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Dam Breach Study Pt 1

by Bob Larson, November 3, 2021

Graph: Wild Spring/Summer Chinook (1961-2021). I'm Bob Larson. As we heard yesterday, Governor Inslee and Senator Patty Murray are calling for another study on the breaching of four lower Snake River dams in an attempt to save a dwindling salmon population. According to U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse it's a big waste of time because there have been ample studies ...

NEWHOUSE ... "For them to continue asking for more studies, only to come up with reasons why or arguments that match their intended outcome, that's to me is very disingenuous and is not serving the people of the Pacific Northwest well."

And, Newhouse says a recent survey showed 91% of Eastern Washingtonians are against breaching the dams ...

NEWHOUSE ... "With that kind of support and reaction on this question, I think that the Governor and the Senator should be paying more attention to the people that actually live in this area."

But, Newhouse says they'll keep looking until they get the answers that fit their agenda ...

NEWHOUSE ... "The conclusion of the recent study by the Army Corp said that removal of the dams would have little to no effect on survivability of salmon. So, like I said, the answer is there to the question that should have been asked, it's just that some people don't like to hear that answer. They want another answer."

Inslee and Murray say they expect to make recommendations on dam removal by the end of July.

Removing or altering the dams must be approved by Congress.

Bob Larson
Dam Breach Study Pt 1 <-- Listen at Original site., November 3, 2021

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