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State Fish and Wildlife Columbia River
by Mark Yuasa
Cowlitz River - Spring Chinook are mainly being caught at the barrier dam and steelhead near the trout hatchery. However, fish are also being caught in the lower river.
During five days of operations at the Cowlitz Salmon Hatchery separator, last week Tacoma Power recovered:
579 winter-run steelhead, 848 spring Chinook salmon, and 31 jacksDuring the past week Tacoma Power employees released:
37 winter-run steelhead into the Tilton River at Gust Backstrom Park in Morton;Anglers should note the south side of the river from Mill Creek to the Barrier Dam is closed to all fishing from May 1 through June 15 per permanent regulations.
Two steelhead plus 779 adult and 18 jack spring Chinook into Lake Scanewa above Cowlitz Falls Dam.
River flows at Mayfield Dam are approximately 4,120 cubic feet per second on Monday April 20.
Cowlitz Salmon Hatchery well renovation begins April 20
Tacoma Power will begin renovating five Cowlitz Salmon Hatchery wells on Monday April 20 leading to temporary closures of some informal parking areas typically used by anglers.
Construction will take place along the entrance road to the Barrier Dam boat launch. The temporary parking closures will occur during trench digging between April 20 and mid-May. Between April 20 and July 31, there will be general construction activity in the area and flaggers directing traffic.
Updates will be posted at People can also call the Cowlitz River Project at (360) 985-2222 with questions.
Lewis River - No report on angling success. Remains closed to fishing for spring Chinook.
North Fork Lewis River from Johnson Creek (located downstream from Lewis River Salmon Hatchery) upstream to Merwin Dam - During the month of May, closed to all fishing.
Wind River - Spring Chinook are being caught by boat anglers at the mouth. In addition, occasionally some spring Chinook are being caught by bank anglers in the gorge.
Effective May 1 through June 30, from the mouth to the Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge each angler aboard a vessel may deploy SALMON/STEELHEAD angling gear until the daily SALMON/STEELHEAD limit for all anglers aboard has been achieved. In addition, anglers with a Two-Pole Endorsement may fish for salmon and steelhead with two poles during the same period.
Beginning May 1, anti-snagging rule will be in effect from the Burlington-Northern Railroad Bridge upstream. When the anti-snagging rule is in effect, only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained.
Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls upstream to boundary markers approximately 800 yards downstream from Carson National Fish Hatchery (except closed 400 feet below to 100 feet above the Coffer Dam) - From May 1 through June 30, the salmon and steelhead daily limit will be a total of 2 chinook or hatchery steelhead or one of each. Unmarked chinook may be retained in this section of the Wind. Night closure and anti-snagging rule will be in effect. Only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained.
Drano Lake - Bank and boat anglers are catching some spring Chinook.
Effective May 1 through June 30, each angler aboard a vessel may deploy SALMON/STEELHEAD angling gear until the daily SALMON/STEELHEAD limit for all anglers aboard has been achieved. In addition, anglers with a Two-Pole Endorsement may fish for salmon and steelhead with two poles during the same period.
Klickitat River - Light effort and no catch was observed.
Lower Columbia below Bonneville Dam - Now closed to fishing for Chinook, steelhead, and shad.
Last Thursday we sampled 1,249 salmonid anglers (including 376 boats) with 473 adult and 5 jack spring Chinook but no steelhead. 406 (86%) of the adult Chinook were kept. We sampled 274 (67%) of the adult Chinook kept. 242 (88%) of the adult Chinook were upriver origin based on Visual Stock Identification (VSI).
Effort was heavy last Thursday with nearly 2,000 boats and just over 900 bank anglers counted during the flight.
Rocky Point/Tongue Point line upstream to I-5 Bridge - Currently closed to fishing for salmon, steelhead, and shad. Scheduled to reopen May 16 for hatchery steelhead, hatchery Chinook jacks, and shad. Scheduled to be open June 16 through July 6 for hatchery adult summer Chinook and sockeye.
I-5 Bridge to Bonneville Dam - Currently closed to fishing for salmon, steelhead, and shad. Scheduled to reopen May 16 for shad and June 16 for hatchery steelhead, hatchery summer Chinook, and sockeye. Scheduled to be open June 16 through July 6 for hatchery adult summer Chinook and sockeye.
Bonneville Pool - Effort and spring Chinook catch is beginning to increase.
The Dalles and John Day pools - Effort and spring Chinook catches are increasing.
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