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Chinook Season Opens on Snake
by StaffEast Oregonian, June 2, 2009 |
SALEM - Due to relatively strong returns of spring chinook in the Snake River, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced the opening of a spring chinook fishery below Hells Canyon Dam from June 2 until a closure is announced.
This section of the river will be open to sport fishing seven days a week from Dug Bar Boat Ramp to the deadline below Hells Canyon Dam.
The daily bag limit will be two adult adipose fin-clipped spring chinook per day. Two fin-clipped jack chinook may be retained in addition to the adult bag limit.
Managers predict that the number of returning hatchery fish will be more than needed for broodstock purposes, and more than 1,000 hatchery fish are expected to return to the base of Hells Canyon and be available for sport harvest
Fishing must be with barbless hooks for consistency with Idaho regulations. Otherwise, general statewide angling regulations regarding gear restrictions, legal angling times and fishing methods apply.
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