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Economic and dam related articles

Flexible Dam Spill Agreement
Aims to Aid Salmon, Hydropower

by News Sources
KTVZ, December 18, 2018

Gulls in search of easy eating circle the turbulent water below Little Goose Dam on the Snake River as water runs over the spillway during a spring runoff. PORTLAND, Ore. - Federal, state and tribal partners have come together to develop an agreement on a key component of operating federal dams in the Columbia River Basin, the Bonneville Power Administration reported Tuesday.

Parties to the agreement have aligned on a flexible spring spill operation, premised on achieving improved salmon survival while also managing costs in hydropower generation, the agency said.

Key supporters of the agreement are jointly issuing this statement: "Collaboration is key to this new approach to Columbia River system management. Working together, the region's states, tribes, and federal agencies have developed an approach that demonstrates environmental stewardship and affordable sustainable energy are not mutually exclusive."

The agreement parties are the states of Oregon and Washington, the Nez Perce Tribe, the BPA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation. In addition, the states of Idaho and Montana reviewed the agreement and said they are supportive of the flexible operation.

The agreement covers up to three years of fish passage spill operations at eight lower Columbia and Snake River dams. During this time, the agreement avoids litigation while the co-lead agencies complete the Columbia River System Operations Environmental Impact Statement Records of Decision.

The agreement calls for flexible spill operations that meet three objectives: provide additional fish benefits by increasing spill; manage power system costs and preserve hydro system flexibility; and retain operational feasibility.

Specifically, these operations involve increased spill during certain times of the day for fish migration and lesser amounts for the hours when hydropower production is needed most.

The parties have agreed to engage in a transparent and collaborative manner to implement this agreement.

"This agreement is an important step forward for the parties and the region," the BPA said. "Rather than focusing on our differences, we are working together on our shared objectives of improving salmon passage and providing affordable hydropower for the region's electricity consumers."

Related Pages:
Northwest Dams to Spill More Water to Help Salmon & Orca by Karina Brown, Courthouse News, 12/18/18
Changes to Dams on Columbia, Snake Rivers to Benefit Salmon, Hydropower and Orcas Lynda Mapes & Hal Bernton, Seattle Times, 12/18/18

News Sources
Flexible Dam Spill Agreement Aims to Aid Salmon, Hydropower
KTVZ, December 18, 2018

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