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Crapo Receives Awardby StaffIdaho Farm Bureau News, April, 2002 |
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Idaho Senator Mike Crapo's support for the wheat industry during 2001 earned him recognition from the National Association of Wheat Growers.
"I am honored to have received the Wheat Champion Award," Crapo said. "My voting record on priorities of the wheat industry has been very strong and consistent. I have been working hard this past year to make the views of Idaho wheat farmers heard on Capitol Hill, especially in the 2002 Farm Bill. Much-needed funding has been allocated to wheat producers in the Senate-passed bill, and I continue to press for its inclusion in the Farm Bill that will come out of conference in the next couple of months."
Crapo received the Wheat Champion Award for demonstrating superior action in support of the goals and policies of the wheat industry as a member of the United States Senate.
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