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Cherry-Picking the Data

by John Hull
Lewiston Tribune, January 18, 2025

Graphic: Returns of wild adult salmon and steelhead originating in the Snake River Basin (1962-2023). I finally managed to grind through the vast array of numbers, calculations, procedures, and conclusions presented by Marvin Duggar in his Dec. 15 column (Lewiston Tribune Opinion). Using cherry-picked and outdated data, Mr. Duggar concluded that by releasing water to assist outgoing smolts over the dams, we are actually killing the fish, not helping them. Current science disputes Mr. Duggar's conclusion.

In his last paragraph, he implies that dams are not harmful to anadromous fish. He states "More than 755,000 sockeye returning in 2024 across nine dams and reservoirs shows ... ." There are a few problems with Mr. Duggar's closing statement.

First, 755,000 sockeye did return from the ocean but Mr. Duggar forgot to mention that number was taken at Bonneville Dam, the first dam on the Columbia River, not the ninth.

Second, the vast majority of those fish (99.3%) are Columbia River fish, not Snake River fish. Of the 755,000 sockeye counted at Bonneville, only 2,947 made it past Lower Granite Dam on their way to Stanley Basin.

Third, it is great that the Columbia River sockeye run was huge, but don't use that run to further the inaccurate arguments that the lower Snake River dams and reservoirs do not harm anadromous fish.

Related Pages:
Misused Water Spill at Dams is the Enemy of Fish Survival by Marvin F. Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 12/15/24
Recapping a Successful Pacific Northwest Fish Symposium by Marvin Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 8/27/23
Applauds City Council by Marvin F. Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 12/4/22
When It Comes to Fish and Dams, Who is Gaslighting Who? by Marvin F. Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 8/28/22
Dugger 'Gas Lights' Fish Recovery and Dam Breaching by Richard Scully, Lewiston Tribune, 8/14/22
Fish Are Simply an Excuse to Breach Our Dams by Marvin F. Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 7/31/22
Radical Environmentalists Prefer You Not Know These Facts by Marvin F. Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 1/18/22
Dugger's Correct by Charles Pottenger, Lewiston Tribune, 10/13/21
Refutes Dugger by Don Chapman, Lewiston Tribune, 9/9/21
Breach the Lower Snake River Dams and We Will Lose Our Fish by Marvin F. Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 8/1/21
Saving Salmon is a Ruse for Breaching Our Dams by Marvin F. Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 3/14/21
What About the Dams? by Marvin F. Dugger, Lewiston Tribune, 11/3/19

John Hull, Lewiston
Cherry-Picking the Data
Lewiston Tribune, January 18, 2025

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