are Excessive Spokesman-Review, 10/29/13 by Becky Kramer
Include Salmon, Climate Provisions in River Treaty Spokesman-Review, 10/27/13 by Osborn & Skinner
The Northwest Needs an Overhauled Columbia River Treaty The Oregonian, 9/29/13 by Editorial Board
Regulator: Renegotiate River Treaty The Dallas Chronicle, 9/20/13 by Shannon Dinninny
Treaty Renewal Chance to Reopen Salmon Passages Spokesman-Review, 9/26/13 by Becky Kramer
B.C. Takes Comments on Columbia River Treaty Consultation Draft NW Fishletter, 10/14/13 by Ben Tansey
Fight Over Energy Finds a New Front in a Corner of Idaho New York Times, 9/26/13 by Kirk Johnson
Hydropower Should be Expanded Capital Press, 9/6/13 by Senator Mike Crapo
Energy Adviser: Hydropower is Reliable, Renewable and Public The Columbian, 10/10/13 by Clark Public Utilities
Fishless in Seattle New York Times, 9/26/13 by Timothy Egan
Snake River Policies Just Aren't Working Idaho Mountain Express, 9/25/13 by Greg Stahl
There's Good News and Bad News for Northwest's Salmon Tacoma News Tribune, 9/22/13 Bill Arthur & Sara Patton
Same Old Story Daily Astorian, 9/16/13 by Editorial Board
Feds' Fifth Fish Recovery Plan Invites a Sixth BPA Watch, 9/15/13 by Marty Trillhaase
A Quick Guide to the Salmon-Dam Debate Idaho Statesman, 9/23/13 by Rocky Barker
A Primer on the Salmon Science Debate Underlying Spill Test Proposal Idaho Statesman, 9/16/13 by Rocky Barker
Feds Reject Potential Way to Help Salmon Idaho Statesman, 9/14/13 by Rocky Barker
NOAA Fisheries Releases Draft 2013 BiOp, says 2008 Biological Analysis 'Still Valid' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/13 by Staff
Listen Feds Say Dams are Working Fine for Columbia Salmon NW Public Radio, 9/10/13 by Courtney Flatt
New Plan for Snake River Dams and Salmon News Radio 1310 KLIX, 9/10/13 by Benito Baeza
Feds Deal Blow to Nez Perce Tribe, Salmon Advocates BPA Watch, 9/10/13 by Eric Barker
New River Plan Proposes Salmon Habitat Improvements, No Dam Breaches Register Guard, 9/9/13 by Jeff Barnard
'Clean Hydro' Campaign Hopes to Build Dam Support Spokesman-Review, 9/5/13 by Becky Kramer
Hydropower is Essential to US Energy Network Times-News, 9/1/13 by Mike Crapo
Draft Plan Details Specific Actions Over Next Five Years to Benefit Fish Albany Tribune, 8/23/13 by Staff
Comments Sought on Columbia, Snake Salmon Plans Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 8/26/13 by Staff
Analysis: Columbia River Treaty Future Stirs Conflicts -- And Possibilities NW Fishletter, 8/22/13 by Mark Ohrenschall
Listen Benefits of Snake River Barging Continue to Grow, 8/26/13 by KayDee Gilkey
Snake River Barging Drop: New Factor in Dams Debate? Seattle Times, 8/17/13 by Lynda V. Mapes
Blaming Dams for Fish Loss is a Hoax Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/23/13 by John McKern
Analysis: Random Thoughts on the Salmon Recovery Bubble NW Fishletter, 8/22/13 by Bill Rudolph
President Obama Signs Pivotal Hydropower-Boosting Bills into Law Power Magazine, 8/15/13 by Sonal Patel
US President Obama Signs Hydropower Bills into Law Intl. Water Power, 8/12/13 by Staff
US Senate Unanimously Approves Legislation Promoting Hydropower Expansion Intl. Water Power, 8/5/13 by Staff
Doc Hastings Wants Salmon Assessment Stopped BPA Watch, 2/6/13 by Eric Barker
Fed Agency Urges Participation in Salmon Recovery Discussion BPA Watch, 12/12/12 by Eric Barker
It's Early Yet for Self-Congratulations, Isn't It? The Oregonian, 7/17/13 by Marty Trillhaase
Hydro BiOp At Half-Way Point; Agencies Report on Progress NW Fishletter, 7/18/13 by Bill Rudolph
Feds: Hydro Dam Fixes Helping Fish BPA Watch, 7/13/13 by Associated Press
Feds' Five-Year Check-In: Most ESA-Listed Fish Increased in Abundance Since 1990s Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/12/13 by Staff
Feds Say Hydro Dam Fixes Helping Salmon Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 7/12/13 by Associated Press
Draft Report from Federal Agencies Shows Gains for Columbia River Basin Fish KBKW, 7/11/13 by Staff
Bonneville Power Administrator Replaced Herald and News, 7/17/13 by Associated Press
Issa Investigating BPA Hiring Practices, 7/17/13 by Dan Weil
Energy Department Ousts 2 Top Officials of Bonneville Power Administration Washington Post, 7/16/13 by Steven Mufson
Bonneville Managers Retaliate Against Workers Participating in IG Review Fierce Government, 7/16/13 by Ryan McDermott
DOE Appoints Elliot Mainzer Interim Leader of BPA; Bill Drummond's Fate Unclear The Oregonian, 7/15/13 by Ted Sickinger
Save the Law that Protects America's Natural Capital The Oregonian, 7/13/13 by Glen H. Spain
US Hydropower Industry Urges Immediate Action on Bipartisan Legislation Intl. Water Power, 7/12/13 by Staff
Initiative Would Recognize Hydropower as Renewable Capital Press, 5/23/13 by Mitch Lies
Dams Don't Make Sense Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 6/15/13 by Dave Hayes
Less Pork More Salmon Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/1/12 by Letter to Editor
Hastings: Columbia River Treaty Draft Recommendation Needs Re-Working Capital Press, 7/2/13 by Matthew Weaver
A 21st-Century Blueprint for Saving Oregon Species from Climate Change The Oregonian, 4/20/13 by Bill Bradbury
Inslee and Kitzhaber Can Lead a Columbia Resolution The Olympian, 5/7/13 by Bryan Jones
It's Time to Assess Use of Shrinking Tax Dollars on Lower Snake River Dams Spokesman-Review, 5/5/13 by Dustin Aherin
Salmon: Will the Feds Ever Get Their Dam Act Together? Crosscut, 5/5/13 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Dredge Plan Draws Opposition BPA Watch, 4/22/13 by Staff
Collins Aims At Corps Reform Georgia Public Broadcasting, 4/8/13 by Montoya & Young
The Life of the Elwha: Biography of a River Crosscut, 5/1/13 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Troubled Waters Medford Mail Tribune, 3/5/13 by Mark Freeman
Turning Off the Dams and Letting Rivers Come Alive, 3/16/13 Geological Society of America
If Dams Don't Kill Them, What Does? Idaho Statesman, 6/10/13 by Tracy Warner
Hearing Highlights Great Divide Over Endangered Species Idaho Statesman, 6/10/13 by Rocky Barker
Bureaucracy, Not Biology, Drives ESA Capital Press, 5/17/13 by Daniel A. Himebaugh
Hastings Seeks Endangered Species Act Transparency Capital Press, 5/17/13 by Matthew Weaver
Congressional Working Group to Examine Endangered Species Act Capital Press, 5/10/13 by Matthew Weaver
ESA Due for Birthday Makeover Capital Press, 5/24/13 by Editorial Board
Amodei, GOP to Tackle Endangered Species Act Elko Daily Free Press, 5/10/13 by Editorial Board
ESA's 40th Birthday Should be a Time for Reflection - and Reform Visalia Times-Delta, 4/10/13 by James S. Burling
Ranchers Fear Expanding Scope of ESA Blue Mountain Eagle, 4/9/13 by Mateusz Perkowski
House Republicans Introduce ESA Settlement Reform Bill Lexology, 3/29/13 by Ashley J. Remillard
Protecting Nature The Columbian, 5/21/12 by Editorial Board
Treaty Tribes Dedicate Final Replacement Fishing Site High Country News, 3/16/12 by Terri Hansen
WA Governor Renews Karier's Appointment to NW Power/Conservation Council Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/5/13 by Staff
The Wright Stuff: An Exit Interview with BPA's Steve Wright Northwest Fishletter, 3/29/13 by Ben Tansey
CleanHydro Highlights Hydropower and River Values The Chronicle, 4/3/13 by Kevin P. Owens
Power Council Calls for Amendments to F&W Program NW Fishletter, 3/29/13 by Bill Rudolph
NOAA Responds to Hastings' Concerns on 'Situation Assessment' of Salmon Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/29/13 by Staff
Hastings' 'Fisheries Predation Prevention Act' Would Allow Lethal Sea Lion Removal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/29/13 by Staff
Science Advisory Panel says Fish Program Needs New Goals, Approaches Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/15/13 by Staff
Northwest's Big Hydro Has Begun to Think Small Spokesman-Review, 3/15/13 by Editorial Board
Starbuck Resident Recalls Dam-Building Boom Times Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 3/5/13 by Annie Charnley Eveland
Cornyn Introduces Bill to Prevent Abuse of Endangered Species Act Litigation Political News, 2/28/13 by Staff
A Hydropower Renaissance Port Orchard Independent, 2/25/13 by Don Brunell
An Education: How "Science Will Not be Muzzled" Prevailed Missoula Independent, 2/28/13 by Paul VanDevelder
Thank You and Farewell - from Dr. Lubchenco Open Letter, 2/27/13 by Dr. Jane Lubchenco
Secretary Steven Chu Announcing His Decision Not to Serve a Second Term Open Letter, 2/1/13 by Steven Chu
Farewell, Obama's "Green Dream Team" Mother Jones, 1/18/13 by Kate Sheppard
BPA Should Maintain/Build on Tribal Fish Partnership NW Fishletter, 2/12/13 by Paul Lumley
WA Congressman Seeks Review of NOAA Fish Recovery Assessment NW Fishletter, 2/12/13 by Bill Rudolph
Jeers to Congressman Doc Hastings BPA Watch, 2/8/13 by Staff
Customers Irked at BPA's Call for More Dialog with Fish Advocates NW Fishletter, 1/17/13 by Bill Rudolph
Corps Faces a Fight Over Dredging Behind Lower Snake Dams Idaho Statesman, 1/23/13 by Rocky Barker
Obama Opens Door for Renewable Energy Push in US Renewable Energy Focus, 1/23/13 by Staff
Ken Salazar's Legacy New York Times, 1/17/13 by Robert B. Semple Jr.
Latest Salvos Filed in Suit over Salmon Recovery Effort NW Fishletter, 2/12/13 by Bill Rudolph
Anders to Replace Measure as Montana Member on Power Council NW Fishletter, 2/12/13 by Rick Adair
Power Council Picks New Leaders for 2013 NW Fishletter, 1/17/13 by Bill Rudolph
Water Under the Bridge The Daily Astorian, 1/16/13 Compiled by Bob Duke
BPA's Steve Wright Says Goodbye After 12 Years as Administrator The Oregonian, 2/2/13 by Ted Sickinger
BPA, the Next 75 Years Seattle Times, 1/28/13 by Editorial Board
Drummond Named BPA Admin The Chronicle, 1/23/13 by Staff
DOE Names Bill Drummond As New BPA Administrator Electric Light & Power, 1/22/13 by Press Release
Energy Dept. Picks Bill Drummond for New BPA Administrator NW Fishletter, 1/17/13 by Bill Rudolph
DOE Names New Bonneville Power Administration Chief The Hill, 1/17/13 by Zack Colman
New Head of Bonneville Power Administration Chosen Capital Press, 1/17/13 by Associated Press
Bonneville Power Gets New Boss Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/16/13 by David Steves
Bill Drummond Named to Replace Steve Wright as BPA Administrator The Oregonian, 1/16/13 by Staff
MVP Informs Customers of Rate Hike at Appreciation Dinner Char-Koosta News, 5/5/11 by B.L. Azure


Dams Do Not Provide Help to Agriculture Idaho Statesman, 1/2/13 by Bert Bowler
Salmon Recovery Possible with Dams in Place Idaho Statesman, 1/2/13 by Bo Downen
Director Misrepresents Economic Impact of Dams Idaho Statesman, 1/2/13 by Rich Howard
Maintaining Dams is Too Expensive Idaho Statesman, 12/20/12 by Linwood Laugy
Statesman's Pro-Breaching Stand is Unrealistic Idaho Statesman, 12/11/12 by Terry Flores
Idaho Power is Obstacle to Wind Generation Idaho Mountain Express, 12/26/12 by Kiki Tidwell
WA Appeals Court Says State's TDG Limits Reasonable NW Fishletter, 12/13/12 by Bill Rudolph
Council: Power Plan Complaint Misreads Power Act Mandates NW Fishletter, 12/13/12 by Bill Rudolph
Briefing Begins on Court Challenge to Council's Sixth Power Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12 by Staff
New Whistleblower Protection Law "An Environmentally Significant Reform" Earth Island Journal, 12/13/12 by Audrey Haynes
NOAA Head Lubchenco Announces Resignation NW Fishletter, 12/13/12 by Bill Rudolph
Lubchenco Announces Resignation, Spurs Talk About Who'll Replace Her E&E, 12/12/12 by Yehle & Winter
Listen Salmon: The Uphill Run for Survival Crosscut, 11/21/12 by Martha Baskin
Smolt-To-Adult Return Goals Should be Reassessed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12 by Staff
Basin Stakeholders Talks Could Break Stalemate Bellingham Herald, 12/30/12 by Buzz Ramsey
Will NOAA's New Process Matter? The Daily Astorian, 12/17/12 by Editorial Board
Wyden Welcomes Federal Agency's Plan to Seek Consensus on Saving Salmon The Daily Astorian, 12/14/12 by Associated Press
NOAA Seeks New Salmon Solutions Idaho Mountain Express, 12/26/12 by Staff
Listen Feds Hope for Collaborative Effort on Salmon Long-Term Planning Idaho Public Television, 12/17/12 by Aaron Kunz
NOAA Launches 'Situation Assessment' of Columbia Salmon, Steelhead Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/14/12 by Staff
NOAA Fisheries Goes Fishing for Salmon Recovery Advice NW Fishletter, 12/13/12 by Bill Rudolph
Listen A New Approach for Saving NW Salmon? Public News Service, 12/13/12 by Chris Thomas
NOAA Fisheries Takes First Step Toward Building Consensus on Salmon Recovery The Oregonian, 12/12/12 by Scott Learn
Feds Give Stakeholders Bigger Salmon Recovery Role Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/11/12 by Aaron Kunz
Feds: New Move to Break Columbia River Salmon Impasse Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/11/12 by Joel Connelly
Federal Agencies Respond: With Collaboration New BiOp will Comply with ESA Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/16/12 by Staff
The $9,000 Sockeye? There is a Better Answer Idaho Statesman, 12/5/12 by Editorial Board
South Kitsap Hatchery Helping Restore Idaho Salmon Run Kitsap Sun, 11/29/12 by Ed Friedrich
The Extraordinary Effort to Save Sockeye Salmon Seattle Times, 11/17/12 by Lynda V. Mapes
Why Sockeye Crashed: Dams, Poison and More Seattle Times, 11/17/12 by Lynda V. Mapes
Idaho Sockeye Named One of the Most Endangered Species Idaho Mountain Express, 11/15/12 by Katherine Wutz
BPA Administrator Praises Hydropower Benefits at Chamber Luncheon Tri-City Herald, 11/29/12 by Annette Cary
In a Status-Quo Sea, Oregon Politicians are Salmon's Lone Champions Crosscut, 12/7/12 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Time for New Approach to Save Salmon The Columbian, 12/2/12 by Bob Rees
Salmon Recovery Waits on Obama The Daily Astorian, 11/13/12 by Editorial Board
Inslee's Opportunity High Country News, 11/12/12 by Doug Smith
Settling Fish vs. Dams: Is There a Better Time? BPA Watch, 11/9/12 by Marty Trillhaase
How Wind Energy is Helping Our State Seattle Times, 11/8/12 by Rachel Shimshak
Subsidizing Green Industry is Like Propping Up a Kid's Lemonade Stand Seattle Times, 10/8/12 by Todd Myers
Poll Reveals Strong Support for Solar Energy Across Political Spectrum Green Energy News, 10/6/12 Solar Energy Industries Assoc.
Hydro Power Highlights Green Quandary The Pioneer, 10/11/12 by Sam Chapman
BiOp Plaintiffs say Implementation Way Behind Schedule NW Fishletter, 11/12/12 by Bill Rudolph
BiOp Challengers say Agencies' Progress Report Inadequate; RiverPartners Praise Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/2/12 by Staff
Federal "Action" Agencies Issue Progress Report on Salmon Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/5/12 by Staff
BPA Finesses Fish and Wildlife Budget Fix NW Fishletter, 11/12/12 by Bill Rudolph
Council Recommends Funding Reductions in Fish/Wildlife Data Management Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/9/12 by Staff
Governor's Call for Salmon Collaboration is an Economic Opportunity The Oregonian, 10/9/12 by Tom Kelly
Governor John Kitzhaber's Call for a New Salmon Plan Makes Sense The Oregonian, 10/9/12 by Michael C. Blumm
Oregon Should Join the Collaboration to Save Salmon The Oregonian, 9/29/12 Scott Corwin & Terry Flores
Conservation Leaders Echo Governor's Call for Solution to Controversy ENews Park Forest, 9/24/12 by Staff
Wyden Poised to Become Player in Salmon and Dam Debate Idaho Statesman, 10/5/12 by Rocky Barker
Will WA Follow OR's Lead on Salmon-Saving Approach? Public News Service, 9/25/12 by Chris Thomas
We Can End the Basin Salmon Wars Now by Balancing Energy, Conservation The Oregonian, 9/22/12 by John Kitzhaber
Roosevelt's Address at Bonneville Dam Public Papers of FDR, 9/28/1937 by Franklin D. Roosevelt
Bonneville Dam turns 75: Speakers Recognize Powerful Effect on Region The Columbian, 9/15/12 by Eric Florip
Lower Than Expected Hydro Revenues has BPA Seeking Cutbacks Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12 by Staff
BPA: Fish Restoration Program Cuts are a Temporary Blip The Oregonian, 9/13/12 by Ted Sickinger
BPA: Fish Program Cuts Temporary Statesman Journal, 9/13/12 by Ted Sickinger
BPA: Tries to Hold the Line on Wildlife Spending The Republic, 9/13/12 by Associated Press
Federal Power Turned Northwest's 'Darkness to Dawn' Idaho Statesman, 8/19/12 by Rocky Barker
Finding the Next Right Leader for BPA Requires Input from Utilities The Oregonian, 9/14/12 by Editorial Board
Our Powerful River Makes Life Better Ruralite, 9/12 by Steve Wright
Power of Public Service: A Leadership Interview with BPA's Stephen Wright Washington Post, 9/4/12 by Tom Fox
Whiting Replaces Dukes as Chair of the NW Power & Conservation Council Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12 by Staff
EPA Seeks Input on Endangered Species Reform Western Farm Press, 8/28/12 by Staff
What Did Lonesome Larry Teach Us? Idaho Mountain Express, 8/22/12 by Andy Munter
Hydropower Vital to Northwest - And So Are Salmon The Olympian, 8/22/12 by Editorial Board
Federal Agencies Moving Too Slowly for Salmon Blue Oregon, 8/4/12 by Amy Baird
After 20 Years, Views of Salmon Differ Idaho Mountain Express, 8/3/12 by Katherine Wutz
Chu's Absence to Loom Large at House Hearing on Controversial Transmission Plan E&E, 8/29/12 by Hannah Northey
Doc Hastings Launches a New Effort to Save Dams from Salmon Crosscut, 8/29/12 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Hydroelectric Bill Would Put Dam Debate in its Place Tri-City Herald, 8/22/12 by Editorial Board
'The Worst Dam Bill' Spokesman Review, 8/19/12 Glen Spain & Buzz Ramsey
A Hopeless Bill Can Make a Point Wenatchee World, 8/17/12 by Tracy Warner
Hastings' Hydro Bill Will Protect and Promote Hydropower Dams Press Release, 8/16/12 Natural Resource Committee
It Must Be Clearly Stated that Dams are Helping Salmon Recovery House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by Chairman Doc Hastings
Legislation an Excellent Opportunity for Breathing Room at Status Quo House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by James A. Yost
Washington Wheat Growers Supports an ESA Baseline that Includes Dams House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by Kara Rowe
No One in the World Can Produce More Food per Acre than the Columbia House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by Chris Voigt
Focus on Ocean Conditions and Their Impact Rather than Dam Removal House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by Jack W. Heffling
Hard to Believe that We Have to Defend the Benefits of the Dams House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by Jim Sanders
Each Dam Removal Project must be Evaluated and Judged on its Own Merits House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by Glen H. Spain
Our Salmon and Our People Have Borne the Consequences of Decisions House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by Rebecca A. Miles
I Started Save Our Dams House Natural Resource Cmte, 8/15/12 by Thomas W. Flint
Listen Dam Removal, 8/21/12 by Lacy Gray
Listen Rep. Hastings Questions Panel on Dams, Hydropower Northwest Public Radio, 8/17/12 by Courtney Flatt
House Natural Resources Committee Meeting in Pasco Draws Demonstrators Tri-City Herald, 8/16/12 by Annette Cary
Hearing on Hastings' Bill Points Up Divide between Fish, Hydropower Forces Yakima Herald-Republic, 8/16/12 by Staff
Listen Rep. Hastings Pushes 'Save Our Dams' Bill Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/15/12 by Courtney Flatt
Watch Ag Reps Rally around Dam Bill Capital Press, 8/15/12 by Matthew Weaver
Dam Supporters Rally in Pasco KVEW TV, 8/15/12 by Josh Peterson
Hydropower Legislation Ramps Up Debate Over Dams Seattle Times, 8/12/12 by Michael Doyle
'Save Our Dams' Rally Planned in Pasco Tri-City Herald, 8/10/12 by Staff
Chairman Hastings Introduces Bill to Protect and Promote Hydropower Natural Resources Committee, 8/1/12 by Staff
Hydro Forced to Take a Dive for Wind Forbes, 8/5/12 by James Conca
Senate Committee Revives Wind Energy Tax Credit Clean Technica, 8/4/12 by Andrew Proteus
CGS: Why Relicense a Nuclear Power Plant 10 Years Early? The Oregonian, 7/30/12 by John Pearson
Dams are More Valuable Than Some Want to Believe Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 7/1/12 by Louis G. Valiante
The Dawn of Dam Removal Patagonia, 7/12 by Bruce Babbitt
Celilo Salmon Feast is more Vibrant than Ever, Despite Flood Indian Country Today, 6/13/12 by Carol Craig
Lonesome Larry Hits 20-Year Anniversary Northwest Public Radio, 7/19/12 by Aaron Kunz
Increasing Sockeye Returns are Great News Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/20/12 by John McKern
Salmon Rules Come Up Short Spokesman-Review, 6/24/12 by Chris Kopczynski
Time to Improve the Endangered Species Act Washington Times, 5/18/12 by Rep. Doc Hastings
Spill is the Breaching Alternative for Salmon Idaho Statesman, 6/16/12 by Kevin Richert
Water Under the Bridge The Daily Astorian, 6/20/12 Compiled by Bob Duke
Jim Carter to Lead Port of Portland Commission Portland Business Journal, 6/13/12 by Suzanne Stevens
Bonneville Power Administration CEO Announces Retirement North American Windpower, 6/20/12 by Staff
Bonneville Power Head Stepping Down The Bulletin, 6/20/12 by Associated Press
BPA Chief Steve Wright to Retire in January The Oregonian, 6/19/12 by Ted Sickinger
BPA Chief Steve Wright to Retire in January Sustainable Business Oregon, 6/19/12 by Erik Siemers
Head of Bonneville Power Administration Retires Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/19/12 by Staff
BPA's Defenders in Congress Mobilize Again to Insulate Power Generator The Oregonian, 6/13/12 by Charles Pope
Lorenzen Appointed to NPCC NW Fishletter, 6/8/12 by Staff
Obama and the Environment: A Paler Shade of Green Counter Punch, 6/1/12 by St. Clair and Frank
Lewiston: History Abounds Where the Clearwater and Snake Rivers Join Bend Bulletin, 5/6/12 by John Gottberg Anderson
Twin Milestones Illustrate Importance of Endangered Species Act The Columbian, 5/21/12 by Editorial Board
The Legacy of Lonesome Larry Idaho Statesman, 5/19/12 by Rocky Barker
Work Together for Fish Solution Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/17/12 by Rex Miller Sr.
Salmon 'Recovery' Isn't Working The Columbian, 5/26/12 by Jon C. Anderson
Easy to Blame Dams The Columbian, 6/2/12 by Fred Cloe
Dams Not Problem The Observer, 6/1/12 by John Isley
Mr. Burkholder Has No Idea Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/18/12 by Rex Miller Sr.
Taking Down Dams Would Be Beneficial Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/14/12 by Bert Bowler
Judge Redden Got It Right Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 5/14/12 by Reed Burkholder
Judge Redden Supports Dam Breaching for Salmon Radio Boise, 5/2/12 by Gavin Dahl
Grand Coulee is No Dam Business of Removal Activists Courier-Herald, 5/11/12 by Don Brunell
Some Dams Should Come Down, But Not Snake River Dams Kitsap Peninsula Business, 5/7/12 by Don Brunell
Judge 'Outs' Himself The Daily News, 5/7/12 by Cowlitz PUD Board
Spill Buys Idaho Fish a Little More Time Idaho Statesman, 5/22/12 by Greg Stahl
Fish or Dams? Why Not Try a Third Choice? BPA Watch, 5/6/12 by Marty Trillhaase
Restoring Faith and Fish Runs Spokesman-Review, 5/5/12 by Paul Lindholdt
BPA's Energy Production Cuts The Daily News, 5/5/12 by Hugh Coleman
When the Wind Blows, We Pay Wenatchee World, 5/5/12 by Editorial Board
EarthFix Conversation: 16 Years Later, Is the Columbia Still 'A River Lost?' Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/2/12 by Blaine Harden
Feds Investigating Sea Lion Killings Near Columbia River's Mouth Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/8/12 by Staff
Federal Judge Says No to Halt in Sea Lion Killing Seattle Times, 5/31/12 by Associated Press
Judge Simon Denies Request to Stop Killing of Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 5/31/12 by Scott Learn
Feds Fail to Provide 'Cogent' Explanation of Sea Lion Predation 'Significant' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/4/12 by Staff
Hastings Pushes Bill that Would Help Fish Tri-City Herald, 5/1/12 by Annette Cary
Avoiding Salmon Jeopardy and Recovery are Two Different Goals Capital Press, 4/23/12 by Rocky Barker
Cheers & Jeers The Columbian, 5/4/12 by Staff
Listen Public Radio Roles as Press Agent for Portland's Infamous Salmon Judge, 5/4/12 by Susan Allen
What James Redden says on Salmon Recovery Still Matters The Oregonian, 5/4/12 by Brooklyn Baptiste
Judge Redden Asks Us to Do the Right Thing The Daily Astorian, 4/30/12 by Editorial Board
Judge Finally Comes Clean on Dam Breaching Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 4/30/12 by Editorial Board
Dam Debate Obscures Other Ways to Help Fish Spokesman-Review, 4/28/12 by Editorial Board
Judge's Statements Highlight Need for New Direction in Salmon Policy Blue Oregon, 4/27/12 by Amy Baird
Hastings says Redden Shows his Bias in Outdoor Idaho Interview Idaho Statesman, 4/26/12 by Rocky Barker
Reaction to Judge Redden's pro-Breach Comments (including Terry Flores) BPA Watch, 4/26/12 by Eric Barker
Salmon Protection Plan isn't Broken, So Stop Trying so Hard to 'Fix' It Idaho Statesman, 8/28/11 by Terry Flores
Strike Three Center for Justice, 8/2/11 by Staff
Hero, Activist, Hell-raiser: The Legacy of "The Salmon Judge" Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/26/12 by Cassandra Profita
Judge: Salmon-killing Dams Should Go unEarthed, 4/26/12 by John McManus
Now Off Case, Judge Weighs In on Dams New York Times, 4/26/12 by William Yardley
Former Judge Says Breach Dams BPA Watch, 4/26/12 by Eric Barker
Watch Retired Judge Redden: Take Those Dams Down Idaho Statesman, 4/25/12 by Rocky Barker
Judge James Redden: 'We Need to Take Those (Snake River) Dams Down' The Oregonian, 4/25/12 by Scott Learn
Snake River Dams Should Go, Says Judge Now Off the Case Seattle Times, 4/25/12 by Craig Welch
Judge Redden Says Tear Snake River Dams Down Boise State Public Radio, 4/25/12 by Aaron Kunz
Redden says Dams Should Go Lewiston Tribune, 4/25/12 by Staff
Former Salmon Judge: Snake Dams Should Come Down Wenatchee World, 4/25/12 by Associated Press
Watch Judge Redden on Saving Salmon: Tear Down Those Dams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/25/12 by David Steves
International Reservoir Operations Agreement Helps Fish and Power Intl. Water Power, 4/26/11 by Staff
Columbia Agreement Signed Capital Press, 4/26/11 by Matthew Weaver
Oregon Asks to Kill Salmon-Eating Birds Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/26/11 by Associated Press
Sea Lion Body Count Climbs at Bonneville Dam Examiner, 5/4/12 by Sandy McElhaney
Anti-whaling Group Joining Fight to Save Sea Lions Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/10/12 by Associated Press
CA 3rd Graders Campaign to Save Sea Lions on the Bonneville Dam Examiner, 5/2/12 by Sandy McElhaney
Social Media Campaign Urges Kids to Help Beleaguered Sea Lions Examiner, 4/14/12 by Sandy McElhaney
Death Penalty for Salmon-Gourging Sea Lions SF Bay, 4/11/12 by California Watch
Sea Lion Killings: California Officials Express Skepticism over Animal Deaths California Watch, 4/10/12 by Susanne Rust
Snaking a Path to Protect Species The Oregonian, 3/17/12 by Editorial Board
Earthtalk: Can Dams Actually Hurt Rivers? E Magazine, 4/12/12 by Chris Bosak
David Ponganis Named New Programs Director for Corps' NW Division Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/6/12 by Staff
Groups Collect Another Payout in Hydropower Battle Capital Press, 3/29/12 by Mateusz Pekowski
Last Chance to Save the Salmon Men's Journal, 3/13/12 by Kevin Gray
Agency Looks Back at 75 Years Spokesman-Review, 3/17/12 by Becky Kramer
"Expend Significant Resources to Comply with Performance Requirements" Strategic Direction 2012-2017, 3/12 by Bonneville Power Administration
Only Wind and Solar Power Can Guarantee America's Energy Independence Baltimore Sun, 3/17/12 by Andrew Henry
Going Lethal is Sad But Necessary Wenatchee World, 3/16/12 by Tracy Warner
Let Prosperity Flow to Eastern Oregonians Capital Press, 2/23/12 by Editorial Board
Wind, New Energy -- Big Economic Windfall Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/21/12 by Joel Connelly
House Hears ESA Problems Natural Resource Report, 2/16/12 by Rex Storm
Water Storage Vital to Rural Communities, Job Creation, Economic Growth Water World, 2/7/12 by Crystal Feldman
How Would a New Approach to Managing Endangered Salmon Affect Idaho? Idaho Statesman, 1/30/12 by Rocky Barker
Clallam Public Utility District Gives Nod on Renewable-energy Bills Peninsula Daily News, 1/31/12 by Rob Ollikainen
Lawmakers Seek Compromise on Energy Mandate The News Tribune, 1/27/12 by Jordan Schrader
Obama Pushes "Clean Energy," Defends Environmental Rules Baltimore Sun, 1/25/12 by Tim Wheeler
BPA Values Fish Over People The Columbian, 2/10/12 by Les Sarasohn
State has Stake in Columbia Salmon Solution Sacramento Bee, 1/17/12 by Zeke Grader
Removal of Snake River Dams a Fallacy Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 1/15/12 by Peter Lyski
Expert to Obama: You don't Understand Salmon Washington Post, 1/13/12 by Juliet Eilperin


Judge Redden to Step Down from Columbia Salmon Case HydroWorld, 1/1/12 by Staff
Judge Redden's Replacement Can't Be Worse Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 12/5/11 by John McKern
An Inadequate Job of Considering the Best Available Science Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 12/19/11 by Bert Bowler
Science Does Not Support Dam Breaching Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 12/19/11 by John McKern
Salmon Would Do Worse Without Idaho Dams Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 1/6/12 by John McKern
Oregon's Dukes Elected NW Power And Conservation Council Chair Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/13/12 by Staff
Senators Back Tax Credits for
Clean Technology, Energy Storage
HydroWorld, 1/1/12 by Staff
Anti-Environmental Budget Riders Green and Save, 1/6/12 by Staff
Yes to a Moratorium Winona Daily News, 1/10/11 by Swanson and Bell
Dammed If We Don't Patagonia Essays, 1/12 by Yvon Chouinard
Mailbag: Wind Versus Dams Democrat Herald, 12/27/11 by Gary Hartman
Our Future is in Wind Democrat Herald, 12/19/11 by Tom Means
Fixing ESA Will Save Farmers Capital Press, 12/22/11 by Editorial Board
House Panel Probes Workings of ESA Capital Press, 12/15/11 by Mateusz Perkowski
Let's Stop Defending Failure in the Columbia Basin Sustainable Business Oregon, 12/20/11 by Jeff Hickman
Federal Salmon Plan Stands Strong Sustainable Business Oregon, 12/12/11 by Terry Flores
Businesses, Lawmakers Press Obama for Action on Salmon Sustainable Business Oregon, 11/30/11 by Christina Williams
Removing the Snake River Dams is a Really Stupid Idea Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/20/11 by Aaron Bennett
The Great Snake River Salmon Hoax: An Epic U.S. Government Con Last Salmon Ceremony, 12/9/11 by Ed Chaney
Feds Tell BPA it Can't Cut Off Wind Power Earth Techling, 12/8/11 by Pete Danko
U.S. Agency is Ordered to Change Wind Rules New York Times, 12/7/11 by Matthew L. Wald
Coalition Pleased with Appointment of New Judge Press Release, 12/1/11 Coalition for Idaho Water
Poll Shows Idahoans Care Most About Water Quality Idaho Statesman, 12/7/11 by Rocky Barker
What Will the Weiser-Galloway Dam Do for Salmon Recovery? Nothing Salmon Blog, 11/22/11 by Michael Wells
Governor Otter on the Galloway Dam, 8/13/9 by David Sparks, Ph.D.
We Should Embrace the Cleaner, Greener Technologies of 21st Century The Oregonian, 12/10/11 by Reed Burkholder
The State of WA Appears to Have Come to a Cynical Conclusion The Oregonian, 12/10/11 by Mary Lynn Gregson
Minimum Recovery Goals for Wild Salmon is Abysmal The Oregonian, 12/10/11 by Jennifer Siler
Coalition Pleased with New Judge in PNW Salmon Recovery Legal Battle Ag Weekly, 12/2/11 by Staff
ID Water Coalition Likes Redden's Replacement in Salmon-dam Case Idaho Statesman, 12/1/11 by Rocky Barker
Salmon Case to Get New Judge, 12/21/11 by Steven Johnson
Columbia Salmon Case Assigned to New Judge Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/28/11 by Associated Press
Senate Confirms Portland Attorney Michael Simon as OR Federal Judge Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/21/11 by Associated Press
Judge of the River The Oregonian, 12/5/11 by Editorial Board
A Judge has Stepped Up for Idaho's Fish. Now It's Our Turn. Idaho Statesman, 12/4/11 by Editorial Board
Redden Set a Course on the Columbia River Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/29/11 by Editorial Board
Judge Redden to Step Down from Long-running Columbia Salmon Case HydroWorld, 11/30/11 by PennWell
The 'Salmon Judge' to Retire The Register Guard, 11/26/11 by Editorial Board
Judge Redden Leaves Powerful Legacy East Oregonian, 11/26/11 by Scott Learn
Judge Redden to Step Down after a Decade on NW's Biggest Salmon Lawsuit The Oregonian, 11/23/11 by Scott Learn
Judge Redden Wants Out of Epic Salmon Case Oregon Public Broadcasting, 11/23/11 by Cassandra Profita
Federal Judge Redden Taking Himself Off the Salmon Case Idaho Statesman, 11/24/11 by Rocky Barker
Columbia Salmon Judge Redden Says He Will Step Down Public News Service, 11/23/11 by Rocky Barker
I struck the 2000 BiOp, and the 2004 BiOp, and the 2008/2011 BiOp Letter to Counsel, 11/22/11 by James A. Redden
Trout Unlimited Backs Out of Columbia-Snake Salmon Suit Idaho Statesman, 11/21/11 by Rocky Barker
Salmon Groups: Let's Try Something Totally Different Public News Service, 11/22/11 by Deb Courson
Salmon Groups Ask Court to Shake Things Up Lake Stevens Journal, 11/23/11 by WA News Service
Salmon Groups Ask Redden to Push Settlement Talks Idaho Statesman, 11/17/11 by Rocky Barker
Feds Oppose Inserting Science Panel, Settlement Judge into BiOp Remand Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/11 by Staff
BiOp Plaintiffs Ask for Settlement Judge to Iron Out Differences NW Fishletter, 11/11/11 by Bill Rudolph
Feds Vow to Solve Salmon Issues Electric Co-op Today, 11/22/11 by Steven Johnson
Feds Announce Salmon Plan Idaho Mountain Express, 11/18/11 by Staff
Don't Curtail Wind Turbines Spokesman-Review, 11/8/11 by Carole Landt
New Poll Indicates 9 of 10 Americans Support Solar, Across Political Spectrum Clean Edge, 11/2/11 by Staff
Dam Dreaching will be Discussed at LCSC BPA Watch, 11/14/11 by Staff
Saving Salmon: NW Businesses Deserve Seats at the Table The Oregonian, 11/9/11 by Schroeder & Lofgren
Stakeholder Talks Needed on Dams The Register-Guard, 11/4/11 by Devin Monte
Nez Perce ask Crapo to Help Set Table for Salmon Talks Idaho Statesman, 10/1/11 by Rocky Barker
Salmon BiOp Challengers Request Court Appoint Science Panel for Remand Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/28/11 by Staff
It's About Our Habitat The Daily Astorian, 10/27/11 by Editorial Board
Breaching Condit Dam: In the Northwest, Hydropower is Still King The Oregonian, 11/5/11 by Terry Flores
Snake River Dams Far More Valuable than Elwha, Condit Capital Press, 10/20/11 by Terry Flores
Judge Dislikes Columbia Salmon Dam Plan Natural Resource Report, 10/17/11 by Staff
Protecting Northwest Investments Weekly Message from Doc, 10/14/11 by Congressman Doc Hastings
Council Responds to Congressman Doc Hastings Response Letter, 4/20/10 by Bruce Measure
Dam Breaching and Shifting from Barge to Rail are Not the Answers for Fish Response Letter, 2/4 Pacific NW Waterways Association
Mekong River Fisheries: What can be Learned from the Columbia River? Intl. Water Power, 10/5/11 by John W Ferguson
Another Dam Bites the Dust The Register-Guard, 10/25/11 by Editorial Board
A Rush of Data From Removal of Dams on Elwha, White Salmon Yakima Herald, 9/27/11 by Editorial Board
Government Must Stop Ignoring Its Flawed Salmon Plan Register-Guard, 10/1/11 by Michael Blumm
Utility Information is Misleading Register-Guard, 9/24/11 by Devin Monte
Salmon Policies are Illegal Register-Guard, 9/22/11 by Derek Kimbol
Federal Judge sets ILWU Fine at $250,000 for Violating Restraining Order The Daily News, 9/30/11 by Michael Blumm
Franklin County Tour Reveals Hidden History Under River Tri-City Herald, 9/6/11 by Kristi Pihl
"Source to Sea: The Columbia River Swim" Statesman Journal, 10/19/6 by Staff
1949: Year of Decision on the Columbia River Columbia Magazine, Spring 05 by William L. Lang
Court Decision Would Cripple Logging Grand Coulee Star, 9/14/11 Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Flawed ESA Requires Fundamental Reforms Capital Press, 9/2/11 by Editorial Board
ESA Should Include Costs Capital Press, 9/2/11 by Maxine Keesling
EPA, ESA Are Out of Control Capital Press, 9/2/11 by William Riley
Salmon Threatened by Government Care2, 8/23/11 by Jake Richardson
Idaho History: Most Pioneers Thought Idaho's Fish Were Limitless Idaho Statesman, 8/14/11 by Arthur Hart
Perspectives from the Idaho High Country Speech to Oregon AFS, 2/11 by Don Chapman
Elwha River Hatchery to Hurt Recovery, Critics Say Seattle Times, 8/27/11 by Lynda V. Mapes
Punching Holes in the Concrete The Oregonian, 8/27/11 by Editorial Board
Rep Pledges to Check EPA Flathead Beacon, 8/18/11 by Matthew Weaver
ESA Threatens to Drain Federal Pocketbook Capital Press, 8/11/11 by Editorial Board
Reveal the Invisible Price Tag Capital Press, 6/2/11 by Editorial Board
Behind a Judge's Refusal to Go Along with Obama's River Plan Crosscut, 8/18/11 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Dam Thinking Flathead Beacon, 8/18/11 by Pennwell
A Lot of Talk, Not Much Listening The Columbian, 8/14/11 by Jeff Heinrichs
Saving Salmon, Saving Jobs Miami Herald, 8/22/11 by Pat Ford
Ruling an Opportunity for Stakeholders to Write Salmon Recovery Plan Bellingham Herald, 8/14/11 by Riley Starks
Congressman Finds Columbia River Ruling Alarming Natural Resource Report, 8/23/11 by Congressman Doc Hastings
Rep. Jay Inslee Visits Port of Kalama The Daily News, 8/22/11 by Erik Olson
'More Aggressive' Solutions Sought for Wild Salmon BPA Watch, 8/18/11 by Eric Barker
Salmon Collaboration Post Register, 8/10/11 by Editorial Board
Cantwell: Judge has Spoken on Columbia River Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/8/11 by Joel Connelly
Congressional Members Criticize Judge's New Ruling on Fish Recovery Plan Ag Info, 8/4/11 by Bob Hoff
NHA on Judge Redden's Ruling Re: Salmon Protection at Federal Dams Renewable Energy World, 8/3/11 by Linda Church Ciocci
McMorris Rodgers Responds to Judge's Rejection of Plan for Dams, Salmon Spokesman-Review, 8/3/11 by Rich Landers
Salmon Coalition Asks Obama for Help Sustainable Business Oregon, 8/9/11 by Erik Siemers
No Need to Rethink Salmon Plan That Pays Healthy Returns Register-Guard, 9/10/11 by Scott Corwin
Judge's Salmon-Plan Ruling: 'Predictable' Seattle Times, 8/25/11 by Thomas O'Keefe
Arguments for Removal of Snake River Dams are Laughable, Absurd Seattle Times, 8/23/11 by Terry Flores
A New Chance for Snake River Salmon The Oregonian, 8/19/11 by Tim Palmer
Judge's Ruling on NW Salmon Plan Asks for Clarity Seattle Times, 8/19/11 by Terry Flores
Ruling Brings Opportunity to Rebuild Fisheries, Expand Our Green Economy The News Tribune, 8/18/11 by Kawahara & Patton
Missing Mark on Dams Seattle Times, 8/17/11 by Michael Dauer
Judge Demands New Salmon Plan for Columbia, Snake Rivers Seattle Times, 8/17/11 by Bill Arthur
Give Stakeholders a Chance on Salmon Survival Plan Seattle Times, 8/15/11 by Spain & Mueller
The Salmon Plan Gets a Solid "Yes, No, Maybe" from the Judge The Oregonian, 8/13/11 by Terry Flores
Saving Salmon Requires Leadership Spokesman-Review, 8/13/11 by Paul Fish
Judge Still Riding Feds to Restore Dwindling Columbia River Salmon Seattle Times, 8/11/11 by Steven Hawley
Faulty Columbia Basin Salmon Plan Bad for Salmon and Jobs Juneau Empire, 8/10/11 by Dale Kelley
Court Ruling is a Win for Healthy Rivers, Salmon and Communities Fly Rod + Reel, 8/8/11 by Ted Williams
Judge's Ruling on NW Dams Could Mean Higher Electricity Prices Examiner, 8/3/11 by Joe Newby
The Salmon Deserve Better New York Times, 8/11/11 by Editorial Board
Ruling on Salmon Proposal Disappointing, Inconclusive Tri-City Herald, 8/10/11 by Editorial Board
Tired of Losing? How About Something New? BPA Watch, 8/10/11 by Marty Trillhaase
Analysis: Salmon Plan on Snooze Alarm NW Fishletter, 8/5/11 by Bill Rudolph
How to Settle Dams vs. Fish Democrat Herald, 8/4/11 by Editorial Board
Salmon Plan III Gets Hook Register Guard, 8/4/11 by Editorial Board
It's Too Late to 'Just Get By' The Daily Astorian, 8/4/11 by Editorial Board
Is Snake River Dam Removal Back? New West, 8/3/11 by Editorial Board
Salmon Decision Makes BPA Customers Pay Twice Idaho Statesman, 8/3/11 by Rocky Barker
Columbia River Salmon Plans: The Judge is Not Amused Seattle Times, 8/3/11 by Editorial Board
Show Him the Salmon The Oregonian, 8/3/11 by Editorial Board
Federal Judge Rejects U.S. Salmon Pla Renewable Energy World, 8/8/11 by Pennwell
Judge Sends Mixed Message in Ruling on Salmon Plan NW Fishletter, 8/5/11 by Bill Rudolph
Judge Redden says NOAA Salmon Plan Needs More Work Hermiston Herald, 8/5/11 by Luke Hegdal
Saving the Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 8/5/11 by Katherine Wutz
For Now, Northwest Fish Plan to Stay Electric Co-op Today, 8/4/11 by Steven Johnson
Judge Rejects Salmon Plan, But Keeps it in Place NW Fishletter, 8/4/11 by Mateusz Perkowski
Judge Rules Against Govt Over Salmon Scheme Fish Info & Services, 8/3/11 by Natalia Real
U.S. Judge Rejects Latest Salmon Recovery Plan Science, 8/3/11 by Robert F. Service
Judge Ousts Feds' Third Plan to Save Salmon Public News Service, 8/3/11 by Chris Thomas
Redden Orders New Salmon BiOp By 2014 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/3/11 by Staff
Feds Still on Losing Side of Salmon Case Idaho Statesman, 8/3/11 by Rocky Barker
Judge Rules Salmon Plan Illegal Idaho Mountain Express, 8/3/11 by Katherine Wutz
Judge Rejects Salmon Protection Plan Tri-City Herald, 8/3/11 by AP & Herald Staff
Judge Rejects Salmon Plan as Too Vague The Columbia, 8/2/11 by Jeff Barnard, AP
Judge Rejects Salmon-Protection Plan as Too Vague Seattle Times, 8/2/11 Staff & News Services
Judge Beaches Feds' Columbia River Salmon Plan Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/2/11 by Joel Connelly
Federal Judge Shoots Down Plan for Dams and Salmon for Third Time The Oregonian, 8/2/11 by Scott Learn
Judge James Redden Rejects Plan for Dams and Salmon for Third Time The Oregonian, 8/2/11 by Scott Learn
Listen What's Next for Columbia Salmon Plans? Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/2/11 by Hyams & Manning
Judge Shoots Down Fed Salmon Plan Boise Weekly, 8/2/11 by George Prentice
Listen Judge: Salmon Plan Falls Short KPLU, 8/2/11 by Aaron Kunz
Rare Green Win: House Defeats 'Extinction Rider' Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/27/11 by Staff
Wind Questions Still Have No Answers Hermiston Herald, 7/27/11 by Neill Woelk
Poll: Californians Favor More Alternative Energy San Francisco Chronicle, 7/28/11 by Kelly Zito
Breaching Dams Can Halt Extinction The Columbian, 8/1/11 by Gary Johnson
Science, Not Politics, Should Dictate Energy Solutions The Columbian, 7/19/11 by Don Brunell
Fish & Politics Along the South Fork The Star-News, 7/21/11 by Michael Wells
Dams Needed for Flood Control, Affordable Energy Othello Outlook, 7/7/11 Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Hydro Power Should be Allowed as Renewable Energy Source The Chronicle, 7/22/11 by Editorial Board
House Adopts Shoreline Amendment on Docks The News Tribune, 7/15/11 by Staff
Dukes Elected Vice Chair of NW Power & Conservation Council Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/15/11 by Staff
Simpson Draws Praise From the Idaho Water User Community Ag Weekly, 7/12/11 by Staff
Protect ESA from Peril of Legislative Assaults Spokesman-Review, 7/3/11 by Editorial Board
Toughest in the Nation Register Guard, 6/28/11 by Editorial Board
Scientists: Remove Snake River Dams Idaho Mountain Express, 7/1/11 by Katherine Wutz
Fish Scientists Cite Snake River Dams as Threat to Fisheries Spokesman-Review, 6/30/11 by Rich Landers
Scientists: Snake River Dams Must Be Breached BPA Watch, 6/28/11 by Eric Barker
Group Calls for Dam Breaching BPA Watch, 6/27/11 by Staff
Fisheries Society Reaffirms Call for Removing Lower Snake Dams Boise Weekly, 6/27/11 by Rocky Barker
Fisheries Scientists Want Snake Dams Removed Boise Weekly, 6/28/11 by George Prentice
Fishing Took Half of Idaho's Chinook in the 60's Before They Got Here Idaho Statesman, 6/24/11 by Rocky Barker
Rockefeller Leaving Washington Senate for Power Council NW Fishletter, 6/3/11 by Rick Adair