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Commentaries and editorials

Dams, Barges Help Environment

by Jo Ann Engel
Letter to Editor, The Oregonian, December 10, 2000

In Tom Gritzka's letter (Nov. 27), he says any plan to recover Snake River salmon will have to include dam removal. What will be the source of the $848 million to $1.22 billion to do the removal?

Dams are the cleanest, most environmentally friendly source of mass-produced electricity. How would the electricity lost in dam removals be replaced?

How about starting a SAVE THE FARMER program? Wheat farmers in Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon are getting less per bushel than it costs to grow. They rely on barge transportation, which is environmentally friendly. One barge can carry the equivalent of 35 jumbo rail cars or 134 semi-truck loads. What would that do to the environment and roads when breaching makes barging impossible?

Jo Ann Engel, from Gladstone
Dams, Barges Help Environment
The Oregonian, December 10, 2000

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