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Make Idaho Free Again

by Adrian Arp
Twin Times-News, March 26, 2022

Lower Snake River dams provide vital irrigation water,
hydro power electricity and transportation of Idaho products.

Map showing location of 4 lower Snake River dams and reservoirs being considered for removal Idahoans are tired of having their Bill of Rights violated or ignored by Little and Wasden for the past two years. We have endured the governor's executive orders and mandates which have closed businesses, churches and in-person schooling, etc.

It is time to restore individual rights with liberty candidates that will uphold their oath of office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution.

Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin, candidate for governor, who has been endorsed by President Trump, pledges to make Idaho Free Again. She never would have locked down the state! She will protect our God-given individual liberties and personal choices under the Bill of Rights.

State Representative and Lt. Colonel Priscilla Giddings is running for lieutenant governor. She supports our Bill of Rights and and "constitutional carry." She opposes "red flag" gun confiscation. She sponsored H.140 to stand against discrimination based on vaccination status.

Former U.S. House of Representative member Raul Labrador is running for Idaho attorney general. He will fights against unconstitutional Bill of Rights mandates. These rights have been largely ignored by our present A.G. Wasden in favor of protecting the state.

Idaho State Representative Dorothy Moon is a candidate for Idaho secretary of state. She will work to ensure that we have election integrity. She has a positive pro-Constitutional, liberty voting record.

Conservative, pro-constitutional Bryan Smith is a candidate for U.S. House of Representatives with an agenda to Put America First. He opposes 12 term congressman Simpson who favors breaching four dams on the Snake River. These dams provide vital irrigation water, hydro power electricity and transportation of Idaho products. Smith opposes the breaching.

(bluefish notes: The lower Snake River dams are downstream of Idaho and thereby do not provide irrigation in Idaho.)
Other regional pro-constitution, individual liberty candidates that deserve our votes are Glenneda Zuidervelt, Lyle Johnstone and Creighton Knight.

We deserve to have liberty loving, conservative state and national elected officials who will protect our individual Constitutional rights.

Adrian Arp, Filer
Make Idaho Free Again
Twin Times-News, March 26, 2022

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