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Commentaries and editorials

Breach the Dams

by Julian Matthews
Lewiston Tribune, February 13, 2022

Congressman Mike Simpson has been talking to people throughout the northwest and in Washington, D.C. about the salmon crisis, and he says he's determined to do what he can to solve it. Breach the Dams

After researching and listening to many qualified and educated folks who are looking at the loss or extinction of salmon upriver of the four dams on the lower Snake River, I see that the only solution to the salmon issue and their eventual demise is that we need to support Congressman Mike Simpson on his proposal to breach and remove the four lower Snake River dams.

I have also seen that the people who are supporting keeping the dams and the power they generate are those who are making money from the rivers and dams or those who have some financial interest in keeping them.

To reiterate for those who may not know it is the fact these four lower Snake River dams were designed to be breached. They were not designed to be permanent.

Take a look at them and see they are half earthen and half concrete. This shows they were not meant to be permanent. Now is the time to breach these deadbeat dams that are costing us taxpayers millions and benefiting only a few.

Julian Matthews


Supremely stupid

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel referred to those who stormed the U.S. Capitol as " ... ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse."

The RNC also censured Republican Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, a couple of the apparently few sane people left in the Republican Party, accusing them of "sabotage" because of their work on the Jan. 6 committee.

I guess it's now "sabotage," in the RNC dictionary if anyone wants to find out the facts of a situation.

Be careful, RNC, because you may reap what you sow if you push your new definition of "legitimate political discourse." It's well past time that the people of this country who believe the RNC's B.S. get off the crazy train before it completely jumps the tracks.

You have to be supremely stupid (yes, stupid) to think that an attack on the Capitol is legitimate political discourse. Threatening to drag members of Congress through the streets and cut their heads off is not legitimate political discourse. People, for the sake of our democracy, wake the hell up before it's too late.

Russell Gee


Keep it up, Mike

I loved Mike Epstein's letter to the editor. It was hilarious. His invective is so indicative of the liberal mindset.

According to him, one who makes the personal choice not to get a vaccine is an obstinate, a right-wing COVIDiot, strutter, impervious to pleading, blazing-eyed, smoking-eared, spewer of viral contaminants; a terrorist, hopeful of blowing people up, self-righteous, a traitor, a hospital clogger-upper, a pushy, arrogant, ignorant (repeated), self-righteous (repeated), terrorist (repeated) as well as misguided, cultish and foolish.

He finishes this brilliant tirade by saying all freedom lovers should be denied basic health care because we are perpetuating "the pandemic to further (our) GOPer Nazi agenda."

Isn't that rich? This must be a prank.

No one could be that goofy.

Mike, please, please continue to write more letters like the one published on Jan. 23. They will not only be funny, but will effectively discredit Democrats.

Keith Borgelt


Share the surplus

Idaho's surplus was created by all Idahoans. Why not help all Idahoans with health insurance, not just school employees?

Tomas Wilkins


Julian Matthews
Breach the Dams
Lewiston Tribune, February 13, 2022

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