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Economic and dam related articles

U.S. Seeks Transformer for
810-MW Little Goose Hydro Project

by Staff
Hydroworld, April 2, 2015

Little Goose Dam in remote SE corner of Washington State impounds the Lower Snake River and negatively effecting Idaho's salmon migration to the sea. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers seeks bids to supply a power transformer to the 810-MW Little Goose hydroelectric project on the Snake River in Washington. Bids due April 9.

The Corps' Walla Walla District took bids in February to install new digital governors and sought information in January on firms able to supply a standby generator to the juvenile fish facility at Little Goose. It also took bids last year for turbine blade packing for six units at the project. In a solicitation set aside for small businesses, the Walla Walla District now seeks bids to supply a commercial power transformer for Little Goose Lock and Dam.

A solicitation notice may be obtained from the Federal Business Opportunities Internet site,, by entering the number W912EF15Q0106 in the "Keyword/Solicitation #" box.

Bids are due April 9. For information, contact Douglas M. Davis, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, 201 N. 3rd Ave., Walla Walla, WA 99362-1876; (1) 509-527-7208; E-mail:

Related Pages:
U.S. Seeks Firms to Supply Standby Generator at 810-MW Little Goose Dam by Staff, HydroWorld, 1/14/15
U.S. Seeks Turbine Blade Packing for 810-MW Little Goose Hydro Project by Staff, HydroWorld, 11/24/14 U.S. Seek Firms to Install Governors at 810-MW Little Goose Hydro Project by Staff. Hydroworld, 4/29/14

U.S. Seeks Transformer for 810-MW Little Goose Hydro Project
Hydroworld, April 2, 2015

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