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Idaho Survey Details
Fishing Impact on State's Economy

by CBB Staff
Columbia Basin Bulletin - July 16, 2004

Sport fishing in Idaho generates hundreds of millions of dollars in spending every year, bringing much needed dollars to rural areas while adding millions in tax revenue to state coffers, say Idaho Fish and Game officials, based on the results of a survey.

An Idaho Fish and Game survey shows that in 2003, anglers spent $438 million in direct expenses while fishing in Idaho. It means the state's 400,800 anglers each spent an average of $150 per trip in 2003, or $112 per day while averaging nearly 10 days of fishing.

"Sport fishing in the state is a tremendous economic engine," Fish and Game fisheries chief Virgil Moore said. "Most of us fish because it's just fun, but in the process of having fun, we spend money and that is important to our local economies and perhaps more important than anything, the rural economies of this state."

The comprehensive mail-in survey was answered by 25,000 anglers where they fished, how much they spent and how often they fished.

The $438 million breaks down as follows:

A regional breakdown shows that areas known for salmon and steelhead attracted more attention and dollars from anglers while in drought plagued areas in southeastern Idaho, the local fishing economy suffered.

CBB Staff
Idaho Survey Details Fishing Impact on State's Economy
Columbia Basin Bulletin, July 16, 2004

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