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Commentaries and editorials

We Had to Eat It in order to Save It

by Roving Eye
Boise Weekly, September 2, 1999

The Eye just got some more mixed messages about the continuing saga of endangered salmon. Despite all the hand wringing over the survival of Idaho's native stocks, their brethren in Oregon are doing just fine. According to recent news reports, the fishing for Chinook at the mouth of the Columbia River hasn't been so good since 1987. Anglers have been hauling aboard 20-pound monsters, and the state predicts 234,000 fish will return from sea this year. Just as the Eye was wondering how to protect fish if people are still allowed to catch them, one of our operatives dropped off an invitation to Idaho Salmon & Steelhead days sponsored by Idaho Rivers United. Scheduled for one night of the three-day event is, of course, an Alaskan salmon barbecue. If the Idaho stocks ever recover, does that mean we get to eat them, too?

Roving Eye
We Had to Eat It in order to Save It
Boise Weekly- September 2, 1999

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