Don't Can It
| The Recycler's Handbook, 1990
| The Earth Works Group
Ocean, Sun & Idaho's Salmon
| Patagonia, Fall 1999
| David James Duncan
Harmony and Control
| Idaho Mountain Express, 9/27/00
| by Dick Dorworth
| |
To Save The Salmon
| Pamphlet, 9/97
Army Corps Engineers
Occurrences of the word "Sockeye" in FCRPS BiOp 2008
| Supplemental Comprehensive Analysis, 5/5/8
by NOAA Fisheries
Officials Draw Line in the Water to Halt Quagga Mussels
| Capital Press, 9/1/11
| by Sean Ellis
Unique Boat Wash System to Prevent Spread of Invasive Mussels
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/11
| by Staff
Inspectors Find Quagga Mussel on Sailboat Near Flathead Lake
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11
| by Staff
Water Managers on Watch for Aquatic Invaders
| Capital Press, 2/25/11
| by David Wilkins
Report: Mussel Invasion In Upper Snake Likely
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/16/10
| by Staff
back to top |
2024 Report: Smolt-to-Adult Return Rates Won't Meet Regional Goals Under Non-Breach Alternatives
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/24
| by Staff
Report Guided by UI Professor Concludes that Warming Will Stress Idaho's Spring Chinook
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/26/22
| by Eric Barker
Tracking Antenna Set Up Along Salmon, Lemhi Rivers to Spy on Baby Chinook
| Post Register, 10/29/19
| by Jerry Painter
Salmon-mediated Nutrient Flux in Snake River Sockeye Salmon Nursery Lakes
| Lake & Reservoir Management, 10/14/19
| by Melissa Evans et al.
Independent Science Review of Salmon Survival Study Shows Concern over Low Smolt-to-Adult Returns
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/2/18
| by Staff
WSU Study Shows Big Loss in Historic Columbia River Salmon Genetic Diversity
| The Chronicle, 2/8/18
| by Staff
WSU Research Shows Dramatic Decline in Genetic Diversity of Columbia/Snake Chinook Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/18
| by Staff
WSU Researchers Discover Shrinking Gene Pool Among Chinook Salmon Populations
| Spokesman-Review, 1/11/18
| by Chad Sokol
Dramatic Decline in Genetic Diversity of Northwest Salmon Charted
| Science Blog, 1/11/18
| by Staff
Pacific Northwest Salmon Are in Big Genetic Trouble
| Science Magazine, 1/10/18
| by Robert F. Service
Salmon Help Their Offspring by Dying on the Spawning Grounds
|, 12/15/17
| by Staff
Steelhead Trout Population Declines Linked with Poor Survival of Young Fish in the Ocean
|, 6/26/17
| Canadian Science Publishing
Washington's Big Dam Climate Nightmare
| Seattle Weekly, 10/5/16
| by Brett Cihon
Diversity Runs Through Idaho's Wild Steelhead
| Spokesman-Review, 9/14/16
| by Rich Landers
Research Looks at How Cumulative Pathogens May Create More Hazards for Migrating Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/4/16
| by Staff
Scientists Review "Critical Uncertainties" in Columbia Basin Fish/Wildlife Research
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/5/16
| by Staff
Successful Salmon Homing Requires Both Olfactory Imprinting, Geomagnetic Navigation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/22/16
| by Staff
Study Shows Most Smolt-to-Adult Returns Not Enough for Recovery
| NW Fishletter, 1/4/16
| by Laura Berg
2015 Salmon Survival Report Updates Smolt-to-Adult Return Data for Columbia/Snake Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/29/15
| by Staff
Songbird Study Shows River Ecosystem Recovery After Dam Removal, Return of Salmon Nutrients
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/29/15
| by Staff
Salmon Trees
| Hakai Magazine, 12/29/15
| by Nancy Baron
Global Nutrient Transport in a World of Giants
| National Academy of Sciences, 10/26/15
| by Christopher Doughty
Isotopic Evidence for Enrichment of Salmon-Derived Nutrients in Vegetation, Soil, and Insects in Riparian Zones
| American Fisheries Society, 10/2
| by Reimchen et al.
Salmon Support 137 Other Species
| Environment News Service, 7/6/00
| by Ed Hunt
Can Nutrient Additions Facilitate Recovery of Pacific Salmon?
| Canadian Journal Fisheries & Aquatic, 4/99
| by Joseph Benjamin, et al.
The Fish-Based Food Web: When Predator and Prey Connect
| Pacific NW Research Station, 4/13/99
| by Mary Wilson
Fertilization of Terrestrial Vegetation by Spawning Pacific Salmon
| Nordic Society Oikos, 3/6/98
| Ben-David, Hanley & Schell
| |
Prelim Numbers Show High Juvenile Steelhead Passage Survival in 2014; Modeling Methods Reviewed
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/14
| by Staff
Questions Over NOAA's Latest Juvenile Survival Analysis
| NW Fishletter, 10/23/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Stream Temperature Variability: Why It Matters to Salmon
| Science Findings, 7/11/14
| by Marie Oliver
Economists Suggest Ways to Improve Next F&W Program
| NW Fishletter, 4/3/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Smolt-To-Adult Data Shows Gap Narrows Between Lower Snake In-River/Transport
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/13
| by Staff
Latest Results from Corps' Annual Research Review
| NW Fishletter, 12/12/13
| by Bill Rudolph
FPC Memo Defends CSS Spill Analysis
| NW Fishletter, 11/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
2013 Prelim Data: Chinook Survival from Above Lower Granite to Below Bonneville at 52.3%
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/1/13
| by Staff
Improving Salmon's Success in the Wild and Aquaculture
| Science Daily, 9/23/13
| by Staff
Comments on "Influence of multiple dam passage on survival. . ." by Rechisky et al. (2013)
| Fish Passage Center Memo, 5/22/13
| by Fish Passage Center
Dams, Altered Environment Have 'Elicited an Adaptive Response in Snake River Fall Chinook'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/12/13
| by Staff
Latest NMFS Analysis on Seasonal Barging Strategy
| NW Fishletter, 3/29/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Review of NOAA Fisheries' Life-Cycle Models of Salmonid Populations in the Columbia River Basin
| NW Power & Conservation Council, 3/25/13
| by Erik Merrill
The Density Dilemma: Limitations on Juvenile Production in Threatened Salmon Populations
| Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 2/25/13
| Walters, Copeland, Venditti
The ISAB Weighs in on Fish Goals, Spill Benefits
| NW Fishletter, 11/12/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Review of Salmon Survival Study: Smolt-to-Adult Return Goals Should be Reassessed
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12
| by Staff
Snake River Sockeye Broodstock Program Preserving Population's Genetic Diversity
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/10/12
| by Staff
Idaho Fish and Game Warns of Jaw Tags in Salmon
| KIVI TV, 6/28/12
| by Jaclyn Brandt
Long-Term Population Dynamics of the Endangered Snake River Sockeye Salmon
| American Fisheries Society, 1/9/11
| by Daniel Selbie et al.
Measuring the Salmon Data in the Streams of the Columbia River Basin
| The Oregonian, 6/23/11
| by Scott Learn
New System Helps Explain Salmon Migration
| Science Daily, 1/15/10
| by Staff
Study: Account for Tag-Loss and Tag-Induced Mortality
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/9/9
| by Staff
Toxic Contaminants and Their Effects on Salmonids
| Science Policy Exchange, 9/11/9
| Morace, Johnson & Nilsen
Salmon Migration Mystery Explored on Clearwater River
| e! Science News, 9/12/7
| by Nate Poppino
Dworshak & Brownlee Hydro Operations
| Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7
| by Greg Haller
Flow/Spill - Fall Chinook Migration Characteristics
| Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7
| by Jerry McCann
Survival Rates: In-river, Ocean and Climate Conditions
| Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7
| by Schaller & Petrosky
Linking Plume and Ocean to Salmon Growth and Survival
| Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7
| by Ed Casillas
Effects of a Removable Spillway Weir on Juvenile Salmon
| Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7
| by Adams, Plumb & Rondorf
Direct Survival of Migrating Salmonid Smolts
| Science Policy Exchange, 9/12/7
| by Smith, Williams, Muir, Zabel, Faulkner
| |
Fish 'An Ally' Against Climate Change
| New Scientist, 1/16/9
| by Catherine Brahic
Tribes Advance DNA Testing on Salmon
| The Seattle Times, 1/17/9
| by Joseph Frazier
Is This Picture in Danger of Disappearing?
| The Daily Astorian, 12/26/8
| by Michael Burkett
Amid Climate Change, Fish Struggle to Adapt
| The Spokesman-Review, 12/13/8
| by Keith Chaplin
Transporting Juvenile Salmon Hinders Adult Migration
| Eureka Alert, 12/5/8
| by Press Release
Spectrometer Reconstructs Historic Idaho Sockeye Runs
| ISU Headlines, 8/8
| by Staff
Salmon Fossils Dated to 1 Million Years
| The Olympian, 10/19/6
| by John Dodge
As the Chinook Go, So Go the Orcas
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/5/6
| by Peggy Andersen
FCRPS Summer Spill 2005 After-Action Report
| Salmon Recovery .Gov, 10/31/5
| by Fed Action Agencies
Divergent Life History Shapes Gene Expression
| Harvard University, 7/20/5
| by Steve Bradt
Centuries Ago Juveniles Entered Estuary as Younger, Smaller Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/20/11
| by Staff
| |
Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program Reports
| Army Corps of Engineers
| by Various Scientists
Chinook Smolt Survival Study Released
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/5/3
| by Bill Crampton
Poor Returns for In-River Migrants in 2001
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/26/3
| by Barry Espenson
Preserving Salmon Biodiversity
| American Scientist
| by Levin & Schiewe
Supporting Dam Removal
| Letter to President Bill Clinton
| from 200+ Scientists
Urging Dam Removal
| Letter to President Bill Clinton
| from 200+ Scientists
Issue Papers Overview
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Sediment Considerations
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
The Ocean Influence
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Fish Health & Stress
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Genetics Perspective to Fitness
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Headwater Nutrient Loss
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Delayed Mortality Hypotheses
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
1950s and 1960s Productivity
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Ocean and Estuarine Predators
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Ocean and In-river Harvest
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Smolt Transportation
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Causes of Decline
| Idaho's Fish: Status & Recovery
| Idaho Fish & Game
Linking Delayed Mortality to Hydrosystem Experience
| American Fisheries Society, 2002
| Budy, Thiede, Bouwes, Petrosky & Schaller
| |
2003 In-River Fish Passage Survival
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Survival Estimates for Yearling Juvenile Salmonids through FCRPS, 1966-80 & 1993-99
| Journal of Fisheries Management, 2001
| by Williams, Smith and Muir
Scientific Advice on Endangered Salmon Deleted
| Union of Concerned Scientists, 1/16/1
| by Staff
| |
Hatchery Fish Can Crowd Out Wild Stock
| NW Fishletter, 7/22/3
| by Bill Bakke
Scientists Rank Innovative Proposals
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/22/00
| by Barry Espenson
Recovery Options for Chinook Salmon
| Nature, 11/3/00
| by Kareiva & Marvier
PATH Updates Fall Chinook Findings
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/99
| by Mike O'Bryant
IDFG, CRITFC Criticize A-Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/17/99
| by CBB staff
Status: Snake River Chinook
| National Marine Fisheries 6/99
| Matthews & Waples
Biologic Decision Analysis
| Conclusions, January 1999
| Oregon Fish & Game
Where Salmon Die
| Idaho Farm Bureau News
| John McKern (ACOE)
| |
back to top |
Why Fish Need Trees and Trees Need Fish
| Alaska Dept. Fish & Game, 11/8
| by Anne Post
Sawtooth Salmon Festival Canceled Due to Fires
| Challis Messenger, 8/3/24
| by Staff
U.S. Forest Service Approves Stibnite Gold Mine in Central Idaho
| Idaho Capital Sun, 1/7/25
| by Clark Corbin
More Land Added to NE Oregon's Minam River, Habitat for ESA-Listed Snake River Salmon, Steelhead
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/24
| by Staff
Idaho Salmon May Hold Key to Survival of Species
| Idaho Statesman, 8/17/22
| by Tanushri Sundar
Nez Perce Tribe Disputes Idaho Gold Mine Air Quality Permit
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/29/22
| by Keith Ridler
Research Shows Salmon Could Lose 38% of Spawning Habitat in Bear Valley Creek
| Idaho Capital Sun, 7/11/22
| by Clark Corbin
Biden Admin Rolls Out $38 Million for Fish Passage
| Hatch Magazine, 4/19/22
| by Chris Hunt
Almost a Century, Spring Chinook Will Return to Lapwai and Sweetwater Creek
| Daily Fly, 3/9/22
| by Nez Perce Tribe
WA Legislature Stalls on Efforts to Preserve Salmon Habitat
| Seattle Times, 3/7/22
| by Lynda Mapes
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Mark Milestone in Sockeye Recovery Efforts at Pettit Lake
| Idaho Mountain Express, 5/21/21
| by Tony Evans
Senate Infrastructure Package Could 'Significantly Improve' Salmon Habitat
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/12/21
| by Courtney Flatt
Groups Win Court Challenge to Logging in Snake River Steelhead Critical Habitat
| Missoula Current, 8/10/21
| by MacFarlane & Garrity
Indian Creek Restoration Starts Near Elgin
| The Observer, 8/12/21
| by Staff
Gillnetting Operation Targets Lake Trout in Stanley Lake
| Post Register, 4/23/21
| by Jerry Painter
State Proposes Grants to Whitman County Water Quality Projects
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 1/16/21
| by Staff
Unique Idaho Salmon Numbers Rise, But Extinction Looms
| KTVB 7, 11/25/20
| by Keith Ridler
Shoshone-Bannock Push to Save Endangered Sockeye Salmon
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/14/20
| by Tony Evans
Canadian Mining Company Sues US Over Idaho Water Pollution
| Columbia Basin Herald, 8/19/20
| by Associated Press
Forest Thinning Proposed for Alturas-Pettit Area
| Idaho Mountain Express, 7/15/20
| by Greg Moore
Conservation Groups Sue Trump Administration to Halt Massive Logging in Steelhead Critical Habitat
| Counter Punch, 7/2/20
| by MacFarlane & Garrity
Secret No More: Plan to Eliminate Lake Trout from Stanley Lake Underway
| Post Register, 6/13/20
| by Jerry Painter
Washington Salmon may Fare Better in a Warming Climate than Others
| KOMO News, 8/3/19
| by Abby Acone
McCall says 'No' to Stibnite Mine Agreement
| Boise State Public Radio, 1/9/19
| by Monica Gokey
Nez Perce Tribe Files Suit Against Midas Gold Over Plans for Mine
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/10/19
| by Eric Barker
Climate Change Pushing Western Salmon Toward Extinction
| KQED, 7/30/19
| by Bob Berwyn
Some Pacific Salmon Populations are Especially at Risk from Climate Change
|, 7/24/19
| Public Library of Science
Judge Orders Sawtooth Valley Water Diversions Examined
| KTVB, 6/18/19
| by Keith Ridler
Washington State Budget Scrimps on Replacing Salmon-Blocking Culverts
| Idaho Statesman, 5/2/19
| by Gene Johnson
Tribes Use Western and Indigenous Science to Prepare for Climate Change
| Hakai Magazine, 2/21/19
| by Erica Gies
Let's Give Sawtooth Salmon a Chance
| Idaho Mountain Express, 12/19/18
| by Marie Callaway Kellner
Palouse Conservation District to Host Restoration Event for Killer Whales
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 11/9/18
| by Staff
UW Study Reveals Sockeye Carcasses Tossed on Shore for 20 Years Spurred Tree Growth
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 8/20/18
| by Staff
Boating or Floating the Middle Fork of the Salmon? Steer Clear of the Redds
| Idaho Press, 8/20/18
| by Staff
USFS Issues Redds Warning for Middle Fork Salmon River
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/14/18
| by Staff
Middle Fork Boaters Urged to Steer Clear of Salmon Redds
| East Idaho News, 8/14/18
| by Staff
Chinook Salmon Begin Spawning on a Wild Idaho River
| Boise State Public Radio, 8/14/18
| by Frankie Barnhill
Official: Some Miners Dredging Up Problems
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/2/18
| by Eric Barker
Dam Breach in Washington to Cost Owner $2.5 Million, Plus Fines
| Capital Press, 7/26/16
| by Don Jenkins
Work Begins on Yankee Fork Restoration Project
| Idaho Mountain Express, 6/29/18
| by Staff
'This Will Be a Big Deal for People Who Fish for Trout'
| Idaho Statesman, 4/13/18
| by Rocky Barker
Study Details Challenges for Northwest Salmon, Trout as Region's Rivers Face Warming Temperatures
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/13/18
| by Staff
Lawsuit: Sawtooth Valley Water Diversions Harming Salmon
| Idaho State Journal, 1/30/18
| by Keith Ridler
New Approach in Idaho Underway to Better Direct Salmon Habitat Restoration, Measure Results
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17
| by Staff
Cattle Grazing Suspended on Two Parts of Central Idaho
| Miami Herald, 7/14/17
| by Keith Ridler
Feds Suspend Grazing on East Fork Salmon
| Idaho Mountain Express, 7/12/17
| by Greg Moore
Scientists OK Six Large Columbia Basin Habitat Projects, with Caveats
| NW Fishletter, 4/3/16
| by Laura Berg
Nez Perce Helping to Purchase Easement to Provide Habitat for Spawning Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/9/16
| by Staff
Idaho Power River Restoration Project Nears Completion
| Idaho Press-Tribune, 11/16/16
| by Olivia Weitz
Pole Creek Gets More Conservation Protection
| Idaho Mountain Express, 10/14/16
| by Greg Moore
Stanley Firefighters Extinguish Two Wildfires
| Challis Messenger, 8/4/16
| by Todd Adams
Council Looks at Past Efforts Before Preparing Fish RM&E Plan
| NW Fishletter, 8/1/16
| by Laura Berg
Restoration at Yankee Fork Resumes
| Idaho Mountain Express, 1/15/16
| by Greg Moore
Fish Restoration Resumes on Yankee Fork
| Challis Messenger, 1/14/16
| by Gannet News Service
Fish Restoration Work Resumes in Yankee Fork
| Times-News, 1/12/16
| by Gannet News Service
Middle Fork Could Regain Role as Salmon Nursery
| Idaho Mountain Express, 26/2/16
| by Greg Moore
Cold Headwater Streams Appear Least Vulnerable to Climate Change, Offer Refuge for Cold Water
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/16
| by Staff
Study: Intensive, Long-Term Monitoring Key to Determining Effects of Habitat Restoration
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/5/16
| by Staff
Salmon River Ranch Protected
| Idaho Mountain Express, 1/13/16
| by Staff
Conservation Easement Preserves Historic Ellis Ranch
| KMVT, 1/12/16
| by DeSiree Fawn
Idaho Ups Water Enforcement Efforts
| Capital Press, 12/2/16
| by Sean Ellis
Washington Orchard Accused of Water Theft
| Capital Press, 12/3/15
| by Don Jenkins
Study: Habitat Restoration Projects Often Fail to Target Highest Priority Needs for Ecosystem,Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/4/15
| by Staff
Salmon Habitat Protected in Eastern Idaho Conservation Easement
| KIRO TV, 7/30/15
| by Keith Ridler
Endangered Salmon Face Insurmountable Journey Back to Idaho's Salmon River
| Post Register, 7/8/15
| by Aubrey Wieber
Forest Plans Fish Habitat Project at Yankee Fork
| Idaho Mountain Express, 7/8/15
| by Bart Gamett
Fighting for Idaho's Anadromous Fish
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 6/28/15
| by Associated Press
Workshop Takes a Look at How Wildfires May Help Or Hurt Columbia Basin Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/22/15
| by Staff
Fish Recovery Efforts May be Limited by Habitat Constraints
| NW Fishletter, 3/6/15
| by Bill Rudolph
Gold Mine Plan in Central Idaho Wilderness Draws Objections
| Washington Times, 3/22/15
| by Keith Ridler
Report States Need to Protect Rivers
| Idaho Mountain Express, 3/4/15
| by Staff
Independent Science Board: 'Density Dependence,' Diminished Habitat Constraining Salmon Recovery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/27/15
| by Staff
Monument Could Help Salmon Recovery
| Idaho Mountain Express, 2/25/15
| by Betsy Mizell
Spawning, Rearing Habitats Not Always The Same
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/12/14
| by Staff
Animal Training Can Benefit Water Quality
| Capital Press, 11/21/14
| by Doug Warnock
Fuel Reduction Project Near Redfish Lake Seeks Comments
| Times-News, 10/13/14
| by Tetona Dunlap
Forest Thinning Project Proposed for Redfish
| Idaho Mountain Express, 10/13/14
| by Greg Moore
Flows Adjusted for Chinook Salmon
| Idaho Mountain Express, 10/10/14
| by Staff
Building Bridges for Fish
| BPA Journal, 10/14
| by Staff
Idaho, BPA Reach $40 Million Deal on Wildlife Mitigation Funding
| Idaho Statesman, 9/23/14
| by Governor "Butch" Otter
Biologists Focus on Revitalizing the River
| Connections, 8/14
| by Idaho Power
Conservation Sales Protect Salmon Habitat, Wilderness
| Idaho Statesman, 8/22/14
| by Rocky Barker
Juvenile Salmon Growth Study Highlights Stream Habitat/Temperature/Food Complexities
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/14
| by Staff
In Upper Salmon, A Project for Fish
| Idaho Mountain Express, 4/23/14
| by Greg Moore
Study of 91 Stream Restoration Projects Shows Most Increase Over-Wintering Capacity for Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14
| by Staff
Feds Spent $392M to Manage Idaho Ground
| Capital Press, 2/7/14
| by Heather Smith Thomas
Feds Spent $392M to Manage Idaho Ground
| Capital Press, 10/9/13
| by Associated Press
Researchers, Tribes Detail Climate's Effects on Salmon
| Capital Press, 10/8/13
| by Steve Brown
Newest Fish Plan Adds More Habitat Actions
| NW Fishletter, 9/19/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Draft Plan Details Actions to Benefit Fish
| BPA Journal, 9/13
| by Staff
Draft Report Shows Gains for Fish
| BPA Journal, 8/13
| by Staff
The Heat Is On For Salmon
| Idaho Statesman, 8/3/13
| by Rocky Barker
Columbia System Gets Hotter and Deadly for Salmon and Steelhead
| Idaho Statesman, 7/30/13
| by Rocky Barker
Fire at Redfish Lake Closes Campsites, Lodge
| Times News, 7/24/13
| by Kimberlee Kruesi
Fire Continues to Burn near Redfish Lake
| Times News, 7/23/13
| by Kimberlee Kruesi
Idaho Town, Farmers Aim to Bust Dam to Help Fish
| ABC News, 7/16/13
| by John Miller
New Science Could Benefit Sockeye
| Idaho Statesman, 6/5/13
| by Rocky Barker
Army Corps Wants Cattle Off Its Land
| Capital Press, 4/23/13
| by Matthew Weaver
Panel Says Stick with Expensive Habitat Monitoring Programs
| NW Fishletter, 4/18/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Makeover Planned for Tucannon River
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/17/13
| by Eric Barker
Native Plants get a Boost at Hells Gate
| The Missoulian, 1/11/13
| by Eric Barker
Council Launches Review of Columbia Basin Fish Habitat Projects Funded by BPA
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/7/12
| by Staff
Salmon Study Predicts Trouble for Idaho Fish
| NWCN, 11/6/12
| by Associated Press
Listen Salmon the Focus of Northwest Rivers Initiative
| Northwest Public Radio, 10/30/12
| by Aaron Kunz
Skeptical Ranchers Mark Salmon Project's 20th Year
| Capital Press, 7/22/12
| by John Miller
Forest Service Purchasing 1,481 Acres Along Imnaha River
| Wallowa County Chieftain, 4/6/12
| by Staff
Forest Service Buys Small Parcels in ID, OR, and WA
| National Public Radio, 4/9/12
| by Amelia Templeton
Estimating Fish Benefits from Habitat Actions may Take Decades
| NW Fishletter, 1/19/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Council Recommends BPA Funding For 8-Year, $10 Million Tucannon Project
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/11
| by Staff
Measuring the Salmon Data in the Streams of the Columbia River Basin
| The Oregonian, 6/23/11
| by Scott Learn
Salmon Abundance Brings Productivity of Riparian Plant Life
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/25/11
| by Staff
Researchers Test Feasibility of Trucking Returning Sockeye
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/9/10
| by Staff
Monster Trucks are Headed for the Columbia & Snake River
| Blue Oregon, 8/10
| by Staff
Wanted: Salmon, Dead and Wanted: Salmon, Dead and Alive
| Idaho State Journal, 6/13/10
| by Scott Collins
Project Aims At Restoring Fish Habitat in SF Salmon River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/11/10
| by Staff
Nez Perce Sue Over Irrigation Plan
| Capital Press, 6/10/10
| by Associated Press
Tucannon River and Pataha Creek Water Quality Report
| Department of Ecology, 4/15/10
| by Jani Gilbert
Three-way Grazing Argument Centers on Steelhead
| Capital Press, 4/3/10
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Property Acquired to Benefit Salmon, Agriculture
| The Nature Conservancy, 2/23/10
| by Staff
Evaluating Relationship Between Roadways, Restoration
| University Arizona, 9/1/9
| by La Monica Everett-Haynes
Biologists at Bonneville Track Heat around Salmon Habitat
| KUOW, 8/14/9
| by Tom Banse
Tucannon Lakes may be Lost if Repairs are Not Made
| The Seattle Times, 7/27/9
| by John Trumbo
Idaho gets Nearly $200K for Water Quality Work
| Capital Press, 5/21/9
| by Associated Press
Conservationists in Deal to Protect Salmon Habitat
| KIVI TV, 4/28/9
| by Associated Press
Environmental Groups say Idaho Gravel Mine Violates Laws
| Idaho Statesman, 4/27/9
| by Rocky Barker
Nature Conservancy Uses Funds to Protect Salmon Habitat
| Idaho Statesman, 3/23/9
| by Rocky Barker
Otter: Give Us Credit for Billions Spent on Salmon Effort
| Idaho Statesman, 3/11/9
| by Rocky Barker
Couple Protects 160 Acres in Pahsimeroi Valley
| Idaho Mountain Express, 2/4/9
| by Jason Kauffman
New Strategy Targets Abundant Salmon Runs
| KOMO News, 9/14/8
| by Associated Press
At Hanford Reach, Nuclear Plant Preserved Nature
| The Seattle Times, 8/23/8
| by Linda Shaw
Mine, Environmentalists Hail ID Cobalt Mine Deal
| The Seattle Times, 8/18/8
| by Todd Dvorak
Conservation Group Strikes Deal with Mining Company
| Idaho Statesman, 8/14/8
| by Rocky Barker
Seeking Solutions for the Clearwater
| KLEW TV, 5/30/8
| by Matt Loveless
Loan Propels Project
| Argus Observer, 4/8/8
| by Larry Meyer
Projects to Make Travel Easier for Fish on Touchet River
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 4/5/8
| by Carrie Chicken
Most Columbia Water Users Agree to Report Diversions
| The News Tribune, 9/4/7
| by Staff
Ecology Monitoring Irrigation Water from Columbia River
| KNDO/KNDU, 9/3/7
| by Staff
Bonneville County Is Getting Rid of Salt Cedar
| Environmental News Net, 9/3/7
| by Staff
Hardiness Map Shifts with Climate
| Capital Press, 8/17/7
| by Dave Wilkins
Conifer Losses Alarm Residents
| Idaho Mountain Express, 4/18/7
| by Sabina Dana Plasse
Students Work to Return Cool Water to Lapwai Creek
| Indian Country, 6/4/6
| by Brad Gary
Idaho, Feds Agree on New Forest Program
| Capital Press, 11/3/6
| by Pat McCoy
'Following Salmon Science' Not Easy
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/2/6
| by Robert McClure
Flathead System a Control for Salmon Studies
| The Daily Inter Lake, 9/20/6
| by Jim Mann
How Ripe is the Bug-Killed Kindling for Wildfires?
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/7/6
| by Shannon Dininny
Agencies Working to Fix Bark-Beetle Problems
| Idaho Mountain Express, 9/6/6
| by Wiggins & Troyer
Miles of Fencing Going Up in White Clouds
| Idaho Mountain Express, 9/1/6
| by Jason Kauffman
Trailhead Fire Threatens Stanley
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/25/6
| by Steve Benson
Beetle 'Epidemic' Rends Northwest Forests
| Environmental News Net, 3/24/6
| by Associated Press
Low to Moderate Pesticide Runoff in Basin Project
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/2/6
| by Shannon Dininny
Report: One-fourth of Idaho's Water Marred
| The Olympian, 1/20/6
| by Staff
Energy Will Wait to Ship Nuclear Waste to WA Site
| Environmental News Network,1/10/6
| by Shannon Dininny
Help Salmon, Plant a Shrub
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer,12/29/5
| by Lisa Stiffler
Idaho Water Quality Work on Schedule
| Capital Press, 12/23/5
| by Patricia McCoy
Group Says Snake River Deficient in Dirt
| Baker City Herald, 11/29/5
| by Jayson Jacoby
Salmon Plans Heard at Workshop
| Union-Bulletin, 4/22/5
| by Andy Porter
Protecting Timber Industry Against Legal Action
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/10/5
| by McClure & Stiffler
'Critical Habitat' for Salmon in Peril
| The Columbian, 1/9/5
| by Erik Robinson
Conservation Security Watersheds Named
| Capital Press, 11/12/4
| by Patricia McCoy
Idaho Salmon Recovery may get Federal Boost
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/17/4
| by Staff
Salmon Recovery Board Has Public Workshop
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/12/4
| by Staff
Salmon River Cleanup Volunteers Needed
| Idaho Mountain Express, 9/8/4
| by Staff
Salmon Float Restrictions Revised
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/11/4
| by Greg Stahl
Beetles Eat at Sawtooth Pines in Natural Cycle
| Idaho Statesman, 7/21/4
| by Rocky Barker
SNRA Battles Pine Beetle "Epidemic"
| KBCI TV, 7/20/4
| by Jon Hanian
Global Warming's Unlikely Harbingers
| High Country News, 7/19/4
| by Michelle Nijhuis
Pine Beetle Infestation Creates Fire Danger
| Times-News, 5/30/4
| by Jennifer Sandmann
Subbasin Plans, Issues Out for Comment
| Columbia Basin Bulletin,10/15/4
| by Barry Espenson
One-Fourth Subbasin Plans Scientifically Sound
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4
| by Barry Espenson
Subbasin Plans Make Deadline
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/4/4
| by Barry Espenson
Agreement Could Set Water Rights for Idaho
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4
| by CBB staff
$117,000 Goes to Restore Stream Banks
| Capital Press, 7/30/4
| by Staff
Sportsmen Thumbs Down on Bush Rule
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/15/4
| by Associated Press
Water Settlement Would Affect Logging
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/11/4
| by Eric Barker
Forest Officials Hope to Reduce Fire Risk
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/8/4
| by Eric Barker
Feds Suspend Take Permits for 'No Surprises'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4
| by CBB staff
Cooperation Brings Success to Grand Ronde
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/4/4
| by CBB staff
Court Declines Appeal of Water Diversions
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/4/4
| by Staff
PNW Watersheds Chosen for Conservation
| Capital Press, 5/21/4
| by Mitch Lies
Idaho Receives New Salmon Money
| Capital Press, 4/9/4
| by Patricia McCoy
Idaho Landowners Eligible for Habitat Money
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/6/4
| by Eric Barker
Judge: BLM Must Consult Over Diversions
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/2/4
| by CBB staff
Gorge Comm. Closing In on Land Use Rules
|, 2/25/3
| by Associated Press
Council: Subbasin Plan 'Response Loop'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/20/4
| by Barry Espenson
Flaws and Strengths of First Subbasin Plan
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/13/4
| by Barry Espenson
Nez Perce Sue Over Logging Proposal
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/23/4
| by CBB staff
Environmentalists Challenge Timber Sale
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/8/4
| by Eric Barker
'Water Transactions' Improves Flows for Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/12/3
| by Barry Espenson
States, Tribes Asked for Habitat Info for BiOp
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/5/3
| by Bill Crampton
Ranchers Make Wildlife-Friendly Compromises
| Idaho Farm Bureau Quarter, 11/3
| by John Thompson
Judge: Logging Needs Pollution Permits
| Post Register, 10/17/3
| by David Kravets
Feds Want Big Cuts in Grazing of Whiteclouds
| Idaho `, 10/16/3
| by Staff
Stream Projects to Benefit Endangered Fish
| Idaho Mountain Express, 10/15/3
| by Greg Stahl
Kempthorne Signs on Species Protection
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/3
| by CBB staff
Governor Signs Fish Deal
| Post Register, 10/14/3
| by Kathleen O'Neil
Idaho Signs Conservation Pact
| Idaho State Journal, 10/10/3
| by Associated Press
State Signs Pact to Help Aid Salmon Recovery
| The Idaho Statesman, 10/9/3
| by Staff
Salmon Restoration Begins with Habitat
| The Columbian, 8/21/3
| by Erik Robinson
NOAA Releases Habitat Improvement BIOP
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Spending Bills Keep Salmon Recovery Flat
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by CBB staff
$5 Million Approved for Channel Deepening
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by CBB staff
USFWS Award Millions in Conservation Grants
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by CBB staff
Habitat Document Available
| Capital Press, 7/18/3
| by Staff
BPA, Others Fund Purchase of Asotin Land
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by CBB staff
Bills Give Funding Boost for FWS ESA Work
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by CBB staff
Buy Expands Asotin Creek Wildlife Area
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/17/3
| by Eric Barker
Funding Fish Screens on Non-Federal Facilities
| Capital Press, 7/4/2
| by Larry Swisher
USFWS Gives Landowners Incentives
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/27/3
| by CBB staff
Bill Allows Rec Bureau to Fund Off-Site Work
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/27/3
| by CBB staff
NPCC Approves $2 Million for 11 Subbasins
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/9/3
| by Barry Espenson
USFWS Unveils Fish Passage Support System
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/3
| by CBB staff
Water Temperature History
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/23/3
| by Gene Spangrude
Scientists Outline Difficulties in Determining
| NW Fishletter, 4/15/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Study: Importance of Nutrients for Salmon
| NW Fishletter, 4/15/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Legislation Would Free BuRec BiOp Work
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Economics Board Reviews Clearwater Plan
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
ID Judge Rejects Lawsuit Filed over HCP
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3
| by CBB staff
WDFW Loses Funds for Upland Restoration
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3
| by CBB staff
Model Helps Choose Watershed Projects
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3
| by CBB staff
BPA Helps Salmon Passage on Lemhi River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/21/3
| by CBB staff
ID May Net $20 Million for Salmon Recovery
| Idaho Statesman, 3/16/2
| by Staff
USFWS: $5 Million in Grants for Habitat
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/3/3
| by CBB staff
U.S. Unveils Plan for Columbia Basin
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/24/3
| by Associated Press
Council Earmarks $1 Million for Subbasins
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/3
| by Staff
Council's Project Funding for Five Provinces
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/20/2
| by Barry Espenson
Salmon Return to Ancestral Spawning Beds
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/14/2
| by Greg Stahl
Water Metering Ordered
| Tri-City Herald, 7/3/2
| by Mike Lee
Improving Water Quality in the Lemhi River
| Idaho Farm Bureau News, 7/2
| by Staff
House Bill Would Protect 13 Million Acres
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/7/2
| by Staff
Officials Propose New Floating Permits
| Idaho Mountain Express, 4/24/2
| by Greg Stahl
Habitat Projects Could Get $26.3 Million
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/1/2
| by Associated Press
Plan: Drop 14,000 Salmon Carcasses
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/15/1
| by News Service
Forests & Salmon Depend On Each Another
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/28/1
| by United Press Intl.
Tribes Target State Road Culverts
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/16/1
| by Associated Press
Oregon Feeds Carcasses to Salmon
| The Oregonian, 11/3/00
| by Jonathan Brinckman
Russian River may be Key to NW Fish
| The Daily Interlake, 3/2/00
| by Jim Mann
Fish's Role in Ecosystem Recycling
| Seattle Times, 2/6/00
| by Jeff Barnard
Ultimate Sacrifice
| New Scientist, 9/6/97
| Sharon Levy
back to top |
ACOE Gets Earful about Sediment Problems
| Lewiston Tribune, 2/16/7
| by Eric Barker
Comments Sought on Lower Snake River Dredging Plan
| Dredging Today, 1/12/13
| by Staff
Washington Industrial Sites Have New Requirements to Protect Water Quality
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/9/24
| by Staff
Watch Dismantling of Derelict Abandoned Barge Averts Potential Columbia River Disaster
| KATU, 12/5/24
| by Staff
Whitman County Health Department Lifts Health Advisory for Snake River Algal Bloom
| Big Country News, 10/29/24
| by Courtney Flatt
Toxic Algal Bloom Found on the Snake River for Second Year in a Row
| NW Public Broadcasting, 8/17/24
| by Courtney Flatt
Whitman County Public Health Reports Harmful Algal Bloom Found in Snake River
| KREM, 1/16/24
| by Vinny Saglimbeni
Portland Pays Oregon $19.5M to Clean the Columbia Slough
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/26/24
| by April Ehrlich
EPA Grant to Mitigate Toxic Pollution in Columbia River Basin
| NBC Montana, 12/19/23
| by Staff
Ninth Circuit Upholds Clean Water Act Precedent in Idaho Mining Case
| Capital Press, 11/28/23
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Grand Ronde Tribe Receives $2 Million for Toxics Reduction
| Itemizer-Observer, 11/25/23
| by Bridget Moran
Projects to Restore Columbia River Basin Health in Oregon Get $31 Million
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 11/20/23
| by Alex Baumhardt
U.S. Regulators will Review Car-Tire Chemical that Kills Salmon, Upon Request from West Coast Tribes
| Associate Press, 11/4/23
| by Mark Thiessen
State Removes First Hazardous Vessel from Columbia River, More to Come
| KOIN, 10/13/23
| by Andrew Foran
Algae Bloom in Lower Snake River
| Spokesman-Review, 11/14/23
| by Bert Bowler
Large Snake River Toxic Algal Bloom Hasn't Happened Before
| NW News Network, 10/10/23
| by Courtney Flatt
Fire Retardant has Killed Thousands of Fish in the Pacific Northwest, Including Endangered Salmon
| Spokesman-Review, 9/7/23
| by Susannah Frame
Port of Vancouver Settles Suit Over Pollution
| The Columbian, 9/14/23
| by Sarah Wolfe
Port of Vancouver USA, Columbia Riverkeeper Reach Agreement Settlement
| Vancouver Business Journal, 9/14/23
| by Joanna Yorke-Payne
Simplot Feedlot in SW Idaho Subject of Clean Water Act Suit
| Capital Press, 5/10/23
| by Brad Carlson
Yakama Nation Warns Feds They'll Sue Over Long Delayed Cleanup of a Columbia River Island
| Pacific Northwest Inlander, 5/11/23
| by Samantha Wohlfeil
A Year After Superfund Designation, Bradford Island Cleanup Hasn't Started
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/17/23
| by Monica Samayoa
Tribes Caught in Food Safety Dilemma
| Food Safety News, 1/30/23
| by Cookson Beecher
DEQ Fines Seafood Processors for Polluting Columbia River
| Statesman Journal, 1/11/23
| by Tracy Loew
Teck Fined $2.2 Million for Polluting Columbia River, says Improvements Made Since 2019 Incident
| Vancouver Sun, 1/11/23
| by Gordon Hoekstra
Teck Metals Ltd. Ordered to Pay a $2.2 Million Fine for Unlawful Deposit of Effluent into Columbia River
| Kiowa County Press, 1/10/23
| by Canada Newswires
New Columbia River Protections Under EPA Permits
| Public News Service, 1/5/23
| by Mark Moran
EPA Issues Water Protection Permits for Columbia River Dams
| Kiowa County Press, 12/2/22
| Washington News Service
Q&A on Pollution Permits With Columbia Riverkeeper's Miles Johnson
| NW Fishletter, 11/7/22
| by Miles Johnson
McNary Refuge Again Safe for Recreation
| Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 11/1/22
| by Sheila Hagar
Walla Walla's McNary Wildlife Refuge Reopens Sloughs 3 & 4
| YakTri News, 10/31/22
| by Erin Wencl
Group: Oil Leak Another Reason Dams Should Be Removed
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/1/22
| by Staff
Every WA Congressional Leader is Sending Biden the Same Message About the Hanford Nuclear Site
| Tri-City Herald, 10/27/22
| by Annette Cary
Hundreds of Gallons of Oil Leak into Snake River from Little Goose Dam
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/31/22
| by Courtney Flatt
Hundreds of Gallons of Oil Leak into Snake River from Little Goose Dam
| KUOW, 10/27/22
| by Courtney Flatt
Little Goose Lock and Dam Turbine Spills Oil into Snake River
| NBC Right Now, 10/26/22
| by Michael LeCompte
Dam Turbine Leaks Hundreds of Gallons of Oil into Snake River in Eastern WA
| Tri-City Herald, 10/26/22
| by Staff
USACE Takes Turbine Out of Service at Little Goose Lock and Dam Due to Oil Leak
| Big Country News, 10/25/22
| by Staff
Nerve Toxin Detected in Columbia River in Tri-Cities. Warning Issued for People and Pets
| Tri-City Herald, 10/14/22
| by Annette Cary
Idaho Goldminer Fined $150,000 for Unauthorized Dredging of South Fork of Clearwater River
| Spokesman-Review, 9/29/22
| by Kip Hill
Health Officials: Water at McNary Wildlife Refuge Still Toxic in Some Areas
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 9/7/22
| by Staff
Pollution Cleanup Starts on N. Oregon Coast After Ferry Sinks at Astoria
| Oregon Coast Beach Connection, 8/4/22
| by Staff
Coast Guard, Partner Organizations to Remove Pollution Threat from Sinking Ferry Astoria, OR
| Tillamook County Pioneer, 8/3/22
| by Editor
Shock of Deadly Nerve Toxins in Columbia River at Tri-Cities Prompts New Warnings
| Tri-City Herald, 7/11/22
| by Annette Cary
Ferguson: Supreme Court Decision Won't Hurt Hanford Workers
| KOMO News, 6/21/22
| by Nicholas Geranios
Weyerhaeuser Company Reaches Agreement to Reduce Columbia River Pollution at Longview Mill
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/12/22
| by Staff
Two Pleasure Boats Catch Fire on Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 5/16/22
| by Associated Press
Idaho Power to Pay More Than $1 Million Over Unpermitted Pollution at 15 Hydroelectric Dams
| Boise State Public Radio, 4/11/22
| by Troy Oppie
Diesel Spills Into Palouse River
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/27/22
| by Anthony Kuipers
Idaho Power Faces $1M in Fines Over Dam Pollution Permits
| Capital Press, 4/12/22
| by Keith Ridler
Columbia Riverkeeper Files Lawsuit Against Weyerhaeuser Timber Company
| Big Country News, 3/28/22
| by Sydney Brown
Bradford Island at Bonneville Dam Gets Superfund Designation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/17/22
| by Staff
Contaminated Columbia River Island Added to Superfund List
| KOMO News, 3/17/22
| by Associated Press
Environmental Watchdog Files Lawsuit Against NORPAC Over Columbia River Pollution
| Law Street Media, 3/1/22
| by David Collins
Washington Lawmakers Consider 'Net Ecological Gain' Requirement
| Capital Press, 1/17/22
| by Don Jenkins
Longview Paper Mill Fined $68,000 for Water Quality Violations
| WA Dept. of Ecology, 1/16/22
| by Press Release
Port on Columbia River Fined $1.3M Over Nitrate Violations
| The Oregonian, 1/12/22
| by Associated Press
Strong Wind Gusts Prove Challenging for Boats on Columbia River
| KATU, 12/27/21
| by Staff
Corps Sued Over Columbia River Dam Pollution
| Waterways Journal, 12/29/21
| by Don Jenkins
Seven Years On, Columbia River Benefits from Water Pollution Lawsuit
| Public News Service, 12/27/21
| by Eric Tegethoff
Inslee's Mandatory Buffer Bill Failing to Move
| Capital Press, 12/28/21
| by Don Jenkins
Inslee to Push for Mandatory Riparian Buffers
| Capital Press, 10/22/21
| by Don Jenkins
Oregon Fines Da Yang Seafood $105K for Discharge into River
| The Daily News, 10/22/21
| by Associated Press
Dire Future Ocean Impacts on ID Chinook Highlight Need for Freshwater Habitat Restoration
| Northwest Sportsman, 8/23/21
| by Andy Walgamott
Abandoned Boat Sinks in Columbia River
| KPIC, 11/1/21
| by Staff
Columbia Riverkeeper Sues Mercury Plastics Under the Clean Water Act
| Law Street Media, 10/22/21
| by Wilson Fay
Court Strikes Down Trump EPA Water Permitting Rule
| Greenwire, 10/25/21
| by Jeremy Jacobs
Superfund Consideration is Welcome News
| The Columbian, 9/12/21
| by Editorial Board
States, Tribe Call for Superfund Site on Columbia River
| Public News Service, 8/19/21
| by Eric Tegethoff
Conservationists: Idaho Power Illegally Flushes Oil, Grease Into Snake River
| Boise State Public Radio, 6/25/21
| by James Dawson
Oil Leak Reported at Little Goose Dam
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/19/21
| by Staff
Columbia River Site Land Goes Back to Alcoa
| The Daily News, 1/19/21
| by Marissa Heffernan
Oregon to Phase Out Most Uses of Chlorpyrifos by End of 2023
| Capital Press, 12/16/20
| by George Plaven
EPA Reaches Agreement for Portland Harbor Superfund Site
| Dredging Today, 12/15/21
| by Staff
Oregon DEQ Sues Corps Over Bradford Island Cleanup Costs
| NW Fishletter, 11/3/20
| by KC Mehaffey
DEQ: Army Corps Should Pay to Clean Bonneville Dam Toxins
| KOIN, 10/22/20
| by Amanda Arden
Teck Pegged with U.S. Tribes' $1.6M Legal Bill
| Maple Ridge News, 8/20/20
| by Sheri Regnier
Bonneville Dam Powerhouse Shut Down After Oil Spill Discovered
| Hydro Review, 7/16/20
| by Staff
Bonneville Dam Oil Spill Under Investigation
| The Oregonian, 7/15/20
| by Staff
Up to 100 Gallons of Turbine Oil Spilled into Columbia River from Faulty Bonneville Dam Turbine
| The Oregonian, 7/15/20
| by Kale Williams
Settlement in Monsanto PCB Pollution Case
| The Maritime Executive, 6/25/20
| by Staff
Portland, Port Join Settlement with Monsanto over PCBs Contamination
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/24/20
| by Monica Samayoa
Chlorpyrifos Ban Proposed in Washington Legislature
| Capital Press, 1/30/20
| by Don Jenkins
Groups Slam Federal Government's Latest Proposed Cleanup Plan for Hanford Nuclear Site
| Indian Country, 11/30/19
| by Press Release
Another Settlement Reached Over Columbia and Snake River Dams Leaking Oil
| Spokane Public Radio, 11/26/19
| by Courtney Flatt
Add Columbia River's Polluted Bradford Island to Superfund
| Seattle Times, 11/6/19
| by Editorial Board
Watch National Group says Pesticides Poisoning Pacific Northwest Salmon
| Q13 Fox, 11/1/19
| by Simone Del Rosario
Fleet from Teck American Anchors in Trail
| Trail Times, 10/4/19
| by Sheri Regnier
60K Gallons of Sewage Overflows Into Willamette River
| KBND, 8/12/19
| by Staff
Riverkeeper Holds Community Forum on Bradford Island Cleanup
| Hood River News, 8/10/19
| by Staff
Watch Snake River Dam Spills Up To 300 Gallons of Oil into River
| Q13 Fox, 8/9/19
| by Simone Del Rosario
Army Corps of Engineers Reports Suspected Oil Leak into Snake River
| Stars and Stripes, 8/9/19
| by Associated Press
Army Corps: 200-300 Gallons of Oil may Have Spilled into Snake River
| Yak Tri News, 8/9/19
| by Carissa Lehmkuhl
Army Corps Reports Suspected Oil Leak into Snake River
| San Francisco Chronicle, 8/9/19
| by Associated Press
Up to 300 Gallons of Oil May Have Spilled into the Snake River from a Leaking Dam Turbine
| Tri-City Herald, 8/9/19
| by Wendy Culverwell
Teck Will Continue to Fight U.S. Judgement
| BC Local News, 6/18/19
| by Sheri Regnier
Canadian Mining Company Liable for Pollution Flowing from Kootenays to U.S.
| CBC News, 6/18/19
| by Bob Keating
Canadian Mining Company Must Pay Colville Tribe Costs Tied to Clean-up of Columbia River
| Spokesman-Review, 6/15/19
| by Kip Hill
More Mercury in the Fish We Eat?
| Spokesman-Review, 6/14/19
| Tyler, Grondin & Wilke
Council Approves $24 Million Superfund Cleanup Planning Agreement
| Portland Tribune, 5/22/19
| by Jim Redden
Vancouver Fined for Raw Sewage Spill into Columbia
| NW Fishletter, 2/4/19
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Environmental Lawsuit Targets Apple Processor Over Storm Runoff
| Capital Press, 1/8/19
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Vancouver Fined $60,000 for 2017 Columbia River Sewage Spills
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/4/19
| by Molly Solomon
Oil Spill Creates Mess for Lewiston Firm
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/28/18
| by Staff
Coleman Oil Fined for Spilling into Columbia River at Wenatchee
| iFiber One, 11/28/18
| by Jefferson Robbins
Teck Loses US Pollution Case
| Castanet, 9/20/18
| by Colin Dacre
Court Takes Chlorpyrifos Chemical Away from Farmers
| Capital Press, 8/20/18
| by Don Jenkins
53-gallon Oil Spill Reported at The Dalles Dam
| The Oregonian, 6/15/18
| by Everton Bailey Jr.
Two Oil Spills at Dalles Dam Send 523 Gallons into Columbia River
| Statesman Journal, 6/14/18
| by Zach Urness.
ACOE say 474 Gallons of Oil Could Have Spilled into Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 3/29/18
| by Molly Harbarger
Industries Fight Yakama Nation's Demand to Clean Up More Fish Habitat
| Courthouse News, 4/13/18
| by Karina Brown
The Dalles Dam Misplaced 470 Gallons of Oil. It's Probably in the Columbia
| Portland Mercury, 3/29/18
| by Kelly Kenoyer
USACOE May Have Spilled More than 470 Gallons of Oil Into the Columbia River
| Willamette Week, 3/29/18
| by Katie Shepherd
Barge Spilled Liquid Fertilizer into Snake River at Pasco. State Takes Action
| Tri-City Herald, 3/19/18
| by Annette Cary
Barge Company Fined $18,000 for Spilling Liquid Fertilizer to Columbia and Snake Rivers
| KNDO/KNDU, 3/19/18
| by Staff
Gateway to Superfund Site Getting Cleanup Plan
| Portland Tribune, 3/8/18
| by Steve Law
Wastewater Worries
| Argus Observer, 3/4/18
| by Hunter Marrow
Decision Nears on Port of Astoria Oil Contamination Cleanup
| Daily Astorian, 2/28/18
| by Edward Stratton
Teck Appeals $8.25 Million U.S. Court Ruling
| Trail Times, 2/16/18
| by Sheri Regnier
EPA Forms Posse to Fix 'Broken' Endangered Species Regulations to Speed Pesticide Approval
| Washinton Examiner, 1/31/18
| by John Siciliano
Organizations Working to Clean Up Oil Spill in Columbia River Estuary Near Astoria
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/26/18
| by Staff
Cleaning Up Columbia River Oil Spill Could Take Weeks
| Greenwire, 1/23/18
| by Staff
Watch Astoria Oil Spill Cleanup Could Take Weeks
| The Oregonian, 1/22/18
| by Anna Marum
Listen NOAA says Pesticides Killing Northwest Salmon, Orca
| Public News Service, 1/12/18
| by Eric Tegethoff
Oil Spills into Snake River at Lower Monumental Dam
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/12/18
| by Staff
Oil Spills into Snake River in Franklin County
| Tri-City Herald, 1/11/18
| by Annette Cary
NTSB Issues Report on 2016 Columbia River Bulker Grounding
| Marine Link, 1/19/18
| by Joseph Keefe
Coast Guard Responds to Bulk Carrier Aground in Columbia River near Crims Island
| Tillamook County Pioneer, 12/16/17
| by Staff
Grain Freighter Runs Aground on Columbia
| The Oregonian, 12/15/17
| by Allan Brettman
Yakama Nation Demands Accountability for Columbia River Sewage Spills
| KUOW, 9/27/17
| by Ericka Cruz Guevarra
Drill, Baby, Drill: Agencies Practice Emergency Response to Columbia River Oil Spill
| East Oregonian, 9/27/17
| by George Plaven
742 Gallons of Oil Dripped into Snake River near Kahlotus
| Tri-City Herald, 8/9/17
| by Annette Cary
Corps Confirms Oil Leak at 810-MW Lower Monumental Hydro
| HydroWorld, 8/9/17
| by Elizabeth Ingram
Corps: Oil Leaked from Dam into Snake River Over 7 Months
| U.S. News & World Reports, 8/9/17
| by Associated Press
High Bacteria Levels Result in Warnings at Chestnut Beach
| Daily Fly, 7/8/17
| by Staff
MOL-owned Chemical Tanker Runs Aground in Columbia River
| American Shipper, 7/10/17
| by Mark Edward Nero
Vessel Carrying Ethanol, Gasoline Runs Aground Along Columbia River
| KATU, 7/6/17
| by Allan Brettman
Stuck Fuel Tanker on Columbia River Refloated, Heads to Port of Longview
| The Oregonian, 7/6/17
| by Allan Brettman
Review: Coal Terminal Would Boost Pollution, Safety Issues
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/28/17
| by Phuong Le
Emergency Declared at Nuclear Plant After Tunnel Collapses with Radioactive Materials
| Daily Star, 5/9/17
| by Tom Towers
Watch Coast Guard Cleaning Up 'River Queen,' Other Derelict Boats on Columbia
| KGW, 6/6/17
| by Keely Chalmers
Pollution Threat: Site Lease Terminated Near Goble
| The Chronicle, 5/15/17
| by Cody Mann
BNSF Railway Must Clean Up Coal Train Pollution
| Stanwood Camano News, 3/23/17
| by Staff
BNSF Pays $1 Million Settlement for Alleged Pollution of Rivers
| KING5, 3/3/17
| by Associated Press
Endangered Species Act Lawsuit Over Pesticides Resurrected
| Capital Press, 2/6/17
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Five Rescued After Fishing Boat Sinks Off Columbia River
| KOMO News, 1/7/17
| by Staff
Port of Portland Files Lawsuit Against Monsanto
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/5/17
| by Conrad Wilson
Radioactive Plume from Fukushima Makes Landfall on America's West Coast
| Enviro News Oregon, 12/12/16
| by Emerson Urry
EPA Partially Oks State Standards for Toxic Pollutants in WA Waters, Adds Federal Rules
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/16
| by Staff
Congress Floats River Program
| The Dalles Chronicle, 12/14/16
| by Staff
Congress Passes Columbia River Restoration Act
| East Oregonian, 12/12/16
| by George Plaven
Efforts Underway to Reduce Mercury, Improve Water Temps in Snake River's Brownlee Reservoir
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/16
| by Staff
Nenita Ran Aground in Columbia River
| Marine Link, 11/21/16
| by Michael Harris
Dworshak Oil Spill Into North Fork Clearwater Slows Turbine Overhaul, Cleanup Continues
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/23/16
| by Staff
Groundwater 90 Tons of Contamination Cleaner
| Tri-City Herald, 10/24/16
| by Annette Cary
Oil Spilled at Dworshak Dam Contained
| NW Fishletter, 10/3/16
| by Laura Berg
Responders Appear to Have a Handle on Oil Spill at Dworshak Dam
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/21/16
| by Eric Barker
Bulk Carrier Rosco Palm Aground in Columbia River
| Maritime Herald, 8/15/16
| by Staff
Scientists Tackle Mercury Woes in River on Idaho-Oregon Border
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/14/16
| by Keith Ridler
Oil Car Upgrades Roll Slowly
| The Dalles Chronicle, 7/13/16
| by Matthew Brown
Suit: Grand Coulee Dam Pollutes River
| The Star, 7/6/16
| by Scott Hunter
Superfund Expert says Natural Recovery Won't Work to Clean Up Portland Harbor
| Portland Tribune, 6/24/16
| Bianca Pahl & Steve Law
Group Sues to Force Pollution Disclosure at Washington Dam
| Tri-City Herald, 6/29/16
| by Phuong Le
Portlanders Blast EPA for Superfund Cleanup Plan
| Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 6/24/16
| by Kristena Hansen
Listen Legal Dispute Filed Over Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/23/16
| by Cassandra Profita
Listen EPA Proposes $746M Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/14/16
| by Cassandra Profita
City Council to Hold Public Hearing on Superfund Cleanup Plan
| Portland Tribune, 6/14/16
| Jim Redden & Steve Law
Willamette River Cleanup Plan 'Underwhelming,' Environmentalists Say
| KGW, 6/9/16
| by Sara Roth
EPA Recommends 7-year, $750M Superfund Cleanup Plan
| Portland Business Journal, 6/8/16
| by Andy Giegerich
Vessel Owners Fined for Pollution Violations
| St. Helens Chronicle, 6/8/16
| by Don Patterson
Long-awaited Portland Harbor Cleanup Plan Relies Mainly on Mother Nature
| The Oregonian, 6/8/16
| by Kelly House
Washington Water Rule Will Be Tough on Farmers, Group Warns
| Capital Press, 5/6/16
| by Don Jenkins
Everyone's Waiting on Instructions for Cleaning Up the Willamette
| The Portland Mercury, 3/30/16
| by Dirk VanderHart
USCG Monitoring Grounded K Line Bulker for Pollution in Columbia River
| Splash 24/7, 3/22/16
| by Donal Scully
Wanted: Real-life Takes on the $1.4B Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup
| Portland Business Journal, 3/3/16
| by James Cronin
Norden Bulk Carrier Spills Bunker Oil into Columbia River
| Splash 24/7, 2/20/16
| by Donal Scully
Teck Metals Fined $3.4-Million for Polluting B.C.'s Columbia River
| The Globe and Mail, 2/29/16
| by Mark Hume
Teck Metals Expected to Plead Guilty to 15 Pollution-related Charges
| CBC News, 2/1/16
| by Staff
Teck Metals to Plead Guilty Over Pollution in Trail, B.C.
| The Globe and Mail, 1/28/16
| by Mark Hume
Ecology Cancels Eastern Washington Water Quality Meetings
| Capital Press, 1/11/16
| by Matthew Weaver
Industry Needs Reasonable Pollution Rules
| Spokesman-Review, 11/6/15
| by Editorial Board
Do Superfund Cleanup Right
| Portland Tribune, 10/27/15
| by Travis Williams
OR Businesses and Residents Will Foot Much of Bill for Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup
| Portland Tribune, 10/27/15
| by Furman, Kantor, Wyatt
EPA Moves Portland Harbor Closer to a Cleanup, and Portland Should See Opportunity
| The Oregonian, 9/24/15
| by Editorial Board
Community Group Bashes Portland Harbor Cleanup Options as Too Weak
| The Oregonian, 10/19/15
| by Kelly House
Petition Against Richland Nuclear Plant Permit Denied
| Tri-City Herald, 9/20/15
| by Annette Cary
Details of Oil Spill Response Plan Questioned
| The Dalles Chronicle, 9/11/15
| by George Plaven
FERC Releases Draft EIS for Proposed Natural Gas Terminal/Pipeline in Columbia River Estuary
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/13/15
| by Staff
County, Corps Ready to Start Dredging Permit Process
| The Daily Astorian, 8/10/15
| by Staff
Army Corps Seeks Comment on Dredge Spoils
| Wahkiakum County Eagle, 8/13/15
| by Staff
Troutdale Superfund Site Starts Phase 2 Improvements
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/6/15
| by Kristian Foden-Vencil
EPA, DOE Reach Settlement on Timetable to Remove Hanford Sludge Along Columbia River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15
| by Staff
EPA, Corps Finalize Clean Water Rule Aimed at Protecting Streams, Wetlands from Pollution
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15
| by Staff
Northwest Environmental Advocates Files Suit Over Limits On Toxic Pollutants In Oregon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/24/15
| by Staff
U.S. Seeks OS&Y Valves for Piping System (oil pumps) at 980-MW McNary Dam
| HydroWorld, 4/16/15
| by Staff
Oil Spill Plan is Being Updated
| The Dalles Chronicle, 4/21/15
| by Derek Wiley
Response Planned for Oil Train Tanker Spill
| East Oregonian, 4/17/15
| by George Plaven
Crude Oil Refinery Proposed
| The Dalles Chronicle, 4/17/15
| by Associated Press
Refinery Proposed Last Year for Columbia River, Records Show
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/15/15
| by Wilson & Schick
U.S. Extends Call for Oil Filtration Systems for 402-MW Dworshak Hydro Project
| HydroWorld, 4/8/15
| by Staff
Sen. Murray: DOE Appears to be Pulling Plug on Some Hanford Cleanup
| Tri-City Herald, 3/25/15
| by Annette Cary
DEQ Fines Portland for Wastewater Discharge
| The Oregonian, 2/27/15
| by Vickie Kavanagh
4 Things to Know About the Columbia Generating Station Lawsuit
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/30/14
| by Courtney Flatt
Into the River: Samples Show What the Port Puts in the Columbia
| The Daily Astorian, 1/20/15
| by Edward Stratton
Judge Allows Teck Mining Lawsuit Alleging Decades of Toxic Pollution to Continue
| Business Wire, 1/8/14
| by Hagens Berman
Plutonium and a National Park: Marking Birth of the Atomic Bomb
| The Daily News, 12/4/14
| by Joel Connelly
EPA Begins Fining Hanford Over Deadline
| The Columbian, 10/15/14
| by Associated Press
Death by Dirty Water: Storm Runoff a Risk for Fish
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/17/14
| by Associated Press
Energy Northwest Defends Its Columbia River Track Record
| Nuclear Street, 11/4/14
| by Nuclear Street
Groups File Suit Challenging Water Quality Permit for Northwest's Only Nuclear Plant
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/31/14
| by Staff
Energy Northwest Defends Water Permit for its Richland Nuclear Plant
| Portland Business Journal, 11/3/14
| by Wendy Culverwell
Environmental Groups Sue Washington Over Nuclear Plant's Effect on Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 10/30/14
| by Nicholas K. Geranios
Deal Reached to Pump Leaking Hanford Tank
| The Columbian, 9/29/14
| by Associated Press
Ecology on Water Rule: Let Them Eat Fish
| Capital Press, 10/1/14
| by Don Jenkins
EPA Releases 'Salmon Mapper' for 12 Pesticides
| Capital Press, 9/26/14
| by Mitch Lies
Study Shows 'Alarming Levels' of Toxics in Columbia River Fish
| Hood River News, 9/30/14
| by Staff
Study: Alarming Levels of Toxics in Columbia River Fish
| KGW, 9/30/14
| by Keely Chalmers
Corps Will Apply for Pollutant Discharge Permits at Dams
| NW Fishletter, 9/11/14
| by Steve Ernst
Hanford Beats Annual Water Cleanup Goal
| Tri-City Herald, 8/12/14
| by Annette Cary
Getting it Right in Sullied Portland Harbor
| The Oregonian, 8/9/14
| by Editorial Board
Owner of Boat that Sank in Columbia River Convicted of Abandoning Vessel, Pollution
| Daily Journal, 8/8/14
| by Associated Press
AG Ferguson Secures Derelict Vessel Conviction in Benton Co.
| KVEW, 8/7/14
| by Dan Thesman
Listen Pollution from Columbia River Dams Must be Disclosed
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/4/14
| by Associated Press
Corps Agrees to Monitor Dam Pollution
| The Columbus Dispatch, 8/4/14
| by Nigel Duara
Columbia Riverkeeper, Army Corps Settle Suit Over Pollution from Dams
| Portland Business Journal, 8/1/14
| by Wendy Culverwell
New Bill Pushes for $50 Million to Restore Columbia River
| Jefferson Public Radio, 7/28/14
| by Staff
Inslee Proposes New Water Quality Standards
| NW Fishletter, 7/24/14
| by Bill Rudolph
After 40 Billion America's Biggest Nuclear Dump is Still Leaking
| Who What Why, 7/14/14
| by Les Neuhaus
Pesticide Settlement Raises Question Mark
| Capital Press, 6/11/14
| by Mateusz Perkowski
25 Years On at America's Most Contaminated Nuclear Waste Site
| BBC News, 6/10/14
| by Taylor Kate Brown
Groups Fight to Protect Endangered Species from Dangerous New Pesticide
| eNews Park Forest, 6/3/14
| by Press Release
Mother Lode of Chromium at Hanford Excavated
| Tri-City Herald, 5/31/14
| by Annette Cary
Yakama Nation Fights for Nuclear Waste Cleanup at Hanford Site
| Earth Island Journal, 5/21/14
| by Michelle Tolson
State Presents Hanford Cleanup Priority List
| The Bellingham Herald, 5/24/14
| by Annette Cary
$3.6B Needed in 2016 for Hanford Cleanup
| Tri-City Herald, 5/14/14
| by Annette Cary
Study Looks at Impacts of Warmer Stream Temperatures/Pesticide Combination
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/14
| by Staff
State Too Quick to Threaten Consent Decree Provision Over Hanford Cleanup
| Tri-City Herald, 4/22/14
| by Editorial Board
Settling for a 'Cheap' River Fix
| Portland Tribune, 4/21/14
| by Steve Law
Narrow Inlet Could House Piles of Sediment
| Portland Tribune, 4/21/14
| by Steve Law
No More 'Wait and See' at Hanford Nuclear Site: Guest opinion
| The Oregonian, 4/14/14
| by Brett VandenHeuvel
Watch Oil Spill Prep May Ratchet Up
| The Columbian, 3/16/14
| by Eric Florip
Teck Smelter Spills Chemical Solution into Columbia River
| CBC News, 2/1/14
| by Brady Strachan
Toxic Waters: Focus Should be Clean Up, Not Do Not Eat, Tribal Leaders Say
| Indian Country, 1/12/14
| by Terri Hansen
Idaho Fish Farm Settles with EPA Over Polluting Snake River with Wastewater
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/13
| by Staff
Lawsuit Claims Teck Toxins Caused Disease
| The Canadian Press, 12/20/13
| by Dene Moore
Class Damages Sought for Belching Smelter
| Courthouse News, 12/2/13
| by June Williams
U.S. Town Prepares to Sue B.C. Mining Giant Over Alleged Smelter Pollution
| The Province, 11/26/13
| by Staff
Lake Roosevelt: The Dam-made Lake Holding a Century of Pollution
| Wenatchee World, 10/12/13
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Groups Sue EPA Over WA's Fish-Consumption Standard
| NW Fishletter, 11/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
EPA Sued Over Fish Consumption in State
| The Herald, 10/14/13
| by Gene Johnson
Lake Roosevelt: The Dam-made Lake Holding a Century of Pollution
| The Wenatchee World, 10/12/13
| by K.C. Mehaffey
EPA Suspends $125,500 Fine on Portland Harbor Companies
| Willamette Week, 10/1/13
| by Aaron Mesh
Oregon, Washington, Warn Against Eating Columbia River Fish
| The Dalles Chronicle, 9/23/13
| by Jonathan J. Cooper
Listen Warning: Some Columbia River Fish Not Safe to Eat
| Boise State Public Radio, 9/23/13
| by Anna King
DoE Proposes New Approach for Hanford Nuclear Cleanup
| Modern Power Systems, 9/27/13
| by Staff
Contaminated Fish Alert: High Mercury, PCBs in Certain Columbia River Species
| The Oregonian, 9/23/13
| by Lynne Terry
Oregon, Washington Issue Columbia River Fish Warning
| The Columbian, 9/23/13
| by Associated Press
Coast Guard Responds to Boat Sinking on the Columbia River
| The Chronicle, 9/17/13
| by Staff
Court: Work on Yucca Mountain Must Resume
| Tri-City Herald, 8/13/13
| by Annette Cary
Greens Call Bonneville Dam Cancerous Polluter
| Courthouse News Service, 8/5/13
| by Jonny Bonner
Oil Discharge in Columbia River Increases Natives' Cancer Risk by 5,000 Percent
| Indian Country, 8/5/13
| by Staff
Army Corps is Sued for Oil Leaks into Columbia River
| Portland Tribune, 8/5/13
| by Steve Law
Either a Major Victory or a Devastating Defeat, Over Wastewater Treatment Plan
| Pacific Northwest Inlander, 7/25/13
| by Daniel.Walters
Cooperative Conducts Oil Spill-Response Practice at Port of Longview
| The Daily News, 7/18/13
| by Erik Olson
Watch Hanford Officials Hid Leak Evidence from Advisory Panel
| King 5 News, 5/21/13
| by Susannah Frame
NRC: Feds Need Coordinated, Common Approach for Pesticides' Impacts on ESA Species
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13
| by Staff
Portland Harbor Companies Ask EPA to Drop $125,500 Superfund Fine
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/1/13
| by Aaron Mesh
Agency Fines Portland Harbor Interests $125,000
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/17/13
| by Associated Press
EPA Hits Lower Willamette Group with $125,500 Penalty on Portland Harbor Cleanup
| The Oregonian, 4/16/13
| by Scott Learn
Portland Reaches Settlement Over Willamette River Superfund Site
| Willamette Week, 4/8/13
| by Andrea Damewood
How Fish Consumption Determines Water Quality
| High Country News, 4/1/13
| by Sarah Jane Keller
NMFS' Pesticide BiOp Thrown Out on Appeal
| NW Fishletter, 3/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Appeals Court Remands Salmon/Pesticide BiOp Back to District Court; Demands Clarity
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/1/13
| by Staff
Appeals Court Overturns Federal Finding on Three Pesticides
| Capital Press, 2/21/13
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Federal Judges Vacate Controversial NMFS Pesticides Biological Opinion
| E & E, 1/22/13
| by Jeremy P. Jacobs
Watch Energy Northwest Earthquake Drill in Richland
| KNDU / KNDO, 1/26/13
| by Staff
Six Hanford Tanks Leaking Radioactive Waste
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/22/13
| by Joel Connelly
America's Most Contaminated: Radioactive Waste Leaks into NW River
|, 1/23/13
| by Staff
At the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, a Steady Drip of Toxic Trouble
| The Daily Beast, 2/24/13
| by Eric Nusbaum
Bret Simpson, Scrap Dealer Who Botched Salvage of Barge Davy Crockett, Fined $405,000
| The Oregonian, 1/28/13
| by Scott Learn
Derelict Vessel Owner Ordered to Pay More Than $1 Million for Columbia River Oil Spill
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/28/13
| by Bonnie Stewart
EPA Criticizes Clean-Up Study for Portland Harbor Superfund Site
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/24/13
| by Amelia Templeton
Colville Tribes Claim Columbia River Pollution Court Win
| PS Business Journal, 12/17/12
| by Staff
Ecology Finds No Source of Minor Snake River Sheen
| The Olympian, 12/5/12
| by Staff
Bonneville To McNary: Fish Show High Levels of Toxic Pollutants, Degraded Riparian Areas
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/30/12
| by Staff
State Study Finds Columbia Water 'Generally Good'
| Capital Press, 11/27/13
| by Mitch Lies
Pesticide Makers ask Court to Overturn Restrictions
| Capital Press, 11/1/12
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Agencies Disagree on Buffers
| Capital Press, 11/1/12
| by Mateusz Perkowski
OR Commission Rejects Pesticide Restriction Petition, says Several Programs Addressing Issue
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/9/12
| by Staff
As Ongoing Project, Columbia Riverkeeper Collects Toxin Data in Fish Caught by Anglers
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12
| by Staff
Toxic Algae Warning Issued for Little Goose Dam
| Tri-City Herald, 10/3/12
| by Staff
Court Rules Against Clark Co. in Polluted Runoff Case
| KOIN Local 6, 9/25/12
| by Associated Press
Teck Resources Admits it Polluted Columbia River in US
| Environmental Leader, 9/17/12
| by Staff
Teck Metals Concedes Canada Smelter Leached Heavy Metals into Upper Columbia River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12
| by Staff
Mining Company Teck Admits Polluting U.S. Waters; Damage to be Assessed
| The Province, 9/10/12
| by Dene Moore
Teck Resources Admits Polluting Columbia River in U.S.
| Vancouver Sun, 9/11/12
| by Gordon Hoekstra
Canadian Mining Company Admits Pollution
| Spokesman-Review, 9/10/12
| by Staff
Teck Admits to Polluting River Over Course of Century
| The Nelson Daily, 9/10/12
| by Kyra Hoggan
Canadian Smelter Refines its Legal Case with Admission
| Seattle Times, 8/13/12
| by Lance Dickie
Colville Tribe, Teck go to Court Over Columbia River Pollution
| Seattle Times, 8/12/12
| by Staff
Portland Harbor Cleanup is Too Important to Get Hung Up on Fine Print
| The Oregonian, 8/3/12
| by Editorial Board
Portland Harbor Cleanup Dispute Centers on Fish Consumption
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/31/12
| by Bonnie Stewart
Lower Willamette Group Not Complying with Superfund Cleanup Order for Portland Harbor
| The Oregonian, 7/31/12
| by Scott Learn
Tribes Work to Raise Awareness of Consumer-Product Pollution in Columbia River System
| Indian Country Today, 7/2/12
| by Terri Hansen
Copper Exposure Damages Salmon's Sense of Smell, Less Able to Detect Predators
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/12
| by Staff
Barge Owner Guilty of Polluting Columbia River
| KGW, 7/12/12
| by Associated Press
WA Scrap Dealer Pleads Guilty in Botched Salvage of Barge Davy Crockett
| The Oregonian, 7/12/12
| by Scott Learn
Governors Unite to Remove Derelict Vessels from Columbia
| Bend Bulletin, 7/1/12
| by Rachel La Corte
Washington State may Change Fish Consumption Estimate
| Wenatchee World, 6/19/12
| by Associated Press
Lots of Fish, Lots of Toxins; Officials Looking to Change That
| Yakima Herald, 6/18/12
| by Phil Ferolito
Nine-City Study Reveals What's Contaminating the Columbia River
| The Daily News, 6/16/12
| by Natalie St. John
Columbia's Needs Go Beyond Salmon Recovery
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/1/12
| by Cassandra Profita
Hanford's Latest Insult to Taxpayers
| Seattle Times, 5/7/12
| by Editorial Board
Columbia Polluter Headed Toward Day of Reckoning
| Seattle Times, 4/10/12
| by Editorial Board
Portland Harbor Superfund Site Cleanup Must Extend to the Columbia
| The Oregonian, 4/16/12
| by Virgil Lewis
Low Standards for Water Put Fish Eaters at Heightened Risk
| Spokesman Review, 4/23/12
| by Becky Kramer
We Eat a Lot of Fish, But is That Healthy?
| The News Tribune, 4/20/12
| by Associated Press
B.C. Smelter Loses to Colville Tribes in Pretrial Part of Pollution Suit
| Seattle Times, 4/8/12
| by Becky Kramer
Colville Tribes, WA Doing Well in River Pollution Lawsuit
| Spokesman Review, 4/8/12
| by Becky Kramer
Yakama Nation Challenges Polluters to Clean and Protect Lower Columbia River
| Indian Country, 4/8/12
| by Terri Hansen
Cutting Through the Muck
| The Oregonian, 4/8/12
| by Editorial Board
EPA Will Examine Options for Willamette Superfund Site
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/29/12
| by April Baer
What the Muck?
| Willamette Week, 3/29/12
| by Aaron Mesh
Novick's Harbor Doubts
| Willamette Week, 3/28/12
| by Aaron Mesh
West Hayden Island Development Plan More Environmentally Conscious
| Daily Journal of Commerce, 3/26/12
| by Reed Jackson
Columbia County Rancher gets $300,000 Fine for Water Pollution
| The Oregonian, 3/23/12
| by Eric Mortenson
Cities Squeezed by Approaching Water Quality Regs
| Hungry Horse News, 2/22/12
| by Richard Hanners
Oil Leak Reported at Ice Harbor Lock and Dam
| KEPR TV, 2/28/12
| by Tyler Slauson
Portland Harbor Cleanup Could Cost Billions, Provide Little Health Benefit
| The Oregonian, 2/8/12
| by Scott Learn
Aging NW Dams Pose Challenge for Fish, Feds
| KTVZ, 2/5/12
| by Chris Thomas
Ice Harbor Dam Repairs Under Way After Oil Leaks into Snake River
| Tri-City Herald, 2/4/12
| by Annette Cary
Slow Leaks at Ice Harbor Dam Spill 1,500 Gallons of Transformer Oil into Snake River
| The Oregonian, 1/27/12
| by Scott Learn
Davy Crockett, the Sleeping Giant
|, 12/20/11
| by Eric J. Chandler
Barge Demolition Case in Court
| Daily Record, 12/9/11
| by Barb Owens
Crews Remove Last Traces of Davy Crockett Cleanup
| The Columbian, 11/22/11
| by Eric Florip
Judge Upholds No-spray Buffers
| Capital Press, 11/3/11
| by Mitch Lies
Nuclear Disaster: How Bechtel is Botching the World's Costliest Environmental Cleanup
| AlterNet, 11/2/11
| by Bryan Denson
Cyprus-based Ship Fined $750K for Alleged Port of Portland Oil Spill
| KOIN Local 6, 11/2/11
| by Faris Tanyos
Federal Judge Fines Ship Qwners $750,000 After Probe of Oil Spill at Port of Portland
| The Oregonian, 11/2/11
| by Bryan Denson
EPA Approves Toughened OR Standards Based on Higher 'Fish Consumption Rate'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/21/11
| by Staff
Sweeping Clean Water Settlement Approved for Montana
| WHTC, 10/3/11
| by Laura Zuckerman
As Predicted, Derelict Barge 202 Sinks in Columbia River, Caretaker Says
| The Oregonian, 10/7/11
| by Scott Learn
Charging for the Cleanup
| The Oregonian, 10/3/11
| by Editorial Board
Owner of Derelict Barge Davy Crockett Indicted on Charges of Polluting Columbia
| The Oregonian, 9/29/11
| by Scott Learn
Ship Removal Floats in Murky Waters
| Daily Astorian, 9/27/11
| by Associated Press
Grounded Cargo Ship in Columbia River
| KXLY, 9/23/11
| by Associated Press
Final Section of Barge to be Removed from Columbia River
| KPTV, 8/25/11
| by Staff
Cleanup of Derelict Barge Davy Crockett on Columbia River Nearly Complete
| The Oregonian, 8/23/11
| by Scott Learn
Final Section of Derelict Barge to be Removed
|, 8/23/11
| by U.S. Coast Guard
Final Piece of Derelict Barge to be Removed this Week
| The Columbian, 8/22/11
| by Eric Florip
Twin Falls Area Nitrates Targeted
| Capital Press, 7/15/11
| by Staff
Wheat Commission Teaches About No-Till (a sediment issue)
| Capital Press, 7/15/11
| by Dave Wilkins
Coast Guard Investigating Vessel Fender-bender in Columbia River
| Chinook Observer, 7/21/11
| by Staff
House Addresses Double Whammy to Irrigators
| Capital Press, 7/21/11
| by Carol Ryan Dumas
Pollutants Can Lurk and Hide
| Environmental News Net, 7/20/11
| by Andy Soos
Boise Taps Farmers to Clean Phosphorus
| Capital Press, 6/16/11
| by Sean Ellis
Oregon Adopts Strictest Standard for Toxic Water Pollution in the Nation
| The Oregonian, 6/16/11
| by Scott Learn
Bills Might Water Down OR's New Limits on Toxic Water Pollution
| The Oregonian, 5/30/11
| by Scott Learn
Millennium Focused on Cleanup as Coal Terminal Process Plays Out
| The Daily News, 6/13/11
| by Erik Olson
Group Threatens to Sue Over Sewage Emitted Into Selway River
| The Republic, 6/2/11
| by Associated Press
Virtual Fish Put New Eyes on Underwater Toxins
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/27/11
| by Cassandra Profita
Colville Tribes Unhappy with Mining Cleanup
| Seattle Times, 5/14/11
| by Associated Press
New State Law Gets Tougher on Derelict Vessel Owners
| KOMO News, 5/7/11
| by Associated Press
Community Vital to Hanford Cleanup
| Mineweb, 4/24/11
| by McCormick & Charboneau
Monsanto Mine to Pay $1.4m Penalty for Phosphate Pollution
| Mineweb, 4/21/11
| by Dorothy Kosich
Study Shows Benefits of No-Till for Wheat Growers, Water Quality
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11
| by Staff
Ecology Investigating Spill into Snake River
| The News Tribune, 3/17/11
| by Staff
Derelict Barge Walled Off to Protect Columbia River from Pollution
| The Republic, 4/20/11
| by Associated Press
Cofferdam Corrals Leaking Barge's Pollution
| KPTV, 4/19/11
| by Staff
Engineers Will Build Dam Around Leaking Barge
| KATU, 3/29/11
| by Tim Gordon
Columbia River Tar Balls Likely from Barge
| Seattle Times, 3/10/11
| by Associated Press
NMFS' Delivers Draft on Protecting Salmon from Certain Pesticides
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/4/11
| by Staff
Tribes Take Aim at Stronger Water Pollution Rules
| East Oregonian, 2/9/11
| by Skip Nichols
Here is a Willful, Negligent Polluter
| The Daily Astorian, 2/8/11
| by Editorial Board
Davy Crockett One of Many Dilapidated Vessels on the Columbia
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2/3/11
| by Kristian Foden-Vencil
1,200 Gallons of Oil Recovered from Derelict Barge
| KVAL, 1/31/11
| by Associated Press
Authorities Work to Contain Oil Sheen on Columbia near Camas
| The Oregonian, 1/27/11
| by Lara Takenaga
Derelict Vessel's Structural Problems Complicate Cleanup
| The Columbian, 1/29/11
| by Mark Bowder
USCG Respond to Pollution Threat from Derelict Vessel
| The Maritime Executive, 1/26/11
| by 13th USCG District
Corps Releases Report on Pollution at Dam
| The Columbian, 1/21/11
| by Erik Robinson
Contamination has Dropped Around Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 1/20/11
| by Scott Learn
OR to Adopt the Strictest Standard for Toxic Water Pollution in US
| The Oregonian, 1/6/11
| by Scott Learn
Appeals Court Gives Simplot Mine Expansion Green Light
| Capital Press, 12/30/10
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Pollution Still Impacts Northport Community
| Statesman Examiner, 12/7/10
| by Jamie Henneman
Environmental Legacy Looms Over Teck Smelter
| The Globe And Mail, 12/5/10
| by Mark Hume
Environmental Suit Seeks More Action on Pesticide Regulation
| Capital Press, 12/2/10
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Multiyear Study of Teck Pollution Continues
| Spokesman-Review, 11/20/10
| by Becky Kramer
Alcoa Cleanup Meeting Draws Small Crowd
| The Columbian, 10/29/10
| by Erik Robinson
Corps Announces Delay in Dredging Project
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/7/10
| by Rob Manning
Corps Postpones Dredging of Hazardous Bar in Willamette River
| The Oregonian, 10/6/10
| by Scott Learn
State Urges Monitoring of Pollution by Alcoa
| The Columbian, 10/5/10
| by Erik Robinson
OR OKs Dumping of Contaminated Spoils on West Hayden Island
| The Oregonian, 9/30/10
| by Scott Learn
3 Kooskia Residents Plead Guilty to Violating the Clean Water Act
| KLEW, 9/27/10
| by Staff
How to Clean a River
| The Columbian, 9/27/10
| by Editorial Board
'Action Plan' Targets Columbia River Pollution
| The Columbian, 9/23/10
| by Erik Robinson
EPA Unveils Plan to Reduce Columbia River's Toxic Pollution
| The Oregonian, 9/23/10
| by Scott Learn
Volunteers Remove 142,231 Pounds of Trash from OR Waterways
| The Oregonian, 9/25/10
| by Bobby Allyn
Mining Company to Clean Polluted Beach in WA
| Business Week, 9/3/10
| by Nicholas Geranios
State Panel to Hear Challenge to County's Stormwater Plan
| The Columbian, 9/1/10
| by Staff
Hanford Problem Worse Than We Knew
| Chinook Observer, 7/13/10
| by Editorial Board
Tug Boat Owners Fits Equipment in Exchange for Reduced Fine
| Marine Log, 7/9/10
| by Staff
Teck to Pay for Black Sand Beach Clean Up
| Statesman-Examiner, 7/7/10
| by Sophia Aldous
Pharmaceuticals: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
| Wheat Life, 7/10
| by WA Grain Commision
Columbia Salmon Show High Levels of Toxic Contaminants
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/11/10
| by Cassandra Profita
River of Hope
| The Columbian, 6/4/10
| by Erik Robinson
Plan Aims to Reduce Toxins Reaching River
| Tri-City Herald, 5/13/10
| by Kevin McCullen
Plan a First Step Toward Cleaning up Columbia
| The Columbian, 5/11/10
| by Erik Robinson
N-Waste Battle Promised
| Spokesman-Review, 5/8/10
| by Shannon Dinnny
Happy Earth Day
| The Columbian, 4/22/10
| by Editorial Board
Columbia Basin Toxics: A Cleanup We Can't Afford Not to Make
| The Oregonian, 4/20/10
| by Kathleen Feehan
States Dispute Buffers
| Capital Press, 3/25/10
| by Mitch Lies
Rain Garden Grants Available to Homeowners
| The Gresham Outlook, 3/12/10
| by Staff
Court Pass on Pesticide Dispute Alarms Industry
| Capital Press, 2/27/10
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Merkley, Blumenauer Push for Dollars to Clean the Columbia
| The Oregonian, 2/24/10
| by Charles Pope
Chinook Ventures Facility was Source of Columbia River Spill
| The Oregonian, 2/12/10
| by Matthew Preusch
State Fines Tug Boat Company for Columbia River Spill
| The Daily News, 2/11/10
| by Erik Olson
Billions Spent, Hanford Won't be Clean for Thousands of Years
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/9/10
| by Scott Learn
Enviros: Better Regulation Needed for Columbia
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/6/10
| by Matthew Preusch
EPA, Simplot Reach Deal
| Idaho State Journal, 1/27/10
| by John O'Connell
Mountains of Mercury
| High Country News, 1/11/10
| by Jeremy Miller
Milestone Report on Portland Harbor Pollution Lowballs Risk
| The Oregonian, 1/21/10
| by Scott Learn
Columbia River Needs More Protection from Toxic Pollution
| The Oregonian, 1/18/10
| by Scott Learn
Boise's Innovative Plan to Build Wetlands is Being Watched
| Idaho Statesman, 1/9/10
| by Bethann Stewart
Unwanted Surprises Found in Storm-water Pipes
| Wenatchee World, 1/9/10
| by Michelle McNiel
You Found What in the Storm Drain?
| WA Dept. of Ecology, 1/9/10
| by Staff
Nyssa Officials Mark Opening of New Treatment Facility
| Argus Observer, 1/6/10
| by Larry Meyer
Cleanup Crews Still at Work on Dam Oil Spill
| The News Tribune, 12/28/9
| by Staff
Contractor Cleaning Up Oil Spill at The Dalles Dam
| The Oregonian, 12/24/9
| by Eric Mortenson
EPA Limits Three Pesticides to Protect Salmon
| The Oregonian, 9/11/9
| by Matthew Preusch
EPA Tightens Restrictions on Pesticide Use Near Streams
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/11/9
| by Rob Manning
Energy NW to Pay $80,000 Penalty
| The News Tribune, 9/9/9
| by Drew Foster
Hundreds of Fish to be Checked for Hanford Pollution
| KOMO News, 8/9/9
| by Staff
Construction Started on Groundwater Treatment at Hanford
| KPLU NPR, 7/24/9
| by Anna King
Protectionists Dismayed by Industrial Stormwater Permit
| Environment News Service, 7/22/9
| by Staff
Phosphorous Sewer Rule Could Cost Local Cities Big Money
| Idaho Press Tribune, 7/22/9
| by Bryan Dooley
Human Health Risk Assessment on Upper Columbia River
| Indian Country Today, 7/19/9
| by Jack McNeel
State, Alcoa Still in Landfill Talks
| The Columbian, 7/17/9
| by Erik Robinson
Asotin County Adopts Storm Water Ordinance
| KLEW TV, 6/30/9
| by Stephanie Smith
EPA Lays Out Timeline for Pesticide Change
| Times-News, 6/23/9
| by Nate Poppino
Yakama Nation Leaves Portland Harbor Superfund Panel
| The Oregonian, 6/10/9
| by Scott Learn
Portland To Upgrade Deicing System
| Aviation News, 5/15/9
| by Staff
NOAA Releases More Pesticide Rules
| NW Fishletter, 5/6/9
| by Bill Rudolph
Oregon Wants to Change Johnson Lake Cleanup Plan
| The Oregonian, 5/1/9
| by Scott Learn
US Biologists say 3 Pesticides Harm Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/21/9
| by Phuong Le
Testing the Waters
|, 4/1/9
| by Stephanie Smith
Preparing for Disaster
|, 4/1/9
| by Stephanie Smith
Coast Guard Investigates Small Oil Spill
| The Columbian, 3/20/9
| by Erik Robinson
Port of Portland is Working on Deicing System
| Daily Journal of Commerce, 3/11/9
| by Staff
'Pesticide Cocktails' Make a Deadly Synergy for Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/6/9
| by Staff
OR Joins Hanford Clean-Up Lawsuit, Cites Tribes' Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/6/9
| by Staff
Toxics Found in Stormwater Entering the Spokane River
| Environment News Service, 3/5/9
| by Staff
Feds Drop 8-year Investigation of Portland Sewage Spills
| The Oregonian, 3/4/9
| by Mark Larabee
Big Gaps in New EPA Report on Columbia Basin Toxics
| NW Fishletter, 2/9/9
| by Bill Rudolph
Silent Enemies
| The Columbian, 1/26/9
| by Editorial Board
EPA Report Finds Toxics Throughout Columbia River Basin
| The Columbian, 1/15/9
| by Kathie Durbin
Biological Opinion
| Wheat Life, 1/9
| by WWC Wheat Review
Columbia Basin Toxins 'Troubling'
| The Columbian, 1/15/9
| by Kathie Durbin
Hanford Toxic Burial Ground Cleaned Up Near Columbia
| KNDO / KNDU, 1/13/9
| by Staff
New Site Considered for Dredging Spoils
| KGW, 12/21/8
| by Associated Press
Alcoa Dredges Contaminated Sediment from Columbia
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/16/8
| by Staff
Ecology Ramps Up Alcoa Cleanup
| The Columbian, 12/17/8
| by Erik Robinson
Cleanup Under Way
| The Columbian, 12/17/8
| by Editorial Board
Environmental Groups Target Former Alcoa Site's Landfill
| The Columbian, 11/24/8
| by Erik Robinson
To Protect Salmon, Restrictions Placed on Three Pesticides
| Seattle Times, 11/19/8
| by Warren Cornwall
EPA Targets Columbia's 4 Key Pollutants
| The Columbian, 11/6/8
| by Erik Robinson
Don't Cave into Feds on Hanford Cleanup
| Seattle Times, 11/3/8
| by Sen. Adam Kline
DOE to Check for Contaminants in Columbia River
| Tri-City Herald, 10/30/8
| by Annette Cary
Hidden Wells, Dirty Water Part 3: Working Together
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 10/13/4
| by Leah Beth Ward
Throwing the Switch on PCBs
| The Columbia, 10/9/4
| by Erik Robinson
Grant Given for Water Research, Sediment
| The Daily Evergreen, 9/24/4
| by Megan Vigus
Researchers Tackle Uranium Pollution Mystery at Hanford
| Tri-City Herald, 9/16/8
| by Annette Cary
Alcoa, State Agree on PCB Cleanup
| Red Orbit, 9/16/8
| by Erik Robinson
Washington, Alcoa Agree on Cleanup Plan
| The Oregonian, 9/13/8
| by Staff
Cleanup of Decommissioned Naval Ship Near Rainier
| The Daily News, 9/10/8
| by Leslie Slape
EPA Erred in Spokane River Pollution Limits
| The Seattle Times, 9/5/8
| by Staff
Agency: Keep Car Wash Suds Out of City Storm Drains
| Tri-City Herald, 8/29/8
| by John Trumbo
No Driveway Carwashes, Wash. State Says
| USA Today, 8/28/8
| by William Welch
Burbank Chemical Spill Causes Diesel, Gas Contamination
| Whitman College Pioneer, 8/25/8
| by Gary Wang
Cold War Cleanup of Radioactive Waste Has Hardly Begun
| Plenty Magazine, 8/21/8
| by Jessica Knoblauch
Researchers Try Veggie Oil to Clean Up Toxic Spill
| The Seattle Times, 8/21/8
| by Shannon Dininny
Feds: Common Pesticides Jeopardize Salmon Survival
| The Seattle Times, 8/14/8
| by Jeff Barnard
3 Pesticides Singled Out in Report as Threat to Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/13/8
| by Robert McClure
Ag Pesticides Put Salmon at Risk
|, 8/13/8
| by United Press International
Federal Report: Pesticides Endanger Salmon
| Kitsap Sun, 8/9/8
| by Christopher Dunagan
NMFS to Review Effects of Pesticides on Salmon
| The Columbian, 6/31/8
| by Hal Bernton
Canada, U.S. Increasingly at Odds Over Pollution Issues
| The Detroit News, 6/27/8
| by Jim Lynch
Fish-eating Indians Have Crucial Stake in Clean Columbia
| The Columbian, 6/22/8
| by Erik Robinson
Data From Ongoing PCB Cleanup Below Bonneville
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/8
| by Staff
Lead, Acid Spilled into Columbia River
| The Omak Chronicle, 5/30/8
| by Staff
Teck Cominco to Test Results of Lead Spill into Columbia
| The Canadian Press, 5/30/8
| by Staff
Pesticides Blamed for Plummeting Salmon Stocks
| New Scientist, 6/9/8
| by Staff
Alcoa Site Cleanup Process Moves Ahead
| The Columbian, 6/6/8
| by Erik Robinson
Another Spill at Teck Comino
| The Statesman Examiner, 6/4/8
| by Chris Cowbrough
Company: Columbia River Back to Pre-spill Lead Levels
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/3/8
| by Nicolas Geranios
B.C. Smelter Spills Lead, Acid into Columbia River
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/14/8
| by Nicolas Geranios
Bass Caught Near Old Corps Landfill are Contaminated
| The Columbian, 3/21/8
| by Erik Robinson
Bass in Columbia Highly Contaminated, Tests Find
| The Oregonian, 3/17/8
| by Michael Milstein
A Medicine Cabinet Runs Through It
| The Oregonian, 3/10/8
| by Michael Milstein
Sitting on the Fence
| Mining Journal, 3/19/8
| by Katherine Dixon
D.C. Ignores Foul Waters
| Tri-City Herald, 2/25/8
| by Editorial Board
Smelter Case a Big Mess in More Ways Than One
| Tri-City Herald, 2/18/8
| by Les Blumenthal
Alcoa Petitions to Dredge PCB-polluted Sediment
| The Columbian, 2/17/8
| by Erik Robinson
Columbia Clam Cleanup Delayed
| The Columbian, 2/6/8
| by Erik Robinson
Absorb This
| Seattle Times, 1/6/8
| by Valerie Easton
Summit Seeks Ways to Curb Columbia River Pollution
| The Columbian, 1/3/8
| by Erik Robinson
Bill to Increase Funding at Hanford will go to the Senate
| Seattle Times, 12/18/7
| by Mark Yuasa
State Orders Massive Cleanup of PCB-tainted Shoreline
| The Columbian, 12/6/7
| by Erik Robinson
DEQ, Alcoa: PCB Cleanup at Former Aluminum Plant
| The Oregonian, 11/9/7
| by Allan Brettman
Cleanup Complete at Little Goose Dam
| Tri-City Herald, 10/23/7
| by Chris Mulick
Bonneville Dam Cleanup Targets PCB 'Hot Spots'
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/11/7
| by Erik Robinson
Shampoo, Coffee, etc., Harming Fish in Area Rivers
| The Daily News, 9/8/7
| by Stephanie Mathieu
Hanford Leak a Study in Neglect
| The Oregonian, 9/21/7
| by Michael Milstein
Mercury-tainted Soil Dumped in Hanford Landfill
| Tri-City Herald, 8/31/7
| by Annette Cary
Diesel Spill Could Threaten Killer Whale Habitat
| Environmental News Net, 8/22/7
| by Associated Press
Greek Shipping Company Pleads Guilty to Pollution
| KNDO, 6/27/7
| by Associated Press
Warnings Expand on Fish Sources
| Spokesman Review, 6/22/7
| Staff & Wire Reports
K-Basin Clean Up Celebrated At Hanford Site
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/31/7
| by Anna King
Port to Discharge Treated Runoff into Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 5/4/7
| by Alex Pulaski
Port must Fix Runoff at PDX
| The Oregonian, 10/17/6
| by Alex Pulaski
Chemist Accused Lab of Falsifying Hanford Data
| The Olympian, 4/19/7
| by Shannon Dininny
DOE will do Hanford Environmental Assessment
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/3/7
| by Shannon Dininny
Chemical Might Keep Radiation Out of River
| Seattle Times, 3/23/7
| by Associated Press
River's Toxic Brew Spurs Federal Action
| The Daily Astorian, 2/6/7
| by Cassandra Profita
Not Alone
| The Daily Astorian, 1/26/7
| by Albert Rissman
Columbia Cleanup
| The Columbian, 1/19/7
| by Editors
Hanford Cleanup Worries Governor
| Capital Press, 12/22/6
| by Annette Cary
Feedlot Faces EPA Action
| Capital Press, 12/15/6
| by Dave Wilkins
Dredging Woes Worry Port Leaders
| The Daily Astorian, 11/15/6
| by Cassandra Profita
Port Dredging Hangs on Soil Report
| The Daily Astorian, 10/26/6
| by Cassandra Profita
Judge Strikes Down Easing of Pesticide Restrictions
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/24/6
| by Gene Johnson
Could Rising Mercury Levels be a Threat to Tribes?
| Yakima Herald Republic, 9/3/6
| by Phil Ferolito
Mercury Blows into Idaho from Neighboring States
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/14/6
| by Rocky Barker
Chemical Concerns
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/12/6
| by Ann Lovejoy
Few Stores Warn of Pesticide Runoff Risks
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/17/6
| by Associated Press
Columbia River Toxins Moving Up Food Chain
| Seattle Times, 7/11/6
| by Craig Welch
Suit against Canadian Smelter to Go Forward
| Environmental News Net, 7/4/6
| by Nicholas Geranios
Studying Toxicity - the Effects of Dam Removal
| Intl. Water Power & Dam, 2/16/5
| by Adria Elskus
Chemicals Tainting Orcas' Dinner
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/5/5
| by Robert McClure
EPA Crafts Pesticide Label Plan
| Capital Press, 11/11/5
| by Cookson Beecher
WA Ag Happy with 2nd Year of Pesticide Study
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/2/5
| by Shannon Dininny
Puttin' Down the Hammer
| Tri-City Herald, 8/17/5
| by Annette Cary
Ranchers Challenge Fines Over Stream Protection
| Capital Press, 8/12/5
| by Scott Yates
Letter: Port Responding
| The Daily Astorian, 8/6/5
| by Al Rissman
Redfish Fuel Leak Cleaned Up
| Idaho Mountain Express, 7/20/5
| by Greg Stahl
Risk-to-Salmon Warnings on Pesticides are Upheld
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/30/5
| by Robert McClure
Potlatch Gets Long-Awaited EPA Permit
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/12/5
| by Eric Barker
Our Big Polluter
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/14/5
| by Larry McLaud
EPA Wraps Pesticide Assessment for Lawsuit
| Capital Press, 1/7/5
| by Cookson Beecher
Something's in the Water
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/29/4
| by Joel Mills
Investigating the Columbia River and Estuary
| Innovations Report, 11/15/4
| by Mike Lewis
Judge Declines to Dismiss Pollution Suit
| Environmental News Net, 11/9/4
| by Shannon Dininny
Technology Tackles Phosphorus Problem
| Capital Press, 10/15/4
| by Alice Sherman Hansen
Feds Approve Pollutant Limits on 200 Miles
|, 9/14/4
| by Associated Press
EPA Isn't What's Blocking Salmon & Steelhead
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/25/4
| by Patrick McGann
Don't Ask Fish Biologist If Fish Like Pesticides
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/1/4
| by Patrick McGann
| |
Crowd Says No to More Waste at Hanford
| Tri-City Herald, 8/28/7
| by Annette Cary
Hanford Cleanup Worries Governor
| Tri-City Herald, 9/22/6
| by Annette Cary
EPA may Fine for Spill at Hanford Nuclear Site
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/19/6
| by Shannon Dininny
Evidence of New Leaks, Group Reports
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/1/6
| by Lisa Stiffler
Workers Evacuated at U.S. Nuclear Site after Leak
| Environmental News Net, 8/25/5
| by Reuters
Hanford Seeks New Ways to Treat Groundwater
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/5/5
| by Shannon Dininny
Umatilla Tribes to Sue DOE on Hanford Issues
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/4
| by CBB staff
3 Million Gallons Waste Removed from Hanford
| Environmental News Net, 8/25/4
| by Shannon Dininny
Hanford Water Cleanup Not Working
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/28/4
| by Lisa Stiffler
States to Sue Energy Dept. Over Hanford
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/8/4
| by Shannon Dininny
Hanford Sparks Lawsuit
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/8/4
| by Staff
Official in Charge of Nuclear Cleanup Resigns
| Environmental News Net, 6/17/4
| by H. Josef Hebert
Senate Lets DOE Reclassify Nuclear Waste
| Tri-City Herald, 6/6/4
| by Les Blumenthal
Cantwell Tours Hanford Reach
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/28/4
| by Staff
Bacteria Living in Toxic Soil at Hanford Nuclear
| Environmental News Net, 5/27/4
| by Shannon Dininny
States, Nez Perce Seek Hanford Mediation
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/13/4
| by Shannon Dininny
Groups Challenge Pesticide Consultation Policy
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/4
| by CBB staff
New Rules on Pesticides Challenged
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/24/4
| by John Heilprin
EPA Sets Limits on Snake River Pollutants
| Statesman Journal, 9/14/4
| by Associated Press
A Push for Pesticides
| Boston Globe, 8/6/4
| by Editors
Bush Eases Pesticide Rules
| Seattle Times, 7/30/4
| by Hal Bernton
EPA Allowed to Quickly OK Pesticides
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/30/4
| by John Heilprin
New Rules for Pesticide/ESA Consultations
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/30/4
| by CBB staff
Groups Threaten EPA Over Pesticides
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/30/4
| by CBB staff
EPA Shoddy Job Gauging Pesticide Risks
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/26/4
| Elizabeth M. Gillespie
Court Upholds Pesticide Ban During Appeal
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/25/4
| by CBB staff
9th Circuit Keeps Buffers
| Capital Press, 6/25/4
| by Mitch Lies
U.S. Ignored Advice on Wildfire
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/18/4
| by Jeff Barnard
Judge Denies No-Spray Stay
| Capital Press, 5/21/4
| by Mitch Lies
Ninth Circuit Court Upholds Pesticide Ruling
| NW Fishletter, 5/11/4
| by Bill Rudolph
Ninth Circuit Denies Stay
| Capital Press, 5/7/4
| by Mitch Lies
State Raps Corps for Polluting
| The Daily Astorian, 3/3/4
| by Staff
Corps of Engineers Cited by State for Oil Spill
| The Daily News, 3/3/4
| by Barbara LaBoe
How Investigators Track Oil Culprits
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/15/4
| Nalder & Phuong Cat Le
Corps Responds to State's Oil Spill Warning
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/25/4
| by CBB staff
Corp: Small Oil Spill from The Dalles Dam
|, 5/24/4
| by Associated Press
Agency Cites Corps over Columbia Spills
| Portland Tribune, 5/21/4
| by Ben Jacklet
WA Warns Corps on Columbia/Snake Oil Spills
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/21/4
| by CBB staff
State Calls Dams Pollution Threat to Rivers
| The Oregonian, 5/18/4
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Ecology Cites Corps of Engineers for Oil Spills
|, 5/18/4
| by Associated Press
Corps of Engineers Faces Fine for Spills
| Tri-City Herald, 5/18/4
| by Anna King
PCB Cleanup Near Bonneville Dam Needed
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/23/4
| by CBB staff
Corps says Progress Made Since Dam Oil Spill
| Tri-City Herald, 4/9/4
| by Anna King
Feds Explain Potlatch Switch
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/8/4
| by Eric Barker
Potlatch Mill Discharge is OK for Fish
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/7/4
| by Eric Barker
Chlorinated Water Spills into Columbia River
|, 4/2/4
| by Rukmini Callimachi
State Concerned on Hanford Waste Disposal
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/12/4
| by CBB staff
EPA Approves OR Water Rules; Lawsuit Likely
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/5/4
| by Mike O'Bryant
Waterways Across State Fall Short of Clean
| The Olympian, 2/13/4
| by John Dodge
Oil Leak from USGS Boat Near Bonneville Dam
| The Columbian, 4/23/4
| by Staff
Two Oil Spills at Columbia Dams Reported
| The Columbian, 2/28/4
| by Erik Robinson
2nd Oil Spill in Six Weeks Plagues The Dalles
|, 2/24/4
| by Associated Press
Report: Dalles Dam Oil Spill Preventable
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/13/4
| by CBB staff
Corps Faulted for Oil Spill at The Dalles
| The Oregonian, 2/11/4
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Review Finds Fault in Mineral Oil Leak
| The Columbian, 2/11/4
| by Erik Robinson
Oil Spill has Corps Under Fire
| Portland Tribune, 1/27/4
| by Ben Jacklet
Dalles Dam Oil Spill Tagged at 1,300 Gallons
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/23/4
| by CBB staff
1,300 Gallons of Tainted Oil Spilled from Dam
| The Oregonian, 1/21/4
| by Wendy Owen
Columbia Oil Leak Now at 1,300 Gallons
| The Columbian, 1/21/4
| by Associated Press
Group Criticizes Columbia Cleanup
| The Columbian, 1/20/4
| by Erik Robinson
Oil Spilled at The Dalles Dam Contains PCBs
| The Oregonian, 1/19/4
| by Alex Pulaski
More than 600 Gallons of Dam Oil Recovered
| The Daily News, 1/19/4
| by Associated Press
Oil Spill Reaches Oregon's Bonneville Dam
| The Daily News, 1/18/4
| by Associated Press
Oil Leaks from Dam into Columbia
| The Daily News, 1/17/4
| by Associated Press
Group: Oregon Oil Spill much Worse
| Seattle Times, 1/17/4
| by Associated Press
Diesel Spills into the Lochsa
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/14/3
| by Eric Barker
Canada Smelter Blamed for Lake's Pollution
| Environmental News Net, 3/10/5
| by Nicholas K. Geranios
Study Says Canadian Smelter Polluting U.S. Lake
| Environmental News Net, 3/8/4
| by Reuters
EPA Battles Canadian Company River Pollution
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/21/3
| by Nicholas K. Geranios
Canada Smelter Pollution meets US Resolution
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/12/3
| by Joel Connelly
Toxic Salmon Just Another Tainted Food
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/13/4
| by Jeremy Brown
Flame Retardants Found in Salmon Meat
| Environmental News Net, 8/12/4
| by Reuters
Tainted Chinook Found in Wild
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/10/4
| by Lisa Stiffler
Traces of Fire Retardant Found in Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/10/4
| by Associated Press
Effort will Target Harmful Fire Retardant
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/29/4
| by Lisa Stiffler
Limits Imposed on Pesticides
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/23/4
| by Lisa Stiffler
Judge Restricts Pesticides on West Coast
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/22/4
| by Gene Johnson
Tests on Waterways Should Include Insects
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/14/4
| by Lisa Stiffler
Pesticide Makers Illegally Influence EPA Policy
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/8/3
| by Lisa Stiffler
Oregon Will Get Money from EPA for Toxic Site
| The Oregonian, 10/28/3
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Keeping Tribal Traditions a Goal of Toxin Study
| Idaho Statesman, 10/25/3
| by Staff
Scientist says Radiation Rising on Columbia
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/20/3
| by Associated Press
NW Indian Call for Action on Fish Contaminants
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/26/3
| by CBB staff
Pond Scum No Match for Corps
| Tri-City Herald, 9/23/3
| by John Stang
Group Cheers Order to Stop Mining
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/17/3
| by Eric Barker
Idaho, Oregon Send Snake River TMDL to EPA
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/12/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Judge Favors Pesticide-free Zones on Streams
| Seattle Times, 8/15/3
| by Hal Bernton
Judge: Pesticide Buffer Zones Near Waterways
| Tri-City Herald, 8/15/3
| by Anna King
Pesticide Ruling Alarms Growers
| Capital Press, 7/25/3
| by Cookson Beecher
Interim Pesticide Statement
| Capital Press, 7/25/3
| by Staff
Judge Calls for Interim Stream Buffers
| NW Fishletter, 7/22/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Judge Moves to Impose Pesticide Restrictions
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/18/3
| by Gillian Flaccus
Pesticide Buffer Zones to Protect ESA Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
EPA: New Measures Governing Carbaryl Use
| Capital Press, 7/11/3
| by Cookson Beecher
Cleanup Order Review Set
| Capital Press, 7/25/3
| by Staff
Research Backs Up Relaxed Wastewater
| Idaho Statesman, 7/11/3
| by Staff
EPA Changes Permit for Potlatch
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/10/3
| by Eric Barker
EPA Finds Few Punished for Water Pollution
| Environmental News Net, 6/10/3
| by Reuters
Mainstem TMDL Not Ready for Public Review
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
EPA Releases Water Temp Guidance
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/9/3
| by CBB staff
Oil-Leaking Dams Generate Concern
| The Oregonian, 5/4/3
| by Michael Milstein
DOE Violating Hazardous-Waste Law in WA
| Environmental News Net, 5/1/3
| by Associated Press
Potlatch Discharge Harmful to Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/3
| by Barry Espenson
Penalty Imposed for Oil Spill in Columbia
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/7/3
| by Staff
WA Sues Bush over Radioactive Waste
| Environmental News Net, 3/5/3
| by David Ammons
EPA Announces Clean Water Credit Trading
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/17/3
| by CBB staff
Groups Seek Injunction on Pesticides
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/6/2
| by Barry Espenson
Tainted Columbia Worries the EPA
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/20/2
| by Associated Press
Lawsuit Threat Against Harbour Business
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/15/2
| by CBB staff
Fish Producers Assigned Pollutant Limits
| Times-News, 10/26/2
| by Jennifer Sandmann
Vapor Pours Out of Leak at Lewiston Plant
| Times-News, 10/26/2
| by Associated Press
EPA: NW Water Quality Better Than Most
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/25/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
Temperature TMDL for Columbia Mainstem
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/7/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
No Streams are Unpolluted
| Environmental News Net, 9/25/2
| by John Heilprin
BC Fish Farm Moratorium Lifted
| Capital Press, 9/20/2
| Associated Press
Council Briefed on Fish Contamination
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/2
| by Barry Espenson
Tribes Open Dialogue on Fish Contamination
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/6/2
| by Wil Phinney
Dredged Material: Sediment Quality
| Management Plan & EIS, 7/2
| Army Corps of Engineers
Simplot Pact Allows More Phosphate Mining
| Capital Press, 8/23/2
| Mark Mendiola
Potlatch May Meet Discharge Requirements
| Capital Press, 8/16/2
| Associated Press
EPA Taking a Second Look
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/15/2
| by Eric Barker
EPA to Protect Salmon from Pesticides
| Seattle Times, 7/4/2
| by Jeff Barnard
Umatilla Depot Faces Safety Questions
| KGM News, 5/7/2
| by Associated Press
Cutting Phosphorus Advised
| Capital Press, 5/31/2
| by Pat McCoy
Natural Phosphorus Makes Goals Unrealistic
| Capital Press, 3/22/2
| by Pat McCoy
Water Temperatures a Bone of Contention
| Capital Press, 3/22/2
| by Pat McCoy
Electric Debris Caused PCB Contamination
| Environmental News Net, 3/22/2
| by Gillian Flaccus
Contaminated by Meds, Care Products
| Environmental News Net, 3/13/2
| by Joseph B. Verrengia
Report: Toxic Chemicals in Basin Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/15/2
| by CBB staff
Enviros Push Ahead with EPA Lawsuit
| Capital Press, 2/8/2
| by Associated Press
Pesticide Danger to Salmon Real
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/6/2
| by Lisa Stiffler
Crews Try to Contain Diesel Spill
| Spokesman Review, 1/8/2
| Hansen & Sudermann
Salmon Show Alarming Levels of Chemicals
| Seattle Times, 9/1/1
| by Associated Press
Oregon Fines Hauler for Sewage Dumping
| Register-Guard, 8/29/1
| by Tim Christie
Overheated Rivers, Fish on Back Burner
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/6/1
| by Eric Barker
More Cases of Salmon Sex Change
| Spokesman Review, 11/8/1
| by Dan Hansen
Something's Fishy with Chinook Salmon
| Environmental News Net 12/27/00
| by ENN
Scientists Mull Implications of Sex Change
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/00
| by Mike O'Bryant
EPA, States, Tribes Tackle Water Quality
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/00
| by Barry Espenson
Portland Harbor Listed as Superfund Site
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/00
| by Barry Espenson
Herbicide Spill Kills Fish Near The Dalles
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/1/00
| by Staff
Pesticides Disrupt How Salmon Smell
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/00
| by Lisa Stiffler
Groups to Sue EPA Over Pesticides
| Seattle Times, 7/27/00
| by Hal Bernton
Hanford Chemical Seeping into Columbia
| The Oregonian, 7/7/00
| by Jonathan Brinckman
Diazinon may Pose Threat to Salmon
| The Oregonian, 6/15/00
| by Trevor Maxwell
Snake River Dams Defy Clean Water Act
| Environmental News Net, 5/2/00
| by Margot Higgins
back to top |
American Shad Clog Fish Ladders, Causing Trouble for Salmon at Lower Granite Dam
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/24/24
| by Courtney Flatt
Washington Won't Renew Leases for Puget Sound Fish Farms
| Capital Press, 10/14/22
| by Associated Press
WA Will Not Renew Leases for Puget Sound Fish Farms, 5 Years After Atlantic Salmon Spill
| Seattle Times, 10/12/22
| by Isabella Breda
Jury Awards $595,000 to Lummi Tribe for Salmon Pen Collapse
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/22/22
| by Gene Johnson
Court Upholds Termination of Cooke Aquaculture Net-Pen Lease in Port Angeles
| Seattle Times, 3/2/22
| by Lynda Mapes
A Shad Horde Could Threaten Salmon, Steelhead Restoration Efforts in the Columbia River
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 12/18/21
| by Courtney Flatt
Will a Shad Horde Take Over the Columbia River?
| KUOW, 12/13/21
| by Courtney Flatt
PNW Could Become 'Shad Nation' Not 'Salmon Nation'
| KOIN, 12/9/21
| by Amanda Arden
Scientists Warn of Too Many Pink Salmon in North Pacific
| Boston Globe, 8/11/19
| by Dan Joling
Washington State Finds Virus in Cooke Atlantic Salmon, Plans Expanded Testing
| Seattle Times, 5/19/18
| by Lynda Mapes
Gov. Inslee Signs Bill Phasing Out Atlantic Salmon Farming in Washington
| KOMO News, 3/22/18
| by Associated Press
State Kills Atlantic Salmon Farming in Washington
| Seattle Times, 3/2/18
| by Lynda Mapes
BC Is the Outlier on Open-Net Salmon Farms
| The Tyee, 3/16/18
| by Carol Linnitt
Fish Farm Caused Atlantic Salmon Spill Near San Juans, Then Tried to Hide How Bad it Was, State Says
| Seattle Times, 2/2/18
| by Lynda Mapes
Atlantic Salmon Swim Far and Wide After Fish Farm Collapse
| KUOW, 10/23/17
| by John Ryan
Fish-farming Company Offered Money for Lummi Nation's Silence about Net Pens, Letters Show
| Seattle Times, 10/12/17
| by Lynda Mapes
Three Months After the Fish Farm Collapse, Guess Where Atlantic Salmon are Being Found
| Skagit Valley Herald, 8/30/17
| by Kimberly Cauvel
Salmon Fisher: Spill is Dangerous and 'We Shouldn't Have To Deal With It'
| All Things Considered, 8/30/17
| by Laurel Dalrymple
Over Half of Net Pen Atlantic Salmon in San Juans Escaped; Reported Catches at Columbia Mouth
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/8/17
| by Staff
'Environmental Nightmare' After Thousands of Atlantic Salmon Escape Fish Farm
| Northwest Public Radio, 8/24/17
| by Courtney Flatt
Spill of Farmed Atlantic Salmon near San Juan Islands much Bigger than First Estimates
| Seattle Times, 8/24/17
| by Lynda Mapes
What Will Happen When Genetically Engineered Salmon Escape Into the Wild?
| EcoWatch, 4/10/16
| by Brettny Hardy
Some Retailers Rejecting Modified Salmon
| The Columbian, 10/21/13
| by Brady Dennis
As Final U.S. Decision Nears, a Lively Debate on GM Salmon
| Yale Environment 360, 5/29/13
| by Staff
Genetically Modified Salmon Can Breed with Wild Fish and Thrive
| Yale Environment 360, 5/29/13
| by Staff
Ready to Eat: The First GM Fish for the Dinner Table
| The Independent, 12/24/12
| by Steve Connor
'Frankenfish' Wouldn't Harm Natural Salmon Runs, FDA Rules
| The Oregonian, 12/21/12
| by Associated Press
Cohen Commission Sockeye Decline Report: It's Complicated
| NW Fishletter, 11/12/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Senate Rejects Amendment on Tighter Regulations for Genetically-Engineered Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/25/12
| by Staff
Virus Found in Salmon in Canada Worries U.S.
| Idaho Statesman, 11/7/11
| by Rocky Barker
Infectious Salmon Anemia: Getting the Jump on a Disease of 'Devastating Quickness'
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/6/11
| by Joel Connelly
Oregon's Bonneville Hatchery
| VIA Magazine, 11/11
| by Chris Woolston
Plan for Huge Fish Farm in Strait Roils the Waters
| Seattle Times, 10/20/11
| by Craig Welch
Power Council Gets Update on New Idaho Sockeye Hatchery
| NW Fishletter, 3/29/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Conservation Best Served Minimizing Wild/Hatchery Interactions
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/25/11
| by Staff
Swimming Performance Differences of Wild vs. Hatchery Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/4/11
| by Staff
Steelhead may Require Healthy Wild Rainbow Trout Numbers
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/4/11
| by Staff
Hatchery-Raised Salmon Threatening Wild Salmon in Pacific NW
| Environmental News Net, 11/3/10
| by Staff
Hatch-22: The Problem with The Pacific Salmon Resurgence
| Yale Environment 360, 11/1/10
| by Bruce Barcott
Dworshak Dam Mishap Kills About 1,000 Steelhead
| KIVI TV, 11/6/10
| by Associated Press
Steelhead Rescued at Dworshak Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 11/3/10
| by Rich Landers
Hatchery Fish Have Poor Reproductive Success in the Wild
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/10
| by Staff
Hatch-22: The Problem with The Pacific Salmon Resurgence
| Environment 360, 11/1/10
| by Bruce Barcott
Damaged Valve Leads to 40,000 Sockeye Deaths
| Central Oregon, 9/3/10
| by Associated Press
Record Salmon Year, But Concerns Raised
| South County Spotlight, 9/17/10
| by Tyler Graf
Thousands of Fish Killed to Prevent Disease Spread
| KPVI News 6, 9/22/10
| by Associated Press
Idaho Hatchery Officials Kill Thousands of Steelhead
| Spokesman-Review, 8/8/10
| by Associated Press
Lightning Strikes Chinook at Powell
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/9/10
| by Eric Barker
Cutting Hatchery Production Could Help Protect Wild Salmon
| The Oregonian, 8/6/10
| by Scott Learn
U.S. Considers Curbs on Columbia Hatcheries
| The Wenatchee World, 8/9/10
| by Associated Press
What's Killing Farmed Salmon?
| Science Daily, 7/12/10
| by Staff
Northern Idaho Hatchery Needs Expensive Repairs
| Idaho Statesman, 4/25/10
| by Associated Press
Upriver Chinook "Washing in And Out" Select Fishing Areas
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/23/10
| by Staff
Biologists Call for Changes to Columbia Salmon Hatcheries
| The Seattle Times, 3/28/9
| by Hal Bernton
Will Mandated Review Shift Hatchery, Harvest Strategies?
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/14/8
| by Staff
Salmon Hatcheries Cause 'Stunning' Loss of Reproduction
| Science Daily, 10/5/7
| Oregon State University
Salmon That Grow Up Fast
| Science Daily,1/10/6
| by Arlene Weintraub
B.C. First Nations say Sea Lice Spreading from Fish Farms to Wild Salmon
| CTV News, 6/26/20
| by Staff
Abundant Steelhead Run Benefits More Than Anglers
| The Observer, 2/12/9
| by Katy Nesbitt
Big Salmon Exporter Fights Virus
| Wall Street Journal, 2/7/9
| by Risa Grais-Targow
Class-action Over Salmon Farming off Vancouver Island
| Vancouver Sun, 2/2/9
| by Larry Pynn
Study Details How Ocean Fish Farming Harms Wild Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/19/8
| by Staff
Consumer Groups Call on FDA to Test Chilean Salmon
| The Seattle Times, 10/23/8
| by Associated Press
Chile Moves to Clean Up Salmon-Farming Industry
| The Seattle Times, 9/5/8
| by Alexei Barrionuevo
Save Salmon by Eating It, Shoppers Told
| Tigard Times, 7/17/8
| by Jennifer Anderson
Salmon Escape from Canadian Fish Farm Probed
| Globe and Mail, 7/4/8
| by Staff
Escaped Salmon Pose Threat to Wild Stock
| The Seattle Times, 7/3/8
| by Anna Mehler Paperny
30,000 Salmon Escape Farm Pen
| Times Colonist, 7/3/8
| by Carolyn Heiman
Sardines With Your Bagel?
| New York Times, 6/9/8
| by Taras Grescoe
Chilean Salmon Farm Enhances Security with Video
| Source Security, 2/14/8
| by Staff
Something Fishy about Chile's Salmon
| New York Times, 3/28/8
| by Alexei Barrionuevo
Farmed Salmon Decimating Wild Salmon Worldwide
| National Geographic News, 2/12/8
| by James Owen
NW Fish Experts Debunk Controversial Sea Lice Study
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/7/8
| by Staff
Farmed or Wild Salmon, Consumers Asks Stores
| Seattle Times, 12/1/7
| by John Spano
33 Groups Call on Salmon Farms to Protect Wild Salmon
| YubaNet, 8/21/7
| Atlantic Salmon Federation
Lice Killing Wild Salmon, Scientists Say
| Globe and Mail, 8/19/7
| by Canadian Press
B.C. Salmon Farmers Throw in Towel
| Financial Post, 8/31/7
| by Nathan VanderKlippe
Salmon Farm Approved, Geoduck Proposal Nixed
| Financial Post, 8/30/7
| by Jeff Rud
Closed-pen Salmon Farming Project Underway
| The Vancouver Sun, 8/3/7
| by Scott Simpson
Chilean Salmon Industry Damaging Lakes, WWF Says
| Environmental News Net, 6/20/7
| by Gideon Long
Demand for B.C. Farmed Salmon Outstrips Supply
| Vancouver Sun, 12/22/6
| by Brian Morton
Wild Salmon Being Ravaged by Fish Farm Lice
|, 10/2/6
| by Staff
ID Tribe, BPA at Odds Over New OR Hatchery
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/6
| by Associated Press
Chile's Salmon Industry Outlasts Striking Workers
| Santiago Times, 7/25/6
| by Steve Anderson
Thousands of Farmed Fish Die in Port Angeles
| Peninsula Daily News, 7/16/6
| by Matt Schubert
Benefits of Eating Fish Outweigh Risks
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/11/6
| by Julie Davidow
Groups Offer Reward in Salmon Heist
| Statesman Journal, 7/2/6
| by Staff
Chile's Salmon Industry Accused of Worker Abuse
| The Santiago Times, 6/21/6
| by Jen Sotolongo
Stevens Presents Fish Farm Permit Proposal
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/12/5
| by Associated Press
Oregon Salmon Fish Fans Should Fear Farms
| Portland Tribune, 5/19/5
| by Anne Marie DiStefano
Farmed Salmon Now Top Ag Export from BC
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer,12/14/5
| by Associated Press
Fish Oil May Not Help Prevent Cancer
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/24/6
| by Lindsey Tanner
Stick to Wild Salmon Unless Heart Disease is a Risk
| Food Consumer, 12/23/5
| by Susan Lang
Study Cites Risks of Eating Farmed Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/30/5
| by Candice Choi
Wal-Mart 'Wild Salmon' Lawsuit Revived on Appeal
| Duluth News Tribune, 10/20/5
| by Dinesh Ramde
Chemical Discovered in Farmed Salmon
| CBC News, 6/4/5
| by Staff
The 'Sins' of the Salmon Industry
| Tierramerica, 5/26/5
| by Gustavo Gonzalez
Farmed Salmon Breed Sea Lice that Spread to Wild
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/31/5
| by John Heilkprin
Parasites from Farms Could Threaten Wild Salmon
| USA Today, 3/30/5
| by Elizabeth Weise
Researching Impact of Sea Lice on Wild Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/23/4
| by Associated Press
FDA May Clear Genetically Enhanced Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/10/5
| by Matt Volz
Fish Farming's Bounty Isn't Without Barbs
| Washington Post, 1/24/5
| by Juliet Eilperin
Allowing Use of Chemical in Farmed Salmon
| Canadian Press, 12/14/4
| by Amy Carmichael
Fish-Farm Boom is a Blow to Wild Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/3/4
| by Joel Connelly
Tests: Alaska Fish Contaminant Levels Low
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/10/4
| by Associated Press
PETA: Fish Feel -- So Don't Eat Them
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/17/4
| by Mike Lewis
Stop Eating Farmed Salmon
| Independent Online, 9/5/4
| by Jay Ritchlin
Fish Oil May Keep Alzheimer's at Bay
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/4/3
| by Andre Picard
Study on Farmed Fish Raises New Conundrum
| The Columbian, 9/2/4
| by Emma Ross
Genetically Modified Salmon Outeat Wild Fish
| Environmental News Net, 6/17/4
| by Kathleen M. Wong
Farmed Salmon may Pose Health Threat
| NW Fishletter, 1/16/4
| by Bill Rudolph
Higher Level of Toxins in Farmed Salmon
| Seattle Times, 1/9/4
| by Craig Welch
Farm-Raised Salmon Contain More Pollutants
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/9/4
| by Lauran Neergaard
Warns of Danger in Eating Farmed Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/9/4
| by McClure & Stiffler
Salmon Farms Struggle to Live Up to Promise
| Environmental News Net, 12/5/3
| by Jeff Barnard
Stores Agree to Identify Artificially Colored Fish
| The Oregonian, 5/1/3
| by Michael Milstein
Lawsuit Shows Controversy of Color Additives
| Seattle Times, 4/30/3
| by Judith Blake
Labeling of Farmed Salmon as Artificially Dyed
| Environmental News Net, 4/25/3
| by Linda Ashton
Fish Farms Threaten Stocks of Wild Species
| Environmental News Net, 2/19/3
| by Reuters
Fish Farms Become Feedlots of the Sea
| Los Angeles Times, 12/9/2
| by Kenneth R. Weiss
Group says Wild Fish Threatened
| Seattle Times, 1/14/3
| by Associated Press
Calls for Stricter Review of Transgenic Fish
| Environmental News Net, 1/15/3
| by Emily Gersema
Salmon Farm Rules Ban Transgenic Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/13/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
The Great Salmon Debate
| Newsweek, 10/28/2
| Carmichael & Springen
Chefs, Grocers Boycott Genetic Altered Fish
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/20/2
| by D. Parvaz
Bioengineered Fish Draw Local Opposition
| Seattle Times, 9/19/2
| by Judith Blake
Salmon Farmers Must Mark Fish
| Seattle Times, 3/31/2
| by Hal Bernton
When Mutant Salmon Meet Killer Tomatoes
| Capital Press, 3/15/2
| by Santa Rosa Press
B.C. to Consider More Fish Farms
| Seattle Times, 2/1/2
| by Associated Press
Mass Escape from B.C. Fish Farms
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/8/2
| by Associated Press
B.C. Fish Farms Damage Environment
| Environmental News Net, 12/4/1
| by ENN
Salmon Virus Roils Maine Industry
| Environmental News Net, 9/7/1
| by Reuters
Farm Salmon can Pollute Wild Runs
| Seattle Times, 5/14/00
| by Mark Yuasa
Atlantic Salmon Off Alaska Worry Some
| Seattle Times, 8/28/00
| by Associated Press
Some Escaped Atlantic Salmon Feeding
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/25/00
| by Associated Press
Atlantic Salmon Jump Ship, Swim Free
| The Oregonian, 8/6/00
| by Associated Press
Atlantic Salmon on Endangered List
| Washington Post, 11/14/00
| by Marc Kaufman
'Frankenfish' or Tomorrow's Dinner?
| Washington Post, 10/17/00
| by Marc Kaufman
Concerns Over Souped-up Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/22/00
| by Associated Press
'Frankenfish' Fear for Native Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/20/00
| by Les Blumenthal
back to top |
Nez Perce Tribe Begins Construction of Kelt Reconditioning Facility at Cherrylane Hatchery
| Big Country News, 7/17/24
| by Staff
Analysis of Northwest, Other Salmon Hatcheries Finds Nearly All Hurt Wild Salmon Populations
| Oregon Capital Chronicle, 7/11/24
| by Alex Baumhardt
US Government Announces $240 Million for Pacific Northwest Hatchery Upkeep
| Seafood Source, 7/29/24
| by Nathan Strout
Nez Perce Tribe Begins Construction of Kelt Reconditioning Facility at Cherrylane Hatchery
| Big Country News, 7/17/24
| by Staff
Facility Catering to Kelts will be Built This Summer
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/16/24
| by Eric Barker
Salmon Seem to Have a Nose for Beer
| The Atlantic, 7/15/23
| by Ben Goldfarb
Tucannon Managers Plan to Play Fish Barging Card
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/10/23
| by Eric Barker
Nez Perce Take Over Fish Production at Dworshak
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/28/22
| by Eric Barker
PNW Hatcheries Aren't Saving Salmon, Investigation Finds
| Crosscut, 6/10/22
| by Schick & Hwang
Listen Federal Efforts to Save Salmon in the Pacific Northwest are Failing
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/24/22
| by Tony Schick
Tribe Takes Helm at Dworshak Hatchery
| The Daily News, 6/10/22
| by Eric Barker
Oxbow Hatchery Closing to Visitors for Renovation
| La Grande Observer, 5/28/22
| by Staff
The U.S. Has Spent More Than $2 Billion on a Plan to Save Salmon. The Fish Are Vanishing Anyway
| Pro Publica, 5/24/22
| by Schick & Hwang
Dworshak Dam Discharge to Increase to Support Hatchery Releases
| Daily Fly, 4/8/22
| by USACE
250,000 Juvenile Steelhead Gone After Hatchery Failure
| Columbia Insight, 2/7/22
| by Eli Francovich
There and Back Again: A Salmon's Tale in the Pacific Northwest
| Corps of Engineers, 2/1/22
| by Hannah Mitchell
The Getaway: 250K Steelhead Fish Escape from Washington State Hatchery
| Capital Press, 2/4/22
| by Associated Press
Will Reviving B.C.'s Declining Salmon Stocks Require a Rethink of Hatcheries?
| The Narwhal, 10/30/21
| by Ryan Stuart
Sockeye Smolts Released Early After Killing Event at Hatchery
| Post Register, 5/4/21
| by Jerry Painter
Hatcheries Begin Collecting Fish at Dam
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 8/21/20
| by Staff
Springfield Hatchery -- Bingham County's Conservation Heroes
| Bingham County Chronicle, 7/30/20
| by Jack Connelly
Help Steelhead Spawn: Public Help Sought to Collect Broodstock
| Lewiston Tribune, 2/14/19
| by Eric Barker
Tribes Break Ground on New Milton-Freewater Salmon Hatchery
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/13/20
| by Staff
Sockeye are Endangered. Here's What Idaho Fish and Game is Doing to Save Them
| CBS 2 Idaho News, 11/22/19
| by Staff
Brood Collection on B-run Looking Up
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/22/19
| by Eric Barker
Adult Steelhead Released to Boost Snake River Populations
| Spokane Public Radio, 11/22/19
| by Steve Jackson
Kelt Program Aims to Rehabilitate Valuable Repeat Steehead Spawners in the Snake River
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/21/19
| by Eric Barker
Hatchery Programs Likely Causing Weakening of Wild Salmon Populations
| Seafood Source, 10/2/19
| by Chris Loew
First Sockeye from Hatchery Comes Home -- $14M, 6 Years and Millions of Smolt Later
| Idaho Statesman, 8/29/19
| by Rocky Barker
Watch Dworshak Fish Hatchery's Chinook Spawning Plays Key Role in Managing Salmon Population
| KLEW, 8/20/19
| by Stephen Pimpo Jr.
Boosting Salmon Production
| Lens, 1/8/19
| by TJ Martinell
New Water Chemistry Strategies by IDFG Increase Survival of Snake River Sockeye Smolts
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/18
| by Staff
Steelhead Begins Spring Migration to Pacific Ocean
| KMVT, 4/8/18
| by Staff
Steelhead Start Journey from Wendell to the Ocean
| Times-News, 4/5/18
| by Staff
Hatchery Chinook Salmon are Self-sorting in Tanks
|, 2/8/18
| by Chris Branam
Long-Term Idaho Salmon Supplementation Not a Stand-Alone Recovery Tool
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/18
| by Staff
Back to the Wild: About 100 Steelhead Repeat Spawners Released on Snake River
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/25/17
| by Eric Barker
NOAA Releases Proposed Changes to Columbia Basin Mitchell Act Hatchery Programs
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/16/16
| by Staff
Study Looks at Ways to Reduce Hatchery Steelhead Adaptation to Captivity, Increase Survival
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/16
| by Staff
NOAA Fisheries Stipulates No Mitchell Act Funds for 10 Hatcheries Until Hatchery BiOp Completed
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/9/16
| by Staff
Nez Perce Tribe Seeking Next Step for Steelhead Kelt Facility to Capture, Recondition Spawned Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/2/16
| by Staff
Reconditioning Steelhead Kelts Improves Their Survival
| NW Fishletter, 9/6/16
| by Laura Berg
Science Review of Idaho Salmon Supplementation Study Discusses 'Pivotal' Questions
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/12/16
| by Staff
Wild Fish Conservancy Files Lawsuit to Force Federal Consultation on Basin Mitchell Act Hatcheries
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/1/16
| by Staff
Study: Changes to Genetics of Hatchery Steelhead Occur in Just One Generation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/26/16
| by Staff
Hatchery Life Changes Fish Genetics, Oregon Study Finds
| The Oregonian, 2/17/16
| by Kelly House
Wild Fish Advocates File Notice Against Mitchell Act Hatcheries, 60 Million Smolts Annually
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/15/16
| by Staff
Minijacks -- A Major Headache at Some Hatcheries
| NW Fishletter, 4/4/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Study: Wild Coho Seek Genetic Diversity in Mate Choice, Hatchery Fish Lack that Ability
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14
| by Staff
Naturally-Produced Columbia River Steelhead Do Better than Hatchery Fish in Marine Waters
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14
| by Staff
Study Looks at Natural Productivity Issues when Hatchery and Wild Steelhead Mix
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/14
| by Staff
Wild Salmon: Are Their Best Days All Behind Them?
| Crosscut, 9/17/13
| by Martha Baskin
Science Panel Takes a Hard Look at Hatchery Policies
| NW Fishletter, 3/29/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Ocean Workshop Looks for New Ways to Use Research
| NW Fishletter, 3/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Study on Hatchery Salmon Viability Released
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/12
| by Associated Press
Nez Perce Study Shows Hatchery Supplementation Can Help Boost Imperiled Fish Stocks
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/5/11
| by Staff
Hatchery Would Boost Recovery Efforts with Much Larger Smolt Releases
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11
| by Staff
Hatchery Fish may Hurt Efforts to Sustain Wild Salmon Runs
| Science Daily, 6/10/9
| by Staff
150 Boise Icons: Lonesome Larry
| Idaho Statesman, 4/21/9
| by Anna Webb
Artificial Production and the Effects of Fish Culture on Native Salmonids
| Return To The River, 1/1/00
| by NW Power Council
The Problem with Hatcheries
| Salmon Nation, 1999
| by Jim Lichatowich & Seth Zuckerman
Mystery of Poor Survival of Sockeye Smolts May Be Solved
| NW Fishletter, 12/4/17
| by Laura Berg
Experts: Idaho Hatchery Built to Save Salmon is Killing Them
| ABC News, 11/17/17
| by Keith Ridler
The Public Paid $14 Million for an Idaho Hatchery -- and All its Fish Have Been Dying
| Idaho Statesman, 11/17/17
| by Rocky Barker
Surplus Hatchery Salmon Released into Northern Idaho Creek
| Wichita Eagle, 9/23/17
| by Associated Press
IDFG Scrambling to Fill Hatchery Quotas of Spring Chinook
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/21/17
| by Eric Barker
Hatcheries Release Young Fish Reluctantly
| Clearwater Tribune, 3/22/17
| by Elizabeth Morgan
Spring Chinook, Steelhead Fry Hit Hard at Clearwater Hatcheries this Week
| Spokesman-Review, 3/21/17
| by Rich Landers
Dworshak Hatchery Forced to Release Young Spring Chinook Early
| Spokesman-Review, 3/20/17
| by Rich Landers
600,000 Chinook Fry Lost, 1.4 Million Juvenile Steelhead in Peril in North Idaho
| Idaho Statesman, 3/21/17
| by Chadd Cripe
Changes Proposed for Lower Columbia Salmon, Steelhead Hatcheries
| The Columbian, 12/15/16
| by Al Thomas
NMFS Seeks Comments on Proposal to Extend ESA Protections to Hatchery Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/27/16
| by Staff
Hatchery-raised Fish Could Gain ESA Protection
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/27/16
| by Staff and AP
Crystal Springs Hatchery Program
| BPA Journal, 8/16
| by Staff
Dworshak Flows to Fluctuate While Testing Hatchery Water Systems
| Clearwater Tribune, 4/27/16
| by Staff
Idaho Again Enlists Anglers To Help Catch South Fork Clearwater River Steelhead For Broodstock
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/26/16
| by Staff
Wild Fish Conservancy Lawsuit Seeks to Evaluate Puget Sound Salmon Farm Impacts on ESA
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/26/16
| by Staff
Idaho Fish and Game to Release Sockeye into Lakes in mid-September
| Idaho Dept. Fish & Game, 9/4/15
| by Mike Demick
Hatcheries to Play Key Role Rebuilding Snake River Sockeye Runs, NOAA Says
| NW Fishletter, 7/6/15
| by Steve Ernst
Sacramento Chinook Caught in Columbia River
| The Columbian, 6/11/15
| by Staff
Study Examines Mating Success of Non-Anadromous Mini-Jacks With Anadromous Female Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15
| by Staff
Study Analyzes Effects of Supplementation on Natural-Origin Salmon Abundance
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/22/15
| by Staff
A Fresh Look at Fish Supplementation
| NW Fishletter, 5/14/15
| by Bill Rudolph
Building a Better Steelhead on the South Fork of the Clearwater
| Idaho Statesman, 4/15/15
| by Roger Phillips
Study Relates More Fish to Lower Survival Odds
| East Oregonian, 4/10/15
| by George Plaven
Study Looks at Cost Effectiveness of Habitat Restoration Compared to Hatcheries
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/3/15
| by Staff
Idaho Sockeye Salmon Success Could be Blueprint
| Idaho Statesman, 11/30/14
| by Keith Ridler
Snake River Sockeye Featured in American Fisheries Magazine; Natural Origin Fish Recovering?
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/21/14
| by Staff
Endangered Species Success: Idaho Salmon Regaining Fitness Advantage
|, 11/25/14
| by Staff
Hatchery Recaptures Build Steelhead Fishing Season
| Capital Press, 11/20/14
| by Pete Zimowsky
Adding Wood Structures to Streams Promotes Fish Recovery, But Do They Have to Cost So Much?
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/7/14
| by Staff
NOAA Releases Final Columbia Basin Hatchery EIS
| NW Fishletter, 9/11/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Flash Flood Kills Broodstock Chinook Salmon
| Idaho Statesman, 8/14/14
| by Staff
Snake River Hatcheries Get Passing Grades
| NW Fishletter, 7/24/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Partners Celebrate Win-win at Hatchery
| BPA Journal, 6/13
| by Staff
Nearly All Hatchery Fish Sport Clipped Fins, Says New Report
| NW Fishletter, 6//26/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Tribes Quash Science Review of Draft F&W Program
| NW Fishletter, 6//26/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Study Shows Conflicts in Hatchery Production/ Conservation Goals, Genetic Integrity Issues
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6//20/13
| by Staff
Snake River Fall Chinook Make a Comeback
| Idaho Statesman, 3//12/13
| by Rocky Barker
Fall Chinook Salmon Spawn in Record Numbers in Snake River
| Indian Country Today, 3//2/13
| by Staff
Dworshak Hatchery Wins Some Rounds Against IHN
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/10/13
| by Eric Barker
75th Celebration: Steelhead from Creation to Catch
| Teton Valley News, 12/5/13
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Council Hears Update on Status, Future Plans for New Snake River Sockeye Salmon Hatchery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/8/13
| by Staff
Air-Spawned Steelhead Trout Release, an Inside Look
| Indian Country, 10/25/13
| by Jack McNeel
Increasing Steelhead Numbers with a Little TLC
| EarthFix, 10/25/13
| by Courtney Flatt
Snake River Sockeye Hatchery Opens
| BPA Journal, 10/13
| by Staff
Council OKs Next Step in Walla Walla Hatchery Construction
| NW Fishletter, 10/14/13
| by Bill Rudolph
New $13 Million Snake River Sockeye Hatchery Opens
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/13
| by Staff
Idaho Sockeye Hatchery Open for Business
| NW Fishletter, 9/19/13
| by Bill Rudolph
A Reunion with Old Fish on the Snake River
| The Oregonian, 9/14/13
| by Steve Duin
Lonesome Larry Lives On: Sockeye's Genes to be Used at New Hatchery
| Idaho State Journal, 9/7/13
| by Michael H. O'Donnell
New Sockeye Hatchery to Open Near American Falls Reservoir
| Times-News, 9/4/13
| by Associated Press
Dedication for New Hatchery Intended to Move Snake River Sockeye Recovery to Next Level
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/16/13
| by Staff
Anglers Help Boost Clearwater Salmon Stocks
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/7/13
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Brood-Stock from the Clearwater River
| Dworshak Blogspot, 7/25/13
| by Staff
Dworshak May Be Tapped to Hatch Additional Chinook
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/19/13
| by Eric Barker
Big Questions Still Haunt Lower Snake Hatchery Plan
| NW Fishletter, 6/28/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Video Teaches Students about Fish Hatchery Program
| Idaho Power's Connections, 1/13
| by Staff
Dworshak Hatchery Wins Award
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/21/12
| by Staff
Ocean Workshop Looks for New Ways to Use Research
| NW Fishletter, 3/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
"Air Spawning"' may Help Steelhead
| The Columbian, 3/1/13
| by Eric Barker
Salmon Conference Discusses NW Hatchery Strategies: What Does Success Look Like?
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12
| by Staff
Study Says Hatchery Fish are Boosting Idaho Chinook Run
| NW Fishletter, 10/19/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Water Problem Forces Fish Shift
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/24/12
| by Eric Barker
Tribes Planning for $14 Million Hatchery to Boost Spring Chinook in Upper Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/12
| by Staff
State, Tribe Break Ground on New Sockeye Hatchery
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/20/12
| by Eric Barker
NW Tribes Working on Hatchery Reform Using Genetics
| NW Public Radio, 6/7/12
| by Aaron Kunz
NW Tribes Working to Develop Better Hatchery Fish
| Boise State Public Radio, 6/7/12
| by Staff
New Hatchery Aims to Boost Snake River's Sockeye Production
| Times-News, 6/21/12
| by Staff
ID gets Go-Ahead for New Hatchery Aimed at Recovering Snake River Sockeye
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/12
| by Natalie St. John
Hatching Solutions
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/30/12
| by Eric Barker
Niagara Springs Fish Hatchery Renovation Temporarily Closes to Visitors
| KIVI-TV, 3/5/12
| by Jaclyn Brandt
Quick Productivity Decline for Hatchery Steelhead in Wild
| NW Fishletter, 1/19/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Fish Fitness Will Get Another Look
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/19/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Agencies Scoping Plan For 'Hatchery Effects Evaluation Team'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/13/12
| by Staff
Just One Generation in a Salmon Hatchery Ruin Salmon for Thriving in the Wild
| The Wildlife News, 1/10/12
| by Ralph Maughan
Hatcheries Change Salmon Genetics After a Single Generation
| Science Daily, 12/20/11
| by Staff
Natural Selection in Hatcheries Causes Rapid Productivity Declines in the Wild
| The Oregonian, 12/19/11
| by Scott Learn
Nez Perce Hatchery Strategy Pays Big Dividends, Raises Big Questions for NW
| The Oregonian, 12/10/11
| by Scott Learn
Science Panel Questions Hatchery Supplementation Effectiveness
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/17/11
| by Staff
Tribes Tout Hagerman Salmon Recovery Efforts
| Times-News, 6/18/10
| by Amy Huddleston
Researchers Search for Methods to Reduce High Numbers of 'Mini-Jacks' Produced by Hatcheries
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/11/9
| by Staff
Kooskia Hatchery to Receive Stimulus Money
| Local News 8, 12/10/9
| by Associated Press
Idaho's Nez Perce Ship Coho Eggs to Oregon
| Local News 8, 12/10/9
| by Associated Press
Hatchery Cutbacks Could Mean Fewer NW Steelhead
| Times News, 9/17/9
| by Nate Poppino
Grand Ronde Faces Hatchery Population Problem
| The News Tribune, 8/30/9
| by Staff
A Tool Restoring Pacific Northwest Salmon
| San Francisco Chronicle, 8/17/9
| by Paul Lumley
Hatchery Steelhead Relatively Unfit for Reproductive Duty
| NW Fishletter, 6/19/9
| by Bill Rudolph
Scientists Release Report on NW Fish Hatcheries
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/30/9
| by Doug Nadvornick
Scientists: Reform Needed for Salmon Hatcheries
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/27/9
| by Jeff Barnard
Changes on Tap for Local Hatcheries
| The Columbian, 4/7/8
| by Allen Thomas
Fish and Game says Lost Salmon Can't Be Replaced
| Fort Mill Times, 4/4/8
| by Mark Yuasa
Review: Keep Hatchery, Native Fish Segregated
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/24/7
| by Staff
NPPC OKs $640,844 for Sockeye Broodstock Program
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/7
| by Staff
Evolving Hatchery Strategy Aims to Boost Runs
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/7/7
| by Keith Ridler
Fish-farm Friends, Foes Square Off over Future
| Times Colonist, 10/20/6
| by Jeff Rud
Recovery Doesn't Begin, or End, in Concrete
| The Oregonian, 10/16/6
| by Editors
Flaw Limits Captive Fish, Study Says
| The Oregonian, 10/11/6
| by Michael Milstein
Modern Hatcheries Aid Wild Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/10/6
| by Jeff Barnard
Salmon Dying at Sawtooth Hatchery
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/25/6
| by Steve Benson
State's Food Banks get Salmon Donation
| Statesman Journal, 12/17/5
| by Beth Casper
Hatchery Salmon to Stay Protected
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/17/5
| by Robert McClure
United Effort Fosters Fall Chinook
| Statesman Journal, 6/1/5
| by Staff
The Spawn is On
| Idaho Mountain Express, 4/29/5
| by Greg Stahl
Tribal Employees Learning to Run Hatchery
| KTVB News, 4/25/5
| by Associated Press
Tribes Hurt Species with Hatchery Steelhead
| Register-Guard, 12/19/4
| by Les AuCoin
Hatching Answers to Long-Held Questions
| Capital Press, 11/26/4
| by Mitch Lies
NE Oregon Hatchery Takes a Step Forward
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/4
| by Barry Espenson
Appeal for Old Hatchery Lawsuit Snuffed
| NW Fishletter, 9/7/3
| by Bill Rudolph
NOAA Meetings on Hatchery Policy, Listings
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4
| by CBB staff
44,000 Diseased Hatchery Fish Released
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/10/4
| by Associated Press
Grande Ronde & Imnaha Spring Chinook
| Capital Press, 8/4
| by Staff
Council Wades Swamp of Hatchery Mandates
| NW Fishletter, 7/20/4
| by Bill Rudolph
Hatcheries Fail to Breed Fish with Instincts
| San Francisco Chronicle, 7/17/4
| by Sophia Yin
A Fish's Role in the Ecology Debate
| Christian Science Monitor, 5/8/4
| by Brad Knickerbocker
Scientists: Hatchery, Wild Salmon Different
| Capital Press, 4/2/4
| by Mitch Lies
| |
Salmon Killed by Disinfectant Spill at Hatchery
| KTVB News, 7/1/4
| by Associated Press
Hatchery Offset for Reduced Spill Off Table
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4
| by Mike O'Bryant
Salmon Dodge Bullet with Revised Plan
| Environmental News Net, 6/1/4
| by Reed Stevenson
Going Native
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/4
| by Staff
World's Largest Hatchery System to Change
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/15/4
| by Gene Johnson
Adding Artificial Twist to Species Protection
| The Oregonian, 5/13/4
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Sawtooth Hatchery Record Salmon Returns
| KIFI News, 5/9/4
| by Staff
Utility is Releasing Millions of Fish
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/25/4
| by Staff
Idaho Power Releasing Millions for Trip to Sea
| KTVB News, 3/19/4
| by Associated Press
Hatchery Evaluation Attracts Mixed Comments
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/30/4
| by Barry Espenson
Grande Ronde gets Grand Experiment
| The Bulletin, 11/6/3
| by Keith Ridler
House Passes Interior Bill with NW Fish Funds
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/31/3
| by CBB staff
House Approves Slight Increase for Interior
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/27/3
| by CBB staff
Interior Spending Bill Includes 'Mass Marking'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3
| by CBB staff
Hatchery Review Seeks Priority Change
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/21/3
| by Eric Barker
Council Seeks Comment on Hatchery Report
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/3
| by Barry Espenson
Nez Perce to Open New Salmon Hatcheries
| Idaho Statesman, 10/6/3
| by Staff
Imnaha River: Lab for Technological Solutions
| The Oregonian, 9/21/3
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Hatchery Fish Can Crowd Out Wild Stock
| NW Fishletter, 7/22/3
| by Bill Bakke
Tribes Critique ISAB Supplementation Report
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by Barry Espenson
Science Board See-Saws on Supplementation
| NW Fishletter, 6/13/3
| by Rudolph & Bakke
Go Slow on Supplementation Until Answered
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/3
| by Barry Espenson
Hatchery Bill Passes Oregon House
| Capital Press, 5/16/3
| by Mark Engler
Scientists Urge 500 Changes to Hatcheries
| Seattle Times, 5/6/3
| by Craig Welch
9th Circuit to Hear on Hatchery vs. Wild
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3
| by Barry Espenson
Tribes Work to Restore Traditional Fisheries
| Environmental News Net, 4/4/3
| by Ben Ikenson
Hatchery vs. Wild Fish: Leads to Petition
| NW Fishletter, 3/21/3
| by Bill Rudolph
NOAA Preliminary Report on Species Status
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3
| by Barry Espenson
Salmon Farms Lead to Smaller Eggs
| Environmental News Net, 3/14/3
| by Jeff Barnard
Hatchery-Wild Hybrid Survival in Doubt
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/14/3
| by Associated Press
Bonneville Spills for 7.5 Million Hatchery Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/14/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Regulation Marking All Federal Hatchery Fish
| NW Fishletter, 3/21/3
| by Bill Bakke
Discussion on Implementing Mass Marking
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/7/3
| by CBB staff
ISAB Responds to Excess Hatchery Fish
| NW Fishletter, 2/21/3
| by Bill Bakke
NOAA Fisheries Working on Hatchery Policy
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/31/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Hatchery Steelhead Hurt Wild Chinook
| NW Fishletter, 1/17/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Unmarked Hatchery Fish Still Released
| NW Fishletter, 12/17/2
| by Bill Bakke
Researchers Work with DNA to Save Fish
| Times-News, 10/25/2
| by Associated Press
Gene Work Essential To Sockeye Restoration
| Times-News, 9/13/2
| by Bill Loftus
Diverse Groups Come Together on Hatchery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/11/2
| by Wil Phinney
Tribe Bringing Back Snake Fall Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/2
| by Barry Espenson
Hatchery Fish Play Big Part in Hanford Reach
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/6/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
More Hatcheries May Face the Budget Axe
| NW Fishletter, 8/23/2
| by Bill Bakke
Hatcheries Select for Less Fit Fish in Wild
| NW Fishletter, 8/6/2
| by Bill Bakke
Cooperative Effort Saves Fish, Farmers
| Seattle Times, 7/1/2
| by Lynda V. Mapes
Hatching Reform
| High Country News, 6/10/2
| by Rebecca Clarren
The Wild ( Not-So-Wild)Sex Life of Salmon
| High Country News, 6/10/2
| by Rebecca Clarren
Tribes Blur Line Between Wild & Hatchery
| High Country News, 6/10/2
| by Rebecca Clarren
| |
43,000 Diseased Salmon Smolts Killed
| Idaho Statesman, 6/6/2
| by Staff
Fate of Infected Captive Brood Sockeye
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/10/2
| by Wil Phinney
Hatchery Releases Millions of Ill Salmon
| Seattle Times, 4/4/2
| by Hal Bernton
| |
Fish & Game Begins Steelhead Experiment
| Idaho Mountain Express, 4/3/2
| by Greg Stahl
Salmon Saga is One of Survival
| MSNBC News, 3/26/2
| by David Foster
New Drafts on Native and Hatchery Fish
| Capital Press, 1/4/2
| by Kat Ricker
Hatchery Fish Trucked to Spawning
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/1
| by Barry Espenson
Frozen Sperm Could Save Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/1
| by Mike O'Bryant
Tribe's Ready to Crank Out Salmon
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/6/00
| by Eric Barker
Supplementation Project Shows Promise
| Columbia Basin Bulletin,10/20/00
| by Barry Espenson
Saving Snake River's Wild Salmon
| New Scientist, 4/22/95
| Bob Holmes
Killing Salmon to Save the Species
| High Country News, 10/9/00
| by Mike Stark
Destruction of Salmon Eggs Angers Tribe
| Seattle Times, 8/30/00
| by Linda Ashton
Feds Now Plan Hatchery Salmon to Live
| The Oregonian, 6/26/00
| by Associated Press
More Hatcheries Promised
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/25/73
| by Sylvia Harrell
back to top |
Barged Snake River Fall Chinook Juveniles Stray More Than In-River Fish When Return As Adults
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/16/16
| by Staff
Barges Carry Anglers' Hopes
| Lewiston Tribune, 2/8/90
| by Staff
Biological Effects of TDG Supersaturation
| Dissolved Gas Abatement Study, 5/02
| by Army Corps of Engineers
Rising River Temperatures Put Endangered Salmon in Hot Water
| Aljazeera America, 8/25/15
| by Kevin Taylor
Study: Factors Influencing Juvenile Salmon/Steelhead Survival Accumulate as Fish Pass Multiple Dams
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/12/16
| by Staff
Lower Snake River 'Temperature Diet' Looks to Shed Degrees
| Greenwire, 9/13/24
| by Jennifer Yachnin
Record Salmon Migration Runs into Hot Water
| Greenwire, 7/17/24
| by Jennifer Yachnin
Record Columbia River Sockeye Run Gets a Well-Timed Break from Heat
| Seattle Times, 7/13/24
| by Lynda Mapes
IDFG Trapping Sockeye at Lower Granite Dam to Protect Population as Heat Waves Continue
| KTVB, 7/19/24
| by Richard Rodriguez
Efforts Aim at Improving Salmon Survival at Snake River Dams
| Hermiston Herald, 5/19/23
| by Matthew Weaver
Comparative Survival Study Analyzes Recent Spill Impacts on Salmon
| NW Fishletter, 5/1/23
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Dam Operators Work to Determine the Best Way to Help Young Salmon Pass Through the Dams
| KOIN 6 News, 4/17/23
| by Amanda Arden
TMT Forgoes Juvenile Transport from Lower Monumental Dam
| NW Fishletter, 8/1/22
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Fewer Dams Provided Migrating Fish a Significant Advantag
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/19/21
| by Eric Barker
Conservation Group Sues U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Polluting River, Killing Salmon
| KGW, 12/14/21
| by Keely Chalmers
Conservation Group Sues Army Corps over Columbia Pollution
| Idaho State Journal, 12/10/21
| by Nicholas Geranios
US Army Corps of Engineers Required to Cool Water at Snake River Dams to Help Salmon Survive
| KGW8, 10/6/21
| by Keely Chalmers
Nez Perce Part of Settlement on Hells Canyon Water Quality
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/3/21
| by Eric Barker
Federal Regulators to Limit Hot Water in Snake, Columbia Rivers
| NW News Network, 10/1/21
| by Courtney Flatt
Salmon Face Deadly Hot Waters Along Columbia and Snake Rivers as the Call for Dam Removal Grows
| Pacific Northwest Inlander, 9/2/21
| by Samantha Wohlfeil
Underwater Video Shows Heat-Stressed Salmon, But It Could Have Been Worse
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/28/21
| by Courtney Flatt
Managers Altering Water Spilling at Two Dams
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/3/21
| by Eric Barker
Officials: Idaho Trap-and-Truck Salmon Effort Successful
| KTVB 7, 8/10/21
| by Keith Ridler
Extreme Heat, Extreme Measures
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/2/21
| by Eric Barker
Washington State Board Plans to Enforce Temperature Limits on Snake and Columbia Rivers
| Seattle Times, 6/30/21
| by Lynda V. Mapes
Dry Summer Warnings Signal Trouble for NW Salmon
| Auburn Examiner, 6/9/21
| by Eric Tegethoff
Report: Washington Salmon are in Hot Water
| Snoqualmie Valley Record, 2/1/21
| by Aaron Kunkler
Research: Sockeye are in Hot Water
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/20
| by Eric Barker
Salmon Struggle to Beat Heat in Columbia River Basin
| Washington News Service, 9/10/20
| by Eric Tegethoff
Snake River Dams in Hot Water
| Seattle Times, 6/29/20
| VandenHeuvel & Julius
Scientists Assert Only Breaching Can Cool Northwest Waterways
| Post Register, 10/23/19
| by Eric Barker
State Looks to Keep More Water in River for Salmon
| Chinook Observer, 8/6/19
| by Staff
State Proposes Spilling More Water Over Dams for Salmon, Orcas
| GoSkagit, 8/3/19
| by Kimberly Cauvel
Washington Department of Ecology Seeks Feedback on Proposed Rule Changes
| Daily Fly, 7/31/18
| by Staff
Dworshak Flows to Increase Wednesday
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/26/18
| by Staff
Washington State to Regulate Federal Dams on Columbia, Snake to Cool Hot Water, Aid Salmon
| Seattle Times, 1/31/19
| by Lynda V. Mapes
Dam Operations Adjusted to Help Struggling Snake River Sockeye
| NW Fishletter, 7/20/18
| by K.C. Mehaffey
River Managers Test Lower Monumental Spill Change to Stimulate Sockeye Passage
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/18
| by Staff
With Temps Rising, Corps Cools Snake River with Dworshak Water to Aid Endangered Sockeye
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/18
| by Staff
High Flows Prompt Efforts to Reduce Dissolved Gas, Fish Trauma at Dams
| NW Fishletter, 6/4/18
| by K.C. Mehaffey
River Managers Make Spill Changes to Improve Spring Chinook Adult Passage in Lower Snake
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/18
| by Staff
Fish Passage Center Releases Annual Survival Study for Columbia Basin Salmon, Steelhead
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/5/17
| by Staff
River Ops Review 2017: Overall Hydrosystem Survival for Chinook/Steelhead Smolts Below Average
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/22/17
| by Staff
Sediment Buildup Complicates Fish Care, Navigation at Lower Granite Dam
| NW Fishletter, 9/5/17
| by Laura Berg
Riverkeeper: No Sustained Hot Water Temps if Lower Snake Dams Go
| NW Fishletter, 9/5/17
| by Laura Berg
Study: Dams Led to Salmon Die-off on Snake River
| East Oregonian, 8/28/17
| by George Plaven
With Adult Spring Chinook Passage Stalled at Little Goose, River Managers Experiment with Spill
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/9/17
| by Staff
More Juvenile Fish Die at Little Goose Dam
| Tri-City Herald, 5/20/17
| by Annette Cary
Salmon, Steelhead Die at Little Goose Dam
| Tri-City Herald, 5/5/17
| by Annette Cary
94 Fish Die After Debris Problem at Little Goose Dam
| Tri-City Herald, 4/13/17
| by Annette Cary
Young Salmon Risk "Gas Bubble Trauma" on Trip to Ocean
| Statesman Journal, 2/27/17
| by Keith Ridler
Hatchery Fish Released Early to Avoid High Gas Levels from Dworshak Dam
| NW Fishletter, 4/3/17
| by Laura Berg
2016 Columbia/Snake Survival Rates Mixed for Juvenile Fish
| NW Fishletter, 12/5/16
| by Laura Berg
Corps Investigation Loss of 200 Adult Steelhead Below Dworshak; Likely Caused by Hitting Structure
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/16
| by Staff
Corps Investigating Steelhead Deaths at Idaho's 402-MW Dworshak Hydropower Plant
| HydroWorld, 11/18/16
| by Michael Harris
Clearwater Steelhead Go Belly Up Below Dworshak Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 11/17/16
| by Rich Landers
Death of 200 Steelhead Linked to Dam Turbine
| Tri-City Herald, 11/16/16
| by Staff
Corps Investigating Loss of About 200 Steelhead Just Below Dworshak Dam
| Daily Fly, 11/16/16
| by Rich Landers
Cooler Water Continues to Flow in Lower Snake River; Fish Ladder Cooling Now Also at Little Goose
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/26/16
| by Staff
Changes at Snake River Dams Helping Idaho Sockeye Salmon
| News Times, 8/28/16
| by Keith Ridler
Corps Helping Salmon by Cooling Water at Little Goose and Lower Granite Dams Adult Fish Ladders
| Clearwater Tribune, 8/18/16
| by Staff
Report: Faster Response Needed to Mitigate Salmon Die-off
| Spokesman-Review, 5/4/16
| by Rich Landers
Study says Drawing Down Lower Granite Reservoir During Summer Could Help Fish
| Spokesman-Review, 7/17/16
| by Eric Barker
Columbia Basin Fish, Hydro Managers Eye Rising Water Temps
| NW Fishletter, 7/5/16
| by Laura Berg
FPC: Federal Dam Fishway Temperatures Longstanding Problem
| NW Fishletter, 7/5/16
| by Laura Berg
Managers Aim for Cooler Water in Snake River to Aid Sockeye
| The News Tribune, 7/4/16
| by Keith Ridler
Sockeye Begin Return as Above Normal Water Temps Persist
| NW Fishletter, 6/2/16
| by Laura Berg
Fish On the Move, Facilitating Juvenile Fish Passage 2016
| NW Fishletter, 6/2/16
| by Laura Berg
Army Corps Improving Fish Passage at Lower Granite Dam
| The Olympian, 6/2/16
| by Nicholas K. Geranios
Columbia and Snake Sockeye Decimated by 2015's Warm Rivers
| Idaho Statesman, 4/13/16
| by Rocky Barker
Last Year's Heat Wave Doomed Nearly All Okanogan Sockeye Salmon
| Seattle Times, 4/13/16
| by Hal Bernton
Corps Report on 2015 Columbia/Snake Warm Water, Fish Die-Off Will Discuss Actions to Avoid Repeat
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/1/16
| by Staff
Feds Seek Ways to Avoid Another Columbia Basin Fish Kill
| Idaho Statesman, 3/6/15
| by Keith Ridler
90 Percent of Snake River Sockeye Died Before Reaching First Snake River Dam
| NW Public Radio, 12/7/15
| by Courtney Flatt
Post-Mortem 2015 Snake River Sockeye Run; 90 Percent of Fish Dead Before Reaching Ice Harbor Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/4/15
| by Staff
Report Analyzes Impacts, Causes of This Year's Warm Fish-Killing Water in Columbia/Snake
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/6/15
I | by Staff
Juvenile Spring Outmigration on Columbia, Snake Unusually Low in 2015
| Northwest Fishletter, 11/2/15
| by Laura Berg
Warm Water Wreaks Havoc on Columbia River Fish
| NW Power & Conservation Council, 8/12/15
| by John Harrison
Warm Water Blamed for Huge Columbia River Sockeye Die-Off
| NW Power & Conservation Council, 7/31/15
| by John Harrison
Sturgeon Deaths Prompt Columbia Fishing Closure
| The Vancouver Columbian, 7/16/15
| by Allen Thomas
Testing to Improve Fish Passage Through the Ice Harbor Turbines
|, 5/20/15
| by Foust, J.M., et al
Smoke, Lower Air Temperatures Keep Lower Snake Cooler
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/28/15
| by Staff
Last Of Dworshak Water for August? 400 Snake River Sockeye Between Lower Granite, Sawtooth Basin
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/14/15
| by Staff
Special Operations for Snake River Sockeye
| NW Fishletter, 8/11/15
| by Laura Berg
Dworshak Dam Releases Reduced to Conserve Water for Fish Returning August, September
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/7/15
| by Staff
Heat and Drought Devastate Sockeye Salmon Fishing and Spawning on Washington Rivers
| Los Angeles Times, 8/3/15
| by William Yardley
Boiling Point: Hot Water Killing 50% of Columbia River's Salmon Population
| Reuters, 7/31/15
| by Staff
Finding Water for Columbia River Fish in a Low Flow Year
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/24/15
| by Staff
Biologists Bring Sockeye into Idaho on Trucks to Get Them Out of Hot Water
| Idaho Statesman, 7/17/15
| by Rocky Barker
Sockeye Salmon Suffer Infections in Warm Columbia River System
| Spokesman-Review, 7/17/15
| by Rich Landers
Snake River Sockeye Trapped, Transported At Lower Granite
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/17/15
| by Staff
Columbia Basin Water Supply: Rivers, Streams Now Flowing at Late Summer Levels
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/10/15
| by Staff
Lower Granite Water Temps Go Above 68 Degrees; Returning Snake River Sockeye Stalling in System
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/6/15
| by Staff
Below-Average Runoff Triggers Dry-Year Ops for Fish Protection
| NW Fishletter, 7/6/15
| by Rick Adair
Dworshak Reservoir Releases Water Ahead of Schedule for Endangered Fish
| KLEW TV, 6/23/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Hot Weather Forces Dworshak Flow Increase to Cool Lower Snake
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/26/15
| by Staff
Water Released from Idaho Reservoir to Cool River for Salmon
| Twin Times-News, 6/22/15
| by Associated Press
Water Released from Idaho Reservoir to Cool River for Salmon
| WRAL, 6/20/15
| by Staff
Water Temps (near 68), Low Flows Prompt Earlier than Usual Summer Hydro Operations in Lower Snake
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15
| by Staff
Snake River Juvenile Salmon Transport Numbers Low So Far
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 5/31/15
| by Josh Babcock
Snake River Juvenile Salmon Take a Cruise
| Wasington Times, 5/30/15
| by Josh Babcock
As Water Supply Expectations Lower So Do Flow Targets at McNary During Juvenile Salmon Migration
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15
| by Staff
Ice Harbor Project Aimed at Making Safer Turbines for Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/5/14
| by Staff
Better Passage Gets Columbia River Salmon Past McNary Dam
| East Oregonian, 4/17/14
| by George Plaven
Latest CSS Results Show Barging Helped Some Stocks
| NW Fishletter, 2/5/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Dam Removal Study Suggests Rivers Return to Natural Conditions Surprisingly Fast
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/14
| by Staff
Idaho Power Begins Fall Flow Regime to Protect Fall Chinook Redds Below Hells Canyon Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/14
| by Staff
Weather Trivia: Ice Harbor Sets Record for WA's Highest Temperature (in 1961)
| Shore News Today, 8/4/14
| by R.J. Liberatore Jr.
Return Tags in Salmon, Steelhead for $25
| The Spokesman-Review, 7/2/14
| by Rich Landers
Research Looks for Reasons Adult Salmon Survival Bonneville to McNary Falling Below Standards
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Losses Above Bonneville Remain a Mystery
| NW Fishletter, 6/5/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Watch Whooshh: No Dam Problem with the Salmon Cannon
| Treehugger, 8/22/14
| by Manon Verchot
Yakamas Testing Suction Tubes to Transport Salmon
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 6/3/14
| by Kate Prengaman
Testing to Improve Fish Passage through the Ice Harbor Turbines
| HydroWorld, 5/20/14
| Foust, Ahmann, Davidson, Kiel and Freeman
Little Goose Dam Navigation Lock Reopens; Salmon, Steelhead Barging Begins May 1
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/14
| by Staff
ISAB Explains Problems, Possibilities with Oregon's Spill Proposal
| NW Fishletter, 4/24/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Remodel of Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Salmon Facility Expected to Improve Fish Survival
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/14
| by Staff
Scientists Tell Council Proposed Spring Spill Experiment Not Complete Enough for Implementation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/14
| by Staff
Increasing Salmon Spill at Columbia/Snake Dams; Science Panel Lists Biological Risks to Aquatic Life
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/14
| by Staff
Increasing Spill at Columbia/Snake Dams: BPA Economic Analysis says $110 Million Annual Loss
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/14
| by Staff
Scientists say Oregon's Spill Proposal Not Ready for Prime Time
| NW Fishletter, 2/20/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Action Agencies Raise more Questions over Spill Proposal
| NW Fishletter, 1/31/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Council Seeks Independent Science Advice on Proposal to Test Increased Spill at Mainstem Dams
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/17/14
| by Staff
Climate Change Impacts Suggest Snake River Fish Passage Facilities Need 'Thermal/Hydraulic' Features
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/10/14
| by Staff
Keeping Fish Moving During Hot Times at Lower Granite Fish Ladder
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/13
| by Staff
Tracking Sockeye 'Conversion' from Lower Granite to High Country; Seek Cues to Trigger Transport
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/6/13
| by Staff
Despite High 2011 Flows, Spill, Barging Still Benefited some Stocks
| NW Fishletter, 1/9/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Council Sends Spill Proposal to ISAB for Scientific Review
| NW Fishletter, 1/9/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Juvenile Steelhead Survival Down This Year
| NW Fishletter, 11/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Some Agencies Want 10-Year Spill 'Test' in Next F&W Program
| NW Fishletter, 10/14/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Bonneville/Energy Trust Study Delves into Hydropower's Long Reach
| Sustainable Business Oregon, 10/7/13
| by Andy Giegerich
Chinook, Steelhead Surge in Snake River
| Spokesman-Review, 9/23/13
| by Rich Landers
New NMFS BiOp Explains Why More Spill Is A Non-Starter
| NW Fishletter, 9/19/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Power Council Hears from Supporters of Huge Spill Test
| NW Fishletter, 9/19/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Returning Columbia Chinook May Top 1 Million
| Billings Gazette, 9/15/13
| by Eric Barker
Returning Chinook Run into Thermal Blockage at Lower Granite Dam
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/13/13
| by Eric Barker
Snake Steelhead Still Stalled Below Lower Granite Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 9/12/13
| by Rich Landers
Warm Weather has Fall Chinook Passing over Little Goose Dam then Stalling at Lower Granite Ladders
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/6/13
| by Staff
Columbia System Gets Hotter and Deadly for Salmon and Steelhead
| Idaho Statesman, 7/30/13
| by Rocky Barker
UI Study Launched to Boost Fish Stocks
| Coeur d'Alene Press, 7/19/13
| by Staff
Columbia, Snake, Willamette Dams Target of UI Study
| The Daily News, 7/1/13
| by Anthony Kuipers
Bonneville's Turbines Tuned to Reduce Fish Descaling
| NW Fishletter, 6/4/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Corps Not Convinced Turbine Tweaks Will Help Young Sockeye
| NW Fishletter, 6/4/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Juvenile Chinook Survival Second Highest in Recent Years
| NW Fishletter, 10/19/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Corps Begins 2013 Fish Operations Plan; Includes Spill, Performance Fish Survival Tests
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/5/12
| by Staff
Fish Managers Request End to Summer Salmon Transport from McNary; Cite System Improvements
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/12
| by Staff
Fish Passage Improvements Result in Increased Survival
| Intl. Water Power & Dam, 4/23/12
| by Staff
(Delayed Mortality) More Dam Passage Not Necessarily a Bad Thing
| NW Fishletter, 4/18/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Latest Data Shows Barging Fish Still Best for Most Snake Stocks
| NW Fishletter, 1/13/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Barging Fish In May Still Beats Swimming
| NW Fishletter, 12/13/12
| by Bill Rudolph
2012 Juvenile Salmon Migration: Spring Chinook Survival Second Best Since 1999
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12
| by Staff
ID Power Co. Starts Annual Flow Program to Protect Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Redds
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/12/12
| by Staff
With Warming Water What's Better for Juvenile Salmon: In-River Passage or Truck Transport?
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12
| by Staff
Wet Spring has Dworshak Filled to Brim for Summer Flow Augmentation for Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/29/12
| by Staff
Dworshak Full, for Now
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/29/12
| by Staff
Research: Barged Smolts Don't Suffer from Transport, Issue is 'Accelerated Timing of Ocean Entry'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/12
| by Staff
Turbines Tweaked for Juvenile Sockeye at Bonneville
| NW Fishletter, 6/8/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Bonneville Dam Flows Configured to Limit Descaling of Idaho's ESA-Listed Sockeye
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/25/12
| by Staff
Corps Launches 2012 Fish Plan
| Seaside Signal, 4/3/12
| by Staff
Latest NMFS Analysis Backs Up Late Spring Barging Strategy
| NW Fishletter, 12/14/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Bonneville Dam Fish Ladders: Once a Spawn a Time
| VIA Magazine, 10/20/11
| by Chris Woolston
High Flows Play Havoc With Juvenile Hydro Survival
| NW Fishletter, 9/22/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Work at Dams and Water Spills Boost Salmon
| Spokesman Review, 5/5/11
| by Rich Landers
Dam Passage and Spill Boost Salmon Survival
| Othello Outlook, 4/29/11
| by Brian Gorman
2010 Juvenile Survival Through Hydro System Near Record Highs
| NW Fishletter, 4/19/11
| by Staff
Dam Passage and Spill Boost Salmon Survival in the US
| Intl. Water Power & Dam, 4/19/11
| by Staff
Snake River Steelhead Pass Dams at 2nd-Highest Rate
| Bellingham Herald, 4/15/11
| by Staff
Hydro Operators Evaluate Passage Route for Kelt Returning to Ocean
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11
| by Staff
Good Returns Reveal Fish Protection
| BPA Journal, 1/11
| by Staff
Improved Returns Demonstrate Columbia Salmon Protection
| KBKW, 12/27/10
| by David Haviland
Study Shows Dam Improvements Help Fish
| The News Tribune, 12/23/10
| by Staff
Snake River Flows Downstream of Hells Canyon to Vary Again
| Idaho Statesman, 9/12/10
| by Staff
Concrete Wall Improves Salmon Survival Rates at The Dalles Dam
| The Oregonian, 9/10/10
| by Quinton Smith
Fish Passage Center's 'Comparative Survival Study' for Review
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/17/10
| by Staff
Dworshak Drawdown to Start Tuesday
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/30/10
| by Eric Barker
Research: Impact of 'Thermal Refugia' on Spawning
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/11/10
| by Staff
Dam Operators Fly Idaho Rivers, Map Hot Spots
| The Seattle Times, 8/9/9
| by John Miller
Underwater Acoustic Tags Help Salmon Avoid Becoming Dinner
| Smart Planet, 1/28/10
| by Andrew Nusca
Acoustic Tags Track Movement of Salmon Through Dams
| The Oregonian, 7/29/9
| by Matthew Preusch
New Technology Improves Salmon Passage at Dams
| Red Orbit, 7/24/9
| by Erik Robinson
Salmon Delayed Mortality Happens Farther Out in Ocean
| Idaho Statesman, 6/30/9
| by Rocky Barker
Corps Fights Birds at John Day Dam
| NW Fishletter, 2/19/9
| by Bill Rudolph
New Method Offers Direct Detection of Salmon Brain Injury
| New York Times, 2/13/9
| by Henry Fountain
NW Scientists Track Tiny Salmon down Columbia to Ocean
| KUOW, 5/26/9
| by Sadie Babits
Army Corps to Spend Nearly $200 Million in OR, WA
| The Oregonian, 4/29/9
| by Scott Learn
'Corner Collector' Opens for Steelhead Kelt, Juvenile Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/3/9
| by Staff
New Technologies Help Scientists Track Fish Species
|, 3/11/9
| by Krishna Ramanujan
High Flows Bring Debris Forcing Removal of Screens
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/8
| by CBB Staff
Biologists Fish for Data on Why Fall Chinook Linger
| The Seattle Times, 10/8/7
| by Andrew Sirocchi
Homing Rates for In-river, Barged Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/21/5
| by Staff
Researchers Study to Find Best McNary Passage
| East Oregonian, 3/22/7
| by Samantha Bates
Science Panel: Spills' Effects Unknown
| Capital Press, 3/10/5
| by Staff
Angling Restrictions Studied for Bonneville Dam
| The Columbian, 1/20/5
| by Staff
Panel Finds Big Holes in Summer Flow Analyses
| NW Fishletter, 11/18/4
| by Bill Rudolph
Looking for Answers to Flow-Survival Conunudrum
| NW Fishletter, 11/18/4
| by Bill Rudolph
Pests Seek a Northwest Passage
| The Oregonian, 8/10/4
| by Bill Monroe
Fish Managers Push to End McNary 1% Tests
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/28/4
| by CBB staff
NOAA Releases Hydro White Paper Drafts
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/21/4
| by CBB staff
Spill to Deal with Brief Rise in Fish Mortality
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/7/4
| by CBB staff
Monitoring Plan for McNary Turbine Critiqued
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/30/4
| by Mike O'Bryant
How to Measure Gas Levels at Bonneville
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/9/4
| by CBB staff
Workshop: New Ways to Handle Flood Control
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/13/4
| by CBB staff
SR Spring Return Rates as Good as They Get
| NW Fishletter, 1/16/4
| by Bill Rudolph
EPA Proposes New Water Rules
| Post Register, 10/24/3
| by Associated Press
EPA Proposes OR Water Quality Standards
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
(barging) Journey Downriver
| Tri-City Herald, 8/3/3
| by Anna King
Seeking Mitigation for Reduced Ice Harbor Spill
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/1/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
DEQ Revising Water Pollutant Criteria
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/11/3
| by CBB staff
Ice Harbor Mortality Prompts Evaluations
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/27/3
| by Barry Espenson
Summer Spill Study Begins at Ice Harbor Dam
| NW Fishletter, 6/30/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Hydro Conference Focuses on Saving Dollars
| NW Fishletter, 6/13/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Seeking Change in Hanford Reach Operations
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Dams Run by Army Engineers Leak Oil
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/6/3
| by Associated Press
Manager Review Mainstem Water Quality Plan
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/3
| by Barry Espenson
Repairs Block Winter Passage at John Day
| NW Fishletter, 4/15/3
| by Bill Bakke
Lower Snake Dissolved Gas TMDL Plan
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/14/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Administration Failing to Protect Salmon
| Enviroment News Service, 2/28/3
| by Matthew Daly
Admin Earns F on Salmon Report Card
| Enviroment News Service, 2/28/2
| by Cat Lazaroff
Fed Salmon Managers Get Failing Grades
| Environmental News Net, 9/6/1
| by American Rivers
| |
Benefits of Dworkshak Flows on Adult Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
River Managers Review Past Year's Ops
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/15/2
| by CBB Staff
Study of John Day Spill Regime Efficiency
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/22/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
Research of Dalles Dam Dangers for Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/22/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
Delayed Mortality Linked to Dam Stress
| Greenwire, 4/?/2
| by Natalie M. Henry
Drought Devastates Salmon Fry Count
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/22/1
| by Lisa Stiffler
Stranding Kills 1.6 Million Salmon
| The Oregonian, 8/23/1
| by Jonathan Brinckman
Rivers Ravaged by Energy Consumption
| Environmental News Net, 4/12/1
| by Margot Higgins
Flow/Survival Link Confounds Researchers
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/9/1
| by Barry Espenson
Salmon Must Pay in Power Crunch
| Seattle Times, 1/12/1
| by Eric Sorensen
BIOP'S Approach Leaves Flow Uncertain
| Columbia Basin Bulletin 12/22/00
| Mike O'Bryant
Free-Flowing Snake Still Best, IFG Says
| Spokesman Review, 10/4/00
| by Rich Landers
13 Most Endangered Rivers of 2000
| Environmental News Net, 4/10/00
| by Margot Higgins
10 Most Endangered Rivers
| Paddler Magazine, 7/99
| American Rivers
Snake River Most Endangered
| American Rivers, July 1999
| American Rivers
| |
Snake River Dam Resolution
| Resolution, 6/22/99
| Pacific Fishery Council
Idaho River Recommendations
| Columbia Basin Bulletin 6/11/99
| Mike O'Bryant
Biology Breached
| Editorial, Spring 1999
| Orion Afield
Fish Response to Turbines Tested
| Environmental News Net, 6/7/99
| by ENN
Salmon, Steelhead Get Barge Rides
| The Columbian, 8/24/0
| by Erik Robinson
| |
back to top |
Complexities of Measuring Effects of Predation on Basin Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/16
| by Staff
Salmon Recovery Must Weigh "Native" Invader Impacts, as Well as Invasive Species'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/12/12
| by Staff
Multi-Species Approach Suggested to Address Tensions from Rebounding Predators, ESA Species
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/12/15
| by Staff
Public Speaks Out on Columbia River Boat Dock Plan
| Tri-City Herald, 6/9/11
| by Jacques Von Lunen
Public Input Sought on Plan to Restrict Backyard Docks
| The News Tribune, 8/10/9
| by John Trumbo
Walleye Continue to Move Upstream, Pose Threat to Native Salmon and Steelhead
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/24/24
| by Staff
Catch, Kill, Report Walleye in Idaho's Salmon and Steelhead Rivers
| Coeur d'Alene Press, 10/24/24
| by Idaho Fish & Game
IDFG Reports Three Times More Walleye Caught in Snake, Salmon Than in 2023
| Northwest Sportsman, 3/29/24
| by Andy Walgamott
New Joint-agency Work Group Formed around Walleye, Nonnatives In Snake, Columbia
| Northwest Sportsman, 3/29/24
| by Andy Walgamott
Invasive Walleye Moving Higher into Snake River Basin, Threatening Juvenile Salmon, Steelhead, Lamprey
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/22/24
| by Staff
'Not Good for Salmon and Steelhead': Smolt-Eating Walleye Worry Fishery Managers
| Spokesman-Review, 8/30/23
| by Eric Barker
Walleye Continue 'Alarming' Spread Into Hells Canyon
| Northwest Sportsman, 8/15/23
| by IDF&G Press Release
Increasing Number of Predatory Walleye Logged at Lower Granite Dam
| Big Country News, 6/29/15
| by Nolan Smith
Terns, Cormorants Continue to Feast on Columbia's Salmonids
| NW Fishletter, 10/7/19
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Hungry Terns and Cormorants are Still a Problem, Particularly for Some Steelhead Smolts
| NW Power & Conservation Council, 9/25/19
| by John Harrison
A Federal Bird Kill in the Columbia River Did Nothing to Save Salmon
| Willamette Week, 2/6/19
| by Karina Brown
Oregon: Federal Plan to Save Salmon by Killing Birds Backfired
| Courthouse News Service, 2/5/19
| by Karina Brown
To Help Salmon, Fish Advocates Want to Kill Some Gulls
| Seaside Signal, 1/29/19
| by Courtney Flatt
Fewer Cormorants Nest at East Sand Island, Observers Document Bald Eagle Predation on Eggs
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/18
| by Staff
Watch Cormorant vs. Salmon
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/19/15
| by Cassandra Profita
Cormorant Culling from Boats Resumes in Lower Columbia Estuary, Will Continue Through October
| Chinook Observer, 10/19/15
| by CBB Staff
Judge Says Decision to Kill Cormorants Unlawful, But Keeps it in Place
| NW Fishletter, 9/6/15
| by Laura Berg
Killing Cormorants Did Little to Help Salmon, Judge Hears
| Courthouse News, 6/6/16
| by Karina Brown
Killing Cormorants Not Improving Steelhead Survival Rates
| NW Fishletter, 6/6/16
| by Laura Berg
For Second Year, Corps Issued Permit to Cull Cormorants in Lower Columbia; Allows Killing 3,216
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/15/16
| by Staff
McNary Refuge Plays Host to Thousands of Winged Visitors for Winter
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 1/24/16
| by Alfred Diaz
Cormorant Killing Comes to Seasonal End, Litigation Set for March
| NW Fishletter, 11/2/15
| by Laura Berg
Salmon-Loving Seabird Causing Political Clash in Pacific Northwest
| Courthouse News Service, 10/2/15
| by Karina Brown
Watch Video Offers First Glimpse of Cormorant Killings on Columbia River
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/23/15
| by Vince Patton
Research: Seabird Populations Drop 70 Percent Since 1950s, Indicator of Health of Marine Ecosystems
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/10/15
| by Staff
Corp Slows Down Cormorant Culling in Columbia River Estuary Due to Nesting Birds
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15
| by Staff
Culling Cormorants Begins: Goal is to Reduce 15,000 Breeding Pairs to Under 6,000 by 2018
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15
| by Staff
Judge Refuses to Halt Lethal Removal of Cormorants
| NW Fishletter, 5/23/15
| by Bill Rudolph
Government Hunters Prepare to Kill Salmon-eating Birds
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/23/15
| by Jeff Barnard
Federal Judge Allows Corps' Cormorant Culling Plan to Proceed in Columbia River Estuary
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/15/15
| by Staff
Conservation, Animal Welfare Groups File Lawsuit to Stop Plan to Cull Estuary Cormorants
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/24/15
| by Staff
USFWS Grants Corps One-Year Depredation Permit to Begin Culling Columbia Estuary Cormorants
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/17/15
| by Staff
Audubon Announces Intent to Sue Over Plan to Cull Cormorants from Columbia River Estuary
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/27/15
| by Staff
Less Nesting Habitat Has Led to Higher Nesting Density for Salmonid-Eating Caspian Terns
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/13/15
| by Staff
Mid-Columbia Efforts to Reduce Avian Predation Result in Survival Increase for Juvenile Salmonids
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/20/15
| by Staff
Final EIS Released on Reducing Estuary Cormorant Numbers; Proposes Both Shooting and Egg Oiling
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/6/15
| by Staff
Listen Salmon in Columbia River Endangered by Seabirds
| Liberty Voice, 2/9/15
| by Alex Lemieux
Feds Propose Killing 16,000 Birds to Save Salmon
| Electric Co-Op Today, 7/24/14
| by Steven Johnson
Corps Chooses Not to Further Reduce Estuary Habitat for Salmon-Eating Terns
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14
| by Staff
Corps Avian Hazing at Lower Snake Dams Now Includes Lethal 'Take' of Gulls, Cormorants
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14
| by Staff
Corps will Kill Some Fish-Eating Birds
| NW Fishletter, 4/3/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Army Corps to Cull Fish-eating Birds on Snake River
| Spokesman-Review, 3/6/14
| by Rich Landers
Army Corps to Begin Killing Birds
| Capital Press, 3/28/14
| by Associated Press
Fish-Eating Birds to be Killed at Five Dams
| Daily Astorian, 3/27/14
| by Courtney Flatt
Plan Set to Limit Mid-Columba Bird Predation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/7/14
| by Staff
East Sand Cormorant Colony Increasing; Estuary's Most Significant Source of Smolt Mortality
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/3/13
| by Staff
Corps Prepares for Battle with Hungry Birds
| NW Fishletter, 12/12/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Corps Won't Kill Gulls to Help Salmon-eating Terns
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/13
| by Associated Press
Eagles, Gulls, Terns; Corps Considers Ways to Manage Estuary's Predation Dynamics
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13
| by Staff
State Expands Study of Salmon-eating Seabirds
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/23/13
| by Associated Press
Big-Water Smallies on the Columbia River
| Game & Fish, 4/29/23
| by Gary Lewis
Watch Largest West Coast Bass Fishing Tour to Show Off Columbia River and Tri-Cities in June
| Tri-City Herald, 6/4/16
| by Wendy Culverwell
WDFW Removes Bag Limits for Bass, Walleye, Catfish on Columbia River, Tributaries to Protect Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/4/16
| by Staff
When ESA-Listed Salmon, Steelhead, Bull Trout Coexist in Same Stream, Bull Trout Top Predator
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/10/15
| by Staff
Near-record Smallmouth Caught Near Stevenson
| The Herald of Everett, 7/2/14
| by Wayne Kruse
Dworshak Reservoir and Columbia River on Bassmaster's List of Top 100 Best Bass Spots
| Ag Weekly, 5/6/14
| by Staff
Dworshak Reservoir (and Columbia River) on Top 100 Bass List
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/1/14
| by Staff
New Rules Mean More Walleye, Fewer Sturgeon for Washington Anglers
| The Bend Bulletin, 3/13/13
| by Eric Barker
WA Removes Catch Limits for Some Salmon Predators
| NW Fishletter, 3/7/13
| by Eric Barker
It's Official: Bag Limits Off in WA for Columbia/Snake Bass, Walleye, Channel Catfish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/3/13
| by Staff
WA May End Bass, Walleye, Catfish Catch Limits to Save Salmon
| NW Fishletter, 2/12/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Council Staff Develops 'Next Steps' for Policy Development Addressing Predation Issues
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12
| by Staff
Columbia River, Dworshak Reservoir Included in List of Nation's Top Bass Fishing Spots
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/4/12
| by Staff
Columbia River Ranks as a Top Bass Fisheries
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/30/12
| by Eric Barker
A Million Strong and Bull Trout are Endangered, Seriously?
| Bellingham Herald, 9/8/10
| by Roger Phillips
Waterfowl Hunters Work Day Planned Saturday
| Tri-City Herald, 9/7/10
| by Staff
Biologists Fear Time Running Out for Columbia River Lamprey
| The News Tribune, 9/5/10
| by Kevin McCullen
Franklin Co. Fights End of Private Docks
| The News Tribune, 5/8/10
| by Kristi Pihl
Bass, Walleye Pose Substantial Threat To Salmonids
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/6/9
| by Staff
Invasive Species are Greatest Threat to NW Salmon
| The Oregonian, 3/5/9
| by Matthew Preusch
Nonnative Fish Harming Columbia Ecosystem
| The Columbian, 7/23/8
| by Erik Robinson
No Bull: These "Trout'' a Challenge to Locate
| The Columbian, 12/1/5
| by Allen Thomas
Analyzing Shad, Predator Impacts on Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4
| by Barry Espenson
Ducks Found to be Culprit in Missing Fish Case
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/30/4
| by Associated Press
Orca Family Returns to Penn Cove After 50 Years
| Whidbey News-Times, 11/8/24
| by Luisa Loi
Lack of Chinook Salmon Keeps Southern Resident Orcas on Endangered List
| My Northwest, 10/15/24
| by Julia Dallas
Recently Birthed Southern Resident Calf Believed to be Dying
| My Northwest, 10/11/23
| by Julia Dallas
In the King Salmon Debate, We're Ignoring the 8,000-Pound Orca in the Room
| Anchorage Daily News, 10/26/23
| by Andy Wink
Endangered Southern Resident Orca Whales are Last in Line for Salmon. Here's Why
| Skagit Valley Herald, 12/27/19
| by Kimberly Cauvel
Washington State Moves to Protect Endangered Killer Whales
| Times Colonist, 3/15/18
| by Phuong Le
Ocean Predators
| NW Council, 1/16/18
| by John Harrison
The Disappearance of Washington's Orca Whales
| High Country News, 11/15/17
| by Allegra Abramo
Study Shows High Pregnancy Failure in Southern Resident Killer Whales
| UW News, 6/29/17
| by James Urton
Another Orca from 'Baby Boom' Dies, Fears Expressed about Extinction
| KOMO News, 9/25/17
| by Staff
Another Young Puget Sound Orca Dies of Starvation
| Q13 Fox News, 9/25/17
| by Staff
Orca's Death Raises Fears of Extinction
| Times Colonist, 9/25/17
| by Richard Watts
Why Do Most Orca Pregnancies End in Miscarriage? Look Upstream
| Pacific Standard, 9/21/17
| by Hanna Brooks Olsen
UW Professor's Study Links Food Scarcity to Orcas' Failed Pregnancies
| Seattle Times, 6/28/17
| by Lynda Mapes
Southern Resident Killer Whale Population is Running Out of Salmon, Running Out of Time
| National Geographic, 1/31/17
| by Carl Safina
World's Oldest Known Killer Whale Granny Dies
| BBC News, 11/3/16
| by Victoria Gill
Brutal Year Sets Back Orca Recovery
| Crosscut, 11/2/16
| Heydenreich, Giles, Balcomb
Puget Sound Orcas Die of Starvation
| Mirror Daily, 11/2/16
| by Robert Moore
The Southern Resident Killer Whale Population is Dying
| Ocean Preservation, 8/25/16
| by Elizabeth M Batt
Starved for Salmon, a Unique Clan of Orcas is Slipping towards Extinction
| Oceana, 8/18/16
| by Allison Guy
Dams Are Wiping Out Chinook Salmon -- And Decimating Killer Whales
| Oceana, 8/22/16
| by Allison Guy
Listen The Great Salish Sea: Double Jeopardy -- Endangered Orcas and Endangered Salmon
| Green Acre Radio, 7/16
| by Staff
Hungry Killer Whales Waiting for Columbia River Salmon
| Seattle Times, 3/31/16
| by Giles & Stefani
Whales with a Dam Problem
| Pacific Standard, 3/29/16
| by Chelsey B. Coombs
Drones Track Orcas in Puget Sound, Show Population in Good Shape
| Spokesman-Review, 10/21/15
| by Phuong Le
Save Money, Save Salmon, Save Mike: Free the Snake
| The Cleanest Line, 8/21/15
| by Steve Hawley
Survival of Endangered Orcas in the Salish Sea Depends on Restoring Chinook
| Bellingham Herald, 2/27/15
| by Howard Garrett
NOAA: Puget Sound Killer Whales to Stay Protected
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/2/13
| by Associated Press
Science Fails to Back Orca ESA Listing
| Capital Press, 6/12/12
| by Schiff Himebaugh
Whale-Watching Boats: No 'Room' for the Orcas
| Crosscut, 6/12/12
| by Daniel Jack Chasan
Not Having Enough Salmon Stresses Killer Whales
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/8/12
| by Staff
U.S./Canada Science Evaluates Effects of Salmon Fisheries on ESA-Listed Killer Whales
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/4/12
| by Staff
A Third Baby Orca and Its Family are Headed This Way
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/26/14
| by Joel Connelly
Is Washington's Orca Baby Boom a Fluke?
| Washington Post, 1/9/10
| by George Tibbits
Can Scat, Diet, Breath Give Clues to Orca Decline?
| Seattle Times, 12/20/6
| by Phuong Lee
With Dog's Help, Clues to Orcas' Decline in Whale Scat
| Seattle Times, 11/19/6
| by Lynda Mapes
Sounds Like My Favorite Fish
| ScienceNOW Daily News, 11/12/6
| by Phil Berardelli
U.S. Offers Orca Rescue Plan
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/29/6
| by Robert McClure
As the Chinook Go, So Go the Orcas
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/5/6
| by Peggy Anderson
Bonneville Sea Lion Removal Operations Ongoing, Just 2 Culled
| Northwest Sportsman, 4/28/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Battle Over Endangered Fish has Led Oregon to Cull Sea Lions
| KGW, 4/11/23
| by Staff
Report: Sea Lion Abundance Drops, But 'Sustained Impacts' to Fish Remain
| NW Fishletter, 3/13/22
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Sea Lions Threaten Northwest's Salmon
| The Columbian, 2/17/22
| by Lauren Ellenbecker
Sea Lions, Seals Might be Hampering WA Salmon Recovery. What Can Be Done?
| Seattle Times, 1/15/23
| by Isabella Breda
Report Raises Question of Hunting Seals to Save Washington Salmon
| The Center Square, 12/19/22
| by Timothy Schumann
Scientists: Let's Test Removing Salmon-eating Seals, Sea Lions
| Capital Press, 11/23/22
| by Don Jenkins
NMFS Authorizes Sea Lion Removals to Save Columbia River Salmon
| National Fisherman, 8/27/20
| by Lynda Mapes
Hundreds of Sea Lions to be Killed on Columbia River in Effort to Save Endangered Fish
| Seattle Times, 8/15/20
| by Lynda Mapes
Oregon Seeking Expanded Sea Lion Controls Following Success of Protections at Willamette Falls
| The Columbian, 10/26/19
| by Bill Monroe
Watch New Plan Targets Salmon-Eating Sea Lions in Columbia River
| Q13 Fox, 8/30/19
| by Associated Press
Application Submitted to Lethally Remove Sea Lions from Columbia River
| The Columbian, 6/20/19
| by Terry Otto
Sea Lions Cause Trouble at Northwest Ports
| The News Tribune, 5/12/19
| by Tom Banse
Criteria for Killing Salmon-eating Sea Lions Reduced at Bonneville Dam on Columbia
| Statesman Journal, 5/3/19
| by Keith Ridler
ESA Winter Steelhead Impacted by Prolonged Steller Sea Lion Presence at Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/1/19
| by Staff
So Far, Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam Below 10-Year Average; Mostly Stellars
| Chinook Observer, 8/1/18
| by CBB Staff
For Wildlife Lovers, a Kind of Sophie's Choice
| Sierra Magazine, 2/6/19
| by Austin Price
It's Now Legal to Kill Sea Lions that are Threatening Salmon in the Pacific Northwest
| CNN, 1/30/19
| by Lauren Kent
Senate Passes Bill Making it Easier to Kill Sea Lions on Pacific Northwest River
|, 12/8/18
| by Phuong Le
Hunters Demand Quota to Cull Thousands of Seals to Save Salmon Population Along B.C.'s Coast
| Star Vancouver, 8/2/18
| by Jenny Peng
Northwest Tribes may Soon Have Right to Kill Sea Lions
| The Columbian, 8/1/18
| by Katy Sword
One State's Plan to Save a Protected Species is to Kill Another Species
| The Dalles Chronicle, 6/11/18
| by Karin Brulliard
Latest Bi-Weekly Pinniped Report Shows Decline in Steller, California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/18
| by Staff
Falling Prey
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/18
| by Eric Barker
As Spring Chinook Arrive, Steller Sea Lion Presence at Bonneville Dam Breaks Single Day Record
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/18/18
| by Staff
Hazing Sea Lions Not a Long-term Fix
| The Dalles Chronicle, 5/11/18
| by Dameon Pesanti
'We're Losing' Sea Lion Fight
| Spokesman-Review, 4/5/18
| by Dameon Pesanti
Bill Would Streamline Process to Kill Sea Lions Near Bonneville Dam
| KGW8, 4/4/18
| by Brian Brennan
Sea Lions Focus of Fish Survival War
| The Dalles Chronicle, 3/22/18
| by Gillian Flaccus
Sea Lions Feasting on Columbia River Steelhead
| KXLY, 3/8/18
| by Brian Neale
West Coast California Sea Lion Population has Rebounded: Meets Marine Mammal Protection Act Goal
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/19/18
| by Staff
Recovery of West Coast Marine Mammals Dramatically Increasing Consumption of Chinook Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17
| by Staff
Sea Lions Leave Bonneville Dam with Likely High Salmon Predation Rate in Their Wake
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/23/17
| by Staff
Oregon, Washington and Tribes Again Take Aim at Sea Lions in Dispute Over Salmon
| The Oregonian, 7/14/17
| by Andrew Theen
Hazing Sea Lions: Like the Sheep Dog and Coyote Fable, But on Water
| The Oregonian, 7/14/17
| by Andrew Theen
ODFW Applies to Cull Sea Lions at Willamette Falls
| Lake Oswego Review, 6/27/17
| by Patrick Malee
Sea Lion Presence At Bonneville Dam Up; Salmon Predation Exceeds Historical Average
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/2/17
| by Staff
Yakamas Applaud Bill that Would Allow Tribes to Remove Sea Lions Feasting on Fish
| Yakima Herald, 4/11/17
| by Phil Ferolito
Bill Seeks to Allow Tribes to Kill Salmon-Eating Sea Lions
| The Tribune, 4/11/17
| by Nicholas Geranios
Sea Lions Ate Lots of Salmonids in Bonneville Pool in Early 2016
| NW Fishletter, 4/3/17
| by Laura Berg
Study says Predators May Play Major Role in Chinook Salmon Declines
| Encylopedia of Puget Sound, 1/25/17
| by Christopher Dunagan
Early Action Key to Reducing Sea Lion Impacts on Salmon
| Science Daily, 12/16/16
| by Staff
Sea Lions Spending Longer Periods At Bonneville Dam; Warm Ocean Conditions To Blame?
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/16
| by Staff
NOAA Fisheries Gives OK to Remove Sea Lions That Prey on Salmon
| NW Fishletter, 9/6/16
| by Laura Berg
Sea Lions Eat Record Number of Salmon and Steelhead in Columbia
| NW Fishletter, 7/5/16
| by Laura Berg
Sea Lions Continue Feast on Salmon, Ratepayers
| Electric Co-op Today, 6/13/16
| by Steven Johnson
States Kill 47 California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam During April, 14 Added to Watch List
| Chinook Observer, 5/13/16
| by CBB Staff
47 Sea Lions Killed by Wildlife Workers This Year at Dam
| WHIO TV, 5/5/16
| by Staff
Wildlife Workers Kill 38 Sea Lions Near Bonneville Dam this Year
| KGW, 5/3/16
| by Pat Dooris
As Spring Chinook Passage Picks Up at Bonneville Dam, So Do Sea Lion Numbers, Salmon Mortality
| Chinook Observer, 4/22/16
| by CBB Staff
Sea Lion Return Bad for Fish, NW Ratepayers
| Electric Co-op Today, 3/29/16
| by Steven Johnson
Sea Lions Back At Bonneville Dam For Spring Salmonid Return
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/1/16
| by Staff
Sea Lion Trapped, Removed from Bonneville Pool
| The Columbian, 1/31/16
| by Al Thomas
Sea Lions Step Up Endangered Salmon Feast
| Electric Co-op Today, 10/19/15
| by Steven Johnson
2015 Sea Lion Predation Report: 8,474 Salmonids Taken Below Bonneville, Twice 10-Year Average
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15
| by Staff
Pinniped Monitoring at Bonneville Dam this Year Shows Record Number of Sea Lions,Salmon Predation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/15/15
| by Staff
Trap Malfunction Results in Accidental Death of Two California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15
| by Staff
'Freak Accident' at Bonneville Dam Kills Sea Lion, Marks 3rd Death in Days
| The Oregonian, 5/5/15
| by Kelly House
Sea Lion Dies in 'Freak Accident' at Bonneville Dam
| KPTV, 5/5/15
| by Staff
Two Sea Lions Die After Trap Door Malfunctions at Bonneville Dam
| Perfect Science, 5/4/15
| by Luis Georg
Sea Lions Die In Oregon: Trap Malfunction Death
| Clapway, 5/3/15
| by Piyush
Two Sea Lions Die in Trap
| My Central Oregon, 5/1/15
| by Staff
2 Sea Lions Crushed to Death at Bonneville Dam After Trap Door Malfunctions
| The Oregonian, 5/1/15
| by Kelly House
Watch Love 'em Or Hate 'em, Sea Lions Raise Concerns on the Columbia
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/26/15
| by Cassandra Profita
Spring Chinook Return Gathers Steam, Sea Lion Numbers in Bonneville Dam Tailrace Above Average
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/17/15
| by Staff
Once-starving Seals, Sea Lions Swarm Columbia River for Smelt, Salmon Runs
| Daily Astorian, 3/25/15
| by Edward Stratton
Sea Lions Showing Large Presence in Lower Columbia; Smelt First, Then Come Spring Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/13/15
| by Staff
Bill Introduced Aimed at Killing More Sea Lions
| NW Fishletter, 2/5/15
| by Bill Rudolph
Sea Lions Find New Places to Snack on NW Fish
| Electric Co-op Today, 2/2/15
| by Steven Johnson
Watch Bill Supports Killing Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| KOIN 6 News, 1/29/15
| by Chris Holmstrom
Fish & Feathers: Estimates Suggest Sea Lions Take a Hungry Bite Out of Salmon Runs
| Chinook Observer, 1/13/15
| by Capt. Ron Malast
Sea Lions May be Killing Even More Columbia Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/7/14
| by Associated Press
Study: Seals, Sea Lions Eating More Columbia River Salmon Than Previously Thought
| The Daily News, 11/6/14
| by Tom Paulu
Sea Lion Predation on Salmon Up at Dam
| NW Fishletter, 10/2/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Salmon Munching Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam Shifting to Different Species, New Problems
| The Oregonian, 6/16/14
| by Conrad Wilson
Chinook May Face Heavy Sea Lion Predation in Lower Columbia
| NW Fishletter, 6/5/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Sea Lions Leave Bonneville Dam; Impact Well Below High Predation Years
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/14
| by Staff
California Sea Lions, Full of Spring Chinook, Leave Bonneville Dam for Points South
| The Oregonian, 5/16/14
| by Ted Sickinger
Seven More California Sea Lions Captured Below Bonneville Dam, Four Euthanized
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/27/14
| by Staff
Spring Ritual: States Begin Trapping, Euthanizing Sea Lions Feasting on Chinook at Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/14
| by Staff
Six Sea Lions Killed at Bonneville Dam
| Indy Bay California, 4/19/14
| by The Humane Society
Watch First Nuisance Sea Lions of 2014 Killed at Bonneville Dam
| KUOW, 4/18/14
| by Tom Banse
Strong Smelt Return Attracts Larger Sea Lion Numbers to Columbia River as Springer Run Builds
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14
| by Staff
2013 Pinniped Predation on Lower Columbia Salmon: 2,928 Fish, 2.4 Percent of the Run
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/8/13
| by Staff
Some Steller Sea Lions Delisted From ESA
| NW Fishletter, 11/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Some Sea Lions are Now Off the Endangered List
| Statesman Journal, 11/3/13
| by Henry Miller
Niners Uphold Lethal Removal of Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| NW Fishletter, 10/14/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Federal Appeals Court Green-lights Killing of Sea Lions to Save Salmon
| Examiner, 10/4/13
| by Hank Lacey
The Trouble with Sea Lions
| The Dalles Chronicle, 7/12/13
| by Kathy Ursprung
Sea Lion Predation Down this Year
| NW Fishletter, 6/28/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Sea Shepherd Activist Aids Columbia River Sea Lions
| North Shore News, 6/9/13
| by Christine Lyon
Sea Lion Feasting on Spring Chinook Prompts More Trapping, Branding, Removals
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13
| by Staff
States Place Trap at Dalles Marina to Capture California Sea Lions Above Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/19/13
| by Staff
California Sea Lion Euthanized
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/19/13
| by Staff
3 Salmon-munching Sea Lions Trapped: 2 Will Go to New York Zoo; 1 Will be Euthanized
| The Oregonian, 4/17/13
| by Quinton Smith
Humane Society Files in Appeals Court Disputing Legality of Lethal Sea Lion Removal
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13
| by Staff
Oregon Kills First Salmon-eating Sea Lion of 2013 at Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 4/17/13
| by Scott Learn
Sea Lions Above Bonneville Dam to be Trapped
| KPTV, 4/17/13
| by Staff
Sea Lion Trapping Starts Above Bonneville
| Statesman Journal, 4/16/13
| by Henry Miller
Appeals Court Expedites Briefing, Oral Arguments on Challenge to Lethal Sea Lion Removal
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/29/13
| by Staff
Sudden Large Smelt Run Likely Reason for High Numbers of Sea Lions Plying Lower Columbia
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/29/13
| by Staff
Listen Sea Lions vs. Salmon: Annual Clash Resumes at Bonneville Dam
| KPLU, 3/18/13
| by Bellamy Pailthorp
Federal Judge Upholds Lethal Removal of Sea Lions
| NW Fishletter, 3/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
So Far, Only One Sea Lion at Bonneville, Stellers Less Abundant than Past Years
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/22/13
| by Staff
Judge Upholds Sea Lion Removal, says 'Significant Negative Impact' Can Be Less Than 'Jeopardy'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/22/13
| by Staff
Judge Dismisses Humane Society Lawsuit that Opposed Killing Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 2/15/13
| by Scott Learn
Lawsuit Seeking to End Sea Lion Killing Moves Ahead
| NW Public Radio, 10/19/12
| by Chris Lehman
Steller Sea Lions Pick Up Their Take Below Bonneville Dam: Latest Report from Corps
| The Oregonian, 10/15/12
| by Quinton Smith
Predators' Toll Below Bonneville Dips; Stellers Take Lions' Share for First Time in Study History
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/12/12
| by Staff
Court Again Considers Clash Over Legality of Lethal Sea Lion Removal
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/24/12
| by Staff
Reflections on a Sea Lion Killing Season at the Bonneville Dam
| Beach Carolina Magazine, 7/23/12
| by Sandy McElhaney
Humane Society Offers Reward for Sea Lion Killing Info
| Wenatchee World, 6/21/12
| by Associated Press
Proposed Federal Conservation Legislation Takes Aim at Columbia River Sea Lions
| Examiner, 6/15/12
| by Sandy McElhaney
Judge Denies Motion to Stop Killing Sea Lions at Dam
| NW Fishletter, 6/8/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Fish-slaughter: Sea Lions Guilty, as Charged
| Indian Country Today, 5/28/12
| by Terri Hansen
Two More Bonneville Dam Sea Lions Killed by Lethal Injection
| Examiner, 5/15/12
| by Sandy McElhaney
Federal Judge Declines to Rule Immediately in Killing of Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 5/15/12
| by Scott Learn
Listen Shedd Aquarium Looks to Adopt Sea Lion from Pacific NW
| CBS Chicago, 4/25/12
| by Regine Schlesinger
Shedd Aquarium Offers to Adopt Salmon-Eating Sea Lion
| California Watch, 4/24/12
| by Susanne Rust
Tribal Group Claims Sea Lions Munch More Salmon Than Previously Thought
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 4/23/12
| by Chris Lehman
Traveling Sea Lion Phones Home
| Alaska Public Radio, 4/9/12
| by Robert Woolsey
Not Many Sea Lions, But Two 'Individually Identifiable' Salmon Eaters Trapped, Killed
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/6/12
| by Staff
2 Salmon-Eating Sea Lions Killed at Bonneville Dam
| Seattle Times, 4/6/12
| by Associated Press
Humane Society and Fish Wild Conservancy File Suit to Stop Illegal Sea Lion
| Fly Rod and Reel, 3/19/12
| by Ted Williams
Feds to Allow Sea Lion Killings in Oregon
| Salem-News, 3/17/12
| by Staff
Anglers may Find Relief Soon as NOAA Authorizes Permanent Removal of Sea Lions
| Seattle Times, 3/15/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Judge Denies Stay for Sea Lion Killing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/15/12
| by Staff
Feds OK Killing of Sea Lions in Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 3/15/12
| by Associated Press
Federal Government Sanctions Limited Sea Lion Killings
| Chicago Tribune, 3/15/12
| by Teresa Carson
Death Penalty Returns for Bonneville Sea Lions
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 3/14/12
| by Tom Banse
NOAA Reauthorizes Killing of California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 3/16/12
| by Scott Learn
Rescued Sea Lion Felled by Cancer at Shedd
| Chicago Tribune, 3/2/12
| by Staff
NOAA's Sea Lion Task Force Discusses Lethal Removal Below Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/28/11
| by Staff
Report: ESA-Protected Steller Sea Lions Show Increased Presence, Salmon Take
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/11
| by Staff
Sea Lion Task Force to Meet Again
| NW Fishletter, 10/21/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Sea Lion Task Force to Weigh in on Whether to Kill and Remove Sea Lions
| The Oregonian, 10/16/11
| by Quinton Smith
Bonneville Sea Lion/Salmon Task Force Meets Oct. 24
| Statesman Journal, 10/7/11
| by Henry Miller
House Panel Looks to Make it Easier to Kill Sea Lions Feasting on Salmon
| Washington Post, 10/5/11
| by Associated Press
Sea Lion Threat to Fish will be Reduced, Panel Hopes
| Huffington Post, 10/5/11
| by Kevin Freking
Proposed Killing of Sea Lions Moves Forward
| Tri-City Herald, 9/13/11
| by Staff
States File Request to Kill Problem Sea Lions at Bonneville
| Statesman Journal, 8/22/11
| by Staff
NW States Seek Permission to Kill Sea Lions
| KPTV, 8/11/11
| by Staff
Latest Score in Sea Lion Battle: Feds, 1; State, 0
| West Linn Tidings, 8/11/11
| by Raymond Rendleman
Tribes Unhappy After NMFS Suspends Authorization to Kill Sea Lions
| NW Fishletter, 8/5/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Tribes Encourage Sea Lion Kills to Help Salmon
| Seattle Times, 7/29/11
| by Associated Press
NOAA Reversal Bans Sea Lion Hunting on Columbia River
| Care2, 7/31/11
| by Beth Buczynski
Sea Lions Rejoice: Feds Revoke Kill Authorization
| Intl. Business Times, 7/27/11
| by Staff
NOAA Changes Position on Sea Lion Killings
| Environmental News Net, 7/27/11
| by Teresa Carson
Sea Lions that Eat Endangered Salmon Get Reprieve
| Seattle Times, 7/26/11
| by Jeff Barnard
OR, WA State Agree to Suspend Killings of Sea Lions
| Wall Street Journal, 5/25/11
| by Joel Millman
Sea Lions Turn Salmon Run into Buffet
| Wall Street Journal, 5/20/11
| by Joel Millman
California Sea Lions Head South
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/20/11
| by Staff
Humane Society Challenges Sea Lion Killing
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/20/11
| by William McCall
Sea Lions Caught at Bonneville Monday Not Eligible to be Euthanized
| The Oregonian, 5/16/11
| by Quinton Smith
OK Given to Resume Killing Salmon-munching Sea Lions
| The Oregonian, 5/13/11
| by Quinton Smith
Sea Lions to Be Killed for Eating Endangered Fish
| Treehugger, 5/15/11
| by Stephen Messenger
Sea Lions to Be Killed for Eating Endangered Fish
| The Oregonian, 5/10/11
| by Quinton Smith
Hazing: Round Two
| WestLinn Tidings, 4/28/11
| by Kara Hansen Murphey
Watch Researchers Track Voracious Sea Lions Feeding on Spring Chinook
| The Oregonian, 4/18/11
| by Quinton Smith
Hastings Introduces Bill to Lethally Remove Salmon-Eating Sea Lions
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11
| by Staff
WA, AK Questioning Fisheries' Impact on Stellar Sea Lions
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/4/11
| by Staff
Feds Won't Appeal 9th Circuit Ruling on Sea Lions
| Seattle Times, 1/19/11
| by Erik Robinson
Group Suggests More Salmon-Eating Sea Lions be Killed
| Ecoworld, 12/29/10
| by Staff
Group Urges Tougher Measures to Remove Sea Lions
| Seattle Times, 12/28/10
| by Phuong Le
Study Looks at Sea Lion-Seal Salmon Predation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/21/10
| by Staff
Protected Predator
| Ag Info, 11/13/10
| by Lacy Gray
Endangered Fish, Sea Lions Create Quandary
| Capital Press, 11/12/10
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Task Force Recommends More Salmon-Eating Sea Lions Be Killed
| KUOW, 11/12/10
| by Tom Banse
Task Force Recommends Killing More Sea Lions at Bonneville
| The Oregonian, 11/10/10
| by Scott Learn
Study: Fewer Salmon Being Eaten by Sea Lions at Bonneville
| Oregon Public Broadcasting,10/27/10
| by Rob Manning
Task Force Will Reconvene to Assess Sea Lion Eradication
| The Columbian, 10/25/10
| by Staff
Group to Review Actions to Remove, Kill Sea Lions
| Seattle Times, 9/9/10
| by Associated Press
Season of Sea Lion Trapping Ends; NOAA to Evaluate Program
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/4/10
| by Staff
Sea Lions Continue to Munch Salmon, Despite Hazing
| The Oregonian, 5/13/10
| by Scott Learn
Listen Sea Lion Buffet at Bonneville Dam Gets Messy
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/3/10
| by Tom Banse
Tribes Help Haze Sea Lions to Save Salmon on Columbia
| Seattle Times, 4/11/10
| by Erik Lacitis
Chinook Salmon: Dams are Real Threat Not Sea Lions
| The Examiner, 4/2/10
| by Jean Williams
Anger Mounts as Sea Lions Killed for Eating Endangered Fish
| Daily Finance, 4/2/10
| by Staff
State Euthanizes Five More Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| The Columbian, 3/11/10
| by Staff
Watch Sixth Sea Lion Killed at Bonneville Dam
| KGW, 3/10/10
| by Staff
Sea Lion Killed at Bonneville Dam
| KGW, 3/5/10
| by Frank Mungeam
Sea Lion Put to Death as Trapping Begins Again
| KATU, 3/4/10
| by Joe English
1st Sea Lion of Year Killed from Bonneville Dam
| Seattle Times, 3/4/10
| by Associated Press
Sea Lion Traps in Place at Bonneville Dam
| KATU, 3/1/10
| by Staff
Report: Sea Lion Kill Hasn't Reduced Salmon Toll
| KATU, 11/9/9
| by Associated Press
Sea Lions Split for the Season
| NW Fishletter, 6/19/9
| by Bill Rudolph
Ten Sea Lions Killed Near Bonneville Dam this Season
| The Oregonian, 6/1/9
| by Staff
Humans, Not Sea Lions, Are Causing the Problems
| The Oregonian, 5/23/9
| by Matt Love
Hazing Sea Lions To Protect Salmon
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 5/20/9
| by Sadie Babits
Swimming in Controversy, Sea Lion C265 is First to be Killed
| The Oregonian, 4/17/9
| by Matthew Preusch
Two Bonneville Dam Sea Lions at New Home in TX Zoo
|, 4/8/9
| by Staff
Gladys Porter Zoo to Adopt Sea Lions
| The Brownsville Herald, 4/6/9
| by Kevin Sieff
Four More Bonneville Dam Sea Lions Euthanized
|, 4/2/9
| by Burton & Blackman
Trapped Sea Lions Cleared for Transfer to Aquarium
|, 3/24/9
| by Cheryl Calm
Second Sea Lion Captured at Bonneville will be Killed
| The Oregonian, 3/13/9
| by Scott Learn
No More Free Lunch on the Columbia
| The Oregonian, 3/3/9
| by Editorial Board
Sea Lions Threatening Columbia River Fish to be Culled
| Los Angeles Times, 3/2/9
| by Kelly Burgess
Sea Lions' Days Numbered at Bonneville Dam
|, 3/2/9
| by Staff
Sea Lion Traps Set to Resume on Columbia River
| Los Angeles Times, 2/25/9
| by Staff
Death of Sea Lions in Trap Determined to be Accidental
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2/6/9
| by Pete Springer
Sea Lions' Death: Humans in the Clear
| Seattle Times, 2/6/9
| by Lynda Mapes
No Evidence People Shut Trap on Dead Sea Lions
| Seattle Times, 2/5/9
| by Staff
Ruling Could Let Removal of Sea Lions Resume
| The Oregonian, 1/29/9
| by Joseph Frazier
What To Do About These Dam Sea Lions
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 3/25/8
| by Phil Ferolito
Sea Lions' Share of Salmon Fell
| The Columbian, 6/28/8
| by Erik Robinson
Oregon: Heat Killed Sea Lions
| New York Times, 5/16/8
| by William Yardley
Another Presumption: Sea Lions Died of Overheating
| eNews 2.0, 5/15/8
| by Ted Moore
Heat Killed Six Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 5/14/8
| by Michael Milstein
Heat Killed 6 Sea Lions Trapped at Bonneville Dam
| NWCN, 5/14/8
| by King5 Staff
Heat may have Killed 6 Caged Sea Lions
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/14/8
| by Associated Press
U.S. Sea Lions Died of Overheating, Not Gunshots
| Reuters, 5/14/8
| by Teresa Carson
Who Killed the Sea Lions?
| Newsweek, 5/10/8
| by Winston Ross
Sea Lions: Trap, Shoot, do Nothing?
| The Oregonian, 5/6/8
| Letters to Editor
6 Sea Lions Found Dead in Traps on Columbia
| Seattle Times, 5/5/8
| by William McCall
Sea Lions get Homes at SeaWorld Parks
| The Oregonian, 5/4/8
| Arthur Gregg Sulzberger
Sea Lion Dies During Veterinary Exam
| United Press Intl., 4/30/8
| by UPI
Five More Sea Lions Trapped at Bonneville Dam
| The Columbian, 4/29/8
| by Erik Robinson
Sea Lion Removal Expected to Resume Today
| The Columbian, 4/28/8
| by Staff
No More Salmon for Pesky Sea Lions
| The News Tribune, 4/26/8
| by Susan Gordon
Sea Lions Evicted from Dam; Next Stop, SeaWorld
| The Columbian, 4/25/8
| by Michael Andersen
Agents Trap Salmon-eating Sea Lions in OR-WA River
| Seattle Times, 4/25/8
| by Joseph Frazier
Federal Court Blocks Sea Lion Killing at Bonneville Dam
| The Daily News, 4/23/8
| by Staff
OR, WA Allowed to Kill Salmon-eating Sea Lions
| The Vancouver Sun, 4/18/8
| by Scott Learn
Trapping, Removing Sea Lions Moves Forward
| KATU, 4/6/8
| by Grant McOmie
Killing of Oregon Sea Lions Postponed
| The Seattle Times, 4/1/8
| by Joseph Frazier
Humane Society Seeks Sea Lion Injunction
| Seattle Times, 3/30/8
| by Joseph Frazier
Authority Granted for Killing of Sea Lions on the Columbia
| Curry County Reporter, 3/26/8
| by Joel Summer
Officials Try to Scare Sea Lions Away from Salmon
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 3/26/8
| by Phil Ferolito
Gov't OKs Killing Some Sea Lions
| Forbes, 3/21/8
| by Joseph Frazier
Set for Sea Lion Trapping; Zoos, Aquariums Show Interest
| Chinook Observer, 3/19/8
| Columbia Basin Bulletin
Oregon Now Allowed to Lethally Remove Sea Lions
| Newport News Times, 3/19/8
| by Staff
Killing Sea Lions Will Not Save Columbia River Salmon
| Seattle Times, 2/18/8
| by John Balzar
Tribes Support Lethal Removal of Predatory Sea Lions
| Indian Country, 2/18/8
| by Staff
Sea Lions vs. Salmon: Restore Balance and Common Sense
| Seattle Times, 2/15/8
| by Fidelia Andy
Research: Which Salmon Hit Hardest by Sea Lions & Seals
| Chinook Observer, 1/3/8
| Columbia Basin Bulletin
NOAA Favors Killing Some Protected Sea Lions at Dam
| KGW, 1/17/8
| by Joseph Frazier
NOAA Recommends Killing of Some Sea Lions at Dam
| The Olympian, 1/17/8
| by Associated Press
Sea Lions may be Killed to Save Salmon
| Fish & Fly, 1/6/8
| by Staff
Bonneville Sea Lions May Come Under Fire
| The Columbian, 1/6/8
| by Erik Robinson
Salmon and Sea Lions, a Sad Situation
| The Register-Guard, 12/11/7
| by Mike Stahlberg
Rainier Man Pleads Guilty to Trying to Kill Sea Lion
| The Daily News, 8/23/7
| by Staff and Wire
Panel to Consider States' Plan to Kill Sea Lions
| The Columbian, 8/3/7
| by Erik Robinson
Nonlethal Tactics Fail to Save Salmon from Sea Lions
| Capital Press, 7/6/7
| by Staff
Let's Try Rifles
| The Columbian, 6/26/7
| by Editorial Board
Sea Lions Once Again Winning Against River Hazers
| The Oregonian, 6/24/7
| by Joseph Frazier
Sea Lions had Salmon Feast
| Spokesman Review, 6/10/7
| by Associated Press
Sea Lions Eating Record Number of Salmon at Bonneville
| KGW, 5/18/7
| by Wilson Chow
Hazing Not Keeping Sea Lions Away
| Statesman Journal, 4/23/7
| by Staff
Sea Lions Show Salmon what Endangered Really Is
| USA Today, 4/16/7
| by John Ritter
Sea Lion Shot Near Portland
| The Daily Astorian, 4/20/7
| by Associated Press
Fishermen Go After Protected Sea Lions
| Houston Chronicle, 4/19/7
| by Joseph Frazier
Captured Sea Lions Swing Back to Astoria's Dock
| The Daily Astorian, 4/16/7
| by Cassandra Profita
Feasting Sea Lions Frustrate Salmon Backers
| The Bellingham Herald, 4/16/7
| by Les Blumenthal
Humane Society Opposes Killing Columbia River Sea Lions
| KGW, 4/3/7
| by Associated Press
Plan Would Allow Killing of Aggressive Sea Lions
| The Oregonian, 3/30/7
| by Staff & Wire Reports
Lure of an Easy Meal brings Sea Lions Back to Bonneville
| The Seattle Times, 3/27/7
| by Tim Fought
Sea Lions Return to Ore. Dam for Salmon
| Ely Times & County, 2/26/7
| by Tim Fought
Aggressive Sea Lion Hazing to Begin at Bonneville Dam
|, 2/27/7
| by Vince Patton
Fish Agency Considers Petition to Kill Sea Lions
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/30/7
| by Joseph Frazier
3 States Ask to Move or Kill Sea Lions
| Statesman Journal, 1/31/7
| by Associated Press
Salmon-happy Sea Lions may be in for a Big Jolt
| The Oregonian, 12/17/6
| by Bill Monroe
States Seek Authority to Kill Sea Lions Eating Salmon
| The Oregonian, 11/27/6
| by Jeff Barnard
Election Upheaval may Give Sea Lions a Breather
| The Daily News, 11/25/6
| by Don Jenkins
Sea Lions Take Toll on Salmon Survival
| Tri-City Herald, 10/5/6
| by Editors
Culprits Marked for Life
| The Daily Astorian, 10/3/6
| by Cassandra Profita
States seek Lethal Sea Lion Removal
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/21/6
| by Joseph Frazier
Sea Lions may End Up Sleeping With The Fishes
| The Oregonian, 9/21/6
| by Staff
Fishermen's Nemesis Seems to Eat Up Role
| The Oregonian, 5/6/6
| by Peter Sleeth
Sea Lions Damage Salmon Population
| Capital Press, 4/28/6
| by Dennis Clay
Fish Count Not Hurt by Sea Lion Devices
| Register-Guard, 4/28/6
| by Associated Press
Corps: Sea Lion Gates Not Behind Low Fish Counts
| The Columbian, 4/27/6
| by Kathie Durbin
Sea Lion Gates at Dam may be Blocking Fish
|, 4/21/6
| by Brian Barker
Days may be Numbered for Problem Sea Lions
|, 4/3/6
| by Brian Barker
Crafty Sea Lion Befuddles Engineers
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/31/6
| by Joseph Frazier
If You Shoot Them, They Won't Come
| The Columbian, 3/31/6
| by Gregg Herrington
Sea Lion Hazing Planned at Bonneville
| The Columbian, 3/23/6
| by Allen Thomas
Officials Plan More Sea Lion Harassment
| Statesman Journal, 3/22/6
| by Henry Miller
OR and WA to Expand Sea Lion Control Efforts
|, 3/21/6
| by Staff & News Sources
Bonneville Dam Gates Fail to Keep Sea Lion Out
|, 3/8/6
| by Jim Parker
New Barrier No Match for Determined Sea Lion
| The Columbian, 3/8/6
| by Erik Robinson
Sea Lions Barred at Dam
| BPA Journal, 3/6
| by Staff
Bonneville Dam Now a Gated Community
| The Columbian, 2/15/6
| by Erik Robinson
Sea Lions' Fishing Prowess Catches Attention
| The Oregonian, 1/16/6
| by Bill Monroe
Mystery of the Missing Chinook
| The Columbian, 1/6/6
| by Allen Thomas
Surge in U.S. Sea Lion Numbers Angers Fishermen
| Environmental News Net, 11/21/5
| by Timothy Gardner
Barriers Erected at Dam Thwart Hungry Sea Lions
| The East Oregonian, 6/1/5
| by Associated Press
Sea Lions Could Use a Little Jail Time
| The Oregonian, 5/8/5
| by Bill Monroe
Experts Try to Scare Off Hungry Sea Lions
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/6/5
| by William McCall
Boats will Haze Sea Lions below Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 5/5/5
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
All They Can Eat
| Portland Tribune, 4/22/5
| by Ben Jacklet
Tribes ask States to Deal with Sea Lions
| Seattle Times, 5/2/5
| by Associated Press
Tribes Seek Permission to Kill Sea Lions
| Seattle Times, 4/29/5
| by Jeff Barnard
Ravaged by Sea Lions
| The Daily News, 2/18/5
| by The Columbian
Corps Study Documents Pinniped Predation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4
| by Barry Espenson
Groups Sue to Protect Lamprey
| The Columbian, 5/27/4
| by Erik Robinson
Fishermen Complain about Mammal Predators
| Capital Press, 4/30/4
| by Associated Press
Sea Lions' Salmon Binge is Growing
| Statesman Journal, 4/11/4
| by Associated Press
Fisherman Complain about Mammal Predators
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/20/4
| by Associated Press
Anglers Seek Relief from Voracious Fish-eaters
| The Columbian, 3/19/4
| by Allen Thomas
Fishermen Want to Stop Pinniped Predation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/19/4
| by Barry Espenson
2 Men Face Charges for Shooting Sea Lion
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/30/3
| by Associated Press
More Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/16/3
| by Barry Espenson
Killer Whales Snack on Seals, Save Salmon
| Environmental News Net, 3/5/3
| by Reuters
Orcas Devouring Harbor Seals
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/25/3
| by Associated Press
Research of Sea Lions' Impact on Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/6/2
| by Barry Espenson
Sea Lions Beleaguered by Fisheries
| Environmental News Net, 8/21/1
| by Koren Capozza
| |
Catching Cash: Earn $22K a Month Fishing the Columbia River
| KTVB, 10/27/23
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Program Sees 'A Really Solid Year' as Catch, Effort Increase
| Northwest Sportsman, 10/13/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Pikeminnow Bounty Program Begins, with an Added Feature
| The Oregonian, 5/4/23
| by Bill Monroe
More Time on the Line This Year for the Northern Pike Minnow Sport Reward Fishery Program
| KTVZ, 5/2/23
| by Staff
Pikeminnows, Dams, Salmon and River Ecology
| KTVB, 12/28/22
| by Staff
Angler Paid Almost $70,000 for Fishing the Columbia and Snake Rivers this Year
| Tri-City Herald, 12/28/22
| by Staff
Top Pikeminnow Fisherman Saves Salmon - and Earns Nearly $70,000
| KTVZ, 12/19/22
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Season Catch Up; Data Confirms Snake Walleye Increase
| Northwest Sportsman, 10/13/22
| by Andy Walgamott
Northern Pikeminnow Sport Reward Fishery Starts with Higher Cash Payouts
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/28/22
| by Staff
Anglers Can Earn More by Catching Northern Pikeminnows
| The Observer, 4/28/22
| by News Sources
Anglers Will Get Paid More to Catch a Certain Type of Fish in 2022
| KOIN, 4/27/22
| by Amanda Arden
Angler Made $61,000 Last Year Catching Pikeminnow in the Columbia and Snake Rivers
| Outdoor Life, 1/31/22
| by Dac Collins
Angler Paid $61,000 Reward for Fishing the Columbia and Snake Rivers
| Tri-City Herald, 1/26/22
| by Annette Cary
Washington State Wants to Pay You to Catch Pikeminnow
| Q13 Fox, 5/26/21
| by Staff
Go Fishing and Earn Some Cash. Program Starts Early in Tri-Cities
| Tri-City Herald, 4/16/21
| by Annette Cary
Northern Pikeminnow Program Meets its Goal
| The Columbian, 9/19/20
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Bounty Program Extended for Columbia, Snake Rivers
| The Oregonian, 9/19/20
| by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Bounty Program Extended for Columbia, Snake Rivers
| San Juan Islander, 9/18/20
| by Staff
Anglers Paid $1.1 Million for Catching Northern Pikeminnow in Columbia, Snake Rivers
| Statesman Journal, 12/13/19
| by Zach Urness
Brief Mentions: Endangered Rivers, Invasives, Pikeminnow
| NW Fishletter, 5/6/19
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Go Fishing, Earn Money. Cash Paid for Columbia and Snake Pikeminnow
| Tri-City Herald, 5/1/19
| by Staff
Local Pikeminnow Fisherman Reels in a Haul
| The Daily News, 2/7/19
| by Alex Bruell
180,000 Salmon-eating Pikeminnow Taken on NW Rivers
| KTVZ, 12/20/18
| by News Sources
$71,000. That's 1 Angler's Reward for Fishing the Columbia and Snake Last Summer
| Tri-City Herald, 12/17/18
| by Annette Cary
Pikeminnow Fishery Opens
| The Dalles Chronicle, 5/3/18
| by Mark Gibson
Lower Number of Anglers Take Fewer Northern Pikeminnow In 2017 Than In 2016
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/15/17
| by Staff
Here's How an Angler Made $84,000 Catching 10,000 Fish from the Columbia and Snake Rivers
| KVAL, 12/11/17
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Season is Now Open
| BPA Journal, 5/2/17
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Sport Reward Program Successful This Year
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/4/16
| by Staff
Council Approves Emergency Funds to Cover Shortfall for Pikeminnow Fishing Rewards Program
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/16/16
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Sport-Reward Fishery Was Close to Being Outstanding
| The Dispatch, 6/27/16
| by Bob Brown
Pikeminnow Fishery Opens
| The Dalles Chronicle, 5/14/16
| by Mark Gibson
Council Agrees to Fund Programs to Control Predatory Fish Populations
| NW Fishletter, 10/3/15
| by Laura Berg
Anglers Can Earn Money Fishing for Northern Pikeminnow
| Tri-City Herald, 6/4/14
| by Matthew Nesbit
Latest Columbia River Northern Pikeminnow Reward Catch Figures
| Seattle Times, 6/7/13
| by Mark Yuasa
A Fishing Trip that Pays for Itself
| The News Tribune, 6/6/13
| by Staff
Snake River Hot for Pikeminnow Bounty Anglers; Season Closes Today
| Spokesman-Review, 5/30/13
| by Rich Landers
Pikeminnow Reward Season Starts with Big Splash
| Statesman Journal, 5/20/13
| by Henry Miller
Pikeminnow Reward Program Opens With Strong Fishing, Good River Conditions
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Anglers Have Good Opening Day
| The Columbian, 5/2/13
| by Staff
Out & About: Pikeminnows Offer Angling Rewards
| Spokesman-Review, 8/26/12
| by Staff
Snake River Anglers Cashing In on Pikeminnow Reward Fishery
| Spokesman-Review, 8/26/12
| by Staff
Program: Northern Pikeminnow Effort Reduces Salmon Predation
| The Olympian, 4/29/12
| by Jeffrey P. Mayor
Pikeminnow Reward Program Kicks Off May 1 in Columbia River Region
| Seattle Times, 4/28/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Bounty Fishing Yields Big Rewards for Columbia and Snake Anglers
| The Oregonian, 10/29/11
| by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Anglers Earn Big Dollars and Save Salmon
| Salem-News, 10/28/11
| by BPA
Northern Pikeminnow Reward Catch Levels Improved Dramatically
| Seattle Times, 9/14/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Anglers Catch More Than 100,000 Pikeminnow
| BPA Journal, 9/11
| by Staff
Pikeminnow: Make a Decent Amount of Money Each Month
| The Umpqua Post, 8/5/11
| by Pete Heley
Anglers Catch 90,000 Pikeminnow So Far
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/5/11
| by Staff
Local Anglers Catch Nearly 90,000 Pikeminnow
| KPTV, 7/29/11
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Program Reaching Goal: 50% Reduction
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/29/10
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Season Extended
| The News Tribune, 8/29/10
| by Staff
Record-Setting Season Extended for Pikeminnow Fishing
| Tri-City Herald, 8/25/10
| by Staff
Fisherman Paid $51,000 for Pikeminnow
| Fox 12, 8/24/10
| by Eric Barker
BPA Renews War on Pikeminnows
| The News Tribune, 5/8/10
| by Staff
Display, Experts Kick Off Pikeminnow Program on Saturday
| Statesman Journal, 4/30/10
| by Staff
Earn Cash and Save Salmon - Pikeminnow Season is Here
| KBKW, 4/27/10
| by David Haviland
Extra Cash Added to Pikeminnow Program
| The News Tribune, 8/5/9
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Program Throws in Added Cash Incentives
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/31/9
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Bounty Raised for Anglers to Cash In On
| The Seattle Times, 7/31/9
| by Mark Yuasa
Wanted: A Pikeminnow Harvest
| The News Tribune, 7/4/9
| by Kevin McCullen
Earn Cash While Saving Salmon
| South Lincoln County, 6/16/9
| by Staff
Northern Pikeminnow Fishing is Off to a Good Start
| The Seattle Times, 6/7/9
| by Mark Yuasa
The More Pikeminnow You Catch, More Money You Make
| The News Tribune, 5/7/9
| by Staff
Bounty in Effect Again on Pikeminnows
| KIVI TV, 5/4/9
| by Associated Press
Pikeminnow Bounty Hunt Starts in Oregon, Washington
| The Oregonian, 5/2/9
| by Scott Learn
Rewards Being Offered for Pikeminnows
| KAPP News, 8/28/8
| by Shane Doyle
Catch a Fish to Save Salmon
| Capital Press, 7/25/8
| by Jeff Barnard
Removing Birds may Increase Pikeminnow Survival
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/8
| by Staff
Record Pikeminnow Trumps Cash Reward
| The Columbian, 5/22/8
| by Rich Landers
Northern Pikeminnow Reward Program Begins
| Tri-City Herald, 5/10/8
| by Herald News Service
Reel in Cash for Catching Pikeminnows
| The Daily News, 5/8/8
| by Rich Landers
Pikeminnow Program
| Fox 12 News, 5/7/8
| by Staff
Fishing for Dollars
| The Bulletin, 8/9/7
| by Kurt Holland
If Not Afraid to Move, You Might Snag Some Pikeminnow
| The Olympian, 7/5/7
| by Staff
Reeling in the Dough: Catching on to Pikeminnows' Worth
| Tri-City Herald, 6/10/7
| by Annette Cary
Northern Pikeminnow Bounty Program Opens
| The Columbian, 5/17/7
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Sport Reward Fishing will Begin May 14
| The Oregonian, 5/14/7
| by Staff
Wanted: Pikeminnow that Prey on Salmon, Steelhead
| KTVB, 5/9/7
| by Associated Press
Hook Pikeminnow, and Save Salmon
| Seattle Times, 5/6/7
| by Mark Yuasa
Opening of Bounty Fishing is Riverwide
| The Oregonian, 4/23/7
| by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Program Extended
| BPA Journal, 10/6
| by Staff
Pursuing a Fish Most Foul
| Seattle Times, 10/10/6
| by Erik Lacitis
Pikeminnow Reward Program Extended
| Statesman Journal, 9/29/6
| by Staff
Fishing for Dollars
| The Daily News, 6/28/6
| by Chris Shaffer
Anglers Become Bounty Hunters to Help Salmon
| OBP News, 6/26/6
| Banse & Johnson
Wanted: a Bounty on Salmon Killing Fish
| Napa Valley Register, 5/12/6
| by Jeff Barnard
Bounty on Pikeminnow Keeps Bad Tradition Alive
| New West, 5/11/6
| by Bill Schneider
Pikeminnow Season Opens on Columbia
| The Hillsboro Argus, 5/9/6
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Rewards are Back
| Seattle Times, 5/7/6
| by Mark Yuasa
Bounty Fishers get Paid to Catch Pikeminnows
| The News Tribune, 5/4/6
| by Staff
Pikeminnows Again Have a Price on Their Heads
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/2/6
| by Associated Press
Path of Well-Paid Anglers is Paved with Pikeminnow
| The Olympian, 11/14/5
| by Chester Allen
Pikeminnow Reward Season Opens
| BPA Journal, 5/5
| by Staff
Pikeminnow Sport Reward Season will Open Soon
|, 4/25/5
| by Staff
Prosecution Drops Case Against Anglers
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/22/5
| by Eric Barker
Pikeminnow Reward Program has Record Year
| The Columbian, 10/14/4
| by Allen Thomas
This Year Sees Record Catch of Pikeminnow
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/8/4
| by CBB staff
Go Fishing for Fun and Money
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/1/4
| by Jeffrey P. Mayor
BPA Raises Bounty for Northern Pikeminnow
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/4/4
| by CBB staff
BPA Bumps Up the Bounty on Pikeminnow
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/3/4
| by Eric Barker
BPA Raises Bounty on Columbia Pikeminnows
| The Oregonian, 6/3/4
| by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Bounties Begin
| The Oregonian, 5/13/4
| by Bill Monroe
Pikeminnow Bounties to Start
| The Oregonian, 4/8/3
| by Bill Monroe
197,977 Fish Caught for a $1 Million Bounty
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/24/3
| by Barry Espenson
Finalized $31.5 Million in Mainstem Projects
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/3
| by Barry Espenson
Council Recommends $34 Million in FY 2004
| NW Fishletter, 6/13/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Quiet Year on Pikeminnow Front
| The Oregonian, 7/13/3
| by Bill Monroe
Council Approves Fish, Wildlife Package
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/12/2
| by Associated Press
2001 Pikeminnow Sport Reward Season
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/10/2
| by Barry Espenson
Good Money Out for Dead Pikeminnows
| Spokesman Review, 5/5/2
| by Staff Reports
Anglers Net Big Reward for Pikeminnow
| Spokesman Review, 12/6/1
| by Dan Hansen
The Price of Pikeminnow Just Went Up
| Environmental News Net, 7/13/1
| by Staff
BPA Extends Pikeminnow Season
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/22/00
| by Staff
Watch Seagull Hazing Disrupts The Dalles
| KGW, 7/15/3
| by Keely Chalmers
Pelican Feeding Habits Monitored at McNary
| Tri-City Herald, 7/18/3
| by Anna King
How Oregon and Columbia River White Pelican Population Keeps Growing
| The Oregonian, 12/7/24
| by Josephine Woolington
Ospreys Entwined with Refuse at McNary National Wildlife Refuge
| The Columbian, 8/29/11
| by Annette Cary
River Sentinels: Ospreys Used to Gauge Health of Waterways
| The Columbian, 8/18/8
| by Erik Robinson
Corps Declares War on Lower Columbia Cormorant Colony
| NW Fishletter, 6/26/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Cormorant Colony on the Rise in Columbia Estuary While Dropping Dramatically Elsewhere in NW
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14
| by Staff
Estuary Cormorant Colony Consuming 18 Percent of Juvenile Salmonids
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/2/12
| by Staff
Corps Versus Cormorants: Round Two
| NW Fishletter, 6/8/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Bald Eagles Decimate Tern and Cormorant Colonies
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 6/13/11
| by Vince Patton
Corps will Kill More Cormorants in Salmon Study
| The Olympian, 1/3/9
| by Associated Press
Estuary Birds Double Smolt Consumption in Past Two Years
| NW Fishletter, 12/14/11
| by Bill Rudolph
16-Million Salmon Eaten by Birds
| Wheat Life, 5/8
| by Staff
Three Little Pigs Could Save the Salmon
| The Register-Guard, 4/1/8
| by Mike Stahlberg
Looking at Whether Cormorants are Harming Salmon Runs
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/1/7
| by Associated Press
Cormorants Conquer the Columbia
| The Oregonian, 10/8/7
| by Michael Milstein
Salmon Tag's 7,700-mile Journal Puzzles Scientists
| PS Business Journal, 8/16/7
| by Ben Miller
Battling Nature may be for the Birds
| Seattle Times, 5/15/5
| by Craig Welch
Groups Sue to Block Killing of Cormorants
| Environmental News Net, 2/6/4
| by Frederic J. Frommer
Cormorants May Lose in Conflict Over Fish
| Environmental News Net, 9/26/1
| by ENN
Predation by Caspian Terns on Young Steelhead Means Fewer Return as Adults
| Eureka Alert, 7/14/20
| by Staff
Corps Seeking Comment on Plans to Again Reduce Caspian Tern Nesting Area on East Sand Island
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/14
| by Staff
Research Tracks Movements, Steelhead Predation by Caspian Terns in Mid-Columbia Basin
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/3/14
| by Staff
Army Corps of Engineers Looks to Save Salmon from Caspian Terns
| Tri-City Herald, 3/15/11
| by Annette Cary
Complicated Seabird Problem, Terns for the Worse in Attempt to Save Salmon
| Seattle Times, 8/29/11
| by Craig Welch
New Islands to Lure Terns Away From Columbia River
| Bellingham Herald, 8/29/11
| by Staff
ACOE to Build Island to Lure Salmon-eating Caspian Terns Away from Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 8/29/11
| by Quinton Smith
Columbia River Estuary's Salmon-Eating Tern Colony Produces No Chicks This Year
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/5/11
| by Staff
On East Sand Island, Cormorants and Terns Feast on Endangered Salmon
| The Oregonian, 6/14/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Bald Eagles' Predation Decimates Salmon-Eating Tern Colony
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/10/11
| by Staff
Steelhead-Munching Mid-Columbia Terns Fingered in Report
| NW Fishletter, 5/12/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Report Analyzes Efforts to Move Nesting Terns to Interior Oregon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/22/10
| by Staff
A Feast: Researchers Assessing Impact of Avian Predators
| The News Tribune, 7/5/9
| by John Trumbo
Corps to Spend $6 Million to Reduce, Monitor Bird Predation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/30/8
| by Staff
Artificial Islands Wean Terns Off Salmon Diet
| Capital Press, 10/30/8
| by Jeff Barnard
Project Succeeding To Relocate Caspian Terns
| Science Daily, 6/21/8
| by Staff
Terns Relocate to Island; Salmon Hopefully Spared
| Spokesman Review, 6/18/8
| by Associated Press
Engineers to Lure Salmon-Eating Terns from Columbia
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11/9/7
| by Associated Press
Other Nesting Sites Aims to Shrink Terns' Colony
| The Oregonian, 1/15/5
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
$2.4M to Disperse Salmon-Eating Birds
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/15/5
| by Jeff Barnard
Sea Birds Face Eviction from Mouth of River
| Statesman Journal, 8/26/4
| by Beth Casper
Tern Management Plan Released for Comment
| NW Fishletter, 8/13/4
| by Bill Rudolph
Plan Calls for Squeezing Terns Off Island
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/24/4
| by Associated Press
Moving Most Terns Elsewhere
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/23/4
| by Barry Espenson
2003: Tern Colony Eating Fewer Salmonids
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/14/3
| by Barry Espenson
Sharp Decline in Terns; Rise of Comorants
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/3
| by Barry Espenson
Fish-eating Birds Target of Protectors
| Tri-City Herald, 6/15/3
| by Shirley Wentworth
Meetings Set for Work on Caspian Tern EIS
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3
| by CBB staff
Impacts of Growing Tern Population
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/25/2
| by Barry Espenson
Estuary Terns Hinder ESA Fish Recovery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/7/2
| by Barry Espenson
Estuary Tern Colony's Population Grows
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/6/2
| by Barry Espenson
NMFS' Technical Report on Caspian Terns
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/31/2
| by Barry Espenson
Tern Relocation Turns Out Popular
| The Oregonian, 5/16/2
| Jonathan Brinckman
Entire Tern Colony Settles on 1 Island
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/10/2
| by Barry Espenson
Terns' Diet a ? After Move Down River
| Spokesman Review, 4/12/2
| by Associated Press
Deal on for Caspian Terns' New Home
| The Oregonian, 3/30/2
| by Jonathan Brinckman
Terns will be Shooed from Rice Island
| The Oregonian, 2/23/1
| by Bill Monroe
To Every Season, Tern, Tern, Tern
| Environmental News Net, 11/4/00
| by Mike Stark
Caspian Terns Eating Less Salmon
| Spokesman Review, 10/25/00
| by Associated Press
Salmon Eaten by Terns Down by a Third
| Tri-City Herald, 10/24/00
| by Mike Lee
Researchers Tally Tern Impacts
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/20/00
| by Barry Espenson
Terns Solve Problem Themselves
| The Oregonian, 5/14/00
| by Jonathan Nelson
A Tern for the West
| Spokesman Review, 5/14/00
| by Associated Press
Man-made Environment Creates Disdain
| Spokesman Review, 5/9/00
| by Dan Hansen
U.S. Told to Leave Terns Unstoned
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/17/00
| by Robert McClure
Biologists Divert Terns' Feast on Salmon
| The Oregonian, 4/7/00
| by Jonathan Brinckman
Relocate Terns Meets Stiff Resistance
| Spokesman Review, 3/21/00
| by Dan Hansen
Tern Relocation Plan Won't Fly with DNR
| Tri-City Herald, 3/19/00
| by Mike Lee
Relocation Scheme for Terns Hits Snag
| Tri-City Herald, 3/16/00
| by Mike Lee
Ternabout Recovery of Salmon
| The Oregonian, 9/24/99
| by Associated Press
Terns Might Go for Sake of Salmon
| Times-News, 9/24/99
| by Associated Press
Power Council Says Evict Terns
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/24/99
| by Barry Espenson
Council Weighs Tern Relocation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/30/99
| by CBB
back to top |
Feds See Second Skagit Tidegate Repair as Threat to Salmon, Killer Whales
| Capital Press, 9/9/24
| by Don Jenkins
Feds: Tidegate Protecting Farmland Jeopardizes Salmon, Killer Whales
| Capital Press, 8/23/24
| by Don Jenkins
Largest Columbia River Estuary Restoration Project Completed
| NW Fishletter, 1/31/22
| by KC Mehaffey
Salmon Travel Deep Into the Pacific. As It Warms, Many 'Don't Come Back.'
| Washington Post, 1/31/22
| by Kirk Siegler
Researchers Launch Expedition Seeking 'Black Box' to Salmon Survival
| National Public Radio, 1/31/22
| by Kirk Siegler
River Conditions Still Concern for Salmon Despite Good Ocean News
| Public News Service, 1/24/22
| by Eric Tegethoff
Improving Ocean Conditions a "Blessing" for Idaho's Salmon and Steelhead, Expert Says
| Idaho Statesman, 1/15/22
| by Eric Barker
Ocean Conditions Improve off West Coast
| Post Register, 1/19/22
| by Eric Barker
Young Salmon Found a Haven During the Pacific Northwest's Sweltering Summer
| Seattle Times, 12/27/21
| by Hal Bernton
Sockeye Returns to the Snake River are on the Rise, Possibly Because of Improved Ocean Conditions
| Spokesman-Review, 7/25/21
| by Eric Barker
Warming Seas Could Wipe Out Snake River Chinook by 2060, Scientists Predict
| Phys.Org, 2/19/21
| by Lynda V. Mapes
Ship Returns After International Team Spends Month at Sea Studying Salmon
| Times Colonist, 4/8/20
| by Carla Wilson
Notorious Warm Water 'Blob' in Pacific Weakening, But Will That Save Fish and Ecosystems?
| Statesman Journal, 10/22/19
| by Zach Urness
A Giant Mass of Warm Water Off the Pacific Coast Could Rival 'The Blob' of 2014-15
| Los Angeles Times, 9/5/19
| by Deborah Netburn
New Marine Heat Wave Resembles Killer 'Blob' that Devastated Sea Life on West Coast, NOAA says
| Seattle Times, 9/5/19
| by Lynda V. Mapes
New Report Suggests Waters in NW are Cooling, Good for Salmon
| KOMO News, 3/8/19
| by Matt Markovich
Carrying Capacity: High Numbers of Pink, Chum Salmon in North Pacific May Be Hurting Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/13/18
| by Staff
Heat Waves Over the Ocean Have Ballooned and Are Wreaking Havoc on Marine Life
| Washington Post, 4/11/18
| by Jason Samenow
Ocean Conditions Returning to Normal (Cooler), Salmon Returns Will Remain Depressed a Few Years
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/16/18
| by Staff
Warm Northwest Waters Draw Spawning Fish North
| NW Fisheries Science Center, 9/17
| by Michael Milstein
Fed Climate Report for U.S. Released, Projects Trends in Temperature, Precipation, Sea-Level Rise
| Columbia Basin Bulletinl, 11/17/17
| by Staff
Survey Pacific NW Salmon: For the First Time, Some Nets are Coming Up Empty
| Seattle Times, 10/9/17
| by Lynda V. Mapes
Acidic Oceans and Warm Rivers that Kill Idaho's Salmon Might Be Norm in 50 Years
| Idaho Statesman, 10/7/19
| by Rocky Barker
Warning Signs for Salmon
| The Daily Astorian, 8/23/17
| by Katie Frankowicz
Warm Ocean, Small Salmon:Why?
| NW Power Council, 3/15/17
| by John Harrison
States Restrict Chinook Fisheries
| High Country News, 8/23/17
| by Elizabeth Shogren
Three-Year Survey Shows Acidified Ocean Water Widespread Along North America West Coast
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/2/17
| by Staff
Fishery Managers See Decline in Ocean, Columbia/Snake Fisheries Due to Poor Ocean Conditions
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/17/17
| by Staff
2017 Spring Chinook Return Numbers Will Reflect Ocean Food Shortage Faced by Juveniles In 2015
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/17/17
| by Staff
Corps Seeks Comment on Habitat Restoration Proposal
| Headlight Herald, 4/26/16
| by Staff
Research Links Ocean Acidification to Dissolving Shells of Pteropods, Key Part of Marine Food Chain
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/15
| by Staff
Research: Rising Ocean Could Inundate Columbia Estuary with Salt Water, Big Changes for Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/27/16
| by Staff
Alternatives to Current Floodplain Management Broached
| NW Fishletter, 9/6/15
| by Laura Berg
Severe Ecological Consequences In Waters Off NW Coast Due to Changes In Ocean Chemistry
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/15
| by Staff
Columbia Freshwater Spending Helping Fish During Poorer Ocean Conditions
| NW Fishletter, 4/4/15
| by Laura Berg
Study: In Warmer Ocean Years Juvenile Salmon Consume More Food, But End Up Smaller, Skinnier
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/18/15
| by Staff
Out with the Old (Troutdale Restoration)
| Portland Tribune, 11/24/15
| by Quinton Smith
If Current Ocean Acidification Trends Continue Could be Impossible to Reverse
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/7/15
| by Staff
Ocean Acidification is Impacting Phytoplankton Now
| Environmental News Net, 7/17/15
| by Steve Williams
Report: West Coast Waters Shifting to Lower Productivity for Salmon Entering Ocean this Year
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/27/15
| by Staff
Study Suggests Improved Method for Measuring Juvenile Salmon Life History in Columbia Estuary
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/27/15
| by Staff
NOAA's New Fish Predictions: Good For 2015, Not So Hot For 2016
| NW Fishletter, 1/15/15
| by Bill Rudolph
Big Eats In the Estuary
| NW Fishletter, 11/21/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Sea Change: Vital Part of Food Web Dissolving
| Seattle Times, 4/30/14
| by Craig Welch
NOAA Salmon Predictors Do More with Less
| NW Fishletter, 5/16/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Research Cites Local Ocean Conditions, Feeding Habits as Reasons for Recent Large Sockeye Returns
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/14
| by Staff
Research Offers More Clues on Juvenile Salmon Behavior, Direction When First Entering Ocean
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/6/13
| by Staff
East Sand Cormorant Colony Increasing; Estuary's Most Significant Source of Smolt Mortality
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/3/13
| by Staff
Smolt Researchers Keep on Trackin'
| NW Fishletter, 12/12/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Research Offers Clues on Juvenile Salmon Behavior, Direction When Entering Ocean
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/8/13
| by Staff
Listen Study: More Salmon May Survive the Ocean Than Previously Thought
| Northwest Public Radio, 12/12/13
| by Courtney Flatt
Tracking Young Salmon's First Moves in the Ocean
| Science Daily, 11/8/13
| by Staff
Watch Sea Change: The Pacific's Perilous Turn
| Seattle Times, 9/11/13
| by Craig Welch
Newest Fish Plan Adds More Habitat Actions
| NW Fishletter, 9/19/13
| by Bill Rudolph
PDO Goes Positive For First Time Since 2010
| NW Fishletter, 6/28/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Analysis: 2013 --Another Mixed Message from Mother Nature
| NW Fishletter, 6/4/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Eagles, Gulls, Terns; Corps Considers Ways to Manage Estuary's Predation Dynamics
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13
| by Staff
Snake River Hatchery Juveniles Same Early Marine Survival as Lower Columbia Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/5/13
| by Staff
Ocean Workshop Looks for New Ways to Use Research
| NW Fishletter, 3/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Effort Underway to Better Link Ocean/Plume Research to Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/1/13
| by Staff
Science Panel Reviews Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/12/12
| by Staff
Feds Propose $2.1 Billion Fish Plan
| Electric Co-op Today, 5/25/12
| by Steven Johnson
Habitat Protected Near Columbia River Mouth
| Seattle Times, 4/6/12
| by Staff
BPA Generates Preservation
| The Daily Astorian, 4/6/12
| by Tyler Graf
New Columbia River Estuary Purchases Benefit Salmon
| Coast River Business Journal, 4/3/12
| by Staff
Habitat Purchase to Benefit Salmon
| BPA Journal, 2/12
| by Staff
Columbia Land Trust, BPA Complete Property Purchase
| St. Helens Chronicle, 1/24/12
| by Staff
Columbia Estuary Land Purchase Benefits Salmon
| KTVZ, 1/24/12
| by News Sources
Long-Discussed Fate of West Hayden Island Inching Towards Decision
| Neighborhood Notes, 8/16/11
| by Cassandra Koslen
Liquified Natural Gas Surfaces on Columbia
| Oregon Business, 8/11
| by Ben Jacklet
Prepare for Rising Sea (w/ a discussion of sediment)
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 7/19/11
| by Staff
Tearing Down the Past Builds Healthier Future for Wetlands
| Daily Astorian, 7/12/11
| by Katie Wilson
Energy, Enviro, Rec & Tribal Interests Voice Opinions on Ocean Policy
| The Oregonian, 7/7/11
| by Brandon Blakeley
Report: World's Ocean at Risk of Entering Mass Species Extinction Phase
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/24/11
| by Staff
Salmon Once Again Explore Marsh Mapped by Lewis and Clark
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2/25/11
| by Rob Manning
Salmon Survival: It's All About the Early Days in the Ocean
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/7/11
| by Staff
Oregon Project Reproduces Lakes' Natural Flood Cycle
| Spokesman-Review, 8/15/10
| by Staff
Groups Question Port's Dumping on West Hayden Island
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/5/10
| by Rob Manning
Enviros Question Dredge Spoil Dumping on West Hayden Island
| The Oregonian, 8/4/10
| by Scott Learn
USACE Proposes Lower Columbia River Maintenance Dredging
| Dredging Today, 6/23/10
| by Staff
Estuary Improving - But Worries Still Linger About Toxics
| The Daily Astorian, 6/7/10
| by Cassandra Profita
Critics of the Portland River Plan are All Wet
| The Oregonian, 3/2/10
| by Daniel Rohlf
Oregon Warns Permit for Natural Gas Port Unlikely
| The Statesman, 2/22/10
| by Jeff Barnard
High Rate of Juvenile Steelhead Mortality in Estuaries
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/12/10
| by Staff
Ocean Indicator Report Shows Conditions Worsen in 2009
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/22/10
| by Staff
WA Signs Agreement with Federal Action Agencies
| KBKW, 9/17/9
| by David Haviland
River Tour Tracks Salmon Migration
| The Daily Astorian, 9/10/9
| by Cassandra Profita
Canada Ocean Report: 2008 Coldest Water In 50 Years
| NW Fishletter, 6/19/9
| by Bill Rudolph
Estuary MOA may Save Agency Jobs and Fish
| NW Fishletter, 5/6/9
| by Bill Rudolph
It's About Time
| The Daily Astorian, 4/9/9
| by Editorial Board
Feds with WA to Accelerate Habitat Projects in Estuary
| The Daily Astorian, 4/9/9
| by Staff
Agreement to Boost Columbia River Salmon Habitat
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/4/9
| by Associated Press
Ocean 'Indicators' Help Forecasts for Salmon Returns
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/20/9
| by Staff
NMFS Disregarded It's Own Scientists' Criticisms
| NW Fishletter, 3/4/9
| by Bill Rudolph
Plans in Motion to Restore Ross Island Habitat
| The Bee, 12/26/8
| by David F. Ashton
2008 Ocean Conditions for Fish One of Best on Record
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/19/8
| by Staff
Cold Water Rejuvenates Oregon Ocean, Salmon
| The Oregonian, 9/8/8
| by Michael Milstein
Salmon Secrets may Cast Light on Warming Trends
| The Columbian, 11/30/8
| by Staff
LNG is on Path of Fish Sanctuary
| Daily Astorian, 11/3/8
| by Cassandra Profita
Biodiversity: Unraveling the Mysteries of Salmon Migration
| Science Daily, 10/31/8
| by Stephen Leahy
Do Dams Make A Difference?
| IPS News, 10/30/8
| by Staff
Study Shows More Salmon Survive West's Dammed Rivers
| Canadian Press, 10/27/8
| by Staff
Dams Not Main Cause of Salmon Collapse, Study Says
| National Geographic News, 10/27/8
| by James Owen
Radio Tags Shed Light on Salmon Migration Routes
| Globe and Mail, 10/27/8
| by Mark Hume
World's Oceans Could Become "Soupy Swill": Expert
| The Province, 9/13/8
| by Elaine O'Connor
Cold Water Rings Dinner Bell for West Coast Salmon
| The Seattle Times, 9/9/8
| by Jeff Barnard
Oceans in Jeopardy
| The Columbian, 7/29/8
| by Editorial Board
Scientists Diving for Answers
| The Daily Astorian, 7/4/8
| by Cassandra Profita
Bering Sea Pollock Fleet Faces Closure Over Salmon
| The Seattle Times, 6/22/8
| by Jeannette Lee
Overdue Protections for Chinook Salmon Move Forward
| Environmental News Net, 6/12/8
| by Oceana
Lost Crab Pots Still Catching Crabs
| The Seattle Times, 6/5/8
| by Krista Kapralos
New Studies: Jellyfish Populations' Impact On Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/8
| by Staff
Cold Ocean Means More Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/7/8
| by Bill Rudolph
Fisheries Agency will Explain Estuary Plan
| The Columbian, 1/26/8
| by Erik Robinson
Year's Early Zooplankton Arrival Bodes Well for Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/7
| by Staff
Year's Early Zooplankton Arrival Bodes Well for Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/20/7
| by Staff
U.S. Gets a C- on Protecting Oceans
| Environmental News Net, 1/31/7
| by Andrew Miga
Snake Fall Chinook Studies Get More Complicated
| NW Fishletter, 12/20/6
| by Bill Rudolph
A Revolution In Fish Tracking Gets Under Way
| NW Fishletter, 11/20/6
| by Bill Rudolph
U.S. Science Agency Funds Study Center
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/30/6
| by Sarah Skidmore
A Voyage to Unlock Columbia's Secrets
| The Oregonian, 8/29/6
| by Michael Milstein
Ocean Planet: Risky Chemistry
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/2/6
| by Editorial Board
Scientists Seek to Spy on World's Fish
| Environmental News Net, 7/27/6
| by Alister Doyle
Effect of Climate Change on Oceans Gaining Attention
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/6/6
| by Tom Paulson
Manipulating the Ocean
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/23/6
| by Benjamin Stout
Canadian Scientists Predict Poor Salmon Runs
| The Globe and Mail, 6/12/6
| by Mark Hume
Study Parasites to Track Salmon, say Researchers
|, 5/5/6
| by Staff
Program will Track Salmon in the Pacific Ocean
| ESPN, 4/28/6
| by Les Blumenthal
Scientists Tracking Mysteries of Salmon
| Tri-City Herald, 4/24/6
| by Les Blumenthal
Death of Birds and Sea Life on West Coast
| E/The Environmental Magazine, 4/30/6
| by Adria Elskus
Research in Pacific Shows Ocean Trouble
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/31/6
| by Lisa Stiffler
Will Fishing Cool Down as Oceans Heat Up?
| Statesman Journal, 3/29/6
| by Kate Ramsayer
Restore Natural Flood Protections
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer,1/17/6
| by Rob Masonis
Salmon Returns Depend on Ocean
| BPA Journal, 1/6
| by Staff
Report on Estuary's Health Shows Mixed Results
| The Daily News, 11/11/5
| by Associated Press
Pacific Coast Life Concerns Scientists
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/5
| by Terence Chea
Scientists Raise the Alarm about Ocean Health
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/13/5
| by Associated Press
U.S. Backing for Columbia Salmon Recovery Plan
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/19/5
| by Jeff Barnard
1st Channel Deepening Eco Project Completed
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/1/4
| by CBB staff
Groups Announce Joint Estuary Restoration
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/1/4
| by CBB staff
Turning Farmland Back to Marshes & Mudflats
|, 9/21/4
| by Associated Press
State Should Lead Oceans Restoration
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/23/4
| by Chris Wells
Project Targets Derelict Yet Lethal Fishing Gear
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/14/4
| by M.L. Lyke
El Nino Stirring, Salmon at Risk
| The News Tribune, 8/23/4
| by Les Blumenthal
Pacific Decadal Oscillation: A Thermostat?
| Capital Press, 3/19/4
| by Tam Moore
Concern About Coastal 'Dead Zone'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/13/4
| by CBB staff
Pings Provide Exacting Fish Count
| The Oregonian, 8/4/4
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Scientists Listen for Sound of Salmon
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/4/3
| by Associated Press
Lawsuit Challenges Corps' Channel Deepening
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4
| by Mike O'Bryant
NOAA Releases Hydro White Paper Drafts
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/21/4
| by CBB staff
ISRP Rejects Estuary Habitat Monitoring Plan
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/14/4
| by CBB staff
Corps to Restore Island in Columbia Estuary
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/30/4
| by CBB staff
Oceans in Peril: 'We Have to Change Course'
| Seattle Times, 2/12/4
| by Craig Welch
Estuary & Plume Plan Under Peer Review
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/31/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
River's Edge Goes Natural with Developers
| The Oregonian, 10/10/3
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Study: Huge Lower Columbia Fish Habitat Loss
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/3/3
| by CBB staff
Lost Habitat Nurtured Salmon
| The Oregonian, 9/29/3
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Trust Acquires Island Property for Estuary
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/5/3
| by CBB staff
Regatta Plies Columbia's New Slough
| The Oregonian, 7/23/3
| by Joe Fitzgibbon
La Nina Most Likely on the Way
| NW Fishletter, 6/30/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Ocean Report Calls for Marine Reserves
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Landowners Receive Grants for ESA Projects
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/3
| by CBB staff
Budget Includes Money for Estuary Work
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Clatsop County Estuary Restoration Proposed
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/3
| by CBB staff
Equator Climate Link to NW Salmon Health
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3
| by Mike O'Bryant
Seesaw Shift in Salmon Run in NW & Alaska
| Seattle Times, 1/16/3
| by Associated Press
Computer Prognosticates on Watery Future
| NW Fishletter, 12/17/2
| by Bill Rudolph
Climate Change Bodes Poorly for Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/22/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
Warming May Hurt Salmon, Study Says
| Tri-City Herald, 11/11/2
| by Annette Cary
WA to Amend Mainstem Water Use Rules
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/25/2
| by Barry Espenson
Corps Looks at Riverfront Restoration Plan
| Tri-City Herald, 9/4/2
| by Nathan Isaacs
Good News from Ocean Research Update
| NW Fishletter, 6/27/2
| by Bill Rudolph
Deepening Columbia Won't Hurt Salmon
| Environmental News Net, 5/29/2
| by Associated Press
Last 2000 Years of Salmon Prodcutivity
| NW Fishletter, 4/30/2
| by Bill Rudolph
Climate Shifts Tied to Salmon Population
| Seattle Times, 4/18/2
| by Jeff Barnard
Global Warming Harder for NW Fish
| The Oregonian, 1/30/2
| Jonathan Brinckman
ISAB Urges 'Aggressive' Estuary Actions
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/8/00
| by Barry Espenson
Estuary Effort Bouyed by $30 Million
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/17/00
| by Barry Espenson
Congress Approves Funding for Estuary
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/3/00
| by CBB staff
NW Fishletter's 100th Issue, Or, "It's the Ocean, Stupid"
| NW Fishletter, 4/11/00
| by Bill Rudolph
Salmon Battered by Man and Nature
| Environmental News Net,10/27/99
| by John Roach
Changes in Ocean Survival
| Idaho Farm Bureau News
| Hilborn & Corondao
Regime Scale Climate Forcing
| Idaho Farm Bureau News
| Francis & Hare
Greatest Alarm Yet on Global Warming
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/23/1
| by Joe McDonald
Scientists Share Signals for Clues to Ocean Abundance
| NW Fishletter, 10/22/96
| by Bill Rudolph
| |
back to top |
Ocean Fishery Impacts on Idaho's Salmon & Steelhead
| Email to bluefish, 7/29/9
| by Robert Kope
Steelhead on the Snake
| Game & Fish, 9/29/10
| by Doug Rose
Study: Anglers' Catch-And-Release Revival Techniques Shown To Not Always Benefit Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/26/15
| by Staff
Holding Wild Steelhead Out of Water Viewed Differently in Idaho, Washington
| Spokesman-Review, 2/10/16
| by Rich Landers
Study: Brings Attention fo How Timing of Fishing Seasons Impacts Spawning, Life History Patterns
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/1/17
| by Staff
Steelhead Fishing Heats Up in Some Rivers
| East Oregonian, 12/12/24
| by Staff
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (11-4-24)
| Northwest Sportsman, 11/4/24
| by Andy Walgamott
Fishing in Idaho is About To Be the Best it's Been in 7 Years
| 104.3 WOW Country, 10/6/24
| by Chris Cardenas
Columbia River Chinook Salmon Fishing Extended
| The Chronicle, 10/11/24
| by Bill Monroe
Columbia Fall Chinook Managers Extend Fisheries thru End of September, Reopen a Lower Stretch
| Northwest Sportsman, 9/18/24
| by Andy Walgamott
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Hanford Reach Fishing Report (9-17-24)
| Northwest Sportsman, 9/17/24
| by Andy Walgamott
Salmon Seasons Expanded Along Columbia River
| The Chronicle, 9/11/24
| by Bill Monroe
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Hanford Reach Fishing Report (9-10-24)
| Northwest Sportsman, 9/10/24
| by Andy Walgamott
Fishing Report: Be Aware of Changing Fall Salmon Fishing Regulations
| The Columbian, 9/7/24
| by Staff
Idaho's Steelhead Update 8/28/2024
| Press Release, 8/28/24
| by Joe DuPont
Snake Stretches Opening for Fall Chinook; Areas 7, 10 Reopening for Kings
| Northwest Sportsman, 8/8/24
| by Andy Walgamott
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Buoy 10 Fishing Report (8-20-24)
| Northwest Sportsman, 8/20/24
| by Andy Walgamott
Fall Salmon Fishing Seasons are Right Around the Corner
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/11/24
| by Eric Barker
Salmon Fishing Off Mouth of Columbia River to Reopen Monday
| The Oregonian, 8/8/24
| by Bill Monroe
Salmon Fishing Off Mouth of Columbia River to Close Monday
| The Oregonian, 8/8/24
| by Bill Monroe
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (8-14-24)
| Northwest Sportsman, 8/14/24
| by Andy Walgamott
Lower Columbia River and Tributary Fishing Report for Week of Aug. 5-11
| The Columbian, 8/6/24
| by Staff
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (8-6-24)
| Northwest Sportsman, 8/6/24
| by Andy Walgamott
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (7-30-24)
| Northwest Sportsman, 7/30/24
| by Andy Walgamott
Fishing Report: Sockeye Retention Closed on Columbia River
| The Columbian, 7/29/24
| by Staff
Forecasts Call for Good Fall Chinook Returns at Buoy 10
| The Columbian, 7/26/24
| by Terry Otto
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Hanford Reach Fishing Report (7-23-24)
| Northwest Sportsman, 7/23/24
| by Andy Walgamott
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update Clearwater River, Rapid River, and Hells Canyon Fisheries
| Clearwater Tribune, 7/10/24
| by Joe DuPont
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 7.10.24
| Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 7/10/24
| by Angela Montana
Columbia River and Tributary Fishery Reports for Week of July 1
| The Columbian, 7/6/24
| by Staff
Though Columbia Sockeye Return is Booming, Angler Retention Shut Down to Protect ESA-Listed Sockeye
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/5/24
| by Staff
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 7.25.24
| Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 7/3/24
| by Angela Montana
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 7.3.24
| Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 7/3/24
| by Angela Montana
Preliminary Columbia River and Tributaries Fishing Report, July 1
| The Columbian, 7/1/24
| by Staff
Preliminary Columbia River and Tributaries Fishing Report, June 10-16
| The Columbian, 6/22/24
| by Staff
Little Goose Tailrace to Open for 1 Day of Springer Fishing
| Northwest Sportsman, 6/6/24
| by Andy Walgamott
One Day Only: Little Goose Chinook Fishery to Reopen Today
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/6/24
| by Staff
States Reopen Chinoook Fishing Below Bonneville and 12 Hours of Commercial Gillnetting on Mainstem
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/17/24
| by Matt Olson
Columbia River's Salmon Fishing Season Set to Begin June 16
| NBC Right Now, 4/24/24
| by Thomas Metcalf
Three Times the Fun, 3rd Wave of Steelhead Hits Boise River
| KTVB, 11/24/23
| by Staff
Fish and Game Preparing to Release 250 Steelhead into Boise River
| KTVB, 11/15/23
| by Staff
Washington Columbia River Tributary Fishing Report for Nov. 13-19
| The Columbian, 11/13/23
| by Staff
McCall Angler Sets New State Record with Steelhead Catch on Clearwater River
| Idaho News CBS2, 10/31/23
| by Staff
Lewiston Man Catches New Idaho State Record Coho
| Northwest Sportsman, 10/24/23
| by Staff
Coho Again to Open in Snake's Lower Hells Canyon
| Northwest Sportsman, 10/5/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Chinook Retention from Bonneville to Pasco Extended Thru Year-end
| Northwest Sportsman, 10/4/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Washington Columbia River Mainstem, Tributary Fishing Report for Sept. 25-Oct. 1
| The Columbian, 10/4/23
| by Staff
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for September 28
| Spokesman-Review, 9/28/23
| by Alan Liere
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (9-25-23)
| Northwest Sportsman, 9/25/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Salmon Fishing Open on Main Stem of Columbia River Through End of Year
| Daily Astorian, 9/24/23
| by Staff
States Relax Salmon Fishing Restrictions on Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 9/13/23
| by Bill Monroe
SW WA, Lower Columbia, Hanford, Yakima Fishing Report (9-5-23)
| Northwest Sportsman, 9/5/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Steelhead Run Expected to be Strong as Fishing Season Opens Friday
| Big Country News, 8/31/23
| by Staff
Washington Columbia River Mainstem, Tributary Fishing Report for Aug. 21-27
| The Columbian, 8/30/23
| by Staff
Landing a Chinook at Columbia River's Buoy 10 Fishery may be a Challenge
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 8/23/23
| by Roger Phillips
Understanding Idaho Fish and Game's Decision to Stock Boise River with Surplus Chinook Salmon
| Idaho News CBS 2, 8/7/23
| by Staff
In Surprise Move, U.S. District Judge Dismisses U.S. V. Oregon Fishing Rights Case
| NW Fishletter, 4/2/18
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Fishing for Steelhead in the Snake?
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/18/22
| by Staff
Ruling Clouds Future of Southeast Alaska King Salmon Fishery
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/11/22
| by Gene Johnson
Columbia River, Tributary Fishery Reports for Aug. 7-13
| The Columbian, 8/16/23
| by Staff
Fishing Report: Fall Chinook Fishing Opens Tuesday with Some Changes
| The Columbian, 7/19/23
| by Staff
Columbia River Mainstem, Tributary Fishing Summary for July 10-16
| The Columbian, 7/19/23
| by Staff
Sockeye Salmon Fishing Limit Expanded in Richland
| NBC Right Now, 7/6/23
| by Kaitlyn Smock
Summer, Fall Salmon Regulations Among the Most Complicated in State History
| The Oregonian, 6/30/23
| by Bill Monroe
Summer Chinook Fishing on Columbia River to Close Saturday
| The Columbian, 6/28/23
| by Allen Thomas
Summer Chinook Salmon Fishing to Close on Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 6/28/23
| by Bill Monroe
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 6.28.23
| Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 6/28/23
| by Angela Montana
Sockeye Numbers Skyrocket over Bonneville
| The Daily News, 6/22/23
| by Seth Kolshinski
Alaska Salmon Season Back On After Court Halts Closure that Sought to Protect Orcas
| KNXX, 6/22/23
| by Associated Press
Fish on! Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Seattle District Court's Stop to SE Alaska King Salmon Troll Fishery
| Must Read Alaska, 6/21/23
| by Suzanne Downing
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update 6.21.23
| Montana Outdoor Radio Show, 6/21/23
| by Angela Montana
Mid-Columbia Fishing Report (6-21-23)
| Northwest Sportsman, 6/21/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Chinook Salmon Fishery Update: Clearwater River, Rapid River, Hells Canyon, and Lochsa River Fisheries
| EIN News, 6/20/23
| by Joe DuPont
Chinook Fisheries Halted on Columbia River
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/19/23
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Have Not Made It to the Riggins Area, But They Are On the Way
| Idaho News 6, 5/26/23
| by Steve Dent
11 Days of Spring Chinook Fishing Added Below Bonneville Dam, May 25-June 4
| Tillamook County Pioneer, 5/20/23
| by Editor
Chinook Fishing to Resume at Ice Harbor, Little Goose Dams
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/23
| by Staff
WDF&W Report Change to Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing
| Big Country News, 5/19/23
| by Staff
As Chinook Run Surges, So Does Uncertainty
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/19/23
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing to Reopen on Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 5/17/23
| by Bill Monroe
Idaho Tribe Wants its Share of Clearwater River Run
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/9/23
| by Eric Barker
Salmon Trolling Seasons Halted to Help Orca Recovery
| Capital Press, 5/8/23
| by Mateusz Perkowski
Columbia River Spring Chinook Run Below Average So Far But Peak Still to Come
| The Columbian, 4/16/23
| by Lauren Ellenbecker
Chinook Salmon Fishing Starts April 22 on Snake River
| Baker City Herald, 4/16/23
| by Jayson Jacoby
Fall Salmon Fishing Limits Set for Buoy 10
| The Columbian, 4/8/23
| by Allen Thomas
Summer Salmon Fishing Seasons Set for Oregon Coast, Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 4/7/23
| by Bill Monroe
US Panel Approves Salmon Fishing Ban for Much of West Coast
| KPTV, 4/7/23
| by Lisa Baumann
Slower Catches of Spring Chinook Salmon Mean Extended Fishing on Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 4/4/23
| by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Season Set for Idaho Rivers
| KTVB, 3/1/23
| by Staff
Washington Expected to Have a Limited Spring Chinook Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/17/23
| by Eric Barker
Confusing Postcard Provides Excitement for Upcoming Fishing Season
| Yakima Herald, 3/7/23
| by Rob Phillips
Spring Chinook Salmon Sportfishing Seasons Set for Lower Columbia River
| The Chronicle, 2/23/23
| by Bill Monroe
Columbia River Spring Chinook Seasons Announced
| The Columbian, 2/22/23
| by Terry Otto
States Set Columbia Spring Chinook Seasons
| Northwest Sportsman, 2/22/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Time To Set the Seasons
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/27/23
| by Eric Barker
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for January 19
| Spokesman-Review, 1/19/23
| by Alan Liere
Days of Gillnetting on Lower Columbia River May Be Numbered
| The Chronicle, 1/18/23
| by Lauren Ellenbecker
Put End to Destructive Gillnetting
| The Columbian, 1/15/23
| by Matt Olson
Steelhead Fishing Shifts to Catch-and-Release
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/15/22
| by Eric Barker
Watch Fish and Game Friday: Steelhead Season
| KLEW, 10/14/22
| by Christopher Mitchell
Fishery Managers to Close Chinook Salmon Fishing on River
| Daily Astorian, 10/6/22
| by Staff
Chinook Salmon Fishing on Columbia River to Close After Friday
| The Oregonian, 10/5/22
| by Bill Monroe
Updated Fish Forecasts to Change Recreational Fishing Guidelines
| NBC Right Now, 10/5/22
| by Karlee Van de Venter
'B' is for Bonanza
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/30/22
| by Eric Barker
Now is the Time to Land a Big Fall Chinook on the mid-Columbia River
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 9/27/22
| by Roger Phillips
Salmon Fishing at Buoy 10, Area Near Bonneville Dam to Resume Thursday
| The Oregonian, 9/13/22
| by Bill Monroe
Columbia River Reopens for Salmon Fishing at Buoy 10, Above Reed Island beginning Sept. 15
| Tillamook County Pioneer, 9/6/22
| by ODFW
Fall Chinook Salmon Update for the Week of August 31, 2022
| Clearwater Tribune, 9/1/22
| by Joe DuPont
Fall Chinook Salmon Retention to Close at Buoy 10 on Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 8/29/22
| by Bill Monroe
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for August 17
| Spokesman-Review, 8/17/22
| by Alan Liere
Snake River Fall Chinook Harvest to Open August 18
| Daily Fly, 8/14/22
| by Rebecca Acree
Fall Chinook Fishing Opens Thursday in Area
| Capital Press, 8/12/22
| by Matthew Weaver
Fishing Report for Washington Columbia River Mainstem and Tributaries, July 4-10
| The Columbian, 7/13/22
| by News Services
Spring Chinook Fishing on Little Salmon River Wraps Up Today
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/1/22
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update: Clearwater, Rapid River, Hells Canyon & Lochsa River Fisheries
| EIN News, 6/21/22
| by Joe DuPont
Upper Salmon River Summer Chinook Fishery Update
| EIN News, 6/15/22
| by Joe DuPont
Summer Chinook Fishing Set to Open in Idaho, Oregon
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/15/22
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Update: Rapid River Run, Hells Canyon, and Clearwater River Fisheries
| EIN News, 6/14/22
| by Joe DuPont
Spring Chinook to Reopen at Little Goose Dam
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/8/22
| by Staff
145K Chinook Counted March 15-May 30
| Idaho County Free Press, 6/8/22
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Chinook Fishing to Open for One Day Only Below Little Goose Dam on Snake River
| Big Country News, 6/6/22
| by Staff
Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Expands Again
| The Oregonian, 6/3/22
| by Bill Monroe
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for May 26
| Spokesman-Review, 5/26/22
| by Alan Liere
Snake River Spring Chinook Season to Close
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/24/22
| by Staff
Anglers Have Shot at 10,000 Spring Chinook
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/22/22
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Sportfishing on Lower Columbia River Extended Through mid-June
| The Oregonian, 5/20/22
| by Bill Monroe
Upper Salmon River Chinook Update
| Montana Outdoor, 5/20/22
| by Greg Schoby
More Days Added to Columbia Spring Chinook Fishery
| The Columbian, 5/19/22
| by News Service
Spring Chinook Fishing Remains Open Near Ice Harbor, Little Goose Dams
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/22
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Update: Rapid River Run, Hells Canyon, and Clearwater River Fisheries
| Clearwater Tribune, 5/16/22
| by Joe DuPont
With Spring Chinook Salmon Run Up 30% at Bonneville Dam, More Fishing Days Added on Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 5/11/22
| by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Salmon Season Looks Promising for Idaho Anglers
| KIVI TV, 5/5/22
| by Steve Dent
Chinook Fishing Opens May 3 on Snake River
| Whitman County Gazette, 4/21/22
| by Staff
Need to Protect Wild Tule Chinook Makes Scheduling Fishing Season a Tough Task
| The Oregonian, 4/14/22
| by Bill Monroe
Washington OKs Short Crack at Springers
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/15/22
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Salmon Fishing Rules Change on Snake River
| Columbia Basin Herald, 4/15/22
| by Staff
Fishing Report for Lower Columbia River Mainstem and Tributaries: April 12
| The Columbian, 4/12/22
| by Staff
Forecast for Chinook Could be Best Return Since 2015; Season Opens April 23
| Idaho County Free Press, 4/6/22
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Reports and Updates for Week of March 14
| The Columbian, 3/16/22
| by Staff
Columbia River Salmon Return Forecast. And What It Means for the 2022 Fishing Season
| Tri-City Herald, 3/6/22
| by Eric Barker
Fisheries Managers Pondering Parameters of Spring Chinook Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/6/22
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Season Set; Fall Chinook Predictions Are Out
| The Oregonian, 2/26/22
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Season Set; Fall Chinook Predictions Are Out
| The Columbian, 2/26/22
| by Staff
To Protect Declining Wild Steelhead WA State Shuts Down All Sport Fishing on Coast
| The Columbian, 2/24/22
| by Staff
Columbia River and Tributary Fishery Report, Feb. 22
| The Columbian, 2/23/22
| by Staff
Wild Steelhead are Caught Less and Have Higher Survival Rates Once Released, Research Shows
| KTVB, 1/25/22
| by Staff
Steelhead Fishing Closed on Lower Snake
| Whitman County Gazette, 1/6/22
| by Staff
Steelhead Fishing Still Off Limits Above The Dalles Dam
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 12/24/21
| by Staff
Fishing Closures Extended for Columbia River, Tributaries to Protect Record-Low Steelhead Run
| KTVZ, 12/22/21
| by Staff
F&G Commission Modifies Steelhead Bag Limits Starting Jan. 1, 2022
| Clearwater Tribune, 12/1/21
| by Connor Liess
Split Steelhead Season is on Agenda
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/5/21
| by Eric Barker
Why I'm Not Fishing the Grande Ronde River This Year
| Outside Magazine, 10/16/21
| by Bridget Moran
F&G Commission Reduces Bag Limits for Clearwater River and Tributaries
| EIN Presswire, 10/7/21
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Feds OK Plan to Cut Salmon Fishing When Needed for Orcas
| ABC News, 9/15/21
| by Associated Press
Oregon Lowers Steelhead Bag Limits on Snake
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/10/21
| by Staff
Portion of Lower Columbia River to Reopen to Salmon Fishing Saturday
| Clark County Today, 9/10/21
| by Staff
Salmon Fishing to Reopen on Part of Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 9/9/21
| by Bill Monroe
Reduced Steelhead Bag Limit for Oregon's Snake River
| The Observer, 9/8/21
| by Staff
Portions of Mainstem Columbia Downstream of Bonneville Closing to All Salmon Fishing
| Tillamook County Pioneer, 9/6/21
| by Eric Barker
Washington Closes Part of Snake to Steelhead Fishing
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/3/21
| by Eric Barker
Stretch of Columbia River Closing to Salmon, Steelhead Fishing
| The Oregonian, 9/2/21
| by Bill Monroe
Idaho Allows Limited Steelhead Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/2/21
| by Eric Barker
Idaho Steelhead Update
| EIN Presswire, 9/1/21
| by Joe Dupont
IDFG Reduces Steelhead Bag Limit to One Due to Low Return Rates
| KIVI TV, 9/1/21
| by Lynsey Amundson
Amid Poor Runs, Idaho Officials Propose Limited Steelhead Harvest
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/31/21
| by Eric Barker
Record-Low Steelhead Returns on Columbia River Prompt Call for Fishing Shutdown
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/27/21
| by Bradley Parks
Idaho Official says Year's Meager Run is Arguably the Area's 'Worst Ever'
| Spokesman-Review, 8/19/21
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Update
| EIN Presswire, 6/30/21
| Idaho Fish & Game
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing on Snake River to Reopen for Two More Days Near Little Goose Dam
| Big Country News, 6/3/21
| by Staff
Commission Approves 2 New Fisheries and Reopens Portion of Lower Salmon River for Two Days
| EIN Presswire, 6/4/21
| Idaho Fish & Game
Spring Chinook Fishing to Close for Season
| Post Register, 5/26/21
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Will Be Open Saturday on Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 5/25/21
| by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update
| EIN Presswire, 5/25/21
| Idaho Fish & Game
Spring Chinook Fishing to Open for Two Days on Snake River Near Little Goose Dam
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/22/21
| by Staff
Clearwater Season Still Possible with a Bump in Chinook Counts
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/21/21
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update
| EIN Presswire, 6/1/21
| Idaho Fish & Game
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update
| EIN Presswire, 5/19/21
| Idaho Fish & Game
Higher Spring Chinook Salmon Counts Lead to More Columbia River Sport Fishing Dates
| The Oregonian, 5/18/21
| by Bill Monroe
Idaho's Spring Chinook Returns Remain Low, Clearwater Unlikely to Open to Anglers
| Spokesman-Review, 5/12/21
| by Eli Francovich
Fishing Report, March 4
| The Columbian, 3/4/20
| by Staff
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for Feb. 18
| Spokesman-Review, 2/18/21
| by Alan Liere
Spring Offers Big Steelhead Fishing Opportunities in Smaller Rivers
| EIN Presswire, 2/18/21
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Steelhead Season Begins to Warm Up
| Post Register, 2/17/21
| by Jerry Painter
Fishing Report, January 28
| The Columbian, 1/28/21
| by Staff
Wallowa County Fishing Rates a Bit Lower than Anticipated
| East Oregonian, 12/1/20
| by Ronald Bond
Latest Local Fishing Report a Mixed Bag
| Wallowa County Chieftain, 10/26/20
| by Staff
Fishing Report, October 1
| The Columbian, 10/1/20
| by Staff
Gillnetters Approve, Anglers Reel at Columbia River Salmon Policy Change
| The Daily News, 9/21/20
| by Mallory Gruben
Fishing Season is Open for Fall Chinook Salmon in Idaho
| Twin Times-News, 8/27/20
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Steelhead Limit Cut on Snake, Salmon, Little Salmon
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 8/21/20
| by Eric Barker
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for Aug. 6
| Spokesman-Review, 8/27/20
| by Alan Liere
Fishing Report, August 20
| The Columbian, 2/12/20
| by Staff
F&G Commission Approves 2020 Fall Chinook Salmon Season
| Daily Fly, 7/27/20
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Fisheries Managers Expect 18,000+ Adult Chinook, Fishing Begins as Early as Aug. 18
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/5/20
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Watch South Fork Salmon Chinook Numbers Dismal
| KIVI TV, 7/8/20
| by Steve Liebenthal
Upper Salmon River Chinook Salmon Fishing Report
| Clearwater Tribune, 7/15/20
| by Brent Beller
Tribes Open First Commercial Fishery of Year; Direct Public Sales Available
| Hood River News, 6/23/20
| by Staff
Tongue Point to McNary Dam Re-Opening for Chinook Fishing Saturday
| The Daily News, 7/2/20
| by Staff
Sockeye, Steelhead Fisheries in NW See Precautionary Closures
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/28/20
| by Eric Barker
Oregon, Washington Add 5 Days of Chinook Salmon Sportfishing on Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 6/30/20
| by Bill Monroe
Anglers Get Another Shot at Idaho's 519 Chinook
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/5/20
| by Staff
States End Non-Tribal Spring Salmon Fishing on Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 5/20/20
| by Bill Munroe
Chinook Season Closed on Idaho's Clearwater River
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/16/20
| by Eric Barker
States Give Columbia River Salmon Anglers Four More Days
| The Dalles Chronicle, 5/14/20
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Season Launches to Shallow Numbers
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/24/20
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead, Chinook Seasons Look Grim
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/3/20
| by Eric Barker
Idaho Aporoves Approved Spring Chinook Fishing to Begin April 25
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/26/20
| by Staff
WA Closes Recreational Fishing Statewide, OR Shuts Down Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/26/20
| by Staff
F&G Commission Approves 2020 Spring Chinook Salmon Season
| Clearwater Tribune, 3/25/20
| by Brian Pearson
Fishing Report, February 12
| The Columbian, 2/12/20
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, January 15
| The Columbian, 1/15/20
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, January 9
| The Columbian, 1/9/20
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, January 2
| The Columbian, 1/2/20
| by Terry Otto
Idaho Opts to Reopen Fishing on Lower Stretch, but Washington says No
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/27/19
| by Eric Barker
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for Dec. 26
| Spokesman-Review, 12/26/19
| by Alan Liere
Steelhead Closure Extended In Eastern Oregon
| KXI, 12/26/19
| by Staff
Steelhead Closure Extended on Columbia River
| The Astorian, 12/23/19
| by Staff
Limited Steelhead Season Approved
| Moscow-Pulmman Daily News, 12/19/19
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead Season May Open in New Year
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/18/19
| by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, December 5
| The Columbian, 12/5/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, November 28
| The Columbian, 11/28/19
| by Terry Otto
Limited Steelhead Fishing Season on Clearwater River a Possibility
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 11/25/19
| by Eric Barker
F&G Extends 2020 Steelhead Bag Limits on Parts of Snake, Salmon, Little Salmon
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/22/19
| by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, November 14
| The Columbian, 11/14/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, November 7
| The Columbian, 11/7/19
| by Terry Otto
ODFW says Average Catch Time for Steelhead in Northeast Oregon is About 10 Hours
| East Oregonian, 11/2/19
| by Staff
Fishing Report, October 24
| The Columbian, 10/24/19
| by Terry Otto
Steelhead Season Remains Open on Multiple Rivers
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 10/21/19
| by Eric Barker
States Reopen Columbia River to Recreational Coho and Sturgeon Fishing
| The Astorian, 10/18/19
| by Staff
Fishing Report, October 17
| The Columbian, 10/17/19
| by Terry Otto
Coho Salmon Fishing to Reopen on Part of the Columbia River from Friday Through Oct. 31
| The Oregonian, 10/16/19
| by Bill Monroe
Anglers Seek Coho Season Extension
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/11/19
| by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, October 10
| The Columbian, 10/10/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, October 3
| The Columbian, 10/3/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, September 26
| The Columbian, 9/26/19
| by Terry Otto
Recreational Fishing Rules Change on the Columbia River Due to Low Numbers of Salmon, Steelhead
| King 5, 9/26/19
| by Staff
Commissioners Vote this Morning to Limit Steelhead Fishing Sites
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/20/19
| by Staff
Steelhead Closures Expand
| Coeur d'Alene Press, 9/19/19
| by Ralph Bartholdt
Fishing Report, September 19
| The Columbian, 9/19/19
| by Terry Otto
Recreational Fishing Rules Change on the Columbia River Due to Low Numbers of Salmon, Steelhead
| King 5 News, 9/19/19
| by Staff
Smaller Than Expected Steelhead Return is Causing Concern
| Twin Times-News, 9/19/19
| by Roger Phillips
Idaho may Scuttle Some Steelhead Seasons
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/19/19
| by Eric Barker
Idaho to Consider Closing Steelhead Fishing on Clearwater/Snake Rivers
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/18/19
| by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, September 4
| The Columbian, 9/4/19
| by Terry Otto
Steelhead Season Opens
| Wallowa Chieftain, 9/4/19
| by ODFW Press Release
Fall Chinook Salmon Fishing Below Bonneville Dam to Close Early
| The Oregonian, 9/4/19
| by Bill Monroe
With A-Run Steelhead Not Living Up to Predictions, Fish Managers Downgrade Forecast
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/31/19
| by Eric Barker
A Weekend in Wildlife
| East Oregonian, 8/30/19
| by Jessica Pollard
Fishing Report, August 29
| The Columbian, 8/29/19
| by Terry Otto
New Fall Chinook Season Approved
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/23/19
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Season To Open On Snake
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/23/19
| by Staff
Columbia at Mouth of Deschutes Closed to Fishing
| The Dalles Chronicle, 8/20/19
| by Staff
States Set Lower Columbia River Mainstem Commercial Gillnet Fishing
| Chinook Observer, 8/15/19
| by Columbia Basin Bulletin
Portland Area has New Fishing Regulations this Year
| Umpqua Post, 8/12/19
| by Staff
Columbia River at Deschutes River Mouth Closes to All Fishing Aug. 12
| The Dalles Chronicle, 8/9/19
| by Staff
Fishing Report, August 8
| The Columbian, 8/8/19
| by Terry Otto
Buoy 10 Opens as Huge Coho Return Expected, 162% of Average
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/2/19
| by Staff
Fishing Report, July 24
| The Columbian, 7/24/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Fans Sought to Help Study Fishing's Effect on Idaho's Wild Steelhead
| Spokesman-Review, 7/22/19
| by Eric Barker
No Chinook Fishing on South Fork Salmon, Upper Salmon Rivers
| KIVI TV, 6/25/19
| by Katie Kloppenburg
Chinook Season is a No-Go on South Fork of Salmon River
| Post Register, 6/22/19
| by Jerry Painter
Fishing Report, June 20
| The Columbian, 6/20/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, June 12
| The Columbian, 6/12/19
| by Terry Otto
Barbless Hooks Didn't Help Fish Survival; Chinook Returns Awful
| Chinook Observer, 6/4/19
| by Staff
Fishing Report, June 5: Barbless hooks now voluntary on the Columbia River
| The Columbian, 6/5/19
| by Terry Otto
Spring Chinook Season Comes to Close
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/5/19
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Season Ends on Lower Salmon, Little Salmon Rivers
| KIVI Boise, 6/4/19
| by Katie Kloppenburg
Barbless Hooks Still Required for Snake River
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/1/19
| by Eric Barker
Barbless Hooks to Become Voluntary on Much of Columbia River and Tributaries
| Chinook Observer, 5/31/19
| by Staff
Chinook Bust on the Columbia: Spring Returns Worse than Forecast on Northwest's Largest River
| Seattle Times, 5/31/19
| by Lynda Mapes
Two Sections of Snake River Already Closed for Spring Chinook Fishing, Another Closes After Monday
| Seattle Times, 5/30/19
| by Mark Yuasa
Fishing Report, May 30
| The Columbian, 5/30/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, May 16
| The Columbian, 5/16/19
| by Terry Otto
Poor Returns Put Chinook Season On Ice
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/15/19
| by Eric Barker
Two More Days of Salmon Fishing Added Upriver from Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 5/9/19
| by Bill Monroe
Chinook Taking Their Sweet Time Coming Home
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/8/19
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Fishing -- Limited as It Is -- Starts Saturday
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/8/19
| by Staff
WDFW Faces $7M Budget Shortfall
| The Columbian, 5/8/19
| by Terry Otto
Columbia Closes to Chinook, Sockeye Fishing this Summer
| NW Fishletter, 5/6/19
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Fishing Report, May 2
| The Columbian, 5/2/19
| by Terry Otto
Chinook Season is Open
| Idaho County Free Press, 5/1/19
| by Staff
Fishing Report, April 25
| The Columbian, 4/25/19
| by Terry Otto
Harvest Managers Concerned About Poor Chinook Returns
| Wahkiakum County Eagle, 4/25/19
| by CBB Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Extended Again on Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 4/24/19
| by Bill Monroe
Two More Days of Spring Chinook Fishing, But Harvest Managers Wonder if Looking at 'Really Poor Run'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/19
| by Staff
Washington Opts to Give Anglers Near Clarkston a Share of Salmon Harvest
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/29/19
| by Eric Barker
Meager Numbers of Returning Chinook Has State Fishery Managers Wary
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/21/19
| by Eric Barker
Biologists Again Put Through the Springer Wringer
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/19/19
| by Eric Barker
Anglers Allowed Two More Days of Fishing for Spring Chinook
| The Columbian, 4/19/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, April 18
| The Columbian, 4/18/19
| by Terry Otto
Few Salmon Mean No Summer Fishing on the Columbia. Fall Forecast in Flux
| Tri-City Herald, 4/15/19
| by Annette Cary
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopening for This Weekend from Bonneville to Warrior Rock
| Chinook Observer, 4/12/19
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Anglers Will Get Two More Days to Fish the Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 4/11/19
| by Bill Monroe
Fishing Report, April 11
| The Columbian, 4/11/19
| by Terry Otto
Steelhead Fishing Continues/Reopens in Idaho
| The Columbian, 3/15/19
| by Steve Liebenthal
Thanks for Reporting Facts
| The Daily Astorian, 3/12/19
| by Jim Wells
Don't Support Gillnetting
| The Daily Astorian, 3/7/19
| by Vince Archibald
Salmon Fishing Rules Off NW Coast to be Guided by Need to Protect Low Numbers of Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/15/19
| by Staff
Lower Columbia Spring Fishing Ends March 1
| Chinook Observer, 2/22/19
| by CBB Staff
Projections of Low Spring Chinook Returns Limit Columbia River Fishing Seasons
| Chinook Observer, 2/21/19
| by Staff
Fishing Report, February 21
| The Columbian, 2/21/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, February 6
| The Columbian, 2/6/19
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, January 24
| The Columbian, 2/6/19
| by Terry Otto
Friday Night Reverse Keeps Steelhead Fishing Season Open
| Idaho County Free Press, 12/13/18
| by Andrew Ottoson
Agreement Staves Off Steelhead Season Closure
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/7/18
| by Eric Barker
Conservation Groups did Idaho a Favor by Ending Steelhead Season
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 11/16/18
| by Josh Babcock
Steelhead Season Gets Snagged on a Legal Barb
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/16/18
| by Eric Barker
Columbia Salmon Season Won't Reopen Until Jan. 1
| Chinook Observer, 11/14/18
| by Staff
Columbia River Salmon, Steelhead Fisheries Reopen Jan. 1
| Spokesman-Review, 11/13/18
| by Eli Francovich
Idaho Fish and Game Suspends Steelhead Seasons Under Threat of Lawsuit
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/14/18
| by Eric Barker
Idaho Mulls Scrubbing Steelhead Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/14/18
| by Eric Barker
IDFG Cuts Clearwater Steelhead Bag Limit
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/30/18
| by Eric Barker
The Hanford Reach Remains Open, as Does the Snake River
| Spokesman-Review, 9/17/18
| by Eli Francovich
Rare Columbia River Salmon Fishing Closure Mix of Bad Ocean, Bad River Conditions in 2015
| Spokesman-Review, 9/17/18
| by Eli Francovich
International 10-year Salmon Preservation Plan Advances
| Star Tribune, 9/17/18
| by Gillian Flaccus
Salmonid Fishing Closed on the Columbia River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/18
| by Staff
State Officials Close Columbia River to All Salmon Fishing
| KOMO News, 9/13/18
| by Staff
Fishing Report, September 13
| The Columbian, 9/13/18
| by Terry Otto
The Fall Chinook Salmon Run Has Fallen Quickly
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 9/12/18
| by Roger Phillips
Poor Steelhead Returns will Likely Impact Small Towns that Bank on Anglers
| Coeur d'Alene Press, 9/6/18
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead Fishing Closed on Large Section of Columbia River
| NW Fishletter, 9/4/18
| by K.C. Mehaffey
States Slash Steelhead Bag Limits
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/2/18
| by Eric Barker
States Close Columbia River to Steelhead Retention
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/30/18
| by Staff
Fishing Report, July 12
| The Columbian, 8/23/18
| by Terry Otto
Buoy 10 Challenge/Chinook Salmon Will Mesh on Friday in Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 8/12/18
| by Bill Monroe
Oregon Closes Steelhead Sanctuary Off Mouth of Deschutes to All Fishing
| The Oregonian, 8/8/18
| by Bill Monroe
August 18 is Opening Day for Fall Chinook Fishing
| Twin Times-News, 8/2/18
| by Associated Press
Area's Fall Chinook Season Set to Open August 18
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/1/18
| by Staff
F&G Commission Approves Aug. 18 for Fall Chinook Fishing Opener
| Clearwater Tribune, 8/1/18
| by Staff
Fishing Halted in Tri-City Area Due to Hot River Waters
| Tri-City Herald, 8/6/18
| by Associated Press
State Reopens Chinook Salmon Fishery in Upper Columbia
| Omak-Okanogon Chronicle, 7/23/18
| by Staff
Snake River Might Hold a Few Surprises
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/16/18
| by Lenny Frasure
Summer Chinook Angling Ends Upstream of Bonneville Dam, Treaty Fishing Gets Three More Days
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/18
| by Staff
Fall Salmon Season Heating Up
| The Daily News, 7/12/18
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, July 12
| The Columbian, 7/12/18
| by Terry Otto
Taking It To the Bank for Salmon, Shad
| The Columbian, 7/4/18
| by Terry Otto
Washington Opens the Columbia River to Sockeye Fishing
| Tri-City Herald, 7/4/18
| by Paul Krupin
Fishing the Salmon Highway off Vancouver Island
| The Bulletin, 7/1/18
| by Gary Lewis
Fishing Report, June 28
| The Columbian, 6/28/18
| by Terry Otto
Idaho's Spring Chinook Season Nearing its End
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/27/18
| by Eric Barker
Shad, Sockeye Stage Spectacularly Strong Show at Bonneville
| The Oregonian, 6/26/18
| by Bill Monroe
Chinook Seasons End with Encouraging Signs
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/15/18
| by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, June 14
| The Columbian, 6/14/18
| by Terry Otto
Spring Chinook Fishing Extended with Increased Bag Limit; So Far, Jacks Passage Very Low
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/8/18
| by Staff
Chinook Tracking Leads to Bag Limit Revamps
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/8/18
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Season Extended
| The Columbian, 6/6/18
| by News Services
Spring Chinook Forecast Downgraded, But Managers Say Run Good Enough for More Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/1/18
| by Staff
Chinook Run Slowing Down as Officials Set Harvest Share
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/1/18
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Numbers On the Rise
| The Olympian, 5/28/18
| by Associated Press
Chinook Run Slows; Fishing Days Still On
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/25/18
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Fishing to Reopen on Columbia River
| Global Dispatch, 5/26/18
| by Jacob Maslow
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopens on Columbia River
| The Chronicle, 5/24/18
| by Jacob Maslow
Clearwater Region's Chinook Salmon Update
| Times-News, 5/24/18
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing to Reopen on Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 5/23/18
| by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Fishing Closed Until Run Update; Steelhead Fishing Opens in Lower Columbia
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/18/18
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Numbers are on the Rise
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/16/18
| by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, May 16
| The Columbian, 5/16/18
| by Terry Otto
Summer Steelhead Season Opens Wednesday on Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 5/15/18
| by Bill Monroe
Fishing Report, May 10
| The Columbian, 5/10/18
| by Terry Otto
Truck Trouble Delays Trout Stocking
| The Columbian, 5/3/18
| by Terry Otto
Chinook Season Opens Saturday in Idaho
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/27/18
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Season Opens Saturday
| Times-News, 4/26/18
| by Staff
Fishing Report, April 26
| The Columbian, 4/26/18
| by Terry Otto
You Could Use a New Favorite Fishing Hole. Here are Some Ideas
| Tri-City Herald, 4/22/18
| by Paul Krupin
Spring Chinook Season Opens with Little Fanfare, Few Fish
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/20/18
| by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, April 19
| The Columbian, 4/19/18
| by Terry Otto
Here's What You Need to Know to Catch Spring Chinook on the Snake
| Tri-City Herald, 4/18/18
| by Annette Cary
Lower Columbia River Salmon Sport Fishery Open Saturday Only
| The Chronicle, 4/13/18
| by Jordan Nailon
Low Bonneville Dam Passage for Spring Chinook Results in One More Fishing Day
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/13/18
| by Staff
Columbia River Reopens to Recreational Boats; Fishing Resumes Below Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 4/13/18
| by Bill Monroe
Fishing Report, April 5
| The Columbian, 4/5/18
| by Terry Otto
Another Rough Year Predicted for Salmon, Steelhead
| NW Fishletter, 4/2/18
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Idaho Summer Chinook Fishing May Heat Up
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/30/18
| by Eric Barker
Tribal Fisherman gets Jail Time after Selling Columbia River Fish
| Yakima Herald, 3/27/18
| by Annette Cary
Fishing Report, March 29
| The Columbian, 3/29/18
| by Terry Otto
Fishing Report, March 22
| The Columbian, 3/22/18
| by Staff
Fishing Report, March 8
| The Columbian, 3/7/18
| by Staff
University of Idaho Graduate Student Studies Clearwater Steelhead Movements
| Montana Untamed, 3/7/18
| by Eric Barker
Fishing Report, February 22
| The Columbian, 2/22/18
| by Terry Otto
Hatchery Steelhead Targeted in Bag Limit Changes on Snake River Tributaries
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/26/18
| by Staff
Preliminary Data Shows Steelhead Mortality from Gillnetting May be Lower than Thought
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/26/18
| by Staff
Steelhead Harvest Limits Stay: Idaho Extends Rules Requiring Release of Longer Fish
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/29/17
| by Eric Barker
Curiously Short Steelhead gets Snake River Fishermen in Hot Water
| Tri-City Herald, 1/17/18
| by Annette Cary
Steelhead Limits Reduced for 2018 Spring Season
| Times-News, 12/28/17
| by Mike Demick
Solitude on the Steelhead Rivers
| Coeur d'Alene Press, 12/28/17
| by Ralph Bartholdt
Reduced Steelhead Bag, Possession Limits Extended to Spring
| Idaho County Free Press, 12/27/17
| by Staff
Smaller Columbia River Fish Returns Constrain Harvests; Blob Cited as Factor
| Northwest Fishletter, 9/5/17
| by Laura Berg
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for Nov. 30
| Spokesman-Review, 11/30/17
| by Alan Liere
Some Snake River Anglers Will get to Harvest Steelhead
| Spokesman-Review, 11/17/17
| by Eric Barker
Bag Limit Increased for Steelhead Fisheries
| East Oregonian, 10/23/17
| by George Plaven
Fishing Report, October 19
| The Columbian, 10/19/17
| by Terry Otto
IDFG Approves Coho Fishing Season, Delays Steelhead Decision
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/3/17
| by Eric Barker
Idaho Taking Public Comment on Opening Weak Steelhead Run to Harvest
| Spokesman-Review, 10/3/17
| by Rich Landers
Chasing Steelhead
| Idaho Senior Independent, 9/21/17
| by Holly Endersby
Two Arrested in Poaching Bust
| The Dalles Chronicle, 9/21/17
| by Staff
Alaskans Protect B.C. Salmon; Canada Fishes On
| Times Colonist, 8/30/17
| by MacDuffee and Taylor
Watch Steelhead Run is so Bad, it's Catch-and-Release Only in Idaho for 1st Time in Years
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/17
| by Eric Barker
Hanford Reach Fall Chinook Bite Slowly Improving
| Spokesman-Review, 9/11/17
| by Rich Landers
Columbia River Reopens to Recreational Boats; Fishing Resumes Below Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 9/11/17
| by Bill Monroe
Columbia-Snake Steelhead Run Shows Slight Improvement
| Spokesman-Review, 9/10/17
| by Eric Barker
Anglers Will be Taking Home Few Steelhead in Eastern Washington
| Spokesman-Review, 9/1/17
| by Annette Cary
More Steelhead on the Way
| Couer d'Alene Press, 8/31/17
| by Ralph Bartholdt
Tribal Netters to Sell Salmon Along Lower Columbia as Fall Season Opens
| Spokesman-Review, 8/18/17
| by Rich Landers
Fall Fishing Opens to Lower than Usual Chinook Returns
| Chinook Observer, 8/1/17
| by Staff
Fishing Report, August 31
| The Columbian, 8/31/17
| by Staff
Upper Snake River Opens to Fall Chinook Fishing on Friday
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/31/17
| by Eric Barker
Washington Changes Status of Snake River Steelhead
| Spokesman-Review, 8/29/17
| by Eric Barker
Bag Limits Lowered for Summer Steelhead
| East Oregonian, 8/29/17
| by George Plaven
Record-setting Lows for Steelhead this Year
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/20/17
| by Eric Barker
Washington Posts Emergency Steelhead Fishing Restrictions for Snake River System
| Spokesman-Review, 8/28/17
| by Rich Landers
Idaho Closes Steelhead Harvest to Protect Tiny Run
| Twin Times-News, 8/18/17
| by Roger Phillips
F&G Cancels Fall Steelhead Harvest
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/18/17
| by Greg Moore
Fish and Game Stops Fall Steelhead Harvest
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/17/17
| by Staff
Steelhead Run Will be Catch and Release in Idaho
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/17
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead Harvest Closed by Idaho Fish and Game
| 1310 KLIX, 8/16/17
| by Benito Baeza
Chinook Season Closed on Salmon
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/2/17
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Fishing Season Opens Aug. 18
| Idaho County Free Press, 7/31/17
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Season to Open in August
| 1310 KLIX, 7/31/17
| by Andrew Weeks
Oregon's Fall Salmon Seasons
| The Oregonian, 7/29/17
| by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Season Ends Sunday
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/12/17
| by Staff
Draft EIS Published on a New Columbia River Harvest Plan
| NW Fishletter, 7/3/17
| by Laura Berg
There's Still Time to Hook a Chinook
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/4/17
| by Eric Barker
Salmon Runs Sluggish Near Tri-Cities -- So Far
| Tri-City Herald, 6/27/17
| by Rich Landers
Saltwater, Lakes and Rivers Fishing Report for June 27
| The News Tribune, 6/27/17
| by Luke Garza
Columbia Fishing Seasons Announced; Starts Friday for Chinook, Steelhead
| The Oregonian, 6/13/17
| by Bill Monroe
Anemic Return Leads Managers to Close Salmon Fishing on Snake
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/17
| by Eric Barker
Washington Ends Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing with a Whimper
| Spokesman-Review, 5/16/17
| by Rich Landers
Salmon Slow to Make an Appearance
| Wallowa County Chieftain, 5/31/17
| by Jeff Yanke
Low Chinook Returns Prompt May 24 Closures
| Idaho County Free Press, 5/24/17
| by Roger Phillips
Fisheries Managers Forecast 'Unprecedentedly Low' Summer Steelhead
| East Oregonian, 5/22/17
| by George Plaven
Anemic Return Leads Managers to Close Salmon Fishing on Snake
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/17
| by Eric Barker
Fish, Off
| The Daily Astorian, 5/17/17
| by Katie Frankowicz
Fishing Report 5/4
| The Columbian, 5/4/17
| by Al Thomas
Mid-Columbia Spring Chinook Fishing to Close
| The Columbian, 5/2/17
| by Al Thomas
New Record Low Spring Chinook Count to Date at Columbia's Bonneville Dam
| Seattle Times, 5/2/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Closed for Spring Chinook, But There are Other Options to Catch Fish in Weeks Ahead
| Seattle Times, 4/28/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Data Indicate it's Peak-time for Fishing
| Seattle Times, 4/21/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia/Willamette Spring Salmon? Wait and See for the Next Few Weeks
| The Oregonian, 4/21/17
| by Bill Monroe
Salmon Season to be Cut Short in Fisheries Along California Coast
| San Francisco Chronicle, 4/11/17
| by Tara Duggan
Managing Chinook Seasons is a Constant Work in Progress
| Idaho County Free Press, 4/6/17
| by Roger Phillips
Spring Chinook Slow to Show in Columbia River over Bonneville Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 4/5/17
| by Rich Landers
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishery Extended Through April 10
| Seattle Times, 3/30/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Reveal Some Early Spring Fishing Options
| Seattle Times, 3/22/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Fish Forecast: 'Not Very Good'
| NW Power Council, 3/15/17
| by John Harrison
Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Show Plenty of Early Spring Fishing Choices
| Seattle Times, 3/14/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Oregon, Washington, Set Columbia River Spring Chinook Seasons
| Hood River News, 3/3/17
| by Staff
Columbia River Fishing Seasons Set
| BD Outdoors, 2/27/17
| by Staff
State Fishery Managers Approve 37-day Spring Chinook Season on Lower Columbia
| Seattle Times, 2/23/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Smelt Highlight Fisheries in Columbia River Regional Fishing Report
| Seattle Times, 2/22/17
| by Mark Yuasa
First Columbia River Spring Chinook of Season Swims Up, Over Bonneville Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 2/14/17
| by Rich Landers
First Spring Chinook Counted at Bonneville Dam
| The Columbian, 2/13/17
| by Al Thomas
Columbia River Area Show Slow Fishing with a Few Sturgeon and Walleye Appearing in Catches
| Seattle Times, 2/13/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Creel Checks Show Trout are Just About Only Game in Columbia River Region
| Seattle Times, 2/8/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fish Checks Show Some Opportunity to Catch Fish
| The Daily News, 2/2/17
| by Staff
Columbia River Salmon Fishing Reform Clears One Hurdle, and Oregon Decides Friday
| Seattle Times, 1/17/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Steelhead Season Opens
| Bonner County Daily Bee, 1/15/17
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Forecasts Down for Columbia Tributaries Above Bonneville Dam
| Seattle Times, 1/15/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River and Tributary Fishing Reports Reveal a Few Options to Get Out and Catch Fish
| Seattle Times, 1/4/17
| by Mark Yuasa
Little Goose Fishing Wall Closure Extended
| Tri-City Herald, 1/6/17
| by Annette Cary
Little Goose Fishing Wall Temporarily Closes Jan. 5-7
| Tri-City Herald, 1/3/17
| by Staff
Spring Steelhead Season to Open January 1
| Bonners Ferry Herald, 12/15/16
| by Staff
Spring Steelhead Season Will Open January 1st
| Daily Fly, 12/27/16
| by Staff
Washington, Oregon Fish/Wildlife Commissions on Parallel Course with Columbia River Harvest Reform
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/16
| by Staff
Washington, Oregon Fish/Wildlife Commissions Considering Next Moves on Lower River Gillnetting
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/2/16
| by Staff
Columbia River Reports on Skinny Side Due to Bad Weather Except for Good Walleye Action
| Seattle Times, 12/15/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Pools Fairly Good for Steelhead Fishing
| Seattle Times, 12/8/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Area Producing Decent Steelhead and Walleye Fishing
| Seattle Times, 12/2/16
| by Mark Yuasa
OR Commission to Review Columbia River Harvest Reforms, May Consider Extending Mainstem Gillnets
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/4/16
| by Staff
Are Lower Columbia River Harvest Reforms (The Kitzhaber Plan) Working? Oregon Considers Next Steps
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/18/16
| by Staff
Fair Catches for Coho, Walleye and Steelhead in Pockets of Columbia River System
| Seattle Times, 11/17/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Forecast Decline, Low Steelhead, Coho Return: Recreational Fishing Shut Down on Mainstem
| Chinook Observer, 10/25/16
| by CBB Staff
Fall Chinook Run Downgraded But Catch Rates Allow Extended Fishing; Steelhead Numbers Way Down
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/16/16
| by Staff
Coho, Steelhead Fishing Reopens On Columbia Mainstem
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/4/16
| by Staff
Fish and Game says Fall Chinook Ends Soon
| Local News 8, 10/30/16
| by Staff
Walleye in Columbia River Mainstem is Only Viable Fishing Choice
| Seattle Times, 10/27/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Season Ends Soon
| Idaho Senior Independent, 10/26/16
| by Mike Demick
Fishing Season Ends Early on Columbia River
| Bellingham Herald, 10/21/16
| by Associated Press
Fall Chinook Run Downgraded Again: Commercial Gillnets Reach Limit, Tribes Continue to Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/14/16
| by Staff
Columbia River in McNary Area Still Generating Fair Steelhead and Chinook Catches
| Seattle Times, 10/11/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Run Size Downgraded for Fourth Straight Week
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/7/16
| by Staff
Recreational Fishing Shut Down on Mainstem
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/7/16
| by Staff
Autumn Fishing Choices Plenty Along Columbia River for Salmon, Steelhead and Walleye
| Seattle Times, 9/29/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Plenty of Fish to Catch Along the Columbia River, and Should Remain Good in Many Places
| Seattle Times, 9/27/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Fall Chinook Return Downgraded
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/23/16
| by Staff
Fish on! Hanford Reach Chinook Fishing Continues to Improve
| Spokesman-Review, 9/20/16
| by Rich Landers
McNary Region of Columbia River Sees Slight Gain in Catch Rates, and Should Continue to Get Better
| Seattle Times, 9/15/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead Limit Reduced on Columbia River in Parts of Washington
| Tri-City Herald, 9/13/16
| by Staff
Columbia River Steelhead Daily Limit Reduced to One Fish Upstream of McNary Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 9/13/16
| by Staff
States Extend Buoy 10 Fishing, Snake River Fishing Opens; Coho, Steelhead Passage Slow
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/9/16
| by Staff
Chinook Season: Salmon Restorations Fuel Large Tribal Industry
| Hood River News, 9/2/16
| by Staff
Snake River Fall Chinook Season Begins September 1
| Wallowa County Chieftain, 8/30/16
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Season Opens September 1 on Snake River
| East Oregonian, 8/29/16
| by Staff
Word from Columbia River is Mixed
| Seattle Times, 8/29/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Good Fall Chinook Return, But Slow Fishing, Prompts Liberalizing Catch Restriction on Unmarked Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/26/16
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Seasons Open Soon
| Bonners Ferry Herald, 8/18/16
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Salmon Season Set
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/17/16
| by Staff
32,800 Fall Run Chinook Forecast; Season to Open September 1
| Idaho County Free Press, 8/17/16
| by Staff
Steelhead Slow to Show Above McNary Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 8/17/16
| by Rich Landers
Fall Chinook, Coho Fishing Open for All in Most Areas of Columbia River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/12/16
| by Staff
Summer Steelhead: Slow Start or Bad News?
| Spokesman-Review, 8/8/16
| by Rich Landers
Federal Agencies to Prepare EIS to Help Guide Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead Harvest Post-2017
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/15/16
| by Staff
EIS Process Started for U.S. v. Oregon Post-2017 Harvest Actions
| NW Fishletter, 8/1/16
| by Laura Berg
Columbia River Salmon Seasons Start on Monday
| The Dalles Chronicle, 7/29/16
| by Staff
Chinook Season to Close July 31
| Idaho Mountain Express, 7/29/16
| by Staff
Columbia River Steelhead Limit to Drop to One Fish a Day
| The Columbian, 7/28/16
| by Al Thomas
Fall Chinook Fishing to Open September 1
| Times-News, 7/13/16
| by Staff
Fair Mix of Fish to Catch in Columbia River Region
| Seattle Times, 7/12/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Section of Columbia River in Hanford Reach Area Opens for Sockeye Fishing
| Seattle Times, 6/28/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Offers Mixed Bag of Fish to Catch in Days Ahead
| Seattle Times, 6/21/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Below Little Goose Dam Reopens Soon for a Brief Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishery
| Seattle Times, 6/11/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Section Below Bonneville Dam on Columbia Now Accessible for Boat Anglers
| Seattle Times, 6/10/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia Closure Lifted Below Bonneville Dam
| The Oregonian, 6/9/16
| by Bill Monroe
Free Fishing Weekend Hits Lakes, Rivers, Ocean
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 6/9/16
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fisheries Checks Show Plenty of Fishing Choices on Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 6/7/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopening on Snake below Little Goose Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 4/8/16
| by Rich Landers
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishing Ends Day Early
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/16
| by Staff
Chinook Fishing to Close Thursday on Lower Salmon, Snake Rivers
| Idaho County Free Press, 6/1/16
| by Staff
Summer Chinook Seasons Set on Upper Salmon and South Fork
| Idaho Mountain Express, 6/2/16
| by Greg Moore
Anglers Finding Success for Spring Chinook in the Columbia
| Seattle Times, 5/30/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Ending on Snake River
| Tri-City Herald, 5/26/16
| by Don Jenkins
Snake River Spring Chinook Catch Limit Increased from One to Two Daily
| Seattle Times, 5/13/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Good Spring Chinook Fishing in Tributaries Above Bonneville Dam on Columbia
| Seattle Times, 5/9/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Two-Day Fishing Extension Approved on Columbia River Above Bonneville Dam
| Seattle Times, 5/5/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishery Closes Pending Run Update on Lower Columbia River
| The Daily Astorian, 3/14/16
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing to Close a Day Early
| The Columbian, 4/7/16
| by Al Thomas
Proposed Ocean Fishing Regs Reflect Downturn in Chinook, Coho Abundance
| NW Fishletter, 4/4/16
| by Laura Berg
Anglers Finding Success for Spring Chinook in the Columbia
| Seattle Times, 4/1/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Gillnetters Hit the River for Spring Chinook
| Chinook Observer, 4/1/16
| by CBB Staff
Ocean Salmon Fishing Options Set, and Includes a No Summer Fishery Alternative
| Seattle Times, 3/14/16
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 3/1/16
| by Mark Yuasa
States Set Columbia River Spring Recreational / Commercial Salmon, Steelhead Fishing Openings
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/29/16
| by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Fishing Reports Show Two Spring Chinook Appeared in Catches
| Seattle Times, 2/9/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Spring Chinook Season is Set; Forecasts are Good
| Seattle Times, 1/29/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Spring Chinook Season Set; Mirrors Last Year's Sport Fishery
| Seattle Times, 1/27/16
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Steelhead Season Opens New Year's Day
| Twin Times-News, 12/31/15
| by Staff
Alan Liere's Weekly Fish and Game Report
| Spokesman Review, 9/28/15
| by Alan Liere
Fall Chinook Season Ends Soon
| News Bonners Ferry, 10/27/15
| by Staff
While Smaller, B Run Remains on Course
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/15
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead Counts Steady Over Lower Granite Dam
| Spokesman Review, 10/6/15
| by Rich Landers
Fall Chinook Flood into Hanford Reach; Catch Rates High
| Spokesman Review, 9/28/15
| by Rich Landers
More Gill-Netting on the Columbia River Approved Below Bonneville
| The Oregonian, 9/23/15
| by Bill Monroe
Hanford Reach Chinooks Still Delivering Record Catches for Anglers
| Spokesman Review, 9/21/15
| by Rich Landers
Hanford Reach Chinook Anglers Turn Out Record Effort Last Week
| Spokesman Review, 9/14/15
| by Rich Landers
Fall Chinook and Coho Fishing Seasons Will Open September 1
| News Bonners Ferry, 8/27/15
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Fishing Open on Snake River
| Daily Sun News, 8/31/15
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Season on Snake Opens Sept. 1
| Wallowa Chieftain, 8/26/15
| by Staff
Fall Chinook and Coho Fishing Opens September 1
| Idaho County Free Press, 8/25/15
| by Staff
Snake River Opens Sept. 1 for Fall Chinook Fishing
| Statesman Journal, 8/25/15
| by Henry Miller
Salmon, Steelhead Seasons Fast Approaching
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/22/15
| by Eric Barker
Fall Chinook and Coho Salmon Forecasts Look Good; Steelhead Run Delayed
| News Bonners Ferry, 8/19/15
| by Staff
Salmon Keep Coming and So Does the Hot Weather
| NW Fishletter, 8/11/15
| by Laura Berg
Drought Conditions, Heat and Fish Kills Prompt Washington, Oregon Fishing Closures
| NW Fishletter, 8/11/15
| by Laura Berg
Fall Chinook Fishing to Open September 1
| Twin Falls Times-News, 8/6/15
| by Staff
Heat Won't Affect Idaho Fishing Rules, Biologists Say
| Spokesman-Reivew, 7/22/15
| by Greg Stahl
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 7/28/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Forecasts Raised Again for Summer Chinook, Sockeye
| Chinook Observer, 7/24/15
| by CBB Staff
Tribal Summer Chinook, Sockeye Gillnet Fishery Begin this Week; Sales to Public
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/19/15
| by Staff
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 7/2/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Closures Announced for the Snake River
| Seattle Times, 6/26/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Seasons on Snake River Coming to a Close
| Daily Sun News, 6/25/15
| by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 6/23/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Tribal Summer Chinook, Sockeye Gillnet Fishery Begin This Week; Sales To Public
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/19/15
| by Staff
Commission Approves Coho Salmon Season
| News Bonners Ferry, 6/19/15
| by Staff
Columbia River Fishing Report June 2015
| The Columbian, 6/11/15
| by Staff
Columbia River Fishing Report June 2015
| The Columbian, 6/4/15
| by Allen Thomas
With Higher Run Estimate for Spring Chinook (260,000), More Fishing Approved
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/29/15
| by Staff
Oregon F&W Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports Reveal Plenty of Places to Fish
| Seattle Times, 6/4/15
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 6/2/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopens Thursday Above Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River Mainstem
| Seattle Times, 5/27/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Opens Thursday Above Bonneville Dam
| East Oregonian, 5/27/15
| by Staff
Salmon Anglers Get More Room to Fish from Boats: to Bonneville
| The Oregonian, 5/27/15
| by Bill Monroe
Harvest/River Managers Approve Tribal Gillnet Fishery Above Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/22/15
| by Staff
Harvest/River Managers Approve Tribal Gillnet Fishery Above Bonneville Dam
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/22/15
| by Staff
Tribal Chinook Fishing to Continue Through Friday
| The Columbian, 5/19/15
| by Staff
High Chinook Volume Adds to Fishing Time
| Wahkiakum County Eagle, 5/14/15
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Closed for the Snake River
| KLEW TV, 5/13/15
| by Carol Zinke
Washington Closing Snake River Chinook Fishery Today
| Spokesman-Review, 5/12/15
| by Rich Landers
Setting Salmon Fisheries in Northeast Oregon Rivers Using Real-Time Detections of Tagged Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15
| by Staff
With High Counts at Bonneville Dam, Spring Chinook Sport Fishery Reopens on Lower Columbia
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/8/15
| by Staff
2015 Spring Chinook Salmon Season Turning Out To Be Surprisingly Long-lived
| Chinook Observer, 5/8/15
| Columbia Basin Bulletin
Outlook Improves for Spring Chinook
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/6/15
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Fishing to Close on Two Snake River Sections
| Spokesman-Review, 5/6/15
| by Rich Landers
Springer Fishing to Reopen, Thursday on Snake at Little Goose
| Spokesman-Review, 5/5/15
| by Rich Landers
Spring Chinook Fishery Reopens this Weekend on Lower Columbia
| The Daily Astorian, 4/30/15
| by Staff
Gillnetters Fall Short of Harvest Target in Tuesday Fishery; Heavy Sea Lion Presence Cited
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/10/15
| by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 4/27/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Gillnetting in Lower Columbia Select Areas Delayed a Week as Managers Await Spring Chinook Return
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/24/15
| by Staff
Fishery Managers Announce Columbia River Fall Salmon Seasons: Projecting 925,000 Fall Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/17/15
| by Staff
'Fish On'
| Hermiston Herald, 4/24/15
| by Jessica Keller
Final Preliminary Lower Columbia River Spring Chinook Catch Data
| Seattle Times, 4/24/15
| by Mark Yuasa
PFMC Sets Ocean Harvest Seasons
| NW Fishletter, 4/23/15
| by Jessica Keller
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 4/21/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishery Starts April 19
| KXLY LC Valley, 4/10/15
| by Stevee Chapman
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 4/8/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Two Sections of Snake Open for Spring Chinook, and Expands to Two Other Areas Starting Thursday
| Seattle Times, 4/14/15
| by Mark Yuasa
New Rule Changes for Anglers Targeting Spring Chinook Above Bonneville in the Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 4/13/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia River Spring Chinook Catch Data
| Seattle Times, 4/8/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Angling Effort Building Although Catch Rates Remain on Slow Side
| Seattle Times, 3/27/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook are Biting on Lower Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 3/25/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 3/19/15
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 3/18/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 3/12/15
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 3/10/15
| by Mark Yuasa
More Spring Chinook Counted at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 3/3/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Big Spring Chinook Measuring 36 Inches Seen at Columbia River's Bonneville Dam Fish Counter
| Seattle Times, 2/27/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Fishing Report for Feb. 20
| The Olympian, 2/20/15
| by Craig Hill
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 2/10/15
| by Mark Yuasa
More Days to Fish for Columbia Chinook This Year
| Seattle Times, 1/31/15
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Checks
| Seattle Times, 1/21/15
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 1/7/15
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Steelhead Season Opens Today
| Times-News, 1/1/15
| by Staff
Post-season Snapshot: Wow, What a Great Salmon Season it Was!
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/12/14
| by Staff
Fish and Game says Steelhead are Planted in Oxbow Reservoir, Too
| Idaho Statesman, 11/13/14
| by Roger Phillips
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 11/4/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Fishing Report October 2014
| The Columbian, 10/30/14
| by Allen Thomas
Kitzhaber Responds to Netters' Concerns
| NW Fishletter, 10/23/14
| by Staff
Idaho Approves First-Ever Clearwater River Basin Fishery Targeting Coho
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/14
| by Staff
Update: Excellent Columbia River Fishing During 2014 Late Summer, Fall
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/17/14
| by Staff
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 10/3/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Hitting at Snake-Clearwater Confluence
| Spokesman-Review, 9/17/14
| by Rich Landers
Fall Run Storms Over Bonneville; New One-Day Record!
| NW Fishletter, 9/11/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Record Run Should Give All Anglers Shot at a King
| Spokesman-Review, 9/11/14
| by Rich Landers
Upper Snake River Opens for Fall Chinook on Sept. 1
| Statesman Journal, 8/15/14
| by Henry Miller
A Banner Year for Salmon: 1.5 Million Fall Chinook, 638,300 Coho Anticipated
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/9/14
| by Staff
Tribes Air Issues with Non-Indian Sport, Commercial Fisheries
| The Columbian, 7/31/14
| by Allen Thomas
Salmon Fishery on Lower Columbia Also Opens Today
| Nisqually Valley News, 7/31/14
| by Jordan Nailon
Selective Harvest Methods Still on Trial
| NW Fishletter, 7/24/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Bag Limits Go Up Again as Sockeye Boom Continues to Set Daily Dam Passage Records
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/14
| by Staff
Columbia and Cowlitz: Fishing Prospects on the Rise
| Nisqually Valley News, 7/17/14
| by Jordan Nailon
Boise River Gets More Chinook Salmon
| Boise Weekly, 7/17/14
| by Jessica Murri
States Reopen Chinook Salmon Fishing Below Bonneville Dam
| Argus Observer, 7/15/14
| by ODFW
With Summer Chinook Season Waning, Fall Season is Set for Sept. 1
| Idaho Statesman, 7/11/14
| by Roger Phillips
Chinook Season Continues Through Sunday
| The Daily News, 7/3/14
| by Staff
Harvest Managers Keep Counting Chinook, Sockeye Coming on Strong
| NW Fishletter, 6/26/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Outdoors: Fishing Report
| The Daily News, 6/19/14
| by Staff
ODFW Delays Spring Chinook Fishing on Imnaha Since 70 Percent of Natural Origin
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14
| by Staff
Summer Chinook Fishing Opens on Salmon River June 21; Chinook Returns to Idaho Hatcheries Mixed
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/14
| by Staff
Summer Salmon Fisheries Scheduled; Anticipated Large Sockeye Return Beginning to Cross Bonneville
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/14
| by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 5/31/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Fish and Wildlife Stocking Adult Chinook in the Powder River
| Statesman Journal, 6/10/14
| by Henry Miller
Tribes to Fish Three More Days in Columbia Gorge
| The Columbian, 6/9/14
| by Staff
Snake, Wenatchee, Lower Columbia Reopen for Kings
| Bellingham Herald, 6/7/14
| by Doug Huddle
2014 Salmon Season Outlasts 2013
| Idaho Mountain Express, 6/6/14
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Resumes on Snake
| Spokesman-Review, 6/3/14
| by Rich Landers
Excellent Forecast for Northern Oregon and Southern Washington Ocean Fishing Season
| Seattle Times, 5/31/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Some Portions of the Snake River Reopening Soon for Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishing
| Seattle Times, 5/31/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Fishing Report
| The Daily News, 5/29/14
| by Staff
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 5/29/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Above Bonneville Dam Reopens May 31 for Hatchery Chinook
| The News Tribune, 5/29/14
| by Jeffrey P. Mayor
Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishery Reopens Saturday in Columbia Mainstem Above Bonneville Dam
| Seattle Times, 5/28/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Update: Seasons Close on Lower Snake
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/27/14
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Retention to Reopen in Columbia Gorge
| The Columbian, 5/27/14
| by Allen Thomas
State Fish and Wildlife Snake River Spring Chinook Catch Estimates
| Seattle Times, 5/20/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Recreational Fishing Season Reopened Below Bonneville Dam Due to Improved Chinook Outlook
| The Oregonian, 5/14/14
| by ODFW
Parts of the Snake River Close for Spring Chinook while Two Sections Remain Open
| Seattle Times, 5/17/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishing Changes on Snake River
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/14/14
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Marching Up Snake River
| Spokesman-Review, 5/8/14
| by Rich Landers
Best Bets: Fish Offut Lake
| Nisqually Valley News, 5/8/14
| by Jordan Nailon
Idaho Expects Strong Spring Chinook Fishing Season; Already More Fish for Harvest Than Last Year
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/14
| by Staff
Lower River Spring Chinook Fishing on Hold Until Run Update
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/14
| by Staff
Harvest Managers Set Ocean Salmon Seasons
| NW Fishletter, 4/24/14
| by Bill Rudolph
Spring Chinook Season Kicks Off
| Spokesman-Review, 4/24/14
| by Rich Landers
It's Salmon Season
| Tri-City Herald, 4/23/14
| by Dennis Dauble
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 4/22/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Opens April 27
| Spokesman-Review, 4/18/14
| by Rich Landers
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 4/17/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Ocean Chinook Fishing Off Northwest Coast Should Range from Good to Great
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/14
| by Staff
Columbia Zone Fishing Report, April 10
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/10/14
| ODFW Press Release
Salmon Season Extended on Columbia
| Daily Sun News, 4/7/14
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Extended to April 14, Sport Catch by April 7 Expected to be under 3,000 Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/14
| by Staff
Ocean Salmon Harvest Options Under Review
| NW Fishletter, 4/3/14
| by Bill Rudolph
F&G Announces 2014 Spring Chinook Rules
| Idaho Statesman, 3/14/14
| by Roger Phillips
Oregon Argues in State Appeals Court that Challenges to New Gill-Net Rules 'Without Merit'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/14
| by Staff
Salmon for All Releases Report on First Year Fishing Under New Rules for Gill-Netters
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/14
| by Staff
Cold Winter Should Soon Heat Up for Area Anglers
| The News Tribune, 2/16/14
| by Staff
Steelhead Surprise on the Clearwater
| Lewiston Tribune, 2/13/14
| by Eric Barker
States Set Seasons for Spring Chinook, White Sturgeon
| The Reflector, 2/12/14
| by Staff
Idaho Seeks Spring Chinook Angling Change
| The Columbian, 2/6/14
| by Staff
States Set Chinook Seasons for the Columbia River
| The Dalles Chronicle, 2/4/14
| by Staff
Late Summer Sport Fishing Closure at Youngs Bay Mouth to Preserve Hatchery Fish for Gillnets
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/24/14
| by Staff
Columbia River Spring Chinook Fishing Seasons Will Come to Light Very Soon
| Seattle Times, 1/29/14
| by Mark Yuasa
Idaho's Spring Steelhead Season Opens
| Times-News, 1/9/14
| by Staff
IDFG to Stock Boise River with Snake River Steelhead; Fall Chinook Fishing Ends
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/22/13
| by Staff
Contradictory Steelhead Fishing, Nothing New
| Idaho Statesman, 11/8/13
| by Roger Phillips
Fall Chinook Run Nearly Over, Finally
| NW Fishletter, 11/7/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Fall Chinook Harvest Season Ends Thursday
| Argus Observer, 10/29/13
| by Staff
Time Running Out on Idaho Fall Chinook Fishing
| Spokesman-Review, 10/28/13
| by Rich Landers
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 10/28/13
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report, Oct. 23
| The Dalles Chronicle, 10/23/13
| by ODFW News Release
Fall Chinook Harvest Season Ends Next Week
| Coeur d'Alene Press, 10/24/13
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Harvest Season Ends Next Week, Mostly
| Times-News, 10/24/13
| by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 10/21/13
| by Mark Yuasa
OR Anglers to Pay More In License Fees to Fund Elimination of Gill-Nets from Lower Columbia
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/11/13
| by Staff
Fishing Report 10/10
| The Columbian, 10/10/13
| by Allen Thomas
Idaho Cuts Steelhead Bag Limits
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/9/13
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead Catches Pick Up in Mid-Snake River
| Spokesman-Review, 10/7/13
| by Rich Landers
Anglers Tapping Record Run of King Salmon this Season
| Spokesman-Review, 10/6/13
| by Rich Landers
Protection of Some Species Could Limit Tribe's Chinook Catch
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 10/5/13
| by Kate Prengaman
Columbia RiverRegional Fishing Reports
| The Dalles Chronicle, 10/3/13
| by ODFW Press Release
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| The Dalles Chronicle, 9/27/13
| by Staff
Youngsters Skip School to Learn and Absorb Oregon's Outdoor Legacy - Hands On
| The Oregonian, 10/19/13
| by Bill Monroe
Steelhead B-run Returns Downgraded Again
| Spokesman-Review, 10/2/13
| by Staff
The B-run Bummer Continues: Steelhead Bag Limits on Table
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/2/13
| by Eric Barker
Good News, Bad News for Snake Fish Runs, Biologist says
| Spokesman-Review, 9/24/13
| by Rich Landers
Lower Columbia Catch Success Shoots Up to a Fish per Rod Average at Midweek
| Seattle Times, 9/19/13
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia Fall Chinook Run on Way to New Record
| NW Fishletter, 9/19/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Best Catches Ever for Some Sporties
| NW Fishletter, 9/19/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Fall Chinook Run Best Ever on Columbia River
| Yakima Herald, 9/15/13
| by Jeff Barnard
Record-Breaking Chinook Run Prompts Season Changes
| Spokesman-Review, 9/12/13
| by Rich Landers
ODFW Fishing Report
| St. Helens Chronicle, 8/28/13
| by ODFW Press Release
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Update, Sept. 5
| The Dalles Chronicle, 9/5/13
| by ODFW Press Release
Big Run of Fall Chinook has Started
| Yakima Herald, 9/3/13
| by Rob Phillips
Fall Steelhead Season Opens on Salmon, Little Salmon, Snake
| Times-News, 8/29/13
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Fishing on Snake River Begins Sept. 1
| Wallowa County Chieftain, 8/26/13
| by Staff
Snake Opens Sunday for Chinook with Six-Fish Daily Bag
| Statesman Journal, 8/26/13
| by Henry Miller
Out and About: Snake Salmon Season to be Open 24/7
| Spokesman-Review, 8/25/13
| by Staff
Lower Columbia River from Bonneville to Buoy-10 Alive with Salmon
| Seattle Times, 8/14/13
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks
| Seattle Times, 8/13/13
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks
| Seattle Times, 8/12/13
| by Mark Yuasa
Record Returns of Fall Chinook Salmon are Predicted on Lower Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 8/3/13
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report
| The Dalles Chronicle, 7/8/13
| by Staff
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report
| The Dalles Chronicle, 7/5/13
| by Staff
Fishing Report 7/4
| The Columbian, 7/4/13
| by Allen Thomas
Snake River Sockeye ESA Limits Reduce Tribes' Fishing Time
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/28/13
| by Staff
Hunting and Fishing
| Spokesman-Review, 6/28/13
| by Alan Liere
Spring Chinook Fishing Closes on Snake
| Spokesman-Review, 6/27/13
| by Rich Landers
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report
| The Dalles Chronicle, 6/26/13
| by ODFW News Release
Salmon Surprise on the South Fork
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/21/13
| by Eric Barker
Fishery Managers Extend Columbia Chinook Season Above Bonneville
| The Dalles Chronicle, 6/13/13
| by ODFW News Release
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report
| The Dalles Chronicle, 6/13/13
| by ODFW News Release
Washington Opening Chinook Fishing in 3 Snake River Stretches
| Spokesman-Review, 6/12/13
| by Alan Liere
South Fork Salmon to Open to Chinook Fishing
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/12/13
| by Staff
Salmon Fishing Open Through June 15
| Statesman Journal, 6/9/13
| by Henry Miller
Spring Chinook Retention Reopens in Columbia Gorge
| The Columbian, 6/8/13
| by Allen Thomas
Spring Chinook Fishing Reopening Above Bonneville Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 6/7/13
| by Rich Landers
Higher Spring Chinook Counts at Bonneville Extends Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/7/13
| by Staff
Oregon 'Re-Adopts' Lower Columbia Commercial Gill-Net Ban
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/7/13
| by Staff
Salmon Fishing Returns to Little Salmon, Ends on Clearwater
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/4/13
| by Staff
More Fishing Time for Spring Chinook Run
| NW Fishletter, 6/4/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Managers Extend Columbia Chinook Season
| The Bend Bulletin, 5/28/13
| by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Angling Hot in Idaho
| Spokesman-Review, 5/28/13
| by Rich Landers
Idaho Clarifies Clearwater Chinook Season Changes
| Spokesman-Review, 5/22/13
| by Rich Landers
Three Weeks Added to Spring Chinook Season
| Daily Astorian, 5/21/13
| by Staff
Chinook Fishing Reopens Saturday Below Bonneville
| Statesman Journal, 5/21/13
| by Henry Miller
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks
| Seattle Times, 5/20/13
| by Mark Yuasa
Clarkston-area Spring Chinook Anglers to Get Another Shot at Harvesting Salmon
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/16/13
| by Eric Barker
Big Run of Spring Chinook Jack Salmon Prompts IDFG to Open Clearwater Areas
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/17/13
| by Staff
Two Sections of Snake River to Close for Spring Chinook, and One Will Remain Open
| Seattle Times, 5/16/13
| by Staff
Springer Fishing Closed in 2 of 3 Snake River Zones
| Spokesman-Review, 5/15/13
| by Staff
Snake Spring Chinook Fishing Decent; Seasons Iffy
| Spokesman-Review, 5/14/13
| by Rich Landers
States to Consider Reopening Spring Chinook Season in Columbia
| The Columbian, 5/13/13
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia Zone Weekly Fishing Report
| The Dalles Chronicle, 5/9/13
| by Staff
Fishing Report for May 9
| The Columbian, 5/9/13
| by Staff
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks
| Seattle Times, 5/6/13
| by Mark Yuasa
Delayed Gill-Net Ban Litigation Awaits Oregon Decision
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13
| by Staff
States Open Spring Chinook Fishing on Parts of Clearwater, Salmon, Snake Rivers
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/13
| by Staff
Fishing Report 5/2
| The Columbian, 5/2/13
| by Allen Thomas
Idaho Fish and Game Commission Approves Chinook Seasons
| Spokesman-Review, 5/2/13
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Season Opens Saturday
| News Bonners Ferry, 5/2/13
| by Staff
Summer and Fall Salmon Seasons Set for Columbia River
| The Dalles Chronicle, 4/30/13
| by Staff
Idaho Chinook Salmon Season to Open May 4
| Times-News, 4/30/13
| by Staff
Poor Salmon Returns may Close Hot Fishing Holes on Clearwater
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/30/13
| by Eric Barker
Summer, Fall Salmon Seasons Set for Columbia River
| The Dalles Chronicle, 4/27/13
| by Staff
Springer Count Better But Still Low, Lower Columbia Fishing Closed; Lower Snake Opens
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13
| by Staff
WA Extends Barbed Hooks Ban Another 250 Miles Up the Columbia River, Tributaries
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/13
| by Staff
Three Areas of Snake River Opening for Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishing
| Seattle Times, 4/25/13
| by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Season Openers Friday, Sunday
| Spokesman-Review, 4/25/13
| by Rich Landers
Snake River Biologist Updates Spring Chinook Run
| Spokesman-Review, 4/23/13
| by Rich Landers
Idaho Postpones Spring Chinook Season Setting
| Spokesman-Review, 4/22/13
| by Rich Landers
Fishery Managers Announce Summer/Fall Salmon and Steelhead Seasons for Columbia River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/19/13
| by Staff
Harvest Managers Await Run Update
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/19/13
| by Staff
Spring Run Early Compared to Past Two Years
| NW Fishletter, 4/18/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Fishing Report 4/18/13
| The Columbian, 4/18/13
| by Allen Thomas
Spring Chinook Fishing Shut Down Until Updated Run Forecast
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/12/13
| by Staff
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishery to Close After this Friday
| Idaho Statesman, 4/10/13
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 4/9/13
| by Mark Yuasa
Slow Fishing Allows Managers to Extend Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Season
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/5/13
| by Staff
Chinook Fishing Season Extended Below Bonnevile Dam
| The Dalles Chronicle, 4/4/13
| by ODFW New Release
Columbia River Spring Chinook Fishery Extended through April 12
| WA Dept Fish & Wildlife, 4/3/13
| by ODFW New Release
Spring Chinook Update 4/1
| The Columbian, 4/1/13
| by Allen Thomas
Managers Select Possible Ocean Harvest Options
| NW Fishletter, 3/29/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Snake River Salmon Management Draws Fire
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/22/13
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook: Jacks are Better to Open
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/1/13
| by Eric Barker
East Side Anglers Lobby for Higher Snake River Chinook Quotas
| Spokesman-Review, 2/13/13
| by Staff
Oregon Gillnetters Granted Reprieve
| NW Fishletter, 2/12/13
| by Bill Rudolph
WA Follows OR's Lead, Kicks Gillnets Out Of Mainstem Columbia
| NW Fishletter, 1/17/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Gillnetters Appeal Oregon Harvest Changes
| NW Fishletter, 1/17/13
| by Bill Rudolph
Oregon Approves Changes to Lower Columbia Fisheries
| NW Fishletter, 12/13/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Gillnetters Gripe Over Effort to Reform Harvest
| NW Fishletter, 12/13/12
| by Bill Rudolph
Gill-Net Ban: Would Eastern Washington, Idaho Get Short End Of The Fisheries Stick?
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/30/12
| by Staff
OR Oregon Gillnetters Survive Ballot Measure, Take On Gov's Proposal
| NW Fishletter, 11/12/12
| by Bill Rudolph
OR Voters Say No to Gill-Net Ban, States Discuss Alternative 'Off-Channel' Plan
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/9/12
| by Staff
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 10/30/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Workgroup Discusses 'Transition Period' If Gillnetters Removed from Mainstem
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12
| by Staff
Fall Season Run-Count Wrapup: Fall Chinook Close to 10-Year Average, Jack Counts High
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/26/12
| by Staff
Lower Columbia and Tributary Fish Catch Reports
| Seattle Times, 10/22/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Region Offers Fall Fishing for Chinook, Steelhead and Walleye
| Seattle Times, 10/18/12
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Region Fish Checks
| Seattle Times, 10/1/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Reports Indicate Slow to Excellent Fishing for Fall Chinook
| Seattle Times, 10/10/12
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 10/9/12
| by Mark Yuasa
OR Fish & Wildlife Fishing Reports Show Fall Options to Catch Walleye and Chinook
| Seattle Times, 10/3/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Still a Fair Mix of Salmon and Steelhead to Catch in Columbia River Region
| Seattle Times, 10/3/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 9/25/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Anti-Gillnet Groups End Support for Ballot Measure, Instead Endorse Kitzhaber Proposal
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12
| by Staff
Plentiful Fall Chinook, Savvy Tribal Fishermen Hit the Columbia River for Peak of the Migration
| The Oregonian, 9/11/12
| by Quinton Smith
Oregon to Launch Rulemaking on Removing Non-Tribal Gill Nets from Columbia River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12
| by Staff
First Pilot Fall Chinook Fishery in Lower Columbia Aims to Reduce Excess Hatchery Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/14/12
| by Staff
Fall Chinook, Summer Steelhead & Walleye Among the Best Columbia River Fishing Bets
| Seattle Times, 8/29/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 9/5/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Preseason Estimates Forecast Group A/B Steelhead Run At 364,000
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12
| by Staff
July Shows Highest Sport Fishing 'Handle' for Steelhead Below Bonneville Since 1969
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12
| by Staff
WA to Open Snake River Fall Chinook Fishing on September 1
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/17/12
| by Staff
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 8/20/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Regional Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 8/7/12
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Regional Fish Checks
| Seattle Times, 8/13/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead Fishing Record Set on Lower Columbia
| Spokesman-Review, 8/10/12
| by Rich Landers
Chinook Season to Close on Upper Salmon River
| Times-News, 8/2/12
| by Staff
Columbia River Full of Fishing Fun for Fall Chinook, Steelhead and Walleye
| Seattle Times, 8/1/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Region Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 8/1/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Overload of Fishing Opportunities in the Columbia River Region
| Seattle Times, 7/13/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Diehard Idaho Anglers are Hooked on "The Wall"
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/14/12
| by Associated Press
Columbia River Sockeye Return Best Since 1923
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/12
| by Staff
Though High Overall Sockeye Run,Protecting Snake River Component Limits Catch
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/12
| by Staff
Fishing Report
| The Daily News, 7/5/12
| by Staff
Southwest Washington Creel Sampling Results from this Past Week
| Seattle Times, 6/25/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Wide Range of Fishing Choices Flooding the Columbia River Region
| Seattle Times, 6/19/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Summer Fishing Season Starts with Big Sockeye Numbers Moving into Columbia
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/15/12
| by Staff
Columbia River Reopens to Chinook Salmon Fishing
| The Oregonian, 6/13/12
| by Bill Monroe
" |
Oregon Anti-Gillnet Initiative Will Likely Make Ballot
| NW Fishletter, 6/8/12
| by Bill Rudolph
ESA Impacts has Tribes Balancing Platform Fishing with Gill-Netting
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/8/12
| by Staff
Anglers Have Many Good Options
| Seattle Times, 6/6/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Nearing ESA Limits, States Warily Allow More Lower River Sport Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/25/12
| by Staff
Rivers Open Saturday, Here's Where to Go
| Idaho Statesman, 5/24/12
| by Roger Phillips
Lower Columbia Open to Chinook Fishing this Weekend
| The Daily News, 5/23/12
| by Tom Paulu
Here are Some Good Bets for Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Spots
| Seattle Times, 5/23/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishery Will be Open this Weekend on Lower Columbia River
| Chinook Observer, 5/23/12
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing to Reopen in Lower Columbia
| The Columbian, 5/22/12
| by Allen Thomas
Salmon Season Closing in Snake Today
| Spokesman-Review, 5/22/12
| by Rich Landers
Fishing Report for May 19
| The Bellingham Herald, 5/19/12
| by Craig Hill
Two Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Zones Close Friday
| Spokesman-Review, 5/17/12
| by Rich Landers
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Likely to Close Early
| Spokesman-Review, 5/16/12
| by Rich Landers
Low Catch Rates Prompt More Fishing Days Above Bonneville
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/4/12
| by Staff
Latest Fact Sheet for the Columbia River Spring Chinook Fisheries
| Seattle Times, 4/30/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Anglers Above Bonneville Get Extra Days to Fish for Hatchery Spring Chinook
| Seattle Times, 4/30/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Predicted Runoff Could be Good Timing for Idaho Salmon Anglers
| The Columbian, 4/24/12
| by The Olympian
Gillnetters to Fish in Lower Columbia on Tuesday
| The Columbian, 4/9/12
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia River Fishing Reports Shows Slow Action for Spring Chinook
| Seattle Times, 4/9/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Tribes Celebrates New Treaty Fishing Access Site
| Seattle Times, 4/25/12
| by Shannon Dininny
Spring Chinook Catches Increase in Lower Columbia, But Will Close After April 22
| Seattle Times, 4/20/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Hunting and Fishing
| Spokesman Review, 4/20/12
| by Alan Liere
Upper Snake River Opens Sunday for Chinook Fishing
| Statesman Journal, 4/17/12
| by Staff
Idaho Salmon Season Opening; Chinook Fashionably Late
| Spokesman Review, 4/17/12
| by Rich Landers
States Extend Salmon Sport Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/6/12
| by Staff
Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishing Extended Through April 22
| The Columbian, 4/12/12
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia River Spring Chinook Sportfishing Extended
| The Oregonian, 4/12/12
| by Bill Monroe
Washington Sets Snake River Salmon Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/6/12
| by Staff
WA, Tribes Set Salmon Seasons for Ocean, Coast, Puget Sound, Columbia River
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/6/12
| by Staff
Four Areas of the Snake River to Open Soon for Spring Chinook
| Seattle Times, 4/6/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Spotty for Spring Chinook in Lower Columbia, But Other Fishing Options Around
| Seattle Times, 4/3/12
| by Mark Yuasa
It Takes Time, Patience to Land Coveted Spring Chinook
| Seattle Times, 3/31/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Southwest WA Fish Reports Show Spring Chinook Action Picking Up
| Seattle Times, 3/27/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Word on Lower Columbia Spring Chinook Fishing Action
| Seattle Times, 3/27/12
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Southwest WA Creel Checks
| Seattle Times, 3/26/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Slow Start for Spring Fishing on Rivers
| Seattle Times, 3/14/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Some Spring Chinook Appeared in Catches on Lower Columbia
| Seattle Times, 3/6/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Seen at Bonneville Dam this Week
| Seattle Times, 3/6/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead and Walleye Among the Top Picks in Columbia River Region
| Seattle Times, 2/22/12
| by Mark Yuasa
SW Fish Checks Show a Spring Chinook Caught in Lower Columbia
| Seattle Times, 2/21/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Tribes Offer States Advice in Managing Salmon Fisheries
| The Columbian, 2/2/12
| by Allen Thomas
Tribes, ID Urge Lower River Chinook Harvest Impacts be Spread Out Over Season
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/27/12
| by Staff
Oregon Sets Spring Chinook, Sturgeon Seasons
| Natural Resource Report, 1/28/12
| by OR Dept. Fish & Wildlife
Great Expectations Await Spring Chinook Fishery on the Columbia
| Seattle Times, 1/28/12
| by Mark Yuasa
First Chinook of the Year Swims Over Bonneville Dam
| Spokesman-Review, 1/27/12
| by Rich Landers
Good Times Expected for Lower Columbia Spring Chinook
| Seattle Times, 1/26/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Latest Oregon F&W Columbia River Fishing Reports
| Seattle Times, 1/11/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Mid-Columbia Fishing Report
| News Tribune, 1/9/12
| by Dave Hedden
Mixed Bag of Catch Happening in SW Washington Region
| Seattle Times, 1/9/12
| by Mark Yuasa
Hunting and Fishing
| Spokesman-Review, 12/30/11
| by Alan Liere
Steelhead Seasons Continue Through Winter
| Idaho Statesman, 12/15/11
| by Staff
Idaho Steelhead Season Still Open
| CDA Press, 12/9/11
| by Barb Owens
Hunting and Fishing 11/18
| Spokesman Review, 11/18/11
| by Alan Liere
Steelheaders along Snake Must Play Guessing Game
| Spokesman Review, 11/9/11
| by Rich Landers
Most Steelhead Over Lower Grainite, Waiting to be Caught
| Spokesman Review, 11/1/11
| by Rich Landers
Hunting and Fishing 10/28
| Spokesman Review, 10/28/11
| by Alan Liere
Hunting and Fishing 10/21
| Spokesman Review, 10/21/11
| by Alan Liere
Fall Chinook Sports Harvest, Angler Trips Remain in Record-Breaking Mode
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/21/11
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Sports Catch on Lower Columbia is Largest Since 1969
| Seattle Times, 10/7/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead Harvest Opens on Clearwater
| Times-News, 10/13/11
| by Staff
With Rain Comes Steelhead Fishing Season
| Idaho Statesman, 10/3/11
| by Rob Phillips
Plenty of Steelhead There for the Taking
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 10/3/11
| by Rob Phillips
Word on Columbia River Sport Fisheries
| Seattle Times, 9/28/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Area Offers a Decent Mix of Fall Fishing Opportunities
| Seattle Times, 9/27/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Fish Return Updates Show Some Doing Better than Predicted
| Seattle Times, 9/20/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Spectacular Fishing on Grande Ronde River
| The Daily Herald, 9/25/11
| by Mike Benbow
Steelheading Excellent Near Lewiston; Water Temp 68 Degrees
| Spokesman-Review, 9/21/11
| by Rich Landers
Hunting and Fishing 9/2
| Spokesman Review, 9/21/11
| by Alan Liere
Summer on Last Legs But Fishing Rolls On
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 9/19/11
| by Rob Phillips
I'm Declaring This the Start of Steelhead Season
| Idaho Statesman, 9/15/11
| by Roger Phillips
Columbia River Regional Sport Fishing Reports by Oregon F&W
| Columbia Basin Herald, 9/11/11
| by Dave Graybill
Fall Weather Brings a Fine Fishing Frenzy
| Columbia Basin Herald, 9/11/11
| by Dave Graybill
Latest Fishing Reports From the Columbia River Area
| Seattle Times, 9/6/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Hunting and Fishing 9/2
| Spokesman Review, 9/2/11
| by Alan Liere
September Shows Good Prospects for Salmon Fishing
| The Daily News, 9/1/11
| by Staff
September is an Underrated Fishing Month
| Bellingham Herald, 8/31/11
| by Roger Phillips
ID Salmon, Steelhead Harvest Seasons Opening - Up to 6 Kings a Day!
| Spokesman-Review, 8/29/11
| by Rich Landers
Snake River Fall Chinook Season to Start
| The Peak 104.1, 8/28/11
| by Glenn Vaagen
Huge Chinook Run Expected in Snake River
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 8/25/11
| by Andy Porter
Upper Snake Opens Sept. 1 for Chinook with Six-fish Daily Limit
| Statesman Journal, 8/24/11
| by Staff
Columbia River Region Fish Reports
| Seattle Times, 8/23/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Season Opens Sept. 1
| East Oregonian, 8/22/11
| by Staff
Salmon Season to Open Sept. 1 in Idaho
| Bellingham Herald, 8/17/11
| by Staff
Aug. Columbia Steelhead Catch Already A Record
| Northwest Sportsman, 8/19/11
| by Editor's Blog
It's Official: Steelheaders Set Catch Record on Lower Columbia
| Spokesman Review, 8/19/11
| by Rich Landers
Expected Large Fall Chinook Run Building Steam; Sport, Commercial Fisheries Open
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/12/11
| by Staff
Idaho Sets Fall Chinook Fishing Seasons
| Spokesman-Review, 8/2/11
| by Rich Landers
The Guide's Forecast: Aug. 4-10
| The Oregonian, 8/4/11
| by Bill Monroe
Idaho Chinook Season to Close Aug. 10
| Spokesman-Review, 8/2/11
| by Rich Landers
Hunting and Fishing
| Spokesman-Review, 7/29/11
| by Alan Liere
Catch-and-Keep Steelheading to Open in Lower Clearwater
| Spokesman-Review, 7/28/11
| by Rich Landers
Summer Steelhead Making Their Way Into the Clearwater River
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/28/11
| by Eric Barker
Lots of Fishing Changes Coming to Columbia River Area Starting Aug. 1
| Seattle Times, 7/26/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Anglers' Sockeye Take Highest Since 1980
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/22/11
| by Staff
Summer Steelhead Catches Good in the Lower Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 7/19/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Sockeye and Chinook Season is Closed Upstream of Astoria Bridge
| The Daily Astorian, 7/18/11
| by Staff
Sockeye Catch-and-Keep Opens Today on Upper Columbia
| Spokesman-Review, 7/15/11
| by Rich Landers
Columbia River Summer Chinook & Sockeye Fishery Ends on Good Note
| Seattle Times, 7/15/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Summer Chinook Season Will Close Early
| The Oregonian, 7/15/11
| by Bill Monroe
Upper Columbia River Region Opens for Sockeye Fishing
| Seattle Times, 7/13/11
| by Mark Yuasa
State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River Sample Checks
| Seattle Times, 7/11/11
| by Mark Yuasa
For First Time, Alternatives to Gill Nets Being Tested in Summer Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/24/11
| by Staff
The Guide's Forecast: July 7-13
| The Oregonian, 7/7/11
| by Bill Monroe
The Guide's Forecast: June 23-29
| The Oregonian, 6/23/11
| by Bill Monroe
Nice Mix of Chinook & Steelhead to be Had in the Columbia River Region
| Seattle Times, 6/14/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Spring Chinook Fishery Updates
| Seattle Times, 6/9/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Tony Floor's Tackle Box Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Kings
| Seattle Times, 6/5/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Salmon Fishing Above Bonneville Dam Extended
| East Oregonian, 6/3/11
| by Phil Wright
Chinook Limits Going Up?
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/2/11
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Fishery above Bonneville Dam on the Columbia Extended
| Seattle Times, 6/1/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Opportunities on Columbia/Snake Rivers Expands
| Columbia Basin Herald, 5/29/11
| by Wilson and Clay
Spring Chinook Boat Fishing on Columbia Extended to June 15
| Statesman Journal, 5/27/11
| by Staff
More Spring Chinook Fishing Blossoms in the Columbia/Snake Rivers
| Seattle Times, 5/25/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishing Reopens Saturday
| Spokesman-Review, 5/25/11
| by Rich Landers
New Bag Limit Allows Idaho Anglers to Keep more Jack Chinook
| The Republic, 5/20/11
| by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Return Exceeds 10-Year Average
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/20/11
| by Staff
Fishing Report
| The Daily News, 5/19/11
| by Staff
Columbia River Spring Chinook Return is Larger than Expected
| Seattle Times, 5/17/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Spreading Through Snake into Salmon River
| Spokesman-Review, 5/16/11
| by Rich Landers
Lower Columbia to Reopen for Hatchery Spring Chinook this Sunday
| Seattle Times, 5/13/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Snake River Spring Chinook Fishery to Close Earlier than Expected
| Seattle Times, 5/12/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Tribes Selling Salmon on the Columbia River
| Yakima Herald Republic, 5/11/11
| by Staff
Snake River Chinook Fishing Closes this Weekend
| Spokesman-Review, 5/11/11
| by Rich Landers
Time to Fish
| Tri-City Herald, 5/10/11
| by Eric Barker
Excellent Spring Chinook Catches in Tributaries and Mainstem
| Seattle Times, 5/9/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Four More Days Added to Spring Chinook Season
| Columbia Basin Herald, 5/6/11
| by Staff
More Spring Chinook Fishing Time Allowed Above Bonneville Dam
| Seattle Times, 5/4/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Wind River and Drano Lake Spring Chinook Catches Improve this Week
| Seattle Times, 5/4/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Action Picking Up in Wind River and Drano Lake
| Seattle Times, 5/3/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River above Bonneville Remains Open for Spring Chinook
| Seattle Times, 4/21/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Salmon Runneth
| Boise Weekly, 4/20/11
| by Deanna Darr
Columbia Gorge Pools to Reopen for Spring Chinook
| The Columbian, 5/4/11
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia River Summer and Fall Fishing Seasons Announced
| Daily Astorian, 4/27/11
| by Staff
Walleye & Bass are Good Fishing Alternative Along with Some Steelhead
| Seattle Times, 4/26/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishery to Open on Snake River
| Wallowa County Chieftain, 4/21/11
| by Staff
Columbia Above Bonneville Dam Spring Chinook Fishery Extended
| Seattle Times, 4/20/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Salmon Fishing Boosted Off California, Cut Off Washington
| NW Fishletter, 4/19/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Selective Fishing Methods May Help Future Wild Runs
| NW Fishletter, 4/19/11
| by Bill Rudolph
Lower Columbia Chinook Fishery Improves, Turnout Remains Low
| Seattle Times, 4/18/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishing Opens April 23 on Upper Snake River
| Statesman Journal, 4/15/11
| by Staff
Outdoors Notebook
| Seattle Times, 4/16/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Bad Fishing But More of It
| The News Tribune, 4/16/11
| by Jeffrey P. Mayor
Idaho Adopts Spring Chinook Seasons, Expects 20,500 Hatchery Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/8/11
| by Staff
Biologists Crunching Numbers to Determine More Fishing Time
| The Oregonian, 4/1/11
| by Bill Monroe
Four Days, Maybe More, are Left in Spring Chinook Season
| The Daily News, 3/31/11
| by Staff
Proposed Ocean Catch Quota Lower to Protect Wild Salmon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11
| by Staff
Anglers Hit Lower Mainstem as Spring Chinook Run Begins Its Build
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/11/11
| by Staff
Columbia Chinook Fishing Improves
| Seattle Times, 3/9/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Know Your Rules When Fishing for Spring Chinook Lower Columbia
| Seattle Times, 3/6/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Angling Off to Strong Start on Lower Columbia
| Seattle Times, 3/2/11
| by Craig Hill
Cold Rivers, Good Fishing
| Coeur d'Alene Press, 2/24/11
| by Nick Rotunno
Strong Fall Chinook Run Forecast for Columbia River
| The Columbian, 2/24/11
| by Allen Thomas
Portions of the Snake River Likely to Open for Spring Chinook
| Seattle Times, 2/17/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia River Fisheries Announced
| Bellingham Herald, 2/10/11
| by Doug Huddle
Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon Season Set: Fewer Fish; More Room
| The Oregonian, 2/8/11
| by Bill Monroe
Enjoy Valentine's Day Together Fishing for Steelhead
| KBKW, 1/28/11
| by David Haviland
More Spring Chinook Caught in Lower Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 1/21/11
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Season May Not Last Long into April
| The Columbian, 1/17/11
| by Allen Thomas
Snake River Shores Hot for Steelhead
| Spokesman-Review, 12/11/10
| by Rich Landers
Steelhead Report: Die Hards
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/6/10
| by Eric Barker
Fall Chinook Fishery Closes on Snake River
| Salem-News, 10/28/10
| by Staff
Just Three More Days of Chinook Fishing on Snake River
| Statesman Journal, 10/28/10
| by Henry Miller
Anglers Lose Crowds, Find Bountiful Runs on Salmon River
| Spokesman-Review, 10/24/10
| by Rich Landers
Tail-End Fishing Continues
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/22/10
| by Staff
Lower Columbia River Reopens for Chinook Retention
| Seattle Times, 10/14/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Officials Upgrade B-run
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/14/10
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead are Safe When I'm Around
| Bellingham Herald, 10/13/10
| by Pete Zimowsky
Unusual Late Spike of Fall Chinook Restores Run Expectations
| Chinook Observer, 10/12/10
| by Staff
Idaho Steelhead Fishery Worth the Long Drive East
| Seattle Times, 10/7/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Columbia River Fisheries Looking Fairly Decent Heading into Fall
| Seattle Times, 9/21/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Fall Chinook Bag Limit to Increase in Lower Columbia
| The Columbian, 9/20/10
| by Allen Thomas
State Opens Salmon Fishing in Snake River
| Spokesman-Review, 9/10/10
| by Rich Landers
Washington Opens Fall Chinook Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/10/10
| by Staff
Columbia River Updated Fish Returns are a Mixed Bag
| Seattle Times, 9/9/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia River Fall Chinook Fishery Heating Up
| Seattle Times, 9/9/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Salmon are Headed Upriver
| The Daily News, 8/31/10
| by Staff
Chinook Fishing to Start
| Bend Bulletin, 8/31/10
| by Glenn Vaagen
No Chinook Season Extension at Buoy 10
| The Oregonian, 8/31/10
| by Bill Monroe
Tribes Begin Sales of Commercial Salmon, Steelhead
| Statesman Journal, 8/24/10
| by Staff
Another Big Oregon Steelhead Run on the Way?
| Bend Bulletin, 8/25/10
| by Associated Press
Upper Snake River Open for Fall Chinook
| World Fishing Network, 8/24/10
| by Staff
Salmon, Steelhead Booming Upstream
| Spokesman-Review, 8/22/10
| by Staff
Steelhead Fishery Slows in Lower, Very Good Above Bonneville
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/18/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Clearwater Fall Chinook Season Approved
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/10
| by Eric Barker
Ore.-Wash. Test Set for Alternative Fishing Gear
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/11/10
| by Associated Press
Steelhead at Greer, Troy, Ore. and Beyond?
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/2/10
| by Eric Barker
Sockeye Surprise
| Spokesman-Review, 8/1/10
| by Andrew Nusca
Buoy 10 Salmon Season Debuts Sunday
| The Columbian, 7/31/10
| by Allen Thomas
Four Gill-Net Commercial Outings Set for Fall Chinook, Sturgeon
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/30/10
| by Staff
Summer Steelhead Catches Nearing Record Size for July
| Seattle Times, 7/27/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishing on Snake River Closes Next Week
| Statesman Journal, 7/27/10
| by Staff
Steelhead, Fall Chinook Seasons are Set
| Bellingham Herald, 7/21/10
| by Staff
Eastern WA Fall Chinook Season a Slight Possibility
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/19/10
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead Report
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/19/10
| by Eric Barker
Idaho Sets Fall Chinook Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/9/10
| by Eric Barker
Idaho Fish and Game Panel Sets Fall Chinook Season
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/10/10
| by Associated Press
Chinook Fishing to End on South Fork Salmon
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/8/10
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Fishing Report 7/6
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/6/10
| by Eric Barker
Fish for Salmon on the Fourth
| Salt Lake Tribune, 7/7/10
| by Brett Prettyman
Chinook Salmon are King in Coming Weeks
| KBKW, 7/8/10
| by David Haviland
Word on Lower Columbia River Salmon and Sturgeon Fisheries
| Seattle Times, 7/7/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Record Columbia Sockeye Run a Bounty for NW Fishermen
| The Oregonian, 7/4/10
| by Quinton Smith
Columbia Open for Sockeye, But How Do You Catch Them?
| Seattle Times, 6/25/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Managers Allow Sport Retention Of Sockeye; Say No to Gillnetters
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/25/10
| by Staff
Parts of the Columbia River Open for Sockeye Fishing
| Seattle Times, 6/24/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Sockeye Back in Force on Lower Columbia
| Seattle Times, 6/23/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Imnaha Chinook Report
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/22/10
| by Eric Barker
Summer Chinook Boost Fish Counts
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/16/10
| by Eric Barker
Columbia River Treaty Tribes Open Summer Fishery
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/16/10
| by Associated Press
Summer Chinook Fishing Opens with Above-Average Run
| Chinook Observer, 6/15/10
| by Staff
Chinook Fishing Closes on Parts of the Clearwater
| KLEW TV, 6/7/10
| by Staff
Famed Fishmonger at Pike Place Fish Market Plans a Sea Change
| Seattle Times, 5/28/10
| by Lynda V. Mapes
Sports Fishermen Treated Unfairly
| The Columbian, 5/28/10
| by Dee Callison
Fisheries Managers Lower Spring Chinook Prediction
| Fox 12, 5/28/10
| by Associated Press
ODFW Releasing Chinook in Powder River
| The Peak 104.1, 5/25/10
| by Staff
Idaho Fish and Game Commission Hikes Chinook Limits
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/20/10
| by Staff
It's Prime Time for Salmon Fishing
| Bellingham Herald, 5/19/10
| by Staff
Fishermen Pulling Spring Chinook Out of Columbia
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/12/10
| by Phil Ferolito
More Fishing Time on Lower for Spring Chinook Appears Slim
| Seatlle Times, 5/12/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Harvest Update
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/10/10
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Fishing in Three Pools Closes Monday
| The Columbian, 5/9/10
| by Staff
Columbia River Spring Chinook Run Size Updated
| Seattle Times, 5/8/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Closes Between Bonneville, McNary
| The Oregonian, 5/3/10
| by Bill Monroe
Two Dead in Columbia Capsizing Identified
| KGW, 5/3/10
| by Staff
Tribal Chinook Fishing Begins
| The Oregonian, 4/27/10
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon Run Appears Big
| The Daily News, 4/22/10
| by Allen Thomas
Chinook Fishing Opens Saturday on the Upper Snake River
| Statesman Journal, 4/19/10
| by Staff
Opening Day of Lake-Fishing Season to Draw 300,000
| KBKW, 4/15/10
| by David Haviland
Lower Snake River to Open for Spring Chinook Soon
| The Seattle Times, 4/13/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Time to Hook Some Chinook in the Lower Columbia
| The Seattle Times, 4/10/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Lower Columbia Catch Rates Pick Up for Spring Chinook
| The Seattle Times, 4/7/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Anglers' Delight
| Idaho State Journal, 4/4/10
| by Scott Staats
Spring Chinook on Lower Columbia River has Been So-so
| Seattle Times, 3/31/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Steelhead Have Made it Up to Stanley
| Idaho Statesman, 3/25/10
| by Roger Phillips
Steelhead Fishermen Report Big Returns
| Idaho Mountain Express, 3/19/10
| by Jason Kauffman
Spring Chinook Season to Start April 24
| KIVI TV, 3/18/10
| by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Season Slated to Start April 24
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/18/10
| by Staff
Barring Harvest of Wild Steelhead in WA/OR a No-brainer
| Idaho Statesman, 3/17/10
| by Roger Phillips
Chinook Run Yields Fair Fishing on Lower Columbia River
| Seattle Times, 3/17/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Gill-netting on Lower Columbia River Called Off for Tuesday
| The Oregonian, 3/8/10
| by Bill Monroe
Eastside Steelheading Enters Last Month
| The News Tribune, 3/6/10
| by Doug Huddle
Spring Chinook Season Opens on Lower Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 3/5/10
| by Brent Stecker
Spring Seasons Set for Columbia Chinook
| Everett Herald, 3/2/10
| by Wayne Kruse
Columbia 2010 Fall Chinook Returns Look Good on Paper
| Seattle Times, 3/2/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Too Many Steelhead!
| Washington Game & Fish, 2/10
| by Travis DeBoer
Outdoors Blog
| The Columbian, 2/25/10
| by Allen Thomas
Anglers are Finding Spring Chinook in Lower Columbia
| Seattle Times, 2/3/10
| by Mark Yuasa
Buoy 10 Season Falls Short of Forecast
| The Columbian, 9/22/9
| by Allen Thomas
It's Game Time for Steelhead Fishing in Idaho
| Idaho Statesman, 9/17/9
| by Staff
Steelhead Surging Upstream
| Spokesman Review, 9/6/9
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Season Opens on Lower Snake
| Tri-City Herald, 9/5/9
| by Staff
Snake River Opens Sept. 1 for Fall Chinook Fishing
| KBKW, 8/31/9
| by Staff
Tribal Fishery is Open for the Season
| The Oregonian, 8/26/9
| by Staff
Tribes Open Fall Commercial Fishery
| KNDO/KNDU, 8/26/9
| by Staff
Steelhead Season to Open Sept. 1 on Snake
| Tri-City Herald, 8/22/9
| by Staff
Largest Snake River Fall Chinook Run In Four Decades
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/11/9
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Season Could Be Approved for Snake River
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/11/9
| by Eric Barker
Fall Chinook Season Proposed
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/10/9
| by Staff
Catches Improving at Buoy 10
| The Columbian, 8/5/9
| by Staff
Town on Columbia, Tribes Clash Over 1855 Treaty
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/9
| by Joseph Frazier
Fall Salmon Season Opens Today in Columbia River Basin
| The Olympian, 8/1/9
| by Bob Brown
August Gillnet Seasons Adopted
| The Columbian, 8/30/9
| by Staff
Steelheaders Should Not be Napping
| Spokesman Review, 7/16/9
| by Rich Landers
River Fishing Slows, But Lower Columbia Yields Catches
| The Olympian, 7/2/9
| by Bob Brown
F&G Explains Salmon Closures
| Idaho Statesman, 7/2/9
| by Staff
Fishery Closes
| The East Oregonian, 7/2/9
| by Tammy Malgesini
Chinook Season to Close on Snake River
| Salem-News, 6/30/9
| by Staff
Sockeye Action Heats Up West of Longview
| The Daily News, 6/25/9
| by Staff
Chinook Season Opens this Weekend
| Idaho Mountain Express, 6/19/9
| by Staff
Salmon Seasons in Upper Rivers to Open
| Idaho Statesman, 6/18/9
| by Roger Phillips
Summer Chinook Season Opens on Monday
| The Columbian, 6/17/9
| by Allen Thomas
Idaho Petitions for More Salmon
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/7/9
| by Eric Barker
Talk About a Stocking-Stuffer
| Statesman Journal, 6/8/9
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishery Opens on Powder River
| Salem-News, 6/5/9
| by Staff
Chinook Season Opens on Snake
| East Oregonian, 6/2/9
| by Staff
Chinook Bag Limit Changes Announced
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/2/9
| by Staff
Snake River Closes Early for Spring Chinook
| The Seattle Times, 5/15/9
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Bag Limits Trimmed
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/14/9
| by Staff
Lower Columbia River Steelhead Fishery Closed for Now
| The Seattle Times, 5/13/9
| by Mark Yuasa
CRITC Concern about Upriver Spring Chinook Returns
| The Seattle Times, 5/2/9
| by Mark Yuasa
Special Coverage: Salmon Standoff
| The Oregonian, 4/9
| by Scott Learn
Salmon Season Decision Expected
| Wallowa County Chieftain, 4/30/9
| by Andy Martin
And Now a Word About Salmon Fishing
| Idaho Statesman, 4/23/9
| by Roger Phillips
The Bite is On for Early-season Chinook
| The Seattle Times, 4/13/9
| by Mark Yuasa
States Reject Call to Halt Spring Chinook Angling
| The Columbian, 4/13/9
| by Allen Thomas
Spring Chinook Run Feted From Coast to Idaho
| The Spokesman-Review, 4/12/9
| by Rich Landers
Oregon Anti-Gillnetting Bill Dies in Committee
| NW Fishletter, 5/6/9
| by Bill Rudolph
Gill-net Season Today on the Columbia River
| The Oregonian, 4/7/9
| by Bill Monroe
All Tangled in the Nets on the Columbia
| The Oregonian, 3/28/9
| by Editorial Board
Letter: Salmon Not SAFE
| The Daily Astorian, 4/10/9
| by Kim Tarabochia-Minkoff
Showing in Salem Helps Leaders Focus on Salmon Solution
| The Oregonian, 3/28/9
| by Bill Monroe
Proposal Would Curb Columbia River Gillnetters
| The Oregonian, 3/26/9
| by Joseph Frazier
Chinook Limits Proposed on Bering Sea Pollock Fleets
| Seattle Times, 4/6/9
| by Staff
Upper Salmon River Has Lots of Water for Steelhead Anglers
| Idaho Statesman, 4/2/9
| by Roger Phillips
No Shortage of Effort for Columbia Chinook
| The Columbian, 3/25/9
| by Staff
ID Fish & Game Sets Chinook Seasons
| Idaho Mountain Express, 3/25/9
| by Staff
Panel Sets Spring Chinook Seasons
| Lewiston Morning Tribune, 3/24/9
| by Staff
Fish While You Can on Clearwater, Snake and Salmon
| Idaho Statesman, 3/5/9
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Season Begins Sunday
| The Oregonian, 2/28/9
| by Bill Monroe
Probably No Joy for Some Anglers
| The Olympian, 2/17/9
| by Eric Barker
Word on Columbia Spring Chinook
| The Seattle Times, 2/15/9
| by Mark Yuasa
Stanley may See Salmon Anglers for a Second Year
| Idaho Mountain Express, 2/13/9
| by Jason Kauffman
Columbia Spring Chinook Season Open All of March, April
| The Olympian, 2/12/9
| by Chester Allen
States Set Spring Chinook Season for March, April
| The Oregonian, 2/11/9
| by Bill Monroe
Selective Gear Shows Low Wild Summer Chinook Mortality
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/6/9
| by Staff
Tribes Tell States to Limit Columbia Spring Chinook Catch
| The Columbian, 1/29/9
| by Allen Thomas
WA to Delay Columbia Spring Chinook Season Setting
| The Columbian, 1/28/9
| by Allen Thomas
WA Offers Small Compromises in Spring Chinook Standoff
| The Columbian, 1/7/9
| by Allen Thomas
Canada, U.S. Ratify Salmon Treaty Changes
| Times Colonist, 1/7/9
| by Shayne Morrow
Spring Steelhead Season to Start
| Idaho Statesman, 1/1/9
| by Staff
Steelhead are Going in the Boise River
| Idaho Statesman, 11/6/8
| by Staff
Steelhead Stocked in the Boise River
| New West Boise, 11/17/8
| by Jill Kuraitis
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report
| Spokesman Review, 11/7/8
| by Alan Liere
Idaho Pitches Hunting, Fishing Fee Increase
| Seattle Times, 10/31/8
| by Staff
Fish Rap: Hells Canyon has Good Steelie Fishing
| Idaho Statesman, 10/30/8
| by Roger Phillips
Proposal: More Terminal Fisheries, Less Mainstem Nets
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/8
| by Staff
State Authorizes Snake River Chinook Season
| Idaho Mountain Express, 10/6/8
| by Jason Kauffman
Anglers May Retain Fall Chinook for First Time in 30 Years
| Latah Eagle, 10/2/8
| by Staff
Fish and Game Opens Rare Fall Chinook Season
| Idaho Statesman, 10/2/8
| by Roger Phillips
Idaho Fall Chinook Season Opens Friday
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/1/8
| by Staff
Idaho to Consider Fall Chinook Season
| Lewiston Morning Tribune, 9/30/8
| by Staff
Catch Rules Unmonitored
| The Columbian, 10/1/8
| by Wendell D. Mills
Fall Chinook Seasons Set on Snake, Columbia Rivers
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/25/8
| by Associated Press
Officials Increase Catch Limit
| The Columbian, 9/24/8
| by Staff
Chinook Daily Limit Goes to 2 Adult Fish Below Bonneville
| Statesman Journal, 9/2/8
| by Staff
Chinook Fishing Reopens Saturday in Lower Columbia River
| Statesman Journal, 9/19/8
| by Staff
Fall Chinook Season Remains Open Through Tuesday
| Red Orbit, 9/12/8
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia Salmon Reopens
| The Chronicle, 8/26/8
| by Russ Mohney
Buoy 10 Chinook Fishing to Close Monday
| The Daily Astorian, 8/22/8
| by Cassandra Profita
Buoy 10 Salmon Season Closing Early
| The Columbian, 8/21/8
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia Salmon Sharing Plan Finally Approved
| The Columbian, 8/21/8
| by Allen Thomas
Help Sought in Fish Poaching Cases
| Statesman Journal, 8/20/8
| by Henry Miller
Police Seek Clues to Wasted Fish at Celilo
| The Dalles Chronicle, 8/8/8
| by Staff
Columbia Chinook Worth the Drive
| The Daily Herald, 8/21/8
| by Wayne Kruse
Buoy 10: Popular Columbia River Estuary Opens Friday
| The Columbian, 7/31/8
| by Allen Thomas
Chinook Seasons Begin Aug. 1 with New Options for Anglers
| The Daily News, 7/24/8
| by Staff
When More Isn't Better - Gambling with Extinction
| Statesman Journal, 7/22/8
| by John Stec
Sporadic Salmon Success Buoyed by Healthy River Runs
| The News Tribune, 7/5/8
| by Jeffrey Mayor
Columbia River is Thick with Sockeye Salmon
| Yakima Herald, 7/3/8
| by Phil Ferolito
Chinook Closed Above Bonneville
| Statesman Journal, 7/1/8
| by Gault & Miller
Fishing Closes on Little Salmon, Sections of Clearwater
| Idaho Statesman, 6/30/8
| by Roger Phillips
Chinook Fisheries to Close Between Bonneville and 395
| Eastern Oregonian, 6/29/8
| by Staff
Few Chinook Arriving - So Far
| Idaho Mountain Express, 6/25/8
| by Staff
Some Chinook Seasons to Close
| Lewiston Morning Tribune, 6/17/8
| by Staff
Columbia River Sees Strong Chinook, Sockeye Runs
| Daily Astorian, 6/23/8
| by Staff
Kings Moving Inside to Newly Opening Areas
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/25/8
| by Greg Johnston
Surprising Surge of Sockeye Opens Mainstem Sport Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/20/8
| by CBB Staff
Anglers Pursue Wily Chinook on Upper Salmon River
| Idaho Mountain Express, 6/20/8
| by Jason Kauffman
Spring Chinook Fishery Closing
| East Oregonian, 6/19/8
| by Staff
Chinook, Shad Ready for the Taking on Lower Columbia
| Seattle Times, 6/19/8
| by Mark Yuasa
Salmon Fishing to Close on Three Stretches of Idaho Rivers
| Montana News Station, 6/18/8
| by Associated Press
Columbia Reopens to Chinook, Steelhead
| The News Tribune, 6/14/8
| by Jeffrey Mayor
Harvest Managers Open Sport Summer Chinook, Steelhead
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/8
| by CBB Staff
Salmon Fishing in the Clearwater Mainstem to Close
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/8
| by CBB Staff
Chinook Season to Close Sunday on Main Clearwater River
| Lewiston Morning Tribune, 6/10/8
| by Staff
Idaho Salmon Run Late, but Coming
| Seattle Times, 6/8/8
| by Staff
Idaho's Chinook Salmon Forecast Scaled Back
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/30/8
| by Staff
State Sets Rare Chinook Season
| Idaho Mountain Express, 5/28/8
| by Jason Kauffman
Bait Your Hook for a Chinook
| Idaho Mountain Express, 5/23/8
| by Jason Kauffman
Chinook Running
| KLEW TV, 5/16/8
| by Matt Loveless
Lower Columbia Steelhead Fishing Delayed
| Seattle Times, 5/12/8
| by Staff
Salmon Fishing to Close on Parts of Snake, Columbia Rivers
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/10/8
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Fishing Open on the Snake River
| Statesman Journal, 4/30/8
| by Staff
Managers Close Chinook Season Below Bonneville
| KTVZ, 4/17/8
| by Associated Press
Chinook Salmon Season Opens April 26 on Various Rivers
| Statesman Journal, 4/16/8
| by Eric Barker
Columbia Providing Surge of Chinook Action
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/16/8
| by Greg Johnston
Fantastic Salmon Fishery on Lower Columbia Ends Monday
| The News Tribune, 4/19/8
| by Jeffrey Mayor
First Salmon Season in 31 Years?
| Idaho Mountain Express, 4/18/8
| by Jason Kauffman
Alaska Cuts Chinook Quota Nearly 50 Percent
| NW Fishletter, 4/11/8
| by Bill Rudolph
Salmon Harvest to Plummet this Year
| Seattle Times, 4/11/8
| by Hal Bernton
Columbia River Continues to be on a Roll for Chinook
| Seattle Times, 4/10/8
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Sport-fishing Season to End Soon
| The Columbian, 4/7/8
| by Allen Thomas
Commercial Fleet Gets Chinook Fishery Today
| The Columbian, 4/3/8
| by Allen Thomas
Sport Chinook Catch Already at 4,400
| The Columbian, 4/3/8
| by Staff
For Best Springtime Chinook, Head South
| Seattle Times, 4/3/8
| by Mark Yuasa
Tribe to Fish Downstream of Bonneville Dam
| The Columbian, 3/13/8
| by Allen Thomas
Thoughts of Columbia 'Springers' Begin to Bud
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/20/8
| by Greg Johnston
Accidental Chinook Catch among Pollock is an Issue
| Seattle Times, 2/9/8
| by Hal Bernton
Columbia Salmon Season an Up-But-Not-Down Affair
| The Register-Guard, 2/12/8
| by Mike Stahlberg
12-day Salmon Season Set for Lower Columbia
| The Daily News, 2/16/8
| by Tom Paulu
Longer Season on Columbia
| Seattle Times, 2/16/8
| by Mark Yuasa
New Guidelines Give Sport Anglers a Boost
| Seattle Times, 2/10/8
| by Mark Yuasa
Mulling Allocations Between Recreation, Commercial
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/8/8
| by Staff
Commission Deadlocked on Allocation
| The Columbian, 2/3/8
| by Allen Thomas
Guidelines for Season's Salmon Fishing to be Set
| Seattle Times, 2/3/8
| by Mark Yuasa
Sport, Commercial Fishing Interests Vie for Allocations
| The Columbian, 1/13/7
| by Allen Thomas
Sport Anglers in N. Idaho Irked about Gillnetting Season
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/22/7
| by Associated Press
Nez Perce Tribe Authorizes Steelhead Gillnet Season
| Deseret News, 12/18/7
| by Associated Press
Tribe Plans to Gillnet Steelhead
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/18/7
| by Staff
Steelhead are Running in North Central Idaho
| eMediaWeb, 11/3/7
| by Press Release
Chinook Runs Lag at Several Spots
| The Columbian, 9/20/7
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia Chinook Closure Limits Choices
| The Columbian, 9/20/7
| by Staff
Columbia Closes for Chinook; Tillamook Bay Underway
| News-Register, 9/20/7
| by Michael Teague
Columbia Fall Chinook Fishing Resumes Upriver
| The Columbian, 9/22/7
| by Allen Thomas
Chinook Retention Will Close
| The Columbian, 9/18/7
| by Allen Thomas
Mainstem Columbia Recreational Chinook Fishery Closes
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/19/7
| by Associated Press
Columbia River will Close to Chinook Retention in WA, OR
| The Bellingham Herald, 9/17/7
| by Associated Press
Buoy 10 Remains Rewarding; Fall Chinook Heats Up
| News-Register, 9/13/7
| by Michael Teague
Where to Fish on Labor Day
| News-Register, 8/30/7
| by Michael Teague
Tribes to Sell Columbia River Salmon
| Seattle Times, 8/21/7
| by Associated Press
Tribal Commercial Season Opens for Columbia Salmon
| The Oregonian, 8/21/7
| by Associated Press
Chinook, Coho, Steelhead Fishing Shows Improvement
| News Register, 8/23/7
| by Michael Teague
Anglers Net More Chinook in 2007 Than Year Before
| KTVB, 8/7/7
| by Associated Press
Fall Chinook Season Features Changes
| Seattle Times, 7/30/7
| by Mark Yuasa
Updated Forecast Ends Sport Summer Chinook Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/13/7
| by Staff
Ocean Fishing Off to Good Start
| The Daily News, 7/13/7
| by Staff
Hooks Find Plenty of Salmon on Opening Day
| The Olympian, 7/1/7
| by Chester Allen
Columbia Stretch will Close to Summer-run Chinook
| Statesman Journal, 7/1/7
| by Staff
Catch a Salmon from the Sea as Ocean Fshing Returns
| The Daily News, 6/28/7
| by Staff
Salmon Just in Time for Coast Opening
| Seattle Times, 6/28/7
| by Mark Yuasa
Fishing's More Fun in the Sun
| News-Register, 6/28/7
| by Michael Teague
Sturgeon Fishing in Estuary Remains Open through Fourth
| The Columbian, 6/29/7
| by Allen Thomas
Chinook Fishing will Continue on the Snake River
| Statesman Journal, 6/18/7
| by Staff
'08 Chinook Fishery has Mixed Forecast
| Seattle Times, 6/10/7
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook Fishing Opens on Columbia
| The Columbian, 6/6/7
| by Allen Thomas
Salmon Season Ends on Part of Clearwater
| News-Register, 5/27/7
| by Associated Press
Lower Columbia Opens to Chinook, Steelhead and Shad
| The Daily News, 5/18/7
| by Staff
Lower Columbia Reopens for Spring Chinook Fishing
| The Columbian, 5/16/7
| by Allen Thomas
Salmon Late to the Party
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 5/10/7
| by Rob Phillips
Upper Snake River Opens Friday for Spring Chinook
| Statesman Journal, 5/10/7
| by Staff
Salmon Season to Start May 11
| Idaho Statesman, 5/4/7
| by Roger Phillips
Fishery Managers Stand by Predictions for Spring Chinook
| Spokesman Review, 5/4/7
| by Keith Ridler
ID Fish & Game OKs Spring Chinook Salmon Season
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/4/7
| by Associated Press
Chinook are (Finally) on the Move
| News-Register, 5/3/7
| by Michael Teague
Lower Willamette, Upper Columbia Producing Chinook
| News-Register, 4/26/7
| by Michael Teague
Chinook Season Closes on the Columbia
| News-Register, 4/19/7
| by Michael Teague
Spring Chinook Fishing to Close Starting Monday
| The Columbian, 4/14/7
| by Allen Thomas
Decision Delayed on Possible Spring Chinook Closure
| The Columbian, 4/12/7
| by Allen Thomas
Buoy 10 Recreational Fishery Set to Open Aug. 1
| The Daily Astorian, 4/16/7
| by Staff
State Commission OKs Salmon Season in Coast Waters
| The Hillsboro Argus, 4/17/7
| by Staff
Limited Salmon Season Worries Fishers
| The Daily Astorian, 4/9/7
| by Staff & AP
Chinook Run Disappointing
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/2/7
| by Greg Johnston
Fishermen Brace for Low Returns, Poor Salmon Season
| Press Release, 4/2/7
| Pacific NW Fisherman
The Columbia Spring Chinook Run
| The Daily Herald, 3/25/7
| by Wayne Kruse
Spring Salmon Fishing Rules set for Columbia
| The Columbian, 1/26/7
| by Allen Thomas
Fishery Managers Set Rules for Spring Chinook
| The Daily Astorian, 1/26/7
| by Staff
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report
| Spokesman Review, 1/19/7
| by Alan Liere
Tribe OKs Gill Net for Steelhead
| Spokesman Review, 1/19/7
| by Associated Press
Nez Perce to Increase Steelhead Harvest
| Idaho Statesman, 1/15/7
| by Staff
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report
| Spokesman Review, 12/29/6
| by Alan Liere
Spring Chinook Forecasts Disappointing
| The Columbian, 12/21/6
| by Allen Thomas
Scientist Says Dams may Not be Limiting Fish Recovery
| NW Fishletter, 11/20/6
| by Bill Rudolph
2,000 Steelhead Released in Southwest ID Waters
| KTVB, 11/21/6
| by Associated Press
Steelhead Blocked on Snake River Released in Boise
| KTVB, 11/13/6
| by Associated Press
Boise River may be Stocked with Steelhead Next Week
| Idaho Statesman, 10/31/6
| by Staff
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report
| Capital Press, 11/17/6
| by Alan Liere
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report
| Spokesman Review, 11/3/6
| by Alan Liere
Suit Filed Over Chinook Catch
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10/11/6
| by Erik Lacitis
Chinook Season Opens Again
| Capital Press, 10/6/6
| by Dennis Clay
Fall Chinook Fishing Reopens in Middle Columbia
| The Columbian, 9/30/6
| by Staff
Columbia Above Bonneville Reopens to Keep Chinook
| Statesman Journal, 9/30/6
| by Staff
Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Report
| Spokesman Review, 9/29/6
| by Alan Liere
Big Fish Could be Worth the Wait
| The Oregonian, 9/18/6
| by Bill Monroe
Columbia Chinook Fishery Closes Friday
| The Columbian, 9/14/6
| by Allen Thomas
Lower Columbia Chinook Fishery Closes on Friday
| News-Register, 9/14/6
| by Michael Teague
Salmon Fishing Lacking Consistency, Effort
| Seattle Times, 9/7/6
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Fishing Likely Over Next Week
| The Columbian, 9/8/6
| by Allen Thomas
Steelhead Season Opens Today in Idaho
| Capital Press, 9/1/6
| by Niels Nokkentved
Spring Fishing Hits Big On Columbia
| The Oregonian, 8/14/6
| by Bill Monroe
Genetic Testing to Protect Salmon and Help Fishermen
| The Oregonian, 8/12/6
| by Jeff Barnard
Buoy 10 Opens, Fall Chinook Fishing Begins
| News Register, 7/27/6
| by Michael Teague
Fishing Forecast is Sunny
| The Daily News, 7/27/6
| by Staff
Reeling in a Dud: Salmon's Slow Start
| Seattle Times, 7/6/6
| by Mark Yuasa
Salmon Seasons Open, but Fishing Typically Slow
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/6/6
| by Greg Johnston
Anglers Cast their Hopes on Summer Fishing Season
| The Daily Astorian, 6/30/6
| by Staff
Summer Chinook Fishing Stays Open at Least a Week
| The Columbian, 6/30/6
| by Allen Thomas
Columbia Closing to Chinook
| News Register, 6/29/6
| by Michael Teague
Officials Check Numbers Before Deciding on Closure
| The Columbian, 6/28/6
| by Allen Thomas
Cautious Optimism Buoys Salmon Season
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/28/6
| by Greg Johnston
Not Glamorous, But Steelhead Still a Catch
| The Columbian, 6/25/6
| by Allen Thomas
Solid Run of Kings Hits Columbia
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/15/6
| by Greg Johnston
Clearwater River Closed to Spring Chinook Fishing
| KTVB, 6/13/6
| by Associated Press
Idaho F&G Approves a Limited Spring Salmon Season
| New West, 5/21/6
| by Jennifer Gelband
F&G Commission Announces Spring Chinook Season
| KTVB, 5/18/6
| by Associated Press
Chinook Season Set to Open Across NW
| Seattle Times, 5/17/6
| by Associated Press
Spring-Chinook Surge Reopens Sport Fishing
| Seattle Times, 5/14/6
| by Mark Yuasa
Spring Chinook have (Finally) Arrived
| The Olympian, 5/13/6
| by Associated Press
Chinook on the Rise
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/6/6
| by Greg Johnston
Spring Chinook Numbers Down
| East Oregonian, 2/25/6
| by Staff
Ocean Salmon Season Scheduled to Open July 3
| The Columbian, 4/13/6
| by Allen Thomas
Ocean Salmon Fishing Season Cut Short at Ilwaco
| The Daily News, 4/8/6
| by Tom Paulu
Fisheries Managers Cut Quotas in WA
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/8/6
| by Associated Press
Salmon Fishing Season Shrinks
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/8/6
| by Greg Johnston
Salmon Fishing: Parties Satisfied with New Season
| Seattle Times, 4/7/6
| by Mark Yuasa
States Look at April 14 for Chinook Closure
| The Columbian, 4/7/6
| by Allen Thomas
States to Decide Today on Spring Chinook Season
| The Columbian, 4/6/6
| by Allen Thomas
Commercial Fishermen Await Chinook Ruling
| The Daily News, 3/31/6
| by Staff
Chances are Slim in Fishing Lottery
| Yakama Herald, 3/30/6
| by Rob Phillips
Columbia Salmon Closure Possible
| The Daily News, 3/28/6
| by Allen Thomas
Salmon Forecast Looks Bleak
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/22/6
| by Greg Johnston
Officials may Offer One-Chinook Bag Limit
| Columbian, 3/16/6
| by Allen Thomas
Managers to Close Salmon Fisheries in OR and CA
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/7/6
| by Robert McClure
Council Considers Whether to Open Salmon Fisheries
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/7/6
| by Jackson Holtz
Steelhead On The Snake
| Game & Fish, 2/11/6
| by Doug Rose
Fishery Officials Set Conservative Springer Season
| The Daily News, 2/3/6
| by Staff
OR Votes Sport, Commercial Share Summer Chinook
| The Columbian, 2/11/6
| by Allen Thomas
WA, OR Take Steps to Keep Sportfishing Alive
| The Oregonian, 1/29/6
| by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Fishing Closed from I-5 to Bonneville
| The Columbian, 1/27/6
| by Allen Thomas
Chinook Fishery Debate Begins
| Seattle Times, 1/8/6
| by Mark Yuasa
Larger Cut of Chinook Reserved for Gill Nets
| The Oregonian, 1/7/6
| by Bill Monroe
Salmon Season a Hit Despite Closures
| The World, 12/23/5
| by Susan Chambers
| |
Experts say Fishing's No Menace to Wild Salmon
| The Daily News, 10/12/5
| by Don Jenkins
Endangered Salmon Numbers Hurt by Fishing
| Gazette-Times, 10/11/5
| by Rukmini Callimachi
| |
Salmon Runs Look Good at Area Spots
| Yakima Herald Republic, 2/2/6
| by Rob Phillips
Summer Steelhead Still Quite a Catch
| Yakima Herald Republic, 12/1/5
| by Rob Phillips
Commercial Fishermen form National Group
| ESPN Outdoors, 12/2/5
| by Jeff Barnard
Bush Proposes Fishing Rules Aimed at Overfishing
| Environmental News Net, 9/20/5
| by John Heilprin
Chinook Closure at Columbia Mouth
| The Oregonian, 9/8/5
| by Bill Monroe
Chinook Fishing Takes Off
| News Register, 9/8/5
| by Michael Teague
Why Not a Steelhead Season on South Fork Salmon?
| Idaho Statesman, 8/20/5
| by ID Fish & Game
Chinook Catch Rates Improve For Buoy 10 Anglers
| Medford News, 8/26/5
| by Staff
Fishermen Hopeful for Buoy 10 to Heat Up
| News Register, 8/18/5
| by Michael Teague
Look South for King Salmon, North for Pinks
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/18/5
| by Greg Johnston
Salmon Prospects Solid on the Coast
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/28/5
| by Andy Walgamott
Fall Chinook Season Opening on Columbia
| The News Guard, 7/26/5
| by Staff
Good News: Salmon Prospects on the Rise
| Seattle Times, 7/21/5
| by Mark Yuasa
Excited About 1st Salmon Season in Nearly 30 Years
| Challis Messenger, 7/14/5
| by Todd Adams
Agency Faults Lack of Data on Fish
| The Oregonian, 7/15/5
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Anglers Welcome New Salmon Season
| Idaho Mountain Express, 7/15/5
| by Steve Benson
Reasons Vary for Slow Salmon Fishing
| Seattle Times, 7/14/5
| by Mark Yuasa
S. Fork of Salmon to Close Sunday
| Idaho Statesman, 7/8/5
| by Staff
Tribal Fishing Season Opens on Columbia River
| The Bend Bulletin, 7/1/5
| by News Sources
Wild Chinook Retention Gets the Green Light
| News Register, 6/30/5
| by Staff
Ocean Salmon-Angling Prospects Showing Promise
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/30/5
| by Greg Johnston
Government Proposes Changes in Fishing Rules
| Environmental News Net, 6/23/5
| by Randolph Schmid
Poached Salmon Found Near Stanley Hatchery
| Idaho Statesman, 6/15/5
| by Staff
F&G Closes Rivers to Salmon Fishing
| Idaho Statesman, 6/15/5
| by Staff
Historic Chinook Fishing Season Allowed
| Seattle Times, 6/18/5
| by Hal Bernton
Friday is Opening Day for Summer Chinook
| Idaho Statesman, 6/14/5
| by Roger Phillips
Salmon Sales Surge on Demand for Upscale Fish
| PS Business Journal, 5/27/5
| by Steve Wilhelm
Steelhead Season On Columbia Reopened
| KOIN TV, 5/19/5
| by Staff
Commission Revises Idaho Salmon Fishing Regulations
| Seattle Times, 5/19/5
| by Associated Press
Chinook Season may be Over on Main Salmon River
| KBCI TV, 5/10/5
| by Dan Barth
ID Closing Portion of Snake River to Chinook Fishing
| Arizona Republic, 5/4/5
| by Associated Press
New Estimates on Columbia River Chinook
| The Bend Bulletin, 5/4/5
| by News Sources
ID Salmon Fishing Season to Begin, Fish or Not
| Arizona Republic, 4/22/5
| by Associated Press
Mixed News on Fishing, Digging Opportunities
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/21/5
| by Greg Johnston
Sport-fishing Closures Over Small Run
| Seattle Times, 4/20/5
| by Hal Bernton
Spring Chinook Count Worrisome
| Statesman Journal, 4/6/5
| by Associated Press
A Salmon Season is Possible This Summer
| Challis Messenger, 4/7/5
| by Karen Posada
Chinook Salmon Season Probable on Upper Salmon
| KBCI TV, 4/3/5
| by Dan Barth
Fishery Managers Propose Limited Chinook Season
| The World, 3/29/5
| by Susan Chambers
Spring Chinook Improves, Still Lagging
| Seattle Times, 3/24/5
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook Opener Set for April 23
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/24/5
| by Eric Barker
Anglers Back More Fishing, for Fewer Fish
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/10/5
| by Eric Barker
Columbia Spring Chinook Run Gaining Momentum
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/10/5
| by Greg Johnston
Salmon Forecast has a Couple Bright Spots
| The Daily Herald, 3/3/5
| by Wayne Kruse
Budget Cuts Funding for Fisheries Programs
| Environmental News Net, 2/15/5
| by Lolita C. Baldor
ODFW Commission Protects Wild Steelhead
| The Bend Bulletin, 2/14/5
| by News Sources
Compact Changes Angling Rules in Midstream
| Register-Guard, 2/10/5
| by Mike Stahlberg
Columbia Rules Focus of Meetings
| Statesman Journal, 2/5/5
| by Associated Press
Overfishing May Limit Chinook Season
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/3/5
| by Greg Johnston
Spring Chinook Poised for Opening Run
| Lewiston Tribune, 2/3/5
| by Eric Barker
Columbia River Spring Chinook Seasons Set
| The Bend Bulletin, 1/31/5
| by News Sources
Steelhead Anglers Gear Up for Shift to Wild Runs
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/27/5
| by Greg Johnston
Angling Restrictions Studied for Bonneville Dam
| The Columbian, 1/20/5
| by Staff
Panel Seeks to Extend Spring Chinook Season
| The Bend Bulletin, 1/7/5
| by News Sources
Tribal Gill-Netters Get More Fishing Days
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/4
| by CBB staff
A Fat Tail Run Allows Fishing Times to Expand
| Columbia Basin Bulletin,10/1/4
| by Barry Espenson
Chinook Retention to Continue for Rest of Year
| The Columbian, 9/30/4
| by Staff
Prospects Good for Columbia & Coast Chinook
| News Register, 9/23/4
| by Staff
Catch-and-Release will Start Oct. 1 for Chinook
| The Columbian, 9/21/4
| by Allen Thomas
Booming Chinook Run Thrill Fishermen
| Seattle Times, 9/20/4
| by Associated Press
Chinook Catching a Second Wind
| The Oregonian, 9/19/4
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
Economic Renaissance on the Columbia River
| Indian Country, 8/30/4
| by Staff
CRITFC Tribes Pursue Fish Processing Center
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4
| by Barry Espenson
Tribal Fishermen Look to Expand Their Market
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 8/1/4
| by Associated Press
Fishing Picks Up, Wait for Fall Run Continues
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/27/4
| by Barry Espenson
Commercial Fishery Cut Back Due to Impacts
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/13/4
| by CBB staff
Steelhead Season Opens on Clearwater River
| KTVB News, 7/30/4
| by Associated Press
Steelheaders Open Early Gift
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/29/4
| by Eric Barker
Salmon Season Opens Sunday
| The Daily News, 7/30/4
| by Associated Press
Compact to Adopt Net Season
| The Columbian, 7/29/4
| by Allen Thomas
Approval of More Fishing for Tribal Gill Netters
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/23/4
| by Barry Espenson
Salmon Fishermen to Receive Subsidies
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7/17/4
| by Matt Volz
Fall Chinook Bag Limit Reduced
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/16/4
| by CBB staff
Wild Sockeye Run Largest in 17 Years
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/9/4
| by Barry Espenson
Over-the-bank Sockeye Sales Under Way
| The Columbian, 7/2/3
| by Erik Robinson
Two Days of Gillnets Approved
| The Columbian, 6/29/4
| by Allen Thomas
Summer Chinook Run Strong
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/25/4
| by Barry Espenson
Summer Chinook Harvest Begins
| NW Fishletter, 6/22/4
| by Bill Rudolph
Tribal Fishing Approved for Chinook, Steelhead
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/18/4
| by CBB staff
Summer-Run Chinook Salmon
| Game & Fish Magazine, 6/4
| by Dennis Dauble
Expansion of Salmon Fishing in 2005-06?
| Seattle Times, 6/27/4
| by Mark Yuasa
2004 Good Harvest Year for Spring Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/11/4
| by Barry Espenson
Tribes Target End of '04 Spring Chinook Run
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/28/4
| by CBB staff
Salmon Season on Salmon River is Extended
| Idaho Statesman, 5/26/4
| by Staff
Salmon Stocked in Powder River
| Statesman Journal, 6/19/4
| by Jayson Jacoby
Fish for Trucked Salmon in the Boise River
| Idaho Statesman, 5/26/4
| by Roger Phillips
Tribes Began Second Lower Columbia Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/14/4
| by CBB staff
Spring Run Downgraded; Fishing Shut Down
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/7/4
| by Barry Espenson
Net's Half Empty this Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/6/4
| by Eric Barker
Fishing is Gone Along Columbia River
| Statesman Journal, 5/6/4
| by Associated Press
Columbia Closes to Spring Chinook Angling
|, 5/5/4
| by Staff
Chinook Fishing Closed as Run Counts Drop
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/30/4
| by CBB staff
Lower Columbia to Close to Sportfishing
| The Oregonian, 4/29/4
| by Staff
Season's Off to a Good Start
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/29/4
| by Eric Barker
Speed Demons and Slow Pokes
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/22/4
| by Eric Barker
Bonneville Fish Counts Above 10-Year Average
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/23/4
| by Barry Espenson
Summer Spill Plays Role Setting Harvest Quota
| NW Fishletter, 4/21/4
| by Bill Rudolph
Columbia Chinook Fishing is Cut Back
| The Oregonian, 4/15/4
| by Bill Monroe
Idaho Salmon Season to Begin April 24
| Idaho Statesman, 4/14/4
| by Roger Phillips
Gillnetters Near Impact Limit; Fishing Halted
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/2/4
| by CBB staff
Sluggish Salmon Slow Season Start
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/1/4
| by Eric Barker
Oregon Closes Commercials' Season
| The Columbian, 4/1/4
| by Allen Thomas
Catch Quota with ESA-Listed Stocks in Mind
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/19/4
| by CBB staff
First Few Fish Trickle over Bonneville Dam
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/16/4
| by Eric Barker
Seeking Better Cooperation in Data Gathering
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/12/4
| by Barry Espenson
Spring Chinook Start Upriver Journey
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/11/4
| by Eric Barker
Casting a Spell
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/11/4
| by Eric Barker
Netters Warned to Allow Observers
| The Columbian, 3/11/4
| by Allen Thomas
Gillnetters Hit River; Few Fish But Good Prices
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/5/4
| by Barry Espenson
Anglers Catching Steelhead Forces Closures
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/5/4
| by CBB staff
Fish Seasons Set for Big Spring Run
| NW Fishletter, 2/26/4
| by Bill Rudolph
States Seek Higher 'Incidental Take'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/20/4
| by Barry Espenson
Officials Set Spring Chinook Season
| Statesman Journal, 2/11/4
| by Staff
Fishing Plan Adopted
| The Columbian, 2/6/4
| by Allen Thomas
Bonneville Pool May Open for Chinook
| The Columbian, 1/29/4
| by Allen Thomas
Tribes Seek Funding for Law Enforcement
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/23/4
| by CBB staff
Tribe Seeks Fisheries Enforcement Funding
| Idaho Statesman, 1/19/4
| by Staff
WA Seeks 60% Harvest Impacts for Sport
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/23/4
| by CBB staff
Sport Fishermen get More Wiggle Room
| Seattle Times, 1/22/4
| by Mark Yuasa
Sport Group Blasts Oregon Over Chinook
| The Columbian, 1/15/4
| by Staff
WFWC Favors Sportsmen in Division of Run
| The Columbian, 1/18/4
| by Allen Thomas
Making a Case for Sport Salmon Fishery
| The Oregonian, 12/28/3
| by Bill Monroe
Idaho Anglers Need to Study Rulebook
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/1/4
| by Staff
Giant Spring Chinook Run Forecast to Upper
| The Columbian, 12/18/3
| by Allen Thomas
Both Sides Seeking Big Spring Haul of Salmon
| The Columbian, 11/20/3
| by Allen Thomas
Successful 2003 Chinook, Steelhead Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 11/7/3
| by CBB staff
Project Evaluates Impacts of 'Ghost Nets'
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/31/3
| by Barry Espenson
Saltwater Salmon Fishing to Reopen
| Seattle Times, 10/30/3
| by Mark Yuasa
Chinook, Coho Catch Tops One Million Fish
| NW Fishletter, 10/20/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Big Harvest; Good Demand, Prices
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/10/2
| by Barry Espenson
Record Harvest Over Impact Allocation
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/26/3
| by Barry Espenson
Fall Chinook Passing Bonneville Break Record
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/12/3
| by Barry Espenson
Proposed Fishery on Snake Hatchery Chinook
| NW Fishletter, 9/12/3
| by Bill Rudolph
Another Big Fall Chinook Return Expected
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/5/3
| by Barry Espenson
Columbia Rules Under Debate
| The Oregonian, 8/28/3
| by Bill Monroe
F&G May Raise Steelhead Limits Today
| Idaho Statesman, 8/27/2
| by Roger Phillips
Salmon Officials Warn of Setbacks
| The Columbian, 8/21/3
| by Erik Robinson
Chinook Jacks May Go Legal
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/15/3
| by Eric Barker
Relaxing Rule on Partially Clipped Fish
| The Oregonian, 8/10/3
| by Bill Monroe
Anglers Reminded of Rules for Sport Season
| The Oregonian, 8/6/3
| by Bill Monroe
Fishing Violations Bring More Patrols
| The Oregonian, 8/5/3
| by Joe Rojas-Burke
New Rules for Buoy 10 Salmon Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/1/3
| by CBB staff
Commercial Fishery Set for Fall Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/1/3
| by Barry Espenson
Columbia Salmon, Anglers on Collision Course
| Seattle Times, 7/31/3
| by Mark Yuasa
Tribes' Gill-net Time Extended
| The Oregonian, 7/19/3
| by Staff
Seeking Funds for Tangle Net Experiment
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by Barry Espenson
New Nets Tangle Waters of Conservation
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/10/3
| by Dan Gallagher
Tribes to Seek More Fish Days for Summer
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/18/3
| by CBB staff
Tribes Reap Windfall from Summer Chinook
| Environmental News Net, 7/17/3
| Joseph B. Frazier
Salmon Season to Close on South Fork Salmon
| Idaho Statesman, 7/15/3
| by Roger Phillips
First Summer Chinook Season in 38 Years
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/11/3
| by Barry Espenson
Rare Summer Chinook Sport Fishery Approved
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/6/3
| by CBB staff
Anglers Get to Go Again for Spring Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/13/3
| by CBB staff
Monitoring Survival of Catch-Release Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/9/3
| by Wil Phinney
Reduced Catch Allows Sport Fishery Extension
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/9/3
| by CBB staff
Harvest Managers do the Math
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/2/3
| by Barry Espenson
Select Area Fishery Shows More Upriver Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/3
| by Barry Espenson
Harvest Managers Juggling with Impact Limits
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/3
| by Barry Espenson
Tribal Gillnetters 3-Day Commercial Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/25/3
| by Wil Phinney
Sport Fishers get Another 4 Days in Lower
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/18/3
| by CBB staff
Tribal Fishers Harvesting Ceremonial Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3
| by Wil Phinney
Gates are Open for Bountiful Salmon Harvest
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/11/3
| by Associated Press
Ocean Fishing Seasons Reflect Run Strength
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/11/3
| by CBB staff
Fishing Too Good Too Early; Impact Limits
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/4/3
| by Barry Espenson
Downstream for Chinook Success on Columbia
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/27/3
| by Greg Johnston
Gillnetters Return but Fishing Season Gloomy
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/21/3
| by Barry Espenson
Late Arriving Chinook Run Stalls Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/28/3
| by Barry Espenson
Columbia's Chinook Run on Way Up
| Seattle Times, 3/20/3
| by Mark Yuasa
Unusual Fish Mix Hampers Columbia Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 3/7/3
| by Barry Espenson
High Encounter Rate Shuts Down Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/21/3
| by Barry Espenson
Higher Mortality Prompts Tangle Net Changes
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/7/3
| by Barry Espenson
Wild Steelhead Protection in Lower Columbia
| NW Fishletter, 1/31/3
| by Bill Bakke
Officials, Fishing Interests Mull Gill, Tangle Net
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/17/3
| by Barry Espenson
NWPPC Funding for 2003 Tangle Net Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/20/2
| by Barry Espenson
Wards Cove Sells Processing Operation
| PS Business Journal, 4/7/3
| by Steve Ernst
Wards Cove Cans Salmon Operations
| Anchorage Daily News, 12/13/2
| by Mike Chambers
Pew Oceans List Impacts of Ocean Fishing
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 12/13/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
Fall Chinook on Track, Prices Head Down
| NW Fishletter, 10/1/2
| by Bill Rudolph
Smaller Net Mesh for Spring Chinook Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/13/2
| by CBB staff
Debate Continues over Steelhead Bycatch
| NW Fishletter, 9/13/2
| by Bill Bakke
Good Steelhead Season Predicted for Fall
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/14/2
| by Associated Press
WA Wants Smaller Tangle Net Mesh Size
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/23/2
| by Staff
State Fisheries OK Limited Gill-Netting
| The Oregonian, 8/16/2
| by Jonathan Brinckman
Tribes Poised for Record Chinook Harvest
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/16/1
| by Barry Espenson
Lower Columbia Fishers Target Fall Chinook
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/9/2
| by Barry Espenson
Tangle Net Fishery Angers, Concerns Anglers
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/26/2
| by Barry Espenson
New Policy may Complicate Seasons
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/26/2
| by Eric Barker
Anglers Poised for Busy Buoy 10 Fishery
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 7/26/2
| by Staff
F&G Predicts a Salmon Season Next Year
| The Idaho Statesman, 7/20/2
| by Roger Phillips
Chinook Season Ends on South Fork Salmon
| Idaho Statesman, 7/17/2
| by Pete Zimowsky
Summer Chinook Fishing to Begin
| Tri-City Herald, 7/15/2
| by Mike Lee
First Since '65, Tribes Sell Summer Chinook
| The Oregonian, 7/3/2
| by Jonathan Brinckman
After Wait, Chance to Land a Big One
| The Oregonian, 6/28/2
| Jonathan Brinckman
WA to Get Tougher with Salmon Poachers
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 6/14/2
| by Staff
Salmon Season to Close on Main Salmon
| Idaho Statesman, 6/13/2
| by Staff
Idaho Group Asks to Extend Season
| Times-News, 6/6/2
| by Staff
More Salmon Fishing Available
| Idaho Statesman, 6/7/2
| by Roger Phillips
Poaching Fine Issued
| Capital Press, 6/14/2
| by Staff
Concerns Raised Over Tangle Nets' Impact
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/3/2
| by Mike O'Bryant
30 Years, Sport Fishery Opened on Snake
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 4/26/2
| by Staff
| |
Fishing's Hot, Be Sure of What's On Hook
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/25/1
| by Eric Barker
Clearing River may Bring Anglers Luck
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/19/1
| by Eric Barker
Anglers Catch Limit on South Fork
| Idaho Statesman, 7/3/1
| by Roger Phillips
Salmon Fishing Starts on Boise, N. Fork
| Idaho Statesman, 5/31/1
| by Roger Phillips
Salmon Fishers make Run to Riggins
| Spokesman Review, 5/23/1
| by Fenton Roskelley
Boise, Weiser, Payette may get Salmon
| Idaho Statesman, 5/18/1
| by Roger Phillips
Salmon, Anglers, Cash Flow into Orofino
| Idaho Statesman, 5/14/1
| by Roger Phillips
First Spring Chinook Season in 30 Years
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/30/1
| by Associated Press
Sparing Wild Salmon
| The Oregonian, 4/26/1
| by Bill Monroe
Anglers Gear Up for Strong Season
| Tri-City Herald, 4/20/1
| by Mike Lee
Clearwater Fishing Opens Saturday
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/19/1
| by Eric Barker
Spring Loaded
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/9(?)/1
| by Eric Barker
Deal Focuses on Renewing Salmon Runs
| Seattle Times, 3/4/1
| by Mark Yuasa
Pact Boosts Tribes' Chinook Catch
| The Oregonian, 2/18/1
| by Jonathan Brinckman
States, Tribes will Develop Salmon Plan
| Spokesman Review, 2/17/1
| by William McCall
Anglers Allowed to Keep More Salmon
| The Oregonian, 2/18/1
| by Tomoko Hosaka
Tribes Reignite Legal Battle Over Catch
| Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/17/1
| by Robert McClure
Tribes Seek Increased Harvest, Outplant
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 1/12/1
| by Barry Espenson
Tribes Make Salmon Season Offer
| The Columbian, 6/15/00
| by Allen Thomas
Fishers Take Aim at Fall Chinook Run
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/1/00
| by Staff
Sockeye Run Ushers in Fishing Season
| The Oregonian, 6/27/00
| by Jonathan Brinckman
Summer Chinook Season Closes
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/7(?)/00
| by Eric Barker
Tribes Allowed to Sell Sockeye Again
| The Oregonian, 7/1/00
| by Jonathan Brinckman
South Fork Salmon Season Slated
| Idaho Statesman, 6/21/00
| by Tony Hansen
Chinook Season Approved
| Spokesman Review, 6/21/00
| by Outdoor Briefs
Mainstem Fisheries Near ESA Limit
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/24/99
| by Barry Espenson
Fall Chinook Fishing Impacts
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 9/17/99
| by Barry Espenson
Salmon Fishing Seasons Set
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/20/99
| by Barry Espenson
| |
back to top |
Biologists Haul Sockeye on Trucks to Avoid Unusually Warm Northwest Rivers
| The Oregonian, 7/18/15
| by Associated Press
The Heat Is On For Salmon
| Idaho Statesman, 8/3/13
| by Rocky Barker
Wonder Why Wild Salmon Numbers are Down
| Idaho Statesman, 8/23/3
| by Staff
Pacific Salmon May be Able to Adapt
| Fox News, 11/1/00
| by Jonathan Serrie
Study Shows Rapid Salmon Adaptability
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/27/00
| by Barry Espenson
Salmon Quick to Learn of Adaptation
| The Oregonian, 10/22/00
| by Richard L. Hill
Fish Response to Habitat Change
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 10/15/99
| by Mike O'Bryant
| |
back to top |
Maps of the Six Species of Salmon
| Salmon Nation, 1999
| by Ecotrust
Complex Lives of the Steelhead
| FlyFish News Service, 11/1/6
| by Tom Curet
| NW Council, 10/31/8
| by John Harrison
How Fast Can a Salmon Swim Upstream to Idaho Waters?
| Spokesman-Review, 5/8/15
| by Rich Landers
Spawning Time, When Sockeye Salmon Change from Blue to Red
| New York Times, 6/9/17
| by Joanna Klein
Nature Notes: Nevada's Salmon Fishing, Remembered
| Elko Daily Free Press, 3/5/17
| by Larry Hyslop
Largest Chinook Salmon Disappearing from West Coast
| Eureka Alert, 2/27/18
| Eric Ward & Bert Lewis
When Dams Fell, Salmon Returned
| Lewiston Tribune, 12/12/21
| by Eric Barker
Did the Hanford Nuclear Site Save Fall Chinook Salmon?
| Tri-City Herald, 10/5/22
| by Dennis Dauble
| |
Officials Fall Short of Salmon Return Goals in Columbia River Basin But See Signs of Progress
| Washington State Standard, 12/13/24
| by Mia Maldonado
Columbia River Salmon, Steelhead Returns Average 2.3 Million Each Year
| Capital Press, 12/13/24
| by Matthew Weaver
Steelhead Numbers Up; Highest Annual Returns in Last Seven Years, and Could Climb
| Idaho County Free Press, 11/13/24
| by Staff
Snake River Steelhead Returns Highest in Seven Years
| Capital Press, 11/5/24
| by Matthew Weaver
A Record Sockeye Return Crosses Lower Granite Dam -- But They're Not All Idaho Fish
| Press Release, 8/19/24
| by Roger Phillips
Biologists Truck Snake River Sockeye Salmon to Cooler Idaho Waters
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 8/4/24
| by Courtney Flatt
Idaho Fish and Game Brings Sockeye in Unseasonably Warm River to Eagle
| KTVB, 8/4/24
| by Abby Davis
F&G Trapping and Trucking Sockeye at Lower Granite Dam During Heat Wave
| Couer d'Alene Press, 7/25/24
| by Idaho F&G
Idaho Fish & Game Trucking Sockeye Salmon from Lower Granite Dam on Snake River
| Big Country News, 7/22/24
| by Evan Ellis
Record Sockeye Salmon Run on Columbia Now Threatened by Hot Water
| Seattle Times, 7/11/24
| by Lynda Mapes
Forecast for Spring Chinook Not Terrible, But Also Not Good
| Spokesman-Review, 2/21/24
| by Eric Barker
Spring Chinook Salmon Run 2024: A Forecast of Hope and Uncertainty
| The People's Network, 2/16/24
| by BNN Correspondents
Columbia River Fall Salmon Outlook Remains Good
| The Columbian, 1/20/24
| by Terry Otto
NOAA Taking Comments on Hatchery That Keeps Snake River Sockeye from Going Extinct
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/23/23
| by Staff
Clearwater Steelhead Return Off to Surprising Start
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/18/23
| by Eric Barker
Snake River Sockeye Run Sputters
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/27/23
| by Eric Barker
Snake River Sockeye Salmon Run Well Above 10-Year Average
| Big Country News, 7/28/23
| by Evan Ellis
'Fintastic': Almost Double the Amount of Sockeye Salmon Return to Sawtooth Basin this Year
| KTVB, 7/27/23
| by Staff
First Sockeye of 2023 Returned to Stanley Area on July 26
| Idaho Fish & Game, 7/27/23
| by Roger Phillips
Where the Wild Chinook Are
| EIN News, 7/12/23
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Amid a Battle Over Snake River Dams, a Look at How the Salmon are Doing
| Capital Press, 5/18/23
| by Matthew Weaver
Chinook Counts Surge, But Picture Still Hazy on Idaho, Washington Rivers
| Idaho Press, 5/16/23
| by Laura
Springers on the Move: Snake River Anglers Await Fish
| Lewiston Tribune, 4/28/23
| by Eric Barker
This Year's Return Could Be One of the Smallest on Record
| Spokesman-Review, 4/23/23
| by Eric Barker
Report Warns of Continued Peril for Wild Salmon
| Capital Press, 3/4/23
| by Eric Barker
Washington Salmon 'Still Struggling,' State Report Finds
| Northwest Sportsman, 2/22/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Low Summer Steelhead Return Forecasted for Columbia-Snake
| Northwest Sportsman, 2/9/23
| by Andy Walgamott
Low Returns of Summer Steelhead Expected to Continue in 2023
| Oregon Fish & Wildlife, 2/8/23
| by Staff
Salmon River Steelheads
| River Reporter, 2/8/23
| by Tony Bonavist
Fishery Managers Expecting Over 300,000 Spring Chinook to Enter Columbia River this Year, 90% Hatchery Fish
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/2/23
| by Staff
Watch More Sockeye Salmon Returned to Central Idaho in 2022 than in Nearly a Decade
| KMVT, 10/6/22
| by Staff
Mixed Results for Idaho Sockeye Salmon Return this Year
| The Daily News, 10/5/22
| by Keith Ridler
Idaho Fish & Game Anticipating Largest Steelhead Run on Clearwater River Since 2010
| Big Country News, 9/26/22
| by Staff
Good News-Bad News: Older Steelhead Making Up Bulk of Return to the Snake, Salmon Rivers
| Spokesman-Review, 8/31/22
| by Eric Barker
Columbia Fish Counts are High, Bolstered by Shad and Sockeye
| Yakima Herald-Republic, 8/28/22
| by Rob Phillips
Snake River Spring Chinook Struggling Like Never Before, Feds Decide Against Classifying Them as 'Endangered'
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/25/22
| by Eric Barker
Federal Protections for Idaho Salmon, Steelhead Here To Stay
| Capital Press, 8/20/22
| by Keith Ridler
11 Adult Sockeye Make Way to Sawtooth Basin
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/5/22
| by Eric Barker
Abundant Sockeye Returns Expected in Sawtooth Valley
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/5/22
| by Tony Tekaroniake Evans
Snake River Steelhead Outlook: Ho Hum for Now
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/15/22
| by Eric Barker
Strong Sockeye Run Bodes Well for Snake River Returns
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/8/22
| by Eric Barker
Killing Kings
| Craig Medred News, 6/21/22
| by Craig Welch
Spring Chinook Salmon Run Shows Most Impressive Run Since 2016 at Idaho Dam
| Twin Times-News, 5/12/22
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Forecast is Best in 3 Years
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/1/22
| by Eric Barker
Stars Align for 2022 Salmon Runs
| The Oregonian, 1/1/22
| by Bill Monroe
Summer Chinook are Projected to Be About the Same as 2021
| The Columbian, 12/15/21
| by Terry Otto
Oregon's Coho Salmon Run Breaks Record, Steelhead Numbers Decline
| The Oregonian, 12/7/21
| by Alex Wittwer
Coho Numbers Climb After Fish Were Declared Functionally Extinct in 1985
| The Chronicle, 10/29/21
| by Eli Francovich
Spawning Joy
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/29/21
| by Eric Barker
Coho Swim to Modern-Day Record
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/28/21
| by Eric Barker
Dismal Returns: 43 Sockeye Make the Journey from the Pacific to Central Idaho in 2021
| Post Register, 9/30/21
| by Jerry Painter
Sockeye Salmon Released into Central Idaho Lakes to Spawn
| KTVB, 9/30/21
| by Associated Press
In Contrast to Faltering Steelhead Numbers, Fall Salmon Runs are Likely to Exceed Expectations
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/30/21
| by Eric Barker
F&G Reports Faltering Sockeye Run in 2021
| Idaho Mountain Express, 9/29/21
| by Emily Jones
Steelhead: Life Blood of Columbia Basin Streams
| Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 9/26/21
| by Dennis Dauble
Despite Low Return, F&G's Sockeye Program Releases 1,211 Spawners into Redfish and Pettit Lakes
| EIN Presswire, 9/24/21
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Pink Salmon Makes Rare Appearance
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/24/21
| by Eric Barker
Why are Columbia River Steelhead Having Such a Bad Year?
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 9/16/21
| by Bradley Parks
Study: Strays Dominate Snake River's Trapped Natural-Origin Sockeye
| Northwest Fishletter, 9/7/21
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Record Low Numbers of Steelhead Returning to Columbia River
| Herald Leader, 9/3/21
| by Associated Press
A-run Steelhead Forecast Downgraded Sharply, Spiking Concerns
| Northwest Sportsman, 8/23/21
| by Andy Walgamott
Middling Return Predicted for Fall Chinook
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/20/21
| by Eric Barker
Sockeye Rescue
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/13/21
| by Keith Ridler
Steelhead Slump Appears to Be Record Low
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/13/21
| by Eric Barker
First Sockeye of 2021 Finally Arrives to Redfish Lake
| Post Register, 8/10/21
| by Jerry Painter
Sockeye to be Trucked to Redfish Lake
| Challis Messenger, 7/8/21
| by Associated Press
Sockeye Salmon Facing Hot Water Will Be Trapped, Trucked
| Idaho State Journal, 7/5/21
| by Associated Press
Heat Wave Could Be Hard On Fish
| Lewiston Tribune, 6/26/21
| by Eric Barker
'This is Worse' than 2015: Northwest Weather Heats Rivers, Puts Idaho Sockeye in Danger
| Big Country News, 7/4/21
| by Rocky Barker
Heat Wave Sets Up 'Grim' Migration for Salmon on Columbia, Snake Rivers
| The Daily News, 6/29/21
| by Staff
Heat Wave Brings Concern for Northwest Water Temps as Memory of 2015 Die-Off Looms
| KNKX, 6/25/21
| by Courtney Flatt
Officials say Wild Salmon Runs on Tucannon River are in Dire Straits
| Spokesman-Review, 6/17/21
| by Eric Barker
The News from NOAA
| Auburn Examiner, 6/16/21
| by Pat Neal
A Truck-assisted Migration: Salmon Smolts Get a Helping Hand to Reach Coast Amid Severe Drought
| Idaho State Journal, 6/16/21
| by Harry Morse
Spring Chinook Return Still Middling
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/7/21
| by Eric Barker
Jarring Report On Snake Basin Spring/Summer Chinook, Steelhead Runs
| Northwest Sportsman, 4/30/21
| by Andy Walgamott
New Steelhead State Record Released, 39.25 Inches
| Bonners Ferry Herald, 4/13/21
| by Staff
Another Poor Chinook Return Expected
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/29/21
| by Eric Barker
Report: Washington's Salmon are 'Teetering on the Brink of Extinction'
| Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1/16/21
| by Courtney Flatt
Experts Perplexed by Weak Salmon Run
| Challis Messenger, 11/6/20
| by Keith Ridler
Steelhead Returns Sad Compared to History
| Chinook Observer, 10/19/20
| by David Moskowitz
Salmon Returns Exceed Preseason Forecast
| Chinook Observer, 10/13/20
| by Staff
Northeast Oregon Steelhead Run has Made it Over Bonneville Dam
| Wallowa County Chieftain, 10/13/20
| by Katy Nesbitt
Analysis: Steelhead Numbers Up
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/11/20
| by Eric Barker
Record Number of Natural Spawning Salmon Return to Pettit Lake
| Idaho Mountain Express, 9/18/20
| by Tony Evans
Analysis: Steelhead Numbers Up
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/11/20
| by Eric Barker
Low Return So Far for Sockeye Salmon
| Challis Messenger, 8/12/20
| by Associated Press
Sockeye Salmon Return to Redfish Lake, But Numbers are Still Low
| Idaho Press, 8/12/20
| by Staff
First Sockeye Returns to Stanley Basin
| Challis Messenger, 8/11/20
| by Staff
Salmon Return Looks Promising, F&G Says
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/7/20
| by Emily Jones
First Sockeye Salmon Make Their Arrival at Stanley Basin
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/7/20
| by Staff
First Sockeye of 2020 Arrives at the Sawtooth Basin, Run Likely Larger than Last Year
| Twin Times-News, 7/31/20
| by Brian Pearson
First Sockeye of 2020 Arrives at the Sawtooth Basin, Run Likely Larger than Last Year
| EIN Presswire, 7/31/20
| by Idaho Fish & Game
Watch South Fork Salmon Chinook Numbers Dismal
| KIVI TV, 7/8/20
| by Steve Liebenthal
4 Wild Steelhead Tracked in Marsh Creek
| Challis Messenger, 5/22/20
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Run Looking Weak
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/8/20
| by Eric Barker
Forecast Calls for Harvest Share of Fewer than 1,000 Springers in the Clearwater River Basin
| Lewiston Tribune, 3/11/20
| by Eric Barker
Poor Chinook, Steelhead Runs Forecast
| Idaho Mountain Express, 3/11/20
| by Staff
Chinook Returns in Columbia River Could be Near-Record Low
| MRT, 2/23/20
| by Staff
Anemic Chinook Return Predicted
| Lewiston Tribune, 2/14/20
| by Eric Barker
Snake River Basin Sees Too Few Salmon, Steelhead Return to Maintain, Grow Runs
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/24/20
| by Eric Barker
Sockeye Salmon Run Falters, But Idaho Officials Optimistic
| Capital Press, 11/25/19
| by Keith Ridler
Low Steelhead Numbers Prompt Review
| Lewiston Tribune, 11/5/19
| by Eric Barker
'Every Fish Counts': Giving B-run a Lift
| Lewiston Tribune, 10/4/19
| by Eric Barker
The Grim Outlook for Columbia Basin Salmon and Steelhead
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/18/19
| by Yancy Lind
Steelhead Forecast Grows More Grim
| Lewiston Tribune, 9/6/19
| by Eric Barker
Listen $14 Million Later, First Idaho Hatchery Sockeye Comes Home
| Boise State Public Radio, 9/4/19
| by Samanth Wright
Sockeye Returns Extremely Low
| KIVI TV, 9/4/19
| by Steve Liebenthal
Fisheries Managers to Set Seasons this Week
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/21/19
| by Eric Barker
Steelhead Run Lagging Behind Forecast
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/16/19
| by Eric Barker
Sockeye Return Falls Far Short of Biologists' Expectations
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/9/19
| by Eric Barker
First Sockeye Arrives in Stanley Amid Dismal Returns
| Post Register, 8/7/19
| by Staff
First Sockeye of 2019 Returns to Sawtooth Basin, Run Could Be Lowest in a Decade
| KTVB News, 8/7/19
| by Staff
Sockeye Run is Likely To Be Very Low
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/6/19
| by Staff
First Sockeye of 2019 Return to Stanley Basin
| KLIX Fox News, 8/6/19
| by Staff
The First Sockeye Arrives at Redfish, But Biologists Worry Few Will Follow. Here's Why
| Idaho Statesman, 7/31/19
| by Rocky Barker
Sockeye Salmon Struggling on Their Return to Idaho This Summer
| Boise Public Radio, 7/31/19
| by Samantha Wright
Idaho Fisheries Managers Forecast Poor Steelhead Return
| New Haven Register, 7/28/19
| by Associated Press
Managers Forecast Poor Return of Steelhead this Year
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/19/19
| by Eric Barker
Poor Chinook Run Continues to Baffle Fishery Biologists
| Seattle Times, 5/31/19
| by Lynda V. Mapes
Weak Spring Chinook Run Winding Down
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/31/19
| by Eric Barker
Springer Numbers Continue Plummet
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/24/19
| by Eric Barker
With Continued Low Spring Chinook Return Some Hatcheries May Not Meet Escapement Goals
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 5/16/19
| by Staff
Chinook Returns at Bonneville About One-Quarter Average
| Chinook Observer, 5/3/19
| by CBB Staff
Run Timing Critical Factor in Spring Chinook Season
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/3/19
| by Eric Barker
Chinook Season Proposals Limit Fishing Days
| Lewiston Tribune, 2/15/19
| by Eric Barker
For 2019 Columbia/Snake Spring Chinook, Sockeye Returns Forecasted to be Well Below Average
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 2/1/19
| by Staff
Fisheries Managers Offer Grim Forecast
| Lewiston Tribune, 1/25/19
| by Eric Barker
More Small Fish Led to Undercount of Idaho's Prized (B-run) Steelhead Last Year
| NW Fishletter, 9/4/18
| by K.C. Mehaffey
Steelhead A-run Still Missing in Action
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/31/18
| by Eric Barker
Down to a Trickle; Steelhead Numbers Continue Descent
| Lewiston Tribune, 8/31/18
| by Eric Barker
States Close Columbia River To Steelhead Retention
| Columbia Basin Bulletin, 8/30/18
| by Barry Espenson
Wild Steelhead Return Exceeded Expectations
| Clearwater Tribune, 8/22/18
| by Roger Phillips
First Sockeye of 2018 Arrives at Stanley
| Twin Times-News, 8/2/18
| by Staff
First Sockeye Arrives at Redfish
| Idaho Mountain Express, 8/1/18
| by Staff
First Sockeye of the Year Comes Back to Idaho
| Boise State Public Radio, 7/31/18
| by Samantha Wright
First Sockeye of the Season Returns to Stanley
| FOX News Radio, 7/31/18
| by Staff
Spring Chinook Salmon Forecast Gloomy
| Spokesman-Review, 7/30/18
| by Eric Barker
Sockeye Run's Return to Idaho is on Par So Far
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/27/18
| by Eric Barker
Reasons for Diminishing Wild B-run Steelhead Returns Come into Focus
| Lewiston Tribune, 7/14/18
| by Eric Barker
Watch Salmon Numbers in Idaho Take a Nose Dive
| KIVI On Your Side, 6/27/18
| by Steve Liebenthal
Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon Run Prediction Downgraded
| The Oregonian, 5/21/18
| by Bill Monroe
Spring Chinook Numbers On the Rise
| KMVT, 5/20/18
| by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Numbers on Snake, Columbia Rivers Improving
| Spokesman-Review, 5/19/18
| by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Numbers Improving After Late Start
| KTVB, 5/19/18
| by Associated Press
Spring Chinook Numbers Are On The Rise
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/18/18
| by Eric Barker
Extra-tardy Springers are Finally Stirring
| Lewiston Tribune, 5/11/18
| by Eric Barker
Fall Chinook Season Looking Poor; One-Half 10-year Average
| Chinook Observer, 3/6/17
| by CBB Staff
Listen Forecasts Predict Low 2018 Salmon Returns In Washington
| Oregon Public Br | | | | | | | |