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Economic and dam related articles

Port of Clarkston Helps Make
the Journey to Hells Canyon Easier

by Elaine Williams
Lewiston Tribune, May 23, 2021

Cruise ships visiting the LC Valley are an important part of the tourism economy. A $100,000 project at a Port of Clarkston dock along the Snake River will benefit overnight passengers on cruise boats.

Passengers will be able to disembark from cruise vessels and board jet boats for Hells Canyon tours on the addition to a dock at 14th Street in Clarkston.

Right now, they ride buses to a loading area near the port’s cruise boat dock by the Holiday Inn because the 14th Street dock is too high to accommodate jet boats.

The contractor, HDB Marine of Harrison, Idaho, will construct the new section off-site over the summer and install it sometime between the next “fish window” of Dec. 15 and Feb. 28. The window is a time when experts believe construction in the river poses the least danger to fish.

The city of Clarkston and the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development are partners with the port in the project.

. . .

Elaine Williams
Port of Clarkston Helps Make the Journey to Hells Canyon Easier
Lewiston Tribune, May 23, 2021

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