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BofA Banks on Lighting Upgradesby, January 24, 2005 |
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., -- Bank of America has received the 2004 Flex Your Power Award, which acknowledges the company for exceptional energy conservation and efficiency efforts across its facilities in California. The award comes on the heels of the bank's national Star of Energy Efficiency Award, received in December.
Winners of the Flex Your Power Award are selected by a State of California cabinet-level panel from the State and Consumer Services Agency (SCSA), Resources Agency, Cal-EPA, and the California Energy Commission (CEC). The award is based on energy reduction, transferability of successes and best practices, resource conservation impact, efficiency, and unique and innovative approaches to conserving energy.
Said Lynn Pike, president, Bank of America, California: "The Flex Your Power Award is a testament to ... our efforts to be a leader in showing that conservation and efficiency protect natural resources, reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses, and save money."
Bank of America has set a goal of reducing total annual energy use by 3% through energy efficiency-enhanced building operations and employee education throughout its entire portfolio of facilities, which includes more than 17 million square feet of space in California. During the last three years, the company installed energy-efficient lighting at 25 properties across the state, introduced energy management controls at more than 100 California facilities, and installed energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment and motor controls at several others. Throughout 2004, Bank of America was ahead of pace to reduce energy use by more than 5 percent across all facilities, resulting in $8.24 million in savings and cost avoidance by year-end.
Flex Your Power is California's statewide energy efficiency marketing and outreach campaign that was initiated in 2001 in response to the state's energy crisis. The organization is a partnership of utilities, residents, businesses, institutions, government agencies and nonprofit organizations working to save energy. The State of California has been recognized as a leader in promoting energy efficiency, making the most significant and sustained investment in energy efficiency of any state in the nation.
Other winners of this year's Flex Your Power award include Kaiser Permanente, Sears, PETCO Animal Supplies Inc., and Toyota Motor Sales.
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