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Economic and dam related articles

US - Fish Trap Modification

by Staff
International Water Power & Dam Construction, December 7, 2005

A presolicitaion notice has been issued for adult fish trap modifications at Lower Granite lock and dam in Washington, US. The Walla Walla district of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is awarding a design-build-construction contract for the modification of existing adult fish trapping facilities at Lower Granite lock and dam, Garfield County, Washington, US. The estimated cost of the work is US$1-5M.

Firms wishing to be considerd for the phase one request for qualifications portion of the solicitation can access instructions, perliminary drawings and specifications by downloading the documents from

CONTACT: Tony Van Loenen, USACE, Walla Walla district. Tel: 509 527 7212

US - Fish Trap Modification
International Water Power & Dam Construction, December 7, 2005

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