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Columbia River
by Staff
Salmon, Steelhead and Shad:
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Anglers had the best success in the gorge where boat anglers averaged 1.47 Chinook caught per boat, and bank anglers averaged 0.12 Chinook caught per angler. In the Portland to Westport area, boat anglers averaged 0.40 Chinook caught per boat, while anglers fishing in Troutdale averaged 0.07 Chinook and 0.02 coho caught per boat. At Buoy 10 boat anglers averaged 0.10 fall Chinook and 1.85 coho caught per boat.
Gorge Bank:
Weekend checking showed nine adult fall Chinook kept for 77 bank anglers.
Gorge Boats:
Weekend checking showed 77 adult fall Chinook and 11 jack Chinook kept, plus one adult fall Chinook released for 53 boats (170 anglers).
Troutdale Boats:
Weekend checking showed seven adult fall Chinook kept, plus two unclipped coho released for 100 boats (225 anglers).
Portland to Westport Bank:
Weekend checking showed no catch for 15 bank anglers.
Portland to Westport Boats:
Weekend checking showed 10 adult fall Chinook and two jack Chinook kept, plus 39 adult fall Chinook released for 121 boats (283 anglers).
Estuary above Tongue Point boats:
No report.
Estuary Bank (Jones Beach to Clatsop Spit):
No report.
Estuary Boats (Tongue Point to Buoy 10):
Weekend checking showed 18 adipose fin-clipped coho kept, plus two Chinook and 16 unclipped coho released for 16 boats (49 anglers).
The Dalles Pool:
Weekly checking showed one Chinook kept for 16 bank anglers; and 149 Chinook and one coho kept, plus one unclipped steelhead released for 68 boats (198 anglers).
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