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Public Radio Roles as a Press Agent
for Portland's Infamous Salmon Judge

by Susan Allen, May 4, 2012

It's been a burr under my saddle blanket that Public Radio is funded by tax payer dollars when it's so obvious they're reporting is bias. As I see it, my hard earned money is being used to promote a political, military and environmental stance that in many cases I heartily disagree with. Public Radio should have to compete like our Ag Radio Network does for advertising dollars and listener support. I'm Susan Allen welcome to Open range after the break how Northwest Public Radio is promoting removing Snake River Dams through the infamous Portland "Salmon Judge".

Federal Judge James Redden has presided over the Columbia river salmon and dam removal case with blinders to the fact that during his tenure on the bench we've experienced some of the largest salmon and steelhead runs in history. He stepped down last in 2011. Agriculture groups opposed to removing dams were pretty stunned by the obvious bias of Judge Redden given his recent remarks released by NW Public radio and Idaho Public Television who seem to revel in their role as his Press Agent.

EarthFix a media project of Idaho Public Television is producing a documentary where Redden stated that while he "acknowledges that Bonneville Power Administration and our government had made vast improvements for salmon by increasing water flow, He believes that the dams must be removed." Especially four on the Snake River.

So indirectly you and I are helping fund the pro-environmental /anti-dam message of this documentary released in collaboration with Northwest Public Radio that promotes the stance of environmentalist groups like Save Our Wild Salmon. Farmers and ranchers that are unhappy about this should give NPR a call.

EarthFix is a public media project of Oregon Public Broadcasting and Boise State Public Radio, Idaho Public Television, KCTS 9 Seattle, KUOW Puget Sound Public Radio, Northwest Public Radio and Television, Southern Oregon Public Television and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Susan Allen
Public Radio Roles as a Press Agent for Portland's Infamous Salmon Judge <-- Listen at original site., May 4, 2012

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