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Energy Supply/Demand Requires Action

by Staff
BPA Journal, March 19, 2007

BPA recently released its annual forecast of Pacific Northwest Electric Loads and Resources, known as the White Book. The study forecasts modest regional power surpluses through 2016, but only if the region's power supply includes 3,360 average megawatts of independent electric power generation sources that are located in the Northwest but are not contractually committ ed to serve Northwest consumers. While regional forecasts display a surplus, many individual utilities are looking at near-term deficits. The Federal Base System is forecast slightly in defi cit throughout the planning period.

"The bott om line is that the Northwest should not gamble on its energy future. Adequate power supplies are necessary to fuel the region's economy," said BPA Administrator Steve Wright. "Given the lead time needed to develop new energy infrastructure, now is the time to be making critical decisions about our electricity future."

The 2006 White Book is available online at or by calling BPA's Public Information Center at 1-800-622-4520.

Energy Supply/Demand Requires Action
BPA Journal, March 2007

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