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NEEA Launches 25% Energy Reduction Driveby Christina WilliamsSustainable Business Oregon, August 17, 2011 |
In an effort to get more industries to pursue aggressive energy efficiency measures, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance on Wednesday issued a challenge: Reduce the region's energy use by 25 percent within 10 years.
The 25inTENsity Challenge, as it's being called, aims to sign up major industry groups representing 50 percent of the northwest region's industrial load.
Two groups have already signed on, the Northwest Food Processors Association and the Oregon Association of Nurseries.
The Northwest Power Plan, released last year by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, calls for efficiency improvements to meet 85 percent of the region's growth in energy needs over the next 20 years.
"With the 25inTENsity Challenge, the new heroes of energy efficiency will be Northwest industry associations," said Claire Fulenwider, NEEA's executive director, in a press release. "Their support for this effort demonstrates that entire industries are starting to take meaningful action through their industry organizations."
The Northwest Food Processors Association is a case in point having set a goal in 2008 to reduce energy use by 25 percent in 10 years and 50 percent in 20 years.
NEEA is a nonprofit supported by and working with the Bonneville Power Administration, Energy Trust of Oregon and more than 100 Northwest utilities to improve energy efficiency across the region.
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