Columbia River System Operations
Comment & Response

Cover Letter
Carbon Sequestration
Barging Wheat
Barging Salmon and Steelhead
Survival of Salmon and Steelhead
Juvenile Survival through Hydrosystem
     Water Temperature
     Predation by Birds
Ocean Conditions
Greenhouse Gases
An Adequate Power Supply
An Economic Power Supply
A Reliable Power Supply
An Efficient Power Supply
Potatoes, Apples & Grapes
Petroleum to Pasco
Orca and Idaho's Chinook
Flex Spill to 125% TDG
Breach Lower Snake River Embankments
Social Effects
Cultural Resources
Environmental Justice


Thank you for your voicemail to Scott Armentrout. I am responding to you on his behalf. Thank you for taking a close look at the CRSO EIS and alerting us to potential errors. I asked our power team to verify the generation losses attributable to the four lower Snake River dams under MO3.

The generation loss from MO3 relative to the No Action Alternative is about 1,100 aMW for the federal system. See Chapter 3, Section, Table 3-161 in the final EIS.

Table 3-110 in the final EIS, Chapter 3, Section lists the generation of the lower Snake River dams totaling about 980 aMW in the average of the 80 historical water years used for the CRSO EIS analysis of power generation as modeled for the No Action Alternative. The actual value of the lower Snake River Dams varies by water year and according to the specific operations at the dams, which have changed due to operational requirements, including those for ESA-listed species.

Using the values from the CRSO EIS, the generation of the lower Snake River dams compared to the generation loss in MO3 can be computed as 980 aMW / 1,100 aMW = 89% which we describe as "about 90%."

I hope this helps provide clarification.

Josh Warner
Constituent Account Executive, Public Interest Organizations
Bonneville Power Administration
905 N.E. 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97232
(503) 230-5857