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PNWA Reacts to Biden Administration Announcement
to Launch a Columbia River Task Force

by Staff
Big Country News, June 18, 2024

The PNWA is deeply concerned with the failure to involve
local communities that live and work in this region.

Graphics: Predictions show natural--origin spawner abundance for the Snake River Basin will start to drop below the quasi--extinction threshold (50 spawners) within the next five years. (Molly Quinn/The Spokesman--Review) (Source: Nez Perce Tribe, staff research) PORTLAND - The Pacific Northwest Waterways Association (PNWA) reacted to the Biden Administration's announcement of the creation of the Columbia River Task Force and the release of a report concluding that the federal dams have inflicted harm on Tribes in the region.

According to the press release by PNWA, these steps advance the Administration's agreement with Tribes and states from the Pacific Northwest to work to restore wild salmon populations in the Columbia River Basin. Nonetheless, the agreement did not involve navigation stakeholders and was not based on scientific evidence.

“Our concerns with the Biden Administration's actions are their excessive lack of transparency and the failure to account for all interests affected by this complex issue", states Neil Maunu, Executive Director of the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association and Inland Ports and Navigation Group.

The PNWA is deeply concerned with the failure to involve local communities that live and work in this region, and feel this one-sided approach has not been transparent, as claimed by the Administration. The approach dismisses the tremendous negative impacts on the future of this region's economy and the environmental harm caused by the breaching of the Lower Snake River dams. The current economy of the tri-state region is reliant on the Snake River and would be devastated by the negative impacts on river commerce, agriculture exports, recreation and tourism, and power generation.

PNWA urges the Administration to engage in genuine consultation with all stakeholders and any path forward be founded on comprehensive study and consensus-based solutions that address the complex tradeoffs between salmon recovery, dam breaching, and adverse environmental effects on the region.

The Administration professes to support environmental justice, yet the PNWA feels that the report neglects the interests of millions of residents, including Native American tribes in the region, who rely on the river system's multi-use benefits today for their livelihoods, bringing more insecurity to marginalized communities and negatively impacting local economies.

"The Administration must reconsider its one-sided view in favor of an inclusive, holistic approach that equitably serves all stakeholders." the press release states.

PNWA Reacts to Biden Administration Announcement to Launch a Columbia River Task Force
Big Country News, June 18, 2024

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