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The Case for Partially Removing
by Columbia & Snake Rivers Campaign - April 1999 |
Executive Summary
The Scientific Case
The Legal Basis
The Economic and Energy Effects
Executive Summary
Partially removing four lower Snake River dams is the best means of ensuring
survival of five endangered Snake River salmon and steelhead trout species.
After 25 years of studies, there is solid scientific consensus that restoring natural
river flows is the surest, and probably only, way to recover these fish. Numerous
legal obligations in the form of treaties and federal statutes require salmon
recovery. Economic analysis, although incomplete, shows partial dam removal
will produce net social benefits. An investment plan for local people, businesses
and communities is needed to ensure that economies are strengthened as
salmon are restored.
Rescuing Snake and Columbia River salmon and steelhead trout from extinction
is one of America's foremost environmental and economic challenges. Will
salmon disappear or once again thrive in the rivers of Lewis and Clark? The
people of the Northwest and nation will answer this question in 1999 and 2000, as
the Clinton/Gore administration and Congress, in concert with Northwest states
and Indian tribes, decide on recovery measures for these fish.
The first and biggest decision will be made in December 1999: how to restore
Snake River salmon and steelhead. When Lewis and Clark encountered the
Snake River (and the Indian people who helped save their lives) in 1805, five to
eight million wild adult salmon returned from the Pacific Ocean to the Snake each
year. Today, as we near the 200th anniversary of Lewis and Clark's expedition, a
mere five thousand wild salmon, of all species, return to the Snake. All five
species of Snake River salmon and steelhead are listed under the Endangered
Species Act, headed toward extinction. The primary reason is that eight federal
dams and reservoirs now lie between the inland streams where salmon are born
and the ocean where they spend most of their lives.
As of April 1999, some 230 organizations nationwide -- Indian tribes and
conservation, fishing, business and taxpayer groups -- have joined to support one
major measure without which Snake River salmon will go extinct. That measure is
partial removal of four federal dams on the lower Snake River to re-create 140
miles of free-flowing river and habitat. ("Partial removal" means only the earthen
section of each dam is removed; the concrete section remains and the re-created
river flows around it.) The Clinton/Gore administration will decide, in December
1999, whether to support this action.
This paper summarizes the case for partially removing the four lower Snake River
dams -- four out of 200-plus dams in the Columbia River Basin. The idea sounds
radical, but it is not. It makes sense, for the Northwest and nation. It will work. It is
cost-effective and affordable. It will strengthen the Northwest economy.
Investments to protect people and towns hurt by partial dam removal are possible.
By restoring these salmon to the river, Americans will keep our treaty promises to
Indian tribes and Canada. The Lewis and Clark bicentennial will be a celebration
of our heritage, not a funeral for our salmon.
After years of studies, there is solid scientific consensus that the surest, and
probably only, way to recover Snake River salmon is to remove parts of the four
Lower Snake River dams to restore natural river flows. This paper summarizes
that consensus. On March 16, 1999, a letter signed by 206 Northwest scientists
was sent to President Clinton saying in part, "The weight of scientific evidence
clearly shows that wild Snake River salmon and steelhead runs cannot be
recovered under existing river conditions. Enough time remains to restore them,
but only if the failed practices of the past are abandoned and we move quickly to
restore the normative river conditions under which these fish evolved. . .
.Biologically, the choice of how to best recover these fish is clear, and the
consequences of maintaining the status quo are all but certain."
Economic analysis to date, summarized below, shows this action will produce net
social benefits. Fishing and recreation economies from northern California to
Alaska will grow by several hundred million dollars annually. Electricity from the
four dams can be replaced from clean energy sources and still leave
Northwesterners with the lowest electric rates in the nation. Bypassing the dams
will sacrifice nothing in flood control, since these "run-of-the-river" dams provide
none. River navigation on the Lower Snake, a highly subsidized transportation
route, can be replaced by affordable improvements to regional rail and truck
infrastructures. Taxpayers will avoid many millions of dollars in maintenance,
rehabilitation, and subsidy costs associated with the dams.
Treaties with Indian tribes and Canada as well as acts of Congress have set
standards for fish survival and water quality that can be met only by returning the
river's natural flow. Both the Endangered Species Act and the Northwest Power
Act demand fish-friendly decision-making and require it to be based on best
available science, the preponderance of which identifies dam bypass as the most
certain way to save these salmon from extinction. We look at those laws and
treaties below.
Northwesterners and Americans want salmon back. Since the early 1990s,
Northwest polls have consistently shown 60- to 85-percent support for restoring
salmon, and willingness to pay the few extra dollars each month needed to do it.
National television, newspaper, magazine, and editorial interest in Snake River
salmon and dams shows that people across the nation care about salmon and
this choice about their future.
All the information and analysis is not in. Much more will be released before the
December 1999 decision. And we know that dams aren't the only problem for
salmoneffective measures also are needed to protect spawning and rearing
habitats, regulate fishing and ensure that hatchery operations do not harm wild
fish. But we know enough now to say with confidence that
"The next big test for river restoration is approaching on the lower Snake River
and its four salmon killing dams. And it will be an epic debate, rivaling the great
controversies of past years over Hetch Hetchy and Dinosaur National Monument."
Bruce Babbit, OpenSpaces, Vol 1:4, 1998.
The Snake River is the largest tributary of the Columbia River. Up to 45 percent of
all Columbia Basin chinook salmon once hatched in the Snake's tributaries, such
as Idaho's famed Salmon River. At age one or two, millions of juvenile fish, called
smolts, were carried by annual spring floods some 600 miles to the Pacific
Ocean, then returned upstream as adults a year or two later to spawn and die,
enriching the waters and nearby soils to benefit their young and other species.
Prior to construction of the Snake River dams, the returning adult runs supported
a 40 percent harvest rate, providing thousands of fishing-based jobs to the
Northwest economy. Then came the dams. Salmon stocks that averaged more
than 100,000 adults in the 1960s fell to barely 2,000 fish in 1995. Today, no
harvest of wild spring and summer chinook salmon from the Snake River is
allowed, except for a tiny ceremonial tribal fishery. How did this happen?
All Snake River salmon must traverse 140 miles of the lower Snake River after it
leaves Idaho and passes through Washington to the Columbia River. Today this
reach is not free-flowing. It is a series of slow-moving backwaters behind four
federal dams built and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. These and
four more Army Corps dams on the lower Columbia are part of the Federal
Columbia River Power System, a taxpayer-funded project that generates
electricity sold by Bonneville Power Administration.
These eight dams destroyed important spawning areas and now pose deadly
hurdles to salmon and steelhead migrating both upstream and downstream.
Although many other factors have contributed, individually and cumulatively, to
dwindling fish populations, the principal cause leading to the decline and
subsequent listing of these salmon under the Endangered Species Act is the
construction and operation of these dams.
In 1995, after its first salmon "recovery" plan was rejected by a federal judge, the
Clinton/Gore administration adopted an interim plan for Snake River salmon. Its
centerpiece, then and today, is fish barging and trucking: siphon migrating
juvenile salmon from the river, pipe them into barges and trucks, carry them past
the dams and dump them back in the river below the last dam. This interim plan
has failed; the decline to extinction has continued. The 1999 adult return of Snake
River salmon is projected to be the lowest or second-lowest in history.
The next step is adoption of a long-term recovery plan. The Clinton/Gore
administration must decide, in December 1999, on one of three main
Snake River Listings, Endangered Species Act
The Scientific Case for Partial Removal of the Lower Snake River Dams
Current smolt-to-adult return rates for spring and summer chinook are less than
one-half of one percentthat is, for every 100 smolts (migrating young salmon) that
head for the ocean, less than one-half of one adult fish returns two to three years
later. This return rate is four times below the rate needed for replacement, and far
less than the four-percent rate, last recorded in the 1960s, needed to rebuild
salmon stocks.
These dismal returns reflect two failures: in existing in-river migration conditions,
and in fish barging and trucking. Each year, 50 percent to 80 percent of smolts
are collected at lower Snake dams, loaded on trucks or barges, and transported
downstream past Bonneville Dam. The rest migrate in-river. Recent studies ratify
the real-world results: neither the barging/trucking program, nor status-quo river
conditions, can restore salmon, and neither should be part of a long-term recovery
plan. Studies comparing fish barging to existing in-river migration are largely
irrelevant to salmon recovery, since both are failures.
What will succeed? The official Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) for
Columbia/Snake salmon has stated the general scientific consensus crisply:
"Return to the River." Migration conditions in the river must be returned toward
those under which the salmon evolved and thrived.
Taking up where the ISAB left off is PATH, the other official science process for
Columbia/Snake salmon. PATH (Plan for Analyzing and Testing Hypotheses) was
given the task of predicting whether specific measures would restore salmon.
PATH is conducting the most rigorous, technically-based natural resource
decision-making analysis ever done, anywhere. Federal, state, tribal and
independent scientists are teamed in PATH. Uncertainties that cannot be
resolved are explicitly recognized and factored into the analysis. An independent
scientific panel provides rigorous peer review of PATH results.
Salmon Science Chronology
1993 Detailed Fishery Operating Plan, Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife
Authority: Fish barging as last resort; recommended a more natural river via
reservoir drawdowns Apr. 15-Dec 1 and flow augmentation from upstream
1994 Independent Peer Review of Transportation, NMFS, USFWS, state
fisheries agencies, treaty Indian tribes panel: "available evidence is not
sufficient to identify transportation [fish barging] as either a primary or supporting
method of choice for salmon recovery..."
1995 National Research Council Report, NRC: rely on natural regenerative
processes in the long term and selected use of technology and human effort in the
short term.
1995 Tribal Restoration Plan, Columbia Basin treaty fishing tribes:
recommended immediate termination of fish barging, permanent reservoir
drawdowns to restore natural river functions.
1996 "Return to the River" Report, Northwest Power Planning Council
Independent Science Group: recommended "normative river conditions"
(restoration of ecological processes consistent with the needs of native fish and
wildlife species), and restoring mainstem spawning habitat.
1998 Idaho Department of Fish and Game Report, IDFG: found dams are
primary cause of Snake River salmon decline; set standard of 2- to 6-percent
smolt-to-adult survival for recovery; advised using "normative river" to achieve this
standard because fish barging program cannot.
1998 PATH Preliminary Decision Analysis Report and Weight of Evidence
Workshop, Plan for Analyzing and Testing Hypotheses interagency
working group: concluded "The natural river option is now the best biological
choice regardless of which model is used." Bypassing the lower Snake dams
would double the chances for recovering Snake River spring/summer chinook
populations within 48 years. Barging all possible fish would lower recovery
chances to 35 percent.
In December 1998, PATH released its most complete report to date. The report
concluded that within 24 years, partially removing the lower Snake River dams
has an 80 percent and 100 percent probability, respectively, of recovering Snake
River spring/summer chinook and fall chinook. The report also stated that fish
barging programs, either current or maximized, have less than a 50 percent
probability of recovery. Regardless of assumptions made or model used, dam
removal was always the highest-ranked recovery option, and the one with the
least amount of outcome uncertainty.
PATH scientists also examined the predicted results of modifying harvest rates
and habitat management upstream of the dams, and of reducing bird predation
on juvenile salmon. These "sensitivity analyses" tentatively concluded that harvest,
habitat and bird predation reforms cannot substitute for partially removing the
lower Snake dams in restoring Snake River salmon.
PATH found no factual support for the contention that ocean conditions are
responsible for the decline of Snake River stocks. These fish reach the Pacific
Ocean at the same time and use the same estuary and near-shore habitat as
lower Columbia stocks, but the latter have not experienced similar declines.
Ocean conditions, the only variables independent of the hydro system, were
discredited as the cause of the declines.
A minority of scientists argue that the lower Snake dams are not the primary
problem. Their most recent focus is on data showing that juvenile survival through
the dams in 1998 was much higher than estimated by PATH's primary passage
model. There are difficulties with that data: 1998 was a high-water year when
better survival would be expected; large error bands surround the data; and
delayed mortality is not accounted for as it is in PATH's model. Regardless, this
one year's data does not undermine the key fact reflected over 25 years: Adult
salmon returns to the Snake River are extremely low and declining, and this trend
has been consistent since the four lower Snake dams were built.
We won't know until 2000-2001 if the estimated higher 1998 juvenile survival will
lead to higher adult returns, but there is no basis in past information for predicting
that it will. High mortalities associated with the lower Snake dams may be
immediate or delayed, but PATH's rigorous review of decades of data concluded
that they exist.
Furthermore, although PATH modeling has focused primarily on spring/summer
chinook because of the quality and amount of available data, juvenile fall chinook
survival is more closely linked to water flow and temperature conditions than
spring/summer chinook. The dams create adverse flow and temperature
conditions. In addition, fall chinook are killed more frequently by screened bypass
systems than spring/summer chinook. This factual evidence is consistent with
preliminary PATH fall chinook analysis, which shows that fall chinook recovery is
even less likely than spring/summer chinook recovery with the dams in place.
While studies can and should continue right up to the December 1999 decision,
the ISAB and PATH studies show a strong, peer-reviewed scientific consensus
that trucking and barging juvenile salmon has failed and will never restore
populations of Snake River salmon. PATH and ISAB also reflect the growing
scientific consensus that partially removing the lower Snake dams, and thereby
restoring more natural river conditions, is the best option for recovery. These
conclusions were delivered to President Clinton in the March 1999 letter from
more than 200 Northwest scientists quoted above.
The Legal Basis for Partial Dam Removal
Partially removing the four lower Snake River dams is the only option likely to
comply with laws and treaties regarding the Snake River and Snake River
salmon. If left unresolved, these issues have the potential to significantly impair
water rights and water uses throughout the Snake River Basin for many years to
come and require expensive reparations from the federal treasury.
The debate about the legal necessity of partial dam removal typically has been
narrowly focused on whether removal is necessary to comply with the
Endangered Species Act's prohibition against causing "jeopardy" to listed
salmon and steelhead. Often neglected, however, are other legal requirements
that likely would not be met if the dams remain in placeeven if the ESA's
"jeopardy" hurdle could be surmounted, which is unlikely given the strong
scientific evidence supporting the need for partial dam removal.
Below, we first address the requirements of the Endangered Species Act, which
are driving the December 1999 decision point. Second, we discuss the broader
legal context for this decision, including Indian treaty rights, the Clean Water Act,
the Pacific Salmon Treaty and legal issues related to potential constraints on
upstream water users.
Endangered Species Act
The ESA prohibits all federal actions that could jeopardize the continued
existence of listed species or that adversely affect their designated critical
habitat. In determining whether a federal action meets this standard, the federal
government must use the "best scientific and commercial data available."
The best scientific evidence presently available has been developed through the
PATH process. The 1998 PATH report and subsequent analysis reveals that for
both spring/summer chinook and fall chinook, only the partial dam removal option
exceeds the 50 percent survival "jeopardy" standard used by the Clinton/Gore
administration in its 1995 Biological Opinion (BiOp). However, as discussed
below, merely meeting the ESA's survival standard is not enough to avoid liability.
Moreover, even were it possible to satisfy the jeopardy standard through fish
barging, the argument is strong that the ESA requires recovering fish in their
natural habitat. Thus, barging fish may not be an option. A federal court recently
found that this question will be "ripe" for judicial review once the administration
makes its 1999 decision.
"Biologically, the choice of how to best recover these fish is clear, and the
consequences of maintaining the status quo are all but certain." Northwest
scientists' letter to President Clinton, March 22, 1999
Treaty Reserved Fishing Rights
The Treaties signed between the federal government and the Columbia Basin
Tribes in 1855 and 1856 guarantee the Tribes the "right of taking fish" at their
usual and accustomed fishing sites. The United States Supreme Court has ruled
that this entitles the Tribes to half of the Columbia Basin salmon harvest.
[Washington v. Washington State Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel Ass'n.,
443 U.S. 658 (1979).]
Although unsettled, a strong argument has been made that treaty fishing rights
also prohibit actions that reduce fish production to levels below those necessary
for the treaty tribes to make a "moderate living." Thus, unless runs are restored to
harvestable levels, which is highly unlikely with the dams in place, the federal
government remains vulnerable to legal action by the Columbia River tribes, even
if the ESA's "jeopardy" standard can be satisfied.
In short, saving salmon as a "museum piece" is not sufficient; restoring
harvestable stocks is the only solution. If harvestable stocks are not restored,
federal taxpayers could be on the hook to compensate the tribes for their lost right
to harvest salmon. The tribes refuse, on religious grounds, to estimate what that
compensation might be, but others have pegged it between $6 and $12 billion.
Such a claim could be based on lost fish value. A 1996 study, "The Cost of Doing
Nothing," used widely accepted economic methods to calculate a net asset value
of $13 billion for Columbia Basin salmon. Snake River salmon, historically half of
total Columbia Basin salmon production, would thus have a net asset value of
$6.5 billion. Or a claim could be based on lost land value. In treaties that
guaranteed the tribes the right to fish for salmon, the tribes ceded 6.2 million
acres of land to the United States. At $2,000 per acre, the value of that tribal grant
was $12.4 billion.
Clean Water Act
In 1997, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Oregon and
Washington water quality agencies put the Army Corps of Engineers on notice
that it is out of compliance with temperature and total dissolved gas standards at
its Snake River dams. [(Letter from Chuck Clark, EPA Regional Administrator for
Region 10, to Brigadier General Robert H. Griffin, Commander, North Pacific
Division, USACE (December 9, 1997))]. The Army Corps is legally obligated to
comply with state water quality standards. [See Oregon Natural Resources
Council v. U.S. Forest Service, 834 F.2d 842 (9th Cir. 1987)].
Modeling done by EPA has shown that the four dams cause temperatures in the
lower Snake River to exceed, much more frequently than they would under natural
conditions, the 20 degree Celsius water quality standard set by the state of
Washington. In addition, studies by the United States Geological Survey have
shown that high water temperatures in the lower Snake reservoirsparticularly
during the late summer and early fallsignificantly reduce the survival of
outmigrating juvenile fall chinook salmon. This also violates Washington's water
quality standards.
Short of partially removing the dams, no inexpensive solutions exist to remedy
these temperature problems. A potential option might be installing very expensive
cooling units at each dam. Obtaining additional water from the Snake or
Clearwater Rivers upstream of the dams could ameliorate the violations to
varying degrees, depending on yearly conditions. Partial dam removal would
obviate the large expenditures associated with either of these options, and would
better comply with the Clean Water Act.
On March 31, 1999, the National Wildlife Federation and other parties filed a
lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers for violating the Clean Water Act at
its four lower Snake River dams.
Pacific Salmon Treaty
In 1985, the United States and Canada signed the Pacific Salmon Treaty, which
defined joint management and conservation responsibilities for the transboundary
salmon resource. [(Treaty Between the Government of the United States of
America and the Government of Canada Concerning Pacific Salmon, T.I.A.S. No.
11,091 (January 28, 1985))]. One of the Treaty's key principles is that "each party
shall conduct its fisheries and its salmon enhancement programs so as to . . .
provide for each Party to receive benefits equivalent to the production of salmon
originating in its waters." [(Id. art. III(1)(b))].
The failure of the U.S. to maintain Columbia/Snake River runs at levels sufficient
to offset the harvest of Canada-origin fish in Alaska fisheries has been a major
factor in the recent collapse of Treaty allocation negotiations. The plummeting
Columbia/Snake salmon runs have rendered the Treaty virtually unworkable and
constrain harvest opportunities from California to Alaska. The result has been
serious and growing friction with Canada. Like the situation with the Native
American tribes, compliance with the Pacific Salmon Treaty and good relations
with Canada will require restoring healthy, harvestable Columbia and Snake River
Legal Constraints on Upriver Users
A decision to retain the four lower Snake dams will have significant ramifications
for upriver water users and result in legal battles pitting the federal government
against the State of Idaho and irrigators. This stems from the fact that any
alternative recovery plan will almost certainly have to rely on a large volume of
upstream water to improve in-river migration conditions and cool water
Since 1995, under the Clinton/Gore administration's interim recovery plan, the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has provided from upstream sources a modest
427,000 acre-feet of water annually for salmon flows to and through the dams.
This has occurred with the concurrence of the State of Idaho, but the 1999 Idaho
Legislature chose not to renew the authorizing legislation for that small amount.
The biological need for more water, in the absence of partial dam removal, is
clear, especially for migrating fall chinook in the summer months when flows are
lowest and temperatures highest. In its 1994 fish and wildlife program, the
Northwest Power Planning Council called for an additional 1 million acre-feet,
bringing the total to 1.427 million acre-feet. Columbia River Treaty Tribes have
called for an additional 1 million to 3 million acre-feet. The Bureau of Reclamation
is analyzing the cost and impacts of obtaining an additional 1 million acre-feet.
If substantially more water is needed to provide better in-river migration
conditions, an ominous legal issue will be joined. Federal efforts to obtain more
water from upstream sources will pit the Endangered Species Act against Idaho
irrigators who hold valid state water rights. The controlling law is that the Bureau
of Reclamation must first satisfy the mandates of the Endangered Species Act
before delivering water to irrigators. [Natural Resources Defense Council v.
Houston, 146 F.3d 1118, 1127 (9th Cir. 1998)].
Partially removing the four lower Snake dams would drastically reduce or
eliminate the need for additional upstream water, and thus avoid this legal
To summarize, partially removing the four lower Snake dams seems the one sure
way to:
The Economic and Energy Effects of Bypassing the Lower Snake Dams
Northwesterners want to restore salmon to the Columbia and Snake Rivers. Most
understand that changes up to and including partial dam removal may be needed
to accomplish this. But they ask basic, practical questions: What are the benefits
and what are the costs? How much will my power rates go up? What about the
towns and people who will be hurt? Is bypassing the four lower Snake dams more
cost-effective than keeping them?
At this time, economic analysis of these questions is incomplete. But enough is
known to begin providing answers. It suggests we can afford to bypass these four
dams, and bypass will be more cost-effective than other options on the table. It
suggests that Northwest power rates will rise a little but still remain the lowest in
the nation. And it suggests an economic transition strategy can provide
investments to protect local economies at the dams, while capturing significant
regional and national economic benefits.
We will not attempt here to add up numbers toward some "final" economic
conclusion. Too much is still unknown and, in any case, numbers alone will not
ultimately determine our decisions about salmon and dams. Rather, we need
enough economic information to help us make choices reasonably and prudently.
Economic and Energy Analysis for December 1999 Decision
Official economic analysis for the 1999 Decision is underway within the
Drawdown Regional Economic Workgroup (DREW). DREW is a set of
committees composed of economists and analysts from government, tribes,
universities and the private sector. Directed by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, DREW is examining, sector by sector, the economic effects of the
basic alternatives for restoring Snake River salmon and steelhead.
All DREW information is still in preliminary form, but much has been made public.
Some analyses (for instance, the energy replacement analysis) are more
advanced and accepted than others. The Corps plans to issue the full DREW
reports in August 1999. Most of the numbers below are derived from DREW
preliminary reports.
While producing valuable information to help the Northwest and nation decide
how to restore Snake River salmon, DREW also has limitations. DREW is
basically producing numbers. It is not producing an economic transition strategy
that captures the benefits of restoring Snake River salmon, equitably and
efficiently distributes the costs, and provides investments that protect people and
towns hurt by salmon recovery measures. The Northwest's ancient forest/spotted
owl controversy surely showed us the need for such a strategy.
An economic and community transition strategy associated with Snake River
salmon recovery is the single most important piece missing as the Northwest and
nation move toward the December 1999 decision. It should be developed
regionally with leadership from the Clinton/Gore administration, and be completed
by October 1999, to allow time for public review and discussion before
We need an economic transition strategy that captures the benefits of restoring
fish, equitably and efficiently distributes the costs, and provides investments that
protect people and towns hurt by salmon recovery measures.
Energy costs and electric rate impacts of partial dam removal
The four lower Snake River dams produce about 500 megawatts (MW) during
winter and late summer, when energy prices are high, and 2000 MW during
spring when prices are lowest; the average is 1136 MW. Replacing this energy is
estimated to cost between $150 million and $300 million per year (the range is
wide because of many variables.) The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
estimates the cost of assuring transmission system reliability at another $15
million per year.
In March 1999, BPA estimated that partial removal of the lower Snake dams
would increase its base rate, between now and 2006, from about 20 mills (two
cents) per kilowatt-hour to between 20.5 mills and 23.3 mills, depending on the
removal schedule. From 2007 on, BPA estimated its base rate would increase
from about 22 mills to 27 mills if removal is phased in. In both time periods, these
BPA rates remain well below the estimated market rate for electricity. This
estimate assumes that all costs of bypassing the dams are paid by BPA
customers, including deconstruction costs, mitigation for irrigators and shippers,
and replacement electricity costs. The BPA estimate also showed that every
recovery strategy except those that continue the status quowhich is not a legal
optionwill have a roughly equivalent effect on its rates.
The impact on household electric rates will vary by utility. A report in the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer in January 1999 stated that the effect of lower Snake dam
removal on an average Seattle household's power bill probably would be less
than $1 per month. Utilities that buy a greater share of their total power from BPA
would see a higher increase, from $2 to $5 per month. Utilities that buy a lesser
share from BPA, such as Tacoma City Light, would see a smaller increase. If the
region chooses, it would be possible to adjust these rate effects for greater
In short, lower Snake dam removal will leave the Northwest with the lowest electric
rates in the nation and a healthy Bonneville Power Administration, while restoring
Replacing the lower Snake dams' energy with clean energy
Advocates of bypassing the lower Snake dams support replacing their energy
generation from "clean energy" sources: energy conservation and renewable
energy. A draft report from the Natural Resources Defense Council and Northwest
Energy Coalition, due for release in mid-1999, identifies a combination of
cost-effective energy conservation and new wind, solar and geothermal power
resources, which could be brought on line over time to entirely replace the
average 1136 megawatts provided by the lower Snake dams. Indeed, these
replacements would better match seasonal energy use patterns. By displacing
the less efficient, dirtier coal- and oil-fired resources used when hydropower is in
short supply, conservation and renewables would reduce carbon emissions from
the electricity system as a whole, resulting in cleaner air.
The cost of replacing the dams' output from these clean sources is only slightly
higher than the cost of replacing it on the open energy
An economic and community transition strategy associated with Snake River salmon recovery is the single most
important piece missing as the Northwest and nation move toward the December 1999 decision.
Direct costs of bypassing the lower Snake dams
DREW reports estimate the direct costs of bypassing at $800 million to $1.1
billion; amortized, this is $60 million to $90 million per year. This estimate
includes removing the earthen portion of each dam and associated construction.
It also includes physical mitigation at and near the dams and reservoirs such as
relocating and modifying culverts, sewage and industry outfalls or shoring up
bridge piers, highway and railroad embankments. It does not include mitigation
for specific affected users. This annual cost of bypassing the dams is about $25
million a year more than the cost of the failed status quo ($63 million to $68
million a year).
The cost to replace inland navigation
Partial removal of the four lower Snake dams will eliminate barge transportation,
primarily of agricultural commodities, on the lower Snake River. Commodities
now barged about 140 miles on the dammed reachabout 4 million tons per
yearwould shift to railroads and to barges operating from Washington's Tri-Cities
area, where the Snake joins the Columbia River. Army Corps estimates suggest
that about 60 percent of commodities now barged on the Snake would move to
rail, with the remainder trucked to the Tri-Cities for barging to export ports in the
Portland area.
A preliminary Army Corps study estimated this shift in transportation would cost
$47 million per year above current costs, and that upgrades and additions to the
rail network could be made without significantly impacting rates.
A 1999 Washington State University study estimates that without the dams,
Washington grain shippers would pay a penny to nine cents more per bushel for
transportation. The low range would occur if railroad and highway service is
"unconstrained"that is, there are no infrastructure bottlenecks, such as lack of rail
car availability.
In a 1999 study for the Washington Legislative Transportation Committee, HDR
Engineers estimated that improving highway and rail infrastructure would cost, at
the high end, $315 million in one-time expenses. It is important to note that some
of these improvements are needed and desired in eastern Washington with or
without dam bypass.
Such improvements could build on the Washington Grain Train program, a
cooperative initiative that has purchased a dedicated grain car fleet to augment
eastern Washington rail shipping. A 1996 evaluation of that program showed it is
paying for itself more quickly than projected. The federal Transportation Equity
Act, which has authorized rail freight matching and loan funds, also could support
some of the infrastructure investments.
The impacts on, and investment strategies to assist, lower Snake commodity
shippers are receiving intensified analysis, which should produce much better
information by mid-1999. Decision makers and interested parties should pay
close attention as the new information emerges.
The cost of flood control replacement
There is no flood control replacement cost. These four dams provide no flood
control. They are "run-of-the-river" dams, which do not store water.
The cost to local irrigation
Only Ice Harbor Dam, of the four lower Snake dams, provides irrigation. Thirteen
corporate farms pump irrigation water from the Ice Harbor pool, irrigating about
37,000 acres. Partial dam removal would lower the river below the level at which
these farms now draw their water. The Army Corps estimates the annual cost of
changes to allow water withdrawals from the restored river at $20 million per year.
Since the market value of this farmland is estimated at only $11 million per year, a
buyout at that value is the least-cost mitigation option.
Direct savings from bypassing the lower Snake dams
The region and nation will avoid substantial costs that must be incurred if these
dams remain in operation. For instance, major re-winding of the four lower Snake
dams' generators is scheduled within 20 years, and again 40 years later. This
avoided cost, if the dams are bypassed, is estimated at $420 million, amortized
at $33 million per year. Operation and maintenance costs for the four dams,
about $25 million per year, also would be saved.
But the largest category of savings lies in the simple principle embodied in partial
dam removal: spending money to succeed in saving salmon, rather than spending
it on continued failure.
Some of the recovery options being considered as alternatives to partial dam
removal cost more, some less, and some about the same. If estimated costs of
the "no dam bypass" options being examined are averaged together, BPA's fish
and wildlife program costs will range between $440 million and $700 million
annually over the next 15 years. (The option that includes lower Snake dam
bypass costs from $440 million to $855 million annually over the same period.)
Much of the money in these "no dam bypass" options would be spent on a raft of
old and new engineering projects to make the dams more "fish friendly."
Examples include extended-length screens, juvenile bypass facilities, adult
passage improvements and new fish barges. A major new project being tested
and planned for installation is "surface collector/bypass systems" at the dams; a
December 1998 DREW estimate put its cost alone at $82 million to $250 million.
Unfortunately, this entire gamut of "fish-friendly" add-ons at the dams has a
terrible track record. Hundreds of millions of dollars already have been spent on
such projectsand salmon have continued to decline. In recent Congressional
testimony, the Army Corps' Pacific Division commander admited that these
dams—like most large dams—will never be "fish friendly."
If these hundreds of millions of dollars were instead invested in a recovery
measure that will workpartial dam removalwe would stop the vast waste that
typifies salmon recovery spending today and so frustrates the people of the
Northwest and the nation who pay for it.
The PATH report concluded that within 24 years, partially removing the lower
Snake River dams has an 80 percent and 100 percent probability, respectively, of
recovering Snake River spring/summer chinook and fall chinook.
Savings if extinction is avoided
The cost in dollars of Snake River salmon extinction cannot be precisely
estimated, nor is it the largest cost of extinction. But as noted in "The Legal Basis
for Partial Dam Removal," the price tag for abrogating the nation's treaties with
Columbia River Indian tribes could be very high: $6 billion to $12 billion. Snake
River salmon extinction also will have other large dollar costs, primarily from lost
salmon fishing in perpetuity. But the treaty reparation estimates suggest what
U.S. taxpayers, Northwest ratepayers, or both could end up paying if the lower
Snake dames are not bypassed before the fishes' decline to extinction becomes
The economic benefits of restoring Snake River salmon
Historically, the salmon industry was a diverse collection of service, retail,
industrial and manufacturing businesses located from Northern California to
Alaska and inland almost to Wyoming. Much of it depended on salmon produced
in the Snake and Columbia rivers. This industry has been badly damaged, almost
entirely without mitigation, by federal dams and reservoirs on those rivers.
The salmon industry will benefit substantially from restoration of Snake River
salmon. A preliminary DREW report indicated the sportfishing benefit will be in
the range of $293 million to $452 million per year. The commercial fishing benefit
was estimated at $172 million per year in another preliminary report, and the
non-fishing recreation benefit at $322 million to $548 million per year.
Forthcoming DREW reports will analyze tribal economic benefits and
U.S.-Canada Treaty benefits, which are not included in the numbers above.
All these benefits will take five to 25 years to develop. It is important to note that
most depend upon restoring fishable populations of Snake River salmon, not
"museum piece" recovery.
Investment to protect local people and communities
The economic analysis to date, while incomplete, suggests that an investment
plan to protect local people and communities is practical, especially if local
fishing and recreation benefits from partial dam removal are built into it. Most of
this investment would be in infrastructure improvements that make sense for the
local economy whether or not the lower Snake dams are bypassed.
Northwest conservationists, anglers and fishing businesses support, and will help
assure funding for, such an investment plan. The largest gap in the Clinton/Gore
administration's current analysis of Snake River options is that no transition and
investment plan is being developed.
Most benefits of salmon restoration depend upon restoring fishable populations
of Snake River salmon, not "museum piece" recovery.
Much scientific and economic analysis remains to be finished. We will revise this
case for partially removing the lower Snake River dams as new information
becomes available.
But we believe the basic argument is compelling and will remain so. Although it
sounds radical, partial dam removal is a common-sense step for the Northwest
and the nation. It will work to restore salmon. It is cost-effective when compared
with other options, including extinction. It is affordable, and the Northwest still will
enjoy the lowest electric rates in the country. An investment plan that protects local
people and communities can be implemented as the dams are being bypassed.
With the free-flowing lower Snake River restored, once again salmon and humans
will thrive, together, where Indian people welcomed Lewis and Clark 200 years
For more information on the COLUMBIA & SNAKE RIVERS CAMPAIGN:
Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition
Rob Masonis
Scott Yates
Steven Weiss
Steve Wise
Kris Soderstrom
Review and Editing:
Pat Ford
Jim Baker
Diane Ronayne
Design and Production:
Gary Richardson
The authors and editors are indebted to Michael C. Blumm, Laird J. Lucas, Don
B. Miller, Daniel J. Rohlf and Glen H. Spain for their comprehensive and lucid
discussion of the issues surrounding salmon restoration in "Saving Snake River
Water and Salmon Simultaneously: The Biological, Economic, and Legal case for
Breaching the Lower Snake River Dams, Lowering John Day Reservoir, and
Restoring Natural River Flows," published in Environmental Law, Vol. 28:4, 1998,
pp. 103-153. It is highly recommend for further reading.
Energy and Economics
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Bonneville Power Administration
Institute for Fisheries Resources
Washington State University
Washington Department of Transportation
Tennessee Valley Authority
Washington State Legislative Transportation Committee
learn more on topics covered in the film
1986 - Coho declared extinct
1991 - Sockeye listed as endangered
1992 - Chinook listed as threatened
1994 - Chinook listed as endangered
1997 - Steelhead listed as threatened
975 John Street, #204
Seattle WA 98109
150 Nickerson St., # 311
Seattle WA 98109
213 SW Ash, Suite 211
Portland OR 97204
1130 SW Morrison St., #330
Portland OR 97205
P.O. Box 8787
Portland OR 97207
6512 23rd Avenue NW, #320
Seattle WA 98117
Boise, ID
Pullman, WA
Boise, ID
Boise, ID
Sources for this section are listed on page 4, in "Salmon Science Chronology."
Northwest Scientists' Letter to President Clinton, March 22, 1999.
Legal citations are listed within the body of this section.
Various Drawdown Regional Economic Workgroup (DREW) reports:
"Avoided Cost Analysis," December 2, 1998.
Hydropower Impact Team (HIT) draft report, December 7, 1998.
PROSYM draft model results, December 3, 1998.
Transportation draft report, December 15, 1998.
"Recreation and Passive Use Values from Removing the Dams on the Lower Snake River to Increase Salmon," March 1999.
Testimony before the U.S. House Energy and Water Subcommittee, March 23, 1999, Brig. Gen. Robert Griffin, commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Pacific Division
"Fish and Wildlife Cost Estimates," July 10, 1998.
"Very Approximate Impacts on BPA Rates of 13 (20) Fish and Wildlife Alternatives," March 3, 1999.
"The Cost of Doing Nothing," The Economic Burden of Salmon Declines in the Columbia Basin, Vol. 1, 1996.
"Impact of Snake River Drawdown on Transportation of Grains in Eastern Washington: Competitive and Rail Car Constraints," Casavant and Jessup,Eastern Washington Intermodal Transportation Study, April 1999.
"An Economic Evaluation of the Performance of the Washington State Department of Transportation Grain Train Project," Casavant and Mack, Olympia WA, 1996.
"The Incremental Cost of Transportation Capacity in Freight Railroading," Draft Report, July 1998.
"Lower Snake River Drawdown Study," Lund Consulting and HDR Engineering, Olympia WA, March 1999.
"Replacing Energy from Columbia River System Dams: Costs and Carbon Emissions," David Marcus (in press).
by Columbia & Snake Rivers Campaign
The Case for Partially Removing Four Dams on the Lower Snake River
American Rivers, April 1999
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