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Another Oregon Power Substation Attacked

by News Sources
Central Oregon Daily News, December 8, 2022

Another Oregon electricity provider says one of its substations was vandalized and damaged last month. It happened around the same time and in the same area as another substation attack that was announced this week.

Bonneville Power Administration says someone attacked one of its substations in Clackamas in the early morning hours of Nov. 24. BPA said it was able to respond quickly and minimize damage.

"Someone clearly wanted to damage equipment and, possibly, cause a power outage," said BPA Transmission Vice President of Field Services John Lahti in a statement. "The damage and associated cleanup will cost Northwest ratepayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. We were fortunate to avoid any power supply disruption, which would have jeopardized public safety, increased financial damages and presented challenges to the community on a holiday."

BPA says the FBI is investigating.

"We're asking the public -- if you see something, say something. Report any suspicious activity around electric facilities to law enforcement," Lahti said.

Earlier this week, Portland General Electric said one of its substations in the Clackamas area was also attacked in late November. When asked if it happened the same day, PGE said it would not confirm that, citing the ongoing investigation.

Anyone with information is asked to call the FBI at 503-224-4181 or BPA's Crime Witness hotline at 800-437-2744.

A federal law enforcement memo recently warned of attacks and potential attacks on substations in Oregon and Washington, according to a report by NewsNation.

Pacific Power, which provides services in Central Oregon, did not specifically say if it had recently come under attack or under threat of attack recently.

Mid-State Electric and and Central Electric Co-Op, both of which are also power providers on the High Desert, indicated they had not been contacted by law enforcement about any specific threats but that they have security measures in place.

Related Sites:
PacifiCorp Transimssion Network Diagram by PacifiCorp

News Sources
Another Oregon Power Substation Attacked <-- Watch at original site.
Central Oregon Daily News, December 8, 2022

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