Established by the 1937 Bonneville Project Act, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) provides electricity to Columbia River basin electricity consumers not at a market-priced rate but at a rate that is based on the cost of production.
Let's take a look at some of the economic numbers:
Federal Columbia River Power System Annual Costs
Source: BPA's Financial Choices workshop, contact: Suzanne Cooper
Lower Snake River Dams (LSR) (Millions of dollars) Paid by ACOE Operations & Maintenance
LSR dams (approimately 16% of ACOE budget)
($4 million is for salmon barge/trucking)$ 29.1 BPA Consumer U.S. Fish & Wildlife
LSR compensation hatcheries$ 17.1 BPA Consumer LSR Debt Service (annual interest payment)
4 LSR dams
LSR compensation hatcheries$ 35.5
$ 16.5BPA Consumer
BPA ConsumerColumbia River Fish Mitigation
Construction General (35% of $75M on LSR)$ 26 Taxpayer to ACOE
repaid over time by BPAIdaho Sockey 'Safety Net' Program $ 1.8 BPA Consumer Habitat Expenditures (for year 2000) $ 22.2 BPA Consumer LSR Channel Dredging $ 3.6 Taxpayer to ACOE 10% of BPA Internal Costs $ 15.5 BPA Consumer Flow augmentation (see fishflowpowr.htm)
427,000 acre-feet to Brownlee Reservoir$ 2.5 Taxpayer to BuRec Other Costs of Idaho Salmon Recovery Efforts $ ? not included Cost of Maintenance Dredging $ 3 Taxpayers to ACOE Cost to Protect Lewiston from Flooding $ ? Taxpayers to ACOE Cost to Defend 2004 UPA from Legal Challenges $ 3 Taxpayers to ACOE, BPA, NOAA, DOJ ========== Costs $ 176 per year
Shipping1994 Data ONRC Report Revenue from Lock Passage
$1.48 per ton per trip$ 4.3 4176 Commercial Barge Trips Forgone Power value (assuming $25/MWh)
50,560 MWh x $25/MWh$ 1.3 million lost revenue Forgone Power value (assuming $32.4/MWh)
50,560 MWh x $32.4/MWh$ 1.6 million lost revenue
Irrigation1994 Data ONRC Report Revenue from Irrigation Water
80 foot elevation benefit$ 0 13 farms comprise 35,000 acres Lowered Pricing for Irrigation Pumping
Paid by regions ratepayers<$ 0.5> Paid by other BPA customers Forgone Power value (assuming $25/MWh)
22,340 MWh x $25/MWh$ 0.5 million lost revenue Forgone Power value (assuming $32.4/MWh)
22,340 MWh x $32.4/MWh$ 0.7 million lost revenue Elevation Benefit of 80 foot deep reservoir (assuming $25/MWh)
101,594 acre-feet x 80 feet x .00087 MWh/acre-feetxfeet x $25/MWh$ 0.18 million lost revenue Elevation Benefit of 80 foot deep reservoir (assuming $32.4/MWh)
101,594 acre-feet x 80 feet x .00087 MWh/acre-feetxfeet x $32.4/MWh$ 0.23 million lost revenue
Electricity1994 Data ONRC Report Power from Flow augmentation (assuming $25/MWh)
252,000 MWh x $25/MWh (see flowpowr.htm)$ 6.3 million BPA consumer benefit Power from Flow augmentation (assuming $32.4/MWh)
252,000 MWh x $32.4/MWh (see flowpowr.htm)$ 8.2 million BPA consumer benefit Forgone Power LSR Evaporation (assuming $25/MWh)
100,000 acre-feet x 0.259 MWh/acre-feet x $25/MWh$ 0.6 million lost revenue Forgone Power LSR Evaporation (assuming $32.4/MWh)
100,000 acre-feet x 0.259 MWh/acre-feet x $32.4/MWh$ 0.8 million lost revenue LSR Hydropower Sales (assuming $25/MWh)
1000 aMW x $25/MWh x 365 days/year x 24 h/day$ 219 1000 aMW if no spill from Ice Harbor LSR Hydropower Sales (assuming $32.4/MWh)
732 aMW x $32.4/MWh x 365 days/year x 24 h/day$ 208 BPA assumes 732 aMW for average water year ========== (assuming $32.4/MWh) Receipts to BPA $ 223 per year (assuming $25/MWh) Receipts to BPA $ 212 per year LSR: Lower Snake River ACOE: Army Corps of Engineers
BPA: Bonneville Power Administration
ONRC: Oregon Natural Resource Council, Restoring the Lower Snake River NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fisheries DOJ: Department of Justice, Special LitigationPrice of cost-based federal hydrosystem power
In an average water year, the Lower Snake River dams produce about $223 to $212 million worth of electricity with a cost of $176 million.The federal salmon recovery effort is projected to cost $600 million per year for the next decade. Compare this to the $40 million "net revenue" (calculated above) that the Lower Snake River dams provide. If removal of Lower Snake River dams brings about real salmon recovery a real reduction of salmon recovery costs will likely result.
Four Lower Snake River Dams
Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental & Ice Harbor
Further discussion and research material is available at