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Salmon and ecologic related articles Award winning film RedFish BlueFish
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"The Columbia River used to have one of the largest salmon runs in the world. Idaho's Redfish Lake used to host 25,000 Sockeye Salmon spawning along its shores. Last year only one fish returned. One fish! What is the number for extinction? What is necessary for existence?"
- Jimmy Fairchild, Sixth Grade
narrates the film
RedFish BlueFish
Best Narration International Wildlife Film Festival
Don't Can It The Recycler's Handbook, 1990 The Earth Works Group
Ocean, Sun & Idaho's Salmon Patagonia, Fall 1999 David James Duncan
Harmony and Control Idaho Mountain Express, 9/27/00 by Dick Dorworth
To Save The Salmon Pamphlet, 9/97 Army Corps Engineers
Occurrences of the word "Sockeye" in FCRPS BiOp 2008 Supplemental Comprehensive Analysis, 5/5/8 by NOAA Fisheries
Officials Draw Line in the Water to Halt Quagga Mussels Capital Press, 9/1/11 by Sean Ellis
Unique Boat Wash System to Prevent Spread of Invasive Mussels Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/11 by Staff
Inspectors Find Quagga Mussel on Sailboat Near Flathead Lake Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11 by Staff
Water Managers on Watch for Aquatic Invaders Capital Press, 2/25/11 by David Wilkins
Report: Mussel Invasion In Upper Snake Likely Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/16/10 by Staff
SCIENCE back to top
2024 Report: Smolt-to-Adult Return Rates Won't Meet Regional Goals Under Non-Breach Alternatives Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/24 by Staff
Report Guided by UI Professor Concludes that Warming Will Stress Idaho's Spring Chinook Lewiston Tribune, 6/26/22 by Eric Barker
Tracking Antenna Set Up Along Salmon, Lemhi Rivers to Spy on Baby Chinook Post Register, 10/29/19 by Jerry Painter
Salmon-mediated Nutrient Flux in Snake River Sockeye Salmon Nursery Lakes Lake & Reservoir Management, 10/14/19 by Melissa Evans et al.
Independent Science Review of Salmon Survival Study Shows Concern over Low Smolt-to-Adult Returns Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/2/18 by Staff
WSU Study Shows Big Loss in Historic Columbia River Salmon Genetic Diversity The Chronicle, 2/8/18 by Staff
WSU Research Shows Dramatic Decline in Genetic Diversity of Columbia/Snake Chinook Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/18 by Staff
WSU Researchers Discover Shrinking Gene Pool Among Chinook Salmon Populations Spokesman-Review, 1/11/18 by Chad Sokol
Dramatic Decline in Genetic Diversity of Northwest Salmon Charted Science Blog, 1/11/18 by Staff
Pacific Northwest Salmon Are in Big Genetic Trouble Science Magazine, 1/10/18 by Robert F. Service
Salmon Help Their Offspring by Dying on the Spawning Grounds, 12/15/17 by Staff
Steelhead Trout Population Declines Linked with Poor Survival of Young Fish in the Ocean, 6/26/17 Canadian Science Publishing
Washington's Big Dam Climate Nightmare Seattle Weekly, 10/5/16 by Brett Cihon
Diversity Runs Through Idaho's Wild Steelhead Spokesman-Review, 9/14/16 by Rich Landers
Research Looks at How Cumulative Pathogens May Create More Hazards for Migrating Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/4/16 by Staff
Scientists Review "Critical Uncertainties" in Columbia Basin Fish/Wildlife Research Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/5/16 by Staff
Successful Salmon Homing Requires Both Olfactory Imprinting, Geomagnetic Navigation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/22/16 by Staff
Study Shows Most Smolt-to-Adult Returns Not Enough for Recovery NW Fishletter, 1/4/16 by Laura Berg
2015 Salmon Survival Report Updates Smolt-to-Adult Return Data for Columbia/Snake Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/29/15 by Staff
Songbird Study Shows River Ecosystem Recovery After Dam Removal, Return of Salmon Nutrients Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/29/15 by Staff
Salmon Trees Hakai Magazine, 12/29/15 by Nancy Baron
Global Nutrient Transport in a World of Giants National Academy of Sciences, 10/26/15 by Christopher Doughty
Isotopic Evidence for Enrichment of Salmon-Derived Nutrients in Vegetation, Soil, and Insects in Riparian Zones American Fisheries Society, 10/2 by Reimchen et al.
Salmon Support 137 Other Species Environment News Service, 7/6/00 by Ed Hunt
Can Nutrient Additions Facilitate Recovery of Pacific Salmon? Canadian Journal Fisheries & Aquatic, 4/99 by Joseph Benjamin, et al.
The Fish-Based Food Web: When Predator and Prey Connect Pacific NW Research Station, 4/13/99 by Mary Wilson
Fertilization of Terrestrial Vegetation by Spawning Pacific Salmon Nordic Society Oikos, 3/6/98 Ben-David, Hanley & Schell
Prelim Numbers Show High Juvenile Steelhead Passage Survival in 2014; Modeling Methods Reviewed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/14 by Staff
Questions Over NOAA's Latest Juvenile Survival Analysis NW Fishletter, 10/23/14 by Bill Rudolph
Stream Temperature Variability: Why It Matters to Salmon Science Findings, 7/11/14 by Marie Oliver
Economists Suggest Ways to Improve Next F&W Program NW Fishletter, 4/3/14 by Bill Rudolph
Smolt-To-Adult Data Shows Gap Narrows Between Lower Snake In-River/Transport Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/13 by Staff
Latest Results from Corps' Annual Research Review NW Fishletter, 12/12/13 by Bill Rudolph
FPC Memo Defends CSS Spill Analysis NW Fishletter, 11/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
2013 Prelim Data: Chinook Survival from Above Lower Granite to Below Bonneville at 52.3% Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/1/13 by Staff
Improving Salmon's Success in the Wild and Aquaculture Science Daily, 9/23/13 by Staff
Comments on "Influence of multiple dam passage on survival. . ." by Rechisky et al. (2013) Fish Passage Center Memo, 5/22/13 by Fish Passage Center
Dams, Altered Environment Have 'Elicited an Adaptive Response in Snake River Fall Chinook' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/12/13 by Staff
Latest NMFS Analysis on Seasonal Barging Strategy NW Fishletter, 3/29/13 by Bill Rudolph
Review of NOAA Fisheries' Life-Cycle Models of Salmonid Populations in the Columbia River Basin NW Power & Conservation Council, 3/25/13 by Erik Merrill
The Density Dilemma: Limitations on Juvenile Production in Threatened Salmon Populations Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 2/25/13 Walters, Copeland, Venditti
The ISAB Weighs in on Fish Goals, Spill Benefits NW Fishletter, 11/12/12 by Bill Rudolph
Review of Salmon Survival Study: Smolt-to-Adult Return Goals Should be Reassessed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12 by Staff
Snake River Sockeye Broodstock Program Preserving Population's Genetic Diversity Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/10/12 by Staff
Idaho Fish and Game Warns of Jaw Tags in Salmon KIVI TV, 6/28/12 by Jaclyn Brandt
Long-Term Population Dynamics of the Endangered Snake River Sockeye Salmon American Fisheries Society, 1/9/11 by Daniel Selbie et al.
Measuring the Salmon Data in the Streams of the Columbia River Basin The Oregonian, 6/23/11 by Scott Learn
New System Helps Explain Salmon Migration Science Daily, 1/15/10 by Staff
Study: Account for Tag-Loss and Tag-Induced Mortality Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/9/9 by Staff
Toxic Contaminants and Their Effects on Salmonids Science Policy Exchange, 9/11/9 Morace, Johnson & Nilsen
Salmon Migration Mystery Explored on Clearwater River e! Science News, 9/12/7 by Nate Poppino
Dworshak & Brownlee Hydro Operations Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7 by Greg Haller
Flow/Spill - Fall Chinook Migration Characteristics Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7 by Jerry McCann
Survival Rates: In-river, Ocean and Climate Conditions Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7 by Schaller & Petrosky
Linking Plume and Ocean to Salmon Growth and Survival Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7 by Ed Casillas
Effects of a Removable Spillway Weir on Juvenile Salmon Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7 by Adams, Plumb & Rondorf
Direct Survival of Migrating Salmonid Smolts Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7 by Smith, Williams, Muir,
Zabel, Faulkner
Fish 'An Ally' Against Climate Change New Scientist, 1/16/9 by Catherine Brahic
Tribes Advance DNA Testing on Salmon The Seattle Times, 1/17/9 by Joseph Frazier
Is This Picture in Danger of Disappearing? The Daily Astorian, 12/26/8 by Michael Burkett
Amid Climate Change, Fish Struggle to Adapt The Spokesman-Review, 12/13/8 by Keith Chaplin
Transporting Juvenile Salmon Hinders Adult Migration Eureka Alert, 12/5/8 by Press Release
Spectrometer Reconstructs Historic Idaho Sockeye Runs ISU Headlines, 8/8 by Staff
Salmon Fossils Dated to 1 Million Years The Olympian, 10/19/6 by John Dodge
As the Chinook Go, So Go the Orcas Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/5/6 by Peggy Andersen
FCRPS Summer Spill 2005 After-Action Report Salmon Recovery .Gov, 10/31/5 by Fed Action Agencies

Divergent Life History Shapes Gene Expression Harvard University, 7/20/5 by Steve Bradt
Centuries Ago Juveniles Entered Estuary as Younger, Smaller Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/20/11 by Staff
Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program Reports Army Corps of Engineers by Various Scientists
Chinook Smolt Survival Study Released Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/5/3 by Bill Crampton
Poor Returns for In-River Migrants in 2001 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/26/3 by Barry Espenson
Preserving Salmon Biodiversity American Scientist by Levin & Schiewe
Supporting Dam Removal Letter to President Bill Clinton from 200+ Scientists
Urging Dam Removal Letter to President Bill Clinton from 200+ Scientists
Issue Papers Overview Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Sediment Considerations Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
The Ocean Influence Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Fish Health & Stress Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Genetics Perspective to Fitness Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Headwater Nutrient Loss Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Delayed Mortality Hypotheses Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
1950s and 1960s Productivity Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Ocean and Estuarine Predators Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Ocean and In-river Harvest Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Smolt Transportation Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Causes of Decline Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery Idaho Fish & Game
Linking Delayed Mortality to Hydrosystem Experience American Fisheries Society, 2002 Budy, Thiede, Bouwes,
Petrosky & Schaller
2003 In-River Fish Passage Survival Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Survival Estimates for Yearling Juvenile Salmonids through FCRPS, 1966-80 & 1993-99 Journal of Fisheries Management, 2001 by Williams, Smith and Muir
Scientific Advice on Endangered Salmon Deleted Union of Concerned Scientists, 1/16/1 by Staff
Hatchery Fish Can Crowd Out Wild Stock NW Fishletter, 7/22/3 by Bill Bakke
Scientists Rank Innovative Proposals Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/22/00 by Barry Espenson
Recovery Options for Chinook Salmon Nature, 11/3/00 by Kareiva & Marvier
PATH Updates Fall Chinook Findings Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/99 by Mike O'Bryant
IDFG, CRITFC Criticize A-Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/17/99 by CBB staff
Status: Snake River Chinook National Marine Fisheries 6/99 Matthews & Waples
Biologic Decision Analysis Conclusions, January 1999 Oregon Fish & Game
Where Salmon Die Idaho Farm Bureau News John McKern (ACOE)
Why Fish Need Trees and Trees Need Fish Alaska Dept. Fish & Game, 11/8 by Anne Post
Sawtooth Salmon Festival Canceled Due to Fires Challis Messenger, 8/3/24 by Staff
U.S. Forest Service Approves Stibnite Gold Mine in Central Idaho Idaho Capital Sun, 1/7/25 by Clark Corbin
More Land Added to NE Oregon's Minam River, Habitat for ESA-Listed Snake River Salmon, Steelhead Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/24 by Staff
Idaho Salmon May Hold Key to Survival of Species Idaho Statesman, 8/17/22 by Tanushri Sundar
Nez Perce Tribe Disputes Idaho Gold Mine Air Quality Permit Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/29/22 by Keith Ridler
Research Shows Salmon Could Lose 38% of Spawning Habitat in Bear Valley Creek Idaho Capital Sun, 7/11/22 by Clark Corbin
Biden Admin Rolls Out $38 Million for Fish Passage Hatch Magazine, 4/19/22 by Chris Hunt
Almost a Century, Spring Chinook Will Return to Lapwai and Sweetwater Creek Daily Fly, 3/9/22 by Nez Perce Tribe
WA Legislature Stalls on Efforts to Preserve Salmon Habitat Seattle Times, 3/7/22 by Lynda Mapes
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Mark Milestone in Sockeye Recovery Efforts at Pettit Lake Idaho Mountain Express, 5/21/21 by Tony Evans
Senate Infrastructure Package Could 'Significantly Improve' Salmon Habitat Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/12/21 by Courtney Flatt
Groups Win Court Challenge to Logging in Snake River Steelhead Critical Habitat Missoula Current, 8/10/21 by MacFarlane & Garrity
Indian Creek Restoration Starts Near Elgin The Observer, 8/12/21 by Staff
Gillnetting Operation Targets Lake Trout in Stanley Lake Post Register, 4/23/21 by Jerry Painter
State Proposes Grants to Whitman County Water Quality Projects Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/16/21 by Staff
Unique Idaho Salmon Numbers Rise, But Extinction Looms KTVB 7, 11/25/20 by Keith Ridler
Shoshone-Bannock Push to Save Endangered Sockeye Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 8/14/20 by Tony Evans
Canadian Mining Company Sues US Over Idaho Water Pollution Columbia Basin Herald, 8/19/20 by Associated Press
Forest Thinning Proposed for Alturas-Pettit Area Idaho Mountain Express, 7/15/20 by Greg Moore
Conservation Groups Sue Trump Administration to Halt Massive Logging in Steelhead Critical Habitat Counter Punch, 7/2/20 by MacFarlane & Garrity
Secret No More: Plan to Eliminate Lake Trout from Stanley Lake Underway Post Register, 6/13/20 by Jerry Painter
Washington Salmon may Fare Better in a Warming Climate than Others KOMO News, 8/3/19 by Abby Acone
McCall says 'No' to Stibnite Mine Agreement Boise State Public Radio, 1/9/19 by Monica Gokey
Nez Perce Tribe Files Suit Against Midas Gold Over Plans for Mine Lewiston Tribune, 8/10/19 by Eric Barker
Climate Change Pushing Western Salmon Toward Extinction KQED, 7/30/19 by Bob Berwyn
Some Pacific Salmon Populations are Especially at Risk from Climate Change, 7/24/19 Public Library of Science
Judge Orders Sawtooth Valley Water Diversions Examined KTVB, 6/18/19 by Keith Ridler
Washington State Budget Scrimps on Replacing Salmon-Blocking Culverts Idaho Statesman, 5/2/19 by Gene Johnson
Tribes Use Western and Indigenous Science to Prepare for Climate Change Hakai Magazine, 2/21/19 by Erica Gies
Let's Give Sawtooth Salmon a Chance Idaho Mountain Express, 12/19/18 by Marie Callaway Kellner
Palouse Conservation District to Host Restoration Event for Killer Whales Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 11/9/18 by Staff
UW Study Reveals Sockeye Carcasses Tossed on Shore for 20 Years Spurred Tree Growth Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 8/20/18 by Staff
Boating or Floating the Middle Fork of the Salmon? Steer Clear of the Redds Idaho Press, 8/20/18 by Staff
USFS Issues Redds Warning for Middle Fork Salmon River Lewiston Tribune, 8/14/18 by Staff
Middle Fork Boaters Urged to Steer Clear of Salmon Redds East Idaho News, 8/14/18 by Staff
Chinook Salmon Begin Spawning on a Wild Idaho River Boise State Public Radio, 8/14/18 by Frankie Barnhill
Official: Some Miners Dredging Up Problems Lewiston Tribune, 8/2/18 by Eric Barker
Dam Breach in Washington to Cost Owner $2.5 Million, Plus Fines Capital Press, 7/26/16 by Don Jenkins
Work Begins on Yankee Fork Restoration Project Idaho Mountain Express, 6/29/18 by Staff
'This Will Be a Big Deal for People Who Fish for Trout' Idaho Statesman, 4/13/18 by Rocky Barker
Study Details Challenges for Northwest Salmon, Trout as Region's Rivers Face Warming Temperatures Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/13/18 by Staff
Lawsuit: Sawtooth Valley Water Diversions Harming Salmon Idaho State Journal, 1/30/18 by Keith Ridler
New Approach in Idaho Underway to Better Direct Salmon Habitat Restoration, Measure Results Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17 by Staff
Cattle Grazing Suspended on Two Parts of Central Idaho Miami Herald, 7/14/17 by Keith Ridler
Feds Suspend Grazing on East Fork Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 7/12/17 by Greg Moore
Scientists OK Six Large Columbia Basin Habitat Projects, with Caveats NW Fishletter, 4/3/16 by Laura Berg
Nez Perce Helping to Purchase Easement to Provide Habitat for Spawning Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/9/16 by Staff
Idaho Power River Restoration Project Nears Completion Idaho Press-Tribune, 11/16/16 by Olivia Weitz
Pole Creek Gets More Conservation Protection Idaho Mountain Express, 10/14/16 by Greg Moore
Stanley Firefighters Extinguish Two Wildfires Challis Messenger, 8/4/16 by Todd Adams
Council Looks at Past Efforts Before Preparing Fish RM&E Plan NW Fishletter, 8/1/16 by Laura Berg
Restoration at Yankee Fork Resumes Idaho Mountain Express, 1/15/16 by Greg Moore
Fish Restoration Resumes on Yankee Fork Challis Messenger, 1/14/16 by Gannet News Service
Fish Restoration Work Resumes in Yankee Fork Times-News, 1/12/16 by Gannet News Service
Middle Fork Could Regain Role as Salmon Nursery Idaho Mountain Express, 26/2/16 by Greg Moore
Cold Headwater Streams Appear Least Vulnerable to Climate Change, Offer Refuge for Cold Water Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/16 by Staff
Study: Intensive, Long-Term Monitoring Key to Determining Effects of Habitat Restoration Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/5/16 by Staff
Salmon River Ranch Protected Idaho Mountain Express, 1/13/16 by Staff
Conservation Easement Preserves Historic Ellis Ranch KMVT, 1/12/16 by DeSiree Fawn
Idaho Ups Water Enforcement Efforts Capital Press, 12/2/16 by Sean Ellis
Washington Orchard Accused of Water Theft Capital Press, 12/3/15 by Don Jenkins
Study: Habitat Restoration Projects Often Fail to Target Highest Priority Needs for Ecosystem,Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/4/15 by Staff
Salmon Habitat Protected in Eastern Idaho Conservation Easement KIRO TV, 7/30/15 by Keith Ridler
Endangered Salmon Face Insurmountable Journey Back to Idaho's Salmon River Post Register, 7/8/15 by Aubrey Wieber
Forest Plans Fish Habitat Project at Yankee Fork Idaho Mountain Express, 7/8/15 by Bart Gamett
Fighting for Idaho's Anadromous Fish Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 6/28/15 by Associated Press
Workshop Takes a Look at How Wildfires May Help Or Hurt Columbia Basin Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/22/15 by Staff
Fish Recovery Efforts May be Limited by Habitat Constraints NW Fishletter, 3/6/15 by Bill Rudolph
Gold Mine Plan in Central Idaho Wilderness Draws Objections Washington Times, 3/22/15 by Keith Ridler
Report States Need to Protect Rivers Idaho Mountain Express, 3/4/15 by Staff
Independent Science Board: 'Density Dependence,' Diminished Habitat Constraining Salmon Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/27/15 by Staff
Monument Could Help Salmon Recovery Idaho Mountain Express, 2/25/15 by Betsy Mizell
Spawning, Rearing Habitats Not Always The Same Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/12/14 by Staff
Animal Training Can Benefit Water Quality Capital Press, 11/21/14 by Doug Warnock
Fuel Reduction Project Near Redfish Lake Seeks Comments Times-News, 10/13/14 by Tetona Dunlap
Forest Thinning Project Proposed for Redfish Idaho Mountain Express, 10/13/14 by Greg Moore
Flows Adjusted for Chinook Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 10/10/14 by Staff
Building Bridges for Fish BPA Journal, 10/14 by Staff
Idaho, BPA Reach $40 Million Deal on Wildlife Mitigation Funding Idaho Statesman, 9/23/14 by Governor "Butch" Otter
Biologists Focus on Revitalizing the River Connections, 8/14 by Idaho Power
Conservation Sales Protect Salmon Habitat, Wilderness Idaho Statesman, 8/22/14 by Rocky Barker
Juvenile Salmon Growth Study Highlights Stream Habitat/Temperature/Food Complexities Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/14 by Staff
In Upper Salmon, A Project for Fish Idaho Mountain Express, 4/23/14 by Greg Moore
Study of 91 Stream Restoration Projects Shows Most Increase Over-Wintering Capacity for Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14 by Staff
Feds Spent $392M to Manage Idaho Ground Capital Press, 2/7/14 by Heather Smith Thomas
Feds Spent $392M to Manage Idaho Ground Capital Press, 10/9/13 by Associated Press
Researchers, Tribes Detail Climate's Effects on Salmon Capital Press, 10/8/13 by Steve Brown
Newest Fish Plan Adds More Habitat Actions NW Fishletter, 9/19/13 by Bill Rudolph
Draft Plan Details Actions to Benefit Fish BPA Journal, 9/13 by Staff
Draft Report Shows Gains for Fish BPA Journal, 8/13 by Staff
The Heat Is On For Salmon Idaho Statesman, 8/3/13 by Rocky Barker
Columbia System Gets Hotter and Deadly for Salmon and Steelhead Idaho Statesman, 7/30/13 by Rocky Barker
Fire at Redfish Lake Closes Campsites, Lodge Times News, 7/24/13 by Kimberlee Kruesi
Fire Continues to Burn near Redfish Lake Times News, 7/23/13 by Kimberlee Kruesi
Idaho Town, Farmers Aim to Bust Dam to Help Fish ABC News, 7/16/13 by John Miller
New Science Could Benefit Sockeye Idaho Statesman, 6/5/13 by Rocky Barker
Army Corps Wants Cattle Off Its Land Capital Press, 4/23/13 by Matthew Weaver
Panel Says Stick with Expensive Habitat Monitoring Programs NW Fishletter, 4/18/13 by Bill Rudolph
Makeover Planned for Tucannon River Lewiston Tribune, 3/17/13 by Eric Barker
Native Plants get a Boost at Hells Gate The Missoulian, 1/11/13 by Eric Barker
Council Launches Review of Columbia Basin Fish Habitat Projects Funded by BPA Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/7/12 by Staff
Salmon Study Predicts Trouble for Idaho Fish NWCN, 11/6/12 by Associated Press
Listen Salmon the Focus of Northwest Rivers Initiative Northwest Public Radio, 10/30/12 by Aaron Kunz
Skeptical Ranchers Mark Salmon Project's 20th Year Capital Press, 7/22/12 by John Miller
Forest Service Purchasing 1,481 Acres Along Imnaha River Wallowa County Chieftain, 4/6/12 by Staff
Forest Service Buys Small Parcels in ID, OR, and WA National Public Radio, 4/9/12 by Amelia Templeton
Estimating Fish Benefits from Habitat Actions may Take Decades NW Fishletter, 1/19/12 by Bill Rudolph
Council Recommends BPA Funding For 8-Year, $10 Million Tucannon Project Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/11 by Staff
Measuring the Salmon Data in the Streams of the Columbia River Basin The Oregonian, 6/23/11 by Scott Learn
Salmon Abundance Brings Productivity of Riparian Plant Life Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/25/11 by Staff
Researchers Test Feasibility of Trucking Returning Sockeye Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/9/10 by Staff
Monster Trucks are Headed for the Columbia & Snake River Blue Oregon, 8/10 by Staff
Wanted: Salmon, Dead and Wanted: Salmon, Dead and Alive Idaho State Journal, 6/13/10 by Scott Collins
Project Aims At Restoring Fish Habitat in SF Salmon River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/11/10 by Staff
Nez Perce Sue Over Irrigation Plan Capital Press, 6/10/10 by Associated Press
Tucannon River and Pataha Creek Water Quality Report Department of Ecology, 4/15/10 by Jani Gilbert
Three-way Grazing Argument Centers on Steelhead Capital Press, 4/3/10 by Mateusz Perkowski
Property Acquired to Benefit Salmon, Agriculture The Nature Conservancy, 2/23/10 by Staff
Evaluating Relationship Between Roadways, Restoration University Arizona, 9/1/9 by La Monica Everett-Haynes
Biologists at Bonneville Track Heat around Salmon Habitat KUOW, 8/14/9 by Tom Banse
Tucannon Lakes may be Lost if Repairs are Not Made The Seattle Times, 7/27/9 by John Trumbo
Idaho gets Nearly $200K for Water Quality Work Capital Press, 5/21/9 by Associated Press
Conservationists in Deal to Protect Salmon Habitat KIVI TV, 4/28/9 by Associated Press
Environmental Groups say Idaho Gravel Mine Violates Laws Idaho Statesman, 4/27/9 by Rocky Barker
Nature Conservancy Uses Funds to Protect Salmon Habitat Idaho Statesman, 3/23/9 by Rocky Barker
Otter: Give Us Credit for Billions Spent on Salmon Effort Idaho Statesman, 3/11/9 by Rocky Barker
Couple Protects 160 Acres in Pahsimeroi Valley Idaho Mountain Express, 2/4/9 by Jason Kauffman
New Strategy Targets Abundant Salmon Runs KOMO News, 9/14/8 by Associated Press
At Hanford Reach, Nuclear Plant Preserved Nature The Seattle Times, 8/23/8 by Linda Shaw
Mine, Environmentalists Hail ID Cobalt Mine Deal The Seattle Times, 8/18/8 by Todd Dvorak
Conservation Group Strikes Deal with Mining Company Idaho Statesman, 8/14/8 by Rocky Barker
Seeking Solutions for the Clearwater KLEW TV, 5/30/8 by Matt Loveless
Loan Propels Project Argus Observer, 4/8/8 by Larry Meyer
Projects to Make Travel Easier for Fish on Touchet River Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 4/5/8 by Carrie Chicken
Most Columbia Water Users Agree to Report Diversions The News Tribune, 9/4/7 by Staff
Ecology Monitoring Irrigation Water from Columbia River KNDO/KNDU, 9/3/7 by Staff
Bonneville County Is Getting Rid of Salt Cedar Environmental News Net, 9/3/7 by Staff
Hardiness Map Shifts with Climate Capital Press, 8/17/7 by Dave Wilkins
Conifer Losses Alarm Residents Idaho Mountain Express, 4/18/7 by Sabina Dana Plasse
Students Work to Return Cool Water to Lapwai Creek Indian Country, 6/4/6 by Brad Gary
Idaho, Feds Agree on New Forest Program Capital Press, 11/3/6 by Pat McCoy
'Following Salmon Science' Not Easy Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/2/6 by Robert McClure
Flathead System a Control for Salmon Studies The Daily Inter Lake, 9/20/6 by Jim Mann
How Ripe is the Bug-Killed Kindling for Wildfires? Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/7/6 by Shannon Dininny
Agencies Working to Fix Bark-Beetle Problems Idaho Mountain Express, 9/6/6 by Wiggins & Troyer
Miles of Fencing Going Up in White Clouds Idaho Mountain Express, 9/1/6 by Jason Kauffman
Trailhead Fire Threatens Stanley Idaho Mountain Express, 8/25/6 by Steve Benson
Beetle 'Epidemic' Rends Northwest Forests Environmental News Net, 3/24/6 by Associated Press
Low to Moderate Pesticide Runoff in Basin Project Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/2/6 by Shannon Dininny
Report: One-fourth of Idaho's Water Marred The Olympian, 1/20/6 by Staff
Energy Will Wait to Ship Nuclear Waste to WA Site Environmental News Network,1/10/6 by Shannon Dininny
Help Salmon, Plant a Shrub Seattle Post-Intelligencer,12/29/5 by Lisa Stiffler
Idaho Water Quality Work on Schedule Capital Press, 12/23/5 by Patricia McCoy
Group Says Snake River Deficient in Dirt Baker City Herald, 11/29/5 by Jayson Jacoby
Salmon Plans Heard at Workshop Union-Bulletin, 4/22/5 by Andy Porter
Protecting Timber Industry Against Legal Action Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/10/5 by McClure & Stiffler
'Critical Habitat' for Salmon in Peril The Columbian, 1/9/5 by Erik Robinson
Conservation Security Watersheds Named Capital Press, 11/12/4 by Patricia McCoy
Idaho Salmon Recovery may get Federal Boost Lewiston Tribune, 9/17/4 by Staff
Salmon Recovery Board Has Public Workshop Lewiston Tribune, 9/12/4 by Staff
Salmon River Cleanup Volunteers Needed Idaho Mountain Express, 9/8/4 by Staff
Salmon Float Restrictions Revised Idaho Mountain Express, 8/11/4 by Greg Stahl
Beetles Eat at Sawtooth Pines in Natural Cycle Idaho Statesman, 7/21/4 by Rocky Barker
SNRA Battles Pine Beetle "Epidemic" KBCI TV, 7/20/4 by Jon Hanian
Global Warming's Unlikely Harbingers High Country News, 7/19/4 by Michelle Nijhuis
Pine Beetle Infestation Creates Fire Danger Times-News, 5/30/4 by Jennifer Sandmann
Subbasin Plans, Issues Out for Comment Columbia Basin Bulletin,10/15/4 by Barry Espenson
One-Fourth Subbasin Plans Scientifically Sound Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4 by Barry Espenson
Subbasin Plans Make Deadline Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/4/4 by Barry Espenson
Agreement Could Set Water Rights for Idaho Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4 by CBB staff
$117,000 Goes to Restore Stream Banks Capital Press, 7/30/4 by Staff
Sportsmen Thumbs Down on Bush Rule Lewiston Tribune, 7/15/4 by Associated Press
Water Settlement Would Affect Logging Lewiston Tribune, 6/11/4 by Eric Barker
Forest Officials Hope to Reduce Fire Risk Lewiston Tribune, 6/8/4 by Eric Barker
Feds Suspend Take Permits for 'No Surprises' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4 by CBB staff
Cooperation Brings Success to Grand Ronde Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/4/4 by CBB staff
Court Declines Appeal of Water Diversions Lewiston Tribune, 5/4/4 by Staff
PNW Watersheds Chosen for Conservation Capital Press, 5/21/4 by Mitch Lies
Idaho Receives New Salmon Money Capital Press, 4/9/4 by Patricia McCoy
Idaho Landowners Eligible for Habitat Money Lewiston Tribune, 4/6/4 by Eric Barker
Judge: BLM Must Consult Over Diversions Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/2/4 by CBB staff
Gorge Comm. Closing In on Land Use Rules, 2/25/3 by Associated Press
Council: Subbasin Plan 'Response Loop' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/20/4 by Barry Espenson
Flaws and Strengths of First Subbasin Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/13/4 by Barry Espenson
Nez Perce Sue Over Logging Proposal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/23/4 by CBB staff
Environmentalists Challenge Timber Sale Lewiston Tribune, 1/8/4 by Eric Barker
'Water Transactions' Improves Flows for Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/12/3 by Barry Espenson
States, Tribes Asked for Habitat Info for BiOp Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/5/3 by Bill Crampton
Ranchers Make Wildlife-Friendly Compromises Idaho Farm Bureau Quarter, 11/3 by John Thompson
Judge: Logging Needs Pollution Permits Post Register, 10/17/3 by David Kravets
Feds Want Big Cuts in Grazing of Whiteclouds Idaho `, 10/16/3 by Staff
Stream Projects to Benefit Endangered Fish Idaho Mountain Express, 10/15/3 by Greg Stahl
Kempthorne Signs on Species Protection Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/3 by CBB staff
Governor Signs Fish Deal Post Register, 10/14/3 by Kathleen O'Neil
Idaho Signs Conservation Pact Idaho State Journal, 10/10/3 by Associated Press
State Signs Pact to Help Aid Salmon Recovery The Idaho Statesman, 10/9/3 by Staff
Salmon Restoration Begins with Habitat The Columbian, 8/21/3 by Erik Robinson
NOAA Releases Habitat Improvement BIOP Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Spending Bills Keep Salmon Recovery Flat Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by CBB staff
$5 Million Approved for Channel Deepening Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by CBB staff
USFWS Award Millions in Conservation Grants Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by CBB staff
Habitat Document Available Capital Press, 7/18/3 by Staff
BPA, Others Fund Purchase of Asotin Land Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by CBB staff
Bills Give Funding Boost for FWS ESA Work Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by CBB staff
Buy Expands Asotin Creek Wildlife Area Lewiston Tribune, 7/17/3 by Eric Barker
Funding Fish Screens on Non-Federal Facilities Capital Press, 7/4/2 by Larry Swisher
USFWS Gives Landowners Incentives Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/27/3 by CBB staff
Bill Allows Rec Bureau to Fund Off-Site Work Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/27/3 by CBB staff
NPCC Approves $2 Million for 11 Subbasins Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/9/3 by Barry Espenson
USFWS Unveils Fish Passage Support System Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/3 by CBB staff
Water Temperature History Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/23/3 by Gene Spangrude
Scientists Outline Difficulties in Determining NW Fishletter, 4/15/3 by Bill Rudolph
Study: Importance of Nutrients for Salmon NW Fishletter, 4/15/3 by Bill Rudolph
Legislation Would Free BuRec BiOp Work Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Economics Board Reviews Clearwater Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3 by Mike O'Bryant
ID Judge Rejects Lawsuit Filed over HCP Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3 by CBB staff
WDFW Loses Funds for Upland Restoration Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3 by CBB staff
Model Helps Choose Watershed Projects Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3 by CBB staff
BPA Helps Salmon Passage on Lemhi River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/21/3 by CBB staff
ID May Net $20 Million for Salmon Recovery Idaho Statesman, 3/16/2 by Staff
USFWS: $5 Million in Grants for Habitat Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/3/3 by CBB staff
U.S. Unveils Plan for Columbia Basin Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/24/3 by Associated Press
Council Earmarks $1 Million for Subbasins Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/3 by Staff
Council's Project Funding for Five Provinces Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/20/2 by Barry Espenson
Salmon Return to Ancestral Spawning Beds Idaho Mountain Express, 8/14/2 by Greg Stahl
Water Metering Ordered Tri-City Herald, 7/3/2 by Mike Lee
Improving Water Quality in the Lemhi River Idaho Farm Bureau News, 7/2 by Staff
House Bill Would Protect 13 Million Acres Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/7/2 by Staff
Officials Propose New Floating Permits Idaho Mountain Express, 4/24/2 by Greg Stahl
Habitat Projects Could Get $26.3 Million Lewiston Tribune, 4/1/2 by Associated Press
Plan: Drop 14,000 Salmon Carcasses Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/15/1 by News Service
Forests & Salmon Depend On Each Another Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/28/1 by United Press Intl.
Tribes Target State Road Culverts Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/16/1 by Associated Press
Oregon Feeds Carcasses to Salmon The Oregonian, 11/3/00 by Jonathan Brinckman
Russian River may be Key to NW Fish The Daily Interlake, 3/2/00 by Jim Mann
Fish's Role in Ecosystem Recycling Seattle Times, 2/6/00 by Jeff Barnard
Ultimate Sacrifice New Scientist, 9/6/97 Sharon Levy
POLLUTION back to top
ACOE Gets Earful about Sediment Problems Lewiston Tribune, 2/16/7 by Eric Barker
Comments Sought on Lower Snake River Dredging Plan Dredging Today, 1/12/13 by Staff
Washington Industrial Sites Have New Requirements to Protect Water Quality Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/9/24 by Staff
Watch Dismantling of Derelict Abandoned Barge Averts Potential Columbia River Disaster KATU, 12/5/24 by Staff
Whitman County Health Department Lifts Health Advisory for Snake River Algal Bloom Big Country News, 10/29/24 by Courtney Flatt
Toxic Algal Bloom Found on the Snake River for Second Year in a Row NW Public Broadcasting, 8/17/24 by Courtney Flatt
Whitman County Public Health Reports Harmful Algal Bloom Found in Snake River KREM, 1/16/24 by Vinny Saglimbeni
Portland Pays Oregon $19.5M to Clean the Columbia Slough Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/26/24 by April Ehrlich
EPA Grant to Mitigate Toxic Pollution in Columbia River Basin NBC Montana, 12/19/23 by Staff
Ninth Circuit Upholds Clean Water Act Precedent in Idaho Mining Case Capital Press, 11/28/23 by Mateusz Perkowski
Grand Ronde Tribe Receives $2 Million for Toxics Reduction Itemizer-Observer, 11/25/23 by Bridget Moran
Projects to Restore Columbia River Basin Health in Oregon Get $31 Million Oregon Public Broadcasting, 11/20/23 by Alex Baumhardt
U.S. Regulators will Review Car-Tire Chemical that Kills Salmon, Upon Request from West Coast Tribes Associate Press, 11/4/23 by Mark Thiessen
State Removes First Hazardous Vessel from Columbia River, More to Come KOIN, 10/13/23 by Andrew Foran
Algae Bloom in Lower Snake River Spokesman-Review, 11/14/23 by Bert Bowler
Large Snake River Toxic Algal Bloom Hasn't Happened Before NW News Network, 10/10/23 by Courtney Flatt
Fire Retardant has Killed Thousands of Fish in the Pacific Northwest, Including Endangered Salmon Spokesman-Review, 9/7/23 by Susannah Frame
Port of Vancouver Settles Suit Over Pollution The Columbian, 9/14/23 by Sarah Wolfe
Port of Vancouver USA, Columbia Riverkeeper Reach Agreement Settlement Vancouver Business Journal, 9/14/23 by Joanna Yorke-Payne
Simplot Feedlot in SW Idaho Subject of Clean Water Act Suit Capital Press, 5/10/23 by Brad Carlson
Yakama Nation Warns Feds They'll Sue Over Long Delayed Cleanup of a Columbia River Island Pacific Northwest Inlander, 5/11/23 by Samantha Wohlfeil
A Year After Superfund Designation, Bradford Island Cleanup Hasn't Started Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/17/23 by Monica Samayoa
Tribes Caught in Food Safety Dilemma Food Safety News, 1/30/23 by Cookson Beecher
DEQ Fines Seafood Processors for Polluting Columbia River Statesman Journal, 1/11/23 by Tracy Loew
Teck Fined $2.2 Million for Polluting Columbia River, says Improvements Made Since 2019 Incident Vancouver Sun, 1/11/23 by Gordon Hoekstra
Teck Metals Ltd. Ordered to Pay a $2.2 Million Fine for Unlawful Deposit of Effluent into Columbia River Kiowa County Press, 1/10/23 by Canada Newswires
New Columbia River Protections Under EPA Permits Public News Service, 1/5/23 by Mark Moran
EPA Issues Water Protection Permits for Columbia River Dams Kiowa County Press, 12/2/22 Washington News Service
Q&A on Pollution Permits With Columbia Riverkeeper's Miles Johnson NW Fishletter, 11/7/22 by Miles Johnson
McNary Refuge Again Safe for Recreation Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 11/1/22 by Sheila Hagar
Walla Walla's McNary Wildlife Refuge Reopens Sloughs 3 & 4 YakTri News, 10/31/22 by Erin Wencl
Group: Oil Leak Another Reason Dams Should Be Removed Lewiston Tribune, 11/1/22 by Staff
Every WA Congressional Leader is Sending Biden the Same Message About the Hanford Nuclear Site Tri-City Herald, 10/27/22 by Annette Cary
Hundreds of Gallons of Oil Leak into Snake River from Little Goose Dam Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/31/22 by Courtney Flatt
Hundreds of Gallons of Oil Leak into Snake River from Little Goose Dam KUOW, 10/27/22 by Courtney Flatt
Little Goose Lock and Dam Turbine Spills Oil into Snake River NBC Right Now, 10/26/22 by Michael LeCompte
Dam Turbine Leaks Hundreds of Gallons of Oil into Snake River in Eastern WA Tri-City Herald, 10/26/22 by Staff
USACE Takes Turbine Out of Service at Little Goose Lock and Dam Due to Oil Leak Big Country News, 10/25/22 by Staff
Nerve Toxin Detected in Columbia River in Tri-Cities. Warning Issued for People and Pets Tri-City Herald, 10/14/22 by Annette Cary
Idaho Goldminer Fined $150,000 for Unauthorized Dredging of South Fork of Clearwater River Spokesman-Review, 9/29/22 by Kip Hill
Health Officials: Water at McNary Wildlife Refuge Still Toxic in Some Areas Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 9/7/22 by Staff
Pollution Cleanup Starts on N. Oregon Coast After Ferry Sinks at Astoria Oregon Coast Beach Connection, 8/4/22 by Staff
Coast Guard, Partner Organizations to Remove Pollution Threat from Sinking Ferry Astoria, OR Tillamook County Pioneer, 8/3/22 by Editor
Shock of Deadly Nerve Toxins in Columbia River at Tri-Cities Prompts New Warnings Tri-City Herald, 7/11/22 by Annette Cary
Ferguson: Supreme Court Decision Won't Hurt Hanford Workers KOMO News, 6/21/22 by Nicholas Geranios
Weyerhaeuser Company Reaches Agreement to Reduce Columbia River Pollution at Longview Mill Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/12/22 by Staff
Two Pleasure Boats Catch Fire on Columbia River Seattle Times, 5/16/22 by Associated Press
Idaho Power to Pay More Than $1 Million Over Unpermitted Pollution at 15 Hydroelectric Dams Boise State Public Radio, 4/11/22 by Troy Oppie
Diesel Spills Into Palouse River Lewiston Tribune, 4/27/22 by Anthony Kuipers
Idaho Power Faces $1M in Fines Over Dam Pollution Permits Capital Press, 4/12/22 by Keith Ridler
Columbia Riverkeeper Files Lawsuit Against Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Big Country News, 3/28/22 by Sydney Brown
Bradford Island at Bonneville Dam Gets Superfund Designation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/17/22 by Staff
Contaminated Columbia River Island Added to Superfund List KOMO News, 3/17/22 by Associated Press
Environmental Watchdog Files Lawsuit Against NORPAC Over Columbia River Pollution Law Street Media, 3/1/22 by David Collins
Washington Lawmakers Consider 'Net Ecological Gain' Requirement Capital Press, 1/17/22 by Don Jenkins
Longview Paper Mill Fined $68,000 for Water Quality Violations WA Dept. of Ecology, 1/16/22 by Press Release
Port on Columbia River Fined $1.3M Over Nitrate Violations The Oregonian, 1/12/22 by Associated Press
Strong Wind Gusts Prove Challenging for Boats on Columbia River KATU, 12/27/21 by Staff
Corps Sued Over Columbia River Dam Pollution Waterways Journal, 12/29/21 by Don Jenkins
Seven Years On, Columbia River Benefits from Water Pollution Lawsuit Public News Service, 12/27/21 by Eric Tegethoff
Inslee's Mandatory Buffer Bill Failing to Move Capital Press, 12/28/21 by Don Jenkins
Inslee to Push for Mandatory Riparian Buffers Capital Press, 10/22/21 by Don Jenkins
Oregon Fines Da Yang Seafood $105K for Discharge into River The Daily News, 10/22/21 by Associated Press
Dire Future Ocean Impacts on ID Chinook Highlight Need for Freshwater Habitat Restoration Northwest Sportsman, 8/23/21 by Andy Walgamott
Abandoned Boat Sinks in Columbia River KPIC, 11/1/21 by Staff
Columbia Riverkeeper Sues Mercury Plastics Under the Clean Water Act Law Street Media, 10/22/21 by Wilson Fay
Court Strikes Down Trump EPA Water Permitting Rule Greenwire, 10/25/21 by Jeremy Jacobs
Superfund Consideration is Welcome News The Columbian, 9/12/21 by Editorial Board
States, Tribe Call for Superfund Site on Columbia River Public News Service, 8/19/21 by Eric Tegethoff
Conservationists: Idaho Power Illegally Flushes Oil, Grease Into Snake River Boise State Public Radio, 6/25/21 by James Dawson
Oil Leak Reported at Little Goose Dam Lewiston Tribune, 3/19/21 by Staff
Columbia River Site Land Goes Back to Alcoa The Daily News, 1/19/21 by Marissa Heffernan
Oregon to Phase Out Most Uses of Chlorpyrifos by End of 2023 Capital Press, 12/16/20 by George Plaven
EPA Reaches Agreement for Portland Harbor Superfund Site Dredging Today, 12/15/21 by Staff
Oregon DEQ Sues Corps Over Bradford Island Cleanup Costs NW Fishletter, 11/3/20 by KC Mehaffey
DEQ: Army Corps Should Pay to Clean Bonneville Dam Toxins KOIN, 10/22/20 by Amanda Arden
Teck Pegged with U.S. Tribes' $1.6M Legal Bill Maple Ridge News, 8/20/20 by Sheri Regnier
Bonneville Dam Powerhouse Shut Down After Oil Spill Discovered Hydro Review, 7/16/20 by Staff
Bonneville Dam Oil Spill Under Investigation The Oregonian, 7/15/20 by Staff
Up to 100 Gallons of Turbine Oil Spilled into Columbia River from Faulty Bonneville Dam Turbine The Oregonian, 7/15/20 by Kale Williams
Settlement in Monsanto PCB Pollution Case The Maritime Executive, 6/25/20 by Staff
Portland, Port Join Settlement with Monsanto over PCBs Contamination Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/24/20 by Monica Samayoa
Chlorpyrifos Ban Proposed in Washington Legislature Capital Press, 1/30/20 by Don Jenkins
Groups Slam Federal Government's Latest Proposed Cleanup Plan for Hanford Nuclear Site Indian Country, 11/30/19 by Press Release
Another Settlement Reached Over Columbia and Snake River Dams Leaking Oil Spokane Public Radio, 11/26/19 by Courtney Flatt
Add Columbia River's Polluted Bradford Island to Superfund Seattle Times, 11/6/19 by Editorial Board
Watch National Group says Pesticides Poisoning Pacific Northwest Salmon Q13 Fox, 11/1/19 by Simone Del Rosario
Fleet from Teck American Anchors in Trail Trail Times, 10/4/19 by Sheri Regnier
60K Gallons of Sewage Overflows Into Willamette River KBND, 8/12/19 by Staff
Riverkeeper Holds Community Forum on Bradford Island Cleanup Hood River News, 8/10/19 by Staff
Watch Snake River Dam Spills Up To 300 Gallons of Oil into River Q13 Fox, 8/9/19 by Simone Del Rosario
Army Corps of Engineers Reports Suspected Oil Leak into Snake River Stars and Stripes, 8/9/19 by Associated Press
Army Corps: 200-300 Gallons of Oil may Have Spilled into Snake River Yak Tri News, 8/9/19 by Carissa Lehmkuhl
Army Corps Reports Suspected Oil Leak into Snake River San Francisco Chronicle, 8/9/19 by Associated Press
Up to 300 Gallons of Oil May Have Spilled into the Snake River from a Leaking Dam Turbine Tri-City Herald, 8/9/19 by Wendy Culverwell
Teck Will Continue to Fight U.S. Judgement BC Local News, 6/18/19 by Sheri Regnier
Canadian Mining Company Liable for Pollution Flowing from Kootenays to U.S. CBC News, 6/18/19 by Bob Keating
Canadian Mining Company Must Pay Colville Tribe Costs Tied to Clean-up of Columbia River Spokesman-Review, 6/15/19 by Kip Hill
More Mercury in the Fish We Eat? Spokesman-Review, 6/14/19 Tyler, Grondin & Wilke
Council Approves $24 Million Superfund Cleanup Planning Agreement Portland Tribune, 5/22/19 by Jim Redden
Vancouver Fined for Raw Sewage Spill into Columbia NW Fishletter, 2/4/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Environmental Lawsuit Targets Apple Processor Over Storm Runoff Capital Press, 1/8/19 by Mateusz Perkowski
Vancouver Fined $60,000 for 2017 Columbia River Sewage Spills Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/4/19 by Molly Solomon
Oil Spill Creates Mess for Lewiston Firm Lewiston Tribune, 11/28/18 by Staff
Coleman Oil Fined for Spilling into Columbia River at Wenatchee iFiber One, 11/28/18 by Jefferson Robbins
Teck Loses US Pollution Case Castanet, 9/20/18 by Colin Dacre
Court Takes Chlorpyrifos Chemical Away from Farmers Capital Press, 8/20/18 by Don Jenkins
53-gallon Oil Spill Reported at The Dalles Dam The Oregonian, 6/15/18 by Everton Bailey Jr.
Two Oil Spills at Dalles Dam Send 523 Gallons into Columbia River Statesman Journal, 6/14/18 by Zach Urness.
ACOE say 474 Gallons of Oil Could Have Spilled into Columbia River The Oregonian, 3/29/18 by Molly Harbarger
Industries Fight Yakama Nation's Demand to Clean Up More Fish Habitat Courthouse News, 4/13/18 by Karina Brown
The Dalles Dam Misplaced 470 Gallons of Oil. It's Probably in the Columbia Portland Mercury, 3/29/18 by Kelly Kenoyer
USACOE May Have Spilled More than 470 Gallons of Oil Into the Columbia River Willamette Week, 3/29/18 by Katie Shepherd
Barge Spilled Liquid Fertilizer into Snake River at Pasco. State Takes Action Tri-City Herald, 3/19/18 by Annette Cary
Barge Company Fined $18,000 for Spilling Liquid Fertilizer to Columbia and Snake Rivers KNDO/KNDU, 3/19/18 by Staff
Gateway to Superfund Site Getting Cleanup Plan Portland Tribune, 3/8/18 by Steve Law
Wastewater Worries Argus Observer, 3/4/18 by Hunter Marrow
Decision Nears on Port of Astoria Oil Contamination Cleanup Daily Astorian, 2/28/18 by Edward Stratton
Teck Appeals $8.25 Million U.S. Court Ruling Trail Times, 2/16/18 by Sheri Regnier
EPA Forms Posse to Fix 'Broken' Endangered Species Regulations to Speed Pesticide Approval Washinton Examiner, 1/31/18 by John Siciliano
Organizations Working to Clean Up Oil Spill in Columbia River Estuary Near Astoria Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/26/18 by Staff
Cleaning Up Columbia River Oil Spill Could Take Weeks Greenwire, 1/23/18 by Staff
Watch Astoria Oil Spill Cleanup Could Take Weeks The Oregonian, 1/22/18 by Anna Marum
Listen NOAA says Pesticides Killing Northwest Salmon, Orca Public News Service, 1/12/18 by Eric Tegethoff
Oil Spills into Snake River at Lower Monumental Dam Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/12/18 by Staff
Oil Spills into Snake River in Franklin County Tri-City Herald, 1/11/18 by Annette Cary
NTSB Issues Report on 2016 Columbia River Bulker Grounding Marine Link, 1/19/18 by Joseph Keefe
Coast Guard Responds to Bulk Carrier Aground in Columbia River near Crims Island Tillamook County Pioneer, 12/16/17 by Staff
Grain Freighter Runs Aground on Columbia The Oregonian, 12/15/17 by Allan Brettman
Yakama Nation Demands Accountability for Columbia River Sewage Spills KUOW, 9/27/17 by Ericka Cruz Guevarra
Drill, Baby, Drill: Agencies Practice Emergency Response to Columbia River Oil Spill East Oregonian, 9/27/17 by George Plaven
742 Gallons of Oil Dripped into Snake River near Kahlotus Tri-City Herald, 8/9/17 by Annette Cary
Corps Confirms Oil Leak at 810-MW Lower Monumental Hydro HydroWorld, 8/9/17 by Elizabeth Ingram
Corps: Oil Leaked from Dam into Snake River Over 7 Months U.S. News & World Reports, 8/9/17 by Associated Press
High Bacteria Levels Result in Warnings at Chestnut Beach Daily Fly, 7/8/17 by Staff
MOL-owned Chemical Tanker Runs Aground in Columbia River American Shipper, 7/10/17 by Mark Edward Nero
Vessel Carrying Ethanol, Gasoline Runs Aground Along Columbia River KATU, 7/6/17 by Allan Brettman
Stuck Fuel Tanker on Columbia River Refloated, Heads to Port of Longview The Oregonian, 7/6/17 by Allan Brettman
Review: Coal Terminal Would Boost Pollution, Safety Issues Lewiston Tribune, 4/28/17 by Phuong Le
Emergency Declared at Nuclear Plant After Tunnel Collapses with Radioactive Materials Daily Star, 5/9/17 by Tom Towers
Watch Coast Guard Cleaning Up 'River Queen,' Other Derelict Boats on Columbia KGW, 6/6/17 by Keely Chalmers
Pollution Threat: Site Lease Terminated Near Goble The Chronicle, 5/15/17 by Cody Mann
BNSF Railway Must Clean Up Coal Train Pollution Stanwood Camano News, 3/23/17 by Staff
BNSF Pays $1 Million Settlement for Alleged Pollution of Rivers KING5, 3/3/17 by Associated Press
Endangered Species Act Lawsuit Over Pesticides Resurrected Capital Press, 2/6/17 by Mateusz Perkowski
Five Rescued After Fishing Boat Sinks Off Columbia River KOMO News, 1/7/17 by Staff
Port of Portland Files Lawsuit Against Monsanto Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/5/17 by Conrad Wilson
Radioactive Plume from Fukushima Makes Landfall on America's West Coast Enviro News Oregon, 12/12/16 by Emerson Urry
EPA Partially Oks State Standards for Toxic Pollutants in WA Waters, Adds Federal Rules Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/16 by Staff
Congress Floats River Program The Dalles Chronicle, 12/14/16 by Staff
Congress Passes Columbia River Restoration Act East Oregonian, 12/12/16 by George Plaven
Efforts Underway to Reduce Mercury, Improve Water Temps in Snake River's Brownlee Reservoir Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/16 by Staff
Nenita Ran Aground in Columbia River Marine Link, 11/21/16 by Michael Harris
Dworshak Oil Spill Into North Fork Clearwater Slows Turbine Overhaul, Cleanup Continues Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/23/16 by Staff
Groundwater 90 Tons of Contamination Cleaner Tri-City Herald, 10/24/16 by Annette Cary
Oil Spilled at Dworshak Dam Contained NW Fishletter, 10/3/16 by Laura Berg
Responders Appear to Have a Handle on Oil Spill at Dworshak Dam Lewiston Tribune, 9/21/16 by Eric Barker
Bulk Carrier Rosco Palm Aground in Columbia River Maritime Herald, 8/15/16 by Staff
Scientists Tackle Mercury Woes in River on Idaho-Oregon Border Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/14/16 by Keith Ridler
Oil Car Upgrades Roll Slowly The Dalles Chronicle, 7/13/16 by Matthew Brown
Suit: Grand Coulee Dam Pollutes River The Star, 7/6/16 by Scott Hunter
Superfund Expert says Natural Recovery Won't Work to Clean Up Portland Harbor Portland Tribune, 6/24/16 Bianca Pahl & Steve Law
Group Sues to Force Pollution Disclosure at Washington Dam Tri-City Herald, 6/29/16 by Phuong Le
Portlanders Blast EPA for Superfund Cleanup Plan Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 6/24/16 by Kristena Hansen
Listen Legal Dispute Filed Over Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/23/16 by Cassandra Profita
Listen EPA Proposes $746M Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/14/16 by Cassandra Profita
City Council to Hold Public Hearing on Superfund Cleanup Plan Portland Tribune, 6/14/16 Jim Redden & Steve Law
Willamette River Cleanup Plan 'Underwhelming,' Environmentalists Say KGW, 6/9/16 by Sara Roth
EPA Recommends 7-year, $750M Superfund Cleanup Plan Portland Business Journal, 6/8/16 by Andy Giegerich
Vessel Owners Fined for Pollution Violations St. Helens Chronicle, 6/8/16 by Don Patterson
Long-awaited Portland Harbor Cleanup Plan Relies Mainly on Mother Nature The Oregonian, 6/8/16 by Kelly House
Washington Water Rule Will Be Tough on Farmers, Group Warns Capital Press, 5/6/16 by Don Jenkins
Everyone's Waiting on Instructions for Cleaning Up the Willamette The Portland Mercury, 3/30/16 by Dirk VanderHart
USCG Monitoring Grounded K Line Bulker for Pollution in Columbia River Splash 24/7, 3/22/16 by Donal Scully
Wanted: Real-life Takes on the $1.4B Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup Portland Business Journal, 3/3/16 by James Cronin
Norden Bulk Carrier Spills Bunker Oil into Columbia River Splash 24/7, 2/20/16 by Donal Scully
Teck Metals Fined $3.4-Million for Polluting B.C.'s Columbia River The Globe and Mail, 2/29/16 by Mark Hume
Teck Metals Expected to Plead Guilty to 15 Pollution-related Charges CBC News, 2/1/16 by Staff
Teck Metals to Plead Guilty Over Pollution in Trail, B.C. The Globe and Mail, 1/28/16 by Mark Hume
Ecology Cancels Eastern Washington Water Quality Meetings Capital Press, 1/11/16 by Matthew Weaver
Industry Needs Reasonable Pollution Rules Spokesman-Review, 11/6/15 by Editorial Board
Do Superfund Cleanup Right Portland Tribune, 10/27/15 by Travis Williams
OR Businesses and Residents Will Foot Much of Bill for Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup Portland Tribune, 10/27/15 by Furman, Kantor, Wyatt
EPA Moves Portland Harbor Closer to a Cleanup, and Portland Should See Opportunity The Oregonian, 9/24/15 by Editorial Board
Community Group Bashes Portland Harbor Cleanup Options as Too Weak The Oregonian, 10/19/15 by Kelly House
Petition Against Richland Nuclear Plant Permit Denied Tri-City Herald, 9/20/15 by Annette Cary
Details of Oil Spill Response Plan Questioned The Dalles Chronicle, 9/11/15 by George Plaven
FERC Releases Draft EIS for Proposed Natural Gas Terminal/Pipeline in Columbia River Estuary Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/13/15 by Staff
County, Corps Ready to Start Dredging Permit Process The Daily Astorian, 8/10/15 by Staff
Army Corps Seeks Comment on Dredge Spoils Wahkiakum County Eagle, 8/13/15 by Staff
Troutdale Superfund Site Starts Phase 2 Improvements Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/6/15 by Kristian Foden-Vencil
EPA, DOE Reach Settlement on Timetable to Remove Hanford Sludge Along Columbia River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15 by Staff
EPA, Corps Finalize Clean Water Rule Aimed at Protecting Streams, Wetlands from Pollution Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15 by Staff
Northwest Environmental Advocates Files Suit Over Limits On Toxic Pollutants In Oregon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/24/15 by Staff
U.S. Seeks OS&Y Valves for Piping System (oil pumps) at 980-MW McNary Dam HydroWorld, 4/16/15 by Staff
Oil Spill Plan is Being Updated The Dalles Chronicle, 4/21/15 by Derek Wiley
Response Planned for Oil Train Tanker Spill East Oregonian, 4/17/15 by George Plaven
Crude Oil Refinery Proposed The Dalles Chronicle, 4/17/15 by Associated Press
Refinery Proposed Last Year for Columbia River, Records Show Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/15/15 by Wilson & Schick
U.S. Extends Call for Oil Filtration Systems for 402-MW Dworshak Hydro Project HydroWorld, 4/8/15 by Staff
Sen. Murray: DOE Appears to be Pulling Plug on Some Hanford Cleanup Tri-City Herald, 3/25/15 by Annette Cary
DEQ Fines Portland for Wastewater Discharge The Oregonian, 2/27/15 by Vickie Kavanagh
4 Things to Know About the Columbia Generating Station Lawsuit Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/30/14 by Courtney Flatt
Into the River: Samples Show What the Port Puts in the Columbia The Daily Astorian, 1/20/15 by Edward Stratton
Judge Allows Teck Mining Lawsuit Alleging Decades of Toxic Pollution to Continue Business Wire, 1/8/14 by Hagens Berman
Plutonium and a National Park: Marking Birth of the Atomic Bomb The Daily News, 12/4/14 by Joel Connelly
EPA Begins Fining Hanford Over Deadline The Columbian, 10/15/14 by Associated Press
Death by Dirty Water: Storm Runoff a Risk for Fish Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/17/14 by Associated Press
Energy Northwest Defends Its Columbia River Track Record Nuclear Street, 11/4/14 by Nuclear Street
Groups File Suit Challenging Water Quality Permit for Northwest's Only Nuclear Plant Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/31/14 by Staff
Energy Northwest Defends Water Permit for its Richland Nuclear Plant Portland Business Journal, 11/3/14 by Wendy Culverwell
Environmental Groups Sue Washington Over Nuclear Plant's Effect on Columbia River The Oregonian, 10/30/14 by Nicholas K. Geranios
Deal Reached to Pump Leaking Hanford Tank The Columbian, 9/29/14 by Associated Press
Ecology on Water Rule: Let Them Eat Fish Capital Press, 10/1/14 by Don Jenkins
EPA Releases 'Salmon Mapper' for 12 Pesticides Capital Press, 9/26/14 by Mitch Lies
Study Shows 'Alarming Levels' of Toxics in Columbia River Fish Hood River News, 9/30/14 by Staff
Study: Alarming Levels of Toxics in Columbia River Fish KGW, 9/30/14 by Keely Chalmers
Corps Will Apply for Pollutant Discharge Permits at Dams NW Fishletter, 9/11/14 by Steve Ernst
Hanford Beats Annual Water Cleanup Goal Tri-City Herald, 8/12/14 by Annette Cary
Getting it Right in Sullied Portland Harbor The Oregonian, 8/9/14 by Editorial Board
Owner of Boat that Sank in Columbia River Convicted of Abandoning Vessel, Pollution Daily Journal, 8/8/14 by Associated Press
AG Ferguson Secures Derelict Vessel Conviction in Benton Co. KVEW, 8/7/14 by Dan Thesman
Listen Pollution from Columbia River Dams Must be Disclosed Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/4/14 by Associated Press
Corps Agrees to Monitor Dam Pollution The Columbus Dispatch, 8/4/14 by Nigel Duara
Columbia Riverkeeper, Army Corps Settle Suit Over Pollution from Dams Portland Business Journal, 8/1/14 by Wendy Culverwell
New Bill Pushes for $50 Million to Restore Columbia River Jefferson Public Radio, 7/28/14 by Staff
Inslee Proposes New Water Quality Standards NW Fishletter, 7/24/14 by Bill Rudolph
After 40 Billion America's Biggest Nuclear Dump is Still Leaking Who What Why, 7/14/14 by Les Neuhaus
Pesticide Settlement Raises Question Mark Capital Press, 6/11/14 by Mateusz Perkowski
25 Years On at America's Most Contaminated Nuclear Waste Site BBC News, 6/10/14 by Taylor Kate Brown
Groups Fight to Protect Endangered Species from Dangerous New Pesticide eNews Park Forest, 6/3/14 by Press Release
Mother Lode of Chromium at Hanford Excavated Tri-City Herald, 5/31/14 by Annette Cary
Yakama Nation Fights for Nuclear Waste Cleanup at Hanford Site Earth Island Journal, 5/21/14 by Michelle Tolson
State Presents Hanford Cleanup Priority List The Bellingham Herald, 5/24/14 by Annette Cary
$3.6B Needed in 2016 for Hanford Cleanup Tri-City Herald, 5/14/14 by Annette Cary
Study Looks at Impacts of Warmer Stream Temperatures/Pesticide Combination Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/14 by Staff
State Too Quick to Threaten Consent Decree Provision Over Hanford Cleanup Tri-City Herald, 4/22/14 by Editorial Board
Settling for a 'Cheap' River Fix Portland Tribune, 4/21/14 by Steve Law
Narrow Inlet Could House Piles of Sediment Portland Tribune, 4/21/14 by Steve Law
No More 'Wait and See' at Hanford Nuclear Site: Guest opinion The Oregonian, 4/14/14 by Brett VandenHeuvel
Watch Oil Spill Prep May Ratchet Up The Columbian, 3/16/14 by Eric Florip
Teck Smelter Spills Chemical Solution into Columbia River CBC News, 2/1/14 by Brady Strachan
Toxic Waters: Focus Should be Clean Up, Not Do Not Eat, Tribal Leaders Say Indian Country, 1/12/14 by Terri Hansen
Idaho Fish Farm Settles with EPA Over Polluting Snake River with Wastewater Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/13 by Staff
Lawsuit Claims Teck Toxins Caused Disease The Canadian Press, 12/20/13 by Dene Moore
Class Damages Sought for Belching Smelter Courthouse News, 12/2/13 by June Williams
U.S. Town Prepares to Sue B.C. Mining Giant Over Alleged Smelter Pollution The Province, 11/26/13 by Staff
Lake Roosevelt: The Dam-made Lake Holding a Century of Pollution Wenatchee World, 10/12/13 by K.C. Mehaffey
Groups Sue EPA Over WA's Fish-Consumption Standard NW Fishletter, 11/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
EPA Sued Over Fish Consumption in State The Herald, 10/14/13 by Gene Johnson
Lake Roosevelt: The Dam-made Lake Holding a Century of Pollution The Wenatchee World, 10/12/13 by K.C. Mehaffey
EPA Suspends $125,500 Fine on Portland Harbor Companies Willamette Week, 10/1/13 by Aaron Mesh
Oregon, Washington, Warn Against Eating Columbia River Fish The Dalles Chronicle, 9/23/13 by Jonathan J. Cooper
Listen Warning: Some Columbia River Fish Not Safe to Eat Boise State Public Radio, 9/23/13 by Anna King
DoE Proposes New Approach for Hanford Nuclear Cleanup Modern Power Systems, 9/27/13 by Staff
Contaminated Fish Alert: High Mercury, PCBs in Certain Columbia River Species The Oregonian, 9/23/13 by Lynne Terry
Oregon, Washington Issue Columbia River Fish Warning The Columbian, 9/23/13 by Associated Press
Coast Guard Responds to Boat Sinking on the Columbia River The Chronicle, 9/17/13 by Staff
Court: Work on Yucca Mountain Must Resume Tri-City Herald, 8/13/13 by Annette Cary
Greens Call Bonneville Dam Cancerous Polluter Courthouse News Service, 8/5/13 by Jonny Bonner
Oil Discharge in Columbia River Increases Natives' Cancer Risk by 5,000 Percent Indian Country, 8/5/13 by Staff
Army Corps is Sued for Oil Leaks into Columbia River Portland Tribune, 8/5/13 by Steve Law
Either a Major Victory or a Devastating Defeat, Over Wastewater Treatment Plan Pacific Northwest Inlander, 7/25/13 by Daniel.Walters
Cooperative Conducts Oil Spill-Response Practice at Port of Longview The Daily News, 7/18/13 by Erik Olson
Watch Hanford Officials Hid Leak Evidence from Advisory Panel King 5 News, 5/21/13 by Susannah Frame
NRC: Feds Need Coordinated, Common Approach for Pesticides' Impacts on ESA Species Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13 by Staff
Portland Harbor Companies Ask EPA to Drop $125,500 Superfund Fine Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/1/13 by Aaron Mesh
Agency Fines Portland Harbor Interests $125,000 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/17/13 by Associated Press
EPA Hits Lower Willamette Group with $125,500 Penalty on Portland Harbor Cleanup The Oregonian, 4/16/13 by Scott Learn
Portland Reaches Settlement Over Willamette River Superfund Site Willamette Week, 4/8/13 by Andrea Damewood
How Fish Consumption Determines Water Quality High Country News, 4/1/13 by Sarah Jane Keller
NMFS' Pesticide BiOp Thrown Out on Appeal NW Fishletter, 3/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
Appeals Court Remands Salmon/Pesticide BiOp Back to District Court; Demands Clarity Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/1/13 by Staff
Appeals Court Overturns Federal Finding on Three Pesticides Capital Press, 2/21/13 by Mateusz Perkowski
Federal Judges Vacate Controversial NMFS Pesticides Biological Opinion E & E, 1/22/13 by Jeremy P. Jacobs
Watch Energy Northwest Earthquake Drill in Richland KNDU / KNDO, 1/26/13 by Staff
Six Hanford Tanks Leaking Radioactive Waste Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/22/13 by Joel Connelly
America's Most Contaminated: Radioactive Waste Leaks into NW River, 1/23/13 by Staff
At the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, a Steady Drip of Toxic Trouble The Daily Beast, 2/24/13 by Eric Nusbaum
Bret Simpson, Scrap Dealer Who Botched Salvage of Barge Davy Crockett, Fined $405,000 The Oregonian, 1/28/13 by Scott Learn
Derelict Vessel Owner Ordered to Pay More Than $1 Million for Columbia River Oil Spill Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/28/13 by Bonnie Stewart
EPA Criticizes Clean-Up Study for Portland Harbor Superfund Site Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/24/13 by Amelia Templeton
Colville Tribes Claim Columbia River Pollution Court Win PS Business Journal, 12/17/12 by Staff
Ecology Finds No Source of Minor Snake River Sheen The Olympian, 12/5/12 by Staff
Bonneville To McNary: Fish Show High Levels of Toxic Pollutants, Degraded Riparian Areas Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/30/12 by Staff
State Study Finds Columbia Water 'Generally Good' Capital Press, 11/27/13 by Mitch Lies
Pesticide Makers ask Court to Overturn Restrictions Capital Press, 11/1/12 by Mateusz Perkowski
Agencies Disagree on Buffers Capital Press, 11/1/12 by Mateusz Perkowski
OR Commission Rejects Pesticide Restriction Petition, says Several Programs Addressing Issue Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/9/12 by Staff
As Ongoing Project, Columbia Riverkeeper Collects Toxin Data in Fish Caught by Anglers Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12 by Staff
Toxic Algae Warning Issued for Little Goose Dam Tri-City Herald, 10/3/12 by Staff
Court Rules Against Clark Co. in Polluted Runoff Case KOIN Local 6, 9/25/12 by Associated Press
Teck Resources Admits it Polluted Columbia River in US Environmental Leader, 9/17/12 by Staff
Teck Metals Concedes Canada Smelter Leached Heavy Metals into Upper Columbia River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12 by Staff
Mining Company Teck Admits Polluting U.S. Waters; Damage to be Assessed The Province, 9/10/12 by Dene Moore
Teck Resources Admits Polluting Columbia River in U.S. Vancouver Sun, 9/11/12 by Gordon Hoekstra
Canadian Mining Company Admits Pollution Spokesman-Review, 9/10/12 by Staff
Teck Admits to Polluting River Over Course of Century The Nelson Daily, 9/10/12 by Kyra Hoggan
Canadian Smelter Refines its Legal Case with Admission Seattle Times, 8/13/12 by Lance Dickie
Colville Tribe, Teck go to Court Over Columbia River Pollution Seattle Times, 8/12/12 by Staff
Portland Harbor Cleanup is Too Important to Get Hung Up on Fine Print The Oregonian, 8/3/12 by Editorial Board
Portland Harbor Cleanup Dispute Centers on Fish Consumption Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/31/12 by Bonnie Stewart
Lower Willamette Group Not Complying with Superfund Cleanup Order for Portland Harbor The Oregonian, 7/31/12 by Scott Learn
Tribes Work to Raise Awareness of Consumer-Product Pollution in Columbia River System Indian Country Today, 7/2/12 by Terri Hansen
Copper Exposure Damages Salmon's Sense of Smell, Less Able to Detect Predators Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/12 by Staff
Barge Owner Guilty of Polluting Columbia River KGW, 7/12/12 by Associated Press
WA Scrap Dealer Pleads Guilty in Botched Salvage of Barge Davy Crockett The Oregonian, 7/12/12 by Scott Learn
Governors Unite to Remove Derelict Vessels from Columbia Bend Bulletin, 7/1/12 by Rachel La Corte
Washington State may Change Fish Consumption Estimate Wenatchee World, 6/19/12 by Associated Press
Lots of Fish, Lots of Toxins; Officials Looking to Change That Yakima Herald, 6/18/12 by Phil Ferolito
Nine-City Study Reveals What's Contaminating the Columbia River The Daily News, 6/16/12 by Natalie St. John
Columbia's Needs Go Beyond Salmon Recovery Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/1/12 by Cassandra Profita
Hanford's Latest Insult to Taxpayers Seattle Times, 5/7/12 by Editorial Board
Columbia Polluter Headed Toward Day of Reckoning Seattle Times, 4/10/12 by Editorial Board
Portland Harbor Superfund Site Cleanup Must Extend to the Columbia The Oregonian, 4/16/12 by Virgil Lewis
Low Standards for Water Put Fish Eaters at Heightened Risk Spokesman Review, 4/23/12 by Becky Kramer
We Eat a Lot of Fish, But is That Healthy? The News Tribune, 4/20/12 by Associated Press
B.C. Smelter Loses to Colville Tribes in Pretrial Part of Pollution Suit Seattle Times, 4/8/12 by Becky Kramer
Colville Tribes, WA Doing Well in River Pollution Lawsuit Spokesman Review, 4/8/12 by Becky Kramer
Yakama Nation Challenges Polluters to Clean and Protect Lower Columbia River Indian Country, 4/8/12 by Terri Hansen
Cutting Through the Muck The Oregonian, 4/8/12 by Editorial Board
EPA Will Examine Options for Willamette Superfund Site Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/29/12 by April Baer
What the Muck? Willamette Week, 3/29/12 by Aaron Mesh
Novick's Harbor Doubts Willamette Week, 3/28/12 by Aaron Mesh
West Hayden Island Development Plan More Environmentally Conscious Daily Journal of Commerce, 3/26/12 by Reed Jackson
Columbia County Rancher gets $300,000 Fine for Water Pollution The Oregonian, 3/23/12 by Eric Mortenson
Cities Squeezed by Approaching Water Quality Regs Hungry Horse News, 2/22/12 by Richard Hanners
Oil Leak Reported at Ice Harbor Lock and Dam KEPR TV, 2/28/12 by Tyler Slauson
Portland Harbor Cleanup Could Cost Billions, Provide Little Health Benefit The Oregonian, 2/8/12 by Scott Learn
Aging NW Dams Pose Challenge for Fish, Feds KTVZ, 2/5/12 by Chris Thomas
Ice Harbor Dam Repairs Under Way After Oil Leaks into Snake River Tri-City Herald, 2/4/12 by Annette Cary
Slow Leaks at Ice Harbor Dam Spill 1,500 Gallons of Transformer Oil into Snake River The Oregonian, 1/27/12 by Scott Learn
Davy Crockett, the Sleeping Giant, 12/20/11 by Eric J. Chandler
Barge Demolition Case in Court Daily Record, 12/9/11 by Barb Owens
Crews Remove Last Traces of Davy Crockett Cleanup The Columbian, 11/22/11 by Eric Florip
Judge Upholds No-spray Buffers Capital Press, 11/3/11 by Mitch Lies
Nuclear Disaster: How Bechtel is Botching the World's Costliest Environmental Cleanup AlterNet, 11/2/11 by Bryan Denson
Cyprus-based Ship Fined $750K for Alleged Port of Portland Oil Spill KOIN Local 6, 11/2/11 by Faris Tanyos
Federal Judge Fines Ship Qwners $750,000 After Probe of Oil Spill at Port of Portland The Oregonian, 11/2/11 by Bryan Denson
EPA Approves Toughened OR Standards Based on Higher 'Fish Consumption Rate' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/21/11 by Staff
Sweeping Clean Water Settlement Approved for Montana WHTC, 10/3/11 by Laura Zuckerman
As Predicted, Derelict Barge 202 Sinks in Columbia River, Caretaker Says The Oregonian, 10/7/11 by Scott Learn
Charging for the Cleanup The Oregonian, 10/3/11 by Editorial Board
Owner of Derelict Barge Davy Crockett Indicted on Charges of Polluting Columbia The Oregonian, 9/29/11 by Scott Learn
Ship Removal Floats in Murky Waters Daily Astorian, 9/27/11 by Associated Press
Grounded Cargo Ship in Columbia River KXLY, 9/23/11 by Associated Press
Final Section of Barge to be Removed from Columbia River KPTV, 8/25/11 by Staff
Cleanup of Derelict Barge Davy Crockett on Columbia River Nearly Complete The Oregonian, 8/23/11 by Scott Learn
Final Section of Derelict Barge to be Removed, 8/23/11 by U.S. Coast Guard
Final Piece of Derelict Barge to be Removed this Week The Columbian, 8/22/11 by Eric Florip
Twin Falls Area Nitrates Targeted Capital Press, 7/15/11 by Staff
Wheat Commission Teaches About No-Till (a sediment issue) Capital Press, 7/15/11 by Dave Wilkins
Coast Guard Investigating Vessel Fender-bender in Columbia River Chinook Observer, 7/21/11 by Staff
House Addresses Double Whammy to Irrigators Capital Press, 7/21/11 by Carol Ryan Dumas
Pollutants Can Lurk and Hide Environmental News Net, 7/20/11 by Andy Soos
Boise Taps Farmers to Clean Phosphorus Capital Press, 6/16/11 by Sean Ellis
Oregon Adopts Strictest Standard for Toxic Water Pollution in the Nation The Oregonian, 6/16/11 by Scott Learn
Bills Might Water Down OR's New Limits on Toxic Water Pollution The Oregonian, 5/30/11 by Scott Learn
Millennium Focused on Cleanup as Coal Terminal Process Plays Out The Daily News, 6/13/11 by Erik Olson
Group Threatens to Sue Over Sewage Emitted Into Selway River The Republic, 6/2/11 by Associated Press
Virtual Fish Put New Eyes on Underwater Toxins Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/27/11 by Cassandra Profita
Colville Tribes Unhappy with Mining Cleanup Seattle Times, 5/14/11 by Associated Press
New State Law Gets Tougher on Derelict Vessel Owners KOMO News, 5/7/11 by Associated Press
Community Vital to Hanford Cleanup Mineweb, 4/24/11 by McCormick & Charboneau
Monsanto Mine to Pay $1.4m Penalty for Phosphate Pollution Mineweb, 4/21/11 by Dorothy Kosich
Study Shows Benefits of No-Till for Wheat Growers, Water Quality Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11 by Staff
Ecology Investigating Spill into Snake River The News Tribune, 3/17/11 by Staff
Derelict Barge Walled Off to Protect Columbia River from Pollution The Republic, 4/20/11 by Associated Press
Cofferdam Corrals Leaking Barge's Pollution KPTV, 4/19/11 by Staff
Engineers Will Build Dam Around Leaking Barge KATU, 3/29/11 by Tim Gordon
Columbia River Tar Balls Likely from Barge Seattle Times, 3/10/11 by Associated Press
NMFS' Delivers Draft on Protecting Salmon from Certain Pesticides Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/4/11 by Staff
Tribes Take Aim at Stronger Water Pollution Rules East Oregonian, 2/9/11 by Skip Nichols
Here is a Willful, Negligent Polluter The Daily Astorian, 2/8/11 by Editorial Board
Davy Crockett One of Many Dilapidated Vessels on the Columbia Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2/3/11 by Kristian Foden-Vencil
1,200 Gallons of Oil Recovered from Derelict Barge KVAL, 1/31/11 by Associated Press
Authorities Work to Contain Oil Sheen on Columbia near Camas The Oregonian, 1/27/11 by Lara Takenaga
Derelict Vessel's Structural Problems Complicate Cleanup The Columbian, 1/29/11 by Mark Bowder
USCG Respond to Pollution Threat from Derelict Vessel The Maritime Executive, 1/26/11 by 13th USCG District
Corps Releases Report on Pollution at Dam The Columbian, 1/21/11 by Erik Robinson
Contamination has Dropped Around Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 1/20/11 by Scott Learn
OR to Adopt the Strictest Standard for Toxic Water Pollution in US The Oregonian, 1/6/11 by Scott Learn
Appeals Court Gives Simplot Mine Expansion Green Light Capital Press, 12/30/10 by Mateusz Perkowski
Pollution Still Impacts Northport Community Statesman Examiner, 12/7/10 by Jamie Henneman
Environmental Legacy Looms Over Teck Smelter The Globe And Mail, 12/5/10 by Mark Hume
Environmental Suit Seeks More Action on Pesticide Regulation Capital Press, 12/2/10 by Mateusz Perkowski
Multiyear Study of Teck Pollution Continues Spokesman-Review, 11/20/10 by Becky Kramer
Alcoa Cleanup Meeting Draws Small Crowd The Columbian, 10/29/10 by Erik Robinson
Corps Announces Delay in Dredging Project Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/7/10 by Rob Manning
Corps Postpones Dredging of Hazardous Bar in Willamette River The Oregonian, 10/6/10 by Scott Learn
State Urges Monitoring of Pollution by Alcoa The Columbian, 10/5/10 by Erik Robinson
OR OKs Dumping of Contaminated Spoils on West Hayden Island The Oregonian, 9/30/10 by Scott Learn
3 Kooskia Residents Plead Guilty to Violating the Clean Water Act KLEW, 9/27/10 by Staff
How to Clean a River The Columbian, 9/27/10 by Editorial Board
'Action Plan' Targets Columbia River Pollution The Columbian, 9/23/10 by Erik Robinson
EPA Unveils Plan to Reduce Columbia River's Toxic Pollution The Oregonian, 9/23/10 by Scott Learn
Volunteers Remove 142,231 Pounds of Trash from OR Waterways The Oregonian, 9/25/10 by Bobby Allyn
Mining Company to Clean Polluted Beach in WA Business Week, 9/3/10 by Nicholas Geranios
State Panel to Hear Challenge to County's Stormwater Plan The Columbian, 9/1/10 by Staff
Hanford Problem Worse Than We Knew Chinook Observer, 7/13/10 by Editorial Board
Tug Boat Owners Fits Equipment in Exchange for Reduced Fine Marine Log, 7/9/10 by Staff
Teck to Pay for Black Sand Beach Clean Up Statesman-Examiner, 7/7/10 by Sophia Aldous
Pharmaceuticals: Out of Sight, Out of Mind Wheat Life, 7/10 by WA Grain Commision
Columbia Salmon Show High Levels of Toxic Contaminants Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/11/10 by Cassandra Profita
River of Hope The Columbian, 6/4/10 by Erik Robinson
Plan Aims to Reduce Toxins Reaching River Tri-City Herald, 5/13/10 by Kevin McCullen
Plan a First Step Toward Cleaning up Columbia The Columbian, 5/11/10 by Erik Robinson
N-Waste Battle Promised Spokesman-Review, 5/8/10 by Shannon Dinnny
Happy Earth Day The Columbian, 4/22/10 by Editorial Board
Columbia Basin Toxics: A Cleanup We Can't Afford Not to Make The Oregonian, 4/20/10 by Kathleen Feehan
States Dispute Buffers Capital Press, 3/25/10 by Mitch Lies
Rain Garden Grants Available to Homeowners The Gresham Outlook, 3/12/10 by Staff
Court Pass on Pesticide Dispute Alarms Industry Capital Press, 2/27/10 by Mateusz Perkowski
Merkley, Blumenauer Push for Dollars to Clean the Columbia The Oregonian, 2/24/10 by Charles Pope
Chinook Ventures Facility was Source of Columbia River Spill The Oregonian, 2/12/10 by Matthew Preusch
State Fines Tug Boat Company for Columbia River Spill The Daily News, 2/11/10 by Erik Olson
Billions Spent, Hanford Won't be Clean for Thousands of Years Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/9/10 by Scott Learn
Enviros: Better Regulation Needed for Columbia Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/6/10 by Matthew Preusch
EPA, Simplot Reach Deal Idaho State Journal, 1/27/10 by John O'Connell
Mountains of Mercury High Country News, 1/11/10 by Jeremy Miller
Milestone Report on Portland Harbor Pollution Lowballs Risk The Oregonian, 1/21/10 by Scott Learn
Columbia River Needs More Protection from Toxic Pollution The Oregonian, 1/18/10 by Scott Learn
Boise's Innovative Plan to Build Wetlands is Being Watched Idaho Statesman, 1/9/10 by Bethann Stewart
Unwanted Surprises Found in Storm-water Pipes Wenatchee World, 1/9/10 by Michelle McNiel
You Found What in the Storm Drain? WA Dept. of Ecology, 1/9/10 by Staff
Nyssa Officials Mark Opening of New Treatment Facility Argus Observer, 1/6/10 by Larry Meyer
Cleanup Crews Still at Work on Dam Oil Spill The News Tribune, 12/28/9 by Staff
Contractor Cleaning Up Oil Spill at The Dalles Dam The Oregonian, 12/24/9 by Eric Mortenson
EPA Limits Three Pesticides to Protect Salmon The Oregonian, 9/11/9 by Matthew Preusch
EPA Tightens Restrictions on Pesticide Use Near Streams Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/11/9 by Rob Manning
Energy NW to Pay $80,000 Penalty The News Tribune, 9/9/9 by Drew Foster
Hundreds of Fish to be Checked for Hanford Pollution KOMO News, 8/9/9 by Staff
Construction Started on Groundwater Treatment at Hanford KPLU NPR, 7/24/9 by Anna King
Protectionists Dismayed by Industrial Stormwater Permit Environment News Service, 7/22/9 by Staff
Phosphorous Sewer Rule Could Cost Local Cities Big Money Idaho Press Tribune, 7/22/9 by Bryan Dooley
Human Health Risk Assessment on Upper Columbia River Indian Country Today, 7/19/9 by Jack McNeel
State, Alcoa Still in Landfill Talks The Columbian, 7/17/9 by Erik Robinson
Asotin County Adopts Storm Water Ordinance KLEW TV, 6/30/9 by Stephanie Smith
EPA Lays Out Timeline for Pesticide Change Times-News, 6/23/9 by Nate Poppino
Yakama Nation Leaves Portland Harbor Superfund Panel The Oregonian, 6/10/9 by Scott Learn
Portland To Upgrade Deicing System Aviation News, 5/15/9 by Staff
NOAA Releases More Pesticide Rules NW Fishletter, 5/6/9 by Bill Rudolph
Oregon Wants to Change Johnson Lake Cleanup Plan The Oregonian, 5/1/9 by Scott Learn
US Biologists say 3 Pesticides Harm Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/21/9 by Phuong Le
Testing the Waters, 4/1/9 by Stephanie Smith
Preparing for Disaster, 4/1/9 by Stephanie Smith
Coast Guard Investigates Small Oil Spill The Columbian, 3/20/9 by Erik Robinson
Port of Portland is Working on Deicing System Daily Journal of Commerce, 3/11/9 by Staff
'Pesticide Cocktails' Make a Deadly Synergy for Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/6/9 by Staff
OR Joins Hanford Clean-Up Lawsuit, Cites Tribes' Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/6/9 by Staff
Toxics Found in Stormwater Entering the Spokane River Environment News Service, 3/5/9 by Staff
Feds Drop 8-year Investigation of Portland Sewage Spills The Oregonian, 3/4/9 by Mark Larabee
Big Gaps in New EPA Report on Columbia Basin Toxics NW Fishletter, 2/9/9 by Bill Rudolph
Silent Enemies The Columbian, 1/26/9 by Editorial Board
EPA Report Finds Toxics Throughout Columbia River Basin The Columbian, 1/15/9 by Kathie Durbin
Biological Opinion Wheat Life, 1/9 by WWC Wheat Review
Columbia Basin Toxins 'Troubling' The Columbian, 1/15/9 by Kathie Durbin
Hanford Toxic Burial Ground Cleaned Up Near Columbia KNDO / KNDU, 1/13/9 by Staff
New Site Considered for Dredging Spoils KGW, 12/21/8 by Associated Press
Alcoa Dredges Contaminated Sediment from Columbia Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/16/8 by Staff
Ecology Ramps Up Alcoa Cleanup The Columbian, 12/17/8 by Erik Robinson
Cleanup Under Way The Columbian, 12/17/8 by Editorial Board
Environmental Groups Target Former Alcoa Site's Landfill The Columbian, 11/24/8 by Erik Robinson
To Protect Salmon, Restrictions Placed on Three Pesticides Seattle Times, 11/19/8 by Warren Cornwall
EPA Targets Columbia's 4 Key Pollutants The Columbian, 11/6/8 by Erik Robinson
Don't Cave into Feds on Hanford Cleanup Seattle Times, 11/3/8 by Sen. Adam Kline
DOE to Check for Contaminants in Columbia River Tri-City Herald, 10/30/8 by Annette Cary
Hidden Wells, Dirty Water Part 3: Working Together Yakima Herald-Republic, 10/13/4 by Leah Beth Ward
Throwing the Switch on PCBs The Columbia, 10/9/4 by Erik Robinson
Grant Given for Water Research, Sediment The Daily Evergreen, 9/24/4 by Megan Vigus
Researchers Tackle Uranium Pollution Mystery at Hanford Tri-City Herald, 9/16/8 by Annette Cary
Alcoa, State Agree on PCB Cleanup Red Orbit, 9/16/8 by Erik Robinson
Washington, Alcoa Agree on Cleanup Plan The Oregonian, 9/13/8 by Staff
Cleanup of Decommissioned Naval Ship Near Rainier The Daily News, 9/10/8 by Leslie Slape
EPA Erred in Spokane River Pollution Limits The Seattle Times, 9/5/8 by Staff
Agency: Keep Car Wash Suds Out of City Storm Drains Tri-City Herald, 8/29/8 by John Trumbo
No Driveway Carwashes, Wash. State Says USA Today, 8/28/8 by William Welch
Burbank Chemical Spill Causes Diesel, Gas Contamination Whitman College Pioneer, 8/25/8 by Gary Wang
Cold War Cleanup of Radioactive Waste Has Hardly Begun Plenty Magazine, 8/21/8 by Jessica Knoblauch
Researchers Try Veggie Oil to Clean Up Toxic Spill The Seattle Times, 8/21/8 by Shannon Dininny
Feds: Common Pesticides Jeopardize Salmon Survival The Seattle Times, 8/14/8 by Jeff Barnard
3 Pesticides Singled Out in Report as Threat to Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/13/8 by Robert McClure
Ag Pesticides Put Salmon at Risk, 8/13/8 by United Press International
Federal Report: Pesticides Endanger Salmon Kitsap Sun, 8/9/8 by Christopher Dunagan
NMFS to Review Effects of Pesticides on Salmon The Columbian, 6/31/8 by Hal Bernton
Canada, U.S. Increasingly at Odds Over Pollution Issues The Detroit News, 6/27/8 by Jim Lynch
Fish-eating Indians Have Crucial Stake in Clean Columbia The Columbian, 6/22/8 by Erik Robinson
Data From Ongoing PCB Cleanup Below Bonneville Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/8 by Staff
Lead, Acid Spilled into Columbia River The Omak Chronicle, 5/30/8 by Staff
Teck Cominco to Test Results of Lead Spill into Columbia The Canadian Press, 5/30/8 by Staff
Pesticides Blamed for Plummeting Salmon Stocks New Scientist, 6/9/8 by Staff
Alcoa Site Cleanup Process Moves Ahead The Columbian, 6/6/8 by Erik Robinson
Another Spill at Teck Comino The Statesman Examiner, 6/4/8 by Chris Cowbrough
Company: Columbia River Back to Pre-spill Lead Levels Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/3/8 by Nicolas Geranios
B.C. Smelter Spills Lead, Acid into Columbia River Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/14/8 by Nicolas Geranios
Bass Caught Near Old Corps Landfill are Contaminated The Columbian, 3/21/8 by Erik Robinson
Bass in Columbia Highly Contaminated, Tests Find The Oregonian, 3/17/8 by Michael Milstein
A Medicine Cabinet Runs Through It The Oregonian, 3/10/8 by Michael Milstein
Sitting on the Fence Mining Journal, 3/19/8 by Katherine Dixon
D.C. Ignores Foul Waters Tri-City Herald, 2/25/8 by Editorial Board
Smelter Case a Big Mess in More Ways Than One Tri-City Herald, 2/18/8 by Les Blumenthal
Alcoa Petitions to Dredge PCB-polluted Sediment The Columbian, 2/17/8 by Erik Robinson
Columbia Clam Cleanup Delayed The Columbian, 2/6/8 by Erik Robinson
Absorb This Seattle Times, 1/6/8 by Valerie Easton
Summit Seeks Ways to Curb Columbia River Pollution The Columbian, 1/3/8 by Erik Robinson
Bill to Increase Funding at Hanford will go to the Senate Seattle Times, 12/18/7 by Mark Yuasa
State Orders Massive Cleanup of PCB-tainted Shoreline The Columbian, 12/6/7 by Erik Robinson
DEQ, Alcoa: PCB Cleanup at Former Aluminum Plant The Oregonian, 11/9/7 by Allan Brettman
Cleanup Complete at Little Goose Dam Tri-City Herald, 10/23/7 by Chris Mulick
Bonneville Dam Cleanup Targets PCB 'Hot Spots' Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/11/7 by Erik Robinson
Shampoo, Coffee, etc., Harming Fish in Area Rivers The Daily News, 9/8/7 by Stephanie Mathieu
Hanford Leak a Study in Neglect The Oregonian, 9/21/7 by Michael Milstein
Mercury-tainted Soil Dumped in Hanford Landfill Tri-City Herald, 8/31/7 by Annette Cary
Diesel Spill Could Threaten Killer Whale Habitat Environmental News Net, 8/22/7 by Associated Press
Greek Shipping Company Pleads Guilty to Pollution KNDO, 6/27/7 by Associated Press
Warnings Expand on Fish Sources Spokesman Review, 6/22/7 Staff & Wire Reports
K-Basin Clean Up Celebrated At Hanford Site Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/31/7 by Anna King
Port to Discharge Treated Runoff into Columbia River The Oregonian, 5/4/7 by Alex Pulaski
Port must Fix Runoff at PDX The Oregonian, 10/17/6 by Alex Pulaski
Chemist Accused Lab of Falsifying Hanford Data The Olympian, 4/19/7 by Shannon Dininny
DOE will do Hanford Environmental Assessment Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/3/7 by Shannon Dininny
Chemical Might Keep Radiation Out of River Seattle Times, 3/23/7 by Associated Press
River's Toxic Brew Spurs Federal Action The Daily Astorian, 2/6/7 by Cassandra Profita
Not Alone The Daily Astorian, 1/26/7 by Albert Rissman
Columbia Cleanup The Columbian, 1/19/7 by Editors
Hanford Cleanup Worries Governor Capital Press, 12/22/6 by Annette Cary
Feedlot Faces EPA Action Capital Press, 12/15/6 by Dave Wilkins
Dredging Woes Worry Port Leaders The Daily Astorian, 11/15/6 by Cassandra Profita
Port Dredging Hangs on Soil Report The Daily Astorian, 10/26/6 by Cassandra Profita
Judge Strikes Down Easing of Pesticide Restrictions Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/24/6 by Gene Johnson
Could Rising Mercury Levels be a Threat to Tribes? Yakima Herald Republic, 9/3/6 by Phil Ferolito
Mercury Blows into Idaho from Neighboring States Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/14/6 by Rocky Barker
Chemical Concerns Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/12/6 by Ann Lovejoy
Few Stores Warn of Pesticide Runoff Risks Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/17/6 by Associated Press
Columbia River Toxins Moving Up Food Chain Seattle Times, 7/11/6 by Craig Welch
Suit against Canadian Smelter to Go Forward Environmental News Net, 7/4/6 by Nicholas Geranios
Studying Toxicity - the Effects of Dam Removal Intl. Water Power & Dam, 2/16/5 by Adria Elskus
Chemicals Tainting Orcas' Dinner Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/5/5 by Robert McClure
EPA Crafts Pesticide Label Plan Capital Press, 11/11/5 by Cookson Beecher
WA Ag Happy with 2nd Year of Pesticide Study Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/2/5 by Shannon Dininny
Puttin' Down the Hammer Tri-City Herald, 8/17/5 by Annette Cary
Ranchers Challenge Fines Over Stream Protection Capital Press, 8/12/5 by Scott Yates
Letter: Port Responding The Daily Astorian, 8/6/5 by Al Rissman
Redfish Fuel Leak Cleaned Up Idaho Mountain Express, 7/20/5 by Greg Stahl
Risk-to-Salmon Warnings on Pesticides are Upheld Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/30/5 by Robert McClure
Potlatch Gets Long-Awaited EPA Permit Lewiston Tribune, 3/12/5 by Eric Barker
Our Big Polluter Lewiston Tribune, 1/14/5 by Larry McLaud
EPA Wraps Pesticide Assessment for Lawsuit Capital Press, 1/7/5 by Cookson Beecher
Something's in the Water Lewiston Tribune, 11/29/4 by Joel Mills
Investigating the Columbia River and Estuary Innovations Report, 11/15/4 by Mike Lewis
Judge Declines to Dismiss Pollution Suit Environmental News Net, 11/9/4 by Shannon Dininny
Technology Tackles Phosphorus Problem Capital Press, 10/15/4 by Alice Sherman Hansen
Feds Approve Pollutant Limits on 200 Miles, 9/14/4 by Associated Press
EPA Isn't What's Blocking Salmon & Steelhead Lewiston Tribune, 8/25/4 by Patrick McGann
Don't Ask Fish Biologist If Fish Like Pesticides Lewiston Tribune, 8/1/4 by Patrick McGann
Crowd Says No to More Waste at Hanford Tri-City Herald, 8/28/7 by Annette Cary
Hanford Cleanup Worries Governor Tri-City Herald, 9/22/6 by Annette Cary
EPA may Fine for Spill at Hanford Nuclear Site Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/19/6 by Shannon Dininny
Evidence of New Leaks, Group Reports Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/1/6 by Lisa Stiffler
Workers Evacuated at U.S. Nuclear Site after Leak Environmental News Net, 8/25/5 by Reuters
Hanford Seeks New Ways to Treat Groundwater Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/5/5 by Shannon Dininny
Umatilla Tribes to Sue DOE on Hanford Issues Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/4 by CBB staff
3 Million Gallons Waste Removed from Hanford Environmental News Net, 8/25/4 by Shannon Dininny
Hanford Water Cleanup Not Working Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/28/4 by Lisa Stiffler
States to Sue Energy Dept. Over Hanford Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/8/4 by Shannon Dininny
Hanford Sparks Lawsuit Lewiston Tribune, 7/8/4 by Staff
Official in Charge of Nuclear Cleanup Resigns Environmental News Net, 6/17/4 by H. Josef Hebert
Senate Lets DOE Reclassify Nuclear Waste Tri-City Herald, 6/6/4 by Les Blumenthal
Cantwell Tours Hanford Reach Lewiston Tribune, 5/28/4 by Staff
Bacteria Living in Toxic Soil at Hanford Nuclear Environmental News Net, 5/27/4 by Shannon Dininny
States, Nez Perce Seek Hanford Mediation Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/13/4 by Shannon Dininny
Groups Challenge Pesticide Consultation Policy Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/4 by CBB staff
New Rules on Pesticides Challenged Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/24/4 by John Heilprin
EPA Sets Limits on Snake River Pollutants Statesman Journal, 9/14/4 by Associated Press
A Push for Pesticides Boston Globe, 8/6/4 by Editors
Bush Eases Pesticide Rules Seattle Times, 7/30/4 by Hal Bernton
EPA Allowed to Quickly OK Pesticides Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/30/4 by John Heilprin
New Rules for Pesticide/ESA Consultations Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/30/4 by CBB staff
Groups Threaten EPA Over Pesticides Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/30/4 by CBB staff
EPA Shoddy Job Gauging Pesticide Risks Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/26/4 Elizabeth M. Gillespie
Court Upholds Pesticide Ban During Appeal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/25/4 by CBB staff
9th Circuit Keeps Buffers Capital Press, 6/25/4 by Mitch Lies
U.S. Ignored Advice on Wildfire Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/18/4 by Jeff Barnard
Judge Denies No-Spray Stay Capital Press, 5/21/4 by Mitch Lies
Ninth Circuit Court Upholds Pesticide Ruling NW Fishletter, 5/11/4 by Bill Rudolph
Ninth Circuit Denies Stay Capital Press, 5/7/4 by Mitch Lies
State Raps Corps for Polluting The Daily Astorian, 3/3/4 by Staff
Corps of Engineers Cited by State for Oil Spill The Daily News, 3/3/4 by Barbara LaBoe
How Investigators Track Oil Culprits Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/15/4 Nalder & Phuong Cat Le
Corps Responds to State's Oil Spill Warning Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/25/4 by CBB staff
Corp: Small Oil Spill from The Dalles Dam, 5/24/4 by Associated Press
Agency Cites Corps over Columbia Spills Portland Tribune, 5/21/4 by Ben Jacklet
WA Warns Corps on Columbia/Snake Oil Spills Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/21/4 by CBB staff
State Calls Dams Pollution Threat to Rivers The Oregonian, 5/18/4 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Ecology Cites Corps of Engineers for Oil Spills, 5/18/4 by Associated Press
Corps of Engineers Faces Fine for Spills Tri-City Herald, 5/18/4 by Anna King
PCB Cleanup Near Bonneville Dam Needed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/23/4 by CBB staff
Corps says Progress Made Since Dam Oil Spill Tri-City Herald, 4/9/4 by Anna King
Feds Explain Potlatch Switch Lewiston Tribune, 4/8/4 by Eric Barker
Potlatch Mill Discharge is OK for Fish Lewiston Tribune, 4/7/4 by Eric Barker
Chlorinated Water Spills into Columbia River, 4/2/4 by Rukmini Callimachi
State Concerned on Hanford Waste Disposal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/12/4 by CBB staff
EPA Approves OR Water Rules; Lawsuit Likely Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/5/4 by Mike O'Bryant
Waterways Across State Fall Short of Clean The Olympian, 2/13/4 by John Dodge
Oil Leak from USGS Boat Near Bonneville Dam The Columbian, 4/23/4 by Staff
Two Oil Spills at Columbia Dams Reported The Columbian, 2/28/4 by Erik Robinson
2nd Oil Spill in Six Weeks Plagues The Dalles, 2/24/4 by Associated Press
Report: Dalles Dam Oil Spill Preventable Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/13/4 by CBB staff
Corps Faulted for Oil Spill at The Dalles The Oregonian, 2/11/4 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Review Finds Fault in Mineral Oil Leak The Columbian, 2/11/4 by Erik Robinson
Oil Spill has Corps Under Fire Portland Tribune, 1/27/4 by Ben Jacklet
Dalles Dam Oil Spill Tagged at 1,300 Gallons Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/23/4 by CBB staff
1,300 Gallons of Tainted Oil Spilled from Dam The Oregonian, 1/21/4 by Wendy Owen
Columbia Oil Leak Now at 1,300 Gallons The Columbian, 1/21/4 by Associated Press
Group Criticizes Columbia Cleanup The Columbian, 1/20/4 by Erik Robinson
Oil Spilled at The Dalles Dam Contains PCBs The Oregonian, 1/19/4 by Alex Pulaski
More than 600 Gallons of Dam Oil Recovered The Daily News, 1/19/4 by Associated Press
Oil Spill Reaches Oregon's Bonneville Dam The Daily News, 1/18/4 by Associated Press
Oil Leaks from Dam into Columbia The Daily News, 1/17/4 by Associated Press
Group: Oregon Oil Spill much Worse Seattle Times, 1/17/4 by Associated Press
Diesel Spills into the Lochsa Lewiston Tribune, 11/14/3 by Eric Barker
Canada Smelter Blamed for Lake's Pollution Environmental News Net, 3/10/5 by Nicholas K. Geranios
Study Says Canadian Smelter Polluting U.S. Lake Environmental News Net, 3/8/4 by Reuters
EPA Battles Canadian Company River Pollution Lewiston Tribune, 12/21/3 by Nicholas K. Geranios
Canada Smelter Pollution meets US Resolution Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/12/3 by Joel Connelly
Toxic Salmon Just Another Tainted Food Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/13/4 by Jeremy Brown
Flame Retardants Found in Salmon Meat Environmental News Net, 8/12/4 by Reuters
Tainted Chinook Found in Wild Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/10/4 by Lisa Stiffler
Traces of Fire Retardant Found in Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/10/4 by Associated Press
Effort will Target Harmful Fire Retardant Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/29/4 by Lisa Stiffler
Limits Imposed on Pesticides Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/23/4 by Lisa Stiffler
Judge Restricts Pesticides on West Coast Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/22/4 by Gene Johnson
Tests on Waterways Should Include Insects Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/14/4 by Lisa Stiffler
Pesticide Makers Illegally Influence EPA Policy Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/8/3 by Lisa Stiffler
Oregon Will Get Money from EPA for Toxic Site The Oregonian, 10/28/3 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Keeping Tribal Traditions a Goal of Toxin Study Idaho Statesman, 10/25/3 by Staff
Scientist says Radiation Rising on Columbia Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/20/3 by Associated Press
NW Indian Call for Action on Fish Contaminants Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/26/3 by CBB staff
Pond Scum No Match for Corps Tri-City Herald, 9/23/3 by John Stang
Group Cheers Order to Stop Mining Lewiston Tribune, 9/17/3 by Eric Barker
Idaho, Oregon Send Snake River TMDL to EPA Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/12/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Judge Favors Pesticide-free Zones on Streams Seattle Times, 8/15/3 by Hal Bernton
Judge: Pesticide Buffer Zones Near Waterways Tri-City Herald, 8/15/3 by Anna King
Pesticide Ruling Alarms Growers Capital Press, 7/25/3 by Cookson Beecher
Interim Pesticide Statement Capital Press, 7/25/3 by Staff
Judge Calls for Interim Stream Buffers NW Fishletter, 7/22/3 by Bill Rudolph
Judge Moves to Impose Pesticide Restrictions Lewiston Tribune, 7/18/3 by Gillian Flaccus
Pesticide Buffer Zones to Protect ESA Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by Mike O'Bryant
EPA: New Measures Governing Carbaryl Use Capital Press, 7/11/3 by Cookson Beecher
Cleanup Order Review Set Capital Press, 7/25/3 by Staff
Research Backs Up Relaxed Wastewater Idaho Statesman, 7/11/3 by Staff
EPA Changes Permit for Potlatch Lewiston Tribune, 7/10/3 by Eric Barker
EPA Finds Few Punished for Water Pollution Environmental News Net, 6/10/3 by Reuters
Mainstem TMDL Not Ready for Public Review Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/3 by Mike O'Bryant
EPA Releases Water Temp Guidance Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/9/3 by CBB staff
Oil-Leaking Dams Generate Concern The Oregonian, 5/4/3 by Michael Milstein
DOE Violating Hazardous-Waste Law in WA Environmental News Net, 5/1/3 by Associated Press
Potlatch Discharge Harmful to Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/3 by Barry Espenson
Penalty Imposed for Oil Spill in Columbia Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/7/3 by Staff
WA Sues Bush over Radioactive Waste Environmental News Net, 3/5/3 by David Ammons
EPA Announces Clean Water Credit Trading Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/17/3 by CBB staff
Groups Seek Injunction on Pesticides Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/6/2 by Barry Espenson
Tainted Columbia Worries the EPA Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/20/2 by Associated Press
Lawsuit Threat Against Harbour Business Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/15/2 by CBB staff
Fish Producers Assigned Pollutant Limits Times-News, 10/26/2 by Jennifer Sandmann
Vapor Pours Out of Leak at Lewiston Plant Times-News, 10/26/2 by Associated Press
EPA: NW Water Quality Better Than Most Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/25/2 by Mike O'Bryant
Temperature TMDL for Columbia Mainstem Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/7/2 by Mike O'Bryant
No Streams are Unpolluted Environmental News Net, 9/25/2 by John Heilprin
BC Fish Farm Moratorium Lifted Capital Press, 9/20/2 Associated Press
Council Briefed on Fish Contamination Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/2 by Barry Espenson
Tribes Open Dialogue on Fish Contamination Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/6/2 by Wil Phinney
Dredged Material: Sediment Quality Management Plan & EIS, 7/2 Army Corps of Engineers
Simplot Pact Allows More Phosphate Mining Capital Press, 8/23/2 Mark Mendiola
Potlatch May Meet Discharge Requirements Capital Press, 8/16/2 Associated Press
EPA Taking a Second Look Lewiston Tribune, 8/15/2 by Eric Barker
EPA to Protect Salmon from Pesticides Seattle Times, 7/4/2 by Jeff Barnard
Umatilla Depot Faces Safety Questions KGM News, 5/7/2 by Associated Press
Cutting Phosphorus Advised Capital Press, 5/31/2 by Pat McCoy
Natural Phosphorus Makes Goals Unrealistic Capital Press, 3/22/2 by Pat McCoy
Water Temperatures a Bone of Contention Capital Press, 3/22/2 by Pat McCoy
Electric Debris Caused PCB Contamination Environmental News Net, 3/22/2 by Gillian Flaccus
Contaminated by Meds, Care Products Environmental News Net, 3/13/2 by Joseph B. Verrengia
Report: Toxic Chemicals in Basin Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/15/2 by CBB staff
Enviros Push Ahead with EPA Lawsuit Capital Press, 2/8/2 by Associated Press
Pesticide Danger to Salmon Real Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/6/2 by Lisa Stiffler
Crews Try to Contain Diesel Spill Spokesman Review, 1/8/2 Hansen & Sudermann
Salmon Show Alarming Levels of Chemicals Seattle Times, 9/1/1 by Associated Press
Oregon Fines Hauler for Sewage Dumping Register-Guard, 8/29/1 by Tim Christie
Overheated Rivers, Fish on Back Burner Lewiston Tribune, 8/6/1 by Eric Barker
More Cases of Salmon Sex Change Spokesman Review, 11/8/1 by Dan Hansen
Something's Fishy with Chinook Salmon Environmental News Net 12/27/00 by ENN
Scientists Mull Implications of Sex Change Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/00 by Mike O'Bryant
EPA, States, Tribes Tackle Water Quality Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/00 by Barry Espenson
Portland Harbor Listed as Superfund Site Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/00 by Barry Espenson
Herbicide Spill Kills Fish Near The Dalles Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/1/00 by Staff
Pesticides Disrupt How Salmon Smell Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/00 by Lisa Stiffler
Groups to Sue EPA Over Pesticides Seattle Times, 7/27/00 by Hal Bernton
Hanford Chemical Seeping into Columbia The Oregonian, 7/7/00 by Jonathan Brinckman
Diazinon may Pose Threat to Salmon The Oregonian, 6/15/00 by Trevor Maxwell
Snake River Dams Defy Clean Water Act Environmental News Net, 5/2/00 by Margot Higgins
COMPETITION back to top
American Shad Clog Fish Ladders, Causing Trouble for Salmon at Lower Granite Dam Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/24/24 by Courtney Flatt
Washington Won't Renew Leases for Puget Sound Fish Farms Capital Press, 10/14/22 by Associated Press
WA Will Not Renew Leases for Puget Sound Fish Farms, 5 Years After Atlantic Salmon Spill Seattle Times, 10/12/22 by Isabella Breda
Jury Awards $595,000 to Lummi Tribe for Salmon Pen Collapse Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/22/22 by Gene Johnson
Court Upholds Termination of Cooke Aquaculture Net-Pen Lease in Port Angeles Seattle Times, 3/2/22 by Lynda Mapes
A Shad Horde Could Threaten Salmon, Steelhead Restoration Efforts in the Columbia River Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/18/21 by Courtney Flatt
Will a Shad Horde Take Over the Columbia River? KUOW, 12/13/21 by Courtney Flatt
PNW Could Become 'Shad Nation' Not 'Salmon Nation' KOIN, 12/9/21 by Amanda Arden
Scientists Warn of Too Many Pink Salmon in North Pacific Boston Globe, 8/11/19 by Dan Joling
Washington State Finds Virus in Cooke Atlantic Salmon, Plans Expanded Testing Seattle Times, 5/19/18 by Lynda Mapes
Gov. Inslee Signs Bill Phasing Out Atlantic Salmon Farming in Washington KOMO News, 3/22/18 by Associated Press
State Kills Atlantic Salmon Farming in Washington Seattle Times, 3/2/18 by Lynda Mapes
BC Is the Outlier on Open-Net Salmon Farms The Tyee, 3/16/18 by Carol Linnitt
Fish Farm Caused Atlantic Salmon Spill Near San Juans, Then Tried to Hide How Bad it Was, State Says Seattle Times, 2/2/18 by Lynda Mapes
Atlantic Salmon Swim Far and Wide After Fish Farm Collapse KUOW, 10/23/17 by John Ryan
Fish-farming Company Offered Money for Lummi Nation's Silence about Net Pens, Letters Show Seattle Times, 10/12/17 by Lynda Mapes
Three Months After the Fish Farm Collapse, Guess Where Atlantic Salmon are Being Found Skagit Valley Herald, 8/30/17 by Kimberly Cauvel
Salmon Fisher: Spill is Dangerous and 'We Shouldn't Have To Deal With It' All Things Considered, 8/30/17 by Laurel Dalrymple
Over Half of Net Pen Atlantic Salmon in San Juans Escaped; Reported Catches at Columbia Mouth Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/8/17 by Staff
'Environmental Nightmare' After Thousands of Atlantic Salmon Escape Fish Farm Northwest Public Radio, 8/24/17 by Courtney Flatt
Spill of Farmed Atlantic Salmon near San Juan Islands much Bigger than First Estimates Seattle Times, 8/24/17 by Lynda Mapes
What Will Happen When Genetically Engineered Salmon Escape Into the Wild? EcoWatch, 4/10/16 by Brettny Hardy
Some Retailers Rejecting Modified Salmon The Columbian, 10/21/13 by Brady Dennis
As Final U.S. Decision Nears, a Lively Debate on GM Salmon Yale Environment 360, 5/29/13 by Staff
Genetically Modified Salmon Can Breed with Wild Fish and Thrive Yale Environment 360, 5/29/13 by Staff
Ready to Eat: The First GM Fish for the Dinner Table The Independent, 12/24/12 by Steve Connor
'Frankenfish' Wouldn't Harm Natural Salmon Runs, FDA Rules The Oregonian, 12/21/12 by Associated Press
Cohen Commission Sockeye Decline Report: It's Complicated NW Fishletter, 11/12/12 by Bill Rudolph
Senate Rejects Amendment on Tighter Regulations for Genetically-Engineered Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/25/12 by Staff
Virus Found in Salmon in Canada Worries U.S. Idaho Statesman, 11/7/11 by Rocky Barker
Infectious Salmon Anemia: Getting the Jump on a Disease of 'Devastating Quickness' Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/6/11 by Joel Connelly
Oregon's Bonneville Hatchery VIA Magazine, 11/11 by Chris Woolston
Plan for Huge Fish Farm in Strait Roils the Waters Seattle Times, 10/20/11 by Craig Welch
Power Council Gets Update on New Idaho Sockeye Hatchery NW Fishletter, 3/29/11 by Bill Rudolph
Conservation Best Served Minimizing Wild/Hatchery Interactions Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/25/11 by Staff
Swimming Performance Differences of Wild vs. Hatchery Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/4/11 by Staff
Steelhead may Require Healthy Wild Rainbow Trout Numbers Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/4/11 by Staff
Hatchery-Raised Salmon Threatening Wild Salmon in Pacific NW Environmental News Net, 11/3/10 by Staff
Hatch-22: The Problem with The Pacific Salmon Resurgence Yale Environment 360, 11/1/10 by Bruce Barcott
Dworshak Dam Mishap Kills About 1,000 Steelhead KIVI TV, 11/6/10 by Associated Press
Steelhead Rescued at Dworshak Dam Spokesman-Review, 11/3/10 by Rich Landers
Hatchery Fish Have Poor Reproductive Success in the Wild Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/10 by Staff
Hatch-22: The Problem with The Pacific Salmon Resurgence Environment 360, 11/1/10 by Bruce Barcott
Damaged Valve Leads to 40,000 Sockeye Deaths Central Oregon, 9/3/10 by Associated Press
Record Salmon Year, But Concerns Raised South County Spotlight, 9/17/10 by Tyler Graf
Thousands of Fish Killed to Prevent Disease Spread KPVI News 6, 9/22/10 by Associated Press
Idaho Hatchery Officials Kill Thousands of Steelhead Spokesman-Review, 8/8/10 by Associated Press
Lightning Strikes Chinook at Powell Lewiston Tribune, 8/9/10 by Eric Barker
Cutting Hatchery Production Could Help Protect Wild Salmon The Oregonian, 8/6/10 by Scott Learn
U.S. Considers Curbs on Columbia Hatcheries The Wenatchee World, 8/9/10 by Associated Press
What's Killing Farmed Salmon? Science Daily, 7/12/10 by Staff
Northern Idaho Hatchery Needs Expensive Repairs Idaho Statesman, 4/25/10 by Associated Press
Upriver Chinook "Washing in And Out" Select Fishing Areas Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/23/10 by Staff
Biologists Call for Changes to Columbia Salmon Hatcheries The Seattle Times, 3/28/9 by Hal Bernton
Will Mandated Review Shift Hatchery, Harvest Strategies? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/14/8 by Staff
Salmon Hatcheries Cause 'Stunning' Loss of Reproduction Science Daily, 10/5/7 Oregon State University
Salmon That Grow Up Fast Science Daily,1/10/6 by Arlene Weintraub
B.C. First Nations say Sea Lice Spreading from Fish Farms to Wild Salmon CTV News, 6/26/20 by Staff
Abundant Steelhead Run Benefits More Than Anglers The Observer, 2/12/9 by Katy Nesbitt
Big Salmon Exporter Fights Virus Wall Street Journal, 2/7/9 by Risa Grais-Targow
Class-action Over Salmon Farming off Vancouver Island Vancouver Sun, 2/2/9 by Larry Pynn
Study Details How Ocean Fish Farming Harms Wild Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/19/8 by Staff
Consumer Groups Call on FDA to Test Chilean Salmon The Seattle Times, 10/23/8 by Associated Press
Chile Moves to Clean Up Salmon-Farming Industry The Seattle Times, 9/5/8 by Alexei Barrionuevo
Save Salmon by Eating It, Shoppers Told Tigard Times, 7/17/8 by Jennifer Anderson
Salmon Escape from Canadian Fish Farm Probed Globe and Mail, 7/4/8 by Staff
Escaped Salmon Pose Threat to Wild Stock The Seattle Times, 7/3/8 by Anna Mehler Paperny
30,000 Salmon Escape Farm Pen Times Colonist, 7/3/8 by Carolyn Heiman
Sardines With Your Bagel? New York Times, 6/9/8 by Taras Grescoe
Chilean Salmon Farm Enhances Security with Video Source Security, 2/14/8 by Staff
Something Fishy about Chile's Salmon New York Times, 3/28/8 by Alexei Barrionuevo
Farmed Salmon Decimating Wild Salmon Worldwide National Geographic News, 2/12/8 by James Owen
NW Fish Experts Debunk Controversial Sea Lice Study Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/7/8 by Staff
Farmed or Wild Salmon, Consumers Asks Stores Seattle Times, 12/1/7 by John Spano
33 Groups Call on Salmon Farms to Protect Wild Salmon YubaNet, 8/21/7 Atlantic Salmon Federation
Lice Killing Wild Salmon, Scientists Say Globe and Mail, 8/19/7 by Canadian Press
B.C. Salmon Farmers Throw in Towel Financial Post, 8/31/7 by Nathan VanderKlippe
Salmon Farm Approved, Geoduck Proposal Nixed Financial Post, 8/30/7 by Jeff Rud
Closed-pen Salmon Farming Project Underway The Vancouver Sun, 8/3/7 by Scott Simpson
Chilean Salmon Industry Damaging Lakes, WWF Says Environmental News Net, 6/20/7 by Gideon Long
Demand for B.C. Farmed Salmon Outstrips Supply Vancouver Sun, 12/22/6 by Brian Morton
Wild Salmon Being Ravaged by Fish Farm Lice, 10/2/6 by Staff
ID Tribe, BPA at Odds Over New OR Hatchery Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/6 by Associated Press
Chile's Salmon Industry Outlasts Striking Workers Santiago Times, 7/25/6 by Steve Anderson
Thousands of Farmed Fish Die in Port Angeles Peninsula Daily News, 7/16/6 by Matt Schubert
Benefits of Eating Fish Outweigh Risks Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/11/6 by Julie Davidow
Groups Offer Reward in Salmon Heist Statesman Journal, 7/2/6 by Staff
Chile's Salmon Industry Accused of Worker Abuse The Santiago Times, 6/21/6 by Jen Sotolongo
Stevens Presents Fish Farm Permit Proposal Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/12/5 by Associated Press
Oregon Salmon Fish Fans Should Fear Farms Portland Tribune, 5/19/5 by Anne Marie DiStefano
Farmed Salmon Now Top Ag Export from BC Seattle Post-Intelligencer,12/14/5 by Associated Press
Fish Oil May Not Help Prevent Cancer Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/24/6 by Lindsey Tanner
Stick to Wild Salmon Unless Heart Disease is a Risk Food Consumer, 12/23/5 by Susan Lang
Study Cites Risks of Eating Farmed Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/30/5 by Candice Choi
Wal-Mart 'Wild Salmon' Lawsuit Revived on Appeal Duluth News Tribune, 10/20/5 by Dinesh Ramde
Chemical Discovered in Farmed Salmon CBC News, 6/4/5 by Staff
The 'Sins' of the Salmon Industry Tierramerica, 5/26/5 by Gustavo Gonzalez
Farmed Salmon Breed Sea Lice that Spread to Wild Lewiston Tribune, 3/31/5 by John Heilkprin
Parasites from Farms Could Threaten Wild Salmon USA Today, 3/30/5 by Elizabeth Weise
Researching Impact of Sea Lice on Wild Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/23/4 by Associated Press
FDA May Clear Genetically Enhanced Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/10/5 by Matt Volz
Fish Farming's Bounty Isn't Without Barbs Washington Post, 1/24/5 by Juliet Eilperin
Allowing Use of Chemical in Farmed Salmon Canadian Press, 12/14/4 by Amy Carmichael
Fish-Farm Boom is a Blow to Wild Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/3/4 by Joel Connelly
Tests: Alaska Fish Contaminant Levels Low Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/10/4 by Associated Press
PETA: Fish Feel -- So Don't Eat Them Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/17/4 by Mike Lewis
Stop Eating Farmed Salmon Independent Online, 9/5/4 by Jay Ritchlin
Fish Oil May Keep Alzheimer's at Bay Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/4/3 by Andre Picard
Study on Farmed Fish Raises New Conundrum The Columbian, 9/2/4 by Emma Ross
Genetically Modified Salmon Outeat Wild Fish Environmental News Net, 6/17/4 by Kathleen M. Wong
Farmed Salmon may Pose Health Threat NW Fishletter, 1/16/4 by Bill Rudolph
Higher Level of Toxins in Farmed Salmon Seattle Times, 1/9/4 by Craig Welch
Farm-Raised Salmon Contain More Pollutants Lewiston Tribune, 1/9/4 by Lauran Neergaard
Warns of Danger in Eating Farmed Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/9/4 by McClure & Stiffler
Salmon Farms Struggle to Live Up to Promise Environmental News Net, 12/5/3 by Jeff Barnard
Stores Agree to Identify Artificially Colored Fish The Oregonian, 5/1/3 by Michael Milstein
Lawsuit Shows Controversy of Color Additives Seattle Times, 4/30/3 by Judith Blake
Labeling of Farmed Salmon as Artificially Dyed Environmental News Net, 4/25/3 by Linda Ashton
Fish Farms Threaten Stocks of Wild Species Environmental News Net, 2/19/3 by Reuters
Fish Farms Become Feedlots of the Sea Los Angeles Times, 12/9/2 by Kenneth R. Weiss
Group says Wild Fish Threatened Seattle Times, 1/14/3 by Associated Press
Calls for Stricter Review of Transgenic Fish Environmental News Net, 1/15/3 by Emily Gersema
Salmon Farm Rules Ban Transgenic Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/13/2 by Mike O'Bryant
The Great Salmon Debate Newsweek, 10/28/2 Carmichael & Springen
Chefs, Grocers Boycott Genetic Altered Fish Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/20/2 by D. Parvaz
Bioengineered Fish Draw Local Opposition Seattle Times, 9/19/2 by Judith Blake
Salmon Farmers Must Mark Fish Seattle Times, 3/31/2 by Hal Bernton
When Mutant Salmon Meet Killer Tomatoes Capital Press, 3/15/2 by Santa Rosa Press
B.C. to Consider More Fish Farms Seattle Times, 2/1/2 by Associated Press
Mass Escape from B.C. Fish Farms Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/8/2 by Associated Press
B.C. Fish Farms Damage Environment Environmental News Net, 12/4/1 by ENN
Salmon Virus Roils Maine Industry Environmental News Net, 9/7/1 by Reuters
Farm Salmon can Pollute Wild Runs Seattle Times, 5/14/00 by Mark Yuasa
Atlantic Salmon Off Alaska Worry Some Seattle Times, 8/28/00 by Associated Press
Some Escaped Atlantic Salmon Feeding Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/25/00 by Associated Press
Atlantic Salmon Jump Ship, Swim Free The Oregonian, 8/6/00 by Associated Press
Atlantic Salmon on Endangered List Washington Post, 11/14/00 by Marc Kaufman
'Frankenfish' or Tomorrow's Dinner? Washington Post, 10/17/00 by Marc Kaufman
Concerns Over Souped-up Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/22/00 by Associated Press
'Frankenfish' Fear for Native Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/20/00 by Les Blumenthal
Nez Perce Tribe Begins Construction of Kelt Reconditioning Facility at Cherrylane Hatchery Big Country News, 7/17/24 by Staff
Analysis of Northwest, Other Salmon Hatcheries Finds Nearly All Hurt Wild Salmon Populations Oregon Capital Chronicle, 7/11/24 by Alex Baumhardt
US Government Announces $240 Million for Pacific Northwest Hatchery Upkeep Seafood Source, 7/29/24 by Nathan Strout
Nez Perce Tribe Begins Construction of Kelt Reconditioning Facility at Cherrylane Hatchery Big Country News, 7/17/24 by Staff
Facility Catering to Kelts will be Built This Summer Lewiston Tribune, 6/16/24 by Eric Barker
Salmon Seem to Have a Nose for Beer The Atlantic, 7/15/23 by Ben Goldfarb
Tucannon Managers Plan to Play Fish Barging Card Lewiston Tribune, 3/10/23 by Eric Barker
Nez Perce Take Over Fish Production at Dworshak Lewiston Tribune, 5/28/22 by Eric Barker
PNW Hatcheries Aren't Saving Salmon, Investigation Finds Crosscut, 6/10/22 by Schick & Hwang
Listen Federal Efforts to Save Salmon in the Pacific Northwest are Failing Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/24/22 by Tony Schick
Tribe Takes Helm at Dworshak Hatchery The Daily News, 6/10/22 by Eric Barker
Oxbow Hatchery Closing to Visitors for Renovation La Grande Observer, 5/28/22 by Staff
The U.S. Has Spent More Than $2 Billion on a Plan to Save Salmon. The Fish Are Vanishing Anyway Pro Publica, 5/24/22 by Schick & Hwang
Dworshak Dam Discharge to Increase to Support Hatchery Releases Daily Fly, 4/8/22 by USACE
250,000 Juvenile Steelhead Gone After Hatchery Failure Columbia Insight, 2/7/22 by Eli Francovich
There and Back Again: A Salmon's Tale in the Pacific Northwest Corps of Engineers, 2/1/22 by Hannah Mitchell
The Getaway: 250K Steelhead Fish Escape from Washington State Hatchery Capital Press, 2/4/22 by Associated Press
Will Reviving B.C.'s Declining Salmon Stocks Require a Rethink of Hatcheries? The Narwhal, 10/30/21 by Ryan Stuart
Sockeye Smolts Released Early After Killing Event at Hatchery Post Register, 5/4/21 by Jerry Painter
Hatcheries Begin Collecting Fish at Dam Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 8/21/20 by Staff
Springfield Hatchery -- Bingham County's Conservation Heroes Bingham County Chronicle, 7/30/20 by Jack Connelly
Help Steelhead Spawn: Public Help Sought to Collect Broodstock Lewiston Tribune, 2/14/19 by Eric Barker
Tribes Break Ground on New Milton-Freewater Salmon Hatchery Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/13/20 by Staff
Sockeye are Endangered. Here's What Idaho Fish and Game is Doing to Save Them CBS 2 Idaho News, 11/22/19 by Staff
Brood Collection on B-run Looking Up Lewiston Tribune, 11/22/19 by Eric Barker
Adult Steelhead Released to Boost Snake River Populations Spokane Public Radio, 11/22/19 by Steve Jackson
Kelt Program Aims to Rehabilitate Valuable Repeat Steehead Spawners in the Snake River Lewiston Tribune, 11/21/19 by Eric Barker
Hatchery Programs Likely Causing Weakening of Wild Salmon Populations Seafood Source, 10/2/19 by Chris Loew
First Sockeye from Hatchery Comes Home -- $14M, 6 Years and Millions of Smolt Later Idaho Statesman, 8/29/19 by Rocky Barker
Watch Dworshak Fish Hatchery's Chinook Spawning Plays Key Role in Managing Salmon Population KLEW, 8/20/19 by Stephen Pimpo Jr.
Boosting Salmon Production Lens, 1/8/19 by TJ Martinell
New Water Chemistry Strategies by IDFG Increase Survival of Snake River Sockeye Smolts Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/18 by Staff
Steelhead Begins Spring Migration to Pacific Ocean KMVT, 4/8/18 by Staff
Steelhead Start Journey from Wendell to the Ocean Times-News, 4/5/18 by Staff
Hatchery Chinook Salmon are Self-sorting in Tanks, 2/8/18 by Chris Branam
Long-Term Idaho Salmon Supplementation Not a Stand-Alone Recovery Tool Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/18 by Staff
Back to the Wild: About 100 Steelhead Repeat Spawners Released on Snake River Lewiston Tribune, 10/25/17 by Eric Barker
NOAA Releases Proposed Changes to Columbia Basin Mitchell Act Hatchery Programs Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/16/16 by Staff
Study Looks at Ways to Reduce Hatchery Steelhead Adaptation to Captivity, Increase Survival Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/16 by Staff
NOAA Fisheries Stipulates No Mitchell Act Funds for 10 Hatcheries Until Hatchery BiOp Completed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/9/16 by Staff
Nez Perce Tribe Seeking Next Step for Steelhead Kelt Facility to Capture, Recondition Spawned Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/2/16 by Staff
Reconditioning Steelhead Kelts Improves Their Survival NW Fishletter, 9/6/16 by Laura Berg
Science Review of Idaho Salmon Supplementation Study Discusses 'Pivotal' Questions Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/12/16 by Staff
Wild Fish Conservancy Files Lawsuit to Force Federal Consultation on Basin Mitchell Act Hatcheries Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/1/16 by Staff
Study: Changes to Genetics of Hatchery Steelhead Occur in Just One Generation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/26/16 by Staff
Hatchery Life Changes Fish Genetics, Oregon Study Finds The Oregonian, 2/17/16 by Kelly House
Wild Fish Advocates File Notice Against Mitchell Act Hatcheries, 60 Million Smolts Annually Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/15/16 by Staff
Minijacks -- A Major Headache at Some Hatcheries NW Fishletter, 4/4/14 by Bill Rudolph
Study: Wild Coho Seek Genetic Diversity in Mate Choice, Hatchery Fish Lack that Ability Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14 by Staff
Naturally-Produced Columbia River Steelhead Do Better than Hatchery Fish in Marine Waters Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14 by Staff
Study Looks at Natural Productivity Issues when Hatchery and Wild Steelhead Mix Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/14 by Staff
Wild Salmon: Are Their Best Days All Behind Them? Crosscut, 9/17/13 by Martha Baskin
Science Panel Takes a Hard Look at Hatchery Policies NW Fishletter, 3/29/13 by Bill Rudolph
Ocean Workshop Looks for New Ways to Use Research NW Fishletter, 3/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
Study on Hatchery Salmon Viability Released Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/12 by Associated Press
Nez Perce Study Shows Hatchery Supplementation Can Help Boost Imperiled Fish Stocks Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/5/11 by Staff
Hatchery Would Boost Recovery Efforts with Much Larger Smolt Releases Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11 by Staff
Hatchery Fish may Hurt Efforts to Sustain Wild Salmon Runs Science Daily, 6/10/9 by Staff
150 Boise Icons: Lonesome Larry Idaho Statesman, 4/21/9 by Anna Webb
Artificial Production and the Effects of Fish Culture on Native Salmonids Return To The River, 1/1/00 by NW Power Council
The Problem with Hatcheries Salmon Nation, 1999 by Jim Lichatowich
& Seth Zuckerman
Mystery of Poor Survival of Sockeye Smolts May Be Solved NW Fishletter, 12/4/17 by Laura Berg
Experts: Idaho Hatchery Built to Save Salmon is Killing Them ABC News, 11/17/17 by Keith Ridler
The Public Paid $14 Million for an Idaho Hatchery -- and All its Fish Have Been Dying Idaho Statesman, 11/17/17 by Rocky Barker
Surplus Hatchery Salmon Released into Northern Idaho Creek Wichita Eagle, 9/23/17 by Associated Press
IDFG Scrambling to Fill Hatchery Quotas of Spring Chinook Lewiston Tribune, 7/21/17 by Eric Barker
Hatcheries Release Young Fish Reluctantly Clearwater Tribune, 3/22/17 by Elizabeth Morgan
Spring Chinook, Steelhead Fry Hit Hard at Clearwater Hatcheries this Week Spokesman-Review, 3/21/17 by Rich Landers
Dworshak Hatchery Forced to Release Young Spring Chinook Early Spokesman-Review, 3/20/17 by Rich Landers
600,000 Chinook Fry Lost, 1.4 Million Juvenile Steelhead in Peril in North Idaho Idaho Statesman, 3/21/17 by Chadd Cripe
Changes Proposed for Lower Columbia Salmon, Steelhead Hatcheries The Columbian, 12/15/16 by Al Thomas
NMFS Seeks Comments on Proposal to Extend ESA Protections to Hatchery Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/27/16 by Staff
Hatchery-raised Fish Could Gain ESA Protection Lewiston Tribune, 10/27/16 by Staff and AP
Crystal Springs Hatchery Program BPA Journal, 8/16 by Staff
Dworshak Flows to Fluctuate While Testing Hatchery Water Systems Clearwater Tribune, 4/27/16 by Staff
Idaho Again Enlists Anglers To Help Catch South Fork Clearwater River Steelhead For Broodstock Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/26/16 by Staff
Wild Fish Conservancy Lawsuit Seeks to Evaluate Puget Sound Salmon Farm Impacts on ESA Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/26/16 by Staff
Idaho Fish and Game to Release Sockeye into Lakes in mid-September Idaho Dept. Fish & Game, 9/4/15 by Mike Demick
Hatcheries to Play Key Role Rebuilding Snake River Sockeye Runs, NOAA Says NW Fishletter, 7/6/15 by Steve Ernst
Sacramento Chinook Caught in Columbia River The Columbian, 6/11/15 by Staff
Study Examines Mating Success of Non-Anadromous Mini-Jacks With Anadromous Female Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15 by Staff
Study Analyzes Effects of Supplementation on Natural-Origin Salmon Abundance Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/22/15 by Staff
A Fresh Look at Fish Supplementation NW Fishletter, 5/14/15 by Bill Rudolph
Building a Better Steelhead on the South Fork of the Clearwater Idaho Statesman, 4/15/15 by Roger Phillips
Study Relates More Fish to Lower Survival Odds East Oregonian, 4/10/15 by George Plaven
Study Looks at Cost Effectiveness of Habitat Restoration Compared to Hatcheries Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/3/15 by Staff
Idaho Sockeye Salmon Success Could be Blueprint Idaho Statesman, 11/30/14 by Keith Ridler
Snake River Sockeye Featured in American Fisheries Magazine; Natural Origin Fish Recovering? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/21/14 by Staff
Endangered Species Success: Idaho Salmon Regaining Fitness Advantage, 11/25/14 by Staff
Hatchery Recaptures Build Steelhead Fishing Season Capital Press, 11/20/14 by Pete Zimowsky
Adding Wood Structures to Streams Promotes Fish Recovery, But Do They Have to Cost So Much? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/7/14 by Staff
NOAA Releases Final Columbia Basin Hatchery EIS NW Fishletter, 9/11/14 by Bill Rudolph
Flash Flood Kills Broodstock Chinook Salmon Idaho Statesman, 8/14/14 by Staff
Snake River Hatcheries Get Passing Grades NW Fishletter, 7/24/14 by Bill Rudolph
Partners Celebrate Win-win at Hatchery BPA Journal, 6/13 by Staff
Nearly All Hatchery Fish Sport Clipped Fins, Says New Report NW Fishletter, 6//26/13 by Bill Rudolph
Tribes Quash Science Review of Draft F&W Program NW Fishletter, 6//26/13 by Bill Rudolph
Study Shows Conflicts in Hatchery Production/ Conservation Goals, Genetic Integrity Issues Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6//20/13 by Staff
Snake River Fall Chinook Make a Comeback Idaho Statesman, 3//12/13 by Rocky Barker
Fall Chinook Salmon Spawn in Record Numbers in Snake River Indian Country Today, 3//2/13 by Staff
Dworshak Hatchery Wins Some Rounds Against IHN Lewiston Tribune, 12/10/13 by Eric Barker
75th Celebration: Steelhead from Creation to Catch Teton Valley News, 12/5/13 by Idaho Fish & Game
Council Hears Update on Status, Future Plans for New Snake River Sockeye Salmon Hatchery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/8/13 by Staff
Air-Spawned Steelhead Trout Release, an Inside Look Indian Country, 10/25/13 by Jack McNeel
Increasing Steelhead Numbers with a Little TLC EarthFix, 10/25/13 by Courtney Flatt
Snake River Sockeye Hatchery Opens BPA Journal, 10/13 by Staff
Council OKs Next Step in Walla Walla Hatchery Construction NW Fishletter, 10/14/13 by Bill Rudolph
New $13 Million Snake River Sockeye Hatchery Opens Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/13 by Staff
Idaho Sockeye Hatchery Open for Business NW Fishletter, 9/19/13 by Bill Rudolph
A Reunion with Old Fish on the Snake River The Oregonian, 9/14/13 by Steve Duin
Lonesome Larry Lives On: Sockeye's Genes to be Used at New Hatchery Idaho State Journal, 9/7/13 by Michael H. O'Donnell
New Sockeye Hatchery to Open Near American Falls Reservoir Times-News, 9/4/13 by Associated Press
Dedication for New Hatchery Intended to Move Snake River Sockeye Recovery to Next Level Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/16/13 by Staff
Anglers Help Boost Clearwater Salmon Stocks Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/7/13 by Eric Barker
Chinook Brood-Stock from the Clearwater River Dworshak Blogspot, 7/25/13 by Staff
Dworshak May Be Tapped to Hatch Additional Chinook Lewiston Tribune, 7/19/13 by Eric Barker
Big Questions Still Haunt Lower Snake Hatchery Plan NW Fishletter, 6/28/13 by Bill Rudolph
Video Teaches Students about Fish Hatchery Program Idaho Power's Connections, 1/13 by Staff
Dworshak Hatchery Wins Award Lewiston Tribune, 3/21/12 by Staff
Ocean Workshop Looks for New Ways to Use Research NW Fishletter, 3/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
"Air Spawning"' may Help Steelhead The Columbian, 3/1/13 by Eric Barker
Salmon Conference Discusses NW Hatchery Strategies: What Does Success Look Like? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12 by Staff
Study Says Hatchery Fish are Boosting Idaho Chinook Run NW Fishletter, 10/19/12 by Bill Rudolph
Water Problem Forces Fish Shift Lewiston Tribune, 8/24/12 by Eric Barker
Tribes Planning for $14 Million Hatchery to Boost Spring Chinook in Upper Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/12 by Staff
State, Tribe Break Ground on New Sockeye Hatchery Lewiston Tribune, 7/20/12 by Eric Barker
NW Tribes Working on Hatchery Reform Using Genetics NW Public Radio, 6/7/12 by Aaron Kunz
NW Tribes Working to Develop Better Hatchery Fish Boise State Public Radio, 6/7/12 by Staff
New Hatchery Aims to Boost Snake River's Sockeye Production Times-News, 6/21/12 by Staff
ID gets Go-Ahead for New Hatchery Aimed at Recovering Snake River Sockeye Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/12 by Natalie St. John
Hatching Solutions Lewiston Tribune, 3/30/12 by Eric Barker
Niagara Springs Fish Hatchery Renovation Temporarily Closes to Visitors KIVI-TV, 3/5/12 by Jaclyn Brandt
Quick Productivity Decline for Hatchery Steelhead in Wild NW Fishletter, 1/19/12 by Bill Rudolph
Fish Fitness Will Get Another Look Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/19/12 by Bill Rudolph
Agencies Scoping Plan For 'Hatchery Effects Evaluation Team' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/13/12 by Staff
Just One Generation in a Salmon Hatchery Ruin Salmon for Thriving in the Wild The Wildlife News, 1/10/12 by Ralph Maughan
Hatcheries Change Salmon Genetics After a Single Generation Science Daily, 12/20/11 by Staff
Natural Selection in Hatcheries Causes Rapid Productivity Declines in the Wild The Oregonian, 12/19/11 by Scott Learn
Nez Perce Hatchery Strategy Pays Big Dividends, Raises Big Questions for NW The Oregonian, 12/10/11 by Scott Learn
Science Panel Questions Hatchery Supplementation Effectiveness Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/17/11 by Staff
Tribes Tout Hagerman Salmon Recovery Efforts Times-News, 6/18/10 by Amy Huddleston
Researchers Search for Methods to Reduce High Numbers of 'Mini-Jacks' Produced by Hatcheries Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/11/9 by Staff
Kooskia Hatchery to Receive Stimulus Money Local News 8, 12/10/9 by Associated Press
Idaho's Nez Perce Ship Coho Eggs to Oregon Local News 8, 12/10/9 by Associated Press
Hatchery Cutbacks Could Mean Fewer NW Steelhead Times News, 9/17/9 by Nate Poppino
Grand Ronde Faces Hatchery Population Problem The News Tribune, 8/30/9 by Staff
A Tool Restoring Pacific Northwest Salmon San Francisco Chronicle, 8/17/9 by Paul Lumley
Hatchery Steelhead Relatively Unfit for Reproductive Duty NW Fishletter, 6/19/9 by Bill Rudolph
Scientists Release Report on NW Fish Hatcheries Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/30/9 by Doug Nadvornick
Scientists: Reform Needed for Salmon Hatcheries Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/27/9 by Jeff Barnard
Changes on Tap for Local Hatcheries The Columbian, 4/7/8 by Allen Thomas
Fish and Game says Lost Salmon Can't Be Replaced Fort Mill Times, 4/4/8 by Mark Yuasa
Review: Keep Hatchery, Native Fish Segregated Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/24/7 by Staff
NPPC OKs $640,844 for Sockeye Broodstock Program Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/7 by Staff
Evolving Hatchery Strategy Aims to Boost Runs Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/7/7 by Keith Ridler
Fish-farm Friends, Foes Square Off over Future Times Colonist, 10/20/6 by Jeff Rud
Recovery Doesn't Begin, or End, in Concrete The Oregonian, 10/16/6 by Editors
Flaw Limits Captive Fish, Study Says The Oregonian, 10/11/6 by Michael Milstein
Modern Hatcheries Aid Wild Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/10/6 by Jeff Barnard
Salmon Dying at Sawtooth Hatchery Idaho Mountain Express, 8/25/6 by Steve Benson
State's Food Banks get Salmon Donation Statesman Journal, 12/17/5 by Beth Casper
Hatchery Salmon to Stay Protected Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/17/5 by Robert McClure
United Effort Fosters Fall Chinook Statesman Journal, 6/1/5 by Staff
The Spawn is On Idaho Mountain Express, 4/29/5 by Greg Stahl
Tribal Employees Learning to Run Hatchery KTVB News, 4/25/5 by Associated Press
Tribes Hurt Species with Hatchery Steelhead Register-Guard, 12/19/4 by Les AuCoin
Hatching Answers to Long-Held Questions Capital Press, 11/26/4 by Mitch Lies
NE Oregon Hatchery Takes a Step Forward Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/4 by Barry Espenson
Appeal for Old Hatchery Lawsuit Snuffed NW Fishletter, 9/7/3 by Bill Rudolph
NOAA Meetings on Hatchery Policy, Listings Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4 by CBB staff
44,000 Diseased Hatchery Fish Released Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/10/4 by Associated Press
Grande Ronde & Imnaha Spring Chinook Capital Press, 8/4 by Staff
Council Wades Swamp of Hatchery Mandates NW Fishletter, 7/20/4 by Bill Rudolph
Hatcheries Fail to Breed Fish with Instincts San Francisco Chronicle, 7/17/4 by Sophia Yin
A Fish's Role in the Ecology Debate Christian Science Monitor, 5/8/4 by Brad Knickerbocker
Scientists: Hatchery, Wild Salmon Different Capital Press, 4/2/4 by Mitch Lies
Salmon Killed by Disinfectant Spill at Hatchery KTVB News, 7/1/4 by Associated Press
Hatchery Offset for Reduced Spill Off Table Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4 by Mike O'Bryant
Salmon Dodge Bullet with Revised Plan Environmental News Net, 6/1/4 by Reed Stevenson
Going Native Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/4 by Staff
World's Largest Hatchery System to Change Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/15/4 by Gene Johnson
Adding Artificial Twist to Species Protection The Oregonian, 5/13/4 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Sawtooth Hatchery Record Salmon Returns KIFI News, 5/9/4 by Staff
Utility is Releasing Millions of Fish Lewiston Tribune, 3/25/4 by Staff
Idaho Power Releasing Millions for Trip to Sea KTVB News, 3/19/4 by Associated Press
Hatchery Evaluation Attracts Mixed Comments Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/30/4 by Barry Espenson
Grande Ronde gets Grand Experiment The Bulletin, 11/6/3 by Keith Ridler
House Passes Interior Bill with NW Fish Funds Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/31/3 by CBB staff
House Approves Slight Increase for Interior Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/27/3 by CBB staff
Interior Spending Bill Includes 'Mass Marking' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3 by CBB staff
Hatchery Review Seeks Priority Change Lewiston Tribune, 10/21/3 by Eric Barker
Council Seeks Comment on Hatchery Report Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/3 by Barry Espenson
Nez Perce to Open New Salmon Hatcheries Idaho Statesman, 10/6/3 by Staff
Imnaha River: Lab for Technological Solutions The Oregonian, 9/21/3 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Hatchery Fish Can Crowd Out Wild Stock NW Fishletter, 7/22/3 by Bill Bakke
Tribes Critique ISAB Supplementation Report Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by Barry Espenson
Science Board See-Saws on Supplementation NW Fishletter, 6/13/3 by Rudolph & Bakke
Go Slow on Supplementation Until Answered Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/3 by Barry Espenson
Hatchery Bill Passes Oregon House Capital Press, 5/16/3 by Mark Engler
Scientists Urge 500 Changes to Hatcheries Seattle Times, 5/6/3 by Craig Welch
9th Circuit to Hear on Hatchery vs. Wild Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3 by Barry Espenson
Tribes Work to Restore Traditional Fisheries Environmental News Net, 4/4/3 by Ben Ikenson
Hatchery vs. Wild Fish: Leads to Petition NW Fishletter, 3/21/3 by Bill Rudolph
NOAA Preliminary Report on Species Status Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3 by Barry Espenson
Salmon Farms Lead to Smaller Eggs Environmental News Net, 3/14/3 by Jeff Barnard
Hatchery-Wild Hybrid Survival in Doubt Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/14/3 by Associated Press
Bonneville Spills for 7.5 Million Hatchery Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/14/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Regulation Marking All Federal Hatchery Fish NW Fishletter, 3/21/3 by Bill Bakke
Discussion on Implementing Mass Marking Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/7/3 by CBB staff
ISAB Responds to Excess Hatchery Fish NW Fishletter, 2/21/3 by Bill Bakke
NOAA Fisheries Working on Hatchery Policy Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/31/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Hatchery Steelhead Hurt Wild Chinook NW Fishletter, 1/17/3 by Bill Rudolph
Unmarked Hatchery Fish Still Released NW Fishletter, 12/17/2 by Bill Bakke
Researchers Work with DNA to Save Fish Times-News, 10/25/2 by Associated Press
Gene Work Essential To Sockeye Restoration Times-News, 9/13/2 by Bill Loftus
Diverse Groups Come Together on Hatchery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/11/2 by Wil Phinney
Tribe Bringing Back Snake Fall Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/2 by Barry Espenson
Hatchery Fish Play Big Part in Hanford Reach Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/6/2 by Mike O'Bryant
More Hatcheries May Face the Budget Axe NW Fishletter, 8/23/2 by Bill Bakke
Hatcheries Select for Less Fit Fish in Wild NW Fishletter, 8/6/2 by Bill Bakke
Cooperative Effort Saves Fish, Farmers Seattle Times, 7/1/2 by Lynda V. Mapes
Hatching Reform High Country News, 6/10/2 by Rebecca Clarren
The Wild ( Not-So-Wild)Sex Life of Salmon High Country News, 6/10/2 by Rebecca Clarren
Tribes Blur Line Between Wild & Hatchery High Country News, 6/10/2 by Rebecca Clarren
43,000 Diseased Salmon Smolts Killed Idaho Statesman, 6/6/2 by Staff
Fate of Infected Captive Brood Sockeye Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/10/2 by Wil Phinney
Hatchery Releases Millions of Ill Salmon Seattle Times, 4/4/2 by Hal Bernton
Fish & Game Begins Steelhead Experiment Idaho Mountain Express, 4/3/2 by Greg Stahl
Salmon Saga is One of Survival MSNBC News, 3/26/2 by David Foster
New Drafts on Native and Hatchery Fish Capital Press, 1/4/2 by Kat Ricker
Hatchery Fish Trucked to Spawning Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/1 by Barry Espenson
Frozen Sperm Could Save Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/1 by Mike O'Bryant
Tribe's Ready to Crank Out Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 11/6/00 by Eric Barker
Supplementation Project Shows Promise Columbia Basin Bulletin,10/20/00 by Barry Espenson
Saving Snake River's Wild Salmon New Scientist, 4/22/95 Bob Holmes
Killing Salmon to Save the Species High Country News, 10/9/00 by Mike Stark
Destruction of Salmon Eggs Angers Tribe Seattle Times, 8/30/00 by Linda Ashton
Feds Now Plan Hatchery Salmon to Live The Oregonian, 6/26/00 by Associated Press
More Hatcheries Promised Lewiston Tribune, 5/25/73 by Sylvia Harrell
HYDROPOWER back to top
Barged Snake River Fall Chinook Juveniles Stray More Than In-River Fish When Return As Adults Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/16/16 by Staff
Barges Carry Anglers' Hopes Lewiston Tribune, 2/8/90 by Staff
Biological Effects of TDG Supersaturation Dissolved Gas Abatement Study, 5/02 by Army Corps of Engineers
Rising River Temperatures Put Endangered Salmon in Hot Water Aljazeera America, 8/25/15 by Kevin Taylor
Study: Factors Influencing Juvenile Salmon/Steelhead Survival Accumulate as Fish Pass Multiple Dams Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/12/16 by Staff
Lower Snake River 'Temperature Diet' Looks to Shed Degrees Greenwire, 9/13/24 by Jennifer Yachnin
Record Salmon Migration Runs into Hot Water Greenwire, 7/17/24 by Jennifer Yachnin
Record Columbia River Sockeye Run Gets a Well-Timed Break from Heat Seattle Times, 7/13/24 by Lynda Mapes
IDFG Trapping Sockeye at Lower Granite Dam to Protect Population as Heat Waves Continue KTVB, 7/19/24 by Richard Rodriguez
Efforts Aim at Improving Salmon Survival at Snake River Dams Hermiston Herald, 5/19/23 by Matthew Weaver
Comparative Survival Study Analyzes Recent Spill Impacts on Salmon NW Fishletter, 5/1/23 by K.C. Mehaffey
Dam Operators Work to Determine the Best Way to Help Young Salmon Pass Through the Dams KOIN 6 News, 4/17/23 by Amanda Arden
TMT Forgoes Juvenile Transport from Lower Monumental Dam NW Fishletter, 8/1/22 by K.C. Mehaffey
Fewer Dams Provided Migrating Fish a Significant Advantag Lewiston Tribune, 12/19/21 by Eric Barker
Conservation Group Sues U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Polluting River, Killing Salmon KGW, 12/14/21 by Keely Chalmers
Conservation Group Sues Army Corps over Columbia Pollution Idaho State Journal, 12/10/21 by Nicholas Geranios
US Army Corps of Engineers Required to Cool Water at Snake River Dams to Help Salmon Survive KGW8, 10/6/21 by Keely Chalmers
Nez Perce Part of Settlement on Hells Canyon Water Quality Lewiston Tribune, 9/3/21 by Eric Barker
Federal Regulators to Limit Hot Water in Snake, Columbia Rivers NW News Network, 10/1/21 by Courtney Flatt
Salmon Face Deadly Hot Waters Along Columbia and Snake Rivers as the Call for Dam Removal Grows Pacific Northwest Inlander, 9/2/21 by Samantha Wohlfeil
Underwater Video Shows Heat-Stressed Salmon, But It Could Have Been Worse Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/28/21 by Courtney Flatt
Managers Altering Water Spilling at Two Dams Lewiston Tribune, 7/3/21 by Eric Barker
Officials: Idaho Trap-and-Truck Salmon Effort Successful KTVB 7, 8/10/21 by Keith Ridler
Extreme Heat, Extreme Measures Lewiston Tribune, 7/2/21 by Eric Barker
Washington State Board Plans to Enforce Temperature Limits on Snake and Columbia Rivers Seattle Times, 6/30/21 by Lynda V. Mapes
Dry Summer Warnings Signal Trouble for NW Salmon Auburn Examiner, 6/9/21 by Eric Tegethoff
Report: Washington Salmon are in Hot Water Snoqualmie Valley Record, 2/1/21 by Aaron Kunkler
Research: Sockeye are in Hot Water Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/20 by Eric Barker
Salmon Struggle to Beat Heat in Columbia River Basin Washington News Service, 9/10/20 by Eric Tegethoff
Snake River Dams in Hot Water Seattle Times, 6/29/20 VandenHeuvel & Julius
Scientists Assert Only Breaching Can Cool Northwest Waterways Post Register, 10/23/19 by Eric Barker
State Looks to Keep More Water in River for Salmon Chinook Observer, 8/6/19 by Staff
State Proposes Spilling More Water Over Dams for Salmon, Orcas GoSkagit, 8/3/19 by Kimberly Cauvel
Washington Department of Ecology Seeks Feedback on Proposed Rule Changes Daily Fly, 7/31/18 by Staff
Dworshak Flows to Increase Wednesday Lewiston Tribune, 3/26/18 by Staff
Washington State to Regulate Federal Dams on Columbia, Snake to Cool Hot Water, Aid Salmon Seattle Times, 1/31/19 by Lynda V. Mapes
Dam Operations Adjusted to Help Struggling Snake River Sockeye NW Fishletter, 7/20/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
River Managers Test Lower Monumental Spill Change to Stimulate Sockeye Passage Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/18 by Staff
With Temps Rising, Corps Cools Snake River with Dworshak Water to Aid Endangered Sockeye Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/18 by Staff
High Flows Prompt Efforts to Reduce Dissolved Gas, Fish Trauma at Dams NW Fishletter, 6/4/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
River Managers Make Spill Changes to Improve Spring Chinook Adult Passage in Lower Snake Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/18 by Staff
Fish Passage Center Releases Annual Survival Study for Columbia Basin Salmon, Steelhead Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/5/17 by Staff
River Ops Review 2017: Overall Hydrosystem Survival for Chinook/Steelhead Smolts Below Average Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/22/17 by Staff
Sediment Buildup Complicates Fish Care, Navigation at Lower Granite Dam NW Fishletter, 9/5/17 by Laura Berg
Riverkeeper: No Sustained Hot Water Temps if Lower Snake Dams Go NW Fishletter, 9/5/17 by Laura Berg
Study: Dams Led to Salmon Die-off on Snake River East Oregonian, 8/28/17 by George Plaven
With Adult Spring Chinook Passage Stalled at Little Goose, River Managers Experiment with Spill Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/9/17 by Staff
More Juvenile Fish Die at Little Goose Dam Tri-City Herald, 5/20/17 by Annette Cary
Salmon, Steelhead Die at Little Goose Dam Tri-City Herald, 5/5/17 by Annette Cary
94 Fish Die After Debris Problem at Little Goose Dam Tri-City Herald, 4/13/17 by Annette Cary
Young Salmon Risk "Gas Bubble Trauma" on Trip to Ocean Statesman Journal, 2/27/17 by Keith Ridler
Hatchery Fish Released Early to Avoid High Gas Levels from Dworshak Dam NW Fishletter, 4/3/17 by Laura Berg
2016 Columbia/Snake Survival Rates Mixed for Juvenile Fish NW Fishletter, 12/5/16 by Laura Berg
Corps Investigation Loss of 200 Adult Steelhead Below Dworshak; Likely Caused by Hitting Structure Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/16 by Staff
Corps Investigating Steelhead Deaths at Idaho's 402-MW Dworshak Hydropower Plant HydroWorld, 11/18/16 by Michael Harris
Clearwater Steelhead Go Belly Up Below Dworshak Dam Spokesman-Review, 11/17/16 by Rich Landers
Death of 200 Steelhead Linked to Dam Turbine Tri-City Herald, 11/16/16 by Staff
Corps Investigating Loss of About 200 Steelhead Just Below Dworshak Dam Daily Fly, 11/16/16 by Rich Landers
Cooler Water Continues to Flow in Lower Snake River; Fish Ladder Cooling Now Also at Little Goose Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/26/16 by Staff
Changes at Snake River Dams Helping Idaho Sockeye Salmon News Times, 8/28/16 by Keith Ridler
Corps Helping Salmon by Cooling Water at Little Goose and Lower Granite Dams Adult Fish Ladders Clearwater Tribune, 8/18/16 by Staff
Report: Faster Response Needed to Mitigate Salmon Die-off Spokesman-Review, 5/4/16 by Rich Landers
Study says Drawing Down Lower Granite Reservoir During Summer Could Help Fish Spokesman-Review, 7/17/16 by Eric Barker
Columbia Basin Fish, Hydro Managers Eye Rising Water Temps NW Fishletter, 7/5/16 by Laura Berg
FPC: Federal Dam Fishway Temperatures Longstanding Problem NW Fishletter, 7/5/16 by Laura Berg
Managers Aim for Cooler Water in Snake River to Aid Sockeye The News Tribune, 7/4/16 by Keith Ridler
Sockeye Begin Return as Above Normal Water Temps Persist NW Fishletter, 6/2/16 by Laura Berg
Fish On the Move, Facilitating Juvenile Fish Passage 2016 NW Fishletter, 6/2/16 by Laura Berg
Army Corps Improving Fish Passage at Lower Granite Dam The Olympian, 6/2/16 by Nicholas K. Geranios
Columbia and Snake Sockeye Decimated by 2015's Warm Rivers Idaho Statesman, 4/13/16 by Rocky Barker
Last Year's Heat Wave Doomed Nearly All Okanogan Sockeye Salmon Seattle Times, 4/13/16 by Hal Bernton
Corps Report on 2015 Columbia/Snake Warm Water, Fish Die-Off Will Discuss Actions to Avoid Repeat Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/1/16 by Staff
Feds Seek Ways to Avoid Another Columbia Basin Fish Kill Idaho Statesman, 3/6/15 by Keith Ridler
90 Percent of Snake River Sockeye Died Before Reaching First Snake River Dam NW Public Radio, 12/7/15 by Courtney Flatt
Post-Mortem 2015 Snake River Sockeye Run; 90 Percent of Fish Dead Before Reaching Ice Harbor Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/4/15 by Staff
Report Analyzes Impacts, Causes of This Year's Warm Fish-Killing Water in Columbia/Snake Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/6/15 I by Staff
Juvenile Spring Outmigration on Columbia, Snake Unusually Low in 2015 Northwest Fishletter, 11/2/15 by Laura Berg
Warm Water Wreaks Havoc on Columbia River Fish NW Power & Conservation Council, 8/12/15 by John Harrison
Warm Water Blamed for Huge Columbia River Sockeye Die-Off NW Power & Conservation Council, 7/31/15 by John Harrison
Sturgeon Deaths Prompt Columbia Fishing Closure The Vancouver Columbian, 7/16/15 by Allen Thomas
Testing to Improve Fish Passage Through the Ice Harbor Turbines, 5/20/15 by Foust, J.M., et al
Smoke, Lower Air Temperatures Keep Lower Snake Cooler Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/28/15 by Staff
Last Of Dworshak Water for August? 400 Snake River Sockeye Between Lower Granite, Sawtooth Basin Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/14/15 by Staff
Special Operations for Snake River Sockeye NW Fishletter, 8/11/15 by Laura Berg
Dworshak Dam Releases Reduced to Conserve Water for Fish Returning August, September Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/7/15 by Staff
Heat and Drought Devastate Sockeye Salmon Fishing and Spawning on Washington Rivers Los Angeles Times, 8/3/15 by William Yardley
Boiling Point: Hot Water Killing 50% of Columbia River's Salmon Population Reuters, 7/31/15 by Staff
Finding Water for Columbia River Fish in a Low Flow Year Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/24/15 by Staff
Biologists Bring Sockeye into Idaho on Trucks to Get Them Out of Hot Water Idaho Statesman, 7/17/15 by Rocky Barker
Sockeye Salmon Suffer Infections in Warm Columbia River System Spokesman-Review, 7/17/15 by Rich Landers
Snake River Sockeye Trapped, Transported At Lower Granite Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/17/15 by Staff
Columbia Basin Water Supply: Rivers, Streams Now Flowing at Late Summer Levels Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/10/15 by Staff
Lower Granite Water Temps Go Above 68 Degrees; Returning Snake River Sockeye Stalling in System Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/6/15 by Staff
Below-Average Runoff Triggers Dry-Year Ops for Fish Protection NW Fishletter, 7/6/15 by Rick Adair
Dworshak Reservoir Releases Water Ahead of Schedule for Endangered Fish KLEW TV, 6/23/15 by Mark Yuasa
Hot Weather Forces Dworshak Flow Increase to Cool Lower Snake Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/26/15 by Staff
Water Released from Idaho Reservoir to Cool River for Salmon Twin Times-News, 6/22/15 by Associated Press
Water Released from Idaho Reservoir to Cool River for Salmon WRAL, 6/20/15 by Staff
Water Temps (near 68), Low Flows Prompt Earlier than Usual Summer Hydro Operations in Lower Snake Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15 by Staff
Snake River Juvenile Salmon Transport Numbers Low So Far Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 5/31/15 by Josh Babcock
Snake River Juvenile Salmon Take a Cruise Wasington Times, 5/30/15 by Josh Babcock
As Water Supply Expectations Lower So Do Flow Targets at McNary During Juvenile Salmon Migration Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15 by Staff
Ice Harbor Project Aimed at Making Safer Turbines for Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/5/14 by Staff
Better Passage Gets Columbia River Salmon Past McNary Dam East Oregonian, 4/17/14 by George Plaven
Latest CSS Results Show Barging Helped Some Stocks NW Fishletter, 2/5/14 by Bill Rudolph
Dam Removal Study Suggests Rivers Return to Natural Conditions Surprisingly Fast Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/14 by Staff
Idaho Power Begins Fall Flow Regime to Protect Fall Chinook Redds Below Hells Canyon Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/14 by Staff
Weather Trivia: Ice Harbor Sets Record for WA's Highest Temperature (in 1961) Shore News Today, 8/4/14 by R.J. Liberatore Jr.
Return Tags in Salmon, Steelhead for $25 The Spokesman-Review, 7/2/14 by Rich Landers
Research Looks for Reasons Adult Salmon Survival Bonneville to McNary Falling Below Standards Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14 by Staff
Spring Chinook Losses Above Bonneville Remain a Mystery NW Fishletter, 6/5/14 by Bill Rudolph
Watch Whooshh: No Dam Problem with the Salmon Cannon Treehugger, 8/22/14 by Manon Verchot
Yakamas Testing Suction Tubes to Transport Salmon Yakima Herald-Republic, 6/3/14 by Kate Prengaman
Testing to Improve Fish Passage through the Ice Harbor Turbines HydroWorld, 5/20/14 Foust, Ahmann, Davidson,
Kiel and Freeman
Little Goose Dam Navigation Lock Reopens; Salmon, Steelhead Barging Begins May 1 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/14 by Staff
ISAB Explains Problems, Possibilities with Oregon's Spill Proposal NW Fishletter, 4/24/14 by Bill Rudolph
Remodel of Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Salmon Facility Expected to Improve Fish Survival Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/14 by Staff
Scientists Tell Council Proposed Spring Spill Experiment Not Complete Enough for Implementation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/14 by Staff
Increasing Salmon Spill at Columbia/Snake Dams; Science Panel Lists Biological Risks to Aquatic Life Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/14 by Staff
Increasing Spill at Columbia/Snake Dams: BPA Economic Analysis says $110 Million Annual Loss Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/14 by Staff
Scientists say Oregon's Spill Proposal Not Ready for Prime Time NW Fishletter, 2/20/14 by Bill Rudolph
Action Agencies Raise more Questions over Spill Proposal NW Fishletter, 1/31/14 by Bill Rudolph
Council Seeks Independent Science Advice on Proposal to Test Increased Spill at Mainstem Dams Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/17/14 by Staff
Climate Change Impacts Suggest Snake River Fish Passage Facilities Need 'Thermal/Hydraulic' Features Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/10/14 by Staff
Keeping Fish Moving During Hot Times at Lower Granite Fish Ladder Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/13 by Staff
Tracking Sockeye 'Conversion' from Lower Granite to High Country; Seek Cues to Trigger Transport Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/6/13 by Staff
Despite High 2011 Flows, Spill, Barging Still Benefited some Stocks NW Fishletter, 1/9/14 by Bill Rudolph
Council Sends Spill Proposal to ISAB for Scientific Review NW Fishletter, 1/9/14 by Bill Rudolph
Juvenile Steelhead Survival Down This Year NW Fishletter, 11/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
Some Agencies Want 10-Year Spill 'Test' in Next F&W Program NW Fishletter, 10/14/13 by Bill Rudolph
Bonneville/Energy Trust Study Delves into Hydropower's Long Reach Sustainable Business Oregon, 10/7/13 by Andy Giegerich
Chinook, Steelhead Surge in Snake River Spokesman-Review, 9/23/13 by Rich Landers
New NMFS BiOp Explains Why More Spill Is A Non-Starter NW Fishletter, 9/19/13 by Bill Rudolph
Power Council Hears from Supporters of Huge Spill Test NW Fishletter, 9/19/13 by Bill Rudolph
Returning Columbia Chinook May Top 1 Million Billings Gazette, 9/15/13 by Eric Barker
Returning Chinook Run into Thermal Blockage at Lower Granite Dam Lewiston Tribune, 9/13/13 by Eric Barker
Snake Steelhead Still Stalled Below Lower Granite Dam Spokesman-Review, 9/12/13 by Rich Landers
Warm Weather has Fall Chinook Passing over Little Goose Dam then Stalling at Lower Granite Ladders Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/6/13 by Staff
Columbia System Gets Hotter and Deadly for Salmon and Steelhead Idaho Statesman, 7/30/13 by Rocky Barker
UI Study Launched to Boost Fish Stocks Coeur d'Alene Press, 7/19/13 by Staff
Columbia, Snake, Willamette Dams Target of UI Study The Daily News, 7/1/13 by Anthony Kuipers
Bonneville's Turbines Tuned to Reduce Fish Descaling NW Fishletter, 6/4/13 by Bill Rudolph
Corps Not Convinced Turbine Tweaks Will Help Young Sockeye NW Fishletter, 6/4/13 by Bill Rudolph
Juvenile Chinook Survival Second Highest in Recent Years NW Fishletter, 10/19/12 by Bill Rudolph
Corps Begins 2013 Fish Operations Plan; Includes Spill, Performance Fish Survival Tests Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/5/12 by Staff
Fish Managers Request End to Summer Salmon Transport from McNary; Cite System Improvements Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/12 by Staff
Fish Passage Improvements Result in Increased Survival Intl. Water Power & Dam, 4/23/12 by Staff
(Delayed Mortality) More Dam Passage Not Necessarily a Bad Thing NW Fishletter, 4/18/13 by Bill Rudolph
Latest Data Shows Barging Fish Still Best for Most Snake Stocks NW Fishletter, 1/13/12 by Bill Rudolph
Barging Fish In May Still Beats Swimming NW Fishletter, 12/13/12 by Bill Rudolph
2012 Juvenile Salmon Migration: Spring Chinook Survival Second Best Since 1999 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12 by Staff
ID Power Co. Starts Annual Flow Program to Protect Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Redds Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/12/12 by Staff
With Warming Water What's Better for Juvenile Salmon: In-River Passage or Truck Transport? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12 by Staff
Wet Spring has Dworshak Filled to Brim for Summer Flow Augmentation for Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/29/12 by Staff
Dworshak Full, for Now Lewiston Tribune, 6/29/12 by Staff
Research: Barged Smolts Don't Suffer from Transport, Issue is 'Accelerated Timing of Ocean Entry' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/12 by Staff
Turbines Tweaked for Juvenile Sockeye at Bonneville NW Fishletter, 6/8/12 by Bill Rudolph
Bonneville Dam Flows Configured to Limit Descaling of Idaho's ESA-Listed Sockeye Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/25/12 by Staff
Corps Launches 2012 Fish Plan Seaside Signal, 4/3/12 by Staff
Latest NMFS Analysis Backs Up Late Spring Barging Strategy NW Fishletter, 12/14/11 by Bill Rudolph
Bonneville Dam Fish Ladders: Once a Spawn a Time VIA Magazine, 10/20/11 by Chris Woolston
High Flows Play Havoc With Juvenile Hydro Survival NW Fishletter, 9/22/11 by Bill Rudolph
Work at Dams and Water Spills Boost Salmon Spokesman Review, 5/5/11 by Rich Landers
Dam Passage and Spill Boost Salmon Survival Othello Outlook, 4/29/11 by Brian Gorman
2010 Juvenile Survival Through Hydro System Near Record Highs NW Fishletter, 4/19/11 by Staff
Dam Passage and Spill Boost Salmon Survival in the US Intl. Water Power & Dam, 4/19/11 by Staff
Snake River Steelhead Pass Dams at 2nd-Highest Rate Bellingham Herald, 4/15/11 by Staff
Hydro Operators Evaluate Passage Route for Kelt Returning to Ocean Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11 by Staff
Good Returns Reveal Fish Protection BPA Journal, 1/11 by Staff
Improved Returns Demonstrate Columbia Salmon Protection KBKW, 12/27/10 by David Haviland
Study Shows Dam Improvements Help Fish The News Tribune, 12/23/10 by Staff
Snake River Flows Downstream of Hells Canyon to Vary Again Idaho Statesman, 9/12/10 by Staff
Concrete Wall Improves Salmon Survival Rates at The Dalles Dam The Oregonian, 9/10/10 by Quinton Smith
Fish Passage Center's 'Comparative Survival Study' for Review Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/17/10 by Staff
Dworshak Drawdown to Start Tuesday Lewiston Tribune, 6/30/10 by Eric Barker
Research: Impact of 'Thermal Refugia' on Spawning Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/11/10 by Staff
Dam Operators Fly Idaho Rivers, Map Hot Spots The Seattle Times, 8/9/9 by John Miller
Underwater Acoustic Tags Help Salmon Avoid Becoming Dinner Smart Planet, 1/28/10 by Andrew Nusca
Acoustic Tags Track Movement of Salmon Through Dams The Oregonian, 7/29/9 by Matthew Preusch
New Technology Improves Salmon Passage at Dams Red Orbit, 7/24/9 by Erik Robinson
Salmon Delayed Mortality Happens Farther Out in Ocean Idaho Statesman, 6/30/9 by Rocky Barker
Corps Fights Birds at John Day Dam NW Fishletter, 2/19/9 by Bill Rudolph
New Method Offers Direct Detection of Salmon Brain Injury New York Times, 2/13/9 by Henry Fountain
NW Scientists Track Tiny Salmon down Columbia to Ocean KUOW, 5/26/9 by Sadie Babits
Army Corps to Spend Nearly $200 Million in OR, WA The Oregonian, 4/29/9 by Scott Learn
'Corner Collector' Opens for Steelhead Kelt, Juvenile Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/3/9 by Staff
New Technologies Help Scientists Track Fish Species, 3/11/9 by Krishna Ramanujan
High Flows Bring Debris Forcing Removal of Screens Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/8 by CBB Staff
Biologists Fish for Data on Why Fall Chinook Linger The Seattle Times, 10/8/7 by Andrew Sirocchi
Homing Rates for In-river, Barged Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/21/5 by Staff
Researchers Study to Find Best McNary Passage East Oregonian, 3/22/7 by Samantha Bates
Science Panel: Spills' Effects Unknown Capital Press, 3/10/5 by Staff
Angling Restrictions Studied for Bonneville Dam The Columbian, 1/20/5 by Staff
Panel Finds Big Holes in Summer Flow Analyses NW Fishletter, 11/18/4 by Bill Rudolph
Looking for Answers to Flow-Survival Conunudrum NW Fishletter, 11/18/4 by Bill Rudolph
Pests Seek a Northwest Passage The Oregonian, 8/10/4 by Bill Monroe
Fish Managers Push to End McNary 1% Tests Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/28/4 by CBB staff
NOAA Releases Hydro White Paper Drafts Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/21/4 by CBB staff
Spill to Deal with Brief Rise in Fish Mortality Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/7/4 by CBB staff
Monitoring Plan for McNary Turbine Critiqued Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/30/4 by Mike O'Bryant
How to Measure Gas Levels at Bonneville Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/9/4 by CBB staff
Workshop: New Ways to Handle Flood Control Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/13/4 by CBB staff
SR Spring Return Rates as Good as They Get NW Fishletter, 1/16/4 by Bill Rudolph
EPA Proposes New Water Rules Post Register, 10/24/3 by Associated Press
EPA Proposes OR Water Quality Standards Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/3 by Mike O'Bryant
(barging) Journey Downriver Tri-City Herald, 8/3/3 by Anna King
Seeking Mitigation for Reduced Ice Harbor Spill Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/1/3 by Mike O'Bryant
DEQ Revising Water Pollutant Criteria Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/11/3 by CBB staff
Ice Harbor Mortality Prompts Evaluations Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/27/3 by Barry Espenson
Summer Spill Study Begins at Ice Harbor Dam NW Fishletter, 6/30/3 by Bill Rudolph
Hydro Conference Focuses on Saving Dollars NW Fishletter, 6/13/3 by Bill Rudolph
Seeking Change in Hanford Reach Operations Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Dams Run by Army Engineers Leak Oil Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/6/3 by Associated Press
Manager Review Mainstem Water Quality Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/3 by Barry Espenson
Repairs Block Winter Passage at John Day NW Fishletter, 4/15/3 by Bill Bakke
Lower Snake Dissolved Gas TMDL Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/14/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Administration Failing to Protect Salmon Enviroment News Service, 2/28/3 by Matthew Daly
Admin Earns F on Salmon Report Card Enviroment News Service, 2/28/2 by Cat Lazaroff
Fed Salmon Managers Get Failing Grades Environmental News Net, 9/6/1 by American Rivers
Benefits of Dworkshak Flows on Adult Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/3 by Mike O'Bryant
River Managers Review Past Year's Ops Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/15/2 by CBB Staff
Study of John Day Spill Regime Efficiency Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/22/2 by Mike O'Bryant
Research of Dalles Dam Dangers for Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/22/2 by Mike O'Bryant
Delayed Mortality Linked to Dam Stress Greenwire, 4/?/2 by Natalie M. Henry
Drought Devastates Salmon Fry Count Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/22/1 by Lisa Stiffler
Stranding Kills 1.6 Million Salmon The Oregonian, 8/23/1 by Jonathan Brinckman
Rivers Ravaged by Energy Consumption Environmental News Net, 4/12/1 by Margot Higgins
Flow/Survival Link Confounds Researchers Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/9/1 by Barry Espenson
Salmon Must Pay in Power Crunch Seattle Times, 1/12/1 by Eric Sorensen
BIOP'S Approach Leaves Flow Uncertain Columbia Basin Bulletin 12/22/00 Mike O'Bryant
Free-Flowing Snake Still Best, IFG Says Spokesman Review, 10/4/00 by Rich Landers
13 Most Endangered Rivers of 2000 Environmental News Net, 4/10/00 by Margot Higgins
10 Most Endangered Rivers Paddler Magazine, 7/99 American Rivers
Snake River Most Endangered American Rivers, July 1999 American Rivers
Snake River Dam Resolution Resolution, 6/22/99 Pacific Fishery Council
Idaho River Recommendations Columbia Basin Bulletin 6/11/99 Mike O'Bryant
Biology Breached Editorial, Spring 1999 Orion Afield
Fish Response to Turbines Tested Environmental News Net, 6/7/99 by ENN
Salmon, Steelhead Get Barge Rides The Columbian, 8/24/0 by Erik Robinson
PREDATION back to top
Complexities of Measuring Effects of Predation on Basin Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/16 by Staff
Salmon Recovery Must Weigh "Native" Invader Impacts, as Well as Invasive Species' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/12/12 by Staff
Multi-Species Approach Suggested to Address Tensions from Rebounding Predators, ESA Species Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/12/15 by Staff
Public Speaks Out on Columbia River Boat Dock Plan Tri-City Herald, 6/9/11 by Jacques Von Lunen
Public Input Sought on Plan to Restrict Backyard Docks The News Tribune, 8/10/9 by John Trumbo
Walleye Continue to Move Upstream, Pose Threat to Native Salmon and Steelhead Lewiston Tribune, 10/24/24 by Staff
Catch, Kill, Report Walleye in Idaho's Salmon and Steelhead Rivers Coeur d'Alene Press, 10/24/24 by Idaho Fish & Game
IDFG Reports Three Times More Walleye Caught in Snake, Salmon Than in 2023 Northwest Sportsman, 3/29/24 by Andy Walgamott
New Joint-agency Work Group Formed around Walleye, Nonnatives In Snake, Columbia Northwest Sportsman, 3/29/24 by Andy Walgamott
Invasive Walleye Moving Higher into Snake River Basin, Threatening Juvenile Salmon, Steelhead, Lamprey Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/22/24 by Staff
'Not Good for Salmon and Steelhead': Smolt-Eating Walleye Worry Fishery Managers Spokesman-Review, 8/30/23 by Eric Barker
Walleye Continue 'Alarming' Spread Into Hells Canyon Northwest Sportsman, 8/15/23 by IDF&G Press Release
Increasing Number of Predatory Walleye Logged at Lower Granite Dam Big Country News, 6/29/15 by Nolan Smith
Terns, Cormorants Continue to Feast on Columbia's Salmonids NW Fishletter, 10/7/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Hungry Terns and Cormorants are Still a Problem, Particularly for Some Steelhead Smolts NW Power & Conservation Council, 9/25/19 by John Harrison
A Federal Bird Kill in the Columbia River Did Nothing to Save Salmon Willamette Week, 2/6/19 by Karina Brown
Oregon: Federal Plan to Save Salmon by Killing Birds Backfired Courthouse News Service, 2/5/19 by Karina Brown
To Help Salmon, Fish Advocates Want to Kill Some Gulls Seaside Signal, 1/29/19 by Courtney Flatt
Fewer Cormorants Nest at East Sand Island, Observers Document Bald Eagle Predation on Eggs Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/18 by Staff
Watch Cormorant vs. Salmon Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/19/15 by Cassandra Profita
Cormorant Culling from Boats Resumes in Lower Columbia Estuary, Will Continue Through October Chinook Observer, 10/19/15 by CBB Staff
Judge Says Decision to Kill Cormorants Unlawful, But Keeps it in Place NW Fishletter, 9/6/15 by Laura Berg
Killing Cormorants Did Little to Help Salmon, Judge Hears Courthouse News, 6/6/16 by Karina Brown
Killing Cormorants Not Improving Steelhead Survival Rates NW Fishletter, 6/6/16 by Laura Berg
For Second Year, Corps Issued Permit to Cull Cormorants in Lower Columbia; Allows Killing 3,216 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/15/16 by Staff
McNary Refuge Plays Host to Thousands of Winged Visitors for Winter Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/24/16 by Alfred Diaz
Cormorant Killing Comes to Seasonal End, Litigation Set for March NW Fishletter, 11/2/15 by Laura Berg
Salmon-Loving Seabird Causing Political Clash in Pacific Northwest Courthouse News Service, 10/2/15 by Karina Brown
Watch Video Offers First Glimpse of Cormorant Killings on Columbia River Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/23/15 by Vince Patton
Research: Seabird Populations Drop 70 Percent Since 1950s, Indicator of Health of Marine Ecosystems Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/10/15 by Staff
Corp Slows Down Cormorant Culling in Columbia River Estuary Due to Nesting Birds Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15 by Staff
Culling Cormorants Begins: Goal is to Reduce 15,000 Breeding Pairs to Under 6,000 by 2018 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15 by Staff
Judge Refuses to Halt Lethal Removal of Cormorants NW Fishletter, 5/23/15 by Bill Rudolph
Government Hunters Prepare to Kill Salmon-eating Birds Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/23/15 by Jeff Barnard
Federal Judge Allows Corps' Cormorant Culling Plan to Proceed in Columbia River Estuary Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/15/15 by Staff
Conservation, Animal Welfare Groups File Lawsuit to Stop Plan to Cull Estuary Cormorants Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/24/15 by Staff
USFWS Grants Corps One-Year Depredation Permit to Begin Culling Columbia Estuary Cormorants Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/17/15 by Staff
Audubon Announces Intent to Sue Over Plan to Cull Cormorants from Columbia River Estuary Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/27/15 by Staff
Less Nesting Habitat Has Led to Higher Nesting Density for Salmonid-Eating Caspian Terns Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/13/15 by Staff
Mid-Columbia Efforts to Reduce Avian Predation Result in Survival Increase for Juvenile Salmonids Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/20/15 by Staff
Final EIS Released on Reducing Estuary Cormorant Numbers; Proposes Both Shooting and Egg Oiling Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/6/15 by Staff
Listen Salmon in Columbia River Endangered by Seabirds Liberty Voice, 2/9/15 by Alex Lemieux
Feds Propose Killing 16,000 Birds to Save Salmon Electric Co-Op Today, 7/24/14 by Steven Johnson
Corps Chooses Not to Further Reduce Estuary Habitat for Salmon-Eating Terns Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14 by Staff
Corps Avian Hazing at Lower Snake Dams Now Includes Lethal 'Take' of Gulls, Cormorants Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14 by Staff
Corps will Kill Some Fish-Eating Birds NW Fishletter, 4/3/14 by Bill Rudolph
Army Corps to Cull Fish-eating Birds on Snake River Spokesman-Review, 3/6/14 by Rich Landers
Army Corps to Begin Killing Birds Capital Press, 3/28/14 by Associated Press
Fish-Eating Birds to be Killed at Five Dams Daily Astorian, 3/27/14 by Courtney Flatt
Plan Set to Limit Mid-Columba Bird Predation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/7/14 by Staff
East Sand Cormorant Colony Increasing; Estuary's Most Significant Source of Smolt Mortality Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/3/13 by Staff
Corps Prepares for Battle with Hungry Birds NW Fishletter, 12/12/13 by Bill Rudolph
Corps Won't Kill Gulls to Help Salmon-eating Terns Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/13 by Associated Press
Eagles, Gulls, Terns; Corps Considers Ways to Manage Estuary's Predation Dynamics Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13 by Staff
State Expands Study of Salmon-eating Seabirds Lewiston Tribune, 4/23/13 by Associated Press

Big-Water Smallies on the Columbia River Game & Fish, 4/29/23 by Gary Lewis
Watch Largest West Coast Bass Fishing Tour to Show Off Columbia River and Tri-Cities in June Tri-City Herald, 6/4/16 by Wendy Culverwell
WDFW Removes Bag Limits for Bass, Walleye, Catfish on Columbia River, Tributaries to Protect Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/4/16 by Staff
When ESA-Listed Salmon, Steelhead, Bull Trout Coexist in Same Stream, Bull Trout Top Predator Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/10/15 by Staff
Near-record Smallmouth Caught Near Stevenson The Herald of Everett, 7/2/14 by Wayne Kruse
Dworshak Reservoir and Columbia River on Bassmaster's List of Top 100 Best Bass Spots Ag Weekly, 5/6/14 by Staff
Dworshak Reservoir (and Columbia River) on Top 100 Bass List Lewiston Tribune, 5/1/14 by Staff
New Rules Mean More Walleye, Fewer Sturgeon for Washington Anglers The Bend Bulletin, 3/13/13 by Eric Barker
WA Removes Catch Limits for Some Salmon Predators NW Fishletter, 3/7/13 by Eric Barker
It's Official: Bag Limits Off in WA for Columbia/Snake Bass, Walleye, Channel Catfish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/3/13 by Staff
WA May End Bass, Walleye, Catfish Catch Limits to Save Salmon NW Fishletter, 2/12/13 by Bill Rudolph
Council Staff Develops 'Next Steps' for Policy Development Addressing Predation Issues Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12 by Staff
Columbia River, Dworshak Reservoir Included in List of Nation's Top Bass Fishing Spots Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/4/12 by Staff
Columbia River Ranks as a Top Bass Fisheries Lewiston Tribune, 4/30/12 by Eric Barker
A Million Strong and Bull Trout are Endangered, Seriously? Bellingham Herald, 9/8/10 by Roger Phillips
Waterfowl Hunters Work Day Planned Saturday Tri-City Herald, 9/7/10 by Staff
Biologists Fear Time Running Out for Columbia River Lamprey The News Tribune, 9/5/10 by Kevin McCullen
Franklin Co. Fights End of Private Docks The News Tribune, 5/8/10 by Kristi Pihl
Bass, Walleye Pose Substantial Threat To Salmonids Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/6/9 by Staff
Invasive Species are Greatest Threat to NW Salmon The Oregonian, 3/5/9 by Matthew Preusch
Nonnative Fish Harming Columbia Ecosystem The Columbian, 7/23/8 by Erik Robinson
No Bull: These "Trout'' a Challenge to Locate The Columbian, 12/1/5 by Allen Thomas
Analyzing Shad, Predator Impacts on Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4 by Barry Espenson
Ducks Found to be Culprit in Missing Fish Case Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/30/4 by Associated Press
Orca Family Returns to Penn Cove After 50 Years Whidbey News-Times, 11/8/24 by Luisa Loi
Lack of Chinook Salmon Keeps Southern Resident Orcas on Endangered List My Northwest, 10/15/24 by Julia Dallas
Recently Birthed Southern Resident Calf Believed to be Dying My Northwest, 10/11/23 by Julia Dallas
In the King Salmon Debate, We're Ignoring the 8,000-Pound Orca in the Room Anchorage Daily News, 10/26/23 by Andy Wink
Endangered Southern Resident Orca Whales are Last in Line for Salmon. Here's Why Skagit Valley Herald, 12/27/19 by Kimberly Cauvel
Washington State Moves to Protect Endangered Killer Whales Times Colonist, 3/15/18 by Phuong Le
Ocean Predators NW Council, 1/16/18 by John Harrison
The Disappearance of Washington's Orca Whales High Country News, 11/15/17 by Allegra Abramo
Study Shows High Pregnancy Failure in Southern Resident Killer Whales UW News, 6/29/17 by James Urton
Another Orca from 'Baby Boom' Dies, Fears Expressed about Extinction KOMO News, 9/25/17 by Staff
Another Young Puget Sound Orca Dies of Starvation Q13 Fox News, 9/25/17 by Staff
Orca's Death Raises Fears of Extinction Times Colonist, 9/25/17 by Richard Watts
Why Do Most Orca Pregnancies End in Miscarriage? Look Upstream Pacific Standard, 9/21/17 by Hanna Brooks Olsen
UW Professor's Study Links Food Scarcity to Orcas' Failed Pregnancies Seattle Times, 6/28/17 by Lynda Mapes
Southern Resident Killer Whale Population is Running Out of Salmon, Running Out of Time National Geographic, 1/31/17 by Carl Safina
World's Oldest Known Killer Whale Granny Dies BBC News, 11/3/16 by Victoria Gill
Brutal Year Sets Back Orca Recovery Crosscut, 11/2/16 Heydenreich, Giles, Balcomb
Puget Sound Orcas Die of Starvation Mirror Daily, 11/2/16 by Robert Moore
The Southern Resident Killer Whale Population is Dying Ocean Preservation, 8/25/16 by Elizabeth M Batt
Starved for Salmon, a Unique Clan of Orcas is Slipping towards Extinction Oceana, 8/18/16 by Allison Guy
Dams Are Wiping Out Chinook Salmon -- And Decimating Killer Whales Oceana, 8/22/16 by Allison Guy
Listen The Great Salish Sea: Double Jeopardy -- Endangered Orcas and Endangered Salmon Green Acre Radio, 7/16 by Staff
Hungry Killer Whales Waiting for Columbia River Salmon Seattle Times, 3/31/16 by Giles & Stefani
Whales with a Dam Problem Pacific Standard, 3/29/16 by Chelsey B. Coombs
Drones Track Orcas in Puget Sound, Show Population in Good Shape Spokesman-Review, 10/21/15 by Phuong Le
Save Money, Save Salmon, Save Mike: Free the Snake The Cleanest Line, 8/21/15 by Steve Hawley
Survival of Endangered Orcas in the Salish Sea Depends on Restoring Chinook Bellingham Herald, 2/27/15 by Howard Garrett
NOAA: Puget Sound Killer Whales to Stay Protected Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/2/13 by Associated Press
Science Fails to Back Orca ESA Listing Capital Press, 6/12/12 by Schiff Himebaugh
Whale-Watching Boats: No 'Room' for the Orcas Crosscut, 6/12/12 by Daniel Jack Chasan
Not Having Enough Salmon Stresses Killer Whales Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/8/12 by Staff
U.S./Canada Science Evaluates Effects of Salmon Fisheries on ESA-Listed Killer Whales Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/4/12 by Staff
A Third Baby Orca and Its Family are Headed This Way Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/26/14 by Joel Connelly
Is Washington's Orca Baby Boom a Fluke? Washington Post, 1/9/10 by George Tibbits
Can Scat, Diet, Breath Give Clues to Orca Decline? Seattle Times, 12/20/6 by Phuong Lee
With Dog's Help, Clues to Orcas' Decline in Whale Scat Seattle Times, 11/19/6 by Lynda Mapes
Sounds Like My Favorite Fish ScienceNOW Daily News, 11/12/6 by Phil Berardelli
U.S. Offers Orca Rescue Plan Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/29/6 by Robert McClure
As the Chinook Go, So Go the Orcas Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/5/6 by Peggy Anderson
Bonneville Sea Lion Removal Operations Ongoing, Just 2 Culled Northwest Sportsman, 4/28/23 by Andy Walgamott
Battle Over Endangered Fish has Led Oregon to Cull Sea Lions KGW, 4/11/23 by Staff
Report: Sea Lion Abundance Drops, But 'Sustained Impacts' to Fish Remain NW Fishletter, 3/13/22 by K.C. Mehaffey
Sea Lions Threaten Northwest's Salmon The Columbian, 2/17/22 by Lauren Ellenbecker
Sea Lions, Seals Might be Hampering WA Salmon Recovery. What Can Be Done? Seattle Times, 1/15/23 by Isabella Breda
Report Raises Question of Hunting Seals to Save Washington Salmon The Center Square, 12/19/22 by Timothy Schumann
Scientists: Let's Test Removing Salmon-eating Seals, Sea Lions Capital Press, 11/23/22 by Don Jenkins
NMFS Authorizes Sea Lion Removals to Save Columbia River Salmon National Fisherman, 8/27/20 by Lynda Mapes
Hundreds of Sea Lions to be Killed on Columbia River in Effort to Save Endangered Fish Seattle Times, 8/15/20 by Lynda Mapes
Oregon Seeking Expanded Sea Lion Controls Following Success of Protections at Willamette Falls The Columbian, 10/26/19 by Bill Monroe
Watch New Plan Targets Salmon-Eating Sea Lions in Columbia River Q13 Fox, 8/30/19 by Associated Press
Application Submitted to Lethally Remove Sea Lions from Columbia River The Columbian, 6/20/19 by Terry Otto
Sea Lions Cause Trouble at Northwest Ports The News Tribune, 5/12/19 by Tom Banse
Criteria for Killing Salmon-eating Sea Lions Reduced at Bonneville Dam on Columbia Statesman Journal, 5/3/19 by Keith Ridler
ESA Winter Steelhead Impacted by Prolonged Steller Sea Lion Presence at Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/1/19 by Staff
So Far, Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam Below 10-Year Average; Mostly Stellars Chinook Observer, 8/1/18 by CBB Staff
For Wildlife Lovers, a Kind of Sophie's Choice Sierra Magazine, 2/6/19 by Austin Price
It's Now Legal to Kill Sea Lions that are Threatening Salmon in the Pacific Northwest CNN, 1/30/19 by Lauren Kent
Senate Passes Bill Making it Easier to Kill Sea Lions on Pacific Northwest River, 12/8/18 by Phuong Le
Hunters Demand Quota to Cull Thousands of Seals to Save Salmon Population Along B.C.'s Coast Star Vancouver, 8/2/18 by Jenny Peng
Northwest Tribes may Soon Have Right to Kill Sea Lions The Columbian, 8/1/18 by Katy Sword
One State's Plan to Save a Protected Species is to Kill Another Species The Dalles Chronicle, 6/11/18 by Karin Brulliard
Latest Bi-Weekly Pinniped Report Shows Decline in Steller, California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/18 by Staff
Falling Prey Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/18 by Eric Barker
As Spring Chinook Arrive, Steller Sea Lion Presence at Bonneville Dam Breaks Single Day Record Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/18/18 by Staff
Hazing Sea Lions Not a Long-term Fix The Dalles Chronicle, 5/11/18 by Dameon Pesanti
'We're Losing' Sea Lion Fight Spokesman-Review, 4/5/18 by Dameon Pesanti
Bill Would Streamline Process to Kill Sea Lions Near Bonneville Dam KGW8, 4/4/18 by Brian Brennan
Sea Lions Focus of Fish Survival War The Dalles Chronicle, 3/22/18 by Gillian Flaccus
Sea Lions Feasting on Columbia River Steelhead KXLY, 3/8/18 by Brian Neale
West Coast California Sea Lion Population has Rebounded: Meets Marine Mammal Protection Act Goal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/19/18 by Staff
Recovery of West Coast Marine Mammals Dramatically Increasing Consumption of Chinook Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17 by Staff
Sea Lions Leave Bonneville Dam with Likely High Salmon Predation Rate in Their Wake Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/23/17 by Staff
Oregon, Washington and Tribes Again Take Aim at Sea Lions in Dispute Over Salmon The Oregonian, 7/14/17 by Andrew Theen
Hazing Sea Lions: Like the Sheep Dog and Coyote Fable, But on Water The Oregonian, 7/14/17 by Andrew Theen
ODFW Applies to Cull Sea Lions at Willamette Falls Lake Oswego Review, 6/27/17 by Patrick Malee
Sea Lion Presence At Bonneville Dam Up; Salmon Predation Exceeds Historical Average Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/2/17 by Staff
Yakamas Applaud Bill that Would Allow Tribes to Remove Sea Lions Feasting on Fish Yakima Herald, 4/11/17 by Phil Ferolito
Bill Seeks to Allow Tribes to Kill Salmon-Eating Sea Lions The Tribune, 4/11/17 by Nicholas Geranios
Sea Lions Ate Lots of Salmonids in Bonneville Pool in Early 2016 NW Fishletter, 4/3/17 by Laura Berg
Study says Predators May Play Major Role in Chinook Salmon Declines Encylopedia of Puget Sound, 1/25/17 by Christopher Dunagan
Early Action Key to Reducing Sea Lion Impacts on Salmon Science Daily, 12/16/16 by Staff
Sea Lions Spending Longer Periods At Bonneville Dam; Warm Ocean Conditions To Blame? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/16 by Staff
NOAA Fisheries Gives OK to Remove Sea Lions That Prey on Salmon NW Fishletter, 9/6/16 by Laura Berg
Sea Lions Eat Record Number of Salmon and Steelhead in Columbia NW Fishletter, 7/5/16 by Laura Berg
Sea Lions Continue Feast on Salmon, Ratepayers Electric Co-op Today, 6/13/16 by Steven Johnson
States Kill 47 California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam During April, 14 Added to Watch List Chinook Observer, 5/13/16 by CBB Staff
47 Sea Lions Killed by Wildlife Workers This Year at Dam WHIO TV, 5/5/16 by Staff
Wildlife Workers Kill 38 Sea Lions Near Bonneville Dam this Year KGW, 5/3/16 by Pat Dooris
As Spring Chinook Passage Picks Up at Bonneville Dam, So Do Sea Lion Numbers, Salmon Mortality Chinook Observer, 4/22/16 by CBB Staff
Sea Lion Return Bad for Fish, NW Ratepayers Electric Co-op Today, 3/29/16 by Steven Johnson
Sea Lions Back At Bonneville Dam For Spring Salmonid Return Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/1/16 by Staff
Sea Lion Trapped, Removed from Bonneville Pool The Columbian, 1/31/16 by Al Thomas
Sea Lions Step Up Endangered Salmon Feast Electric Co-op Today, 10/19/15 by Steven Johnson
2015 Sea Lion Predation Report: 8,474 Salmonids Taken Below Bonneville, Twice 10-Year Average Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15 by Staff
Pinniped Monitoring at Bonneville Dam this Year Shows Record Number of Sea Lions,Salmon Predation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/15/15 by Staff
Trap Malfunction Results in Accidental Death of Two California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15 by Staff
'Freak Accident' at Bonneville Dam Kills Sea Lion, Marks 3rd Death in Days The Oregonian, 5/5/15 by Kelly House
Sea Lion Dies in 'Freak Accident' at Bonneville Dam KPTV, 5/5/15 by Staff
Two Sea Lions Die After Trap Door Malfunctions at Bonneville Dam Perfect Science, 5/4/15 by Luis Georg
Sea Lions Die In Oregon: Trap Malfunction Death Clapway, 5/3/15 by Piyush
Two Sea Lions Die in Trap My Central Oregon, 5/1/15 by Staff
2 Sea Lions Crushed to Death at Bonneville Dam After Trap Door Malfunctions The Oregonian, 5/1/15 by Kelly House
Watch Love 'em Or Hate 'em, Sea Lions Raise Concerns on the Columbia Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/26/15 by Cassandra Profita
Spring Chinook Return Gathers Steam, Sea Lion Numbers in Bonneville Dam Tailrace Above Average Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/17/15 by Staff
Once-starving Seals, Sea Lions Swarm Columbia River for Smelt, Salmon Runs Daily Astorian, 3/25/15 by Edward Stratton
Sea Lions Showing Large Presence in Lower Columbia; Smelt First, Then Come Spring Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/13/15 by Staff
Bill Introduced Aimed at Killing More Sea Lions NW Fishletter, 2/5/15 by Bill Rudolph
Sea Lions Find New Places to Snack on NW Fish Electric Co-op Today, 2/2/15 by Steven Johnson
Watch Bill Supports Killing Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam KOIN 6 News, 1/29/15 by Chris Holmstrom
Fish & Feathers: Estimates Suggest Sea Lions Take a Hungry Bite Out of Salmon Runs Chinook Observer, 1/13/15 by Capt. Ron Malast
Sea Lions May be Killing Even More Columbia Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/7/14 by Associated Press
Study: Seals, Sea Lions Eating More Columbia River Salmon Than Previously Thought The Daily News, 11/6/14 by Tom Paulu
Sea Lion Predation on Salmon Up at Dam NW Fishletter, 10/2/14 by Bill Rudolph
Salmon Munching Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam Shifting to Different Species, New Problems The Oregonian, 6/16/14 by Conrad Wilson
Chinook May Face Heavy Sea Lion Predation in Lower Columbia NW Fishletter, 6/5/14 by Bill Rudolph
Sea Lions Leave Bonneville Dam; Impact Well Below High Predation Years Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/14 by Staff
California Sea Lions, Full of Spring Chinook, Leave Bonneville Dam for Points South The Oregonian, 5/16/14 by Ted Sickinger
Seven More California Sea Lions Captured Below Bonneville Dam, Four Euthanized Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/27/14 by Staff
Spring Ritual: States Begin Trapping, Euthanizing Sea Lions Feasting on Chinook at Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/14 by Staff
Six Sea Lions Killed at Bonneville Dam Indy Bay California, 4/19/14 by The Humane Society
Watch First Nuisance Sea Lions of 2014 Killed at Bonneville Dam KUOW, 4/18/14 by Tom Banse
Strong Smelt Return Attracts Larger Sea Lion Numbers to Columbia River as Springer Run Builds Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14 by Staff
2013 Pinniped Predation on Lower Columbia Salmon: 2,928 Fish, 2.4 Percent of the Run Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/8/13 by Staff
Some Steller Sea Lions Delisted From ESA NW Fishletter, 11/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
Some Sea Lions are Now Off the Endangered List Statesman Journal, 11/3/13 by Henry Miller
Niners Uphold Lethal Removal of Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam NW Fishletter, 10/14/13 by Bill Rudolph
Federal Appeals Court Green-lights Killing of Sea Lions to Save Salmon Examiner, 10/4/13 by Hank Lacey
The Trouble with Sea Lions The Dalles Chronicle, 7/12/13 by Kathy Ursprung
Sea Lion Predation Down this Year NW Fishletter, 6/28/13 by Bill Rudolph
Sea Shepherd Activist Aids Columbia River Sea Lions North Shore News, 6/9/13 by Christine Lyon
Sea Lion Feasting on Spring Chinook Prompts More Trapping, Branding, Removals Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13 by Staff
States Place Trap at Dalles Marina to Capture California Sea Lions Above Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/19/13 by Staff
California Sea Lion Euthanized Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/19/13 by Staff
3 Salmon-munching Sea Lions Trapped: 2 Will Go to New York Zoo; 1 Will be Euthanized The Oregonian, 4/17/13 by Quinton Smith
Humane Society Files in Appeals Court Disputing Legality of Lethal Sea Lion Removal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13 by Staff
Oregon Kills First Salmon-eating Sea Lion of 2013 at Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 4/17/13 by Scott Learn
Sea Lions Above Bonneville Dam to be Trapped KPTV, 4/17/13 by Staff
Sea Lion Trapping Starts Above Bonneville Statesman Journal, 4/16/13 by Henry Miller
Appeals Court Expedites Briefing, Oral Arguments on Challenge to Lethal Sea Lion Removal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/29/13 by Staff
Sudden Large Smelt Run Likely Reason for High Numbers of Sea Lions Plying Lower Columbia Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/29/13 by Staff
Listen Sea Lions vs. Salmon: Annual Clash Resumes at Bonneville Dam KPLU, 3/18/13 by Bellamy Pailthorp
Federal Judge Upholds Lethal Removal of Sea Lions NW Fishletter, 3/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
So Far, Only One Sea Lion at Bonneville, Stellers Less Abundant than Past Years Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/22/13 by Staff
Judge Upholds Sea Lion Removal, says 'Significant Negative Impact' Can Be Less Than 'Jeopardy' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/22/13 by Staff
Judge Dismisses Humane Society Lawsuit that Opposed Killing Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 2/15/13 by Scott Learn
Lawsuit Seeking to End Sea Lion Killing Moves Ahead NW Public Radio, 10/19/12 by Chris Lehman
Steller Sea Lions Pick Up Their Take Below Bonneville Dam: Latest Report from Corps The Oregonian, 10/15/12 by Quinton Smith
Predators' Toll Below Bonneville Dips; Stellers Take Lions' Share for First Time in Study History Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/12/12 by Staff
Court Again Considers Clash Over Legality of Lethal Sea Lion Removal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/24/12 by Staff
Reflections on a Sea Lion Killing Season at the Bonneville Dam Beach Carolina Magazine, 7/23/12 by Sandy McElhaney
Humane Society Offers Reward for Sea Lion Killing Info Wenatchee World, 6/21/12 by Associated Press
Proposed Federal Conservation Legislation Takes Aim at Columbia River Sea Lions Examiner, 6/15/12 by Sandy McElhaney
Judge Denies Motion to Stop Killing Sea Lions at Dam NW Fishletter, 6/8/12 by Bill Rudolph
Fish-slaughter: Sea Lions Guilty, as Charged Indian Country Today, 5/28/12 by Terri Hansen
Two More Bonneville Dam Sea Lions Killed by Lethal Injection Examiner, 5/15/12 by Sandy McElhaney
Federal Judge Declines to Rule Immediately in Killing of Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 5/15/12 by Scott Learn
Listen Shedd Aquarium Looks to Adopt Sea Lion from Pacific NW CBS Chicago, 4/25/12 by Regine Schlesinger
Shedd Aquarium Offers to Adopt Salmon-Eating Sea Lion California Watch, 4/24/12 by Susanne Rust
Tribal Group Claims Sea Lions Munch More Salmon Than Previously Thought Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/23/12 by Chris Lehman
Traveling Sea Lion Phones Home Alaska Public Radio, 4/9/12 by Robert Woolsey
Not Many Sea Lions, But Two 'Individually Identifiable' Salmon Eaters Trapped, Killed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/6/12 by Staff
2 Salmon-Eating Sea Lions Killed at Bonneville Dam Seattle Times, 4/6/12 by Associated Press
Humane Society and Fish Wild Conservancy File Suit to Stop Illegal Sea Lion Fly Rod and Reel, 3/19/12 by Ted Williams
Feds to Allow Sea Lion Killings in Oregon Salem-News, 3/17/12 by Staff
Anglers may Find Relief Soon as NOAA Authorizes Permanent Removal of Sea Lions Seattle Times, 3/15/12 by Mark Yuasa
Judge Denies Stay for Sea Lion Killing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/15/12 by Staff
Feds OK Killing of Sea Lions in Columbia River Seattle Times, 3/15/12 by Associated Press
Federal Government Sanctions Limited Sea Lion Killings Chicago Tribune, 3/15/12 by Teresa Carson
Death Penalty Returns for Bonneville Sea Lions Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/14/12 by Tom Banse
NOAA Reauthorizes Killing of California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 3/16/12 by Scott Learn
Rescued Sea Lion Felled by Cancer at Shedd Chicago Tribune, 3/2/12 by Staff
NOAA's Sea Lion Task Force Discusses Lethal Removal Below Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/28/11 by Staff
Report: ESA-Protected Steller Sea Lions Show Increased Presence, Salmon Take Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/11 by Staff
Sea Lion Task Force to Meet Again NW Fishletter, 10/21/11 by Bill Rudolph
Sea Lion Task Force to Weigh in on Whether to Kill and Remove Sea Lions The Oregonian, 10/16/11 by Quinton Smith
Bonneville Sea Lion/Salmon Task Force Meets Oct. 24 Statesman Journal, 10/7/11 by Henry Miller
House Panel Looks to Make it Easier to Kill Sea Lions Feasting on Salmon Washington Post, 10/5/11 by Associated Press
Sea Lion Threat to Fish will be Reduced, Panel Hopes Huffington Post, 10/5/11 by Kevin Freking
Proposed Killing of Sea Lions Moves Forward Tri-City Herald, 9/13/11 by Staff
States File Request to Kill Problem Sea Lions at Bonneville Statesman Journal, 8/22/11 by Staff
NW States Seek Permission to Kill Sea Lions KPTV, 8/11/11 by Staff
Latest Score in Sea Lion Battle: Feds, 1; State, 0 West Linn Tidings, 8/11/11 by Raymond Rendleman
Tribes Unhappy After NMFS Suspends Authorization to Kill Sea Lions NW Fishletter, 8/5/11 by Bill Rudolph
Tribes Encourage Sea Lion Kills to Help Salmon Seattle Times, 7/29/11 by Associated Press
NOAA Reversal Bans Sea Lion Hunting on Columbia River Care2, 7/31/11 by Beth Buczynski
Sea Lions Rejoice: Feds Revoke Kill Authorization Intl. Business Times, 7/27/11 by Staff
NOAA Changes Position on Sea Lion Killings Environmental News Net, 7/27/11 by Teresa Carson
Sea Lions that Eat Endangered Salmon Get Reprieve Seattle Times, 7/26/11 by Jeff Barnard
OR, WA State Agree to Suspend Killings of Sea Lions Wall Street Journal, 5/25/11 by Joel Millman
Sea Lions Turn Salmon Run into Buffet Wall Street Journal, 5/20/11 by Joel Millman
California Sea Lions Head South Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/20/11 by Staff
Humane Society Challenges Sea Lion Killing Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/20/11 by William McCall
Sea Lions Caught at Bonneville Monday Not Eligible to be Euthanized The Oregonian, 5/16/11 by Quinton Smith
OK Given to Resume Killing Salmon-munching Sea Lions The Oregonian, 5/13/11 by Quinton Smith
Sea Lions to Be Killed for Eating Endangered Fish Treehugger, 5/15/11 by Stephen Messenger
Sea Lions to Be Killed for Eating Endangered Fish The Oregonian, 5/10/11 by Quinton Smith
Hazing: Round Two WestLinn Tidings, 4/28/11 by Kara Hansen Murphey
Watch Researchers Track Voracious Sea Lions Feeding on Spring Chinook The Oregonian, 4/18/11 by Quinton Smith
Hastings Introduces Bill to Lethally Remove Salmon-Eating Sea Lions Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11 by Staff
WA, AK Questioning Fisheries' Impact on Stellar Sea Lions Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/4/11 by Staff
Feds Won't Appeal 9th Circuit Ruling on Sea Lions Seattle Times, 1/19/11 by Erik Robinson
Group Suggests More Salmon-Eating Sea Lions be Killed Ecoworld, 12/29/10 by Staff
Group Urges Tougher Measures to Remove Sea Lions Seattle Times, 12/28/10 by Phuong Le
Study Looks at Sea Lion-Seal Salmon Predation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/21/10 by Staff
Protected Predator Ag Info, 11/13/10 by Lacy Gray
Endangered Fish, Sea Lions Create Quandary Capital Press, 11/12/10 by Mateusz Perkowski
Task Force Recommends More Salmon-Eating Sea Lions Be Killed KUOW, 11/12/10 by Tom Banse
Task Force Recommends Killing More Sea Lions at Bonneville The Oregonian, 11/10/10 by Scott Learn
Study: Fewer Salmon Being Eaten by Sea Lions at Bonneville Oregon Public Broadcasting,10/27/10 by Rob Manning
Task Force Will Reconvene to Assess Sea Lion Eradication The Columbian, 10/25/10 by Staff
Group to Review Actions to Remove, Kill Sea Lions Seattle Times, 9/9/10 by Associated Press
Season of Sea Lion Trapping Ends; NOAA to Evaluate Program Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/4/10 by Staff
Sea Lions Continue to Munch Salmon, Despite Hazing The Oregonian, 5/13/10 by Scott Learn
Listen Sea Lion Buffet at Bonneville Dam Gets Messy Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/3/10 by Tom Banse
Tribes Help Haze Sea Lions to Save Salmon on Columbia Seattle Times, 4/11/10 by Erik Lacitis
Chinook Salmon: Dams are Real Threat Not Sea Lions The Examiner, 4/2/10 by Jean Williams
Anger Mounts as Sea Lions Killed for Eating Endangered Fish Daily Finance, 4/2/10 by Staff
State Euthanizes Five More Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam The Columbian, 3/11/10 by Staff
Watch Sixth Sea Lion Killed at Bonneville Dam KGW, 3/10/10 by Staff
Sea Lion Killed at Bonneville Dam KGW, 3/5/10 by Frank Mungeam
Sea Lion Put to Death as Trapping Begins Again KATU, 3/4/10 by Joe English
1st Sea Lion of Year Killed from Bonneville Dam Seattle Times, 3/4/10 by Associated Press
Sea Lion Traps in Place at Bonneville Dam KATU, 3/1/10 by Staff
Report: Sea Lion Kill Hasn't Reduced Salmon Toll KATU, 11/9/9 by Associated Press
Sea Lions Split for the Season NW Fishletter, 6/19/9 by Bill Rudolph
Ten Sea Lions Killed Near Bonneville Dam this Season The Oregonian, 6/1/9 by Staff
Humans, Not Sea Lions, Are Causing the Problems The Oregonian, 5/23/9 by Matt Love
Hazing Sea Lions To Protect Salmon Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/20/9 by Sadie Babits
Swimming in Controversy, Sea Lion C265 is First to be Killed The Oregonian, 4/17/9 by Matthew Preusch
Two Bonneville Dam Sea Lions at New Home in TX Zoo, 4/8/9 by Staff
Gladys Porter Zoo to Adopt Sea Lions The Brownsville Herald, 4/6/9 by Kevin Sieff
Four More Bonneville Dam Sea Lions Euthanized, 4/2/9 by Burton & Blackman
Trapped Sea Lions Cleared for Transfer to Aquarium, 3/24/9 by Cheryl Calm
Second Sea Lion Captured at Bonneville will be Killed The Oregonian, 3/13/9 by Scott Learn
No More Free Lunch on the Columbia The Oregonian, 3/3/9 by Editorial Board
Sea Lions Threatening Columbia River Fish to be Culled Los Angeles Times, 3/2/9 by Kelly Burgess
Sea Lions' Days Numbered at Bonneville Dam, 3/2/9 by Staff
Sea Lion Traps Set to Resume on Columbia River Los Angeles Times, 2/25/9 by Staff
Death of Sea Lions in Trap Determined to be Accidental Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2/6/9 by Pete Springer
Sea Lions' Death: Humans in the Clear Seattle Times, 2/6/9 by Lynda Mapes
No Evidence People Shut Trap on Dead Sea Lions Seattle Times, 2/5/9 by Staff
Ruling Could Let Removal of Sea Lions Resume The Oregonian, 1/29/9 by Joseph Frazier
What To Do About These Dam Sea Lions Yakima Herald-Republic, 3/25/8 by Phil Ferolito
Sea Lions' Share of Salmon Fell The Columbian, 6/28/8 by Erik Robinson
Oregon: Heat Killed Sea Lions New York Times, 5/16/8 by William Yardley
Another Presumption: Sea Lions Died of Overheating eNews 2.0, 5/15/8 by Ted Moore
Heat Killed Six Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 5/14/8 by Michael Milstein
Heat Killed 6 Sea Lions Trapped at Bonneville Dam NWCN, 5/14/8 by King5 Staff
Heat may have Killed 6 Caged Sea Lions Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/14/8 by Associated Press
U.S. Sea Lions Died of Overheating, Not Gunshots Reuters, 5/14/8 by Teresa Carson
Who Killed the Sea Lions? Newsweek, 5/10/8 by Winston Ross
Sea Lions: Trap, Shoot, do Nothing? The Oregonian, 5/6/8 Letters to Editor
6 Sea Lions Found Dead in Traps on Columbia Seattle Times, 5/5/8 by William McCall
Sea Lions get Homes at SeaWorld Parks The Oregonian, 5/4/8 Arthur Gregg Sulzberger
Sea Lion Dies During Veterinary Exam United Press Intl., 4/30/8 by UPI
Five More Sea Lions Trapped at Bonneville Dam The Columbian, 4/29/8 by Erik Robinson
Sea Lion Removal Expected to Resume Today The Columbian, 4/28/8 by Staff
No More Salmon for Pesky Sea Lions The News Tribune, 4/26/8 by Susan Gordon
Sea Lions Evicted from Dam; Next Stop, SeaWorld The Columbian, 4/25/8 by Michael Andersen
Agents Trap Salmon-eating Sea Lions in OR-WA River Seattle Times, 4/25/8 by Joseph Frazier
Federal Court Blocks Sea Lion Killing at Bonneville Dam The Daily News, 4/23/8 by Staff
OR, WA Allowed to Kill Salmon-eating Sea Lions The Vancouver Sun, 4/18/8 by Scott Learn
Trapping, Removing Sea Lions Moves Forward KATU, 4/6/8 by Grant McOmie
Killing of Oregon Sea Lions Postponed The Seattle Times, 4/1/8 by Joseph Frazier
Humane Society Seeks Sea Lion Injunction Seattle Times, 3/30/8 by Joseph Frazier
Authority Granted for Killing of Sea Lions on the Columbia Curry County Reporter, 3/26/8 by Joel Summer
Officials Try to Scare Sea Lions Away from Salmon Yakima Herald-Republic, 3/26/8 by Phil Ferolito
Gov't OKs Killing Some Sea Lions Forbes, 3/21/8 by Joseph Frazier
Set for Sea Lion Trapping; Zoos, Aquariums Show Interest Chinook Observer, 3/19/8 Columbia Basin Bulletin
Oregon Now Allowed to Lethally Remove Sea Lions Newport News Times, 3/19/8 by Staff
Killing Sea Lions Will Not Save Columbia River Salmon Seattle Times, 2/18/8 by John Balzar
Tribes Support Lethal Removal of Predatory Sea Lions Indian Country, 2/18/8 by Staff
Sea Lions vs. Salmon: Restore Balance and Common Sense Seattle Times, 2/15/8 by Fidelia Andy
Research: Which Salmon Hit Hardest by Sea Lions & Seals Chinook Observer, 1/3/8 Columbia Basin Bulletin
NOAA Favors Killing Some Protected Sea Lions at Dam KGW, 1/17/8 by Joseph Frazier
NOAA Recommends Killing of Some Sea Lions at Dam The Olympian, 1/17/8 by Associated Press
Sea Lions may be Killed to Save Salmon Fish & Fly, 1/6/8 by Staff
Bonneville Sea Lions May Come Under Fire The Columbian, 1/6/8 by Erik Robinson
Salmon and Sea Lions, a Sad Situation The Register-Guard, 12/11/7 by Mike Stahlberg
Rainier Man Pleads Guilty to Trying to Kill Sea Lion The Daily News, 8/23/7 by Staff and Wire
Panel to Consider States' Plan to Kill Sea Lions The Columbian, 8/3/7 by Erik Robinson
Nonlethal Tactics Fail to Save Salmon from Sea Lions Capital Press, 7/6/7 by Staff
Let's Try Rifles The Columbian, 6/26/7 by Editorial Board
Sea Lions Once Again Winning Against River Hazers The Oregonian, 6/24/7 by Joseph Frazier
Sea Lions had Salmon Feast Spokesman Review, 6/10/7 by Associated Press
Sea Lions Eating Record Number of Salmon at Bonneville KGW, 5/18/7 by Wilson Chow
Hazing Not Keeping Sea Lions Away Statesman Journal, 4/23/7 by Staff
Sea Lions Show Salmon what Endangered Really Is USA Today, 4/16/7 by John Ritter
Sea Lion Shot Near Portland The Daily Astorian, 4/20/7 by Associated Press
Fishermen Go After Protected Sea Lions Houston Chronicle, 4/19/7 by Joseph Frazier
Captured Sea Lions Swing Back to Astoria's Dock The Daily Astorian, 4/16/7 by Cassandra Profita
Feasting Sea Lions Frustrate Salmon Backers The Bellingham Herald, 4/16/7 by Les Blumenthal
Humane Society Opposes Killing Columbia River Sea Lions KGW, 4/3/7 by Associated Press
Plan Would Allow Killing of Aggressive Sea Lions The Oregonian, 3/30/7 by Staff & Wire Reports
Lure of an Easy Meal brings Sea Lions Back to Bonneville The Seattle Times, 3/27/7 by Tim Fought
Sea Lions Return to Ore. Dam for Salmon Ely Times & County, 2/26/7 by Tim Fought
Aggressive Sea Lion Hazing to Begin at Bonneville Dam, 2/27/7 by Vince Patton
Fish Agency Considers Petition to Kill Sea Lions Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/30/7 by Joseph Frazier
3 States Ask to Move or Kill Sea Lions Statesman Journal, 1/31/7 by Associated Press
Salmon-happy Sea Lions may be in for a Big Jolt The Oregonian, 12/17/6 by Bill Monroe
States Seek Authority to Kill Sea Lions Eating Salmon The Oregonian, 11/27/6 by Jeff Barnard
Election Upheaval may Give Sea Lions a Breather The Daily News, 11/25/6 by Don Jenkins
Sea Lions Take Toll on Salmon Survival Tri-City Herald, 10/5/6 by Editors
Culprits Marked for Life The Daily Astorian, 10/3/6 by Cassandra Profita
States seek Lethal Sea Lion Removal Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/21/6 by Joseph Frazier
Sea Lions may End Up Sleeping With The Fishes The Oregonian, 9/21/6 by Staff
Fishermen's Nemesis Seems to Eat Up Role The Oregonian, 5/6/6 by Peter Sleeth
Sea Lions Damage Salmon Population Capital Press, 4/28/6 by Dennis Clay
Fish Count Not Hurt by Sea Lion Devices Register-Guard, 4/28/6 by Associated Press
Corps: Sea Lion Gates Not Behind Low Fish Counts The Columbian, 4/27/6 by Kathie Durbin
Sea Lion Gates at Dam may be Blocking Fish, 4/21/6 by Brian Barker
Days may be Numbered for Problem Sea Lions, 4/3/6 by Brian Barker
Crafty Sea Lion Befuddles Engineers Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/31/6 by Joseph Frazier
If You Shoot Them, They Won't Come The Columbian, 3/31/6 by Gregg Herrington
Sea Lion Hazing Planned at Bonneville The Columbian, 3/23/6 by Allen Thomas
Officials Plan More Sea Lion Harassment Statesman Journal, 3/22/6 by Henry Miller
OR and WA to Expand Sea Lion Control Efforts, 3/21/6 by Staff & News Sources
Bonneville Dam Gates Fail to Keep Sea Lion Out, 3/8/6 by Jim Parker
New Barrier No Match for Determined Sea Lion The Columbian, 3/8/6 by Erik Robinson
Sea Lions Barred at Dam BPA Journal, 3/6 by Staff
Bonneville Dam Now a Gated Community The Columbian, 2/15/6 by Erik Robinson
Sea Lions' Fishing Prowess Catches Attention The Oregonian, 1/16/6 by Bill Monroe
Mystery of the Missing Chinook The Columbian, 1/6/6 by Allen Thomas
Surge in U.S. Sea Lion Numbers Angers Fishermen Environmental News Net, 11/21/5 by Timothy Gardner
Barriers Erected at Dam Thwart Hungry Sea Lions The East Oregonian, 6/1/5 by Associated Press
Sea Lions Could Use a Little Jail Time The Oregonian, 5/8/5 by Bill Monroe
Experts Try to Scare Off Hungry Sea Lions Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/6/5 by William McCall
Boats will Haze Sea Lions below Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 5/5/5 by Joe Rojas-Burke
All They Can Eat Portland Tribune, 4/22/5 by Ben Jacklet
Tribes ask States to Deal with Sea Lions Seattle Times, 5/2/5 by Associated Press
Tribes Seek Permission to Kill Sea Lions Seattle Times, 4/29/5 by Jeff Barnard
Ravaged by Sea Lions The Daily News, 2/18/5 by The Columbian
Corps Study Documents Pinniped Predation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4 by Barry Espenson
Groups Sue to Protect Lamprey The Columbian, 5/27/4 by Erik Robinson
Fishermen Complain about Mammal Predators Capital Press, 4/30/4 by Associated Press
Sea Lions' Salmon Binge is Growing Statesman Journal, 4/11/4 by Associated Press
Fisherman Complain about Mammal Predators Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/20/4 by Associated Press
Anglers Seek Relief from Voracious Fish-eaters The Columbian, 3/19/4 by Allen Thomas
Fishermen Want to Stop Pinniped Predation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/19/4 by Barry Espenson
2 Men Face Charges for Shooting Sea Lion Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/30/3 by Associated Press
More Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/16/3 by Barry Espenson
Killer Whales Snack on Seals, Save Salmon Environmental News Net, 3/5/3 by Reuters
Orcas Devouring Harbor Seals Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/25/3 by Associated Press
Research of Sea Lions' Impact on Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/6/2 by Barry Espenson
Sea Lions Beleaguered by Fisheries Environmental News Net, 8/21/1 by Koren Capozza
Catching Cash: Earn $22K a Month Fishing the Columbia River KTVB, 10/27/23 by Staff
Pikeminnow Program Sees 'A Really Solid Year' as Catch, Effort Increase Northwest Sportsman, 10/13/23 by Andy Walgamott
Pikeminnow Bounty Program Begins, with an Added Feature The Oregonian, 5/4/23 by Bill Monroe
More Time on the Line This Year for the Northern Pike Minnow Sport Reward Fishery Program KTVZ, 5/2/23 by Staff
Pikeminnows, Dams, Salmon and River Ecology KTVB, 12/28/22 by Staff
Angler Paid Almost $70,000 for Fishing the Columbia and Snake Rivers this Year Tri-City Herald, 12/28/22 by Staff
Top Pikeminnow Fisherman Saves Salmon - and Earns Nearly $70,000 KTVZ, 12/19/22 by Staff
Pikeminnow Season Catch Up; Data Confirms Snake Walleye Increase Northwest Sportsman, 10/13/22 by Andy Walgamott
Northern Pikeminnow Sport Reward Fishery Starts with Higher Cash Payouts Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/28/22 by Staff
Anglers Can Earn More by Catching Northern Pikeminnows The Observer, 4/28/22 by News Sources
Anglers Will Get Paid More to Catch a Certain Type of Fish in 2022 KOIN, 4/27/22 by Amanda Arden
Angler Made $61,000 Last Year Catching Pikeminnow in the Columbia and Snake Rivers Outdoor Life, 1/31/22 by Dac Collins
Angler Paid $61,000 Reward for Fishing the Columbia and Snake Rivers Tri-City Herald, 1/26/22 by Annette Cary
Washington State Wants to Pay You to Catch Pikeminnow Q13 Fox, 5/26/21 by Staff
Go Fishing and Earn Some Cash. Program Starts Early in Tri-Cities Tri-City Herald, 4/16/21 by Annette Cary
Northern Pikeminnow Program Meets its Goal The Columbian, 9/19/20 by Staff
Pikeminnow Bounty Program Extended for Columbia, Snake Rivers The Oregonian, 9/19/20 by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Bounty Program Extended for Columbia, Snake Rivers San Juan Islander, 9/18/20 by Staff
Anglers Paid $1.1 Million for Catching Northern Pikeminnow in Columbia, Snake Rivers Statesman Journal, 12/13/19 by Zach Urness
Brief Mentions: Endangered Rivers, Invasives, Pikeminnow NW Fishletter, 5/6/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Go Fishing, Earn Money. Cash Paid for Columbia and Snake Pikeminnow Tri-City Herald, 5/1/19 by Staff
Local Pikeminnow Fisherman Reels in a Haul The Daily News, 2/7/19 by Alex Bruell
180,000 Salmon-eating Pikeminnow Taken on NW Rivers KTVZ, 12/20/18 by News Sources
$71,000. That's 1 Angler's Reward for Fishing the Columbia and Snake Last Summer Tri-City Herald, 12/17/18 by Annette Cary
Pikeminnow Fishery Opens The Dalles Chronicle, 5/3/18 by Mark Gibson
Lower Number of Anglers Take Fewer Northern Pikeminnow In 2017 Than In 2016 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/15/17 by Staff
Here's How an Angler Made $84,000 Catching 10,000 Fish from the Columbia and Snake Rivers KVAL, 12/11/17 by Staff
Pikeminnow Season is Now Open BPA Journal, 5/2/17 by Staff
Pikeminnow Sport Reward Program Successful This Year Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/4/16 by Staff
Council Approves Emergency Funds to Cover Shortfall for Pikeminnow Fishing Rewards Program Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/16/16 by Staff
Pikeminnow Sport-Reward Fishery Was Close to Being Outstanding The Dispatch, 6/27/16 by Bob Brown
Pikeminnow Fishery Opens The Dalles Chronicle, 5/14/16 by Mark Gibson
Council Agrees to Fund Programs to Control Predatory Fish Populations NW Fishletter, 10/3/15 by Laura Berg
Anglers Can Earn Money Fishing for Northern Pikeminnow Tri-City Herald, 6/4/14 by Matthew Nesbit
Latest Columbia River Northern Pikeminnow Reward Catch Figures Seattle Times, 6/7/13 by Mark Yuasa
A Fishing Trip that Pays for Itself The News Tribune, 6/6/13 by Staff
Snake River Hot for Pikeminnow Bounty Anglers; Season Closes Today Spokesman-Review, 5/30/13 by Rich Landers
Pikeminnow Reward Season Starts with Big Splash Statesman Journal, 5/20/13 by Henry Miller
Pikeminnow Reward Program Opens With Strong Fishing, Good River Conditions Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13 by Staff
Pikeminnow Anglers Have Good Opening Day The Columbian, 5/2/13 by Staff
Out & About: Pikeminnows Offer Angling Rewards Spokesman-Review, 8/26/12 by Staff
Snake River Anglers Cashing In on Pikeminnow Reward Fishery Spokesman-Review, 8/26/12 by Staff
Program: Northern Pikeminnow Effort Reduces Salmon Predation The Olympian, 4/29/12 by Jeffrey P. Mayor
Pikeminnow Reward Program Kicks Off May 1 in Columbia River Region Seattle Times, 4/28/12 by Mark Yuasa
Bounty Fishing Yields Big Rewards for Columbia and Snake Anglers The Oregonian, 10/29/11 by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Anglers Earn Big Dollars and Save Salmon Salem-News, 10/28/11 by BPA
Northern Pikeminnow Reward Catch Levels Improved Dramatically Seattle Times, 9/14/11 by Mark Yuasa
Anglers Catch More Than 100,000 Pikeminnow BPA Journal, 9/11 by Staff
Pikeminnow: Make a Decent Amount of Money Each Month The Umpqua Post, 8/5/11 by Pete Heley
Anglers Catch 90,000 Pikeminnow So Far Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/5/11 by Staff
Local Anglers Catch Nearly 90,000 Pikeminnow KPTV, 7/29/11 by Staff
Pikeminnow Program Reaching Goal: 50% Reduction Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/29/10 by Staff
Pikeminnow Season Extended The News Tribune, 8/29/10 by Staff
Record-Setting Season Extended for Pikeminnow Fishing Tri-City Herald, 8/25/10 by Staff
Fisherman Paid $51,000 for Pikeminnow Fox 12, 8/24/10 by Eric Barker
BPA Renews War on Pikeminnows The News Tribune, 5/8/10 by Staff
Display, Experts Kick Off Pikeminnow Program on Saturday Statesman Journal, 4/30/10 by Staff
Earn Cash and Save Salmon - Pikeminnow Season is Here KBKW, 4/27/10 by David Haviland
Extra Cash Added to Pikeminnow Program The News Tribune, 8/5/9 by Staff
Pikeminnow Program Throws in Added Cash Incentives Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/31/9 by Staff
Pikeminnow Bounty Raised for Anglers to Cash In On The Seattle Times, 7/31/9 by Mark Yuasa
Wanted: A Pikeminnow Harvest The News Tribune, 7/4/9 by Kevin McCullen
Earn Cash While Saving Salmon South Lincoln County, 6/16/9 by Staff
Northern Pikeminnow Fishing is Off to a Good Start The Seattle Times, 6/7/9 by Mark Yuasa
The More Pikeminnow You Catch, More Money You Make The News Tribune, 5/7/9 by Staff
Bounty in Effect Again on Pikeminnows KIVI TV, 5/4/9 by Associated Press
Pikeminnow Bounty Hunt Starts in Oregon, Washington The Oregonian, 5/2/9 by Scott Learn
Rewards Being Offered for Pikeminnows KAPP News, 8/28/8 by Shane Doyle
Catch a Fish to Save Salmon Capital Press, 7/25/8 by Jeff Barnard
Removing Birds may Increase Pikeminnow Survival Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/8 by Staff
Record Pikeminnow Trumps Cash Reward The Columbian, 5/22/8 by Rich Landers
Northern Pikeminnow Reward Program Begins Tri-City Herald, 5/10/8 by Herald News Service
Reel in Cash for Catching Pikeminnows The Daily News, 5/8/8 by Rich Landers
Pikeminnow Program Fox 12 News, 5/7/8 by Staff
Fishing for Dollars The Bulletin, 8/9/7 by Kurt Holland
If Not Afraid to Move, You Might Snag Some Pikeminnow The Olympian, 7/5/7 by Staff
Reeling in the Dough: Catching on to Pikeminnows' Worth Tri-City Herald, 6/10/7 by Annette Cary
Northern Pikeminnow Bounty Program Opens The Columbian, 5/17/7 by Staff
Pikeminnow Sport Reward Fishing will Begin May 14 The Oregonian, 5/14/7 by Staff
Wanted: Pikeminnow that Prey on Salmon, Steelhead KTVB, 5/9/7 by Associated Press
Hook Pikeminnow, and Save Salmon Seattle Times, 5/6/7 by Mark Yuasa
Opening of Bounty Fishing is Riverwide The Oregonian, 4/23/7 by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Program Extended BPA Journal, 10/6 by Staff
Pursuing a Fish Most Foul Seattle Times, 10/10/6 by Erik Lacitis
Pikeminnow Reward Program Extended Statesman Journal, 9/29/6 by Staff
Fishing for Dollars The Daily News, 6/28/6 by Chris Shaffer
Anglers Become Bounty Hunters to Help Salmon OBP News, 6/26/6 Banse & Johnson
Wanted: a Bounty on Salmon Killing Fish Napa Valley Register, 5/12/6 by Jeff Barnard
Bounty on Pikeminnow Keeps Bad Tradition Alive New West, 5/11/6 by Bill Schneider
Pikeminnow Season Opens on Columbia The Hillsboro Argus, 5/9/6 by Staff
Pikeminnow Rewards are Back Seattle Times, 5/7/6 by Mark Yuasa
Bounty Fishers get Paid to Catch Pikeminnows The News Tribune, 5/4/6 by Staff
Pikeminnows Again Have a Price on Their Heads Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/2/6 by Associated Press
Path of Well-Paid Anglers is Paved with Pikeminnow The Olympian, 11/14/5 by Chester Allen
Pikeminnow Reward Season Opens BPA Journal, 5/5 by Staff
Pikeminnow Sport Reward Season will Open Soon, 4/25/5 by Staff
Prosecution Drops Case Against Anglers Lewiston Tribune, 1/22/5 by Eric Barker
Pikeminnow Reward Program has Record Year The Columbian, 10/14/4 by Allen Thomas
This Year Sees Record Catch of Pikeminnow Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/4 by CBB staff
Go Fishing for Fun and Money Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/1/4 by Jeffrey P. Mayor
BPA Raises Bounty for Northern Pikeminnow Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/4/4 by CBB staff
BPA Bumps Up the Bounty on Pikeminnow Lewiston Tribune, 6/3/4 by Eric Barker
BPA Raises Bounty on Columbia Pikeminnows The Oregonian, 6/3/4 by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Bounties Begin The Oregonian, 5/13/4 by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Bounties to Start The Oregonian, 4/8/3 by Bill Monroe
197,977 Fish Caught for a $1 Million Bounty Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/24/3 by Barry Espenson
Finalized $31.5 Million in Mainstem Projects Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/3 by Barry Espenson
Council Recommends $34 Million in FY 2004 NW Fishletter, 6/13/3 by Bill Rudolph
Quiet Year on Pikeminnow Front The Oregonian, 7/13/3 by Bill Monroe
Council Approves Fish, Wildlife Package Lewiston Tribune, 6/12/2 by Associated Press
2001 Pikeminnow Sport Reward Season Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/10/2 by Barry Espenson
Good Money Out for Dead Pikeminnows Spokesman Review, 5/5/2 by Staff Reports
Anglers Net Big Reward for Pikeminnow Spokesman Review, 12/6/1 by Dan Hansen
The Price of Pikeminnow Just Went Up Environmental News Net, 7/13/1 by Staff
BPA Extends Pikeminnow Season Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/22/00 by Staff
Watch Seagull Hazing Disrupts The Dalles KGW, 7/15/3 by Keely Chalmers
Pelican Feeding Habits Monitored at McNary Tri-City Herald, 7/18/3 by Anna King
How Oregon and Columbia River White Pelican Population Keeps Growing The Oregonian, 12/7/24 by Josephine Woolington
Ospreys Entwined with Refuse at McNary National Wildlife Refuge The Columbian, 8/29/11 by Annette Cary
River Sentinels: Ospreys Used to Gauge Health of Waterways The Columbian, 8/18/8 by Erik Robinson
Corps Declares War on Lower Columbia Cormorant Colony NW Fishletter, 6/26/14 by Bill Rudolph
Cormorant Colony on the Rise in Columbia Estuary While Dropping Dramatically Elsewhere in NW Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14 by Staff
Estuary Cormorant Colony Consuming 18 Percent of Juvenile Salmonids Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/2/12 by Staff
Corps Versus Cormorants: Round Two NW Fishletter, 6/8/12 by Bill Rudolph
Bald Eagles Decimate Tern and Cormorant Colonies Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/13/11 by Vince Patton
Corps will Kill More Cormorants in Salmon Study The Olympian, 1/3/9 by Associated Press
Estuary Birds Double Smolt Consumption in Past Two Years NW Fishletter, 12/14/11 by Bill Rudolph
16-Million Salmon Eaten by Birds Wheat Life, 5/8 by Staff
Three Little Pigs Could Save the Salmon The Register-Guard, 4/1/8 by Mike Stahlberg
Looking at Whether Cormorants are Harming Salmon Runs Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/1/7 by Associated Press
Cormorants Conquer the Columbia The Oregonian, 10/8/7 by Michael Milstein
Salmon Tag's 7,700-mile Journal Puzzles Scientists PS Business Journal, 8/16/7 by Ben Miller
Battling Nature may be for the Birds Seattle Times, 5/15/5 by Craig Welch
Groups Sue to Block Killing of Cormorants Environmental News Net, 2/6/4 by Frederic J. Frommer
Cormorants May Lose in Conflict Over Fish Environmental News Net, 9/26/1 by ENN
Predation by Caspian Terns on Young Steelhead Means Fewer Return as Adults Eureka Alert, 7/14/20 by Staff
Corps Seeking Comment on Plans to Again Reduce Caspian Tern Nesting Area on East Sand Island Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/14 by Staff
Research Tracks Movements, Steelhead Predation by Caspian Terns in Mid-Columbia Basin Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/3/14 by Staff
Army Corps of Engineers Looks to Save Salmon from Caspian Terns Tri-City Herald, 3/15/11 by Annette Cary
Complicated Seabird Problem, Terns for the Worse in Attempt to Save Salmon Seattle Times, 8/29/11 by Craig Welch
New Islands to Lure Terns Away From Columbia River Bellingham Herald, 8/29/11 by Staff
ACOE to Build Island to Lure Salmon-eating Caspian Terns Away from Columbia River The Oregonian, 8/29/11 by Quinton Smith
Columbia River Estuary's Salmon-Eating Tern Colony Produces No Chicks This Year Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/5/11 by Staff
On East Sand Island, Cormorants and Terns Feast on Endangered Salmon The Oregonian, 6/14/11 by Bill Rudolph
Bald Eagles' Predation Decimates Salmon-Eating Tern Colony Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/10/11 by Staff
Steelhead-Munching Mid-Columbia Terns Fingered in Report NW Fishletter, 5/12/11 by Bill Rudolph
Report Analyzes Efforts to Move Nesting Terns to Interior Oregon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/22/10 by Staff
A Feast: Researchers Assessing Impact of Avian Predators The News Tribune, 7/5/9 by John Trumbo
Corps to Spend $6 Million to Reduce, Monitor Bird Predation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/30/8 by Staff
Artificial Islands Wean Terns Off Salmon Diet Capital Press, 10/30/8 by Jeff Barnard
Project Succeeding To Relocate Caspian Terns Science Daily, 6/21/8 by Staff
Terns Relocate to Island; Salmon Hopefully Spared Spokesman Review, 6/18/8 by Associated Press
Engineers to Lure Salmon-Eating Terns from Columbia Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/9/7 by Associated Press
Other Nesting Sites Aims to Shrink Terns' Colony The Oregonian, 1/15/5 by Joe Rojas-Burke
$2.4M to Disperse Salmon-Eating Birds Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/15/5 by Jeff Barnard
Sea Birds Face Eviction from Mouth of River Statesman Journal, 8/26/4 by Beth Casper
Tern Management Plan Released for Comment NW Fishletter, 8/13/4 by Bill Rudolph
Plan Calls for Squeezing Terns Off Island Lewiston Tribune, 7/24/4 by Associated Press
Moving Most Terns Elsewhere Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/23/4 by Barry Espenson
2003: Tern Colony Eating Fewer Salmonids Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/14/3 by Barry Espenson
Sharp Decline in Terns; Rise of Comorants Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/3 by Barry Espenson
Fish-eating Birds Target of Protectors Tri-City Herald, 6/15/3 by Shirley Wentworth
Meetings Set for Work on Caspian Tern EIS Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3 by CBB staff
Impacts of Growing Tern Population Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/25/2 by Barry Espenson
Estuary Terns Hinder ESA Fish Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/7/2 by Barry Espenson
Estuary Tern Colony's Population Grows Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/6/2 by Barry Espenson
NMFS' Technical Report on Caspian Terns Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/31/2 by Barry Espenson
Tern Relocation Turns Out Popular The Oregonian, 5/16/2 Jonathan Brinckman
Entire Tern Colony Settles on 1 Island Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/10/2 by Barry Espenson
Terns' Diet a ? After Move Down River Spokesman Review, 4/12/2 by Associated Press
Deal on for Caspian Terns' New Home The Oregonian, 3/30/2 by Jonathan Brinckman
Terns will be Shooed from Rice Island The Oregonian, 2/23/1 by Bill Monroe
To Every Season, Tern, Tern, Tern Environmental News Net, 11/4/00 by Mike Stark
Caspian Terns Eating Less Salmon Spokesman Review, 10/25/00 by Associated Press
Salmon Eaten by Terns Down by a Third Tri-City Herald, 10/24/00 by Mike Lee
Researchers Tally Tern Impacts Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/20/00 by Barry Espenson
Terns Solve Problem Themselves The Oregonian, 5/14/00 by Jonathan Nelson
A Tern for the West Spokesman Review, 5/14/00 by Associated Press
Man-made Environment Creates Disdain Spokesman Review, 5/9/00 by Dan Hansen
U.S. Told to Leave Terns Unstoned Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/17/00 by Robert McClure
Biologists Divert Terns' Feast on Salmon The Oregonian, 4/7/00 by Jonathan Brinckman
Relocate Terns Meets Stiff Resistance Spokesman Review, 3/21/00 by Dan Hansen
Tern Relocation Plan Won't Fly with DNR Tri-City Herald, 3/19/00 by Mike Lee
Relocation Scheme for Terns Hits Snag Tri-City Herald, 3/16/00 by Mike Lee
Ternabout Recovery of Salmon The Oregonian, 9/24/99 by Associated Press
Terns Might Go for Sake of Salmon Times-News, 9/24/99 by Associated Press
Power Council Says Evict Terns Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/24/99 by Barry Espenson
Council Weighs Tern Relocation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/30/99 by CBB
ESTUARY & OCEAN back to top
Feds See Second Skagit Tidegate Repair as Threat to Salmon, Killer Whales Capital Press, 9/9/24 by Don Jenkins
Feds: Tidegate Protecting Farmland Jeopardizes Salmon, Killer Whales Capital Press, 8/23/24 by Don Jenkins
Largest Columbia River Estuary Restoration Project Completed NW Fishletter, 1/31/22 by KC Mehaffey
Salmon Travel Deep Into the Pacific. As It Warms, Many 'Don't Come Back.' Washington Post, 1/31/22 by Kirk Siegler
Researchers Launch Expedition Seeking 'Black Box' to Salmon Survival National Public Radio, 1/31/22 by Kirk Siegler
River Conditions Still Concern for Salmon Despite Good Ocean News Public News Service, 1/24/22 by Eric Tegethoff
Improving Ocean Conditions a "Blessing" for Idaho's Salmon and Steelhead, Expert Says Idaho Statesman, 1/15/22 by Eric Barker
Ocean Conditions Improve off West Coast Post Register, 1/19/22 by Eric Barker
Young Salmon Found a Haven During the Pacific Northwest's Sweltering Summer Seattle Times, 12/27/21 by Hal Bernton
Sockeye Returns to the Snake River are on the Rise, Possibly Because of Improved Ocean Conditions Spokesman-Review, 7/25/21 by Eric Barker
Warming Seas Could Wipe Out Snake River Chinook by 2060, Scientists Predict Phys.Org, 2/19/21 by Lynda V. Mapes
Ship Returns After International Team Spends Month at Sea Studying Salmon Times Colonist, 4/8/20 by Carla Wilson
Notorious Warm Water 'Blob' in Pacific Weakening, But Will That Save Fish and Ecosystems? Statesman Journal, 10/22/19 by Zach Urness
A Giant Mass of Warm Water Off the Pacific Coast Could Rival 'The Blob' of 2014-15 Los Angeles Times, 9/5/19 by Deborah Netburn
New Marine Heat Wave Resembles Killer 'Blob' that Devastated Sea Life on West Coast, NOAA says Seattle Times, 9/5/19 by Lynda V. Mapes
New Report Suggests Waters in NW are Cooling, Good for Salmon KOMO News, 3/8/19 by Matt Markovich
Carrying Capacity: High Numbers of Pink, Chum Salmon in North Pacific May Be Hurting Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/13/18 by Staff
Heat Waves Over the Ocean Have Ballooned and Are Wreaking Havoc on Marine Life Washington Post, 4/11/18 by Jason Samenow
Ocean Conditions Returning to Normal (Cooler), Salmon Returns Will Remain Depressed a Few Years Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/16/18 by Staff
Warm Northwest Waters Draw Spawning Fish North NW Fisheries Science Center, 9/17 by Michael Milstein
Fed Climate Report for U.S. Released, Projects Trends in Temperature, Precipation, Sea-Level Rise Columbia Basin Bulletinl, 11/17/17 by Staff
Survey Pacific NW Salmon: For the First Time, Some Nets are Coming Up Empty Seattle Times, 10/9/17 by Lynda V. Mapes
Acidic Oceans and Warm Rivers that Kill Idaho's Salmon Might Be Norm in 50 Years Idaho Statesman, 10/7/19 by Rocky Barker
Warning Signs for Salmon The Daily Astorian, 8/23/17 by Katie Frankowicz
Warm Ocean, Small Salmon:Why? NW Power Council, 3/15/17 by John Harrison
States Restrict Chinook Fisheries High Country News, 8/23/17 by Elizabeth Shogren
Three-Year Survey Shows Acidified Ocean Water Widespread Along North America West Coast Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/2/17 by Staff
Fishery Managers See Decline in Ocean, Columbia/Snake Fisheries Due to Poor Ocean Conditions Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/17/17 by Staff
2017 Spring Chinook Return Numbers Will Reflect Ocean Food Shortage Faced by Juveniles In 2015 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/17/17 by Staff
Corps Seeks Comment on Habitat Restoration Proposal Headlight Herald, 4/26/16 by Staff
Research Links Ocean Acidification to Dissolving Shells of Pteropods, Key Part of Marine Food Chain Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/15 by Staff
Research: Rising Ocean Could Inundate Columbia Estuary with Salt Water, Big Changes for Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/27/16 by Staff
Alternatives to Current Floodplain Management Broached NW Fishletter, 9/6/15 by Laura Berg
Severe Ecological Consequences In Waters Off NW Coast Due to Changes In Ocean Chemistry Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/15 by Staff
Columbia Freshwater Spending Helping Fish During Poorer Ocean Conditions NW Fishletter, 4/4/15 by Laura Berg
Study: In Warmer Ocean Years Juvenile Salmon Consume More Food, But End Up Smaller, Skinnier Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/18/15 by Staff
Out with the Old (Troutdale Restoration) Portland Tribune, 11/24/15 by Quinton Smith
If Current Ocean Acidification Trends Continue Could be Impossible to Reverse Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/7/15 by Staff
Ocean Acidification is Impacting Phytoplankton Now Environmental News Net, 7/17/15 by Steve Williams
Report: West Coast Waters Shifting to Lower Productivity for Salmon Entering Ocean this Year Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/27/15 by Staff
Study Suggests Improved Method for Measuring Juvenile Salmon Life History in Columbia Estuary Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/27/15 by Staff
NOAA's New Fish Predictions: Good For 2015, Not So Hot For 2016 NW Fishletter, 1/15/15 by Bill Rudolph
Big Eats In the Estuary NW Fishletter, 11/21/14 by Bill Rudolph
Sea Change: Vital Part of Food Web Dissolving Seattle Times, 4/30/14 by Craig Welch
NOAA Salmon Predictors Do More with Less NW Fishletter, 5/16/14 by Bill Rudolph
Research Cites Local Ocean Conditions, Feeding Habits as Reasons for Recent Large Sockeye Returns Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/14 by Staff
Research Offers More Clues on Juvenile Salmon Behavior, Direction When First Entering Ocean Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/6/13 by Staff
East Sand Cormorant Colony Increasing; Estuary's Most Significant Source of Smolt Mortality Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/3/13 by Staff
Smolt Researchers Keep on Trackin' NW Fishletter, 12/12/13 by Bill Rudolph
Research Offers Clues on Juvenile Salmon Behavior, Direction When Entering Ocean Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/8/13 by Staff
Listen Study: More Salmon May Survive the Ocean Than Previously Thought Northwest Public Radio, 12/12/13 by Courtney Flatt
Tracking Young Salmon's First Moves in the Ocean Science Daily, 11/8/13 by Staff
Watch Sea Change: The Pacific's Perilous Turn Seattle Times, 9/11/13 by Craig Welch
Newest Fish Plan Adds More Habitat Actions NW Fishletter, 9/19/13 by Bill Rudolph
PDO Goes Positive For First Time Since 2010 NW Fishletter, 6/28/13 by Bill Rudolph
Analysis: 2013 --Another Mixed Message from Mother Nature NW Fishletter, 6/4/13 by Bill Rudolph
Eagles, Gulls, Terns; Corps Considers Ways to Manage Estuary's Predation Dynamics Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13 by Staff
Snake River Hatchery Juveniles Same Early Marine Survival as Lower Columbia Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/5/13 by Staff
Ocean Workshop Looks for New Ways to Use Research NW Fishletter, 3/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
Effort Underway to Better Link Ocean/Plume Research to Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/1/13 by Staff
Science Panel Reviews Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/12/12 by Staff
Feds Propose $2.1 Billion Fish Plan Electric Co-op Today, 5/25/12 by Steven Johnson
Habitat Protected Near Columbia River Mouth Seattle Times, 4/6/12 by Staff
BPA Generates Preservation The Daily Astorian, 4/6/12 by Tyler Graf
New Columbia River Estuary Purchases Benefit Salmon Coast River Business Journal, 4/3/12 by Staff
Habitat Purchase to Benefit Salmon BPA Journal, 2/12 by Staff
Columbia Land Trust, BPA Complete Property Purchase St. Helens Chronicle, 1/24/12 by Staff
Columbia Estuary Land Purchase Benefits Salmon KTVZ, 1/24/12 by News Sources
Long-Discussed Fate of West Hayden Island Inching Towards Decision Neighborhood Notes, 8/16/11 by Cassandra Koslen
Liquified Natural Gas Surfaces on Columbia Oregon Business, 8/11 by Ben Jacklet
Prepare for Rising Sea (w/ a discussion of sediment) Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/19/11 by Staff
Tearing Down the Past Builds Healthier Future for Wetlands Daily Astorian, 7/12/11 by Katie Wilson
Energy, Enviro, Rec & Tribal Interests Voice Opinions on Ocean Policy The Oregonian, 7/7/11 by Brandon Blakeley
Report: World's Ocean at Risk of Entering Mass Species Extinction Phase Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/24/11 by Staff
Salmon Once Again Explore Marsh Mapped by Lewis and Clark Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2/25/11 by Rob Manning
Salmon Survival: It's All About the Early Days in the Ocean Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/7/11 by Staff
Oregon Project Reproduces Lakes' Natural Flood Cycle Spokesman-Review, 8/15/10 by Staff
Groups Question Port's Dumping on West Hayden Island Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/5/10 by Rob Manning
Enviros Question Dredge Spoil Dumping on West Hayden Island The Oregonian, 8/4/10 by Scott Learn
USACE Proposes Lower Columbia River Maintenance Dredging Dredging Today, 6/23/10 by Staff
Estuary Improving - But Worries Still Linger About Toxics The Daily Astorian, 6/7/10 by Cassandra Profita
Critics of the Portland River Plan are All Wet The Oregonian, 3/2/10 by Daniel Rohlf
Oregon Warns Permit for Natural Gas Port Unlikely The Statesman, 2/22/10 by Jeff Barnard
High Rate of Juvenile Steelhead Mortality in Estuaries Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/12/10 by Staff
Ocean Indicator Report Shows Conditions Worsen in 2009 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/22/10 by Staff
WA Signs Agreement with Federal Action Agencies KBKW, 9/17/9 by David Haviland
River Tour Tracks Salmon Migration The Daily Astorian, 9/10/9 by Cassandra Profita
Canada Ocean Report: 2008 Coldest Water In 50 Years NW Fishletter, 6/19/9 by Bill Rudolph
Estuary MOA may Save Agency Jobs and Fish NW Fishletter, 5/6/9 by Bill Rudolph
It's About Time The Daily Astorian, 4/9/9 by Editorial Board
Feds with WA to Accelerate Habitat Projects in Estuary The Daily Astorian, 4/9/9 by Staff
Agreement to Boost Columbia River Salmon Habitat Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/4/9 by Associated Press
Ocean 'Indicators' Help Forecasts for Salmon Returns Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/20/9 by Staff
NMFS Disregarded It's Own Scientists' Criticisms NW Fishletter, 3/4/9 by Bill Rudolph
Plans in Motion to Restore Ross Island Habitat The Bee, 12/26/8 by David F. Ashton
2008 Ocean Conditions for Fish One of Best on Record Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/19/8 by Staff
Cold Water Rejuvenates Oregon Ocean, Salmon The Oregonian, 9/8/8 by Michael Milstein
Salmon Secrets may Cast Light on Warming Trends The Columbian, 11/30/8 by Staff
LNG is on Path of Fish Sanctuary Daily Astorian, 11/3/8 by Cassandra Profita
Biodiversity: Unraveling the Mysteries of Salmon Migration Science Daily, 10/31/8 by Stephen Leahy
Do Dams Make A Difference? IPS News, 10/30/8 by Staff
Study Shows More Salmon Survive West's Dammed Rivers Canadian Press, 10/27/8 by Staff
Dams Not Main Cause of Salmon Collapse, Study Says National Geographic News, 10/27/8 by James Owen
Radio Tags Shed Light on Salmon Migration Routes Globe and Mail, 10/27/8 by Mark Hume
World's Oceans Could Become "Soupy Swill": Expert The Province, 9/13/8 by Elaine O'Connor
Cold Water Rings Dinner Bell for West Coast Salmon The Seattle Times, 9/9/8 by Jeff Barnard
Oceans in Jeopardy The Columbian, 7/29/8 by Editorial Board
Scientists Diving for Answers The Daily Astorian, 7/4/8 by Cassandra Profita
Bering Sea Pollock Fleet Faces Closure Over Salmon The Seattle Times, 6/22/8 by Jeannette Lee
Overdue Protections for Chinook Salmon Move Forward Environmental News Net, 6/12/8 by Oceana
Lost Crab Pots Still Catching Crabs The Seattle Times, 6/5/8 by Krista Kapralos
New Studies: Jellyfish Populations' Impact On Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/8 by Staff
Cold Ocean Means More Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/7/8 by Bill Rudolph
Fisheries Agency will Explain Estuary Plan The Columbian, 1/26/8 by Erik Robinson
Year's Early Zooplankton Arrival Bodes Well for Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/7 by Staff
Year's Early Zooplankton Arrival Bodes Well for Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/7 by Staff
U.S. Gets a C- on Protecting Oceans Environmental News Net, 1/31/7 by Andrew Miga
Snake Fall Chinook Studies Get More Complicated NW Fishletter, 12/20/6 by Bill Rudolph
A Revolution In Fish Tracking Gets Under Way NW Fishletter, 11/20/6 by Bill Rudolph
U.S. Science Agency Funds Study Center Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/30/6 by Sarah Skidmore
A Voyage to Unlock Columbia's Secrets The Oregonian, 8/29/6 by Michael Milstein
Ocean Planet: Risky Chemistry Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/2/6 by Editorial Board
Scientists Seek to Spy on World's Fish Environmental News Net, 7/27/6 by Alister Doyle
Effect of Climate Change on Oceans Gaining Attention Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/6/6 by Tom Paulson
Manipulating the Ocean Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/23/6 by Benjamin Stout
Canadian Scientists Predict Poor Salmon Runs The Globe and Mail, 6/12/6 by Mark Hume
Study Parasites to Track Salmon, say Researchers, 5/5/6 by Staff
Program will Track Salmon in the Pacific Ocean ESPN, 4/28/6 by Les Blumenthal
Scientists Tracking Mysteries of Salmon Tri-City Herald, 4/24/6 by Les Blumenthal
Death of Birds and Sea Life on West Coast E/The Environmental Magazine, 4/30/6 by Adria Elskus
Research in Pacific Shows Ocean Trouble Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/31/6 by Lisa Stiffler
Will Fishing Cool Down as Oceans Heat Up? Statesman Journal, 3/29/6 by Kate Ramsayer
Restore Natural Flood Protections Seattle Post-Intelligencer,1/17/6 by Rob Masonis
Salmon Returns Depend on Ocean BPA Journal, 1/6 by Staff
Report on Estuary's Health Shows Mixed Results The Daily News, 11/11/5 by Associated Press
Pacific Coast Life Concerns Scientists Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/5 by Terence Chea
Scientists Raise the Alarm about Ocean Health Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/13/5 by Associated Press
U.S. Backing for Columbia Salmon Recovery Plan Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/19/5 by Jeff Barnard
1st Channel Deepening Eco Project Completed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/1/4 by CBB staff
Groups Announce Joint Estuary Restoration Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/1/4 by CBB staff
Turning Farmland Back to Marshes & Mudflats, 9/21/4 by Associated Press
State Should Lead Oceans Restoration Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/23/4 by Chris Wells
Project Targets Derelict Yet Lethal Fishing Gear Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/14/4 by M.L. Lyke
El Nino Stirring, Salmon at Risk The News Tribune, 8/23/4 by Les Blumenthal
Pacific Decadal Oscillation: A Thermostat? Capital Press, 3/19/4 by Tam Moore
Concern About Coastal 'Dead Zone' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/13/4 by CBB staff
Pings Provide Exacting Fish Count The Oregonian, 8/4/4 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Scientists Listen for Sound of Salmon Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/4/3 by Associated Press
Lawsuit Challenges Corps' Channel Deepening Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4 by Mike O'Bryant
NOAA Releases Hydro White Paper Drafts Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/21/4 by CBB staff
ISRP Rejects Estuary Habitat Monitoring Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/14/4 by CBB staff
Corps to Restore Island in Columbia Estuary Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/30/4 by CBB staff
Oceans in Peril: 'We Have to Change Course' Seattle Times, 2/12/4 by Craig Welch
Estuary & Plume Plan Under Peer Review Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/31/3 by Mike O'Bryant
River's Edge Goes Natural with Developers The Oregonian, 10/10/3 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Study: Huge Lower Columbia Fish Habitat Loss Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/3/3 by CBB staff
Lost Habitat Nurtured Salmon The Oregonian, 9/29/3 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Trust Acquires Island Property for Estuary Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/5/3 by CBB staff
Regatta Plies Columbia's New Slough The Oregonian, 7/23/3 by Joe Fitzgibbon
La Nina Most Likely on the Way NW Fishletter, 6/30/3 by Bill Rudolph
Ocean Report Calls for Marine Reserves Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Landowners Receive Grants for ESA Projects Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/3 by CBB staff
Budget Includes Money for Estuary Work Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Clatsop County Estuary Restoration Proposed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/3 by CBB staff
Equator Climate Link to NW Salmon Health Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3 by Mike O'Bryant
Seesaw Shift in Salmon Run in NW & Alaska Seattle Times, 1/16/3 by Associated Press
Computer Prognosticates on Watery Future NW Fishletter, 12/17/2 by Bill Rudolph
Climate Change Bodes Poorly for Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/22/2 by Mike O'Bryant
Warming May Hurt Salmon, Study Says Tri-City Herald, 11/11/2 by Annette Cary
WA to Amend Mainstem Water Use Rules Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/25/2 by Barry Espenson
Corps Looks at Riverfront Restoration Plan Tri-City Herald, 9/4/2 by Nathan Isaacs
Good News from Ocean Research Update NW Fishletter, 6/27/2 by Bill Rudolph
Deepening Columbia Won't Hurt Salmon Environmental News Net, 5/29/2 by Associated Press
Last 2000 Years of Salmon Prodcutivity NW Fishletter, 4/30/2 by Bill Rudolph
Climate Shifts Tied to Salmon Population Seattle Times, 4/18/2 by Jeff Barnard
Global Warming Harder for NW Fish The Oregonian, 1/30/2 Jonathan Brinckman
ISAB Urges 'Aggressive' Estuary Actions Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/8/00 by Barry Espenson
Estuary Effort Bouyed by $30 Million Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/17/00 by Barry Espenson
Congress Approves Funding for Estuary Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/3/00 by CBB staff
NW Fishletter's 100th Issue, Or, "It's the Ocean, Stupid" NW Fishletter, 4/11/00 by Bill Rudolph
Salmon Battered by Man and Nature Environmental News Net,10/27/99 by John Roach
Changes in Ocean Survival Idaho Farm Bureau News Hilborn & Corondao
Regime Scale Climate Forcing Idaho Farm Bureau News Francis & Hare
Greatest Alarm Yet on Global Warming Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/23/1 by Joe McDonald
Scientists Share Signals for Clues to Ocean Abundance NW Fishletter, 10/22/96 by Bill Rudolph
HARVEST back to top
Ocean Fishery Impacts on Idaho's Salmon & Steelhead Email to bluefish, 7/29/9 by Robert Kope
Steelhead on the Snake Game & Fish, 9/29/10 by Doug Rose
Study: Anglers' Catch-And-Release Revival Techniques Shown To Not Always Benefit Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/26/15 by Staff
Holding Wild Steelhead Out of Water Viewed Differently in Idaho, Washington Spokesman-Review, 2/10/16 by Rich Landers
Study: Brings Attention fo How Timing of Fishing Seasons Impacts Spawning, Life History Patterns Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17 by Staff
Steelhead Fishing Heats Up in Some Rivers East Oregonian, 12/12/24 by Staff
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (11-4-24) Northwest Sportsman, 11/4/24 by Andy Walgamott
Fishing in Idaho is About To Be the Best it's Been in 7 Years 104.3 WOW Country, 10/6/24 by Chris Cardenas
Columbia River Chinook Salmon Fishing Extended The Chronicle, 10/11/24 by Bill Monroe
Columbia Fall Chinook Managers Extend Fisheries thru End of September, Reopen a Lower Stretch Northwest Sportsman, 9/18/24 by Andy Walgamott
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Hanford Reach Fishing Report (9-17-24) Northwest Sportsman, 9/17/24 by Andy Walgamott
Salmon Seasons Expanded Along Columbia River The Chronicle, 9/11/24 by Bill Monroe
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Hanford Reach Fishing Report (9-10-24) Northwest Sportsman, 9/10/24 by Andy Walgamott
Fishing Report: Be Aware of Changing Fall Salmon Fishing Regulations The Columbian, 9/7/24 by Staff
Idaho's Steelhead Update 8/28/2024 Press Release, 8/28/24 by Joe DuPont
Snake Stretches Opening for Fall Chinook; Areas 7, 10 Reopening for Kings Northwest Sportsman, 8/8/24 by Andy Walgamott
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Buoy 10 Fishing Report (8-20-24) Northwest Sportsman, 8/20/24 by Andy Walgamott
Fall Salmon Fishing Seasons are Right Around the Corner Lewiston Tribune, 8/11/24 by Eric Barker
Salmon Fishing Off Mouth of Columbia River to Reopen Monday The Oregonian, 8/8/24 by Bill Monroe
Salmon Fishing Off Mouth of Columbia River to Close Monday The Oregonian, 8/8/24 by Bill Monroe
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (8-14-24) Northwest Sportsman, 8/14/24 by Andy Walgamott
Lower Columbia River and Tributary Fishing Report for Week of Aug. 5-11 The Columbian, 8/6/24 by Staff
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (8-6-24) Northwest Sportsman, 8/6/24 by Andy Walgamott
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (7-30-24) Northwest Sportsman, 7/30/24 by Andy Walgamott
Fishing Report: Sockeye Retention Closed on Columbia River The Columbian, 7/29/24 by Staff
Forecasts Call for Good Fall Chinook Returns at Buoy 10 The Columbian, 7/26/24 by Terry Otto
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Hanford Reach Fishing Report (7-23-24) Northwest Sportsman, 7/23/24 by Andy Walgamott
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update Clearwater River, Rapid River, and Hells Canyon Fisheries Clearwater Tribune, 7/10/24 by Joe DuPont
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 7.10.24 Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 7/10/24 by Angela Montana
Columbia River and Tributary Fishery Reports for Week of July 1 The Columbian, 7/6/24 by Staff
Though Columbia Sockeye Return is Booming, Angler Retention Shut Down to Protect ESA-Listed Sockeye Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/5/24 by Staff
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 7.25.24 Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 7/3/24 by Angela Montana
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 7.3.24 Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 7/3/24 by Angela Montana
Preliminary Columbia River and Tributaries Fishing Report, July 1 The Columbian, 7/1/24 by Staff
Preliminary Columbia River and Tributaries Fishing Report, June 10-16 The Columbian, 6/22/24 by Staff
Little Goose Tailrace to Open for 1 Day of Springer Fishing Northwest Sportsman, 6/6/24 by Andy Walgamott
One Day Only: Little Goose Chinook Fishery to Reopen Today Lewiston Tribune, 6/6/24 by Staff
States Reopen Chinoook Fishing Below Bonneville and 12 Hours of Commercial Gillnetting on Mainstem Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/17/24 by Matt Olson
Columbia River's Salmon Fishing Season Set to Begin June 16 NBC Right Now, 4/24/24 by Thomas Metcalf
Three Times the Fun, 3rd Wave of Steelhead Hits Boise River KTVB, 11/24/23 by Staff
Fish and Game Preparing to Release 250 Steelhead into Boise River KTVB, 11/15/23 by Staff
Washington Columbia River Tributary Fishing Report for Nov. 13-19 The Columbian, 11/13/23 by Staff
McCall Angler Sets New State Record with Steelhead Catch on Clearwater River Idaho News CBS2, 10/31/23 by Staff
Lewiston Man Catches New Idaho State Record Coho Northwest Sportsman, 10/24/23 by Staff
Coho Again to Open in Snake's Lower Hells Canyon Northwest Sportsman, 10/5/23 by Andy Walgamott
Chinook Retention from Bonneville to Pasco Extended Thru Year-end Northwest Sportsman, 10/4/23 by Andy Walgamott
Washington Columbia River Mainstem, Tributary Fishing Report for Sept. 25-Oct. 1 The Columbian, 10/4/23 by Staff
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for September 28 Spokesman-Review, 9/28/23 by Alan Liere
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (9-25-23) Northwest Sportsman, 9/25/23 by Andy Walgamott
Salmon Fishing Open on Main Stem of Columbia River Through End of Year Daily Astorian, 9/24/23 by Staff
States Relax Salmon Fishing Restrictions on Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 9/13/23 by Bill Monroe
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Hanford, Yakima Fishing Report (9-5-23) Northwest Sportsman, 9/5/23 by Andy Walgamott
Steelhead Run Expected to be Strong as Fishing Season Opens Friday Big Country News, 8/31/23 by Staff
Washington Columbia River Mainstem, Tributary Fishing Report for Aug. 21-27 The Columbian, 8/30/23 by Staff
Landing a Chinook at Columbia River's Buoy 10 Fishery may be a Challenge Yakima Herald-Republic, 8/23/23 by Roger Phillips
Understanding Idaho Fish and Game's Decision to Stock Boise River with Surplus Chinook Salmon Idaho News CBS 2, 8/7/23 by Staff
In Surprise Move, U.S. District Judge Dismisses U.S. V. Oregon Fishing Rights Case NW Fishletter, 4/2/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Fishing for Steelhead in the Snake? Lewiston Tribune, 1/18/22 by Staff
Ruling Clouds Future of Southeast Alaska King Salmon Fishery Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/11/22 by Gene Johnson
Columbia River, Tributary Fishery Reports for Aug. 7-13 The Columbian, 8/16/23 by Staff
Fishing Report: Fall Chinook Fishing Opens Tuesday with Some Changes The Columbian, 7/19/23 by Staff
Columbia River Mainstem, Tributary Fishing Summary for July 10-16 The Columbian, 7/19/23 by Staff
Sockeye Salmon Fishing Limit Expanded in Richland NBC Right Now, 7/6/23 by Kaitlyn Smock
Summer, Fall Salmon Regulations Among the Most Complicated in State History The Oregonian, 6/30/23 by Bill Monroe
Summer Chinook Fishing on Columbia River to Close Saturday The Columbian, 6/28/23 by Allen Thomas
Summer Chinook Salmon Fishing to Close on Columbia River The Oregonian, 6/28/23 by Bill Monroe
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 6.28.23 Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 6/28/23 by Angela Montana
Sockeye Numbers Skyrocket over Bonneville The Daily News, 6/22/23 by Seth Kolshinski
Alaska Salmon Season Back On After Court Halts Closure that Sought to Protect Orcas KNXX, 6/22/23 by Associated Press
Fish on! Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Seattle District Court's Stop to SE Alaska King Salmon Troll Fishery Must Read Alaska, 6/21/23 by Suzanne Downing
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 6.21.23 Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 6/21/23 by Angela Montana
Mid-Columbia Fishing Report (6-21-23) Northwest Sportsman, 6/21/23 by Andy Walgamott
Chinook Salmon Fishery Update: Clearwater River, Rapid River, Hells Canyon, and Lochsa River Fisheries EIN News, 6/20/23 by Joe DuPont
Chinook Fisheries Halted on Columbia River Lewiston Tribune, 5/19/23 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Have Not Made It to the Riggins Area, But They Are On the Way Idaho News 6, 5/26/23 by Steve Dent
11 Days of Spring Chinook Fishing Added Below Bonneville Dam, May 25-June 4 Tillamook County Pioneer, 5/20/23 by Editor
Chinook Fishing to Resume at Ice Harbor, Little Goose Dams Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/23 by Staff
WDF&W Report Change to Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Big Country News, 5/19/23 by Staff
As Chinook Run Surges, So Does Uncertainty Lewiston Tribune, 5/19/23 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing to Reopen on Columbia River The Oregonian, 5/17/23 by Bill Monroe
Idaho Tribe Wants its Share of Clearwater River Run Lewiston Tribune, 5/9/23 by Eric Barker
Salmon Trolling Seasons Halted to Help Orca Recovery Capital Press, 5/8/23 by Mateusz Perkowski
Columbia River Spring Chinook Run Below Average So Far But Peak Still to Come The Columbian, 4/16/23 by Lauren Ellenbecker
Chinook Salmon Fishing Starts April 22 on Snake River Baker City Herald, 4/16/23 by Jayson Jacoby
Fall Salmon Fishing Limits Set for Buoy 10 The Columbian, 4/8/23 by Allen Thomas
Summer Salmon Fishing Seasons Set for Oregon Coast, Columbia River The Oregonian, 4/7/23 by Bill Monroe
US Panel Approves Salmon Fishing Ban for Much of West Coast KPTV, 4/7/23 by Lisa Baumann
Slower Catches of Spring Chinook Salmon Mean Extended Fishing on Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 4/4/23 by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Season Set for Idaho Rivers KTVB, 3/1/23 by Staff
Washington Expected to Have a Limited Spring Chinook Season Lewiston Tribune, 3/17/23 by Eric Barker
Confusing Postcard Provides Excitement for Upcoming Fishing Season Yakima Herald, 3/7/23 by Rob Phillips
Spring Chinook Salmon Sportfishing Seasons Set for Lower Columbia River The Chronicle, 2/23/23 by Bill Monroe
Columbia River Spring Chinook Seasons Announced The Columbian, 2/22/23 by Terry Otto
States Set Columbia Spring Chinook Seasons Northwest Sportsman, 2/22/23 by Andy Walgamott
Time To Set the Seasons Lewiston Tribune, 1/27/23 by Eric Barker
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for January 19 Spokesman-Review, 1/19/23 by Alan Liere
Days of Gillnetting on Lower Columbia River May Be Numbered The Chronicle, 1/18/23 by Lauren Ellenbecker
Put End to Destructive Gillnetting The Columbian, 1/15/23 by Matt Olson
Steelhead Fishing Shifts to Catch-and-Release Lewiston Tribune, 10/15/22 by Eric Barker
Watch Fish and Game Friday: Steelhead Season KLEW, 10/14/22 by Christopher Mitchell
Fishery Managers to Close Chinook Salmon Fishing on River Daily Astorian, 10/6/22 by Staff
Chinook Salmon Fishing on Columbia River to Close After Friday The Oregonian, 10/5/22 by Bill Monroe
Updated Fish Forecasts to Change Recreational Fishing Guidelines NBC Right Now, 10/5/22 by Karlee Van de Venter
'B' is for Bonanza Lewiston Tribune, 9/30/22 by Eric Barker
Now is the Time to Land a Big Fall Chinook on the mid-Columbia River Yakima Herald-Republic, 9/27/22 by Roger Phillips
Salmon Fishing at Buoy 10, Area Near Bonneville Dam to Resume Thursday The Oregonian, 9/13/22 by Bill Monroe
Columbia River Reopens for Salmon Fishing at Buoy 10, Above Reed Island beginning Sept. 15 Tillamook County Pioneer, 9/6/22 by ODFW
Fall Chinook Salmon Update for the Week of August 31, 2022 Clearwater Tribune, 9/1/22 by Joe DuPont
Fall Chinook Salmon Retention to Close at Buoy 10 on Columbia River The Oregonian, 8/29/22 by Bill Monroe
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for August 17 Spokesman-Review, 8/17/22 by Alan Liere
Snake River Fall Chinook Harvest to Open August 18 Daily Fly, 8/14/22 by Rebecca Acree
Fall Chinook Fishing Opens Thursday in Area Capital Press, 8/12/22 by Matthew Weaver
Fishing Report for Washington Columbia River Mainstem and Tributaries, July 4-10 The Columbian, 7/13/22 by News Services
Spring Chinook Fishing on Little Salmon River Wraps Up Today Lewiston Tribune, 7/1/22 by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update: Clearwater, Rapid River, Hells Canyon & Lochsa River Fisheries EIN News, 6/21/22 by Joe DuPont
Upper Salmon River Summer Chinook Fishery Update EIN News, 6/15/22 by Joe DuPont
Summer Chinook Fishing Set to Open in Idaho, Oregon Lewiston Tribune, 6/15/22 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Update: Rapid River Run, Hells Canyon, and Clearwater River Fisheries EIN News, 6/14/22 by Joe DuPont
Spring Chinook to Reopen at Little Goose Dam Lewiston Tribune, 6/8/22 by Staff
145K Chinook Counted March 15-May 30 Idaho County Free Press, 6/8/22 by Idaho Fish & Game
Chinook Fishing to Open for One Day Only Below Little Goose Dam on Snake River Big Country News, 6/6/22 by Staff
Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Expands Again The Oregonian, 6/3/22 by Bill Monroe
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for May 26 Spokesman-Review, 5/26/22 by Alan Liere
Snake River Spring Chinook Season to Close Lewiston Tribune, 5/24/22 by Staff
Anglers Have Shot at 10,000 Spring Chinook Lewiston Tribune, 5/22/22 by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Sportfishing on Lower Columbia River Extended Through mid-June The Oregonian, 5/20/22 by Bill Monroe
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update Montana Outdoor, 5/20/22 by Greg Schoby
More Days Added to Columbia Spring Chinook Fishery The Columbian, 5/19/22 by News Service
Spring Chinook Fishing Remains Open Near Ice Harbor, Little Goose Dams Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/22 by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Update: Rapid River Run, Hells Canyon, and Clearwater River Fisheries Clearwater Tribune, 5/16/22 by Joe DuPont
With Spring Chinook Salmon Run Up 30% at Bonneville Dam, More Fishing Days Added on Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 5/11/22 by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Salmon Season Looks Promising for Idaho Anglers KIVI TV, 5/5/22 by Steve Dent
Chinook Fishing Opens May 3 on Snake River Whitman County Gazette, 4/21/22 by Staff
Need to Protect Wild Tule Chinook Makes Scheduling Fishing Season a Tough Task The Oregonian, 4/14/22 by Bill Monroe
Washington OKs Short Crack at Springers Lewiston Tribune, 4/15/22 by Eric Barker
Chinook Salmon Fishing Rules Change on Snake River Columbia Basin Herald, 4/15/22 by Staff
Fishing Report for Lower Columbia River Mainstem and Tributaries: April 12 The Columbian, 4/12/22 by Staff
Forecast for Chinook Could be Best Return Since 2015; Season Opens April 23 Idaho County Free Press, 4/6/22 by Idaho Fish & Game
Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Reports and Updates for Week of March 14 The Columbian, 3/16/22 by Staff
Columbia River Salmon Return Forecast. And What It Means for the 2022 Fishing Season Tri-City Herald, 3/6/22 by Eric Barker
Fisheries Managers Pondering Parameters of Spring Chinook Season Lewiston Tribune, 3/6/22 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Season Set; Fall Chinook Predictions Are Out The Oregonian, 2/26/22 by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Season Set; Fall Chinook Predictions Are Out The Columbian, 2/26/22 by Staff
To Protect Declining Wild Steelhead WA State Shuts Down All Sport Fishing on Coast The Columbian, 2/24/22 by Staff
Columbia River and Tributary Fishery Report, Feb. 22 The Columbian, 2/23/22 by Staff
Wild Steelhead are Caught Less and Have Higher Survival Rates Once Released, Research Shows KTVB, 1/25/22 by Staff
Steelhead Fishing Closed on Lower Snake Whitman County Gazette, 1/6/22 by Staff
Steelhead Fishing Still Off Limits Above The Dalles Dam Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/24/21 by Staff
Fishing Closures Extended for Columbia River, Tributaries to Protect Record-Low Steelhead Run KTVZ, 12/22/21 by Staff
F&G Commission Modifies Steelhead Bag Limits Starting Jan. 1, 2022 Clearwater Tribune, 12/1/21 by Connor Liess
Split Steelhead Season is on Agenda Lewiston Tribune, 11/5/21 by Eric Barker
Why I'm Not Fishing the Grande Ronde River This Year Outside Magazine, 10/16/21 by Bridget Moran
F&G Commission Reduces Bag Limits for Clearwater River and Tributaries EIN Presswire, 10/7/21 by Idaho Fish & Game
Feds OK Plan to Cut Salmon Fishing When Needed for Orcas ABC News, 9/15/21 by Associated Press
Oregon Lowers Steelhead Bag Limits on Snake Lewiston Tribune, 9/10/21 by Staff
Portion of Lower Columbia River to Reopen to Salmon Fishing Saturday Clark County Today, 9/10/21 by Staff
Salmon Fishing to Reopen on Part of Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 9/9/21 by Bill Monroe
Reduced Steelhead Bag Limit for Oregon's Snake River The Observer, 9/8/21 by Staff
Portions of Mainstem Columbia Downstream of Bonneville Closing to All Salmon Fishing Tillamook County Pioneer, 9/6/21 by Eric Barker
Washington Closes Part of Snake to Steelhead Fishing Lewiston Tribune, 9/3/21 by Eric Barker
Stretch of Columbia River Closing to Salmon, Steelhead Fishing The Oregonian, 9/2/21 by Bill Monroe
Idaho Allows Limited Steelhead Season Lewiston Tribune, 9/2/21 by Eric Barker
Idaho Steelhead Update EIN Presswire, 9/1/21 by Joe Dupont
IDFG Reduces Steelhead Bag Limit to One Due to Low Return Rates KIVI TV, 9/1/21 by Lynsey Amundson
Amid Poor Runs, Idaho Officials Propose Limited Steelhead Harvest Lewiston Tribune, 8/31/21 by Eric Barker
Record-Low Steelhead Returns on Columbia River Prompt Call for Fishing Shutdown Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/27/21 by Bradley Parks
Idaho Official says Year's Meager Run is Arguably the Area's 'Worst Ever' Spokesman-Review, 8/19/21 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Update EIN Presswire, 6/30/21 Idaho Fish & Game
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing on Snake River to Reopen for Two More Days Near Little Goose Dam Big Country News, 6/3/21 by Staff
Commission Approves 2 New Fisheries and Reopens Portion of Lower Salmon River for Two Days EIN Presswire, 6/4/21 Idaho Fish & Game
Spring Chinook Fishing to Close for Season Post Register, 5/26/21 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Will Be Open Saturday on Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 5/25/21 by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update EIN Presswire, 5/25/21 Idaho Fish & Game
Spring Chinook Fishing to Open for Two Days on Snake River Near Little Goose Dam Lewiston Tribune, 5/22/21 by Staff
Clearwater Season Still Possible with a Bump in Chinook Counts Lewiston Tribune, 5/21/21 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update EIN Presswire, 6/1/21 Idaho Fish & Game
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update EIN Presswire, 5/19/21 Idaho Fish & Game
Higher Spring Chinook Salmon Counts Lead to More Columbia River Sport Fishing Dates The Oregonian, 5/18/21 by Bill Monroe
Idaho's Spring Chinook Returns Remain Low, Clearwater Unlikely to Open to Anglers Spokesman-Review, 5/12/21 by Eli Francovich
Fishing Report, March 4 The Columbian, 3/4/20 by Staff
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for Feb. 18 Spokesman-Review, 2/18/21 by Alan Liere
Spring Offers Big Steelhead Fishing Opportunities in Smaller Rivers EIN Presswire, 2/18/21 by Idaho Fish & Game
Steelhead Season Begins to Warm Up Post Register, 2/17/21 by Jerry Painter
Fishing Report, January 28 The Columbian, 1/28/21 by Staff
Wallowa County Fishing Rates a Bit Lower than Anticipated East Oregonian, 12/1/20 by Ronald Bond
Latest Local Fishing Report a Mixed Bag Wallowa County Chieftain, 10/26/20 by Staff
Fishing Report, October 1 The Columbian, 10/1/20 by Staff
Gillnetters Approve, Anglers Reel at Columbia River Salmon Policy Change The Daily News, 9/21/20 by Mallory Gruben
Fishing Season is Open for Fall Chinook Salmon in Idaho Twin Times-News, 8/27/20 by Idaho Fish & Game
Steelhead Limit Cut on Snake, Salmon, Little Salmon Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 8/21/20 by Eric Barker
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for Aug. 6 Spokesman-Review, 8/27/20 by Alan Liere
Fishing Report, August 20 The Columbian, 2/12/20 by Staff
F&G Commission Approves 2020 Fall Chinook Salmon Season Daily Fly, 7/27/20 by Idaho Fish & Game
Fisheries Managers Expect 18,000+ Adult Chinook, Fishing Begins as Early as Aug. 18 Lewiston Tribune, 6/5/20 by Idaho Fish & Game
Watch South Fork Salmon Chinook Numbers Dismal KIVI TV, 7/8/20 by Steve Liebenthal
Upper Salmon River Chinook Salmon Fishing Report Clearwater Tribune, 7/15/20 by Brent Beller
Tribes Open First Commercial Fishery of Year; Direct Public Sales Available Hood River News, 6/23/20 by Staff
Tongue Point to McNary Dam Re-Opening for Chinook Fishing Saturday The Daily News, 7/2/20 by Staff
Sockeye, Steelhead Fisheries in NW See Precautionary Closures Lewiston Tribune, 6/28/20 by Eric Barker
Oregon, Washington Add 5 Days of Chinook Salmon Sportfishing on Columbia River The Oregonian, 6/30/20 by Bill Monroe
Anglers Get Another Shot at Idaho's 519 Chinook Lewiston Tribune, 6/5/20 by Staff
States End Non-Tribal Spring Salmon Fishing on Columbia River The Oregonian, 5/20/20 by Bill Munroe
Chinook Season Closed on Idaho's Clearwater River Lewiston Tribune, 5/16/20 by Eric Barker
States Give Columbia River Salmon Anglers Four More Days The Dalles Chronicle, 5/14/20 by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Season Launches to Shallow Numbers Lewiston Tribune, 4/24/20 by Eric Barker
Steelhead, Chinook Seasons Look Grim Lewiston Tribune, 4/3/20 by Eric Barker
Idaho Aporoves Approved Spring Chinook Fishing to Begin April 25 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/26/20 by Staff
WA Closes Recreational Fishing Statewide, OR Shuts Down Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/26/20 by Staff
F&G Commission Approves 2020 Spring Chinook Salmon Season Clearwater Tribune, 3/25/20 by Brian Pearson
Fishing Report, February 12 The Columbian, 2/12/20 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, January 15 The Columbian, 1/15/20 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, January 9 The Columbian, 1/9/20 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, January 2 The Columbian, 1/2/20 by Terry Otto
Idaho Opts to Reopen Fishing on Lower Stretch, but Washington says No Lewiston Tribune, 12/27/19 by Eric Barker
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for Dec. 26 Spokesman-Review, 12/26/19 by Alan Liere
Steelhead Closure Extended In Eastern Oregon KXI, 12/26/19 by Staff
Steelhead Closure Extended on Columbia River The Astorian, 12/23/19 by Staff
Limited Steelhead Season Approved Moscow-Pulmman Daily News, 12/19/19 by Eric Barker
Steelhead Season May Open in New Year Lewiston Tribune, 12/18/19 by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, December 5 The Columbian, 12/5/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, November 28 The Columbian, 11/28/19 by Terry Otto
Limited Steelhead Fishing Season on Clearwater River a Possibility Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 11/25/19 by Eric Barker
F&G Extends 2020 Steelhead Bag Limits on Parts of Snake, Salmon, Little Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 11/22/19 by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, November 14 The Columbian, 11/14/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, November 7 The Columbian, 11/7/19 by Terry Otto
ODFW says Average Catch Time for Steelhead in Northeast Oregon is About 10 Hours East Oregonian, 11/2/19 by Staff
Fishing Report, October 24 The Columbian, 10/24/19 by Terry Otto
Steelhead Season Remains Open on Multiple Rivers Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/21/19 by Eric Barker
States Reopen Columbia River to Recreational Coho and Sturgeon Fishing The Astorian, 10/18/19 by Staff
Fishing Report, October 17 The Columbian, 10/17/19 by Terry Otto
Coho Salmon Fishing to Reopen on Part of the Columbia River from Friday Through Oct. 31 The Oregonian, 10/16/19 by Bill Monroe
Anglers Seek Coho Season Extension Lewiston Tribune, 10/11/19 by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, October 10 The Columbian, 10/10/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, October 3 The Columbian, 10/3/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, September 26 The Columbian, 9/26/19 by Terry Otto
Recreational Fishing Rules Change on the Columbia River Due to Low Numbers of Salmon, Steelhead King 5, 9/26/19 by Staff
Commissioners Vote this Morning to Limit Steelhead Fishing Sites Lewiston Tribune, 9/20/19 by Staff
Steelhead Closures Expand Coeur d'Alene Press, 9/19/19 by Ralph Bartholdt
Fishing Report, September 19 The Columbian, 9/19/19 by Terry Otto
Recreational Fishing Rules Change on the Columbia River Due to Low Numbers of Salmon, Steelhead King 5 News, 9/19/19 by Staff
Smaller Than Expected Steelhead Return is Causing Concern Twin Times-News, 9/19/19 by Roger Phillips
Idaho may Scuttle Some Steelhead Seasons Lewiston Tribune, 9/19/19 by Eric Barker
Idaho to Consider Closing Steelhead Fishing on Clearwater/Snake Rivers Lewiston Tribune, 9/18/19 by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, September 4 The Columbian, 9/4/19 by Terry Otto
Steelhead Season Opens Wallowa Chieftain, 9/4/19 by ODFW Press Release
Fall Chinook Salmon Fishing Below Bonneville Dam to Close Early The Oregonian, 9/4/19 by Bill Monroe
With A-Run Steelhead Not Living Up to Predictions, Fish Managers Downgrade Forecast Lewiston Tribune, 8/31/19 by Eric Barker
A Weekend in Wildlife East Oregonian, 8/30/19 by Jessica Pollard
Fishing Report, August 29 The Columbian, 8/29/19 by Terry Otto
New Fall Chinook Season Approved Lewiston Tribune, 8/23/19 by Eric Barker
Chinook Season To Open On Snake Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/23/19 by Staff
Columbia at Mouth of Deschutes Closed to Fishing The Dalles Chronicle, 8/20/19 by Staff
States Set Lower Columbia River Mainstem Commercial Gillnet Fishing Chinook Observer, 8/15/19 by Columbia Basin Bulletin
Portland Area has New Fishing Regulations this Year Umpqua Post, 8/12/19 by Staff
Columbia River at Deschutes River Mouth Closes to All Fishing Aug. 12 The Dalles Chronicle, 8/9/19 by Staff
Fishing Report, August 8 The Columbian, 8/8/19 by Terry Otto
Buoy 10 Opens as Huge Coho Return Expected, 162% of Average Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/2/19 by Staff
Fishing Report, July 24 The Columbian, 7/24/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Fans Sought to Help Study Fishing's Effect on Idaho's Wild Steelhead Spokesman-Review, 7/22/19 by Eric Barker
No Chinook Fishing on South Fork Salmon, Upper Salmon Rivers KIVI TV, 6/25/19 by Katie Kloppenburg
Chinook Season is a No-Go on South Fork of Salmon River Post Register, 6/22/19 by Jerry Painter
Fishing Report, June 20 The Columbian, 6/20/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, June 12 The Columbian, 6/12/19 by Terry Otto
Barbless Hooks Didn't Help Fish Survival; Chinook Returns Awful Chinook Observer, 6/4/19 by Staff
Fishing Report, June 5: Barbless hooks now voluntary on the Columbia River The Columbian, 6/5/19 by Terry Otto
Spring Chinook Season Comes to Close Lewiston Tribune, 6/5/19 by Eric Barker
Chinook Season Ends on Lower Salmon, Little Salmon Rivers KIVI Boise, 6/4/19 by Katie Kloppenburg
Barbless Hooks Still Required for Snake River Lewiston Tribune, 6/1/19 by Eric Barker
Barbless Hooks to Become Voluntary on Much of Columbia River and Tributaries Chinook Observer, 5/31/19 by Staff
Chinook Bust on the Columbia: Spring Returns Worse than Forecast on Northwest's Largest River Seattle Times, 5/31/19 by Lynda Mapes
Two Sections of Snake River Already Closed for Spring Chinook Fishing, Another Closes After Monday Seattle Times, 5/30/19 by Mark Yuasa
Fishing Report, May 30 The Columbian, 5/30/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, May 16 The Columbian, 5/16/19 by Terry Otto
Poor Returns Put Chinook Season On Ice Lewiston Tribune, 5/15/19 by Eric Barker
Two More Days of Salmon Fishing Added Upriver from Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 5/9/19 by Bill Monroe
Chinook Taking Their Sweet Time Coming Home Lewiston Tribune, 5/8/19 by Eric Barker
Chinook Fishing -- Limited as It Is -- Starts Saturday Lewiston Tribune, 5/8/19 by Staff
WDFW Faces $7M Budget Shortfall The Columbian, 5/8/19 by Terry Otto
Columbia Closes to Chinook, Sockeye Fishing this Summer NW Fishletter, 5/6/19 by K.C. Mehaffey
Fishing Report, May 2 The Columbian, 5/2/19 by Terry Otto
Chinook Season is Open Idaho County Free Press, 5/1/19 by Staff
Fishing Report, April 25 The Columbian, 4/25/19 by Terry Otto
Harvest Managers Concerned About Poor Chinook Returns Wahkiakum County Eagle, 4/25/19 by CBB Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Extended Again on Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 4/24/19 by Bill Monroe
Two More Days of Spring Chinook Fishing, But Harvest Managers Wonder if Looking at 'Really Poor Run' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/19 by Staff
Washington Opts to Give Anglers Near Clarkston a Share of Salmon Harvest Lewiston Tribune, 3/29/19 by Eric Barker
Meager Numbers of Returning Chinook Has State Fishery Managers Wary Lewiston Tribune, 4/21/19 by Eric Barker
Biologists Again Put Through the Springer Wringer Lewiston Tribune, 4/19/19 by Eric Barker
Anglers Allowed Two More Days of Fishing for Spring Chinook The Columbian, 4/19/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, April 18 The Columbian, 4/18/19 by Terry Otto
Few Salmon Mean No Summer Fishing on the Columbia. Fall Forecast in Flux Tri-City Herald, 4/15/19 by Annette Cary
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopening for This Weekend from Bonneville to Warrior Rock Chinook Observer, 4/12/19 by Staff
Spring Chinook Anglers Will Get Two More Days to Fish the Columbia River The Oregonian, 4/11/19 by Bill Monroe
Fishing Report, April 11 The Columbian, 4/11/19 by Terry Otto
Steelhead Fishing Continues/Reopens in Idaho The Columbian, 3/15/19 by Steve Liebenthal
Thanks for Reporting Facts The Daily Astorian, 3/12/19 by Jim Wells
Don't Support Gillnetting The Daily Astorian, 3/7/19 by Vince Archibald
Salmon Fishing Rules Off NW Coast to be Guided by Need to Protect Low Numbers of Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/15/19 by Staff
Lower Columbia Spring Fishing Ends March 1 Chinook Observer, 2/22/19 by CBB Staff
Projections of Low Spring Chinook Returns Limit Columbia River Fishing Seasons Chinook Observer, 2/21/19 by Staff
Fishing Report, February 21 The Columbian, 2/21/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, February 6 The Columbian, 2/6/19 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, January 24 The Columbian, 2/6/19 by Terry Otto
Friday Night Reverse Keeps Steelhead Fishing Season Open Idaho County Free Press, 12/13/18 by Andrew Ottoson
Agreement Staves Off Steelhead Season Closure Lewiston Tribune, 12/7/18 by Eric Barker
Conservation Groups did Idaho a Favor by Ending Steelhead Season Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 11/16/18 by Josh Babcock
Steelhead Season Gets Snagged on a Legal Barb Lewiston Tribune, 11/16/18 by Eric Barker
Columbia Salmon Season Won't Reopen Until Jan. 1 Chinook Observer, 11/14/18 by Staff
Columbia River Salmon, Steelhead Fisheries Reopen Jan. 1 Spokesman-Review, 11/13/18 by Eli Francovich
Idaho Fish and Game Suspends Steelhead Seasons Under Threat of Lawsuit Lewiston Tribune, 11/14/18 by Eric Barker
Idaho Mulls Scrubbing Steelhead Season Lewiston Tribune, 11/14/18 by Eric Barker
IDFG Cuts Clearwater Steelhead Bag Limit Lewiston Tribune, 9/30/18 by Eric Barker
The Hanford Reach Remains Open, as Does the Snake River Spokesman-Review, 9/17/18 by Eli Francovich
Rare Columbia River Salmon Fishing Closure Mix of Bad Ocean, Bad River Conditions in 2015 Spokesman-Review, 9/17/18 by Eli Francovich
International 10-year Salmon Preservation Plan Advances Star Tribune, 9/17/18 by Gillian Flaccus
Salmonid Fishing Closed on the Columbia River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/18 by Staff
State Officials Close Columbia River to All Salmon Fishing KOMO News, 9/13/18 by Staff
Fishing Report, September 13 The Columbian, 9/13/18 by Terry Otto
The Fall Chinook Salmon Run Has Fallen Quickly Yakima Herald-Republic, 9/12/18 by Roger Phillips
Poor Steelhead Returns will Likely Impact Small Towns that Bank on Anglers Coeur d'Alene Press, 9/6/18 by Eric Barker
Steelhead Fishing Closed on Large Section of Columbia River NW Fishletter, 9/4/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
States Slash Steelhead Bag Limits Lewiston Tribune, 9/2/18 by Eric Barker
States Close Columbia River to Steelhead Retention Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/30/18 by Staff
Fishing Report, July 12 The Columbian, 8/23/18 by Terry Otto
Buoy 10 Challenge/Chinook Salmon Will Mesh on Friday in Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 8/12/18 by Bill Monroe
Oregon Closes Steelhead Sanctuary Off Mouth of Deschutes to All Fishing The Oregonian, 8/8/18 by Bill Monroe
August 18 is Opening Day for Fall Chinook Fishing Twin Times-News, 8/2/18 by Associated Press
Area's Fall Chinook Season Set to Open August 18 Lewiston Tribune, 8/1/18 by Staff
F&G Commission Approves Aug. 18 for Fall Chinook Fishing Opener Clearwater Tribune, 8/1/18 by Staff
Fishing Halted in Tri-City Area Due to Hot River Waters Tri-City Herald, 8/6/18 by Associated Press
State Reopens Chinook Salmon Fishery in Upper Columbia Omak-Okanogon Chronicle, 7/23/18 by Staff
Snake River Might Hold a Few Surprises Lewiston Tribune, 7/16/18 by Lenny Frasure
Summer Chinook Angling Ends Upstream of Bonneville Dam, Treaty Fishing Gets Three More Days Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/18 by Staff
Fall Salmon Season Heating Up The Daily News, 7/12/18 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, July 12 The Columbian, 7/12/18 by Terry Otto
Taking It To the Bank for Salmon, Shad The Columbian, 7/4/18 by Terry Otto
Washington Opens the Columbia River to Sockeye Fishing Tri-City Herald, 7/4/18 by Paul Krupin
Fishing the Salmon Highway off Vancouver Island The Bulletin, 7/1/18 by Gary Lewis
Fishing Report, June 28 The Columbian, 6/28/18 by Terry Otto
Idaho's Spring Chinook Season Nearing its End Lewiston Tribune, 6/27/18 by Eric Barker
Shad, Sockeye Stage Spectacularly Strong Show at Bonneville The Oregonian, 6/26/18 by Bill Monroe
Chinook Seasons End with Encouraging Signs Lewiston Tribune, 6/15/18 by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, June 14 The Columbian, 6/14/18 by Terry Otto
Spring Chinook Fishing Extended with Increased Bag Limit; So Far, Jacks Passage Very Low Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/8/18 by Staff
Chinook Tracking Leads to Bag Limit Revamps Lewiston Tribune, 6/8/18 by Eric Barker
Chinook Season Extended The Columbian, 6/6/18 by News Services
Spring Chinook Forecast Downgraded, But Managers Say Run Good Enough for More Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/18 by Staff
Chinook Run Slowing Down as Officials Set Harvest Share Lewiston Tribune, 6/1/18 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Numbers On the Rise The Olympian, 5/28/18 by Associated Press
Chinook Run Slows; Fishing Days Still On Lewiston Tribune, 5/25/18 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Fishing to Reopen on Columbia River Global Dispatch, 5/26/18 by Jacob Maslow
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopens on Columbia River The Chronicle, 5/24/18 by Jacob Maslow
Clearwater Region's Chinook Salmon Update Times-News, 5/24/18 by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing to Reopen on Columbia River The Oregonian, 5/23/18 by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Fishing Closed Until Run Update; Steelhead Fishing Opens in Lower Columbia Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/18/18 by Staff
Spring Chinook Numbers are on the Rise Lewiston Tribune, 5/16/18 by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, May 16 The Columbian, 5/16/18 by Terry Otto
Summer Steelhead Season Opens Wednesday on Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 5/15/18 by Bill Monroe
Fishing Report, May 10 The Columbian, 5/10/18 by Terry Otto
Truck Trouble Delays Trout Stocking The Columbian, 5/3/18 by Terry Otto
Chinook Season Opens Saturday in Idaho Lewiston Tribune, 4/27/18 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Season Opens Saturday Times-News, 4/26/18 by Staff
Fishing Report, April 26 The Columbian, 4/26/18 by Terry Otto
You Could Use a New Favorite Fishing Hole. Here are Some Ideas Tri-City Herald, 4/22/18 by Paul Krupin
Spring Chinook Season Opens with Little Fanfare, Few Fish Lewiston Tribune, 4/20/18 by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, April 19 The Columbian, 4/19/18 by Terry Otto
Here's What You Need to Know to Catch Spring Chinook on the Snake Tri-City Herald, 4/18/18 by Annette Cary
Lower Columbia River Salmon Sport Fishery Open Saturday Only The Chronicle, 4/13/18 by Jordan Nailon
Low Bonneville Dam Passage for Spring Chinook Results in One More Fishing Day Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/13/18 by Staff
Columbia River Reopens to Recreational Boats; Fishing Resumes Below Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 4/13/18 by Bill Monroe
Fishing Report, April 5 The Columbian, 4/5/18 by Terry Otto
Another Rough Year Predicted for Salmon, Steelhead NW Fishletter, 4/2/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Idaho Summer Chinook Fishing May Heat Up Lewiston Tribune, 3/30/18 by Eric Barker
Tribal Fisherman gets Jail Time after Selling Columbia River Fish Yakima Herald, 3/27/18 by Annette Cary
Fishing Report, March 29 The Columbian, 3/29/18 by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, March 22 The Columbian, 3/22/18 by Staff
Fishing Report, March 8 The Columbian, 3/7/18 by Staff
University of Idaho Graduate Student Studies Clearwater Steelhead Movements Montana Untamed, 3/7/18 by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, February 22 The Columbian, 2/22/18 by Terry Otto
Hatchery Steelhead Targeted in Bag Limit Changes on Snake River Tributaries Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/26/18 by Staff
Preliminary Data Shows Steelhead Mortality from Gillnetting May be Lower than Thought Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/26/18 by Staff
Steelhead Harvest Limits Stay: Idaho Extends Rules Requiring Release of Longer Fish Lewiston Tribune, 12/29/17 by Eric Barker
Curiously Short Steelhead gets Snake River Fishermen in Hot Water Tri-City Herald, 1/17/18 by Annette Cary
Steelhead Limits Reduced for 2018 Spring Season Times-News, 12/28/17 by Mike Demick
Solitude on the Steelhead Rivers Coeur d'Alene Press, 12/28/17 by Ralph Bartholdt
Reduced Steelhead Bag, Possession Limits Extended to Spring Idaho County Free Press, 12/27/17 by Staff
Smaller Columbia River Fish Returns Constrain Harvests; Blob Cited as Factor Northwest Fishletter, 9/5/17 by Laura Berg
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for Nov. 30 Spokesman-Review, 11/30/17 by Alan Liere
Some Snake River Anglers Will get to Harvest Steelhead Spokesman-Review, 11/17/17 by Eric Barker
Bag Limit Increased for Steelhead Fisheries East Oregonian, 10/23/17 by George Plaven
Fishing Report, October 19 The Columbian, 10/19/17 by Terry Otto
IDFG Approves Coho Fishing Season, Delays Steelhead Decision Lewiston Tribune, 10/3/17 by Eric Barker
Idaho Taking Public Comment on Opening Weak Steelhead Run to Harvest Spokesman-Review, 10/3/17 by Rich Landers
Chasing Steelhead Idaho Senior Independent, 9/21/17 by Holly Endersby
Two Arrested in Poaching Bust The Dalles Chronicle, 9/21/17 by Staff
Alaskans Protect B.C. Salmon; Canada Fishes On Times Colonist, 8/30/17 by MacDuffee and Taylor
Watch Steelhead Run is so Bad, it's Catch-and-Release Only in Idaho for 1st Time in Years Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/17 by Eric Barker
Hanford Reach Fall Chinook Bite Slowly Improving Spokesman-Review, 9/11/17 by Rich Landers
Columbia River Reopens to Recreational Boats; Fishing Resumes Below Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 9/11/17 by Bill Monroe
Columbia-Snake Steelhead Run Shows Slight Improvement Spokesman-Review, 9/10/17 by Eric Barker
Anglers Will be Taking Home Few Steelhead in Eastern Washington Spokesman-Review, 9/1/17 by Annette Cary
More Steelhead on the Way Couer d'Alene Press, 8/31/17 by Ralph Bartholdt
Tribal Netters to Sell Salmon Along Lower Columbia as Fall Season Opens Spokesman-Review, 8/18/17 by Rich Landers
Fall Fishing Opens to Lower than Usual Chinook Returns Chinook Observer, 8/1/17 by Staff
Fishing Report, August 31 The Columbian, 8/31/17 by Staff
Upper Snake River Opens to Fall Chinook Fishing on Friday Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/31/17 by Eric Barker
Washington Changes Status of Snake River Steelhead Spokesman-Review, 8/29/17 by Eric Barker
Bag Limits Lowered for Summer Steelhead East Oregonian, 8/29/17 by George Plaven
Record-setting Lows for Steelhead this Year Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/20/17 by Eric Barker
Washington Posts Emergency Steelhead Fishing Restrictions for Snake River System Spokesman-Review, 8/28/17 by Rich Landers
Idaho Closes Steelhead Harvest to Protect Tiny Run Twin Times-News, 8/18/17 by Roger Phillips
F&G Cancels Fall Steelhead Harvest Idaho Mountain Express, 8/18/17 by Greg Moore
Fish and Game Stops Fall Steelhead Harvest Idaho Mountain Express, 8/17/17 by Staff
Steelhead Run Will be Catch and Release in Idaho Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/17 by Eric Barker
Steelhead Harvest Closed by Idaho Fish and Game 1310 KLIX, 8/16/17 by Benito Baeza
Chinook Season Closed on Salmon Idaho Mountain Express, 8/2/17 by Staff
Fall Chinook Fishing Season Opens Aug. 18 Idaho County Free Press, 7/31/17 by Staff
Fall Chinook Season to Open in August 1310 KLIX, 7/31/17 by Andrew Weeks
Oregon's Fall Salmon Seasons The Oregonian, 7/29/17 by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Season Ends Sunday Lewiston Tribune, 7/12/17 by Staff
Draft EIS Published on a New Columbia River Harvest Plan NW Fishletter, 7/3/17 by Laura Berg
There's Still Time to Hook a Chinook Lewiston Tribune, 7/4/17 by Eric Barker
Salmon Runs Sluggish Near Tri-Cities -- So Far Tri-City Herald, 6/27/17 by Rich Landers
Saltwater, Lakes and Rivers Fishing Report for June 27 The News Tribune, 6/27/17 by Luke Garza
Columbia Fishing Seasons Announced; Starts Friday for Chinook, Steelhead The Oregonian, 6/13/17 by Bill Monroe
Anemic Return Leads Managers to Close Salmon Fishing on Snake Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/17 by Eric Barker
Washington Ends Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing with a Whimper Spokesman-Review, 5/16/17 by Rich Landers
Salmon Slow to Make an Appearance Wallowa County Chieftain, 5/31/17 by Jeff Yanke
Low Chinook Returns Prompt May 24 Closures Idaho County Free Press, 5/24/17 by Roger Phillips
Fisheries Managers Forecast 'Unprecedentedly Low' Summer Steelhead East Oregonian, 5/22/17 by George Plaven
Anemic Return Leads Managers to Close Salmon Fishing on Snake Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/17 by Eric Barker
Fish, Off The Daily Astorian, 5/17/17 by Katie Frankowicz
Fishing Report 5/4 The Columbian, 5/4/17 by Al Thomas
Mid-Columbia Spring Chinook Fishing to Close The Columbian, 5/2/17 by Al Thomas
New Record Low Spring Chinook Count to Date at Columbia's Bonneville Dam Seattle Times, 5/2/17 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Closed for Spring Chinook, But There are Other Options to Catch Fish in Weeks Ahead Seattle Times, 4/28/17 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Data Indicate it's Peak-time for Fishing Seattle Times, 4/21/17 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia/Willamette Spring Salmon? Wait and See for the Next Few Weeks The Oregonian, 4/21/17 by Bill Monroe
Salmon Season to be Cut Short in Fisheries Along California Coast San Francisco Chronicle, 4/11/17 by Tara Duggan
Managing Chinook Seasons is a Constant Work in Progress Idaho County Free Press, 4/6/17 by Roger Phillips
Spring Chinook Slow to Show in Columbia River over Bonneville Dam Spokesman-Review, 4/5/17 by Rich Landers
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishery Extended Through April 10 Seattle Times, 3/30/17 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Reveal Some Early Spring Fishing Options Seattle Times, 3/22/17 by Mark Yuasa
Fish Forecast: 'Not Very Good' NW Power Council, 3/15/17 by John Harrison
Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Show Plenty of Early Spring Fishing Choices Seattle Times, 3/14/17 by Mark Yuasa
Oregon, Washington, Set Columbia River Spring Chinook Seasons Hood River News, 3/3/17 by Staff
Columbia River Fishing Seasons Set BD Outdoors, 2/27/17 by Staff
State Fishery Managers Approve 37-day Spring Chinook Season on Lower Columbia Seattle Times, 2/23/17 by Mark Yuasa
Smelt Highlight Fisheries in Columbia River Regional Fishing Report Seattle Times, 2/22/17 by Mark Yuasa
First Columbia River Spring Chinook of Season Swims Up, Over Bonneville Dam Spokesman-Review, 2/14/17 by Rich Landers
First Spring Chinook Counted at Bonneville Dam The Columbian, 2/13/17 by Al Thomas
Columbia River Area Show Slow Fishing with a Few Sturgeon and Walleye Appearing in Catches Seattle Times, 2/13/17 by Mark Yuasa
Creel Checks Show Trout are Just About Only Game in Columbia River Region Seattle Times, 2/8/17 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Show Some Opportunity to Catch Fish The Daily News, 2/2/17 by Staff
Columbia River Salmon Fishing Reform Clears One Hurdle, and Oregon Decides Friday Seattle Times, 1/17/17 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Steelhead Season Opens Bonner County Daily Bee, 1/15/17 by Staff
Spring Chinook Forecasts Down for Columbia Tributaries Above Bonneville Dam Seattle Times, 1/15/17 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River and Tributary Fishing Reports Reveal a Few Options to Get Out and Catch Fish Seattle Times, 1/4/17 by Mark Yuasa
Little Goose Fishing Wall Closure Extended Tri-City Herald, 1/6/17 by Annette Cary
Little Goose Fishing Wall Temporarily Closes Jan. 5-7 Tri-City Herald, 1/3/17 by Staff
Spring Steelhead Season to Open January 1 Bonners Ferry Herald, 12/15/16 by Staff
Spring Steelhead Season Will Open January 1st Daily Fly, 12/27/16 by Staff
Washington, Oregon Fish/Wildlife Commissions on Parallel Course with Columbia River Harvest Reform Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/16 by Staff
Washington, Oregon Fish/Wildlife Commissions Considering Next Moves on Lower River Gillnetting Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/16 by Staff
Columbia River Reports on Skinny Side Due to Bad Weather Except for Good Walleye Action Seattle Times, 12/15/16 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Pools Fairly Good for Steelhead Fishing Seattle Times, 12/8/16 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Area Producing Decent Steelhead and Walleye Fishing Seattle Times, 12/2/16 by Mark Yuasa
OR Commission to Review Columbia River Harvest Reforms, May Consider Extending Mainstem Gillnets Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/4/16 by Staff
Are Lower Columbia River Harvest Reforms (The Kitzhaber Plan) Working? Oregon Considers Next Steps Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/16 by Staff
Fair Catches for Coho, Walleye and Steelhead in Pockets of Columbia River System Seattle Times, 11/17/16 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Forecast Decline, Low Steelhead, Coho Return: Recreational Fishing Shut Down on Mainstem Chinook Observer, 10/25/16 by CBB Staff
Fall Chinook Run Downgraded But Catch Rates Allow Extended Fishing; Steelhead Numbers Way Down Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/16/16 by Staff
Coho, Steelhead Fishing Reopens On Columbia Mainstem Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/4/16 by Staff
Fish and Game says Fall Chinook Ends Soon Local News 8, 10/30/16 by Staff
Walleye in Columbia River Mainstem is Only Viable Fishing Choice Seattle Times, 10/27/16 by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Season Ends Soon Idaho Senior Independent, 10/26/16 by Mike Demick
Fishing Season Ends Early on Columbia River Bellingham Herald, 10/21/16 by Associated Press
Fall Chinook Run Downgraded Again: Commercial Gillnets Reach Limit, Tribes Continue to Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/16 by Staff
Columbia River in McNary Area Still Generating Fair Steelhead and Chinook Catches Seattle Times, 10/11/16 by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Run Size Downgraded for Fourth Straight Week Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/7/16 by Staff
Recreational Fishing Shut Down on Mainstem Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/7/16 by Staff
Autumn Fishing Choices Plenty Along Columbia River for Salmon, Steelhead and Walleye Seattle Times, 9/29/16 by Mark Yuasa
Plenty of Fish to Catch Along the Columbia River, and Should Remain Good in Many Places Seattle Times, 9/27/16 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Fall Chinook Return Downgraded Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/23/16 by Staff
Fish on! Hanford Reach Chinook Fishing Continues to Improve Spokesman-Review, 9/20/16 by Rich Landers
McNary Region of Columbia River Sees Slight Gain in Catch Rates, and Should Continue to Get Better Seattle Times, 9/15/16 by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead Limit Reduced on Columbia River in Parts of Washington Tri-City Herald, 9/13/16 by Staff
Columbia River Steelhead Daily Limit Reduced to One Fish Upstream of McNary Dam Spokesman-Review, 9/13/16 by Staff
States Extend Buoy 10 Fishing, Snake River Fishing Opens; Coho, Steelhead Passage Slow Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/9/16 by Staff
Chinook Season: Salmon Restorations Fuel Large Tribal Industry Hood River News, 9/2/16 by Staff
Snake River Fall Chinook Season Begins September 1 Wallowa County Chieftain, 8/30/16 by Staff
Fall Chinook Season Opens September 1 on Snake River East Oregonian, 8/29/16 by Staff
Word from Columbia River is Mixed Seattle Times, 8/29/16 by Mark Yuasa
Good Fall Chinook Return, But Slow Fishing, Prompts Liberalizing Catch Restriction on Unmarked Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/26/16 by Staff
Fall Chinook Seasons Open Soon Bonners Ferry Herald, 8/18/16 by Staff
Fall Chinook Salmon Season Set Idaho Mountain Express, 8/17/16 by Staff
32,800 Fall Run Chinook Forecast; Season to Open September 1 Idaho County Free Press, 8/17/16 by Staff
Steelhead Slow to Show Above McNary Dam Spokesman-Review, 8/17/16 by Rich Landers
Fall Chinook, Coho Fishing Open for All in Most Areas of Columbia River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/12/16 by Staff
Summer Steelhead: Slow Start or Bad News? Spokesman-Review, 8/8/16 by Rich Landers
Federal Agencies to Prepare EIS to Help Guide Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead Harvest Post-2017 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/15/16 by Staff
EIS Process Started for U.S. v. Oregon Post-2017 Harvest Actions NW Fishletter, 8/1/16 by Laura Berg
Columbia River Salmon Seasons Start on Monday The Dalles Chronicle, 7/29/16 by Staff
Chinook Season to Close July 31 Idaho Mountain Express, 7/29/16 by Staff
Columbia River Steelhead Limit to Drop to One Fish a Day The Columbian, 7/28/16 by Al Thomas
Fall Chinook Fishing to Open September 1 Times-News, 7/13/16 by Staff
Fair Mix of Fish to Catch in Columbia River Region Seattle Times, 7/12/16 by Mark Yuasa
Section of Columbia River in Hanford Reach Area Opens for Sockeye Fishing Seattle Times, 6/28/16 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Offers Mixed Bag of Fish to Catch in Days Ahead Seattle Times, 6/21/16 by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Below Little Goose Dam Reopens Soon for a Brief Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishery Seattle Times, 6/11/16 by Mark Yuasa
Section Below Bonneville Dam on Columbia Now Accessible for Boat Anglers Seattle Times, 6/10/16 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia Closure Lifted Below Bonneville Dam The Oregonian, 6/9/16 by Bill Monroe
Free Fishing Weekend Hits Lakes, Rivers, Ocean Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/9/16 by Mark Yuasa
State Fisheries Checks Show Plenty of Fishing Choices on Columbia River Seattle Times, 6/7/16 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopening on Snake below Little Goose Dam Spokesman-Review, 4/8/16 by Rich Landers
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishing Ends Day Early Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/16 by Staff
Chinook Fishing to Close Thursday on Lower Salmon, Snake Rivers Idaho County Free Press, 6/1/16 by Staff
Summer Chinook Seasons Set on Upper Salmon and South Fork Idaho Mountain Express, 6/2/16 by Greg Moore
Anglers Finding Success for Spring Chinook in the Columbia Seattle Times, 5/30/16 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Ending on Snake River Tri-City Herald, 5/26/16 by Don Jenkins
Snake River Spring Chinook Catch Limit Increased from One to Two Daily Seattle Times, 5/13/16 by Mark Yuasa
Good Spring Chinook Fishing in Tributaries Above Bonneville Dam on Columbia Seattle Times, 5/9/16 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Two-Day Fishing Extension Approved on Columbia River Above Bonneville Dam Seattle Times, 5/5/16 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishery Closes Pending Run Update on Lower Columbia River The Daily Astorian, 3/14/16 by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing to Close a Day Early The Columbian, 4/7/16 by Al Thomas
Proposed Ocean Fishing Regs Reflect Downturn in Chinook, Coho Abundance NW Fishletter, 4/4/16 by Laura Berg
Anglers Finding Success for Spring Chinook in the Columbia Seattle Times, 4/1/16 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Gillnetters Hit the River for Spring Chinook Chinook Observer, 4/1/16 by CBB Staff
Ocean Salmon Fishing Options Set, and Includes a No Summer Fishery Alternative Seattle Times, 3/14/16 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 3/1/16 by Mark Yuasa
States Set Columbia River Spring Recreational / Commercial Salmon, Steelhead Fishing Openings Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/29/16 by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Fishing Reports Show Two Spring Chinook Appeared in Catches Seattle Times, 2/9/16 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Spring Chinook Season is Set; Forecasts are Good Seattle Times, 1/29/16 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Spring Chinook Season Set; Mirrors Last Year's Sport Fishery Seattle Times, 1/27/16 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Steelhead Season Opens New Year's Day Twin Times-News, 12/31/15 by Staff
Alan Liere's Weekly Fish and Game Report Spokesman Review, 9/28/15 by Alan Liere
Fall Chinook Season Ends Soon News Bonners Ferry, 10/27/15 by Staff
While Smaller, B Run Remains on Course Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/15 by Eric Barker
Steelhead Counts Steady Over Lower Granite Dam Spokesman Review, 10/6/15 by Rich Landers
Fall Chinook Flood into Hanford Reach; Catch Rates High Spokesman Review, 9/28/15 by Rich Landers
More Gill-Netting on the Columbia River Approved Below Bonneville The Oregonian, 9/23/15 by Bill Monroe
Hanford Reach Chinooks Still Delivering Record Catches for Anglers Spokesman Review, 9/21/15 by Rich Landers
Hanford Reach Chinook Anglers Turn Out Record Effort Last Week Spokesman Review, 9/14/15 by Rich Landers
Fall Chinook and Coho Fishing Seasons Will Open September 1 News Bonners Ferry, 8/27/15 by Staff
Fall Chinook Fishing Open on Snake River Daily Sun News, 8/31/15 by Staff
Fall Chinook Season on Snake Opens Sept. 1 Wallowa Chieftain, 8/26/15 by Staff
Fall Chinook and Coho Fishing Opens September 1 Idaho County Free Press, 8/25/15 by Staff
Snake River Opens Sept. 1 for Fall Chinook Fishing Statesman Journal, 8/25/15 by Henry Miller
Salmon, Steelhead Seasons Fast Approaching Lewiston Tribune, 8/22/15 by Eric Barker
Fall Chinook and Coho Salmon Forecasts Look Good; Steelhead Run Delayed News Bonners Ferry, 8/19/15 by Staff
Salmon Keep Coming and So Does the Hot Weather NW Fishletter, 8/11/15 by Laura Berg
Drought Conditions, Heat and Fish Kills Prompt Washington, Oregon Fishing Closures NW Fishletter, 8/11/15 by Laura Berg
Fall Chinook Fishing to Open September 1 Twin Falls Times-News, 8/6/15 by Staff
Heat Won't Affect Idaho Fishing Rules, Biologists Say Spokesman-Reivew, 7/22/15 by Greg Stahl
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 7/28/15 by Mark Yuasa
Forecasts Raised Again for Summer Chinook, Sockeye Chinook Observer, 7/24/15 by CBB Staff
Tribal Summer Chinook, Sockeye Gillnet Fishery Begin this Week; Sales to Public Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/19/15 by Staff
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 7/2/15 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Closures Announced for the Snake River Seattle Times, 6/26/15 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Seasons on Snake River Coming to a Close Daily Sun News, 6/25/15 by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 6/23/15 by Mark Yuasa
Tribal Summer Chinook, Sockeye Gillnet Fishery Begin This Week; Sales To Public Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15 by Staff
Commission Approves Coho Salmon Season News Bonners Ferry, 6/19/15 by Staff
Columbia River Fishing Report June 2015 The Columbian, 6/11/15 by Staff
Columbia River Fishing Report June 2015 The Columbian, 6/4/15 by Allen Thomas
With Higher Run Estimate for Spring Chinook (260,000), More Fishing Approved Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15 by Staff
Oregon F&W Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Reveal Plenty of Places to Fish Seattle Times, 6/4/15 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 6/2/15 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopens Thursday Above Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River Mainstem Seattle Times, 5/27/15 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Opens Thursday Above Bonneville Dam East Oregonian, 5/27/15 by Staff
Salmon Anglers Get More Room to Fish from Boats: to Bonneville The Oregonian, 5/27/15 by Bill Monroe
Harvest/River Managers Approve Tribal Gillnet Fishery Above Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/22/15 by Staff
Harvest/River Managers Approve Tribal Gillnet Fishery Above Bonneville Dam Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/22/15 by Staff
Tribal Chinook Fishing to Continue Through Friday The Columbian, 5/19/15 by Staff
High Chinook Volume Adds to Fishing Time Wahkiakum County Eagle, 5/14/15 by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Closed for the Snake River KLEW TV, 5/13/15 by Carol Zinke
Washington Closing Snake River Chinook Fishery Today Spokesman-Review, 5/12/15 by Rich Landers
Setting Salmon Fisheries in Northeast Oregon Rivers Using Real-Time Detections of Tagged Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15 by Staff
With High Counts at Bonneville Dam, Spring Chinook Sport Fishery Reopens on Lower Columbia Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15 by Staff
2015 Spring Chinook Salmon Season Turning Out To Be Surprisingly Long-lived Chinook Observer, 5/8/15 Columbia Basin Bulletin
Outlook Improves for Spring Chinook Lewiston Tribune, 5/6/15 by Eric Barker
Chinook Fishing to Close on Two Snake River Sections Spokesman-Review, 5/6/15 by Rich Landers
Springer Fishing to Reopen, Thursday on Snake at Little Goose Spokesman-Review, 5/5/15 by Rich Landers
Spring Chinook Fishery Reopens this Weekend on Lower Columbia The Daily Astorian, 4/30/15 by Staff
Gillnetters Fall Short of Harvest Target in Tuesday Fishery; Heavy Sea Lion Presence Cited Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/10/15 by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 4/27/15 by Mark Yuasa
Gillnetting in Lower Columbia Select Areas Delayed a Week as Managers Await Spring Chinook Return Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/24/15 by Staff
Fishery Managers Announce Columbia River Fall Salmon Seasons: Projecting 925,000 Fall Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/17/15 by Staff
'Fish On' Hermiston Herald, 4/24/15 by Jessica Keller
Final Preliminary Lower Columbia River Spring Chinook Catch Data Seattle Times, 4/24/15 by Mark Yuasa
PFMC Sets Ocean Harvest Seasons NW Fishletter, 4/23/15 by Jessica Keller
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 4/21/15 by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishery Starts April 19 KXLY LC Valley, 4/10/15 by Stevee Chapman
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 4/8/15 by Mark Yuasa
Two Sections of Snake Open for Spring Chinook, and Expands to Two Other Areas Starting Thursday Seattle Times, 4/14/15 by Mark Yuasa
New Rule Changes for Anglers Targeting Spring Chinook Above Bonneville in the Columbia River Seattle Times, 4/13/15 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia River Spring Chinook Catch Data Seattle Times, 4/8/15 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Angling Effort Building Although Catch Rates Remain on Slow Side Seattle Times, 3/27/15 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook are Biting on Lower Columbia River Seattle Times, 3/25/15 by Mark Yuasa
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 3/19/15 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 3/18/15 by Mark Yuasa
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 3/12/15 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 3/10/15 by Mark Yuasa
More Spring Chinook Counted at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River Seattle Times, 3/3/15 by Mark Yuasa
Big Spring Chinook Measuring 36 Inches Seen at Columbia River's Bonneville Dam Fish Counter Seattle Times, 2/27/15 by Mark Yuasa
Fishing Report for Feb. 20 The Olympian, 2/20/15 by Craig Hill
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 2/10/15 by Mark Yuasa
More Days to Fish for Columbia Chinook This Year Seattle Times, 1/31/15 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Checks Seattle Times, 1/21/15 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 1/7/15 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Steelhead Season Opens Today Times-News, 1/1/15 by Staff
Post-season Snapshot: Wow, What a Great Salmon Season it Was! Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/12/14 by Staff
Fish and Game says Steelhead are Planted in Oxbow Reservoir, Too Idaho Statesman, 11/13/14 by Roger Phillips
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 11/4/14 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Fishing Report October 2014 The Columbian, 10/30/14 by Allen Thomas
Kitzhaber Responds to Netters' Concerns NW Fishletter, 10/23/14 by Staff
Idaho Approves First-Ever Clearwater River Basin Fishery Targeting Coho Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/14 by Staff
Update: Excellent Columbia River Fishing During 2014 Late Summer, Fall Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/14 by Staff
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 10/3/14 by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Hitting at Snake-Clearwater Confluence Spokesman-Review, 9/17/14 by Rich Landers
Fall Run Storms Over Bonneville; New One-Day Record! NW Fishletter, 9/11/14 by Bill Rudolph
Record Run Should Give All Anglers Shot at a King Spokesman-Review, 9/11/14 by Rich Landers
Upper Snake River Opens for Fall Chinook on Sept. 1 Statesman Journal, 8/15/14 by Henry Miller
A Banner Year for Salmon: 1.5 Million Fall Chinook, 638,300 Coho Anticipated Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/9/14 by Staff
Tribes Air Issues with Non-Indian Sport, Commercial Fisheries The Columbian, 7/31/14 by Allen Thomas
Salmon Fishery on Lower Columbia Also Opens Today Nisqually Valley News, 7/31/14 by Jordan Nailon
Selective Harvest Methods Still on Trial NW Fishletter, 7/24/14 by Bill Rudolph
Bag Limits Go Up Again as Sockeye Boom Continues to Set Daily Dam Passage Records Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/14 by Staff
Columbia and Cowlitz: Fishing Prospects on the Rise Nisqually Valley News, 7/17/14 by Jordan Nailon
Boise River Gets More Chinook Salmon Boise Weekly, 7/17/14 by Jessica Murri
States Reopen Chinook Salmon Fishing Below Bonneville Dam Argus Observer, 7/15/14 by ODFW
With Summer Chinook Season Waning, Fall Season is Set for Sept. 1 Idaho Statesman, 7/11/14 by Roger Phillips
Chinook Season Continues Through Sunday The Daily News, 7/3/14 by Staff
Harvest Managers Keep Counting Chinook, Sockeye Coming on Strong NW Fishletter, 6/26/14 by Bill Rudolph
Outdoors: Fishing Report The Daily News, 6/19/14 by Staff
ODFW Delays Spring Chinook Fishing on Imnaha Since 70 Percent of Natural Origin Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14 by Staff
Summer Chinook Fishing Opens on Salmon River June 21; Chinook Returns to Idaho Hatcheries Mixed Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14 by Staff
Summer Salmon Fisheries Scheduled; Anticipated Large Sockeye Return Beginning to Cross Bonneville Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/14 by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 5/31/14 by Mark Yuasa
Fish and Wildlife Stocking Adult Chinook in the Powder River Statesman Journal, 6/10/14 by Henry Miller
Tribes to Fish Three More Days in Columbia Gorge The Columbian, 6/9/14 by Staff
Snake, Wenatchee, Lower Columbia Reopen for Kings Bellingham Herald, 6/7/14 by Doug Huddle
2014 Salmon Season Outlasts 2013 Idaho Mountain Express, 6/6/14 by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Resumes on Snake Spokesman-Review, 6/3/14 by Rich Landers
Excellent Forecast for Northern Oregon and Southern Washington Ocean Fishing Season Seattle Times, 5/31/14 by Mark Yuasa
Some Portions of the Snake River Reopening Soon for Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishing Seattle Times, 5/31/14 by Mark Yuasa
Fishing Report The Daily News, 5/29/14 by Staff
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 5/29/14 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Above Bonneville Dam Reopens May 31 for Hatchery Chinook The News Tribune, 5/29/14 by Jeffrey P. Mayor
Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishery Reopens Saturday in Columbia Mainstem Above Bonneville Dam Seattle Times, 5/28/14 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Update: Seasons Close on Lower Snake Lewiston Tribune, 5/27/14 by Staff
Spring Chinook Retention to Reopen in Columbia Gorge The Columbian, 5/27/14 by Allen Thomas
State Fish and Wildlife Snake River Spring Chinook Catch Estimates Seattle Times, 5/20/14 by Mark Yuasa
Recreational Fishing Season Reopened Below Bonneville Dam Due to Improved Chinook Outlook The Oregonian, 5/14/14 by ODFW
Parts of the Snake River Close for Spring Chinook while Two Sections Remain Open Seattle Times, 5/17/14 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishing Changes on Snake River Lewiston Tribune, 5/14/14 by Staff
Spring Chinook Marching Up Snake River Spokesman-Review, 5/8/14 by Rich Landers
Best Bets: Fish Offut Lake Nisqually Valley News, 5/8/14 by Jordan Nailon
Idaho Expects Strong Spring Chinook Fishing Season; Already More Fish for Harvest Than Last Year Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/14 by Staff
Lower River Spring Chinook Fishing on Hold Until Run Update Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/14 by Staff
Harvest Managers Set Ocean Salmon Seasons NW Fishletter, 4/24/14 by Bill Rudolph
Spring Chinook Season Kicks Off Spokesman-Review, 4/24/14 by Rich Landers
It's Salmon Season Tri-City Herald, 4/23/14 by Dennis Dauble
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 4/22/14 by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Opens April 27 Spokesman-Review, 4/18/14 by Rich Landers
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 4/17/14 by Mark Yuasa
Ocean Chinook Fishing Off Northwest Coast Should Range from Good to Great Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/14 by Staff
Columbia Zone Fishing Report, April 10 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/10/14 ODFW Press Release
Salmon Season Extended on Columbia Daily Sun News, 4/7/14 by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Extended to April 14, Sport Catch by April 7 Expected to be under 3,000 Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14 by Staff
Ocean Salmon Harvest Options Under Review NW Fishletter, 4/3/14 by Bill Rudolph
F&G Announces 2014 Spring Chinook Rules Idaho Statesman, 3/14/14 by Roger Phillips
Oregon Argues in State Appeals Court that Challenges to New Gill-Net Rules 'Without Merit' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/14 by Staff
Salmon for All Releases Report on First Year Fishing Under New Rules for Gill-Netters Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/14 by Staff
Cold Winter Should Soon Heat Up for Area Anglers The News Tribune, 2/16/14 by Staff
Steelhead Surprise on the Clearwater Lewiston Tribune, 2/13/14 by Eric Barker
States Set Seasons for Spring Chinook, White Sturgeon The Reflector, 2/12/14 by Staff
Idaho Seeks Spring Chinook Angling Change The Columbian, 2/6/14 by Staff
States Set Chinook Seasons for the Columbia River The Dalles Chronicle, 2/4/14 by Staff
Late Summer Sport Fishing Closure at Youngs Bay Mouth to Preserve Hatchery Fish for Gillnets Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/14 by Staff
Columbia River Spring Chinook Fishing Seasons Will Come to Light Very Soon Seattle Times, 1/29/14 by Mark Yuasa
Idaho's Spring Steelhead Season Opens Times-News, 1/9/14 by Staff
IDFG to Stock Boise River with Snake River Steelhead; Fall Chinook Fishing Ends Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/22/13 by Staff
Contradictory Steelhead Fishing, Nothing New Idaho Statesman, 11/8/13 by Roger Phillips
Fall Chinook Run Nearly Over, Finally NW Fishletter, 11/7/13 by Bill Rudolph
Fall Chinook Harvest Season Ends Thursday Argus Observer, 10/29/13 by Staff
Time Running Out on Idaho Fall Chinook Fishing Spokesman-Review, 10/28/13 by Rich Landers
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 10/28/13 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report, Oct. 23 The Dalles Chronicle, 10/23/13 by ODFW News Release
Fall Chinook Harvest Season Ends Next Week Coeur d'Alene Press, 10/24/13 by Staff
Fall Chinook Harvest Season Ends Next Week, Mostly Times-News, 10/24/13 by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 10/21/13 by Mark Yuasa
OR Anglers to Pay More In License Fees to Fund Elimination of Gill-Nets from Lower Columbia Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/11/13 by Staff
Fishing Report 10/10 The Columbian, 10/10/13 by Allen Thomas
Idaho Cuts Steelhead Bag Limits Lewiston Tribune, 10/9/13 by Eric Barker
Steelhead Catches Pick Up in Mid-Snake River Spokesman-Review, 10/7/13 by Rich Landers
Anglers Tapping Record Run of King Salmon this Season Spokesman-Review, 10/6/13 by Rich Landers
Protection of Some Species Could Limit Tribe's Chinook Catch Yakima Herald-Republic, 10/5/13 by Kate Prengaman
Columbia RiverRegional Fishing Reports The Dalles Chronicle, 10/3/13 by ODFW Press Release
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports The Dalles Chronicle, 9/27/13 by Staff
Youngsters Skip School to Learn and Absorb Oregon's Outdoor Legacy - Hands On The Oregonian, 10/19/13 by Bill Monroe
Steelhead B-run Returns Downgraded Again Spokesman-Review, 10/2/13 by Staff
The B-run Bummer Continues: Steelhead Bag Limits on Table Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/13 by Eric Barker
Good News, Bad News for Snake Fish Runs, Biologist says Spokesman-Review, 9/24/13 by Rich Landers
Lower Columbia Catch Success Shoots Up to a Fish per Rod Average at Midweek Seattle Times, 9/19/13 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia Fall Chinook Run on Way to New Record NW Fishletter, 9/19/13 by Bill Rudolph
Best Catches Ever for Some Sporties NW Fishletter, 9/19/13 by Bill Rudolph
Fall Chinook Run Best Ever on Columbia River Yakima Herald, 9/15/13 by Jeff Barnard
Record-Breaking Chinook Run Prompts Season Changes Spokesman-Review, 9/12/13 by Rich Landers
ODFW Fishing Report St. Helens Chronicle, 8/28/13 by ODFW Press Release
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Update, Sept. 5 The Dalles Chronicle, 9/5/13 by ODFW Press Release
Big Run of Fall Chinook has Started Yakima Herald, 9/3/13 by Rob Phillips
Fall Steelhead Season Opens on Salmon, Little Salmon, Snake Times-News, 8/29/13 by Staff
Fall Chinook Fishing on Snake River Begins Sept. 1 Wallowa County Chieftain, 8/26/13 by Staff
Snake Opens Sunday for Chinook with Six-Fish Daily Bag Statesman Journal, 8/26/13 by Henry Miller
Out and About: Snake Salmon Season to be Open 24/7 Spokesman-Review, 8/25/13 by Staff
Lower Columbia River from Bonneville to Buoy-10 Alive with Salmon Seattle Times, 8/14/13 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Seattle Times, 8/13/13 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Seattle Times, 8/12/13 by Mark Yuasa
Record Returns of Fall Chinook Salmon are Predicted on Lower Columbia River Seattle Times, 8/3/13 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report The Dalles Chronicle, 7/8/13 by Staff
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report The Dalles Chronicle, 7/5/13 by Staff
Fishing Report 7/4 The Columbian, 7/4/13 by Allen Thomas
Snake River Sockeye ESA Limits Reduce Tribes' Fishing Time Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/28/13 by Staff
Hunting and Fishing Spokesman-Review, 6/28/13 by Alan Liere
Spring Chinook Fishing Closes on Snake Spokesman-Review, 6/27/13 by Rich Landers
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report The Dalles Chronicle, 6/26/13 by ODFW News Release
Salmon Surprise on the South Fork Lewiston Tribune, 6/21/13 by Eric Barker
Fishery Managers Extend Columbia Chinook Season Above Bonneville The Dalles Chronicle, 6/13/13 by ODFW News Release
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report The Dalles Chronicle, 6/13/13 by ODFW News Release
Washington Opening Chinook Fishing in 3 Snake River Stretches Spokesman-Review, 6/12/13 by Alan Liere
South Fork Salmon to Open to Chinook Fishing Lewiston Tribune, 6/12/13 by Staff
Salmon Fishing Open Through June 15 Statesman Journal, 6/9/13 by Henry Miller
Spring Chinook Retention Reopens in Columbia Gorge The Columbian, 6/8/13 by Allen Thomas
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopening Above Bonneville Dam Spokesman-Review, 6/7/13 by Rich Landers
Higher Spring Chinook Counts at Bonneville Extends Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/7/13 by Staff
Oregon 'Re-Adopts' Lower Columbia Commercial Gill-Net Ban Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/7/13 by Staff
Salmon Fishing Returns to Little Salmon, Ends on Clearwater Lewiston Tribune, 6/4/13 by Staff
More Fishing Time for Spring Chinook Run NW Fishletter, 6/4/13 by Bill Rudolph
Managers Extend Columbia Chinook Season The Bend Bulletin, 5/28/13 by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Angling Hot in Idaho Spokesman-Review, 5/28/13 by Rich Landers
Idaho Clarifies Clearwater Chinook Season Changes Spokesman-Review, 5/22/13 by Rich Landers
Three Weeks Added to Spring Chinook Season Daily Astorian, 5/21/13 by Staff
Chinook Fishing Reopens Saturday Below Bonneville Statesman Journal, 5/21/13 by Henry Miller
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Seattle Times, 5/20/13 by Mark Yuasa
Clarkston-area Spring Chinook Anglers to Get Another Shot at Harvesting Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 5/16/13 by Eric Barker
Big Run of Spring Chinook Jack Salmon Prompts IDFG to Open Clearwater Areas Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/13 by Staff
Two Sections of Snake River to Close for Spring Chinook, and One Will Remain Open Seattle Times, 5/16/13 by Staff
Springer Fishing Closed in 2 of 3 Snake River Zones Spokesman-Review, 5/15/13 by Staff
Snake Spring Chinook Fishing Decent; Seasons Iffy Spokesman-Review, 5/14/13 by Rich Landers
States to Consider Reopening Spring Chinook Season in Columbia The Columbian, 5/13/13 by Allen Thomas
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report The Dalles Chronicle, 5/9/13 by Staff
Fishing Report for May 9 The Columbian, 5/9/13 by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Seattle Times, 5/6/13 by Mark Yuasa
Delayed Gill-Net Ban Litigation Awaits Oregon Decision Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13 by Staff
States Open Spring Chinook Fishing on Parts of Clearwater, Salmon, Snake Rivers Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13 by Staff
Fishing Report 5/2 The Columbian, 5/2/13 by Allen Thomas
Idaho Fish and Game Commission Approves Chinook Seasons Spokesman-Review, 5/2/13 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Season Opens Saturday News Bonners Ferry, 5/2/13 by Staff
Summer and Fall Salmon Seasons Set for Columbia River The Dalles Chronicle, 4/30/13 by Staff
Idaho Chinook Salmon Season to Open May 4 Times-News, 4/30/13 by Staff
Poor Salmon Returns may Close Hot Fishing Holes on Clearwater Lewiston Tribune, 4/30/13 by Eric Barker
Summer, Fall Salmon Seasons Set for Columbia River The Dalles Chronicle, 4/27/13 by Staff
Springer Count Better But Still Low, Lower Columbia Fishing Closed; Lower Snake Opens Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13 by Staff
WA Extends Barbed Hooks Ban Another 250 Miles Up the Columbia River, Tributaries Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13 by Staff
Three Areas of Snake River Opening for Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishing Seattle Times, 4/25/13 by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Season Openers Friday, Sunday Spokesman-Review, 4/25/13 by Rich Landers
Snake River Biologist Updates Spring Chinook Run Spokesman-Review, 4/23/13 by Rich Landers
Idaho Postpones Spring Chinook Season Setting Spokesman-Review, 4/22/13 by Rich Landers
Fishery Managers Announce Summer/Fall Salmon and Steelhead Seasons for Columbia River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/19/13 by Staff
Harvest Managers Await Run Update Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/19/13 by Staff
Spring Run Early Compared to Past Two Years NW Fishletter, 4/18/13 by Bill Rudolph
Fishing Report 4/18/13 The Columbian, 4/18/13 by Allen Thomas
Spring Chinook Fishing Shut Down Until Updated Run Forecast Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/12/13 by Staff
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishery to Close After this Friday Idaho Statesman, 4/10/13 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 4/9/13 by Mark Yuasa
Slow Fishing Allows Managers to Extend Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Season Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/5/13 by Staff
Chinook Fishing Season Extended Below Bonnevile Dam The Dalles Chronicle, 4/4/13 by ODFW New Release
Columbia River Spring Chinook Fishery Extended through April 12 WA Dept Fish & Wildlife, 4/3/13 by ODFW New Release
Spring Chinook Update 4/1 The Columbian, 4/1/13 by Allen Thomas
Managers Select Possible Ocean Harvest Options NW Fishletter, 3/29/13 by Bill Rudolph
Snake River Salmon Management Draws Fire Lewiston Tribune, 3/22/13 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook: Jacks are Better to Open Lewiston Tribune, 3/1/13 by Eric Barker
East Side Anglers Lobby for Higher Snake River Chinook Quotas Spokesman-Review, 2/13/13 by Staff
Oregon Gillnetters Granted Reprieve NW Fishletter, 2/12/13 by Bill Rudolph
WA Follows OR's Lead, Kicks Gillnets Out Of Mainstem Columbia NW Fishletter, 1/17/13 by Bill Rudolph
Gillnetters Appeal Oregon Harvest Changes NW Fishletter, 1/17/13 by Bill Rudolph
Oregon Approves Changes to Lower Columbia Fisheries NW Fishletter, 12/13/12 by Bill Rudolph
Gillnetters Gripe Over Effort to Reform Harvest NW Fishletter, 12/13/12 by Bill Rudolph
Gill-Net Ban: Would Eastern Washington, Idaho Get Short End Of The Fisheries Stick? Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/30/12 by Staff
OR Oregon Gillnetters Survive Ballot Measure, Take On Gov's Proposal NW Fishletter, 11/12/12 by Bill Rudolph
OR Voters Say No to Gill-Net Ban, States Discuss Alternative 'Off-Channel' Plan Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/9/12 by Staff
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 10/30/12 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Workgroup Discusses 'Transition Period' If Gillnetters Removed from Mainstem Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12 by Staff
Fall Season Run-Count Wrapup: Fall Chinook Close to 10-Year Average, Jack Counts High Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12 by Staff
Lower Columbia and Tributary Fish Catch Reports Seattle Times, 10/22/12 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Region Offers Fall Fishing for Chinook, Steelhead and Walleye Seattle Times, 10/18/12 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Region Fish Checks Seattle Times, 10/1/12 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Reports Indicate Slow to Excellent Fishing for Fall Chinook Seattle Times, 10/10/12 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 10/9/12 by Mark Yuasa
OR Fish & Wildlife Fishing Reports Show Fall Options to Catch Walleye and Chinook Seattle Times, 10/3/12 by Mark Yuasa
Still a Fair Mix of Salmon and Steelhead to Catch in Columbia River Region Seattle Times, 10/3/12 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 9/25/12 by Mark Yuasa
Anti-Gillnet Groups End Support for Ballot Measure, Instead Endorse Kitzhaber Proposal Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12 by Staff
Plentiful Fall Chinook, Savvy Tribal Fishermen Hit the Columbia River for Peak of the Migration The Oregonian, 9/11/12 by Quinton Smith
Oregon to Launch Rulemaking on Removing Non-Tribal Gill Nets from Columbia River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12 by Staff
First Pilot Fall Chinook Fishery in Lower Columbia Aims to Reduce Excess Hatchery Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12 by Staff
Fall Chinook, Summer Steelhead & Walleye Among the Best Columbia River Fishing Bets Seattle Times, 8/29/12 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 9/5/12 by Mark Yuasa
Preseason Estimates Forecast Group A/B Steelhead Run At 364,000 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12 by Staff
July Shows Highest Sport Fishing 'Handle' for Steelhead Below Bonneville Since 1969 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12 by Staff
WA to Open Snake River Fall Chinook Fishing on September 1 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12 by Staff
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 8/20/12 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 8/7/12 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Seattle Times, 8/13/12 by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead Fishing Record Set on Lower Columbia Spokesman-Review, 8/10/12 by Rich Landers
Chinook Season to Close on Upper Salmon River Times-News, 8/2/12 by Staff
Columbia River Full of Fishing Fun for Fall Chinook, Steelhead and Walleye Seattle Times, 8/1/12 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Region Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 8/1/12 by Mark Yuasa
Overload of Fishing Opportunities in the Columbia River Region Seattle Times, 7/13/12 by Mark Yuasa
Diehard Idaho Anglers are Hooked on "The Wall" Lewiston Tribune, 7/14/12 by Associated Press
Columbia River Sockeye Return Best Since 1923 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/12 by Staff
Though High Overall Sockeye Run,Protecting Snake River Component Limits Catch Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/12 by Staff
Fishing Report The Daily News, 7/5/12 by Staff
Southwest Washington Creel Sampling Results from this Past Week Seattle Times, 6/25/12 by Mark Yuasa
Wide Range of Fishing Choices Flooding the Columbia River Region Seattle Times, 6/19/12 by Mark Yuasa
Summer Fishing Season Starts with Big Sockeye Numbers Moving into Columbia Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/12 by Staff
Columbia River Reopens to Chinook Salmon Fishing The Oregonian, 6/13/12 by Bill Monroe "
Oregon Anti-Gillnet Initiative Will Likely Make Ballot NW Fishletter, 6/8/12 by Bill Rudolph
ESA Impacts has Tribes Balancing Platform Fishing with Gill-Netting Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/8/12 by Staff
Anglers Have Many Good Options Seattle Times, 6/6/12 by Mark Yuasa
Nearing ESA Limits, States Warily Allow More Lower River Sport Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/25/12 by Staff
Rivers Open Saturday, Here's Where to Go Idaho Statesman, 5/24/12 by Roger Phillips
Lower Columbia Open to Chinook Fishing this Weekend The Daily News, 5/23/12 by Tom Paulu
Here are Some Good Bets for Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Spots Seattle Times, 5/23/12 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishery Will be Open this Weekend on Lower Columbia River Chinook Observer, 5/23/12 by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing to Reopen in Lower Columbia The Columbian, 5/22/12 by Allen Thomas
Salmon Season Closing in Snake Today Spokesman-Review, 5/22/12 by Rich Landers
Fishing Report for May 19 The Bellingham Herald, 5/19/12 by Craig Hill
Two Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Zones Close Friday Spokesman-Review, 5/17/12 by Rich Landers
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Likely to Close Early Spokesman-Review, 5/16/12 by Rich Landers
Low Catch Rates Prompt More Fishing Days Above Bonneville Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/4/12 by Staff
Latest Fact Sheet for the Columbia River Spring Chinook Fisheries Seattle Times, 4/30/12 by Mark Yuasa
Anglers Above Bonneville Get Extra Days to Fish for Hatchery Spring Chinook Seattle Times, 4/30/12 by Mark Yuasa
Predicted Runoff Could be Good Timing for Idaho Salmon Anglers The Columbian, 4/24/12 by The Olympian
Gillnetters to Fish in Lower Columbia on Tuesday The Columbian, 4/9/12 by Allen Thomas
Columbia River Fishing Reports Shows Slow Action for Spring Chinook Seattle Times, 4/9/12 by Mark Yuasa
Tribes Celebrates New Treaty Fishing Access Site Seattle Times, 4/25/12 by Shannon Dininny
Spring Chinook Catches Increase in Lower Columbia, But Will Close After April 22 Seattle Times, 4/20/12 by Mark Yuasa
Hunting and Fishing Spokesman Review, 4/20/12 by Alan Liere
Upper Snake River Opens Sunday for Chinook Fishing Statesman Journal, 4/17/12 by Staff
Idaho Salmon Season Opening; Chinook Fashionably Late Spokesman Review, 4/17/12 by Rich Landers
States Extend Salmon Sport Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/6/12 by Staff
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishing Extended Through April 22 The Columbian, 4/12/12 by Allen Thomas
Columbia River Spring Chinook Sportfishing Extended The Oregonian, 4/12/12 by Bill Monroe
Washington Sets Snake River Salmon Season Lewiston Tribune, 4/6/12 by Staff
WA, Tribes Set Salmon Seasons for Ocean, Coast, Puget Sound, Columbia River Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/6/12 by Staff
Four Areas of the Snake River to Open Soon for Spring Chinook Seattle Times, 4/6/12 by Mark Yuasa
Spotty for Spring Chinook in Lower Columbia, But Other Fishing Options Around Seattle Times, 4/3/12 by Mark Yuasa
It Takes Time, Patience to Land Coveted Spring Chinook Seattle Times, 3/31/12 by Mark Yuasa
Southwest WA Fish Reports Show Spring Chinook Action Picking Up Seattle Times, 3/27/12 by Mark Yuasa
Word on Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishing Action Seattle Times, 3/27/12 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Southwest WA Creel Checks Seattle Times, 3/26/12 by Mark Yuasa
Slow Start for Spring Fishing on Rivers Seattle Times, 3/14/12 by Mark Yuasa
Some Spring Chinook Appeared in Catches on Lower Columbia Seattle Times, 3/6/12 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Seen at Bonneville Dam this Week Seattle Times, 3/6/12 by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead and Walleye Among the Top Picks in Columbia River Region Seattle Times, 2/22/12 by Mark Yuasa
SW Fish Checks Show a Spring Chinook Caught in Lower Columbia Seattle Times, 2/21/12 by Mark Yuasa
Tribes Offer States Advice in Managing Salmon Fisheries The Columbian, 2/2/12 by Allen Thomas
Tribes, ID Urge Lower River Chinook Harvest Impacts be Spread Out Over Season Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/27/12 by Staff
Oregon Sets Spring Chinook, Sturgeon Seasons Natural Resource Report, 1/28/12 by OR Dept. Fish & Wildlife
Great Expectations Await Spring Chinook Fishery on the Columbia Seattle Times, 1/28/12 by Mark Yuasa
First Chinook of the Year Swims Over Bonneville Dam Spokesman-Review, 1/27/12 by Rich Landers
Good Times Expected for Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Seattle Times, 1/26/12 by Mark Yuasa
Latest Oregon F&W Columbia River Fishing Reports Seattle Times, 1/11/12 by Mark Yuasa
Mid-Columbia Fishing Report News Tribune, 1/9/12 by Dave Hedden
Mixed Bag of Catch Happening in SW Washington Region Seattle Times, 1/9/12 by Mark Yuasa
Hunting and Fishing Spokesman-Review, 12/30/11 by Alan Liere
Steelhead Seasons Continue Through Winter Idaho Statesman, 12/15/11 by Staff
Idaho Steelhead Season Still Open CDA Press, 12/9/11 by Barb Owens
Hunting and Fishing 11/18 Spokesman Review, 11/18/11 by Alan Liere
Steelheaders along Snake Must Play Guessing Game Spokesman Review, 11/9/11 by Rich Landers
Most Steelhead Over Lower Grainite, Waiting to be Caught Spokesman Review, 11/1/11 by Rich Landers
Hunting and Fishing 10/28 Spokesman Review, 10/28/11 by Alan Liere
Hunting and Fishing 10/21 Spokesman Review, 10/21/11 by Alan Liere
Fall Chinook Sports Harvest, Angler Trips Remain in Record-Breaking Mode Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/21/11 by Staff
Fall Chinook Sports Catch on Lower Columbia is Largest Since 1969 Seattle Times, 10/7/11 by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead Harvest Opens on Clearwater Times-News, 10/13/11 by Staff
With Rain Comes Steelhead Fishing Season Idaho Statesman, 10/3/11 by Rob Phillips
Plenty of Steelhead There for the Taking Yakima Herald-Republic, 10/3/11 by Rob Phillips
Word on Columbia River Sport Fisheries Seattle Times, 9/28/11 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Area Offers a Decent Mix of Fall Fishing Opportunities Seattle Times, 9/27/11 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Fish Return Updates Show Some Doing Better than Predicted Seattle Times, 9/20/11 by Mark Yuasa
Spectacular Fishing on Grande Ronde River The Daily Herald, 9/25/11 by Mike Benbow
Steelheading Excellent Near Lewiston; Water Temp 68 Degrees Spokesman-Review, 9/21/11 by Rich Landers
Hunting and Fishing 9/2 Spokesman Review, 9/21/11 by Alan Liere
Summer on Last Legs But Fishing Rolls On Yakima Herald-Republic, 9/19/11 by Rob Phillips
I'm Declaring This the Start of Steelhead Season Idaho Statesman, 9/15/11 by Roger Phillips
Columbia River Regional Sport Fishing Reports by Oregon F&W Columbia Basin Herald, 9/11/11 by Dave Graybill
Fall Weather Brings a Fine Fishing Frenzy Columbia Basin Herald, 9/11/11 by Dave Graybill
Latest Fishing Reports From the Columbia River Area Seattle Times, 9/6/11 by Mark Yuasa
Hunting and Fishing 9/2 Spokesman Review, 9/2/11 by Alan Liere
September Shows Good Prospects for Salmon Fishing The Daily News, 9/1/11 by Staff
September is an Underrated Fishing Month Bellingham Herald, 8/31/11 by Roger Phillips
ID Salmon, Steelhead Harvest Seasons Opening - Up to 6 Kings a Day! Spokesman-Review, 8/29/11 by Rich Landers
Snake River Fall Chinook Season to Start The Peak 104.1, 8/28/11 by Glenn Vaagen
Huge Chinook Run Expected in Snake River Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/25/11 by Andy Porter
Upper Snake Opens Sept. 1 for Chinook with Six-fish Daily Limit Statesman Journal, 8/24/11 by Staff
Columbia River Region Fish Reports Seattle Times, 8/23/11 by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Season Opens Sept. 1 East Oregonian, 8/22/11 by Staff
Salmon Season to Open Sept. 1 in Idaho Bellingham Herald, 8/17/11 by Staff
Aug. Columbia Steelhead Catch Already A Record Northwest Sportsman, 8/19/11 by Editor's Blog
It's Official: Steelheaders Set Catch Record on Lower Columbia Spokesman Review, 8/19/11 by Rich Landers
Expected Large Fall Chinook Run Building Steam; Sport, Commercial Fisheries Open Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/12/11 by Staff
Idaho Sets Fall Chinook Fishing Seasons Spokesman-Review, 8/2/11 by Rich Landers
The Guide's Forecast: Aug. 4-10 The Oregonian, 8/4/11 by Bill Monroe
Idaho Chinook Season to Close Aug. 10 Spokesman-Review, 8/2/11 by Rich Landers
Hunting and Fishing Spokesman-Review, 7/29/11 by Alan Liere
Catch-and-Keep Steelheading to Open in Lower Clearwater Spokesman-Review, 7/28/11 by Rich Landers
Summer Steelhead Making Their Way Into the Clearwater River Lewiston Tribune, 7/28/11 by Eric Barker
Lots of Fishing Changes Coming to Columbia River Area Starting Aug. 1 Seattle Times, 7/26/11 by Mark Yuasa
Anglers' Sockeye Take Highest Since 1980 Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/22/11 by Staff
Summer Steelhead Catches Good in the Lower Columbia River Seattle Times, 7/19/11 by Mark Yuasa
Sockeye and Chinook Season is Closed Upstream of Astoria Bridge The Daily Astorian, 7/18/11 by Staff
Sockeye Catch-and-Keep Opens Today on Upper Columbia Spokesman-Review, 7/15/11 by Rich Landers
Columbia River Summer Chinook & Sockeye Fishery Ends on Good Note Seattle Times, 7/15/11 by Mark Yuasa
Summer Chinook Season Will Close Early The Oregonian, 7/15/11 by Bill Monroe
Upper Columbia River Region Opens for Sockeye Fishing Seattle Times, 7/13/11 by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Sample Checks Seattle Times, 7/11/11 by Mark Yuasa
For First Time, Alternatives to Gill Nets Being Tested in Summer Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/24/11 by Staff
The Guide's Forecast: July 7-13 The Oregonian, 7/7/11 by Bill Monroe
The Guide's Forecast: June 23-29 The Oregonian, 6/23/11 by Bill Monroe
Nice Mix of Chinook & Steelhead to be Had in the Columbia River Region Seattle Times, 6/14/11 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Spring Chinook Fishery Updates Seattle Times, 6/9/11 by Mark Yuasa
Tony Floor's Tackle Box Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Kings Seattle Times, 6/5/11 by Mark Yuasa
Salmon Fishing Above Bonneville Dam Extended East Oregonian, 6/3/11 by Phil Wright
Chinook Limits Going Up? Lewiston Tribune, 6/2/11 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Fishery above Bonneville Dam on the Columbia Extended Seattle Times, 6/1/11 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Opportunities on Columbia/Snake Rivers Expands Columbia Basin Herald, 5/29/11 by Wilson and Clay
Spring Chinook Boat Fishing on Columbia Extended to June 15 Statesman Journal, 5/27/11 by Staff
More Spring Chinook Fishing Blossoms in the Columbia/Snake Rivers Seattle Times, 5/25/11 by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Reopens Saturday Spokesman-Review, 5/25/11 by Rich Landers
New Bag Limit Allows Idaho Anglers to Keep more Jack Chinook The Republic, 5/20/11 by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Return Exceeds 10-Year Average Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/20/11 by Staff
Fishing Report The Daily News, 5/19/11 by Staff
Columbia River Spring Chinook Return is Larger than Expected Seattle Times, 5/17/11 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Spreading Through Snake into Salmon River Spokesman-Review, 5/16/11 by Rich Landers
Lower Columbia to Reopen for Hatchery Spring Chinook this Sunday Seattle Times, 5/13/11 by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishery to Close Earlier than Expected Seattle Times, 5/12/11 by Mark Yuasa
Tribes Selling Salmon on the Columbia River Yakima Herald Republic, 5/11/11 by Staff
Snake River Chinook Fishing Closes this Weekend Spokesman-Review, 5/11/11 by Rich Landers
Time to Fish Tri-City Herald, 5/10/11 by Eric Barker
Excellent Spring Chinook Catches in Tributaries and Mainstem Seattle Times, 5/9/11 by Mark Yuasa
Four More Days Added to Spring Chinook Season Columbia Basin Herald, 5/6/11 by Staff
More Spring Chinook Fishing Time Allowed Above Bonneville Dam Seattle Times, 5/4/11 by Mark Yuasa
Wind River and Drano Lake Spring Chinook Catches Improve this Week Seattle Times, 5/4/11 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Action Picking Up in Wind River and Drano Lake Seattle Times, 5/3/11 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River above Bonneville Remains Open for Spring Chinook Seattle Times, 4/21/11 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Salmon Runneth Boise Weekly, 4/20/11 by Deanna Darr
Columbia Gorge Pools to Reopen for Spring Chinook The Columbian, 5/4/11 by Allen Thomas
Columbia River Summer and Fall Fishing Seasons Announced Daily Astorian, 4/27/11 by Staff
Walleye & Bass are Good Fishing Alternative Along with Some Steelhead Seattle Times, 4/26/11 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishery to Open on Snake River Wallowa County Chieftain, 4/21/11 by Staff
Columbia Above Bonneville Dam Spring Chinook Fishery Extended Seattle Times, 4/20/11 by Mark Yuasa
Salmon Fishing Boosted Off California, Cut Off Washington NW Fishletter, 4/19/11 by Bill Rudolph
Selective Fishing Methods May Help Future Wild Runs NW Fishletter, 4/19/11 by Bill Rudolph
Lower Columbia Chinook Fishery Improves, Turnout Remains Low Seattle Times, 4/18/11 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishing Opens April 23 on Upper Snake River Statesman Journal, 4/15/11 by Staff
Outdoors Notebook Seattle Times, 4/16/11 by Mark Yuasa
Bad Fishing But More of It The News Tribune, 4/16/11 by Jeffrey P. Mayor
Idaho Adopts Spring Chinook Seasons, Expects 20,500 Hatchery Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/11 by Staff
Biologists Crunching Numbers to Determine More Fishing Time The Oregonian, 4/1/11 by Bill Monroe
Four Days, Maybe More, are Left in Spring Chinook Season The Daily News, 3/31/11 by Staff
Proposed Ocean Catch Quota Lower to Protect Wild Salmon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11 by Staff
Anglers Hit Lower Mainstem as Spring Chinook Run Begins Its Build Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11 by Staff
Columbia Chinook Fishing Improves Seattle Times, 3/9/11 by Mark Yuasa
Know Your Rules When Fishing for Spring Chinook Lower Columbia Seattle Times, 3/6/11 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Angling Off to Strong Start on Lower Columbia Seattle Times, 3/2/11 by Craig Hill
Cold Rivers, Good Fishing Coeur d'Alene Press, 2/24/11 by Nick Rotunno
Strong Fall Chinook Run Forecast for Columbia River The Columbian, 2/24/11 by Allen Thomas
Portions of the Snake River Likely to Open for Spring Chinook Seattle Times, 2/17/11 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia River Fisheries Announced Bellingham Herald, 2/10/11 by Doug Huddle
Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon Season Set: Fewer Fish; More Room The Oregonian, 2/8/11 by Bill Monroe
Enjoy Valentine's Day Together Fishing for Steelhead KBKW, 1/28/11 by David Haviland
More Spring Chinook Caught in Lower Columbia River Seattle Times, 1/21/11 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Season May Not Last Long into April The Columbian, 1/17/11 by Allen Thomas
Snake River Shores Hot for Steelhead Spokesman-Review, 12/11/10 by Rich Landers
Steelhead Report: Die Hards Lewiston Tribune, 12/6/10 by Eric Barker
Fall Chinook Fishery Closes on Snake River Salem-News, 10/28/10 by Staff
Just Three More Days of Chinook Fishing on Snake River Statesman Journal, 10/28/10 by Henry Miller
Anglers Lose Crowds, Find Bountiful Runs on Salmon River Spokesman-Review, 10/24/10 by Rich Landers
Tail-End Fishing Continues Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/22/10 by Staff
Lower Columbia River Reopens for Chinook Retention Seattle Times, 10/14/10 by Mark Yuasa
Officials Upgrade B-run Lewiston Tribune, 10/14/10 by Eric Barker
Steelhead are Safe When I'm Around Bellingham Herald, 10/13/10 by Pete Zimowsky
Unusual Late Spike of Fall Chinook Restores Run Expectations Chinook Observer, 10/12/10 by Staff
Idaho Steelhead Fishery Worth the Long Drive East Seattle Times, 10/7/10 by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Fisheries Looking Fairly Decent Heading into Fall Seattle Times, 9/21/10 by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Bag Limit to Increase in Lower Columbia The Columbian, 9/20/10 by Allen Thomas
State Opens Salmon Fishing in Snake River Spokesman-Review, 9/10/10 by Rich Landers
Washington Opens Fall Chinook Season Lewiston Tribune, 9/10/10 by Staff
Columbia River Updated Fish Returns are a Mixed Bag Seattle Times, 9/9/10 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia River Fall Chinook Fishery Heating Up Seattle Times, 9/9/10 by Mark Yuasa
Salmon are Headed Upriver The Daily News, 8/31/10 by Staff
Chinook Fishing to Start Bend Bulletin, 8/31/10 by Glenn Vaagen
No Chinook Season Extension at Buoy 10 The Oregonian, 8/31/10 by Bill Monroe
Tribes Begin Sales of Commercial Salmon, Steelhead Statesman Journal, 8/24/10 by Staff
Another Big Oregon Steelhead Run on the Way? Bend Bulletin, 8/25/10 by Associated Press
Upper Snake River Open for Fall Chinook World Fishing Network, 8/24/10 by Staff
Salmon, Steelhead Booming Upstream Spokesman-Review, 8/22/10 by Staff
Steelhead Fishery Slows in Lower, Very Good Above Bonneville Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/18/10 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Clearwater Fall Chinook Season Approved Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/10 by Eric Barker
Ore.-Wash. Test Set for Alternative Fishing Gear Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/11/10 by Associated Press
Steelhead at Greer, Troy, Ore. and Beyond? Lewiston Tribune, 8/2/10 by Eric Barker
Sockeye Surprise Spokesman-Review, 8/1/10 by Andrew Nusca
Buoy 10 Salmon Season Debuts Sunday The Columbian, 7/31/10 by Allen Thomas
Four Gill-Net Commercial Outings Set for Fall Chinook, Sturgeon Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/30/10 by Staff
Summer Steelhead Catches Nearing Record Size for July Seattle Times, 7/27/10 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishing on Snake River Closes Next Week Statesman Journal, 7/27/10 by Staff
Steelhead, Fall Chinook Seasons are Set Bellingham Herald, 7/21/10 by Staff
Eastern WA Fall Chinook Season a Slight Possibility Lewiston Tribune, 7/19/10 by Eric Barker
Steelhead Report Lewiston Tribune, 7/19/10 by Eric Barker
Idaho Sets Fall Chinook Season Lewiston Tribune, 7/9/10 by Eric Barker
Idaho Fish and Game Panel Sets Fall Chinook Season Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/10/10 by Associated Press
Chinook Fishing to End on South Fork Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 7/8/10 by Eric Barker
Chinook Fishing Report 7/6 Lewiston Tribune, 7/6/10 by Eric Barker
Fish for Salmon on the Fourth Salt Lake Tribune, 7/7/10 by Brett Prettyman
Chinook Salmon are King in Coming Weeks KBKW, 7/8/10 by David Haviland
Word on Lower Columbia River Salmon and Sturgeon Fisheries Seattle Times, 7/7/10 by Mark Yuasa
Record Columbia Sockeye Run a Bounty for NW Fishermen The Oregonian, 7/4/10 by Quinton Smith
Columbia Open for Sockeye, But How Do You Catch Them? Seattle Times, 6/25/10 by Mark Yuasa
Managers Allow Sport Retention Of Sockeye; Say No to Gillnetters Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/25/10 by Staff
Parts of the Columbia River Open for Sockeye Fishing Seattle Times, 6/24/10 by Mark Yuasa
Sockeye Back in Force on Lower Columbia Seattle Times, 6/23/10 by Mark Yuasa
Imnaha Chinook Report Lewiston Tribune, 6/22/10 by Eric Barker
Summer Chinook Boost Fish Counts Lewiston Tribune, 6/16/10 by Eric Barker
Columbia River Treaty Tribes Open Summer Fishery Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/16/10 by Associated Press
Summer Chinook Fishing Opens with Above-Average Run Chinook Observer, 6/15/10 by Staff
Chinook Fishing Closes on Parts of the Clearwater KLEW TV, 6/7/10 by Staff
Famed Fishmonger at Pike Place Fish Market Plans a Sea Change Seattle Times, 5/28/10 by Lynda V. Mapes
Sports Fishermen Treated Unfairly The Columbian, 5/28/10 by Dee Callison
Fisheries Managers Lower Spring Chinook Prediction Fox 12, 5/28/10 by Associated Press
ODFW Releasing Chinook in Powder River The Peak 104.1, 5/25/10 by Staff
Idaho Fish and Game Commission Hikes Chinook Limits Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/10 by Staff
It's Prime Time for Salmon Fishing Bellingham Herald, 5/19/10 by Staff
Fishermen Pulling Spring Chinook Out of Columbia Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/12/10 by Phil Ferolito
More Fishing Time on Lower for Spring Chinook Appears Slim Seatlle Times, 5/12/10 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Harvest Update Lewiston Tribune, 5/10/10 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Fishing in Three Pools Closes Monday The Columbian, 5/9/10 by Staff
Columbia River Spring Chinook Run Size Updated Seattle Times, 5/8/10 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Closes Between Bonneville, McNary The Oregonian, 5/3/10 by Bill Monroe
Two Dead in Columbia Capsizing Identified KGW, 5/3/10 by Staff
Tribal Chinook Fishing Begins The Oregonian, 4/27/10 by Allen Thomas
Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon Run Appears Big The Daily News, 4/22/10 by Allen Thomas
Chinook Fishing Opens Saturday on the Upper Snake River Statesman Journal, 4/19/10 by Staff
Opening Day of Lake-Fishing Season to Draw 300,000 KBKW, 4/15/10 by David Haviland
Lower Snake River to Open for Spring Chinook Soon The Seattle Times, 4/13/10 by Mark Yuasa
Time to Hook Some Chinook in the Lower Columbia The Seattle Times, 4/10/10 by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Catch Rates Pick Up for Spring Chinook The Seattle Times, 4/7/10 by Mark Yuasa
Anglers' Delight Idaho State Journal, 4/4/10 by Scott Staats
Spring Chinook on Lower Columbia River has Been So-so Seattle Times, 3/31/10 by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead Have Made it Up to Stanley Idaho Statesman, 3/25/10 by Roger Phillips
Steelhead Fishermen Report Big Returns Idaho Mountain Express, 3/19/10 by Jason Kauffman
Spring Chinook Season to Start April 24 KIVI TV, 3/18/10 by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Season Slated to Start April 24 Lewiston Tribune, 3/18/10 by Staff
Barring Harvest of Wild Steelhead in WA/OR a No-brainer Idaho Statesman, 3/17/10 by Roger Phillips
Chinook Run Yields Fair Fishing on Lower Columbia River Seattle Times, 3/17/10 by Mark Yuasa
Gill-netting on Lower Columbia River Called Off for Tuesday The Oregonian, 3/8/10 by Bill Monroe
Eastside Steelheading Enters Last Month The News Tribune, 3/6/10 by Doug Huddle
Spring Chinook Season Opens on Lower Columbia River The Oregonian, 3/5/10 by Brent Stecker
Spring Seasons Set for Columbia Chinook Everett Herald, 3/2/10 by Wayne Kruse
Columbia 2010 Fall Chinook Returns Look Good on Paper Seattle Times, 3/2/10 by Mark Yuasa
Too Many Steelhead! Washington Game & Fish, 2/10 by Travis DeBoer
Outdoors Blog The Columbian, 2/25/10 by Allen Thomas
Anglers are Finding Spring Chinook in Lower Columbia Seattle Times, 2/3/10 by Mark Yuasa
Buoy 10 Season Falls Short of Forecast The Columbian, 9/22/9 by Allen Thomas
It's Game Time for Steelhead Fishing in Idaho Idaho Statesman, 9/17/9 by Staff
Steelhead Surging Upstream Spokesman Review, 9/6/9 by Staff
Fall Chinook Season Opens on Lower Snake Tri-City Herald, 9/5/9 by Staff
Snake River Opens Sept. 1 for Fall Chinook Fishing KBKW, 8/31/9 by Staff
Tribal Fishery is Open for the Season The Oregonian, 8/26/9 by Staff
Tribes Open Fall Commercial Fishery KNDO/KNDU, 8/26/9 by Staff
Steelhead Season to Open Sept. 1 on Snake Tri-City Herald, 8/22/9 by Staff
Largest Snake River Fall Chinook Run In Four Decades Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/11/9 by Staff
Fall Chinook Season Could Be Approved for Snake River Lewiston Tribune, 8/11/9 by Eric Barker
Fall Chinook Season Proposed Lewiston Tribune, 8/10/9 by Staff
Catches Improving at Buoy 10 The Columbian, 8/5/9 by Staff
Town on Columbia, Tribes Clash Over 1855 Treaty Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/9 by Joseph Frazier
Fall Salmon Season Opens Today in Columbia River Basin The Olympian, 8/1/9 by Bob Brown
August Gillnet Seasons Adopted The Columbian, 8/30/9 by Staff
Steelheaders Should Not be Napping Spokesman Review, 7/16/9 by Rich Landers
River Fishing Slows, But Lower Columbia Yields Catches The Olympian, 7/2/9 by Bob Brown
F&G Explains Salmon Closures Idaho Statesman, 7/2/9 by Staff
Fishery Closes The East Oregonian, 7/2/9 by Tammy Malgesini
Chinook Season to Close on Snake River Salem-News, 6/30/9 by Staff
Sockeye Action Heats Up West of Longview The Daily News, 6/25/9 by Staff
Chinook Season Opens this Weekend Idaho Mountain Express, 6/19/9 by Staff
Salmon Seasons in Upper Rivers to Open Idaho Statesman, 6/18/9 by Roger Phillips
Summer Chinook Season Opens on Monday The Columbian, 6/17/9 by Allen Thomas
Idaho Petitions for More Salmon Lewiston Tribune, 6/7/9 by Eric Barker
Talk About a Stocking-Stuffer Statesman Journal, 6/8/9 by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishery Opens on Powder River Salem-News, 6/5/9 by Staff
Chinook Season Opens on Snake East Oregonian, 6/2/9 by Staff
Chinook Bag Limit Changes Announced Lewiston Tribune, 6/2/9 by Staff
Snake River Closes Early for Spring Chinook The Seattle Times, 5/15/9 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Bag Limits Trimmed Lewiston Tribune, 5/14/9 by Staff
Lower Columbia River Steelhead Fishery Closed for Now The Seattle Times, 5/13/9 by Mark Yuasa
CRITC Concern about Upriver Spring Chinook Returns The Seattle Times, 5/2/9 by Mark Yuasa
Special Coverage: Salmon Standoff The Oregonian, 4/9 by Scott Learn
Salmon Season Decision Expected Wallowa County Chieftain, 4/30/9 by Andy Martin
And Now a Word About Salmon Fishing Idaho Statesman, 4/23/9 by Roger Phillips
The Bite is On for Early-season Chinook The Seattle Times, 4/13/9 by Mark Yuasa
States Reject Call to Halt Spring Chinook Angling The Columbian, 4/13/9 by Allen Thomas
Spring Chinook Run Feted From Coast to Idaho The Spokesman-Review, 4/12/9 by Rich Landers
Oregon Anti-Gillnetting Bill Dies in Committee NW Fishletter, 5/6/9 by Bill Rudolph
Gill-net Season Today on the Columbia River The Oregonian, 4/7/9 by Bill Monroe
All Tangled in the Nets on the Columbia The Oregonian, 3/28/9 by Editorial Board
Letter: Salmon Not SAFE The Daily Astorian, 4/10/9 by Kim Tarabochia-Minkoff
Showing in Salem Helps Leaders Focus on Salmon Solution The Oregonian, 3/28/9 by Bill Monroe
Proposal Would Curb Columbia River Gillnetters The Oregonian, 3/26/9 by Joseph Frazier
Chinook Limits Proposed on Bering Sea Pollock Fleets Seattle Times, 4/6/9 by Staff
Upper Salmon River Has Lots of Water for Steelhead Anglers Idaho Statesman, 4/2/9 by Roger Phillips
No Shortage of Effort for Columbia Chinook The Columbian, 3/25/9 by Staff
ID Fish & Game Sets Chinook Seasons Idaho Mountain Express, 3/25/9 by Staff
Panel Sets Spring Chinook Seasons Lewiston Morning Tribune, 3/24/9 by Staff
Fish While You Can on Clearwater, Snake and Salmon Idaho Statesman, 3/5/9 by Staff
Spring Chinook Season Begins Sunday The Oregonian, 2/28/9 by Bill Monroe
Probably No Joy for Some Anglers The Olympian, 2/17/9 by Eric Barker
Word on Columbia Spring Chinook The Seattle Times, 2/15/9 by Mark Yuasa
Stanley may See Salmon Anglers for a Second Year Idaho Mountain Express, 2/13/9 by Jason Kauffman
Columbia Spring Chinook Season Open All of March, April The Olympian, 2/12/9 by Chester Allen
States Set Spring Chinook Season for March, April The Oregonian, 2/11/9 by Bill Monroe
Selective Gear Shows Low Wild Summer Chinook Mortality Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/6/9 by Staff
Tribes Tell States to Limit Columbia Spring Chinook Catch The Columbian, 1/29/9 by Allen Thomas
WA to Delay Columbia Spring Chinook Season Setting The Columbian, 1/28/9 by Allen Thomas
WA Offers Small Compromises in Spring Chinook Standoff The Columbian, 1/7/9 by Allen Thomas
Canada, U.S. Ratify Salmon Treaty Changes Times Colonist, 1/7/9 by Shayne Morrow
Spring Steelhead Season to Start Idaho Statesman, 1/1/9 by Staff
Steelhead are Going in the Boise River Idaho Statesman, 11/6/8 by Staff
Steelhead Stocked in the Boise River New West Boise, 11/17/8 by Jill Kuraitis
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report Spokesman Review, 11/7/8 by Alan Liere
Idaho Pitches Hunting, Fishing Fee Increase Seattle Times, 10/31/8 by Staff
Fish Rap: Hells Canyon has Good Steelie Fishing Idaho Statesman, 10/30/8 by Roger Phillips
Proposal: More Terminal Fisheries, Less Mainstem Nets Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/8 by Staff
State Authorizes Snake River Chinook Season Idaho Mountain Express, 10/6/8 by Jason Kauffman
Anglers May Retain Fall Chinook for First Time in 30 Years Latah Eagle, 10/2/8 by Staff
Fish and Game Opens Rare Fall Chinook Season Idaho Statesman, 10/2/8 by Roger Phillips
Idaho Fall Chinook Season Opens Friday Lewiston Tribune, 10/1/8 by Staff
Idaho to Consider Fall Chinook Season Lewiston Morning Tribune, 9/30/8 by Staff
Catch Rules Unmonitored The Columbian, 10/1/8 by Wendell D. Mills
Fall Chinook Seasons Set on Snake, Columbia Rivers Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/25/8 by Associated Press
Officials Increase Catch Limit The Columbian, 9/24/8 by Staff
Chinook Daily Limit Goes to 2 Adult Fish Below Bonneville Statesman Journal, 9/2/8 by Staff
Chinook Fishing Reopens Saturday in Lower Columbia River Statesman Journal, 9/19/8 by Staff
Fall Chinook Season Remains Open Through Tuesday Red Orbit, 9/12/8 by Allen Thomas
Columbia Salmon Reopens The Chronicle, 8/26/8 by Russ Mohney
Buoy 10 Chinook Fishing to Close Monday The Daily Astorian, 8/22/8 by Cassandra Profita
Buoy 10 Salmon Season Closing Early The Columbian, 8/21/8 by Allen Thomas
Columbia Salmon Sharing Plan Finally Approved The Columbian, 8/21/8 by Allen Thomas
Help Sought in Fish Poaching Cases Statesman Journal, 8/20/8 by Henry Miller
Police Seek Clues to Wasted Fish at Celilo The Dalles Chronicle, 8/8/8 by Staff
Columbia Chinook Worth the Drive The Daily Herald, 8/21/8 by Wayne Kruse
Buoy 10: Popular Columbia River Estuary Opens Friday The Columbian, 7/31/8 by Allen Thomas
Chinook Seasons Begin Aug. 1 with New Options for Anglers The Daily News, 7/24/8 by Staff
When More Isn't Better - Gambling with Extinction Statesman Journal, 7/22/8 by John Stec
Sporadic Salmon Success Buoyed by Healthy River Runs The News Tribune, 7/5/8 by Jeffrey Mayor
Columbia River is Thick with Sockeye Salmon Yakima Herald, 7/3/8 by Phil Ferolito
Chinook Closed Above Bonneville Statesman Journal, 7/1/8 by Gault & Miller
Fishing Closes on Little Salmon, Sections of Clearwater Idaho Statesman, 6/30/8 by Roger Phillips
Chinook Fisheries to Close Between Bonneville and 395 Eastern Oregonian, 6/29/8 by Staff
Few Chinook Arriving - So Far Idaho Mountain Express, 6/25/8 by Staff
Some Chinook Seasons to Close Lewiston Morning Tribune, 6/17/8 by Staff
Columbia River Sees Strong Chinook, Sockeye Runs Daily Astorian, 6/23/8 by Staff
Kings Moving Inside to Newly Opening Areas Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/25/8 by Greg Johnston
Surprising Surge of Sockeye Opens Mainstem Sport Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/8 by CBB Staff
Anglers Pursue Wily Chinook on Upper Salmon River Idaho Mountain Express, 6/20/8 by Jason Kauffman
Spring Chinook Fishery Closing East Oregonian, 6/19/8 by Staff
Chinook, Shad Ready for the Taking on Lower Columbia Seattle Times, 6/19/8 by Mark Yuasa
Salmon Fishing to Close on Three Stretches of Idaho Rivers Montana News Station, 6/18/8 by Associated Press
Columbia Reopens to Chinook, Steelhead The News Tribune, 6/14/8 by Jeffrey Mayor
Harvest Managers Open Sport Summer Chinook, Steelhead Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/8 by CBB Staff
Salmon Fishing in the Clearwater Mainstem to Close Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/8 by CBB Staff
Chinook Season to Close Sunday on Main Clearwater River Lewiston Morning Tribune, 6/10/8 by Staff
Idaho Salmon Run Late, but Coming Seattle Times, 6/8/8 by Staff
Idaho's Chinook Salmon Forecast Scaled Back Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/8 by Staff
State Sets Rare Chinook Season Idaho Mountain Express, 5/28/8 by Jason Kauffman
Bait Your Hook for a Chinook Idaho Mountain Express, 5/23/8 by Jason Kauffman
Chinook Running KLEW TV, 5/16/8 by Matt Loveless
Lower Columbia Steelhead Fishing Delayed Seattle Times, 5/12/8 by Staff
Salmon Fishing to Close on Parts of Snake, Columbia Rivers Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/10/8 by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Open on the Snake River Statesman Journal, 4/30/8 by Staff
Managers Close Chinook Season Below Bonneville KTVZ, 4/17/8 by Associated Press
Chinook Salmon Season Opens April 26 on Various Rivers Statesman Journal, 4/16/8 by Eric Barker
Columbia Providing Surge of Chinook Action Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/16/8 by Greg Johnston
Fantastic Salmon Fishery on Lower Columbia Ends Monday The News Tribune, 4/19/8 by Jeffrey Mayor
First Salmon Season in 31 Years? Idaho Mountain Express, 4/18/8 by Jason Kauffman
Alaska Cuts Chinook Quota Nearly 50 Percent NW Fishletter, 4/11/8 by Bill Rudolph
Salmon Harvest to Plummet this Year Seattle Times, 4/11/8 by Hal Bernton
Columbia River Continues to be on a Roll for Chinook Seattle Times, 4/10/8 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Sport-fishing Season to End Soon The Columbian, 4/7/8 by Allen Thomas
Commercial Fleet Gets Chinook Fishery Today The Columbian, 4/3/8 by Allen Thomas
Sport Chinook Catch Already at 4,400 The Columbian, 4/3/8 by Staff
For Best Springtime Chinook, Head South Seattle Times, 4/3/8 by Mark Yuasa
Tribe to Fish Downstream of Bonneville Dam The Columbian, 3/13/8 by Allen Thomas
Thoughts of Columbia 'Springers' Begin to Bud Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/20/8 by Greg Johnston
Accidental Chinook Catch among Pollock is an Issue Seattle Times, 2/9/8 by Hal Bernton
Columbia Salmon Season an Up-But-Not-Down Affair The Register-Guard, 2/12/8 by Mike Stahlberg
12-day Salmon Season Set for Lower Columbia The Daily News, 2/16/8 by Tom Paulu
Longer Season on Columbia Seattle Times, 2/16/8 by Mark Yuasa
New Guidelines Give Sport Anglers a Boost Seattle Times, 2/10/8 by Mark Yuasa
Mulling Allocations Between Recreation, Commercial Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/8/8 by Staff
Commission Deadlocked on Allocation The Columbian, 2/3/8 by Allen Thomas
Guidelines for Season's Salmon Fishing to be Set Seattle Times, 2/3/8 by Mark Yuasa
Sport, Commercial Fishing Interests Vie for Allocations The Columbian, 1/13/7 by Allen Thomas
Sport Anglers in N. Idaho Irked about Gillnetting Season Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/22/7 by Associated Press
Nez Perce Tribe Authorizes Steelhead Gillnet Season Deseret News, 12/18/7 by Associated Press
Tribe Plans to Gillnet Steelhead Lewiston Tribune, 12/18/7 by Staff
Steelhead are Running in North Central Idaho eMediaWeb, 11/3/7 by Press Release
Chinook Runs Lag at Several Spots The Columbian, 9/20/7 by Allen Thomas
Columbia Chinook Closure Limits Choices The Columbian, 9/20/7 by Staff
Columbia Closes for Chinook; Tillamook Bay Underway News-Register, 9/20/7 by Michael Teague
Columbia Fall Chinook Fishing Resumes Upriver The Columbian, 9/22/7 by Allen Thomas
Chinook Retention Will Close The Columbian, 9/18/7 by Allen Thomas
Mainstem Columbia Recreational Chinook Fishery Closes Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/19/7 by Associated Press
Columbia River will Close to Chinook Retention in WA, OR The Bellingham Herald, 9/17/7 by Associated Press
Buoy 10 Remains Rewarding; Fall Chinook Heats Up News-Register, 9/13/7 by Michael Teague
Where to Fish on Labor Day News-Register, 8/30/7 by Michael Teague
Tribes to Sell Columbia River Salmon Seattle Times, 8/21/7 by Associated Press
Tribal Commercial Season Opens for Columbia Salmon The Oregonian, 8/21/7 by Associated Press
Chinook, Coho, Steelhead Fishing Shows Improvement News Register, 8/23/7 by Michael Teague
Anglers Net More Chinook in 2007 Than Year Before KTVB, 8/7/7 by Associated Press
Fall Chinook Season Features Changes Seattle Times, 7/30/7 by Mark Yuasa
Updated Forecast Ends Sport Summer Chinook Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/7 by Staff
Ocean Fishing Off to Good Start The Daily News, 7/13/7 by Staff
Hooks Find Plenty of Salmon on Opening Day The Olympian, 7/1/7 by Chester Allen
Columbia Stretch will Close to Summer-run Chinook Statesman Journal, 7/1/7 by Staff
Catch a Salmon from the Sea as Ocean Fshing Returns The Daily News, 6/28/7 by Staff
Salmon Just in Time for Coast Opening Seattle Times, 6/28/7 by Mark Yuasa
Fishing's More Fun in the Sun News-Register, 6/28/7 by Michael Teague
Sturgeon Fishing in Estuary Remains Open through Fourth The Columbian, 6/29/7 by Allen Thomas
Chinook Fishing will Continue on the Snake River Statesman Journal, 6/18/7 by Staff
'08 Chinook Fishery has Mixed Forecast Seattle Times, 6/10/7 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Opens on Columbia The Columbian, 6/6/7 by Allen Thomas
Salmon Season Ends on Part of Clearwater News-Register, 5/27/7 by Associated Press
Lower Columbia Opens to Chinook, Steelhead and Shad The Daily News, 5/18/7 by Staff
Lower Columbia Reopens for Spring Chinook Fishing The Columbian, 5/16/7 by Allen Thomas
Salmon Late to the Party Yakima Herald-Republic, 5/10/7 by Rob Phillips
Upper Snake River Opens Friday for Spring Chinook Statesman Journal, 5/10/7 by Staff
Salmon Season to Start May 11 Idaho Statesman, 5/4/7 by Roger Phillips
Fishery Managers Stand by Predictions for Spring Chinook Spokesman Review, 5/4/7 by Keith Ridler
ID Fish & Game OKs Spring Chinook Salmon Season Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/4/7 by Associated Press
Chinook are (Finally) on the Move News-Register, 5/3/7 by Michael Teague
Lower Willamette, Upper Columbia Producing Chinook News-Register, 4/26/7 by Michael Teague
Chinook Season Closes on the Columbia News-Register, 4/19/7 by Michael Teague
Spring Chinook Fishing to Close Starting Monday The Columbian, 4/14/7 by Allen Thomas
Decision Delayed on Possible Spring Chinook Closure The Columbian, 4/12/7 by Allen Thomas
Buoy 10 Recreational Fishery Set to Open Aug. 1 The Daily Astorian, 4/16/7 by Staff
State Commission OKs Salmon Season in Coast Waters The Hillsboro Argus, 4/17/7 by Staff
Limited Salmon Season Worries Fishers The Daily Astorian, 4/9/7 by Staff & AP
Chinook Run Disappointing Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/2/7 by Greg Johnston
Fishermen Brace for Low Returns, Poor Salmon Season Press Release, 4/2/7 Pacific NW Fisherman
The Columbia Spring Chinook Run The Daily Herald, 3/25/7 by Wayne Kruse
Spring Salmon Fishing Rules set for Columbia The Columbian, 1/26/7 by Allen Thomas
Fishery Managers Set Rules for Spring Chinook The Daily Astorian, 1/26/7 by Staff
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report Spokesman Review, 1/19/7 by Alan Liere
Tribe OKs Gill Net for Steelhead Spokesman Review, 1/19/7 by Associated Press
Nez Perce to Increase Steelhead Harvest Idaho Statesman, 1/15/7 by Staff
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report Spokesman Review, 12/29/6 by Alan Liere
Spring Chinook Forecasts Disappointing The Columbian, 12/21/6 by Allen Thomas
Scientist Says Dams may Not be Limiting Fish Recovery NW Fishletter, 11/20/6 by Bill Rudolph
2,000 Steelhead Released in Southwest ID Waters KTVB, 11/21/6 by Associated Press
Steelhead Blocked on Snake River Released in Boise KTVB, 11/13/6 by Associated Press
Boise River may be Stocked with Steelhead Next Week Idaho Statesman, 10/31/6 by Staff
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report Capital Press, 11/17/6 by Alan Liere
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report Spokesman Review, 11/3/6 by Alan Liere
Suit Filed Over Chinook Catch Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/11/6 by Erik Lacitis
Chinook Season Opens Again Capital Press, 10/6/6 by Dennis Clay
Fall Chinook Fishing Reopens in Middle Columbia The Columbian, 9/30/6 by Staff
Columbia Above Bonneville Reopens to Keep Chinook Statesman Journal, 9/30/6 by Staff
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report Spokesman Review, 9/29/6 by Alan Liere
Big Fish Could be Worth the Wait The Oregonian, 9/18/6 by Bill Monroe
Columbia Chinook Fishery Closes Friday The Columbian, 9/14/6 by Allen Thomas
Lower Columbia Chinook Fishery Closes on Friday News-Register, 9/14/6 by Michael Teague
Salmon Fishing Lacking Consistency, Effort Seattle Times, 9/7/6 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishing Likely Over Next Week The Columbian, 9/8/6 by Allen Thomas
Steelhead Season Opens Today in Idaho Capital Press, 9/1/6 by Niels Nokkentved
Spring Fishing Hits Big On Columbia The Oregonian, 8/14/6 by Bill Monroe
Genetic Testing to Protect Salmon and Help Fishermen The Oregonian, 8/12/6 by Jeff Barnard
Buoy 10 Opens, Fall Chinook Fishing Begins News Register, 7/27/6 by Michael Teague
Fishing Forecast is Sunny The Daily News, 7/27/6 by Staff
Reeling in a Dud: Salmon's Slow Start Seattle Times, 7/6/6 by Mark Yuasa
Salmon Seasons Open, but Fishing Typically Slow Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/6/6 by Greg Johnston
Anglers Cast their Hopes on Summer Fishing Season The Daily Astorian, 6/30/6 by Staff
Summer Chinook Fishing Stays Open at Least a Week The Columbian, 6/30/6 by Allen Thomas
Columbia Closing to Chinook News Register, 6/29/6 by Michael Teague
Officials Check Numbers Before Deciding on Closure The Columbian, 6/28/6 by Allen Thomas
Cautious Optimism Buoys Salmon Season Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/28/6 by Greg Johnston
Not Glamorous, But Steelhead Still a Catch The Columbian, 6/25/6 by Allen Thomas
Solid Run of Kings Hits Columbia Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/15/6 by Greg Johnston
Clearwater River Closed to Spring Chinook Fishing KTVB, 6/13/6 by Associated Press
Idaho F&G Approves a Limited Spring Salmon Season New West, 5/21/6 by Jennifer Gelband
F&G Commission Announces Spring Chinook Season KTVB, 5/18/6 by Associated Press
Chinook Season Set to Open Across NW Seattle Times, 5/17/6 by Associated Press
Spring-Chinook Surge Reopens Sport Fishing Seattle Times, 5/14/6 by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook have (Finally) Arrived The Olympian, 5/13/6 by Associated Press
Chinook on the Rise Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/6/6 by Greg Johnston
Spring Chinook Numbers Down East Oregonian, 2/25/6 by Staff
Ocean Salmon Season Scheduled to Open July 3 The Columbian, 4/13/6 by Allen Thomas
Ocean Salmon Fishing Season Cut Short at Ilwaco The Daily News, 4/8/6 by Tom Paulu
Fisheries Managers Cut Quotas in WA Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/8/6 by Associated Press
Salmon Fishing Season Shrinks Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/8/6 by Greg Johnston
Salmon Fishing: Parties Satisfied with New Season Seattle Times, 4/7/6 by Mark Yuasa
States Look at April 14 for Chinook Closure The Columbian, 4/7/6 by Allen Thomas
States to Decide Today on Spring Chinook Season The Columbian, 4/6/6 by Allen Thomas
Commercial Fishermen Await Chinook Ruling The Daily News, 3/31/6 by Staff
Chances are Slim in Fishing Lottery Yakama Herald, 3/30/6 by Rob Phillips
Columbia Salmon Closure Possible The Daily News, 3/28/6 by Allen Thomas
Salmon Forecast Looks Bleak Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/22/6 by Greg Johnston
Officials may Offer One-Chinook Bag Limit Columbian, 3/16/6 by Allen Thomas
Managers to Close Salmon Fisheries in OR and CA Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/7/6 by Robert McClure
Council Considers Whether to Open Salmon Fisheries Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/7/6 by Jackson Holtz
Steelhead On The Snake Game & Fish, 2/11/6 by Doug Rose
Fishery Officials Set Conservative Springer Season The Daily News, 2/3/6 by Staff
OR Votes Sport, Commercial Share Summer Chinook The Columbian, 2/11/6 by Allen Thomas
WA, OR Take Steps to Keep Sportfishing Alive The Oregonian, 1/29/6 by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Fishing Closed from I-5 to Bonneville The Columbian, 1/27/6 by Allen Thomas
Chinook Fishery Debate Begins Seattle Times, 1/8/6 by Mark Yuasa
Larger Cut of Chinook Reserved for Gill Nets The Oregonian, 1/7/6 by Bill Monroe
Salmon Season a Hit Despite Closures The World, 12/23/5 by Susan Chambers
Experts say Fishing's No Menace to Wild Salmon The Daily News, 10/12/5 by Don Jenkins
Endangered Salmon Numbers Hurt by Fishing Gazette-Times, 10/11/5 by Rukmini Callimachi
Salmon Runs Look Good at Area Spots Yakima Herald Republic, 2/2/6 by Rob Phillips
Summer Steelhead Still Quite a Catch Yakima Herald Republic, 12/1/5 by Rob Phillips
Commercial Fishermen form National Group ESPN Outdoors, 12/2/5 by Jeff Barnard
Bush Proposes Fishing Rules Aimed at Overfishing Environmental News Net, 9/20/5 by John Heilprin
Chinook Closure at Columbia Mouth The Oregonian, 9/8/5 by Bill Monroe
Chinook Fishing Takes Off News Register, 9/8/5 by Michael Teague
Why Not a Steelhead Season on South Fork Salmon? Idaho Statesman, 8/20/5 by ID Fish & Game
Chinook Catch Rates Improve For Buoy 10 Anglers Medford News, 8/26/5 by Staff
Fishermen Hopeful for Buoy 10 to Heat Up News Register, 8/18/5 by Michael Teague
Look South for King Salmon, North for Pinks Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/18/5 by Greg Johnston
Salmon Prospects Solid on the Coast Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/28/5 by Andy Walgamott
Fall Chinook Season Opening on Columbia The News Guard, 7/26/5 by Staff
Good News: Salmon Prospects on the Rise Seattle Times, 7/21/5 by Mark Yuasa
Excited About 1st Salmon Season in Nearly 30 Years Challis Messenger, 7/14/5 by Todd Adams
Agency Faults Lack of Data on Fish The Oregonian, 7/15/5 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Anglers Welcome New Salmon Season Idaho Mountain Express, 7/15/5 by Steve Benson
Reasons Vary for Slow Salmon Fishing Seattle Times, 7/14/5 by Mark Yuasa
S. Fork of Salmon to Close Sunday Idaho Statesman, 7/8/5 by Staff
Tribal Fishing Season Opens on Columbia River The Bend Bulletin, 7/1/5 by News Sources
Wild Chinook Retention Gets the Green Light News Register, 6/30/5 by Staff
Ocean Salmon-Angling Prospects Showing Promise Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/30/5 by Greg Johnston
Government Proposes Changes in Fishing Rules Environmental News Net, 6/23/5 by Randolph Schmid
Poached Salmon Found Near Stanley Hatchery Idaho Statesman, 6/15/5 by Staff
F&G Closes Rivers to Salmon Fishing Idaho Statesman, 6/15/5 by Staff
Historic Chinook Fishing Season Allowed Seattle Times, 6/18/5 by Hal Bernton
Friday is Opening Day for Summer Chinook Idaho Statesman, 6/14/5 by Roger Phillips
Salmon Sales Surge on Demand for Upscale Fish PS Business Journal, 5/27/5 by Steve Wilhelm
Steelhead Season On Columbia Reopened KOIN TV, 5/19/5 by Staff
Commission Revises Idaho Salmon Fishing Regulations Seattle Times, 5/19/5 by Associated Press
Chinook Season may be Over on Main Salmon River KBCI TV, 5/10/5 by Dan Barth
ID Closing Portion of Snake River to Chinook Fishing Arizona Republic, 5/4/5 by Associated Press
New Estimates on Columbia River Chinook The Bend Bulletin, 5/4/5 by News Sources
ID Salmon Fishing Season to Begin, Fish or Not Arizona Republic, 4/22/5 by Associated Press
Mixed News on Fishing, Digging Opportunities Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/21/5 by Greg Johnston
Sport-fishing Closures Over Small Run Seattle Times, 4/20/5 by Hal Bernton
Spring Chinook Count Worrisome Statesman Journal, 4/6/5 by Associated Press
A Salmon Season is Possible This Summer Challis Messenger, 4/7/5 by Karen Posada
Chinook Salmon Season Probable on Upper Salmon KBCI TV, 4/3/5 by Dan Barth
Fishery Managers Propose Limited Chinook Season The World, 3/29/5 by Susan Chambers
Spring Chinook Improves, Still Lagging Seattle Times, 3/24/5 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Opener Set for April 23 Lewiston Tribune, 3/24/5 by Eric Barker
Anglers Back More Fishing, for Fewer Fish Lewiston Tribune, 3/10/5 by Eric Barker
Columbia Spring Chinook Run Gaining Momentum Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/10/5 by Greg Johnston
Salmon Forecast has a Couple Bright Spots The Daily Herald, 3/3/5 by Wayne Kruse
Budget Cuts Funding for Fisheries Programs Environmental News Net, 2/15/5 by Lolita C. Baldor
ODFW Commission Protects Wild Steelhead The Bend Bulletin, 2/14/5 by News Sources
Compact Changes Angling Rules in Midstream Register-Guard, 2/10/5 by Mike Stahlberg
Columbia Rules Focus of Meetings Statesman Journal, 2/5/5 by Associated Press
Overfishing May Limit Chinook Season Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/3/5 by Greg Johnston
Spring Chinook Poised for Opening Run Lewiston Tribune, 2/3/5 by Eric Barker
Columbia River Spring Chinook Seasons Set The Bend Bulletin, 1/31/5 by News Sources
Steelhead Anglers Gear Up for Shift to Wild Runs Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/27/5 by Greg Johnston
Angling Restrictions Studied for Bonneville Dam The Columbian, 1/20/5 by Staff
Panel Seeks to Extend Spring Chinook Season The Bend Bulletin, 1/7/5 by News Sources
Tribal Gill-Netters Get More Fishing Days Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/4 by CBB staff
A Fat Tail Run Allows Fishing Times to Expand Columbia Basin Bulletin,10/1/4 by Barry Espenson
Chinook Retention to Continue for Rest of Year The Columbian, 9/30/4 by Staff
Prospects Good for Columbia & Coast Chinook News Register, 9/23/4 by Staff
Catch-and-Release will Start Oct. 1 for Chinook The Columbian, 9/21/4 by Allen Thomas
Booming Chinook Run Thrill Fishermen Seattle Times, 9/20/4 by Associated Press
Chinook Catching a Second Wind The Oregonian, 9/19/4 by Joe Rojas-Burke
Economic Renaissance on the Columbia River Indian Country, 8/30/4 by Staff
CRITFC Tribes Pursue Fish Processing Center Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4 by Barry Espenson
Tribal Fishermen Look to Expand Their Market Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/4 by Associated Press
Fishing Picks Up, Wait for Fall Run Continues Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4 by Barry Espenson
Commercial Fishery Cut Back Due to Impacts Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/13/4 by CBB staff
Steelhead Season Opens on Clearwater River KTVB News, 7/30/4 by Associated Press
Steelheaders Open Early Gift Lewiston Tribune, 7/29/4 by Eric Barker
Salmon Season Opens Sunday The Daily News, 7/30/4 by Associated Press
Compact to Adopt Net Season The Columbian, 7/29/4 by Allen Thomas
Approval of More Fishing for Tribal Gill Netters Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/23/4 by Barry Espenson
Salmon Fishermen to Receive Subsidies Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/17/4 by Matt Volz
Fall Chinook Bag Limit Reduced Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/16/4 by CBB staff
Wild Sockeye Run Largest in 17 Years Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/9/4 by Barry Espenson
Over-the-bank Sockeye Sales Under Way The Columbian, 7/2/3 by Erik Robinson
Two Days of Gillnets Approved The Columbian, 6/29/4 by Allen Thomas
Summer Chinook Run Strong Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/25/4 by Barry Espenson
Summer Chinook Harvest Begins NW Fishletter, 6/22/4 by Bill Rudolph
Tribal Fishing Approved for Chinook, Steelhead Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4 by CBB staff
Summer-Run Chinook Salmon Game & Fish Magazine, 6/4 by Dennis Dauble
Expansion of Salmon Fishing in 2005-06? Seattle Times, 6/27/4 by Mark Yuasa
2004 Good Harvest Year for Spring Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/11/4 by Barry Espenson
Tribes Target End of '04 Spring Chinook Run Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/28/4 by CBB staff
Salmon Season on Salmon River is Extended Idaho Statesman, 5/26/4 by Staff
Salmon Stocked in Powder River Statesman Journal, 6/19/4 by Jayson Jacoby
Fish for Trucked Salmon in the Boise River Idaho Statesman, 5/26/4 by Roger Phillips
Tribes Began Second Lower Columbia Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/14/4 by CBB staff
Spring Run Downgraded; Fishing Shut Down Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/7/4 by Barry Espenson
Net's Half Empty this Season Lewiston Tribune, 5/6/4 by Eric Barker
Fishing is Gone Along Columbia River Statesman Journal, 5/6/4 by Associated Press
Columbia Closes to Spring Chinook Angling, 5/5/4 by Staff
Chinook Fishing Closed as Run Counts Drop Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/30/4 by CBB staff
Lower Columbia to Close to Sportfishing The Oregonian, 4/29/4 by Staff
Season's Off to a Good Start Lewiston Tribune, 4/29/4 by Eric Barker
Speed Demons and Slow Pokes Lewiston Tribune, 4/22/4 by Eric Barker
Bonneville Fish Counts Above 10-Year Average Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/23/4 by Barry Espenson
Summer Spill Plays Role Setting Harvest Quota NW Fishletter, 4/21/4 by Bill Rudolph
Columbia Chinook Fishing is Cut Back The Oregonian, 4/15/4 by Bill Monroe
Idaho Salmon Season to Begin April 24 Idaho Statesman, 4/14/4 by Roger Phillips
Gillnetters Near Impact Limit; Fishing Halted Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/2/4 by CBB staff
Sluggish Salmon Slow Season Start Lewiston Tribune, 4/1/4 by Eric Barker
Oregon Closes Commercials' Season The Columbian, 4/1/4 by Allen Thomas
Catch Quota with ESA-Listed Stocks in Mind Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/19/4 by CBB staff
First Few Fish Trickle over Bonneville Dam Lewiston Tribune, 3/16/4 by Eric Barker
Seeking Better Cooperation in Data Gathering Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/12/4 by Barry Espenson
Spring Chinook Start Upriver Journey Lewiston Tribune, 3/11/4 by Eric Barker
Casting a Spell Lewiston Tribune, 3/11/4 by Eric Barker
Netters Warned to Allow Observers The Columbian, 3/11/4 by Allen Thomas
Gillnetters Hit River; Few Fish But Good Prices Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/5/4 by Barry Espenson
Anglers Catching Steelhead Forces Closures Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/5/4 by CBB staff
Fish Seasons Set for Big Spring Run NW Fishletter, 2/26/4 by Bill Rudolph
States Seek Higher 'Incidental Take' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/20/4 by Barry Espenson
Officials Set Spring Chinook Season Statesman Journal, 2/11/4 by Staff
Fishing Plan Adopted The Columbian, 2/6/4 by Allen Thomas
Bonneville Pool May Open for Chinook The Columbian, 1/29/4 by Allen Thomas
Tribes Seek Funding for Law Enforcement Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/23/4 by CBB staff
Tribe Seeks Fisheries Enforcement Funding Idaho Statesman, 1/19/4 by Staff
WA Seeks 60% Harvest Impacts for Sport Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/23/4 by CBB staff
Sport Fishermen get More Wiggle Room Seattle Times, 1/22/4 by Mark Yuasa
Sport Group Blasts Oregon Over Chinook The Columbian, 1/15/4 by Staff
WFWC Favors Sportsmen in Division of Run The Columbian, 1/18/4 by Allen Thomas
Making a Case for Sport Salmon Fishery The Oregonian, 12/28/3 by Bill Monroe
Idaho Anglers Need to Study Rulebook Lewiston Tribune, 1/1/4 by Staff
Giant Spring Chinook Run Forecast to Upper The Columbian, 12/18/3 by Allen Thomas
Both Sides Seeking Big Spring Haul of Salmon The Columbian, 11/20/3 by Allen Thomas
Successful 2003 Chinook, Steelhead Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/7/3 by CBB staff
Project Evaluates Impacts of 'Ghost Nets' Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/31/3 by Barry Espenson
Saltwater Salmon Fishing to Reopen Seattle Times, 10/30/3 by Mark Yuasa
Chinook, Coho Catch Tops One Million Fish NW Fishletter, 10/20/3 by Bill Rudolph
Big Harvest; Good Demand, Prices Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/2 by Barry Espenson
Record Harvest Over Impact Allocation Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/26/3 by Barry Espenson
Fall Chinook Passing Bonneville Break Record Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/12/3 by Barry Espenson
Proposed Fishery on Snake Hatchery Chinook NW Fishletter, 9/12/3 by Bill Rudolph
Another Big Fall Chinook Return Expected Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/5/3 by Barry Espenson
Columbia Rules Under Debate The Oregonian, 8/28/3 by Bill Monroe
F&G May Raise Steelhead Limits Today Idaho Statesman, 8/27/2 by Roger Phillips
Salmon Officials Warn of Setbacks The Columbian, 8/21/3 by Erik Robinson
Chinook Jacks May Go Legal Lewiston Tribune, 8/15/3 by Eric Barker
Relaxing Rule on Partially Clipped Fish The Oregonian, 8/10/3 by Bill Monroe
Anglers Reminded of Rules for Sport Season The Oregonian, 8/6/3 by Bill Monroe
Fishing Violations Bring More Patrols The Oregonian, 8/5/3 by Joe Rojas-Burke
New Rules for Buoy 10 Salmon Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/1/3 by CBB staff
Commercial Fishery Set for Fall Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/1/3 by Barry Espenson
Columbia Salmon, Anglers on Collision Course Seattle Times, 7/31/3 by Mark Yuasa
Tribes' Gill-net Time Extended The Oregonian, 7/19/3 by Staff
Seeking Funds for Tangle Net Experiment Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by Barry Espenson
New Nets Tangle Waters of Conservation Lewiston Tribune, 7/10/3 by Dan Gallagher
Tribes to Seek More Fish Days for Summer Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3 by CBB staff
Tribes Reap Windfall from Summer Chinook Environmental News Net, 7/17/3 Joseph B. Frazier
Salmon Season to Close on South Fork Salmon Idaho Statesman, 7/15/3 by Roger Phillips
First Summer Chinook Season in 38 Years Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/11/3 by Barry Espenson
Rare Summer Chinook Sport Fishery Approved Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/3 by CBB staff
Anglers Get to Go Again for Spring Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/3 by CBB staff
Monitoring Survival of Catch-Release Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/9/3 by Wil Phinney
Reduced Catch Allows Sport Fishery Extension Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/9/3 by CBB staff
Harvest Managers do the Math Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/3 by Barry Espenson
Select Area Fishery Shows More Upriver Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/3 by Barry Espenson
Harvest Managers Juggling with Impact Limits Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/3 by Barry Espenson
Tribal Gillnetters 3-Day Commercial Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/3 by Wil Phinney
Sport Fishers get Another 4 Days in Lower Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/3 by CBB staff
Tribal Fishers Harvesting Ceremonial Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3 by Wil Phinney
Gates are Open for Bountiful Salmon Harvest Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/11/3 by Associated Press
Ocean Fishing Seasons Reflect Run Strength Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3 by CBB staff
Fishing Too Good Too Early; Impact Limits Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3 by Barry Espenson
Downstream for Chinook Success on Columbia Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/27/3 by Greg Johnston
Gillnetters Return but Fishing Season Gloomy Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/21/3 by Barry Espenson
Late Arriving Chinook Run Stalls Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3 by Barry Espenson
Columbia's Chinook Run on Way Up Seattle Times, 3/20/3 by Mark Yuasa
Unusual Fish Mix Hampers Columbia Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/7/3 by Barry Espenson
High Encounter Rate Shuts Down Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/3 by Barry Espenson
Higher Mortality Prompts Tangle Net Changes Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/7/3 by Barry Espenson
Wild Steelhead Protection in Lower Columbia NW Fishletter, 1/31/3 by Bill Bakke
Officials, Fishing Interests Mull Gill, Tangle Net Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/17/3 by Barry Espenson
NWPPC Funding for 2003 Tangle Net Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/2 by Barry Espenson
Wards Cove Sells Processing Operation PS Business Journal, 4/7/3 by Steve Ernst
Wards Cove Cans Salmon Operations Anchorage Daily News, 12/13/2 by Mike Chambers
Pew Oceans List Impacts of Ocean Fishing Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/13/2 by Mike O'Bryant
Fall Chinook on Track, Prices Head Down NW Fishletter, 10/1/2 by Bill Rudolph
Smaller Net Mesh for Spring Chinook Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/2 by CBB staff
Debate Continues over Steelhead Bycatch NW Fishletter, 9/13/2 by Bill Bakke
Good Steelhead Season Predicted for Fall Idaho Mountain Express, 8/14/2 by Associated Press
WA Wants Smaller Tangle Net Mesh Size Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/23/2 by Staff
State Fisheries OK Limited Gill-Netting The Oregonian, 8/16/2 by Jonathan Brinckman
Tribes Poised for Record Chinook Harvest Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/16/1 by Barry Espenson
Lower Columbia Fishers Target Fall Chinook Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/9/2 by Barry Espenson
Tangle Net Fishery Angers, Concerns Anglers Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/26/2 by Barry Espenson
New Policy may Complicate Seasons Lewiston Tribune, 7/26/2 by Eric Barker
Anglers Poised for Busy Buoy 10 Fishery Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/26/2 by Staff
F&G Predicts a Salmon Season Next Year The Idaho Statesman, 7/20/2 by Roger Phillips
Chinook Season Ends on South Fork Salmon Idaho Statesman, 7/17/2 by Pete Zimowsky
Summer Chinook Fishing to Begin Tri-City Herald, 7/15/2 by Mike Lee
First Since '65, Tribes Sell Summer Chinook The Oregonian, 7/3/2 by Jonathan Brinckman
After Wait, Chance to Land a Big One The Oregonian, 6/28/2 Jonathan Brinckman
WA to Get Tougher with Salmon Poachers Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/14/2 by Staff
Salmon Season to Close on Main Salmon Idaho Statesman, 6/13/2 by Staff
Idaho Group Asks to Extend Season Times-News, 6/6/2 by Staff
More Salmon Fishing Available Idaho Statesman, 6/7/2 by Roger Phillips
Poaching Fine Issued Capital Press, 6/14/2 by Staff
Concerns Raised Over Tangle Nets' Impact Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/2 by Mike O'Bryant
30 Years, Sport Fishery Opened on Snake Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/2 by Staff
Fishing's Hot, Be Sure of What's On Hook Lewiston Tribune, 10/25/1 by Eric Barker
Clearing River may Bring Anglers Luck Lewiston Tribune, 10/19/1 by Eric Barker
Anglers Catch Limit on South Fork Idaho Statesman, 7/3/1 by Roger Phillips
Salmon Fishing Starts on Boise, N. Fork Idaho Statesman, 5/31/1 by Roger Phillips
Salmon Fishers make Run to Riggins Spokesman Review, 5/23/1 by Fenton Roskelley
Boise, Weiser, Payette may get Salmon Idaho Statesman, 5/18/1 by Roger Phillips
Salmon, Anglers, Cash Flow into Orofino Idaho Statesman, 5/14/1 by Roger Phillips
First Spring Chinook Season in 30 Years Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/30/1 by Associated Press
Sparing Wild Salmon The Oregonian, 4/26/1 by Bill Monroe
Anglers Gear Up for Strong Season Tri-City Herald, 4/20/1 by Mike Lee
Clearwater Fishing Opens Saturday Lewiston Tribune, 4/19/1 by Eric Barker
Spring Loaded Lewiston Tribune, 3/9(?)/1 by Eric Barker
Deal Focuses on Renewing Salmon Runs Seattle Times, 3/4/1 by Mark Yuasa
Pact Boosts Tribes' Chinook Catch The Oregonian, 2/18/1 by Jonathan Brinckman
States, Tribes will Develop Salmon Plan Spokesman Review, 2/17/1 by William McCall
Anglers Allowed to Keep More Salmon The Oregonian, 2/18/1 by Tomoko Hosaka
Tribes Reignite Legal Battle Over Catch Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/17/1 by Robert McClure
Tribes Seek Increased Harvest, Outplant Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/1 by Barry Espenson
Tribes Make Salmon Season Offer The Columbian, 6/15/00 by Allen Thomas
Fishers Take Aim at Fall Chinook Run Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/1/00 by Staff
Sockeye Run Ushers in Fishing Season The Oregonian, 6/27/00 by Jonathan Brinckman
Summer Chinook Season Closes Lewiston Tribune, 7/7(?)/00 by Eric Barker
Tribes Allowed to Sell Sockeye Again The Oregonian, 7/1/00 by Jonathan Brinckman
South Fork Salmon Season Slated Idaho Statesman, 6/21/00 by Tony Hansen
Chinook Season Approved Spokesman Review, 6/21/00 by Outdoor Briefs
Mainstem Fisheries Near ESA Limit Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/24/99 by Barry Espenson
Fall Chinook Fishing Impacts Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/17/99 by Barry Espenson
Salmon Fishing Seasons Set Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/20/99 by Barry Espenson
ADAPTATION back to top
Biologists Haul Sockeye on Trucks to Avoid Unusually Warm Northwest Rivers The Oregonian, 7/18/15 by Associated Press
The Heat Is On For Salmon Idaho Statesman, 8/3/13 by Rocky Barker
Wonder Why Wild Salmon Numbers are Down Idaho Statesman, 8/23/3 by Staff
Pacific Salmon May be Able to Adapt Fox News, 11/1/00 by Jonathan Serrie
Study Shows Rapid Salmon Adaptability Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/27/00 by Barry Espenson
Salmon Quick to Learn of Adaptation The Oregonian, 10/22/00 by Richard L. Hill
Fish Response to Habitat Change Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/99 by Mike O'Bryant
SALMON RUNS back to top
Maps of the Six Species of Salmon Salmon Nation, 1999 by Ecotrust
Complex Lives of the Steelhead FlyFish News Service, 11/1/6 by Tom Curet
Extinction NW Council, 10/31/8 by John Harrison
How Fast Can a Salmon Swim Upstream to Idaho Waters? Spokesman-Review, 5/8/15 by Rich Landers
Spawning Time, When Sockeye Salmon Change from Blue to Red New York Times, 6/9/17 by Joanna Klein
Nature Notes: Nevada's Salmon Fishing, Remembered Elko Daily Free Press, 3/5/17 by Larry Hyslop
Largest Chinook Salmon Disappearing from West Coast Eureka Alert, 2/27/18 Eric Ward & Bert Lewis
When Dams Fell, Salmon Returned Lewiston Tribune, 12/12/21 by Eric Barker
Did the Hanford Nuclear Site Save Fall Chinook Salmon? Tri-City Herald, 10/5/22 by Dennis Dauble
Officials Fall Short of Salmon Return Goals in Columbia River Basin But See Signs of Progress Washington State Standard, 12/13/24 by Mia Maldonado
Columbia River Salmon, Steelhead Returns Average 2.3 Million Each Year Capital Press, 12/13/24 by Matthew Weaver
Steelhead Numbers Up; Highest Annual Returns in Last Seven Years, and Could Climb Idaho County Free Press, 11/13/24 by Staff
Snake River Steelhead Returns Highest in Seven Years Capital Press, 11/5/24 by Matthew Weaver
A Record Sockeye Return Crosses Lower Granite Dam -- But They're Not All Idaho Fish Press Release, 8/19/24 by Roger Phillips
Biologists Truck Snake River Sockeye Salmon to Cooler Idaho Waters Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/4/24 by Courtney Flatt
Idaho Fish and Game Brings Sockeye in Unseasonably Warm River to Eagle KTVB, 8/4/24 by Abby Davis
F&G Trapping and Trucking Sockeye at Lower Granite Dam During Heat Wave Couer d'Alene Press, 7/25/24 by Idaho F&G
Idaho Fish & Game Trucking Sockeye Salmon from Lower Granite Dam on Snake River Big Country News, 7/22/24 by Evan Ellis
Record Sockeye Salmon Run on Columbia Now Threatened by Hot Water Seattle Times, 7/11/24 by Lynda Mapes
Forecast for Spring Chinook Not Terrible, But Also Not Good Spokesman-Review, 2/21/24 by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Run 2024: A Forecast of Hope and Uncertainty The People's Network, 2/16/24 by BNN Correspondents
Columbia River Fall Salmon Outlook Remains Good The Columbian, 1/20/24 by Terry Otto
NOAA Taking Comments on Hatchery That Keeps Snake River Sockeye from Going Extinct Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/23/23 by Staff
Clearwater Steelhead Return Off to Surprising Start Lewiston Tribune, 8/18/23 by Eric Barker
Snake River Sockeye Run Sputters Lewiston Tribune, 7/27/23 by Eric Barker
Snake River Sockeye Salmon Run Well Above 10-Year Average Big Country News, 7/28/23 by Evan Ellis
'Fintastic': Almost Double the Amount of Sockeye Salmon Return to Sawtooth Basin this Year KTVB, 7/27/23 by Staff
First Sockeye of 2023 Returned to Stanley Area on July 26 Idaho Fish & Game, 7/27/23 by Roger Phillips
Where the Wild Chinook Are EIN News, 7/12/23 by Idaho Fish & Game
Amid a Battle Over Snake River Dams, a Look at How the Salmon are Doing Capital Press, 5/18/23 by Matthew Weaver
Chinook Counts Surge, But Picture Still Hazy on Idaho, Washington Rivers Idaho Press, 5/16/23 by Laura
Springers on the Move: Snake River Anglers Await Fish Lewiston Tribune, 4/28/23 by Eric Barker
This Year's Return Could Be One of the Smallest on Record Spokesman-Review, 4/23/23 by Eric Barker
Report Warns of Continued Peril for Wild Salmon Capital Press, 3/4/23 by Eric Barker
Washington Salmon 'Still Struggling,' State Report Finds Northwest Sportsman, 2/22/23 by Andy Walgamott
Low Summer Steelhead Return Forecasted for Columbia-Snake Northwest Sportsman, 2/9/23 by Andy Walgamott
Low Returns of Summer Steelhead Expected to Continue in 2023 Oregon Fish & Wildlife, 2/8/23 by Staff
Salmon River Steelheads River Reporter, 2/8/23 by Tony Bonavist
Fishery Managers Expecting Over 300,000 Spring Chinook to Enter Columbia River this Year, 90% Hatchery Fish Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/2/23 by Staff
Watch More Sockeye Salmon Returned to Central Idaho in 2022 than in Nearly a Decade KMVT, 10/6/22 by Staff
Mixed Results for Idaho Sockeye Salmon Return this Year The Daily News, 10/5/22 by Keith Ridler
Idaho Fish & Game Anticipating Largest Steelhead Run on Clearwater River Since 2010 Big Country News, 9/26/22 by Staff
Good News-Bad News: Older Steelhead Making Up Bulk of Return to the Snake, Salmon Rivers Spokesman-Review, 8/31/22 by Eric Barker
Columbia Fish Counts are High, Bolstered by Shad and Sockeye Yakima Herald-Republic, 8/28/22 by Rob Phillips
Snake River Spring Chinook Struggling Like Never Before, Feds Decide Against Classifying Them as 'Endangered' Lewiston Tribune, 8/25/22 by Eric Barker
Federal Protections for Idaho Salmon, Steelhead Here To Stay Capital Press, 8/20/22 by Keith Ridler
11 Adult Sockeye Make Way to Sawtooth Basin Lewiston Tribune, 8/5/22 by Eric Barker
Abundant Sockeye Returns Expected in Sawtooth Valley Idaho Mountain Express, 8/5/22 by Tony Tekaroniake Evans
Snake River Steelhead Outlook: Ho Hum for Now Lewiston Tribune, 7/15/22 by Eric Barker
Strong Sockeye Run Bodes Well for Snake River Returns Lewiston Tribune, 7/8/22 by Eric Barker
Killing Kings Craig Medred News, 6/21/22 by Craig Welch
Spring Chinook Salmon Run Shows Most Impressive Run Since 2016 at Idaho Dam Twin Times-News, 5/12/22 by Eric Barker
Chinook Forecast is Best in 3 Years Lewiston Tribune, 1/1/22 by Eric Barker
Stars Align for 2022 Salmon Runs The Oregonian, 1/1/22 by Bill Monroe
Summer Chinook are Projected to Be About the Same as 2021 The Columbian, 12/15/21 by Terry Otto
Oregon's Coho Salmon Run Breaks Record, Steelhead Numbers Decline The Oregonian, 12/7/21 by Alex Wittwer
Coho Numbers Climb After Fish Were Declared Functionally Extinct in 1985 The Chronicle, 10/29/21 by Eli Francovich
Spawning Joy Lewiston Tribune, 10/29/21 by Eric Barker
Coho Swim to Modern-Day Record Lewiston Tribune, 10/28/21 by Eric Barker
Dismal Returns: 43 Sockeye Make the Journey from the Pacific to Central Idaho in 2021 Post Register, 9/30/21 by Jerry Painter
Sockeye Salmon Released into Central Idaho Lakes to Spawn KTVB, 9/30/21 by Associated Press
In Contrast to Faltering Steelhead Numbers, Fall Salmon Runs are Likely to Exceed Expectations Lewiston Tribune, 9/30/21 by Eric Barker
F&G Reports Faltering Sockeye Run in 2021 Idaho Mountain Express, 9/29/21 by Emily Jones
Steelhead: Life Blood of Columbia Basin Streams Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 9/26/21 by Dennis Dauble
Despite Low Return, F&G's Sockeye Program Releases 1,211 Spawners into Redfish and Pettit Lakes EIN Presswire, 9/24/21 by Idaho Fish & Game
Pink Salmon Makes Rare Appearance Lewiston Tribune, 9/24/21 by Eric Barker
Why are Columbia River Steelhead Having Such a Bad Year? Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/16/21 by Bradley Parks
Study: Strays Dominate Snake River's Trapped Natural-Origin Sockeye Northwest Fishletter, 9/7/21 by K.C. Mehaffey
Record Low Numbers of Steelhead Returning to Columbia River Herald Leader, 9/3/21 by Associated Press
A-run Steelhead Forecast Downgraded Sharply, Spiking Concerns Northwest Sportsman, 8/23/21 by Andy Walgamott
Middling Return Predicted for Fall Chinook Lewiston Tribune, 8/20/21 by Eric Barker
Sockeye Rescue Lewiston Tribune, 8/13/21 by Keith Ridler
Steelhead Slump Appears to Be Record Low Lewiston Tribune, 8/13/21 by Eric Barker
First Sockeye of 2021 Finally Arrives to Redfish Lake Post Register, 8/10/21 by Jerry Painter
Sockeye to be Trucked to Redfish Lake Challis Messenger, 7/8/21 by Associated Press
Sockeye Salmon Facing Hot Water Will Be Trapped, Trucked Idaho State Journal, 7/5/21 by Associated Press
Heat Wave Could Be Hard On Fish Lewiston Tribune, 6/26/21 by Eric Barker
'This is Worse' than 2015: Northwest Weather Heats Rivers, Puts Idaho Sockeye in Danger Big Country News, 7/4/21 by Rocky Barker
Heat Wave Sets Up 'Grim' Migration for Salmon on Columbia, Snake Rivers The Daily News, 6/29/21 by Staff
Heat Wave Brings Concern for Northwest Water Temps as Memory of 2015 Die-Off Looms KNKX, 6/25/21 by Courtney Flatt
Officials say Wild Salmon Runs on Tucannon River are in Dire Straits Spokesman-Review, 6/17/21 by Eric Barker
The News from NOAA Auburn Examiner, 6/16/21 by Pat Neal
A Truck-assisted Migration: Salmon Smolts Get a Helping Hand to Reach Coast Amid Severe Drought Idaho State Journal, 6/16/21 by Harry Morse
Spring Chinook Return Still Middling Lewiston Tribune, 5/7/21 by Eric Barker
Jarring Report On Snake Basin Spring/Summer Chinook, Steelhead Runs Northwest Sportsman, 4/30/21 by Andy Walgamott
New Steelhead State Record Released, 39.25 Inches Bonners Ferry Herald, 4/13/21 by Staff
Another Poor Chinook Return Expected Lewiston Tribune, 1/29/21 by Eric Barker
Report: Washington's Salmon are 'Teetering on the Brink of Extinction' Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/16/21 by Courtney Flatt
Experts Perplexed by Weak Salmon Run Challis Messenger, 11/6/20 by Keith Ridler
Steelhead Returns Sad Compared to History Chinook Observer, 10/19/20 by David Moskowitz
Salmon Returns Exceed Preseason Forecast Chinook Observer, 10/13/20 by Staff
Northeast Oregon Steelhead Run has Made it Over Bonneville Dam Wallowa County Chieftain, 10/13/20 by Katy Nesbitt
Analysis: Steelhead Numbers Up Lewiston Tribune, 9/11/20 by Eric Barker
Record Number of Natural Spawning Salmon Return to Pettit Lake Idaho Mountain Express, 9/18/20 by Tony Evans
Analysis: Steelhead Numbers Up Lewiston Tribune, 9/11/20 by Eric Barker
Low Return So Far for Sockeye Salmon Challis Messenger, 8/12/20 by Associated Press
Sockeye Salmon Return to Redfish Lake, But Numbers are Still Low Idaho Press, 8/12/20 by Staff
First Sockeye Returns to Stanley Basin Challis Messenger, 8/11/20 by Staff
Salmon Return Looks Promising, F&G Says Idaho Mountain Express, 8/7/20 by Emily Jones
First Sockeye Salmon Make Their Arrival at Stanley Basin Lewiston Tribune, 8/7/20 by Staff
First Sockeye of 2020 Arrives at the Sawtooth Basin, Run Likely Larger than Last Year Twin Times-News, 7/31/20 by Brian Pearson
First Sockeye of 2020 Arrives at the Sawtooth Basin, Run Likely Larger than Last Year EIN Presswire, 7/31/20 by Idaho Fish & Game
Watch South Fork Salmon Chinook Numbers Dismal KIVI TV, 7/8/20 by Steve Liebenthal
4 Wild Steelhead Tracked in Marsh Creek Challis Messenger, 5/22/20 by Staff
Spring Chinook Run Looking Weak Lewiston Tribune, 5/8/20 by Eric Barker
Forecast Calls for Harvest Share of Fewer than 1,000 Springers in the Clearwater River Basin Lewiston Tribune, 3/11/20 by Eric Barker
Poor Chinook, Steelhead Runs Forecast Idaho Mountain Express, 3/11/20 by Staff
Chinook Returns in Columbia River Could be Near-Record Low MRT, 2/23/20 by Staff
Anemic Chinook Return Predicted Lewiston Tribune, 2/14/20 by Eric Barker
Snake River Basin Sees Too Few Salmon, Steelhead Return to Maintain, Grow Runs Lewiston Tribune, 1/24/20 by Eric Barker
Sockeye Salmon Run Falters, But Idaho Officials Optimistic Capital Press, 11/25/19 by Keith Ridler
Low Steelhead Numbers Prompt Review Lewiston Tribune, 11/5/19 by Eric Barker
'Every Fish Counts': Giving B-run a Lift Lewiston Tribune, 10/4/19 by Eric Barker
The Grim Outlook for Columbia Basin Salmon and Steelhead Lewiston Tribune, 9/18/19 by Yancy Lind
Steelhead Forecast Grows More Grim Lewiston Tribune, 9/6/19 by Eric Barker
Listen $14 Million Later, First Idaho Hatchery Sockeye Comes Home Boise State Public Radio, 9/4/19 by Samanth Wright
Sockeye Returns Extremely Low KIVI TV, 9/4/19 by Steve Liebenthal
Fisheries Managers to Set Seasons this Week Lewiston Tribune, 8/21/19 by Eric Barker
Steelhead Run Lagging Behind Forecast Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/19 by Eric Barker
Sockeye Return Falls Far Short of Biologists' Expectations Lewiston Tribune, 8/9/19 by Eric Barker
First Sockeye Arrives in Stanley Amid Dismal Returns Post Register, 8/7/19 by Staff
First Sockeye of 2019 Returns to Sawtooth Basin, Run Could Be Lowest in a Decade KTVB News, 8/7/19 by Staff
Sockeye Run is Likely To Be Very Low Idaho Mountain Express, 8/6/19 by Staff
First Sockeye of 2019 Return to Stanley Basin KLIX Fox News, 8/6/19 by Staff
The First Sockeye Arrives at Redfish, But Biologists Worry Few Will Follow. Here's Why Idaho Statesman, 7/31/19 by Rocky Barker
Sockeye Salmon Struggling on Their Return to Idaho This Summer Boise Public Radio, 7/31/19 by Samantha Wright
Idaho Fisheries Managers Forecast Poor Steelhead Return New Haven Register, 7/28/19 by Associated Press
Managers Forecast Poor Return of Steelhead this Year Lewiston Tribune, 7/19/19 by Eric Barker
Poor Chinook Run Continues to Baffle Fishery Biologists Seattle Times, 5/31/19 by Lynda V. Mapes
Weak Spring Chinook Run Winding Down Lewiston Tribune, 5/31/19 by Eric Barker
Springer Numbers Continue Plummet Lewiston Tribune, 5/24/19 by Eric Barker
With Continued Low Spring Chinook Return Some Hatcheries May Not Meet Escapement Goals Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/16/19 by Staff
Chinook Returns at Bonneville About One-Quarter Average Chinook Observer, 5/3/19 by CBB Staff
Run Timing Critical Factor in Spring Chinook Season Lewiston Tribune, 5/3/19 by Eric Barker
Chinook Season Proposals Limit Fishing Days Lewiston Tribune, 2/15/19 by Eric Barker
For 2019 Columbia/Snake Spring Chinook, Sockeye Returns Forecasted to be Well Below Average Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/1/19 by Staff
Fisheries Managers Offer Grim Forecast Lewiston Tribune, 1/25/19 by Eric Barker
More Small Fish Led to Undercount of Idaho's Prized (B-run) Steelhead Last Year NW Fishletter, 9/4/18 by K.C. Mehaffey
Steelhead A-run Still Missing in Action Lewiston Tribune, 8/31/18 by Eric Barker
Down to a Trickle; Steelhead Numbers Continue Descent Lewiston Tribune, 8/31/18 by Eric Barker
States Close Columbia River To Steelhead Retention Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/30/18 by Barry Espenson
Wild Steelhead Return Exceeded Expectations Clearwater Tribune, 8/22/18 by Roger Phillips
First Sockeye of 2018 Arrives at Stanley Twin Times-News, 8/2/18 by Staff
First Sockeye Arrives at Redfish Idaho Mountain Express, 8/1/18 by Staff
First Sockeye of the Year Comes Back to Idaho Boise State Public Radio, 7/31/18 by Samantha Wright
First Sockeye of the Season Returns to Stanley FOX News Radio, 7/31/18 by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Forecast Gloomy Spokesman-Review, 7/30/18 by Eric Barker
Sockeye Run's Return to Idaho is on Par So Far Lewiston Tribune, 7/27/18 by Eric Barker
Reasons for Diminishing Wild B-run Steelhead Returns Come into Focus Lewiston Tribune, 7/14/18 by Eric Barker
Watch Salmon Numbers in Idaho Take a Nose Dive KIVI On Your Side, 6/27/18 by Steve Liebenthal
Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon Run Prediction Downgraded The Oregonian, 5/21/18 by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Numbers On the Rise KMVT, 5/20/18 by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Numbers on Snake, Columbia Rivers Improving Spokesman-Review, 5/19/18 by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Numbers Improving After Late Start KTVB, 5/19/18 by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Numbers Are On The Rise Lewiston Tribune, 5/18/18 by Eric Barker
Extra-tardy Springers are Finally Stirring Lewiston Tribune, 5/11/18 by Eric Barker
Fall Chinook Season Looking Poor; One-Half 10-year Average Chinook Observer, 3/6/17 by CBB Staff
Listen Forecasts Predict Low 2018 Salmon Returns In Washington Oregon Public Br