People & Thoughts Salmon & Ecologics Dams & Economics

Promoting an open and honest dialogue concerning the
plight of Idaho's wild Salmon and Steelhead, since 1999.

Graphic: Energy Strategies analysis used 77 years of historic water flows, and 80 years of Temperature/Load data to run 6160 simulations in NW Power & Conservation Council's GENESYS to determine the Northwest's resource adequacy.



Landsat satellite imagery of Idaho's Salmon River watershed from 1985-2020 reveals deforestation, likely due to the decline of salmon.


Boise is in bottom left, Grangeville is top left.
Salmon River zigzags right to left in top third,
with tributaries of South Fork, Middle Fork,
Main Fork and East Fork coming from below.




At Issue

In Washington State, 4 Lower Snake River dams provide:

  • Taxpayer-supported shipping of 2.5 million tons of wheat annually;

  • 80 feet of head (reducing pumping cost) to irrigate ~50,000 acres;

  • Less than 1% of the electricity on the Western electric grid

    (cost of production is effectively $54/MWh, sold for $36/MWh).


    Before western man arrived ...

  • Redfish Lake, Idaho hosted ~25,000 adult sockeye salmon each year;

  • Throughout the 1990's, a total of 23 Sockeye adults returned;

  • In 1998, only 1 Sockeye returned to Redfish Lake.

  • Idaho's forest are starving -- carbon sequestration is lost.


    Other Great Sites:

    Dam Truth

    Dam Sense

    Tell the Dam Truth

    One 4 Salmon

    The Snake and The Whale

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