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Commentaries and editorials


by Judy Smith
The Neighbor, May 26, 2021

Congressman Mike Simpson has been talking to people throughout the northwest and in Washington, D.C. about the salmon crisis, and he says he's determined to do what he can to solve it. I’m outraged at what’s going on amongst republicans in Congress and Idaho Legislature.

Their continued loyalty to Trump and their own dictatorial attitude is alarming and against our democracy. They seem to admire Trump (wannabe dictator) and chastise members of their own party who criticize Trump.

Now, they’re trying to downplay January 6th insurrection. Trump realized he couldn’t overthrow our government single handedly, so he recruited his loyal thugs to do it for him; like a mob boss. Every one of them belong in prison; especially Trump. A President (past or present) should be held to a much higher standard than common citizens. His attempts to ruin anyone’s career and reputation who stands up to him must stop. Anyone who defends Trump now has to be just like him and has no place in our government. He needs to be sent to Guantanamo Prison alongside other terrorists.

I’m very unhappy with our Congressmen. Simpson championing removal of Snake River dams’ is insanity. Salmon can be hatchery raised; and stocked in rivers: problem solved! Good enough!

Judy Smith, Caldwell
The Neighbor, May 26, 2021

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