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Chinook Season Extendedby News ServicesThe Columbian, June 6, 2018 |
Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington extended the ongoing recreational spring Chinook fishing season on the lower Columbia River, set a one-day white sturgeon season in the estuary, and approved a two-fish bag limit on Chinook above Bonneville Dam today during a joint state hearing.
Downstream of Bonneville Dam, the states approved a nine-day extension to the ongoing spring Chinook season continuing through June 15. The effective area is from the Tongue Point/Rocky Point line up to the boat and bank deadlines near Bonneville Dam. The bag limit is up to two adult salmonids (Chinook, coho, or steelhead) per day, and only hatchery fish may be kept.
From Bonneville Dam upstream to the OR/WA border, the ongoing spring Chinook season was modified to allow fishermen to keep two adult hatchery Chinook per day instead of one beginning June 7.
The spring Chinook seasons were approved in light of catch and fish passage information that affirmed a previous forecast of 116,500 upriver spring Chinook returning to the river mouth, leaving additional fish for harvest.
Fishery managers from the two states also set a one-day white sturgeon retention season for Saturday, June 9, ending at 2 p.m. on that day. The open area is the mainstem Columbia River from Wauna powerlines downstream to the river mouth at Buoy 10, including Youngs Bay and all adjacent Washington tributaries.
Free fishing this weekend
"Free Fishing Weekend" will be held this Saturday, June 9 and Sunday, June 10.
During those two days, no license will be required to fish or gather shellfish in any waters open to fishing in Washington state.
Anglers will also not need a Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Endorsement, otherwise required to fish for salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River and its tributaries. Nor will they need a Two Pole Endorsement to fish with two poles in selected waters where two-pole fishing is permitted.
Also, no vehicle access pass or Discover Pass will be required during Free Fishing Weekend to park at any of the nearly 700 water-access sites maintained by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). A Discover Pass will also not be required on Washington State Parks lands throughout the weekend, but will be required on DNR lands both days.
"If you haven't fished in Washington, or want to introduce fishing to someone new to the sport, this is the weekend to get out there," said Steve Thiesfeld, WDFW inland fish program manager.
New anglers should check online for the "Fish Washington" feature at the department's homepage. The site provides details on lowland lake fishing, high lake fishing and marine area opportunities. Catchable trout stocking details, by county and lake, are available in the weekly stocking report on WDFW's website.
Anglers who take part in free fishing weekend can also participate in the department's 2018 Trout Fishing Derby and redeem green tags from fish caught over the weekend. Interested anglers should check for details online.
Before heading out, anglers should also check the current fishing regulations valid through June at WDFW's website
While no licenses are required on Free Fishing Weekend, it's still important to check the regulations for other rules such as size limits, bag limits, catch record card requirements and area closures that will still be in effect, said Thiesfeld.
Catch record cards, required for some species, are available free at hundreds of sporting goods stores and other license dealers throughout the state. See the WDFW website to locate a license dealer.
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