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Ecology and salmon related articles

Returning Chinook Run into Thermal
Blockage at Lower Granite Dam

by Eric Barker
Lewiston Tribune, September 13, 2013

Lower Granite Dam impounds Snake River waters nearly forty miles to the Idaho border. The Columbia River fall chinook run is booming as measured at Bonneville Dam, but the fish returning to the Snake River continue to face a thermal blockage at Lower Granite Dam.

On Monday, more than 63,800 adult fall chinook stormed past Bonneville Dam to set a new daily record. The previous record was set on Saturday when 48,000 were counted passing the dam. On Tuesday, the tally was more than 56,000 followed by a robust 42,500 on Wednesday.

. . .

Eric Barker
Returning Chinook Run into Thermal Blockage at Lower Granite Dam <-- Full story available at original site.
Lewiston Tribune, September 13, 2013

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